The Oshawa Times, 3 Oct 1960, p. 15

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840--Rooms For Rent CLEAN double, central rooms, Sm we, | cooking facilithe furnished win beds, RA 5840 S, | equipment, zood Jieaktor, 1 45--Real Estote for Sole STORE in village with $4000 stock ard PROPERTY for gas pumps location Apply alter 4 pm buiness, only $10,900, Fred Cook Cedar Sireet South Blackstock | pgyy ATE sale large locker, Marvin Nesbitt, EXTRA large nice furnished bousekeep-144 R bn ing room, suit couple or two mes, 37460 or 468 Simcoe Street North TIGHT housekeeping room 1or gentlemen to share, Apply 261 Celina or RA 5.5683 SINGLE home, Phone wo partly rooms, couple preferred. Apply 48 Drew Street ROOM suitable for two gentlemen, twin RA 3.7370 NEW fiveroom bungalow, near sho ping airy. "5 Grenfell Street two! Phone 7126, PRIVATE room for gantieman In new ed, aluminum storms, "furnished housekeeping | 2HoV) ac re Teaches a rr Classified Ad Dial RA 7g ter 6 RA ; sale, i Ya Morey » yours quickly 5 with an Oshaws beds, in residential district, at at A pow to place your fash action. Also other bedroom available, ¥ RA 8478 LARGE, furnished housekeeping room, with refrigerator and eupboards Apply 287 Ritson Road South. AWO unfurnished fight "housekeeping rooms, heated, semi-private entrance, parking space, near Park Road South. Apply 252 John Street West LARGE room for two single men of Isa es, single beds; also 1 single room, privileges, Apply 66 Warren Avenue FURNISHED room, suit one or Iwo gentlemen. Bus stop at door, Close to PETER FEDDEMA Real Estate Broker 4-bedroom home in New- castle, two bathrooms, extra lot, garage, in excellent con. dition, Price $10,000 --= down $3,000. Bowmanville, RR. 4, Highway No, 2 == sale, TV anienna, close to downlown, newly pe FE 6 pm, call RA 56782 brick home, in good condition, ofl heat WE have lenis for 8 three bedroom large yard, on bungalow quiet street, convenient to schools and east section of the city Ping. Samat pric.d with 92500 for two-storey or 1% storey homes, in I RA Sell ori oq 92 FOR SALE 45---Reol Estote for Sole MOUSE in village of Nestieton, 1 storey, 3 bedrooms, Le condition, A and shed wit acre Jot, 54990, terms. Fred Cook Raaiton: Marvin Nes bitl, Blackstock "ER in MODERN brick bungalow, three bed: rooms, oak snd tile floors, ell painted masonry garage, paved pe oy fruif | trees, shrubs, fenced yard. RA 37599 between 11 am. and 2 pm BRICK bungalow, like new, fully lend | scaped and decorated, paved drive, 5, rooms plus two finished rooms and toilet in basement, one block to sel $13,900 Call RA 59839, § PRIVATE five rooms brick and stone bungalow, aluminum storms and 45--Real Estate for Sole 200d | PRIVATE, sacrifice, must sell 6 room 1392, ome, finished recreation room, Morms, creens, TV serial, washer, dryer hook. 1p. Beautifully decorated on lot 50x173 overlooking creek. $13,900. Also 6 room cottage, conveniences, fireplace, TV an- enna, sandy beach, jot 110 x 190, $5500, RA B64 PRIVATE sale 45---Real Estate for Sole 9h scres at sale, house and windows and $ix-100m garage, oil bested, storm redecorated and immediate possession Will consider low down payment. Afler a ------------ five-room frame bus. alow, six years old, oil hested, dry basement, paved drive, beautiful locs tion, sale, quiet street, priced for quick sale, $11,800, Need substantizl down sayment, leaving for U.S. RA 58209, PRIVATE, two bedroom bungalow, hus stop at door, close to schools and shop. ping; four-piece colored bath, double ; stainless steel sk, few. slamisym screens, TV aerial, redecorated, lose SLorms, screens a oors, dryer hoo! up, witer softener unit, Apply 5 to schools and South GM, Immediate 0 Annapolis Avenue between 2 and 7 p.m, possession. RA 30793, LOT on Grandview Avenue for sale, scenic view. RA 54345 HOUSE, one acre of land for sale or rent, one year oid, hot water heating | with oil, five rooms and bath, Jamies Road West, Rent $50 monthly 34629 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW west, or north Also buyers in the north {he vicinity of North Simeoe School Call Schofield Insurance Daytime RA 32265 w~ Partly completed house npton Full basement, Phone CO Associates in village of H 1140 square feet, large lot 32257. PRIVATE sale -- Fiveroom bungalbw, paved driveway, good basement, laun dry tubs, oll beating, modern kitchen snd bathroom « schools and shop. ping centre, Safe, quiet street, Phone RA 58209 BROOKIA Ne for sale or rent, modern bungalow with garage and breczeway, immediate possession, OLiver 53861 EAST-END~Six room decorated home $12,500, landscaped. Karly possession Owner transierred, Best down payment secures, Phone RA 58893 after 6:30 JOHN A. J. 'BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 {47 Automobiles for Sole |50--Articles for Sale J STUDEBAKER sedan, good condi FACTO ari tion, Make Phove OL 53714, FAcTONY 'lea nes ied RATAN cellent condi. (only, $19.88; bunk $650. Phone CO complete, three star -- -- | iN E] beds quilted 1 TURN your summer sports gear into suze, crazy low price $3 {quick cast with sn Oshawa Times complete, special $14.88 Classified Ad cn RA 33492 now to niture Company, 20 Church hee riend) f = en Tt 1 hindly AS Wier Gupwn studio conch les by Sod FY eo ding reasonable fois 7 vene | matie transmission, radio, whitewalls, | x LBA D228 altar § pu } sondiston, private, 246 Burk Street, SELLING furniture? We A 2466 frigerators, TV's, y fapos, a "good runs ing condi tion loves, ete. For top cash olfer, con be BI084 $100, Apply 468 Simeoe Street, ct 19 Prince Street. Phos A 81131 orb. SOLID drop leat %: OLDS, automatic, Slreet rette an bi nd i buy it. Re ¥ 154 table, 54 reasonable radio, when extended. whitewslls, Can finance or take Yiane. borne Street East Phone HA 89912 LOWEST prices in town! Curity first quqality, regular $4.99 jp 51 PONTIAC conch, fair condition, res now only $3.66: baby ! sonable, Apply 375 Annapolis Avenue. oo, cored style, $22 WM FORD Fairlane, twotone green, cribs, hall-price 1 automatic, new tires, closing sale, springfilled crib | price $005, King West Motors, opposite playpens, $8.88; high |Phopping Cen & strollers, $5.28, Wilson GMC h ew paint job, [Church Street motor in 88180. DUCK season special heasants and | 7 WIUDEBAKER, good condition, |" ; {reasonable rates, Pa Phone RA 5020 after 5 p.m Goods, 589 Albert Street A FRIENDLY Oshawa mes Ad RA 55798, Writer will be glad to help you sell USED 17" and 21" TV seis diagers THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 3, 1960 Brooklin UC Rally Day Held By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The Christian sive reading of Scripture Education Hall was filled to capa- teachers and pupils on Sunday for the Rally titled "Day and Promotion Exercises of of Brooklin platform, city with parents, the Sunday School United Church. The Ralph Thompson led in respon. Mrs, Hunter, superintendent of the Junior sunday School, ree lated a story to the children en. "Premi goes to Mission School", Gloria Jean Cooper led in the ! ding of the "Prayer aced with baskets of gladi nd bouquets of flowers in season "promotion decorated with white flow- , made a very picturesque set- ¢ ting for this special occasion. the white picket gates" ers SPECIAL SERVICE A special service of worship, Litany"; four pupils of the Sun. day School received the offering which was dedicated and donated to the Missionary and Mainten- |ance Fund, The promotion exercises were iconducted by Mrs, E, Acton, A total of 194 pupils received promo- R-------- ------ MA 3.3644 or MA 3.5300, |g" Tmt B u Owner asking only $12,300 171 Bond MODERATE priced homes, business for this fine 'home. N.H.A , 8 farms ted | bond 0 Propens And Th anni a mortgage of Va%, low leas W monthly payments, Close to McAuley Realtor, 25 Street, RA 32512 or MO 8.5765 St, Gerturde's School, Phone Bill Miller ot RA 8-5123, | 100 ACRES good sol tap. Hiydro, | LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA LTD 101 SIMCOE ST. N vi oy usehld woods. Cal A |s4p 5 ana up. Tri Television vv Street East 51 PONTIAC, A-1 condition, mechanic: 0 # ROOMS of furniture, only ally and body wise. RA 3.7043, . | includes chesterfield, chair, chrome '51 MONARCH, radio and heater, Ap. bedroom suite, matise pring ply 515 Brock Street South, Whitby, and coffee table, boudoir and sfter 4.30 p.m. lamps, pillows, ete. $25 dow fi _- oe "Guaranteed Best . Val '56 FORD cutomline, fly equipped, COB Al condition, saerifice for eash. Can Home Furnishings, 424 Sim be seen at Tumey Shell Station, 962 -- Simeoe North, WE pay highest prices in the city d furniture, Pretty's Used Furn 0 OLDMOBILE V8 with motor just! Sis wedi hui 5123, 8.5124, 8.5125 $152 yearly, Phone Jack overhauled, body repair and new paint ore: BA 33271, 444 Simcoe South - Appleby ot RA 5-6544, RA (job. Ask for Stan. at RA 86551, REFRIGERATOR sale, 2.33 27 i - i 0 cu, 1, family size 3.3398 52 PLYMOUTH, good condition, sd Kelly's special $199, 2 4 tires and radio, Must he sold N.H A. RESALE NEW HOMES Adelaide Avenue West, after 4 p.m Ye PRE Thomas St. Lovely 5V2-room - [97 VOLKSWAGEN, windowless Van co's, 1am? * brick bungalow, exceptionally truck, low mileage. Telephone Bow- $695 | good condition, Many extras, | Reasonable down payment | manville MA 3.3473 now elearing ond carries for only $95.00 Barons' Home monthly interest principel 55 CHEV. and '49 Pontige, repainted, Street South ¢ N ond taxes combined, Close $73 MONTHL Y. to all schools end s {radio, best offer. Can be seen at 457 ySED tire hopping. Quiet area {Jarvis Street, RA 52069 BF 57 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner (1ady), 5 F GOODRICH Stores Phone Jock Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398 going abroad. Low mileage, extras, Ex teries, Kelvinator of cellent condition. Reasonable, Phone! ion' Thrifty Budge Plan Yes, oute A BEAUTY Yes, just $695 Bouth om Apply 35% Park Road South, win beds, spring DOKING priv. Drew roi By Be Bd Co, LF Jl 2 rime tian Education of ¢ Uni Church of Canada entitled, "Into tons occurred in the Senior Selec. All the World Together with the] tion ol tie Suswigh pT Bible" was followed, SHINE iy Tor" aioe} Ralph Milner, associate SUPET(a0y were announced by Mrs. B ntendent of Senior Sunday School Acton. Susan Carnwith and Cathy gave call to worship and Invoca- Wilson Wilson, two small pupils tions followed by hymn "The of Sunday School stood guard on Heavens declare thy g1OTY. each the "Promotion Gates", lod land opened the gates as the pupils receiving promotion 50---Articles for Sole imarched through Mrs, Kenneth oe a wood eon. | Holiday, music director, sang 1 ) electrie gladirol extra go o "py " ton 375 Apipy 12 Burk treet, RA the "Promotion Song" during ob Furnishings, # o!5.8876 servance of these exercises David Bradley tractor, With Mrs. Albert Cooper acting $225 965 Ritson 48 planist. At the conclusion of promotion service, the gates were typewriter, adding closed by the "Keepers of the MT ident desk, very Gates" and pupils received into : . ier [ne classes by teachers. ha ain! abl rruiser, v bargain! Cabin Cres sercary| Donald Duncan, associate su- Must be seen to be appreciated, | perintendent of the Sunday cash or terms and trade-in |Sohool voiced appreciation, for arranged, Ph RA 84733 ¢ a 3 De Arran one : : the patience and co-operation of y TOWERS, pd i JW aupporte® (all officers in the Sunday School channel head, installed and ys during preparation and enact Bros.) now sold » teed for one year, $57.95. Trio Televi-iment of Rally Day Services and just East of Wilson Road) Market, Hampton, A compl I { sion. RA spoke briefly on the extensive RA 3-4494 Res: 5.5574 [37h c*" MM Pe nou, PT refrigerator, in %00d growth in number of Sunday w-- -- -- | 4 condition 'eleprone 5-196; 4 § % ja ett ni . ve boi one RA 51932 School ' pupils during the past conditi ortable $49 up, REFRIGE OR, $150 r ag o We p | humidifier, automatic diastit washing machine, #50; , $5 year, The Hymn We Thank dies 13,000 cu, ft, 5 arrant , Father" and benediction tie room, firesses; garage; quiet district. Apply 4 or phone RA B8-4564 . ONE lovely furnished room, man, private home. Apply Bivd. or phone RA 3-770, ONE room to rent, one or two single gentlemen Apply 637 Albert Street #11 WEEKLY, two furnished rooms, eooking privileges, also single room central. 180 Bruce Street between 4-5 p.m FURNISHED bedrovm, water, very central 50393 LIGHT RA 5-375 $800 DOWN $800 6-room, 2-storey house on King Street East, modern kite chen, now being used os a 4-bedroom home, Carries for only $70 monthly interest ond principal on a 10-year mort. gage. Lorge lot. Toxes only $299. This set A ---------------------------- wit gentle Fernhill Inurance Associotes Ltd REG, AKER--Pres BILL McFEETERS--Vice-Pres, $6,900 LOW DOWN PAYMENT A reo! buy in a small com pact home in the south-east section, 4 rc and 3-pc both with glassed-in un porch, ond utility room in housekeep. rear, Decoration like Apply 343 good-size with #17. workshop well-kept garden KOO" RA new continuous hot Telephone RA INVESTORS ARGAIN CENTRAL m E lamp sale lamps room, housekeeping central, | ' | THREF, unfurnished, light new ing rooms, conveniences Ritson Road North or RA 3 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, able in private home. 82 Park North, 5 7 pom. RA 8-867] ONE furnished light housekeeping room with use of frig, Apply 163 Simcoe Street South. LARGE furnished housekeeping 5.4840 twin beds, suitable for one or two, Park ing, Apply 708 Carnegie CLOSE TO TWO large unfurnished rooms, reason: (NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL able rent, 26 Prince Street Just listed == 5-room LARGE furnished room, clean, for light " Pad housekeeping, heat ro and bath, on| @alow, newly decorated in 271 Jarvis Street, RA 58384 side ond out, Good-size liv- ing room, family size kite ROOMS suit four gentlemen, single chen. Oil heated, - Monthly beds, cooking privileges, use of refrig- | erator, TV, 87 weekly, double garage payments $78.00 which in- clude toxes Cal Russ 29 Brock East, RA 8.6697 Reeve, evenings, RA 5-4840 CLEAN room, or housekeeping RITSON RD, SCHOOL walking distance fo south GM door, RA 15-1238 furnished apartment, frig, Col 's private entrance, parking, AREA " y TWO-room washroom very centra'; also single room, Rea sonable, Apply 96 Centre Street gorage mall ottoched Lovely Front lawn sed with OSHAWA ISHAWA SUPER deluxe ree attachments, Road ELECTRIC 5, most all size avall Goodrich Blore RA 5 Rows North One Mortgage completely encle privet dge Low heating cost, toxes only $74.59, Coll Russ Reeve, RA guitar, cerators pv ening di 5 Phone matic oil heat BUYING OR SELLING SEE 1ED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA |POMINON appiia room, din be what this bungalow will de- we said, - #1 and two ¢ CHESTERVIELD and tw FALL yayment for '] lond hand, $35 RA 8 oF {CASH buyers are re r | Times Want Ads light any woman's heart, Beautifully decorated at only $10,900 with $3,000 down, bun hy bunga- Phone $60 anc 3 de han $6 00; ANDY NAGY'S room, | bus at building turing near Shopping 30 000 éroom, 2-storey brick home, cash, Lea consists of 3 rooms anc 3 rooms down ond 3 bed rooms up Modern oil furnace. Taxes $179.00, are open for offer Call Don Stradeski, RA 8-8423, evenings, evenings CUSTOM BUILT 7-room brick, 24 - storey home located on Grierson St, very handy to public, sepor- ate and high school, This 4. bedroom home is in immace ulate condition, | ----4:-pc ond 1==2-pc bathrooms, List price $17,700 with $5,000 down. Call Don Stradeski, evenings, RA 8.8423 NORTH END é-room brick ronch-style bungalow with attcahed gor- age. Large living room with natural stone fireplace. Good- size dinnig area, sunny kits chen and 3 bright bedrooms Large landscaped grounds with three shade trees, close to schools, shopping and bus only 1 block, 1,200 sq. ft, of living space, Residential district, Call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5.0243 NORTH WEST $6,800 b-roomed insul brick bungalow in good cone dition, with two 3-pc. baths Forced air oil heating, hard wood and tiled floors, fenced lot. Convenient to schools ond shopping centre Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA at low intere TQ monthly CALL bu room for North furnished gentleman Abply 620 Simcoe LARGE, furnished frobt room, light housekeeping privileges, lady preferred, near bus line, 517 Park Road South, RA 5-0746. 45---Real Estate for Sale AJAX, central, three bedroom bunga low, finished recreation room, storms and screens, TV antenna, many extras, beautifully decorated and landscaped $3000 down, Call WH 2.2965 SIX room house and garage, oil heat. ed," aluminum screens and storms, south end, central, Cash or terms, RA 85-0437 after 4 p.m RA 3-2297 ine hour WA and we 1.4035 undays or Toronto, Ho MODEL A Ford and box trailer, ke 9021 hunting sup rs, Attractive four - room Street brick house, two years old, large lot, East end, near bus line Call RA 8-0338 after 3 p.m DOUGLAS L. GOWER FULL PRICE $8,500 Toxes $96.00 for this com- poct 4V5 -room bungalow with oil heat, garage, large lot 75 x 200, For full de- toils diol RA 8.4651 and ask for Sally Wallace BARGAIN $12,900 Nearly-new brick bungalow with attached garage. Fea- turing extra large kitchen, lovely living room, 3 bed- rooms, 4.pc. bath. with very nice vanity, fully landscaped Toxes $225. This house is really a bargain, call today for an appointment Sally Wallace, RA 8-465) vanity, you'll pos boi SNOW tires and wheels nearly new, plus bonus for cash phone RA 5.5463 ELECTRIC cutting hes Philashave two 750 by 14 Tele Al See razor service rds, flex razor! Meagher's Waost good condition ete storms Phone full size y modern throughout, store plus 1 condi for only $17,000.00, call this pping centre, separate entrances COMPLETE stock of Hilltop's Rental CGIT Purpose and hymn. Wore camping equipment, Bargain prices. 1st] cpt corvie ag Come. 1st served basis. Hilltop Motors, hip service was conducted 0.4 RA 8-681 Carol Roberts, assisted by Nore AWNING, iain volors or gay stripes, (een Carnochan, The following were elected af 'rompt service, Free estimates, Order for early delivery. Chair and table! oifineprs for the ensuing year: : Betty Greer, vices Cleve Fox, 412 imcoe North President, president, Lucille Curl; secretary, FOR SALE Dianne Crawford; treasurer, in good microphone $119. Meagher's, 5 re m ONE 10 HP hours, cost $375 9257 after 5 p.m ONE Guerney gas months reasonable REFRI dition le 420 Park Rod South Log PE ™ RBOROL GH Zephyy sl ng, cushions Bai ler, a 368 Hitson Road North | SAC RIFICE 14' TRIUMPH MOTOR CARS (i, "toniition. T.R' 3, VANGUARD, [Avis is ENSIGN & HERALD [FYPWWRITER. nov soos ON DISPLAY AT Evinrude Make motor, run an offer furnace u ed four Telephone RA 5.7159 cone apply good 20 ot Gail Agar; pianist, Sharon Walls: Series of games, were supervised by Barbara McPhaden and Bar. hara Barnes, Meeting closed with "The Friendship Circle", PAPER COLLECTION The Broolin Boy Scouts will hold a "Paper Collection' oy Sat- |urday, Oct, 8, 9.- 12 a.m. Maga- |zines and newspapers to be tied securely and in scparate bundles ready for collection, _ [PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Harry McCool, accompanied by Mrs, F, M. Holli- OSHAWA LTD day and Mrs, Norman Alves en |Joved a visit on Saturday to the 90 SIMCOE SOUTH | Pioneer Village and museum at FOR FRIGIDAIRE | Edgeley, Ontario, Th dri AND SERVice Sorry to report Elsie Vipond | omestic and Commercia was taken suddenly ill on Tues. bh wood | RA 5-5332 |day and rushed to Oshawa Gen |eral Hospital for emergency oper lation. Speedy recovery is wished for Elsie life long resident of Brooklin Village, Cards wel comed. Dressmaker's form, condition PHONE RA 5- 8310 fused baby furnitu |quick cash easily {to place a fast-ca NO SECOND Locoted King Wilson MORTGAGES rea, For apponitment call pl A ~ - Anthony Siblock ot RA BODY SHOP naling, A er 313. Tita Thee, AND NOTHING MERCEDES - BENZ | Kelly's, 2 floors, 32 King East 4 pronounced by Donald Duncan, = Pe [3 FT, 67 moulded plywood paceship GSED is and repairs for all makes closed a very inspiring and im- : Member of Oshawa and DKW lerutser, ". 3 hp Mercury. complete if" ringer type w A NE ve WE REPEAT -- NO District Real Estate Boord, I i tor ah, 8 Paddy's Market, HIDDEN COSTS ARTHUR 408 KING 2 OSHAWA na Te te rai ated van ) Tr ined bed with A special service of "Infant 2 RA 3.7132 call RA 59312 after 4 p.m . springfilled mattress; | Baptism" was held on Sunday WwW T LAMSON WEINBERGER re IRICKIOOM equipment for rent and fa - of drawers; custom. afternoon, at 2.30 p.m, in the CASH walkers, commodes x oard; washing machine motor, ducted by the minister, Rev, 8. J cane #is0 rol » Bi » » I r p enta investr - Hillier, RA 5.8831 FOR YOUR CAR und cribs, Low rentals, No | wal Hi ; an : 32 PARK RD. N 0 OUR C [Exes delivery and The following children were COSY VAN HEUSEN py LL amanition and Junting NB pauling sleeping bags, Janterng, sales the administration of Baptism: [down, "Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond thoes Chucen Street. HA 37624 |. Susan Jacqueline, daughter of g New EO To gh Fi MOTORS Suket Wak oA Sa UNPAINTED bookcases, only he with Wir. and Mrs. Ray Holman; golow, decorated, x + \ n 2 REAL ESTATE LIMITED location, north - west, all 149 KING ST. Ww. a Bp evenible leetrie fan ap fumity Mudents Sess, ne "van: Me, Roy Parker: Sharon Eliza. a of draw $17; hookcases, 35.99; beth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs , " 'A Victor, Admira y dres of | py 4 4 schools ond bus, A real bare WILLIS MOTORS [FE ECTROROMYE RCA Victor, Admiral. lity d J20. Wilson Furniture, 20) thn Wallace, all residents of gain for $12,000 -- with highest trade-in allowance Parkway wRIGHTEN up your home with new Meadowcrest 'subdivision; 2.000 d AUSTIN Television, 918 Simcoe North 4 i eri 1 wil on D 1 RANCH -- ATTACHED GARAGE $2,000 down |Color TV 'on dispis Furniture. "Fio0r _covennet: cieasanos sont of Mr. and Mr Romock Tick: Attractive large ranch bungolow with attached goroge--3 bed ny Sheer 308 © r. and Mrs. Robert Mar. OBI oles Wi A § one maroon bed chesterfield, ful designs, reduced for quick sale, 28 rooms, tiled both with large Hollywood kitchen, BUY GOOD ASSORTMENT gh fuazoon § 4 eh now rg vy po -- var uo inlaid Kent and Michael Philip, chile 5 USED CARS heavy duly, long wearing. dren of Mr, and Mrs, Kert Fair. mortgage -- Immediate sion, Asking $15,200.00 with Large distinguished home | 99 cent ard. Service, all residents of Brooklin i stinguis earout cents sq. yar $2,900.00 down I Bedroom, TAUNTON RD, EAST Congowall, 'six eolors," complete "with Village, HARMONY HEIGHTS RESALE border, regular 69 cents per foot, out combined 28 feet, fomily-size Furniture, 20 Church Street, wood kitchen, and screens, tiled hall, newly decorated, kitchen; close to Coronation WALLPAPER | svery need a The CGIT Group of Brooklin landscoped, full price $13,600,00, one 69 NHA mortgage School. Full price $12,900 CASH 8 King Sti ponomy i "nd ox.|United Church met on Monday . 27 GAS stove, NEW STORE AND APARTMENT home with stone front is only FOR YOUR CAR of oresuiar and prepasted tion Hall under the supervision a few years old, in immacu= ONE baby farriage and one | dear's Paint and Wallpaper, across Of Mrs, Robert Humphries, apartment with lote condition and modern in tion: reas onable Phone 0 HA Baal 82 office for further particulars HILLTOP MOTORS ' 4 : TOWNLINE NORTH Weinberger, RA 8.5145 complete with and two evenings RA 3.7244, rolls of tape, 5 King treet west oil heating, natural fireplace, $9,000.00 with low down payment INCOME HOME "COUNTRY LIVING -- RAGLAN 'SABYAN MOTOR! Nearly new 'brick veneer ranch bungalow, 6 room natural fire- SPLIT LEVFL SALES LTD. bath, broadloom and tile covered floors, asking $13,000.00 with New, 7Vh-r som brick 2-stor- substontial down payment ey with 2 bathrooms, attache STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN MODEL HOME 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH 10 HP OSHAWA, ONT, RAndolph 3-3461 controls, $500] | 6544, RA 5-4362 EXTRA TO BUY g { contre to ed reconditioned SALES AND SERVICE Reusoulable, Ra hay, BAPTISMAL SERVICE e, wheelchairs dog-house: 5 HP Mercury out Brooklin United Church, cone REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR | erutenes, delivery and pick-up, Phone GUNS, " TENTS, enmp stoves, eamp cots, tar. received into the church through iUNS, ane QUZBOARD motor, new _Scolt 3.6 HP, | e) of any piece of unfinished Wayne George, son of Mr, and rooms very spacious, close to r 40 KING ST, E DIAL RA 8-4678 The finest in TV, Hi4l and service, Church Street Grant EXCEPTIONAL SALES - SERVICE ONE 177 television, wain abinet of discontinued patterns. Many cheew|cyq)y. "gnavon "Anne. Leonard living room---a home be proud to own, 6% $1.99 #q. yard, While they last living room ond dining room RA 5-0331 they go, 44. cents per fool, Wilson's Modern attractive 3 bedroom brick end stone bungalow holly« EL ' CGIT GROUP with $2,000 down, This uo « imports, hundreds of patterns evening in the Christian Educa 8755 In modern new she from Dominion Store, 34 King West Meeting opened with repetition of every way. Coll Mrs, Irene | PRILLIPS tape 'recorder, slightly used Attractive bungalow with large garage. Hot water with m---- - 2-STOREY place, lot 165' x 198' plus extra land at rear, low taxes, tiled ed garage, walkout balcony SALES and SERVICE ) roof d lots of Be sure and see our furnished model home open for your inspec- I a it me 5-0243 $950.00 4 hy | 80 p.m 0 3 00 pm $72,500 bi north of King, very close to Ow )) 1 0 yO! 0 THIS OFFICE A son Re i .ansdowne Drive, alternate ranc ful layout entirely different average homes. Call model now being introduced from Member of Oshawa and . sinberage District Real Estate Board, AFTER 5:30 CALL 3 Loe Weinberger, Ra Everett Elliott 3-9290; Joe Maga 5-9191; Marion Drew 5-7610 8-5145 evenings L 3.7244 Dick Barriage 5-6243; Lloyd Metcalf 5-6983 FOR RENT -- Available October 1, $100 THREE monthly, one bedroom apartment, stove | kitchen and refricerator, laundry facilities; room $110 monthly, one two-bedroom apart. ment, available December 1. Adults, 8. MO. 8.8535. N Too Taint Uh To. HLT dial ae includes heat, light, and water. Sza:| ot ker, MO 38-3644 collect cious yard, central location. Phone So TYPEWRITERS, 8.449% after § down payment, abinets, trailer and ries, excel nediately boat and and acer must Baldwin SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed, | Double 'hung windows only | $18. Call now. | Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8- 5385 st le ell im y Street also re ers and Street 34431 writing cleaner Avenue SEE HOME APPLIANCES rang 96 small width 664) bedroom bungalow, combination living dining four - plece bath, storms and TV antenna, reasonable, MO large pair RA ns, four son poultry also | feathers wanted Jake OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE Humans Could and SUPPLY Ltd. | _BROOKLIN ONT. OL 5-3641 Live On FOR SALE The Moon One used Livingston Coal ATO , Stoker, in good ok may |, MEXICO CITY (AP)--Human be scen at Cedardale Fire |Deings probably could eke out a Station, 761 Simcoe Street |/IVIng on the moon and might South, Oshawa, or Phone RA [ven creafe a lunar atmosphere 8.6441, {which Hon could breathe with the wes -- {ald of a mask stocked with cer 52--Legal tain chemicals, says a California === astrononier, excellent IN THE MATTER OF THE Rocks on the moon's surface al. ymel kit : i {most certainly contain all the ESTATE OF THERESA GER- hemical elements which could TRUDE DENNIS, LATE* OF [ho made available for synthesize THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN ling food and drink and other THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, |cssentials, Prof, Fritz Zwicky of WIDOW, DECEASED. the Mount Wilson and Palomar observatories told a meeling of the Mexican National Astronom- ical Observatory and the Acad. emy of Scientific Investigation. Zwicky is the discoverer of Supernovae, the distant stars {whi ch flare up with the brilliance {of billions of suns and burn them. selves to death in a few mo ments, Prineipal requirements for set. ting up housekeeping on the and used, low| Ww $39 up, Desks, filing LL adding machines, eash regis FOR RENT -- One bedroom apartment joel" RICE RACH Outfitters os] in apartment building; close to schools { 8 I rao) Byron Street South, Whithy, MO TN ly. Phone OLiver 3.3611, Brooklin FOR the best in insulation, use Pal.0 sak. § y FOR RENT -- Large three room apart Pik. Save 3noReY nd inatan Jt your. ment, nrivate entrance and bath. Call ggiimate call H, WH. Goode and Sons MO $3733 Ltd, 801 Brock North, MO 8.2017 REMINGTON unten. 8. Service. Chas. new clearance of odds ind marked ¥ reduced genuine | regular $30 rs, double lar §120 saver duvenport excellent con. slashed to smart cov ular $39, special $36: arbor sale $10.95 slightly soiled to om Saw Sales and MO 8.4173 | FOR SALE ight roomed house, im. | mediate possession, 201 Byron Street| Narth, MO 8.48712 | FOP SALE -- Black loam, manure for gardens, Call MO 8.4514, Whitby Commercial and domestic. All FOR RENT -- Three-ronm unfurnished apartment, no children. Apply 312 Dun.| W¢ rk guaranteed. 505 An. das Street West, | derson Street, Whitby -- MO SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary | 8.3276 way. new tanks installed Walter Ward | 204 Chestnut West. phone MO 8.2563 AUCTION sale of new and used' furni ture car and % ton truck. 14 miles west of Ontario Hospital on Base Line. | October 1. MO 8.4981 or MO 8.5740, bg FURNITURE and appliances, Chain A. Bell, BOWYER REFRIGERATION erings {ité top regular arborite coffee --E | otter, {after 6 bedrooms, in good condi | 76 Some | matle, radio, ; R A dition. One owner like new | Now cream « vooden storm sedan 062. & ur Take 20-FT. OUTBOARD CABIN CRUISER $950 Fully equipped, le This boat is second te in performance and safety 124 WILSON RD. S NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS havin claims against the Estate o THERESA GERTRUDE DEN- NIS, late of the City of Osh- awa, in County of On- tario, who died on or about the 28th day of August, 1960, are herby notified to end full particulars to the motor none All aluminum product the Doors, windows, sh awnings, TV towers ver door paving, «Nothing down call this AD floor length, RA 8.0581 anytime, and windows, best 1960 " 4 reasonable {disintegrated rocks to produce LOVELY wedding dress, veil and hoon includled; price. RA 8.4253 quality, lowest price in JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C ir current PAINT, interior, exterior town Ouick service Executor | The first products of wock dis AL colors, Guaranteed, { Solicitor of the above [intesration would be oxygen, ni: ALEX VAJDA Estat trogen and carbon dioxide for ot 14V4 King Street East, breathing, and water, which is an RA 3-985] Oshawa, Ontario, important part of rock erystals. The Finest, For further in. formation, eall ECONOMART You' Con Be Sure, if t's WESTINGHOUSE $2.95 gallon, | flat, gloss. | Electric, 8 business machines, 136 Simcoe SMITH SPORTS Ire RA s ight evenings RA LOTS NORTH SIMCOE | months old : step table, ONLY $2,200 RA 8.5912 Call after 5, 162 Hibber Pork Rd. S. close to GM. | - REFRIGERATOR apriment size I ll ace. efte. dark kitchen table, RA 5.07 PUBLIC CAR |mue tio: gia wns each, easy terms. Call Mrs. drape two dicron panels Itene Weinberger, RA 8. Sntespeare. 3-6943 11 ONTARIO STREET 5145 evenings - RA Apostle 5 Garden, Mount Lawn, re ble. Call RA 8.8097 --AT-- ls RA 8-1679 |{47--Automobiles for Sale or aluminum, free estimates VROLET, good running condi. OSHAWA Phone RA 3-4989. EVERYONE LOVES A FIREPLACE RA_ 5-493, \ ['5¢ METEOR Niagara, One owner with andy, some tached garage three good bedrooms, dining room and large |Yhie walls, radio and jow mileage Every Saturday jamous brand modern kitch § Located in the North-west area where schools [Avenue iin a are no problem. Be he Spe > NEY Er" of draws re no pr e a jump ahead by inspecting it tonight, Full |x CHEVROLET sedan, o Approx. Joo 1950 to 1960 to 2; : models offered for guction, $55; sp $15,000 -- 3 YEARS OLD | 53 FORD Victoria, tudor hardtop, fu ENTRY FEE $10.00 x Ranch bungolow with attached garage, spotlessly decorated. |1one, custom radio, portawells, «| springfilled mattresses y . po . clearout $14.08; lovely fireplane. as Batrs Une oer rs eT rane cash or finance, 359 King East TERMS: $50.00 CASH tables, regular £16.95, seven only, p . F. Stirtevant Auctio walnut and blond end table %, plain a home, Down payment of $3,000 will handle, Call now, | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to + Auctioneer faney, values to $20.95, out they go 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For Fv A $1 ti H K r lamps, regular $19.95, ashe lo Four large two baths, large dining room, kitchen with 302 - SOR NEI CAR AUCTION pL : parm. io _Chureh , and wood furna boots, stone fireplace, lots of closet space, nicely decorated. full seen at led's White Rose and Marine, 25 Grenfell St, Oshawa webmali tarde ar i ' A F « Nicely decorated, Tully Igingston Road East, RA 5.9983 10 ROUGH 2 x 4's, 8 ft, long, 25¢ each andscaped, price at $17,990 rr REvROLET Dele v . Wooden garage door, 7'8" wide, ales ; y . ' CHEVROLE lair sedan, auto GRAVEL & LOAM alesmen for full particulars, two tone, excellent con. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want! sheeting. Apply 438 Colborne East $2,000 DOWN aly HORTOP & SUNSET hussdbiond, ™ cars jor wrecking, Highest prices paid, | 3:3328 . N NG down, take over payments p---- -- ravel cOorse or Hrew--gite air: oil haat tially finished Horne h on '54 Oldsmobile 98 hardtop, power YOU'LL be th nkful when you get/very reasonable. RA 3.2312 . | gre se pod 18G ir oi eating, partially finished rec-room, nicely landscapec as y selling your extra appliances G V We buy, sell. exchange anything fill, Delivery Mond 5 of ¥ 30 pom COAL furnace, "Good Cheer Hamil Vsed F L108 By livery Monday to Sat- Owner transferred. Full "price reduced to $12,500, One Breet South, MO ha yan vl "| on VROLET "good "cian Cl RA 33492 mow for friendly help. hoy range. quantity -- Winse Bradley RA 3.2006 condition RA 54 windows, Dial CO 3.210 yr '8 PONTIAC, four-door del HR FOR C. J ry Vila MO 8 2660 After 5:00 p.m. Calle entian NING, four luo SPOT CASH ------ : trade and finance. RA 8.5179. PAID FOR FOR RENT----Boating, comp- Harry Millen RA 3.2524 Souter -- down, Liens poid off, Dodd ry lawn equipment, power tools, ore 4 P Wall 5 box, boat and cabin trailers RT DODD MOTOR SALES gine, ond gl baper lore FOR SALE -- Used boats, 314 PARK RD. S. MO 8.5231 bi motors, trailers, --- - WILDE RENTALS HOUSTON'S GARAGE HATS Dundes = Mo 3.3226 | AND SERVICE STATION HOMEMAKERS |- BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. MO 8.5381 DRESS SALE O P - N | Ol SE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND | One GENERAL REPAIRS Of vee oshimates g fersigned, on or before moon, Zwicky said, would be a shopping in your own kitchen, 67 KIN T. ; uhe | A y said, Ee Tory Tue writ bring G ST. W Aluma Seal Co. the 3st Soy of Octaber, D. rota furnace, which focuses the a complete food plan for a | | ADIES' DRESSES 6 room brick homes $10,500 and $10,800, $68 per month plus taxes. - 5.9: T . h sun's rays to produce great heat, ST INGHOUSE 1050 square -feet. Bungalows or full two stories, 1150 square feet. Three |50--Articles for Sale regard only to claims of which o be disintegrated by the including a WESTING Values to $24.95 VACUUM cleaner "repairs. all makes,| N he the undersigned shall then FREEZER tud brick 1h ', li ind Mod : parts, attachments, brushes, guaran Ow is the' time to have had notice furnace. . NO DOWN PAYMENT YOUR CHOICE to rot ve be bg ds bg gue ay A. gdels Open) for inspec Rentals. cuum Cleaner Repair Serv AD ion. jet electric generator ion at Stevenson's Road South opposite Loblaw's at the Shopping Centre. with aluminum' doors 27th day of September ly charged particles from the Food Plan by SCHNEIDERS, Salesman on the site. For more information call Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd Ne nary alu MERCANTILE ? 101 SIMCOE ST. N, ' DEPT. STORE AFTER HOURS CALL WILLIAM MILLAR 2 WHITBY, ONT. 8.5205, GERRY OSBORNE AT RA 5.7204. | + > 20% | desk, chest, G.F vacuum REAL ESTATE ewer ond water $2,200 CHILD'S stroller, good condition AUCTION FOR SALE Family plot for 3.7244, ORDERS taken for storm sashes WAREHOUSE Especially if it is in a fine ranch bungalow complete with at- [estate car. Apply 1239 Meadowvale 10 A M tremendous sav are ne puoblen to 26: Mr [145 Albert Street immaculate condition. Must sell, best SELLING FEE $10.00 Very large modern kitchen, living room with stone planter and broadicom scatter mats, $1; trl RECIPE FOR A HAPPY FAMILY { personal sorvice at your home call RA OSHAWA eating area, outside entrance to basement for children's muddy 81 TWO door Plymouth sedan, may be tion, pphone RA 5.3201 Stir around in your mind for one | ee 48-- Automobiles Wanted minute, then coll our (high, with track and frame 830 Phone RA 8:1554, Corners [op Fiv RA 5-11 & COLEMAN oil space heater ment grave Driveway ive-room ranch bungalow, three large bedrooms, garage, forced equipped, very reasonable. RA 8.0566. | 3 (With an Oshawa Times Classified Ad condition steel top urday noon. Eric Branton. mortgage for balance. Immediate possession if desired. Call h Winse Bradley RA 3.2006 Charles Smith RA 8.8254 og Unga Baga |45--Real Estate for Sale Good clean cars, Trade up RA 3.9421 ATTENTION Service and Sales $958 DOWN $558 PLETE BRAKE SERVICE Over 90% of your weekly Entire Rack of RA 3.7822 5:-9365 ANYTI tate 3 @ somlele feud plan for RA 5.9365 ANYTIME Estate will be distributed with end a crucible to hold bafches of bedrooms. Completely modern with all the extras of top quality construction, teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free have a beautfiul home I 3 his DATED at- Oshawa WY tL ' might utilize, positively and nega- REQUIRED $5 00 each : i RA 8-5123 RA 8-5124 RA 8.5125 ¢ Church Street, RA 3.76 OUTHOUSE, perfect condition, suitgble | for cottage. RA 58503, | IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS AT RA

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