2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 1, 1960 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN "BIG DADDY" TO PLAY OSHAWA Fred "Big Daddy" Gardiner, Toronto's Metro mayor, has a big date upcoming in our city next Oct, 12, That's when he is scheduled to be the guest speaker at a mammoth dinner in the Hotel Genosha to be sponsored by The Oshawa and District Real Estate Board (which has 120 members) "Big Daddy" has chosen a subject near and dear to the hearts of many of his guests, "SUBURBIA EXPLODES", which has to do with the growth of the suburbs of Toronto, Lloyd Metcalf of the ODREB denied emphatic~ ally today a widely«cir- culated rumor to the effect that Allan Lamport had also been invited to the dinner to heckle Mr, Gard- iner Mr, Metcalf did this will be the biggest social event ever staged by the board and that more than 250 will sit down to dinner, including district as well as other municipal Baby In Hurry Porn On Plane EDMONTON (CP) ~~ The ver- a'flity «f the RCAF has been pit to the st with the first Hammarsk- 1; th of a2 ba in a C119 Flying Promised New Part arly | Minister Diefenbaker contended jold, Boxcar of Transport Squadron ay thal disarmament Pro- At the fair, Mr. Diefenbaker 43. of nearby Namao HAMILTON (CP)--Support (of! res te LION (CPL port. for gress now is of secondary Pip {sald Khrushchev's speech at the pro births took place Wednes- 4 y & to Soviet Premier United Nations "in no way in by the CCF and the Canadian " day on a Nght from Resolute Labor Congress was anvroved BY, dicated that he had in mind the Bay, NW.T., to Thule, Green- Friday by the National Unfon of Mhrushchev's first concer, maintenance of peace through dis- {Public Service Employees (£1.C) sald We. Disienbawer, is to alter|armament. 4 Because of prenatal complica d batt we 0 + img bg the On. tions to replace Secretary-Gen- LONDON, Out. (CP)~ Prime' Hons, oftieiag of fie RCAF de- {tario Hydro Electric Power Com. €ral Hammarskjold with a three-| Migister D'ie {en baker Friday fae ent 2 Aino . exides Ad mission for its ban on politica' Man committee, night eontemed Be has sviad Hold Air Mee hospital at tivity by Loy en on rom New York| sit Ottaws before returning to Thule -- Tut wiile the Eskimo at "w 4 * [being properly reported J viday e n route to officiate at the 00s from the United Na- Moke Wo wiling e baby de- The convention resolved to ask opening of the Wallacetown e amendment of the Bill of Rights 50 miles south of here. Mr. Dielenbaker 'also said he ouiory 3 the Ls, Thule hos- to make it clear "beyond the pos. Mr, Diefenbaker sid Prime WL return next week fo New pital talked by radio with "Doe Y for a third visit to the tor" Cpl. R. 8, Durocher of Ot {United Nations, He sald no det tawa and he brought seven Dief Says Arms Secondary Now LONDON, Opt. (CP) Prime proposal Support regarding say FRED GARDINER ' ridin B. * y ye wp Told Wf PRAYERS FOR TRAFFIC VICTIM J. P. Balyer, left prayers for Robert Morris, 60 jackknifed and careened off a | and The "ev, Lawrence L, Rit Clarksville, Ind., as he lay cov "" emb, ment on US, 52 | chie, both ministers of the ered under the wreckage of his | Northwest of Indianapolis, Mor- Church of the Nazarene, offer ' semi-trafler truck, The truck | ris died a few minutes later Mine Wage Talk | High Jinks Cy Now Deadlocked |In Halifax Jail Cells HALIFAX investigating mayors councillors, offirials The Board membership extends from Port Hope to Pickering (east and west) to Port Perry (in the north), WHEN WILL SHIFT CLASSES END? The Board of Education should perform one without delay: Issue a factual, clear-cut statement d tem now in use in some public The parents of some 450 students affected (this a minimum estmate) are desperately anxious to know when it wijl end, when the new senior publie school on Wilson road south and the four-room addi tion to the Adelaide Mc~ Laughlin School are likely to open There at this time to place the blame for this makeshift plan on any doorstep, or to stress that the system is gpread- reeves, The Rey duty shift« (cp) Negotia-'is seeking a 40-hour week, a nge and sick pay plan, time-and-a-half the International pay for all Saturday and Sunday of Canada's em- work and other fringe benefits northern Mani The . Thompson workers now Thompson have a bd-hour, six - day week deadlocked, a un. generally approved by Manitoba ald Friday trades unions for northern pro Sudbury jects of the Mr Mine ind in ne before lea WINNIPEG tions over benefits for Nickel Company ployees at the toba mining ec have become fon spokesman Ken Smith of dian president tional Unlon of Smeller the breakdown an interview home Mr, Smith sald w fringe (CP) committer ire at the Halifax County Jail was told Fri day that sexual relations have taken place regularly between nale and female prisoners since 1957 The evidence tre of ociation Cana Interna Mill the that reported mediate mide + schedule work sald INCO proposes hourly increase 19614 and a 48 Smith sald recommended be company im in the week a three effective hour came from De tective Inspector William Cleary and Policewoman Ruth Donald, vho docume nted their testimony with statements from prisoners ind former prisoners no desire ' and ha no Worke change Jotiation ing sibility of doubt" that all Cana- Minister Macmillan had at dians except highly-placed civil jempled unsuccessfuly to inite date has been "as een fixed. pound, nine-ounce Pappeal Alec ical aetivity in his private talk with Khrush- meee | {40 the world while still an OTTAWA (CP) -- Claude Jo. "Mev. Thursday sigh, be had! doin, president of the Canadian Me added (hat nothisg he ha Th " A Sa ed | { Ie sav he plans to look into action by "hy Progress oi that th Performance Pay B Fi Fi h the International Brotherhood of. Mr. Diefenbaker noted thal "TORONTO (CP) -- Aftfla Ga. Carpenters and Joiners, (AFL. UN could be bogged down for lamb, six-year - old saxapho A Y re 1g ters TORONTO (CP)~Firemen Fri- Canadian wing from putting up that could result from t Soviet \preme Court the right to play at day rescued two women and a money for political action uma [the Canadian National Exhibi./man from a smoke-filled mid- Mr. Jodoin was asked to com F Ch | tion, finally collected his $750 fee town building after fire broke out a proposal from Canadi an mem our arg Attila had been refused the Rescued via an aerial ladder hers of the Carpenter money several times because the were Thelma Howard, 44, and {that Canadian ooals CNR sald it needed clearance Irwin « Katz, 44. Miss Howard union Sa ud to political parties and religious EDMONTON (CP) Four fon which first objected to his other woman, H., Mitchell, 68, orgenizations. "he procosal war men were arrested Friday and anpearsnce in the grandstand was carried down two flights of harged in connection with the show, stairs, of 1.600 delegates at the brother hood's | n ternational convention from the provincial legislative Thursday in Chicago wilding, RCMP said they still are look. nadian labor, and the CCF party are pli 7 m a new le RUMMAGE sale, St. Andrew's Church are Vining fo lon 4 ne "lott Charged with armed rc Ty {on Tuesday, October 41 rig re - were Robert Gardper, 20; Ron BINGO TURKEY Dinner at Harmony United ald Wilson, 33; Fred Max Lucht, 22, Ottawa To Get 19, and Walter Horst Lucht, 22. CORONATION from 4.30 on. Adults $1.50, children Tse. They appeared in court Pride} L B ildi and were remanded to Oct, ORANGE TEMPLE TURKEY SUPPER arge ul ng Three masked men brandish-| SAT., OCT. 1st--8 P.M. | entered the legisla-| 20 games -- $8 United Church multi - million dollar 15-storey Hive buildings through a window SHARE THE WEALTH Erasa by the Wi , parking gorage and office build early Thursday. They threatened] 4 sponsored by the Women's ing 'In downtown Ottawa are be- wo nighi employees, Oscar Stel | $150 Jackpot To Go Ass Adults $1.50, Montreal real estate firm and!40, before carting out the » fe. may be considered by two other finsnele if the first turns Chi 1d C d O nN ster | nN Jd O the Viele Parking Authority, sald 1 usto Y Friday. The building near the northeast Case Pondered 16 PRIZES OF $10 r He vent 148 March 1, servants have the right to polit- _isarmament "back os the rails| "~ "= Fi Il Coll {hour's flying time from Thule Thule, Labor Congress, indicated Priday heard indicated there had been| C10) that prevents the union's the year in technical prog ings - aver who won from the one ment Friday on the rejection o Friday. {in a restaurant on the first floor vv In Safe Theft mitted to contribute n a e e from the Toronto Musicians' Un- needed inhalator treatment. An- defeated overwhelmingly by most heft of a safe containing $57,000 The CLC, parent body of Ca COMING EVENTS ing for the safe and its tents Church Hall on Ssturday, October without plea aiaoy: pea | Oct. 8 at Myrtle OTTAWA (CP) Plans for a ing knives -- $40 Jackpots To Go ing considered by an unidentified phenson, 67, and Robert Danard, =----------. -- down, Frank Ryan, chairman he corner of downtown Bank and application ing havoe and confusion with parents and pupils What happened two weeks ago when Trustee Mortimer Brown (in ponse to scores of tele« phone calls) got up at a board meeting and requested the above information" Here was a chance for the board collectively to do a good public relations job, to ease the fears of anxious parents, by coming out with an intelligent report in a reasonable time, So what did it do? It asked the chairman the publicity to prepare a statement for public release, carried in the press this week, Why was one trustee entrusted with this delicate and important task? If ever there was a more glaring example of buck-passing on a hot issue, it has escaped our attention, The less sald about the report (that got into ihe paper) the better except to say it was a master piece of confusion and evasion. Ten Philadelphia law= vers could work all year without untangling its double- talk Trustee Brown's request deserves prompt attention be of the seriousness of the situation THE CAUSE OF YOUTH MUST BE SERVED There's something pathetic about the Oshawa Hawks, the splendid young basketball team that brought tu this city in the 1058-50 season Remember how sthey won the All-Ontario mediate "B" championship that year, how they went out of business last year until Harry Finer Hotel Genosha turned up as a partial sponsor? The only L] TRUSTEE M. BROWN committee which was of ause nonoy Inter- almost of the Hawks are without a sponspr again, but that part of their trouble, The Board of Education (by :1-%) has turned a cold shoulder to their request for the same 1058-59 rates for the renting of the Done~ van Collegiate gymnasium, The Board wants $20 nightly (includire practice sessions) of the $10 per charged last year, The new tariff is too stiff for who ended up $603 in the red last year. They to close shop Somehow, the Hawk: symbolic of youngsters today who find unconcern in high places and official doors slammed in their face when they want to get nut and indulge in some healthy, competitive or= ganized sport, Most communities would welcome a team like this which has, in Oshawa, pretty well been given the status of poor, unwanted relations I'he all wrong d duty that school property Is reasonable we still think that the acted in a niggardly, penny-pinching way with the Hawks, who are doing a worthwhile work, who only want to be good citizens. Are these same trustees always so exacting in board transaction, especially in dealings where they have a more personal interest? The suggestion that the Hawks are a money-making organization illustrates the muddled-thinking around the board on the subject, Two trustees deserve vocal support of the Hawks' case Drynan CONVENTION TALK FILLS THE AIR Did you notice this week, dear reader, the Board of Education came right out bluntly and an- nounced that its convention fund--for this year at least ~was almost exhausted ? Such statements may sound prosaic to many, but to this department they are just like hearing that Fort Knox is about to run out of gold, Perhaps some will interpret them as another clear indication of the far-reaching effects of our present tight=money policy, but three or four trustees (no doubt with a weather-eye on the upcoming municipal elec. tions, Dec, 8) were remarkably frank when the wraps were finally removed from this hitherto hush-hush subject, Board Chairman George Fletcher said that neither himself or Finance Chairman S. G. Saywell (two of our more-travelled trustees) had the right to deny any fellow trustee the money to go to a convention, which brought a how! of protest from Trustee Mortimer Brown who shouted "wrong" and went on to explain that trustees couldn't have such monies if the board's kitty was empty, Trustec Saywell tried to put a rosy hue on a rather delicate subject by pointing out that the board had cut 3 . instead game Hawk nave Lhe may 80 seem many they have a rented at majority trustees are not to see rates, but act plaudits for their strong Trustees Shaw and where Manitoba concilia been made to the la to he hor department tion officer Mine sents about face operation cl for a ruary A company INCO does not ur negotiations On time, Licence Plates Being Tested TORONTO (CP) The transport department is hour menting with licence plates tha for reflect light like highway signs t A. RE. Brzezina search engineer, lotters and numbers enn bg seen at a 25 - greater distance than plate They can be a quarter-mile away by lights an approaching car, The plates, which twice much a tyle, are being ways and lands partment vehicles spokesman wish publicly Mill Local 300 miners and worker it the Thomp about 400 miles north fof Winnipeg, The worl the mine Is expected to increase to about 2000 by next summer The union was certified as bar |gaining agent for June 16 Mr, Smith asked for wage amounting to 68 cent for tradesmen and 67 cents {laborers. Current rates a Thompson are $2.10 an hour for {tradesmen and $1.58 lahor or He 1026 repre the at thi force at the employees union ha Inerease ald the an fon per - cen ald the increase if regula granted, would give the Thomp on workers 20 cen an how more than men In corresponding job classifications at INCO's Sud bury operations, The Sudbury employees al are represented by the mine-mill union Mr, Smith sald the union cost as the 0 and forests de also MAYOR SPEAKS OUT creational director in Cornwall, had received threatening calls and letter, Mr, Turner, whose wife is white, is a college uate and former | baseball player Lavigne of Corn wall, Ont, (standing) lashes out at residents for racial dis crimination during a minor learue heseball dinner at Corn wall, The mayor said both he and Robert Turner, Negro re Mayor L. G (CP Wirephoto) its 1960 convention budget by $1000 to $4000 and had been to save money because the major conventions this had been by" (By "close by" Mr, Says well Hkely had reference to such 1960 points as Atlantic City and Chic this popular spots, Fast year Oshawa's trust ranged much farther afield to places like Sa went there--Part Arthur and Mian vear a board delegation went the way B.C.) Trustee F Britton made an rvation had been brought up held to formu- able year "close wo, two of vear's even lous all auver, acute obse of conventions eing and tl was be y, but that it never was reed to keep within ted by Trustee M. Sparks, but there here that it ever will. Some trustees right to travel to distant con- just as tl rd for a vidal necessity ° at a caucu {i uch a polic The board ag budget, as #1 regal Ll Jd then ven! frills and its convention ugge are ¢ doubts divine ons Xpayers' expense hool building A a' thet ey reg fads for sc education, introduced next Feb sald to discuss Ontaric experi department re said Friday the on the plates spotted of about regular tested on high grad professional |[MORE ENCOURAGING The only entry to the ection is through a ocked door but prisoners ome of the get a key One woman ally guards have had with female prisoners, A police investigation started 1( days ago after Alderman Lane, on a tour of the jail, single several pad men knew where tc the women's section t VISITED WOMAN A statement from a prisoner said this man had vis ited the woman's section previous night and was in a wom- tian's cell again wheyd Mrs r entered the block exit blocked, he hide in the washroond. The woman sald empted the fled but she in the cell when he women's female sald In statements that sald that occasion. relations Abbie found a man hiding in the washroom of woman the | Lane Ath the only to| male heer prisoner left his shoes and pipe from his friend's car, Queen streets would have street level stores, four floors to house 350 automobiles and 10 floors of office space Stole Liquor From Police NEWMARKET (CP)~ George Wrethan, 21, of Toronto, was fined $100 Friday for stealing two cases of beer and two part bot tles of liquor from the North Guillimbury police station In Kes- wick Aug, 20, Police sald Wretham stole the heer and liquor when he came to post bail for a friend charged with impaired driving | Police said one of the cases of stolen had been confiscated Wretham police were ) {carried it out while covered up by sliding them under | trying to quiet his friend in the her bed | U.S. BUSINESS cells, Strong Fourth Quarter NEW YORK ical fourth with mounting hopes, signs, that the US may shake its lethargy out 1960 on a better note, The year began with predie tions of a rolling boom. Instead, business levelled off and ap- peared to be running out of steam Some and encouraging sparked an improved this week The stock (AP)= The crit confident developments outlook took market heart and stemmed a five-day decline that carried to lows for the year, It closed the week with a substantial rally, U.S. Treasury Secretary Rob- ert B. Anderson said the econ omy is approaching the end of a recession-lype adjustment and is headed for a long period ol growth without inflation, "It is my strong view that the activity in outlook for economic this country is favorable, both tor the near future and the many years ahead," he sald Sales Management fourth quarter Magazine, projection 'Consumer spending is zoom ing upward, a trend to rebuild. ing. inventories is likely--in fact, most economic factors are add ing up to a record breaking soa son just ahead in business. | Reporting that sales of farm [implements and trucks are more encouraging, president Frank W [fenks of International Harvester Co., said: "I feel better about business than 1 did 30 days ago." Logan T. Johnson, president of ATMEo Steel Corp., sald he felt a gradual pickup in demand for eel has started. The trade pub: lication Iron Age found a better | | Cucumber's Sex Change Big Deal GUELPH (CP) Agricultural scientists here have changed the of cucumber plants to all female and have doubled crop yield Prof. T Graham of the On ta At College sald Friday the changing of sex strue . 'ants could double world {food production, (8) fen'toe quarter has arrived|of and some economy | that and top ended, C predictions Hopes tone in the steel market because a slight improvement in or |ders and a growing conviction Inventory liquidation has steel under Nevertheless, estimated production dipped a little last week Considered a significant devel opment was that domestic ma. :hine tool orders in August reached an 1l-month high Automobile production and, sales increased, Output this week was estimated at 137,000 cars, compared with 120,852 last week and 105,720 a year ago, The! {week's volume put 1960 produc tion 12 per cent ahead of a year ago, Court Lashes Drunk Driver MILTON (CP) George Smith, 46, of Oakville tenced Friday to 18 months in Jail for criminal negligence in the June 9 traffic death of Mrs, Mar jor ie Schoolbred "You are one of the worst type of offenders and a menace to so ciety," Mr, Justice D, P, J Kelly of the Ontario Supreme Court said in passing sentence. Smith, found guilty by a jury Thursday, was described in tes timony as almost unconscious from liquor just before the two. car collision which killed the 46. year-old Mimico woman, Police said Smith bought three bottles of liquor the day of the accident and had purchased 134] bottles of liquor in a 70-day pe: riod G was sen WINNIPEG (CP) The Mani- toba Court of Appeal Friday re- served decision on whether six- year-old Bobby Hallas should re- main in the custody of the Chil. dren's Ald Soclety of Winnipeg [or whether Mr. and Mrs, Ken- neth Hallas, who had cared for {him for nearly five years, should become his legal guardians. The society had applied to re. gain custody of the child on the grounds that. Bobby is a Roman Catholic and therefore could not be placed permanently in a Pro- testant home, Mr, and Mrs, Hal lag, Protestants, took Bobby from the society when he was 8% months old, : The Child Welfare Act says that no Roman Catholic child may be permanently placed in a Protestant home, AUTHORS WANTED BY N.Y. PIRI ICHEP Leading book publisher seeks manu~ cripts of all types: fiction, non«fiction, poetry, scholarly and religious works, ofc New authors welcomed, Send for free booklet CP-23 Vantage Press, 120 W, 31 St, New York 1, SO DO OTHERS! Turn to Sports Page | for further . information. ® HELP! - rp Help 3 10113374 2 Ko) |gpeau Valley TONIGHT > NU-WAY ¢ 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED KINSMEN BINGO FREE ADMISSION--TUESDAY, OCT. 4 20--$20 GAMES $150 Jackpot--$20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5--$30 Games; 2--$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 53 and 52 ~--Extra Buses-- TEAM 1, JUBILEE PAVILION Nearly New Shop Reopening THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 2 70 9 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S 690 KING ST. E. RUG CLEANERS ® Dyeing and Repairing ¢ Binding and Fringing ® Mothprooting Wall to wall carpets cleaned in vour home RA 8-4681 174 MARY STREET Abb Tr a Good 'News! Is Los | i w SIMGOE S. RA 8-6451 Due to Increased Business MODERN PHOLSTERING Moving to a More Central cation with Larger Quarters formerly 92413 Simcoe N) WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, OCT. 3rd $1,300 CASH PRIZES--$100 DOOR PRIZES TWO $250 JACKPOTS ONE $150 JACKPOT (MUST GO) 20 GAMES AT $20--5 GAMES AT $30 JACKPOT NUMBERS 50-55 Plus free passes on right of every regular winner, $1.00 admission gives you ao card and free chance on $100 Door, Prize. RED BARN BUS SERVICE TO DOOR WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, Oct. 5, 8 p.m. Bus Leaves Oshawa Terminal -- 25¢ Return SPECIAL GAME OF $200 (Must Go) $20 each horizontal line; $100 a full card $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $175 IF WON IN 51 NUMBERS S games at $30; 20 games at $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 15058; 2nd----55; $30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARC Door Prize and Free Admission Tickets Proceeds Go To Building Fund