of the'had one of the poorest opening THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 3, 1908 7 | Common Market, days in recent years. It can readily be seen that all Tom Carter, conservation offi- (he ducks were just not flying," ATOMIC REACTOR {of this constitutes a serious threat cer at Mitchell's Bay said Satur- he sald, TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's No. 2 to the export of food products day's mild weather contribuetd He said hunters shooting in atomic reactor was successfully from Canada to the Common to the poor shot. private marshes had much bet- started today at Mito in Mbaraki Masset countries. There is one "There is certainly no scarcity ter luck than those in public Prefecture. The research reactor six-duck has a maximum thermal output within the six nations a. 'REPORT FROM U.K Agriculture Plans ~ RE -------- i MISSILE WARNING SYSTEM U.S. Air Force photo shows one of four huge antenna re- flectors erected at a Ballistic od Missile Early Warning System site in Alaska, A similar site at Thule, Greenland, went into By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON -- With a Canadian food mission on this side of the Atlantic exploring the possibilities of greater markets for Canadian ' [food products, an Ontario farm| producers' mission over here on the same job, and a Common- wealth Economic f 'port r C Market Headquarters in| Brussels is of more than passing significance, In one section of this| ireport, the agricultural aims and {plans of the Common Market are | reviewed in detail, This is the sec- {tion of the report which is of [the greatest importance to Can- |ada as a'country which has sur- | plus agricultural products for ex- port, |" The six countries of the Com- {mon Market, France, West Ger- | many, Italy, Belgium, the Nether-| {lands, and Luxemburg, are now, | producing 87 per cent of their own {total food requirements, For all| {products except coarse grains,| |eitrus fruits, fats other than but- ter, and oils, the combined out- put of the six countries meets or exceeds all of their needs, STATEMENT OF AIMS The statement of agricultural clearly how their RMC Cadets Hold Parade KINGSTON (CP) -- Royal Mil itary College blazed with cere- monial color here Saturday 400 officer cadets marched in the parade square, winding up a three-day program for the RMC annual meeting and fall convoca tion Following the parade, cadets received medals and prizes for outstanding scholastic achieve- ments. An address and presenta- tions were made by Air Marsha F. R. Miller, chairman, chief of staff and former deputy-minister of national defence Air Marshall Miller also offi- cially opened the new senior staff mess building At the afternoon convocation in Currie Hall, about 100 de were granted to officer cadets and ex-cadets. Seventy-five went to former cadets who advanced their academic standing before the RMC received a charter to grant degrees Br lier W. A, B, Anderson, college commandant, presented a B. Sc, degree to Donald King Woodside, and retroactive de- grees to 105 others. A honorary doctor of laws degree was confer- red on E. W. Crowe, senior cadet in the 1924 graduating class. A highlight of the reunion was an "old brigade" parade with 20 ex-cadets who graduated 50 or more years ago marching under the command of Major - General E. De B. Panet of Montreal. Former cadets came from as far away as Hawaii, Kenya, Scot. land and England through a fund set up by the cadets 10 years ago 01d Citadel Unearthed JERUSALEM (AP) -- A royal the Judean kings, al- 3,000 years old, has been unearthed three miles south of Jerusalem, a leading Israeli ar- chaeologist announced Sunday, Dr. Yohanan Aharoni, of the government's antiquities depart. mant who directed the diggings, said the citadel was built about 800 years before the birth of Christ It was unearthed on a hill al Ramat Rachel, an Israeli settle. ment on the way to Bethlehem, It was confirmed this summer that it was a citadel of the kings of the Judean monarchy, Dr. Aharoni said. This was shown by analysis of pottery and other trance to a ge building and artifacts discovered in the en some adjacent rooms which were cleared and investigated Dr. Aharoni said its walls were built of large ashlars--hewn or squared stone blocks--more than two yards wide, "This is the first royal citadel uncovered in Judea and it re- sembles to a great extent the citadel built in Samaria by Ahab, king of Israel who ruled from 874 to 852 BC," he said. | Dies From Sulky Mishap LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Thomas Elliott, 76, of Parkhill, Ont,, died n hospital Sunday of injuries he suffered Sept, 15 when he was thrown from his sulky at the Western Fair harness races, TELEVIS CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilton ION LOG CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffale WBEN-TV Chanue) 4--Buffale WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC.TV Channel 5--Rochester MONDA g Mac Show 3:30 P.M, 7--Early Show 6--Quick Draw McGraw ~Today--1960 2-News 6:45 P.M. Weather; News 5 Huntley- Brinkley Report 7:00 P.M, 11--The People's Choice 6-Seven-o-one 5--Ivanhoe t--Death Valley Days 2--The Vikings 7:15 P.M, 11-6--~Don Messer Show 7-Cheyenne 4-To Tell The Truth 5-2--Riverboat 8:00 P.M. 11-6~Danny Thomas 4-Pete and Gladys 130 P.M. 11-6~Jack Kane Show 7--Surfside Six 6 Playhouse 5.2~%ob Hope Show 4--~Republican Program My Sister Eileen 52 Peter Gunn 4-Danny Thomas Show 9:30 P.M. 11-6--Bob Hope Show 7--Adventures in 5-2--Dante 4--The Bequest 10:00 P.M. 5-2-Barbara Stanwyck Theatre 7--Peter Gunn 5--~Tombstone Territory Cam Manhunt 11:00 P.M, 5PM. 7--Late Show 6---Viewpoint 2-Sports Reel 11:30 P.M. 11-Late Show Movie ae Parr ystery Theatre TUESDAY 8:00 AM. 5.2-Today 4--News: Roundup 8:15 A.M. Captain Kangaroo 9:00 AM, 11--=Romper Room 7--Deputy Dawg 5~Ding Dong Schoo) i-- Popes Plavhouse 2---My Little Margie 9:30 AM. 11---Movie 7-Romper Room j--Home Cooking 4--Life of Riley 2---Susie 10:00 AM 2-5-Dough Re Mi 4=December Bride 10:30 A.M, { 7=Morning Show | 52--Play Your Hurch | 4&=Video Village | 11:00 AM, 1--Jane Gray Show 5:2--Price 1s Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM, 11-Bob Mclean Show 5.2--~Concentration 4--Serial Drama 12:00 NOON 11--Bugs Bunny and Friends 7--The Texan §:2-- Truth or Consequences 4~News: Weather 12:15 P.M. 4~Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M 7--Queen For a Day 5.2 -1t Could Be You 4~Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M 11--News 4--Guiding Light 1:00 PM 11-Movie Matinee 7--About Face S5--Movies 4--Meet The Millers 2--Mid Day Matinee 1:30 P.M, 7-Confidential File 4~The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 7-Day In Court 32~Jan 4~Drama Series 2:30 P.M. 11--=Movie 7+~Gale Storm §-3~Loretta Young eatre 4--House Party 3:00 P.M, 7~Beat The Clock §-2--Dr. Malone 4--Millionaire 3:30 P.M, 7-Who Do You Trust 6--Movie Matinee 5-2--From These Roots 4~Verdict Is Yours 4:00 P.M, d--Popeye with Capt Andy T--~American Bandstand $:2--~Make Room For Daddy 4~The Brighter Day 4:30 P.M sllywood 4--Edge of Night TUESDAY EVE, 5.00 P.A, 11--Family Theatre 7=Rin Tin Tin 6--Children's Film Show >= Playhouse 4--Fun To Learn 2~Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4~Big Mac Show 5:30 P.M. y Show 6---Sky King 4--~Republican Conven. tion 2-McGraw 6:00 P.M. 6----News i--~lvanHoe 2-Highway Patro} 6:15 P.M, 6--Mr. Adams and Eve 6:30 P.M, 5~Today - 1960 45 P.M, 6-4-2 News S--Huntley Brinkley Report 7:00 P.M Family Theatre Seven-o-one Real McCoys 4--Burns and Allen Show 2--Sergeant Bilke 7:15 P.M. 7--News: Weather 7:30 PM. Wyatt Earp + World Series Special 6--Directors' Cholce 5-2--Laramie 4--The Californians 8:00 P.M, | H1=Chevy Mystery Show 7--The Rifleman | 6--~Chevy Show 4--Andy Griffith Show 8:30 P.M, | 7---Wyatt Earp 5-2--Alfred Hitchcock 4~Dobie Gillis 9: P.M, 11.6--Front Page Challenge t n Re Murray Show | !11-6~Red Skelton Show 4--Red Skelton Show 10:00 P.M, 11:6--0Oloseup 7--Alcoa Presents p--Best of the Post f~Garry-Moore Show 2-Dow Hour of Great Mysteries 10:30 P.M. 11-6--Twilight Zone {~Coronado 4 S$--~Royal Canadian Mounted Police 11:00 P.M. 11:7:6-54-2- News; Weather: Sports 1:15 PM. 7~Late Show 6 Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. l1--Late Show 6--Sports Views 52-Jack Parr Theatre 11:45 P.M I1--Late Show Soccer import policies are] the To Affect Canada price, then a special levy will be charged to make up the differ- ence in the price of imported products. But within the commun- ity itself, there would no be this control of markets and prices, There is another purpose be- hind this special levy, The income Istudying the implications of the sugar and wheat imports, would opened at | European Common Market, a re- be paid into a European Agricul- Southwestern Ontario but econ. I have just received from tural Fund to stabilize prices servation officers said hunters CROSSWORD PUZZLE 44, Talk (slang) 45, Gritty 46. Mother-of- pearl ACROSS 1. Crinkled fabric 6. Nixon's running- mate 11, Be noisily festive 12, Prospero's spirit 13. Jewish month 14. Journey 15, Personal pronoun 16. Food fish 17, Large worm 18, Leave quickly (slang) 22. Quiet 23. Ship's dock 27. The British DOWN 1, Stuff 2. Recontrive 3. Miss Le Gallienne 4, Through 5. City train 6. Greases 7. Openings (anat,) 8. Jack- knife or swan 9. Agrees (slang) 10, Building additions 28, Napped, tanned skin 29, Source of sugar 30. Sheer paid to the pro-| linens must | as a 31, Grind, kriife 33. Bxclama~ tion 86, Country festival (Eng.) 37. Latvian river 39. Casual statement 41, Check memorans dum 43. Drift operation Sunday and a third is under construction in England, ~--(AP Wirephoto) | ree | 2iMS SHOWS | {operation might be detrimental fo : {Canada's food exports. The basic Claims Saw {aim is to create, out of the agri | cultural markets of the six coun- tries, a single, stable, Common . Market with a basically common orman 1€ level of prices: Now I quote the key sentences: VERDEN, Germany (AP)--A' "These prices cannot be at the new witness 'turned up Sunday same leve those ruling on the laiming he saw Nazi Martin world market, which in some rmann die May 2, 1945, wile cases, do not correspond to the éttempting to break out of be-'prices actually sieged Berlin ducer, Community prices Willy Baehring, 46, a former therefore be stabilized at a higher driver on Hitler's personal staff,/level, Yor this purpose, common claimed he saw Bormann being export and blasted to bits when a Soviet tank essential," hit a German tank. To put these into effect, ; Common Market Commission - proposes a system of indicator Unveil Plaques prices for these country's own | products, and such "external pro 1 Itection as is necessary". The To Pioneers [prices of imported grains, em a . . and dairy products wil He MIDDLEMARCH, Ont. (CP)-- prought up to the internal com- Placques commemorating a pl: munity level by means of a levy oncer doctor and 'a pioneering 5¢ the common external frontier road were unveiled Sunday in price levels in the Common Southwold Township, adjoining ararket were threatened as a re $t. Thomas sult of excessive imports, the A plaque commemorating. the jseye of import permits would be construction of the Talbot Road stopped. one of the first east-west links in Elgin County, was unveiled by PROTECTIVE MEASURES Warden Harvey Liddle The application of a special A memorial to Dr. John Rolf,|levy on imports, would work who practised in the area until something like this. A minimum 1870, was uncovered by Dr, import price will be fixed for all James D. Curtis, at 92 one of the products, If the import prices, oldest practising doctors in Can-|plus the customs duty, are lower ada. than the fixed internal ( HER ow PPR t, i romani unmistakable flavour unmistakably Philip Morris isavi icy until June 30, 1967, And anything might happen before that time. | ng factor, This common pol- of ducks in the areca but with marshes. Many got the will not be fully in operation weather like we had Saturday limit, he added. jof 10,000 kilowatts. Bad Weather Beats Hunters "CHATHAM (CP) -- The 1960 Conference from it, and especially the levy on open season on migrating birds noon Saturday in ; 0 16. Studies sll EET 19, German [AER] [EMNIOIOISIE] river [BIANEILSETIOME] 20. En- [SIAICTHIEIM] counters {AE MAING 21. Furnish (TIFADEMOGIA 22. Kins. [CENDEMKELIED man 24. Congo Saturdsy's Awswor river 25. West Cerman chancellor 26, Affirmative reply 28, Painful 30, Chatter 32. Robust 33, Food leavings 84. Wife of 38, Competent 40, Particle of addition 41, Resort 42, Spasm _ 44. Tin (sym.) 29 great whiskies in one brand N Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies, each with its own distinctive characteristics, and then aged them in special oak casks, Now, Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock, This custom blend is presented in its crystal decanter at a popular price, Adams Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Thomas Adams Distillers Ltd. Toronto | WASHINGTON 4 days... 54% NEW ORLEANS 16 days. 167% VIRGINIA 8 days... 954 BOSTON 4 days. .. 58% CALIFORNIA 16 days. 199 Consult your Local Agent Whitby -- Harry Donald, Agent -- 300 Dundas St. E., Ph. MO 8-3675 Oshawa Bus Terminal --- 18 Prince Street, Phone RA 3-2241. Ajax (South) The Coffee Cup, Phone WH 2-2940. Ajax (North) Ajax Coffee Shop, Phone WH 2-3390 GRAY COACH LINES