4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 30, 1960 TELEVISION LOG CHUHAY Channel 1i--Hamilios CBLEEY Channel 6~Toronis WORTY Channel 2--Buatiale WBENTV Channel ---Bufisle WEKBW/IV Chesnel T~Bufisle WROCTV Channel S--Rochesier FRIDAY EV 00 , iF amity Theatre T= Av ariares Tw Tin S-Viaynmiee b-Metrn News dFaature Flim L-thighwiy Patrol 6:15 P.M, B77 Sunset SUP 2-Reseue § =Lite of Riley 7:06 PA, TmHous: Weather of Rin 11-"The Heal MeCoys b= Bachelor Father T~Ben Hunt b2-Dan Raven b=Western 500 PM, 114 Country Hoedown T=United Viewing b--Hehind Closed Doors Masquerade Party Hi PM, 1146-Perry Mason 7The Flintstones 2-The Westerner » A=DuPont Show 0:00 77 Sunset St' 2--Bell Telephone 9:0 Pm, 116=Danger Man 4=December Bride 10:00 PM, Fiay of the Week 16-Have Gun Will rival 7-The Detectives 6~FPerry Mason A="Twilight Zone 2-Michael Shayne 10:30 P.M. Peter Gunn Home Kun Derby Pony Express Football Huddle Person To Person 100 P.M, 1176542 Newsi Sports 1:15 1i=News- Weather 7=Late Bhow 6 Viewpoint 11:30 P.M, Late Bhow fi--Gunsmoke 58-Jdack Parr 4=MGM Theatre 12:00 MIDNIGHT 6~Wrestling 1:00 AM, 8=The Unexpected SATURDAY 8:00 AM, 7=Fun House 4-Captain Kangaroo S~Rumpus Room R130 ' SRumpus Room 2~The Three Stooges 9:00 AM, The Living Word Deputy Dawg 1 7 b-HBozo's Story Book 4=Cartoons 0:15 Ad, HUedoindre Les Deus 9:50 AM, T7=The Wildmen SLisco Kid A=Beience Museum S=Junior Auction 9145 AM, Hlot's Talk 10:00 AM, 11-=8tories of the Century 5% rowdy Doody d=Captain Kangaroo 10130 AM, H=THA Y~Morning Show S2-Ruft and Reddy 4=Mighty Mouse 1100 AM, n ie ' Fury Maglio Land 11:30 AM, 11=The Living Word 52--Cirous Boy 4 Mighty Mouse Playhouse 14h AM, Te An Artist 12:00 Noon Bugs Bunny and Friends Gene Autry Show Living Word So You Want To Be Lunch With Soupy Sales «Kit Carson ~Sky King Roy Rogers 1950 PM, Gene Autry Show Buffalo Bandstand Wrestling Rural Review 12:45 P.M, 1=Wrestling 1:00 N 4-Clson Kid Matinee His PM, 11-Roy Rogers Movie 13 PM. 1h Mavie = Baseball 4~Fiim Featurette Ma langue Bose PM. 16-Big Four Foothsh Baseball Z~Basehall AIUKDAY EVE, ow P.M. 1--Outeide Brosdeasts 6 FPresentation of Biver HAe~Cartoon Party T~Fouthall S~Award Theatre 4~Film Featurette S~Twilight | heaters 6; M, IBlories of the Century T~Big League Basehall 8-Bpeaking French Sle In the 30's Wrestling 6:30 PM, 1=Father Knows Best 6=Mr, Fixit Casey Jones 11-6--Dennis The Menace T~Home Run Derby S=Highway Vatrel =U of B Round 'I able a~Johnny Midnight 1~Bes Hunt 6--Red River Jamboree oa Honanie Perry Mason 5:00 P.M 11~Gunsmoke G--Aquanauts 530 PM Hein the Law 7~bunve It to Beaver §4-The Tall Man 4=--Checkmate io PM, 11-6~Hockey Night In Canada Tlawrence Welk 52~The Deputy . BLawrence Welk Show &~Have Gun, Will Travel 8~Campaign and Cand.date 10:00 P.M, 11-6-Juliette T=Lave Thy Neighbor ~Gunsmake 10:30 ".M, Tdohnny Btaceste B= The Rebel 4=Grand Jury S~Harbor Command 10:45 PM, H6=King Whyte 11:00 P.M, 11:6:42~Newsi Weather Sports S=Rescue 8 S~Award Theatre 1:15 PM, 11=News and Weather 11~Late Show 6~Fenature Panarama Movie =Playhouse BAward Theatre I M, S=News and FBI 180 AM, #~Fietion Theatre SUNDAY 85:00 AM, f=Church In The Home 8:15 AM, $=Christian Science LI M, T=Herald of Truth S=Bar-8:-Ranch 2~Farm Home and Garden 8:45 AM, #=Man To Man 9100 AM, 11=Rev Oral Roberts 7=The Christophers & Bar-5:-Ranenh 4 Popeye Playhouse 8=Your Churgh Invitation 915 AM, S=Morning Gospel LU H=This Is The Lite 7-~The Hible Answers §=Tim MoCoy A=Ungle Jerry's Club #~Publie Service 10:00 AM, 11=The Christophers 7=The Living Word S=Christian Selence d=Lamp Unto My Feel B=Cartoon Playhouse 10118 AM, S=Industry un Parade 10:30 AM i=Rrave Theatre b= hr ma hers SUncie Jerry's Club 2-Follow the Children 11:00 AM, TTY Farmorama T~Matty's Funday Funnies S-Musical Interlude Rocky Jones AMNews S~Gene Autry 2:15 P.M Slinietine UN Film ¥eatureiie 12:30 P.M. ii=Family Playhouses T=Rogky and Wis riends B-Good 1 Me Theatre 12:45 PM, S-Newsres) 100 PM, th=Adventures of Robin T--~Roy Rogers 6 VBit Back Wilh ack" b-Btar Bowling Film Fentuie 3~Family Playhouse 115 P.M, =Queen's Park Report dU of B Football 1130 PM, He-All Star Theatre ~Premier Playhouse ~Foothall 2:00 PM, Niagara Festival Parade Premier Playhouse Good Life Theatre Cleveland Browns Foothall 2:15 PM, S=Family Playhouse v I" 7- 6 re 2 1 ' 11-6---Country Calendar S~Good Life Theatre Family Playhouse Rocky Jones 4100 P.M 11-6=Twentieth Century S--Bengal Lancers Hour of Adventure 416 PM, 2~Football 4:30 PM, 11-6=Four Cities 6~Country Calendar B=Captain David Grief 5:00 P.M, | 116~Nows | | T=Famous Ta S~Youth Confidential 4=Film Featurette 3~Celebrity Golf 830 Pm, The Rifleman Why Is It Bo News - Sports GE College Bowl Musle 6:00 P.M, 1=Bor Cummings Show T=RBrave Eagle 6=~Disney Presents B~Meet The Fress 4~Face The Nation S~People's Court 6:50 PM, 11=Ktories of the Century T=Walt Disney Presents S=Walt Disney Presents 420th Century Walter Cronkite S~Arthur Murray 7:00 PM, 116~National Velvet Lassie $~8hirley Temple Show M | | i 6 - i 2 to PM, 16~Hattul of Musie Y=Maver ek S=US Marshall &=Dennis The Menace 8:00 P.M 11:6:4- Ed Sullivan §-3~National Velvet 8.30 P.M, T=Lawman §3-Tah Hunter 000 P.M, 11:6-GM Presents 7=The Hebei §3-Chevy Show &=~GE Theatre Show T=The Islanders é=Alfred Hitehonek 10:00 P.M, 11:8 Angel 88 Loretta Young d=Arthur Godfrey 10:30 P.M 11.=8aber of London 7-Two Faces West f~Encounter 4=What's My Line 8==Phil Silvers Show Lookup 11:00 P.M, 11:76:54: 8-Nows; Weather: Sports $=Award Theatre 118 PM, 7=Late Show 6-Night Metre Movie 2-News | 11130 P.M, | ~Late Show | Rackground | 1n 6 T=Insight i Theaira $~Award Theatre CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS , Harness recing horse , Edible lily bulb (var) Fragrance Think Walk lame , Sen, Gruening's alate Female gebra . Kind of code , Bower «Sun god , Taro roots , Cook, as an eg Burning , Squander Soviet news agenay , Verb forms , Samarium (sym) , Northern India vernacular , German eity Ata distance s Far pieces 8. Route to the Pyramids Foot lever Fish. hook line 41, Swift ¢ 39, 40, 14, Hebrew , als , Sun god h¥ » Armadillo , Avold 8 Iron-cons , Beving or Jones 1 N Florida tree Qperatio melody ruler Thirst ors Newts 2, Thick ness Large colored Holy Roman soverc. na chief "furna t one i, Skin tumor . Cans Parts of shoes , Tee oream drink 1 or green taining mineral Nerth prophet 18, Tunisian I quench» handkers 2 [pierced the Welsh mist Yesterday's Answer 0 33, Thick alice German river Trust Mineral spring , South Carolina (abbr,) 35, 46, AT. | 4~Bozo"s Cartoon Slory | Book 1 A, S=Chlldren's Film | | talks. Two scenes from (he Ajax High School and Central Col legicte game in Ajax on Wed nesday, The Aj | white uniforms X¥ team in the Look a By JOHN MILLS NEWMARKET (Staff) county (Pee workshop to study lishing county county divergent as the A panel orman Pearson, director of plann Burlington governmie istration Crawford, former di of municipal affal that the he the function council! of administration offici In bet these lons was a welter of m which will he analytical study workshop meeting to discuss rec the future of and perhaps an « powers in the field of pl TRI.COUNTY MEET The worksh on eam a triscounty meeting held market me Ww i representative became alarmed eport Metro wa in its boundaries. Yo had suffered (li | | of ment the ormation of Metro and like the child that had heen burned oneo, w not anxi ous to repeat the jy As prospective enlin Metro boundaries m elude parts of Peel and Ontario counties, representatives wore in vited to share in the preliminary From those conference came the resolution to held workshop gathering and « the Invitation to a wide represe tation of each county the planning sentatives of the provineial ernment, It is reported that the provincial department of muniel pal affairs is paying alten tion to the deliberations York gathered at » the feasib b oth plannin Ie govern vel and opinions apart vo pole Spe ng at referred to count of admin Grant uty-min $1 id all municipal and work wm county e over i i iw une el veen 0 opin od ide the subject of an and further will he held mmendations on county overnment it nning tension of from in New 0 when county that consider enla county con rtormanet ement of h TUR] n is well as hranch and repre o'ose | AFTERNOON SESSION der I'he with a atternoon panel disen \ Ry TOM HARLECH REEDY Wales (AM) You've come down the hill to the village pub and now the sun ha {trip back up seems too, too tivin "Just a moment," savs the ba {man, "I'll ask Griff the Milk if he can 'drive vou up." Griff the Milk isn't but 'David the Bread available just hap he has his little vehicle he drives vou back atep the hill t your hotel, He cannot stay share your proffered hospitality and it would be rth your life to offer him money You're in Wales and tha way they Griff is the because he deHvers it is the Bread because that's he delivers NOT ONLY It takes you a to Rohin Hood times went around with such names § Much the Miller's Son Such a warm little as good an inty as any and is not p this North Sea coast pow that you ( coal mines and the tales of pov erty Those things exist been allowed ta hl things that just Feast on beauty, the ding coast below rugged bluffs that daunted even {the Romans but didn't quite keep them out. And eve he hills roll, so does the Welsh speech, a series of dis | Jealous keey Pride, « WY W 8 the Milk are what POVERTY hack when m way incident is duetion re here, fo but they have { oul finer as Welsh hills are the ling wir of ( bu other a $a Ke of national and the and David dri r gl tan MAIN THOUGHT | ) TOURIST RIFF.RAFF dl A from the better | Colleginle team, | These two teams will meet gin and perhaps Ajax will ve a better account of them- | shellacking conditioned Tri-County Workshop Hel Discuss Planning Boards moderator Mrs, Mary Fix, Panel members were J, Milner, Univer. ity of Toronto, who spoke on the topie, "What Planning Means in Ontario," Dr, E, G, Pleva, University of Western Ontario, spoke on "The Effect of Urban Growth on Rural Areas." DD. J, Bucknall, warden f Lincoln county and member) f the inter-county eommitiee, ke on "The Future of the and Planning, Norman Pearson chose as his tople "The Nature of a County Level Plan. ning Program." Following the panel's presenta tion there was a general discus. fon nd then the gathering broke un into eight gronns to study and| omment on related topies in municipal matters County The evening session was a sec ond panel discussion with Wells Ritchie, a member of Pickering! nlunning, and former editor of Civie Administration, as moder. tor, Panel members were An| thony Adamson, University of Poronto and vice-chairman of the] national capital commission who on "Planning Under the! Present Munieipal Organization, I, B, Sams, Reeve of Waterdown | ind member of the Inter « County | committer whose topic was 'The| Role of the County In Planning" | ind Professor Grant Crawford of Oueen's University who spoke on he County as a Bystem of Government," ke poke From the two panels and from the floor came a wide field of| thought which was clear indica tion that many had given thought | to a re-organization of the county system or Its abolition It was evident that the general opinion was that some form of planning was essential, but many municipalities had failed to do any either through apathy or sheer ignorance and were piling up for thelr successors a heritage of problems due to little or no restrictions in development, Other municipalities had taken full ad vantage of the planning act and selves, As it was in this game | ground attack to chalk up seven half time came without Ajax touchdowns and three converts securing one first down to their | in 60 minutes straight time, credit, The Oshawa team com- bined a successful alr and ~Photos Courtesy The Guardian By Horton part the county could establishing a form planning which would bring those who had no planning and|a supplement the work of those! who had play local autonomy reared its head! f with the comment that county planning should not be under): taken wihout representation from all the participating bodies, a course which if followed would mean in some cases a county planning board would have as many as 20 or 30 members, an altogether unwieldy hody in which to obtain universal agree ment, Further meetings will be held and from a full analysis of all the discussion changes may be recommended to the provincial government, But from this ob. server's viewpoint it will be many moons before any move Is made to make any drastic changes, Ontario county representatives attending the workshop included, Cyril Morley, Reeve of Pickering Village, Woha Sherman Scott, Reeve of Pickering Township; William Heron, Reeve of Brock Township and County warden; Anson Gerrow, Reeve of Scugog; J, Gibson, Reeve of Port Perry; John Mills, Reeve of Ajax; Russell Francis, Reeve of Thorah Towiship; John MeCrorie, Reeve of Beaverton; Karl Dowswell, Reeve of Uxhridge Township; Robert Nesbitt, Deputy-Reeve of Uxbridge Township; William Heron, Reeve of Whithy Township and William Manning, clerk: treasurer, Ontario County, g 0 e J, In this second field of | & thought the perennial obstacle of damage was done except to the United Nations penology said Thursday nations! J Damage Small To Furnace AJAX (Staff) Harry Me- Cosh of Woodhouse crescent had! {his furnace repaired on Thurs. discussions hinged around what 94Y. ; in| Workmen putting the furnace into| of county service heard a roar and a woof inland the whole shebang eaught It still needs repairing light, The fire department was calle nd the furnace subdued urnace Penology 'Methods Are Changing MONTREAL (CP)--A penolo- ist recently returned con'erence f the Western world are eriminals, ern about failure of present methods being used to deal with eriminals," said Stephen Cumas, o assistant director of the John|™ Howard Society of Quebec, In Canada, he sald, "except| for a few pockets of enlightened| experimentation we are woefully, behind some European countries ol in our program," |? He mentioned a United King dom hostel program where men go for the last six months of a sentence while holding daytime| , Jobs outside the hostel ly This program goes a long way,' towards surmounting the prob. lem of reorientation of prisoners to outside life, he said, a Rally Service At Pontypool PONTYPOOL, vice on Rally Day Ser. Sunday afternoon was d m 21 is N " w visited with| ge Wilfred Richard: tp, Loshaw, Frankford, Mr, and Mrs, had passed zoning bylaws and ob-| well attended with Rev, Georgelson on Sunday, | tained approval of official plans, | | The main thought behind the -- 'Griff The Milk ' Man Of Harlech The speech rolls out with a majestic sense of poetry, soft and courteous as a poem ought to be,| md so silvery it's evident why is on a two week vacation at her p the men of Wales can sing so well, The tourist hasn't really found Richardson in charge. The Child ren's Choir lead in the singing! {with Mrs, Clifford Fallis Organ: around again after ist, Katy Fallis, and Gary Van Dam taking the responsive read. ings, The Sunday School Children| Fair, John Moore, Port Perry, were presented with pins and certificates for attendance, There were thre baptisms, Charlie Loney, Owen Sound, | and his daughter Mrs, Hasted| and Granddaughter Dianne, Tor| lonto, spent the past week with(and Mrs, John Payne on Friday evening, Mr, and Mrs, H, Richardson, Amalda DeGrosseliers, Toronto, home here, Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Keating Mr, and Mrs, Jim McKee are|of service on some parts of the| very fortunate to be out and|n a serious accident last Friday Little Maple Grove H-S Meeting | MAPLE GROVE -- Maple S50Ci8- | Grove Home and School A [tion met at the school with presi Robert Bothwell in | s meeting were read snd 18 ed, Treasurer, Mrs, Ceell | gave her report end the | hank valance showed a credit of ers for the coming year were named as follows: rs, Manford Goodmur- phy , Bert Snowden; | Mrs, Blakely's room, Mrs, Doug | Bothwell and Mrs, Roy Bothwell; Mr, Mollin's, Mrs. William 0O'- {Nell and Mrs, Robert Barraball; Mrs, Sinclair's room, Mrs, and Mrs, Larusso; Miss Milligan, Mrs, Glen Bamber and Mrs, Ral- iston; Mr. Kerr, Mrs, Metcalfe {and Mrs, J, Hurrie, Five pew teachers were Intro duced, Four for the West School (were Miss Johnson, Miss Milli- : : Parent count was won by Mrs, Mofiatt's room snd room moth! Coull| tober 3, instead of the usual | (District Home and School Coun (ell was read spnouncing & eon ference on October Volun- teers are asked to atiend The next meeting will be held i8t the West school and will take | the form of a cup and saucer shower, for the new school cup hosrds, Sh "God Save the Queen" and lunch brought the evening to 5 close, i Mof-| Al A turkey supper will be held ot Maple Grove Church on Wed- 5 pm, Maple Grove Women's Insti- tule Win meet next Monday, . me, Ladies are asked to be at the chureh at 7 pm, in order to tour the Bell Telephone Building, The Cubs and Scouts will eon duct a paper drive on Saturday, October 7, Please tie the papers | gan, Mrs, Sinclair and Mr, Lock- wood and Mr, Kerr, who Is taking Mrs, Cole's place here, | A note of appreciation was read |from Mrs, Cole for cards, flow- (ers, ee, while she was ill, |GET PINS in bundles, | PERSONALS Mrs, R, Burnham and My, | Christy Hardy, of Beugog Island, were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Gow and family last Friday evening. Mr, Mollins presented 19 stu- |dents with graduation pins, The following students have gone on to high school: Heather Burion, Linda Fice, Sharon Holmes, Har- riett Morrissey, Rosa Prins, Rose Ann Paterson, Jane Ranphorst Linda Scott, Maureen Whalen Ken Baker, Brian Bradley, Jack Chambers, Harold Cooney, Bill Hall, Jack Rose, John Blappen del, Ronald Wilson, Elwyn White, Leonard Koenderman, A former teacher at Maple Grove, Mr, William Lycelt, was guest speaker and gave a very in teresting talk especially to the graduating class, Mrs, Howard Bradley thanked Mr, Lycett, Mr, Bothwell invited all present to join the association as all par: ents with school-age children should join and support this or- ganization, It was decided to hold the annual H and 8 hazaar on November 7 this year, ' |GET LETTER A letter from the Oshawa and Mr, Ernest Collis bagged two nice ducks over the weekend when he and his brother, Roy Col: liss, of Minden enjoyed a hunting trip with friends, Mrs, L. C, Snowden entertained at a dinner party for the follow ing guests on Wednesday even- ing: Mrs, 8, Brooks, Mrs, L, B, Williams, Mr, Jesse Arnot, Mr, and Mrs, J, Van Nest, Bowman- ville; Mr, Jack Baker, Mr, and Mrs, Norval Woltten, Solina: Mrs Sam Dewell, Mrs, Elmer Wilbur and Mrs, J. D, Hogarth, Hamp- ton, The sympathy of the com ity Is extended to the famil [the late Mr, Harry Wright, |died in Bowmanville Hospital week, Mr, and Mrs, R, L, Westaway, (Cameron; Mrs, Erie Freehorn, {Lindsay were Sunday tea guests with Mr, and Mrs, C, Russell and family, Mrs, 'F, A, Crago, nun y of who last Oshawa, | visited Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Snow: | {den and Betty on Sunday, 4 BOWMANVILLE Mrs, Robert Jarvie spent last there she visited Mr Fishleigh, who is a patient Port Hope Hospital, | PERSONALS BOWMANVILLE~Misses Verna Mr, and Mrs, E. J, Foran, are in Hospital, Misses Betty Smith, Eleanor Heard, Ruth Goheen, Barbara Brown, Margot Rankine, Marie Kent and Heather Wehbh are at. tending Peterborough Teachers' from al coliege, on Miss Joan Turner Is taking a four-year degree course at Mac. re-ex- " 3 donal titute, Guelph amining their methods of dealing Donald Ins juely with "The underlying feeling of the| conferences was of guilt and con. | Miss Mary Jewell is on a motor trip to Cape Cod, Mrs, Mary Jamieson and Mrs, 1, Jamieson left by air for a vaca- tion at Winnipeg, Man, Irwin Gill is a student at Albert training at the Toronto General horough, last Thursday, Ining his engineering course at Waterloo College, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Hester, | Oshawa, called on Mr, and Mrs, |B, 8, Wilton and family on Sun. day, The executive members of the Darlington Ratepayers Associa: | tion held a meeting at the home of the secretary, Mrs, Bert Budal, on Sunday evening, nesday, October 5, first sitting | Mrs, L, C, Snowden was a {luncheon guest of Mr, and Mrs, and Betty Foran, daughters of | 8am Castle and family, in Peter. Steven Budai Is spending this week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Budal, prior to begin. Railway PHILADELPHIA (AP) ~ The {Pennsylvania Railroad, hard pressed for cash due to 8 busi. ness decline that set in 124ay strike, Thursday the pay of 4,300 salaried em ees, Cuts ranged from 30 per for officers making $30,000 more a year to five cent for those getting under $10,000, dames M, Bymes, board chair. man of the bigeest raflrosd the US, said the salary culs "are for an indefinite Yig Last week the railroad - er nounced thet i wes laying cause of reduced business, This more 3000 employees Oc-\is roughly five per cent of is 74000 work force, Council Raps In Britain LONDON (Reuters) = The | press eouncil, voluntary watch. {dog of British Journalistic ethics, today criticized activities by (ome reporiers at 8 London hos. pital when the late Aneurin Ber (van was gravely ill earlier this year, | The council reported on its in (vestigations inte complaints from ithe Labor party at the time of the deputy leader's iliness, | The council said i regretted that some reporters thought Hi necessary to visit an upstairs (ward in the hospital to pursue their inquiries, But it added that the Labor party's allegation of "unsuthor. {ized attempts" (0 gain entry to Bevan's room was misleading (and "not borne out by the evie dence." RAFT SAILORS RIMOUSKI, Que, (CP)--Ames {dee Raymond, an insurance |salesman, and Conrad Paquin, |dentist, sailed a raft measuring eight by 22 feet 60 miles down {week with Mrs, Wilmot Prouse|and across the St, Lawrence and Charlie, at Osaca, Wh {le|from Rimouski to Bale Comeau, Delbert in The trip took nine hours, How To Be Creative And Win Success Do you think you have to be born creative to get an idea? October Reader's Digest offers proof that many people can be taught (or teach themselves) te solve problems, obtain patents, win success, You can be crea. tive -- here are a few sample brain-twisters to get you started, Get your copy of Reader's Digest today -- 44 articles of lasting interest, {ing the " Union Protests Railway Move meeting with/ 100 jobs and antagonize the pub: lie, ollege, Belleville, Miss Muriel Stevens is attend: university at Madison, is, Howard Rundle 1s taking an onor course in mathematics, hysies and chemistry at the Uni. ersity of Toronto, Mrs L, Kirkton left hy boat for holiday in Yorkshire, Eng, Wayne Hovey is enrolled at Os: onde Hall, Toronto, for a second ear, TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana: fan Brotherhood of Railway and ransport Workers (CLC), Loeal 3, has protested to Prime Min ter Diefenbaker the Canadian ational Railways' decision to ithdraw dining and sleeping car orvice from its Continental ain, The local sald the suspension in would result in the loss of] while on their way to Lindsay driver of the car, was killed and his wife died on Tuesday as a result of injuries sustained in the accident, [ The Juvenial Lodge enjoyed al corn roast at the home of Mr, | Mrs, Charlie Rusk spent the © HELP! - Need Nelp | SO DO OTHERS ! Turn to Sports Page | for further information, GE PATE ARA FA faiy Fat E HEA [KRESGE" S| EEE FOR SUPER VALUES Rubber Plants 24" to 36" high, guaranteed to grow, planted in 7 pots. This is your last chance to purchase these BT plants, 2 Stores To Serve You Better DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE week end with friends at North ay, Mr, Gordan Frederick, Peter borough, is spending a few days| Wales and that Is regarded here @nd David, Mr, and Mrs, Danlat her home here, somewhat of a blessing, If hel found such a place as this coastal town of Harlech, there'll be nol thanks coming from the town pened to finish his day's work and fathers road gorgeous to the long, smooth, heach undoubtedly would bring a swarm of motors ng tourists and flood Harlech's LOBG citizens with. money, The! council forbids it | "Keeps the rviffraffl out," said one councilman tersely, 'Money? For what? We live and work and 1 In Harlech, straight down the oad and up high are the ruins of of Carpets ~ Rugs and Auto EXPERTLY Let us restore the original beau you'll be surprised how little it 442 MILLER AVE, OSHAWA Why don't you phone today and ask about our service , , + SEGER'S RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS = Chesterfield Upholstery CLEANED ty of your rugs and upholstery, costs RA 57408 the l0th-century Harlech Castle, | dS AS > CHINESE ELM Eary Fast Growing size 100 for § 7.95 sine 50 for § 7.50 100 for $13.95 50 for $11.98 100 for $22.93 n' " MH slie - FR -- 1 GREEN BARBERRY Nardy-lew Growing 17° sine 100 for $34.95 15" size = 50 for $25.00 100 for $45.00 50 for $30.00 100 for $55.00 One Red Spiraea Shrub (2 A, size) plus Canada's Finest colovred Garden Guide with the purchase of any of the Mose - PRIVEY Medium Growth-Nardy 100 tor $17.93 50 for $13.93 100 for $24.93 50 for $27.50 100 for $50.00 FREE Pickering District High School Board NIGHT C REGISTRATION: Thursday, October 13, at 7:30 at ficharing Districs High School and at CLASSES EV SPRING TERM: January 3 CLASS REQUIREMENTS: OFFER 1960-61 m, ox Hi Ai Y TUESDAY AND THURSDAY A FALL TERM: October 18 to December 15, inclusive to March 16, inclusive LASSES h School 7:30 P.M, DRI Nights vassvsasney 42 Nights Classes will not be started until at least 15 STUDENTS ENROLL, If the average attendance In a class falls BELOW 10 STUDENTS during the Fall Term the class WILL NOT BE CON. TINUED in the Spring Term, NOTE: It will be determined after registration whether a class will be held two nights @ week or one, and on which night it will be scheduled. FEES: Payable on Registration -- Not Refundable Residents -- $5.00 1. PHYSICAL RECREATION 2, Square Dancing ot Picker 3, ing Dist, N.S) (Physical Fit. ness == Men; Physical Fiv-4, ness ---- Women at Ajox High School), Consideration will be given to any organized grou tional subject included in the Night Programme District High School) 5, SEWING POSSIBLE COURSES BASIC ENGLISH ART (At Pickerin High School) Non-Residents -- $10,00 6. BOOKKEEPING 9 District 5 yypEWRITING MILLINERY (At Pickering 8. SHORTHAND 9. SHOPWORK Advance inquiries may be made at the School Offices by Phoning: PICKERING DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL -- WH 2.4761 AJAX HIGH SCHOOL - WH 2.1 LAL) p of 15 or more who would like ony edd