18 168 cou TINS. Yi, Soventy 0, 290 | Bar-Room Preacher Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange [Tries New Idea Net Stock Close CW By HARY CALNEK iately handing them over to the Bales Low Ci'ge not C Hallie 1000 465 46 46 +1 oh 124 1% ' Cenadian Press Staff Weiter [least respectable of sorts" Sales High Low I} a.m. Ch'ge Con M and § 160 $17% 11% 17% 160 56 30 TORONTO (CP) -- --A ~Upited] "A man has ev right % 5% © Mosher 1700 199. 195 Pog Church minister says he may take a drink he shouldw be free $15 505 51 15 Con Negus "9013. 1 " 1000 have fo live "by guess and by lo go to hell if he wants, : $19 19 1 Covrand 278 16 192 10 9 : rs God" hut he's going through with! "I don't say I'll drink, But # S14 in in op Us we wz 1 ' 140 136 his plan to befriend people. inl do that's my business and I Ni TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS ! ' ' 1m, CW ge arrival ff da te By The Canadian Press Sock Sales High howl sm. Ch'ge OILS Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m ( 28, of their baby ¢ ing 8 Joe Toronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 3 GN Gas mt | He tie 10 A little sister lor Jan and Breen (Rusiations in cents unless mared §, 5% lot, xd Exdividend, xr--Ex- Gr "wo wr warrants.) DEATHS | ™ "mpusrams GILL, N.--At the Net oon ty a Ri o " Sock Sales High Low 1} a.m. Ch'ge Porter, of ALL 2B 0% Wh 1% -- aeTing , 291 Pr Demteon Sis 925 ; Toronto beverage rooms and don't have to apologize to any 345 Dome §22% % 22) bars body for it." ay 1 y » 9 Rev, Arthur Packham, 60, has! He called the attitude of tem y % » leit his United Church post at perance organizations "phoney, S'irling, near Belleville, to at. self-righteous humbug." b tempt to "bridge the gap that ex-| "You ean't single out one hu ot ANGE , Th ists and is constantly widening man weakness. 1 prefer a man Tombill a8 a8 between the church and people to get drunk than to pull a fast U Asbestos LIE who frequent beverage rooms." (one when selling a car, ir "I thought about doing it for a. "There are lois of people with : wr 107 long time," he said ip sn inter troubles who don't come fo --_--- " Auto ¥ 1% 7% Hos | " A A a / 5 y 0 105 102 '105 view Thureday, "But until now Ji church because the ecburch FLOWERS FOR ALL Bank Mont 113 S904 § oh ~ Hod 3% 2? 4 Soeur Free Hydra Ex 500 00 30 30 + bo 1 am; 632,000 hadn't the guis to do if, | doesn't give a hoot for people be fd Int Moly "I'm not going to preach or low a certain level - . aC one $i5% 45 Ont Steel 1 1 A OCCASIONS h 647 7% + Overland pr 15 "he Wh 8 ¥an Con int. Nickel = A A ' tackle anybody. I've got no sort, *"The church isn't interested fn Hower Shop. Coronation, 55 wl ' 3 4 Sgectiers 250 Jonsmith §. 90 'a1 Trustees of hostility toward anybody and them, 1's inlerested in runnifg Cine St. Y/ on . A" 3 : 0 he oni 100 ir Kerr Add | 3% 13 1 I'm not an inspector of moral an organization." i Reitman A 100 y » Kopen d ; , y manners or a reformer, | He doesn't know how'll he delivery daily in ( c ! 4 Wh --4 330 tn Roe AV ( 5 Lap "I think the church is inter- about carrying out his ides, i Eowmenvi P , 19% 40% 40 a 16% 3 32 2 . 3-714), ofter store Irs 2 LC ! 2 / 204 3 ; R U ested in what I'm doing--but! first step will be to go into a bar MA 3.39 : £375 3 0 - g % a 16 ane 0 o : un nion I'm not presuming fo pépresent and ask 'the manager and bam -- -------------- 75 2 2 / " 4d 5 Masassa 10 5 25 5 4 any church, I just want to repre- tender lo please not kick me CKE'S FLORIST 4 1 15 . Sieel Can oe 4% 6 500 6 y ia 0 19. 1B : ti WINDSOR (CP)--The Interna sent a kindlier attitude to those! out,' LOCKE'S FLORIS : 415 $2% 2 Sier Tr ris 12 A 2000 2 7 7 Mcintyre 308 #2 ih 1 lonal Union of Operating Engi- who don't live on the same! "I shall have no income, but Funeral arrangements ond fi LA Jrormett 328 . Ba oP Tad 3 2 neers has placed Windsor Local sireet as 1, or live as I live," I've got enough to last through floral requirements for oll Dow 0% 100 820%. 28% 8 Fox Dom % i 4 ' 500 53 33 53 944 under ftrusteeship, it was RESPECTABILITY NEEDED [the winter, If { show I ean help casions . 2? 3 1 305 $18 ' : . Murray M : learned Thursday, He said that unless something people, maybe I'll get help, But SHAWA SHOPPING . 3 8 4 1 Jeans ML 4 1 12 : Ama 3000 12 John R. Robinson, former busi. is done to make beverage rooms I'm not asking for it," CEMTRE ¥ b% 104 1 h + 1% N Dick 800 3 300 30 4 ness agent of the local and a field and bars thought of as respect-| What does Mrs, Packham pet. vi of tie fat. fiseh Alta G a5 $22 2 n a Im Inv 1259p 215 Bnd dear mother of Al y 0 $16% 16% 16 Inland Gas 230 Snyder) Toronto; vd, § le 25 $54 54 Int Util 2 ; Lanta Mrs bo J Fr A oma 5 #3 inter L 0 Perry, Eesting at the eae ' . y 2 9 Inv Syn A 109 Sermott-Panabater, Port > ry until : 1 % 2 p72 Labatt 7 : 0 i p : 5% 44 J 5 erion United Church on 5 : 0 43 y 5 p.m. Interment Yelverion Ponder Prove Gas Sarees EsBeondeeciBiNe FoBauuBoucERRERY feuSeiliounolustebon es tn wh Un Gas , py U Corp B 7 2 200 Sait $60 | New Hof ] representative for the interna able, Canada is in for a great | think about i? y Fuel A 60 6 amp gh plo 2 { tional, said the move followed a agedy. By thinking persons, "She questioned It very sers Webb Knp 1090 23 28) C Tungsten 1 2 Nick 5 500 3 +2 schism" within the local mak. who enter such places are notliously, . , , well, I better not Weston A 145 $3 3 / Cdn Astoria | 5 5 orand: ; 4 % + ing it impossible for the group to espec.zble "we are immed. |talk about that." He 4 4 A = a £ Poa : % 36 2 ade oo 33 °F 1, carry out normal business, - -- oy? € N inca 12 % + ar ' I 41 4 ~3 President Albert H. Doesburg 25 80% 3 : ' ' 175 $43 k bod Can-Erin f ! 3 - "+h of Local 944, however, charged " » 4 Kindness beyond price Dev i 13 3 iu 1 J i Font wi : 25 3 - eu 2700 144 i the trusteeship was imposed be- OnseiIva ives in within reach of all C Beta G 50 5 --Y > Ex 5 84 18% 184 + cause of eriticism by the local € Callinen y ' sr : of 'corruption' within the inter- -~ are 1 5 " it Bp 85 B : 3 4 0 4 2 " § k LE ; " RA 8-622¢ : Ha 3 hrs 3 TH Con ies om : ; : ,2 national union, Two Byelections TREET WEST . a : com pis Bi 2 : va - ---------------- 50--Articles for Sale i E LR By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Flectors cast 19,462 ballots' in OSHAWA | 4 i er oo EDVERTISING WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and| Lo nierest | The Progressive Conservatives Simcoe Centre, com ared AONUMENT COMPANY y : REDITORS + compared with MONUMENT SSAAPANY | CLASSIFIED RA mo "gt, A susie, Ma) wy yw maven or we | NOTICE TO, CRED) retained seats in two Ontario 16,297 in the provinctal election i ; J \ > sda al | 954 SECIALIZING IN ® [ femendous savings, dressess with mir.| ESTATE OF THERESA GER yelec'ions Thursday, but thejin 1959 and 11,118 in Timiskam. AoRgn shi re (Continued from Page 17) lar $59, spe~inl $38; walnut 2 ¥ | Liberal party picked up voles, ing compared with 10.526, Monuments, Ma £13 4 A of drawers, regular $39, reduced] TRUDE DENNIS, LATE OF IN THE ESTATE OF EDITH ncreases Philip Hoffman, 5, a retired] The New Party gained votes fo ang Memorials, Gor : 3 f to 26; Mr, and Mrs, double genuine T < i LYNCH, late of the Fairview 251 took Timiskaming in Simeoe Centre Statutory of all t . "i i 4 > HE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN , rest ranger, took Timisks simeoe Centre and lost votes Hory of ¢ pes, 50---Articles for Sale 50---Articles for Sale maple dresser, regular $129, slashed THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO Lodge, Whitby, Widow, De- OTTAWA (CP) -- The Bank of and Art Evens, 45.year - old'in Timiskaming as compared Ph RA B.3 t A B.887 VACUUM 3 all makes, TV TOWERS, 40 ft. seli-supporting |erings, regular $50, speci : 4 ' Ph. RA E-3111 or RA 8-8876 tae " guaran. hot dipped = galvanized with all |ite top desks, regular 9 WIDOW, DECEASED, wards Thursday to 1.95 per cent Centre ON FIRST TRY - . tats, Vacuum Clesner Repair Serv. teed for one vear, $57.95, Trio Televi: clearout $44.88; lovely srborile coffee : : a ho. die from 1.93 last week with the sale! Premier Frost termed the viel 5 the first IN MEMORIAM iA oe Ber Repair. gery i RA i 781 tables, regular $16.95, seven only, $6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS f ) wi died June $ attempt at ¥ - INARA -- Te Y o he Conservative part Liberal wedding dre floor length, 9 CU, FT, Norge refrigerator, in good to 9.95 : fil roof of same th ment treasury bills, I Ms ve J y ning Progresgiv C ------ -- -- : " y, values to $29.95, out they go, 84; ° ef same wi me bal Ayandd 28 40 aria gresgive ongervative ---- y i » included, reasonable condition, $60. Teleprone RA 5.1963 broadinom ecatter mats, Sli tridight ALL PERSONS having before October 24th, next; | The rate, an indicator of con. Leader Wintermeyer described party candidates, nd, A fr d YA nteric rior, $2.95 gallon, washing machine, 850; erib, 85; play- 87, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Bt THERESA GERTRUDE i ¢ ict + the future success of his party,!, at v ber B. Lov fiat, gloss |pen, 85; chimney antenna, $12. MO GHESTERFIRLD and two chairs, see-| NIS, fore of the City of Osh be distributed having regard |market, thus has checked at 1 alter the dea'hs of George #: ---- mip _hand, $35, | : A i ridings, esimated at more than Robert Herbert ? OUTHOL perfect condition, suitable de motor, 13%" sedar y ' A " broken decline since early July .." "=" iE vars | vODert Herbert in Timiskaming stained bed with for cottage, RA 5-8503, i S11 controls, lgnts and| toro, who died on or Sout Dot: 3 hi Ah day of Sep- 70 per cent by veturning officers.| phe victories restore the Cone 1435 KING ST. F -- 1855; space saver davenport, 1/ A i i spd ceased Caneda interest rate edged up (mayor of Bradford, won Simcoe with the CCF vote last year, Est nates free, channel head, installed and guaran. springfilled mattresses, slightly soiled, Those having claims against i party laa c . nee 3 Fl, A i walnut and blond end tables, plain and 10th, 1960, are required to Of $95,000,000 in 91 - day govern. tories a vote of confidence for|provineial politics for the win. CORMACK = In loving memory « A 84253 3 A 4 1 jar 3 Jins we Esta re 8 a8 & py war v - : = In I " REFRIGERATOR, $150; range, 860; floor lamps, regular 319.95, slashed to| claims ogoinst the Estate of afier that date the estate will [ditions in the short-term money! the results as a trend towards|™ phe "pucloctions were called lectrie. 8 # nly to claims then known, ast te rari > 3 The vote was heavy In both| johneton in Sime 3 Electric, 88-5480 ond hand, $35, Phone RA 8-6374, awe, in the County of One y to ) least temporarily the almost un Simeoe Centre and } i at 3 or cent A {when it stood at : 349 per cent.| nie Fyans polled 9,231 votes, 1 mattress; | capes siidio conch leatherette trim, Tee-nee trailer, All in perfect condition the = 28th day , --- 4 ting Liberal Gerry Cough servatives to 71 seats in the 98 defeating Liber: Jerr) WMER-igeat legislature, ln by 599 ballots, William Gear: poiq 22 als and Ce nls Custom: | co nsonable; also 7 ft. venetian blind. | Phone RA 5.2018 1960, are herby notified Wyo Mercury out. ly) a ! v . ar hush f 1 wash chine motor, RAI hone RA 5-9364 after 6 p.m THOR electric giadiron, extra good con send full particulars the |] D. L. CONSTABLE, Q.C. p 2 Bloor Street Eost, Toronto SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. He-|dition, 875, Aplpy 12 Burk treet. RA! undersigned, on or : ing, 33, New Party candidate, re frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, 58876 the 31st doy of Octobe AD The only incident in the elec. oul in the garden of re Ford od gl Centre for the best Anglo-Saxon ceived 1,589 votes, tions was a complaint by the y a toves, ete, For top cash offer, con-| zoom orm 1 4 EXECUTOR | | y A Dn MR RE own, New and used 4 SUPER deluxe David Bradley tractor, 1940, after which date the . | Mr. Coughlin, 43 a car sales-|m T d \ y act 19 Prince Street. Ph RA 8.1131, 225 | ' | UE ye | Timigke hast irniture, New deep freezers, ZS Piltice Sires id three attachments, $225, 965 Ritson) goo 0 iy bo distributed with | Village Found {man and auctionecr at Bayrie, | or Pe ig | i 1 and lovingly remembe; y V : / , 8 7 « t al on sale, from i. APARTMENT size piano, one year old, | Road North, | 1 H i lon that PC and New Part : An 24. [AD : 3 iawn . regard only to claims of which as defeated | > 1959 Prov: work A y facture, five year war ti00 arkway Television, 918 Simcoe GUECTRIC gullar, typewriter, adding ag Sree hall then NET EARNINGS A eh ees oi | he' 240 oe |Qotkers were riding in cars In loving memory of Ve ' food Arne i Lai aos. |machine, ike new, student desk, very jersig ' PETE R BOROUGH, England incial elections by 2. "+ _|hearing posters, and Conserva- who passed away. § N Highway, Harwood North, soran™ ron" eal table, 54" square | reasonable, RA 3-4434 have had notice A (Reuters) -- Excavations near, In Timiskaming, Mr, Hoffman jeg ware using loudspeakers when extended, reasonable, 154 Col : : ---" - Vehav his y ¥ y oles © ared with ' 4 s 4 i ONE 10 HP Evinrude motor, run 50 DATED at Oshcwa, this " » ONT v " here have uncovered the remai polled 4,755 voles compared w Roderick Lewis d nbered by the family DEL A Ford and box trailer, RA borne Street East, 2 hours, cost 8375, Make an offer. RA| 27th day of September. A.D TORONTO (CP) = The stock or ye yneove et 8 Peis M8 29s for Liberal Harvey Sd Lewis, Ontario chief SCHOVIZEID = In Yovin FILTER Queen vacaum cleaner, iwo|5-9257 after § pm, | 7960 market displayed recovery tend- 0 8% IoC Be en | Plaunt, Cal Taylor, 62, a New| 8 officer, said the prace : : camp cots, tar. years old, reasonable, Also snow tires, GNg Guerney gas furnace used four | : encies. Thursday as all sections P88 Which lave completely , | {tices were legal : a 7 ) gs Bve Y Pari andidate and a former : 7 nd Fondo Ta ATE § "ks, Tn jes 150 by 14. OL 5.4871 | months reasonable, Telephone RA 57159 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC. with the exception of golds transformed the conventional pic. Party candidate an {LEADERS TOURED av . e-- ld B bbb " Rf : in 1 | CCF member of the legislature ™% ONE Beatty washer, thermo, stainless| > Gop tor. like new, $160 E moved higher a ture of Anglo-Saxon villa» life," : 9 Bf The leaders of Ontario" i cha en ant leetr wreh Street, RA 3.7624 "ed a yi 12 CU, FT, refrigerator, ow, xecutor, ved higher amid light trad-| |," iniatm 1043 to 1951, got 2,538 voles, fy ntario's three changes { ar to year | sect tub, ten years old, $35. Apply 346) ah for quick sale. Phone RA 8-245 says the ministry of work s, (from 1943 to i2'vear » old New| Political parties toured the ride nds from dy to day, PAINTED hookenses, only 99¢ with |Gliddon Avenue, back, upstairs a "a i ond Solicitor of the above [INE 4 hoe f " { Mr, Plaunt, H A I the 0 REFRIGERATOR 'Norge' good con-| EOC 3 | On inde industrials moved! ine ffth-century buildi 1s, the |, TE GT OGG Fan In the Ings in support of thelr "candle er, $0.99; toves kitchenette suite, garden tools 424 Park Road South, * sSfeated by 1,117 vol ; A and Jim Bired au Street Evinrude motor, windshield, controls, --- --=e= 150.12 and western oils incre: ; % woo df wren | Mr, Wintermeyer spent most --gay . i s » pod ils Increased | constructed large timber houses d_eo § good condition, reasonable, Call after dish slip and were de ; 9 ¢ RICHTER or oer] i RWS RA alton. Hea | THREE five-gallon stainless steel, hot or mn | were down 61 at 480.13. Although the actual timbers Taylor Buys new party, formed between the first quqgality, regular $4.99 per dozen, | \1y ort ont ast, | Spring filled crib mattrewses, $980; | iG Cer "also rola ililer, §00d| was the day's biggest industrial] 23 feet to 33 by 16 feet and appear| LONDON (CP)~Three horses/ieader, was not available for ve chore any piece of unfinished | gGUSEROLD effects, beds, dressers, + dents' ka she 3 - ' a » RA 3.7920 or apply Pl oir p J ates P| y, ' d | ! ents d 3i4: shest aon i nephone | Vs ng Street E ahead with a gain of 57 at 480,12 {first of thelr type found in Eng 059 elections in which he was dates during a four-week cams. r i by d 17; bookcases, van 14 King Street East a 13.018 y 1954 - i daugh 1 ) Fula #0; van and other articles, Breaking up house a Va ) 0 Base rietal i ue land, show that in addition tc palgn, nlaw Ken, grandeh y , $26, Wilson Furniture, keeping, Apply evenings only, 148 Nas. |1# PETERBOROUGH Zephyr 18 HP Oshawa, Ontario, + als advanced 90 at povels previously found, well vd forged mir oil furnace, | m= et none | etwgring, cushions, with trailer, $500 19 g 5G wd of his time in the two ridings {controls Phone RA 8.5040. |ONE light duty rangette, two burner, | on icie "3p Ritson Road North al 6. Golds continued tol algo existed, | The results were a blow to the S ] 4 \ ike A ------SG-------- p 4 I feed 4 final volume for the day ' 4 4 4 oor tra wil coverings feo WIkoR owER prices Ty Towa Cori Grane SO Deverage lanks, ressonably priced totalled 1,507.000" shares com] mange wae trace Hoorn Federation ad 1heronai ts ; verings, clearance 1 + hi Lotz, ¢ ' 28 8 J y "ederation and thevCanadian ms, Many cheer. now only 83.00; baby 'carriages, mew | Col ee | pared with 1,891,000 Wednesday, [color differences in the soil, Three Horses bor Congres, . 960, ¢ hed style, ; large full pane! A Cane 'ermi » ] rig a The 3 , " was backed infaid (EL SV BS 8 earout, $10 8; sale, reasonable, Phone WA S460. | nada Permanent Mortgage| They ranged in size from 51 by Donald MacDonald, CCF playpens, Joon; whish chairs, 87.88: | condition, RA 81019 2 winner, ahead 1% at 84, Domin- fo have been constructed of posts have been acquired hy E. P.lcomment. rollers, $5.88, 0 4 eC Tae - ey sezenpees lon stores gained a point at 57|set in the ground or morticed into, Tavior at the aut earling] Mr, Ev fi Church Street [NORGE refrigerator, good eondition, ) ] #41 56 | d Into Taylor at the autumn yearing| Mr, Evans, a former warden OS er Hoot | TOK Seasons eeial Travatory Bird 30. NA Owed. § nd imperial oil moved up % at| horizontal sill beams, sales and will be trained for theiof Simcoe County, is president h Street, pheasants and partridge mounted at| t and trailer and ' | In one house, the elaborate 10. Toronto owner by Sir Gordon|of Evans Enterprises Limited, reasonable rates, - Paul's Sporting 35 HP motor and accessories, excel LANDSCAPING Canadian Celanese dropped 2% | foot-wide doorway, the regularity | gichards |which comprises a restaurant, i , 589 . i diately. N ' "R Pi > v | Richards, Please Note nomy room lots and ex {Good Wd Albert Street, "Telephone | lent sordition. mungscl nme y ONTARIO HOSPITAL at 20 to record the biggest logs| Of the posts and the general sym-| aylor's most recent acquisi-| bakery, clothing store and aparts 3 mo dreds of OURS TT en RG LL RL esren _-- ' on the industrial board, Texaco. ™Metry of the house suggested|ion "is an Irvish-bred filly by ment building, He is married Deadlines now in effect for ck of regular and pre-pasted (USED 177 and 217 TV seis, as low as COFFIELD washing machine, good RIO ' He 4 more refined building techniques oc: 3 . he others| With f hild " As afrec yardstick at|249.50 and up. Trio Television, 171 Bond working condition, #20, RA 5-3709. WHITBY, ONTA |Canada, Price Brothers and Abi-| iliding techniques po stam.Gold Proof, The others|With four children, this column: id ; and Wallpaper, across Street East. TYPEWRITER, now $40.00, also To {tii all fell #% than had previously been sus. , "po oich bed colts by Relie| Mr, Hoffman, with the departs Births, Memoriams, Cards of ! inion Store, i King West. |"Ro0MS of furniture, only $209. This pairs to all mal riters and| SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- Base metals had one of their|Pected in Anglo-Saxon villages, ||. iowinna and Cagire-Star Is-| ment of lands and forests for 85 of NKS we pla colors 1 p P| p p| | [ Po Street - ry ¥ p 3 ire 3 " y tor. ' " Thanks n colors or gay stripes. | includes chesterfield, chair, chrome set, business machines, 136 Simcoe Stree DERS properly endorsed, on etter days. Noranda was ahead] Cirevlar pits, possibly for stor years, retired to run for election, pt se » estimates, Order bedroom suite, mattress, spring, step|South, RA 8-12 | > | h 2 10) y grave § 9 AM. SAME DAY lolivery. Chair and table|and coffee fable, boudoir and. table| re: forms supplied by the De- 14; at 40% and Falconbridge was| ae. had el Jus Inte hy gavel i ON TL eri ives of Timagumds se e ) J 3 ble, writing ¢ Zs r 1 x, 412 imeoe North, |iamps, pillows, ete, $25 down delivers! |TWO mont el portment, will be received by |p 1% at ¢ up io DEATHS ? ot tan "Guaranteed Best Value!" Barons'| desk, chest, G.E. vacuum cleaner, he Te Secret Re hn at: 31 4. International Nes! five feet, grinding stones of presumably 11 AM. SAME DAY he) of Hilltop's Renta Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street|Call after 5, 162 Hibbert Avenue the Tenders Secretary om sel gained % at 47%, Meclntvre-! Finds included. b bd k ted liva loom weight, 8 3 HH ing equipment. Bargain prices. 1st] id TY - . 6630, East Block, Parliament doreuni . Pi luded ones of 0-| importe ava, a 4 ' 3 J REFRIGERATOR aprtment size, rang , Eas ck, Porcupine led g Pp N : h DIAL RA 3.3492 served basis, Hilltop Motors, 2 TT TRE AIGERATOR apriment Hae ar Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, [ons tie ea gods tons wiih 4 mestie animals and birds, pieces bronze pin and a small pair of . ised turniture. Pretty's Used Furniture LLOYD, silver white, baby earriage,| until 2.30 p.m. (E.D.T.) on Yellowknife fell % at 11% |of potter knives, corn. |shears, RS a B F Goodrich Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South like new, baby swing, oblong playpen, Xe lowanile iC & at LH § m-- RE -- a -- . . BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT APPOINTMENT in hospital glo du I, SIX ¢ complete with Mrs. R. J. Furses requ its per foot, out every need at rts and repairs for all makes ype wa 14 HP motors -- . teed recondition EFRIGERATOR -- -- X ing horse, jumper JRSDAY ---------------- |¢3 v d reconditioned REFRIGERATOR wale, new 1060 big (Pring shoo-fly rocking THURSDAY, Too Man lors and stoves, Paddy's Market, 10 cu. ff. family size. 5 yr. warranty, Chair. Apply 92 Elgin Street East. OCTOBER 13th, 1960 ¥ C pA i n. CO 3.2241 Kelly's special $199, 2 floors RA 8.5153 |CHILD'S stroller, good condition, small Ldohi Unem 1 m t ~|7% PRICE lamp sale, trilite, table and kitchen chrome table single width Pp oy en . ork ins : 3 ad - boudoir la pia ot drapes, two pair dacron panels, 664 for the Landscaping Wor Pacaim Sts SEE HOME APPLIANCES [Mitte samples and" disontineed linen, | Shakespeare. RA 5:6945. & bs 1.8010. R 14 RAS hr cluding the excavation for | ° OSHAWA LTD now clearing as low as Vi price. (FOR SALE -- Family plot for four, and the laying of Drainage ame n f1 TORONTO. (CP) gent 90 SIMCOE SOUTH Sot South Purnishings, 120 Simeve Apcatie y Goyer, Mount AWR, Teha0R- Tile, the preparation and Oo 1 1 ( 1 ( )] ) i If ol | ) lav : FOR FRIGIDAIRE FACTORY clearance, smooth top m i es i Blaciog uf ng soll, the sod a ra e thursday that or erol SALES AND SER F tresses, 220 .coils, fabulous savings, 17 1 ing, seeding an artili p tier too many | { c Al : C Vict Jon $19.08; bunk beds, eight a. 17157 ---- gal necessary to complete the loom C complete, three star special, $58; con Landscaping Work at the On- NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)~ in: 4 Re a RA 5-5332 [tinental beds quilted, 12 only, singel CORPORATION OF THE tario Hospital, Whitby, On- [George L, Wilcox, president of ( fize, crazy low price $36; roll-away cots rh N 4 (comple, weit S148 Wikony Fur CITY OF OSHAWA | tario [the Canadian Electrical Manu By FORBES RHUDE | Another contrast botween the oducts w= |G ory ate Teading The Oak Plans, Specifications, Tender | atu re Association, Thursday ¢ dian Press Busi Editor{two periods is that those who Ab 3 re readin he Oshawa 3 ons, ya a» -C08§ ag S : ban { 4 BI rs, Times Want Ads everyday looking for SALE OF LAND forms, Envelopes and Contract med low ost Japanese goods| Population growth is one of the left the farms in the earlier per : oe SaLy, rg mn yours, int Requirements may be obtain yg. 5 fada's gg most unassessed factors in the/iod went to other parts of Can- ht ow quick cash easily by calling RA 3.3492 My [A Ci e told a press conference that i o Nati ads hile those leaving far + lo place a fasten p 0 rap \ mulation of/@da, while those leaving farms ye place a fast-cash-getting Want Ad BY TENDER ed from, or viewed at Room |g 0 1036" Canada has been in. Maintainence and stimulatio [302, hlle ase Seavilg. arms IDOMINON appliances (a division of T 704 (Tower), Department ated : J . Canadian prosperity -- and per- y fii Com C {Beatty Bros.) mow sold at Paddy's of Public Works, East Block, |undate oh, products whieh aps the most underrated, {other sections of the Prairie uma oea O. emitter vant 'emplete line of The Corporation of the City Parliament Buildings, Toron® J requ Home mrodue.| We may regard population as/economy, A 5.9365 ANYTIME 1, of Oshawa hereby invites of to 2, Ontario, (EM 3-1211, (Hon. iri Pp {something which will be sup: "It may be argued," Mr. Levin m= | REN tives; most ail sizes, 83 and up| Tors for the Burchase trom | Local 22943), and may also |x ow po caiq sye/POTted by a mew industry, rather said, 'that industrialization has FOR SALE DB. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5.4343, of the following land: be viewed ot the Builders .| T° x ee n ¥ . oil \ i | than thinking of it as a force already proceeded far enough to wah bof {VALUABLE antique music box, hand Lot 8. Registered Plan Exchange, Toronto, and qt (1'® MECHNE Increased Compe opivn will" bring new industry substantially sustain the rates of carved, 00d working. order. combiote , Reg tion in both mass-produced and| | \ ip : i 8 L) + complete 99 front the Office of Mr. E, to bein growth of the past decade on its with 45 steel plates, some dating baek 599, having a frontage te ¢ high - labor content equipment|™ 8 we " 8 Mr. Earl Harris, a 10-year vets to 1064. Make offer. RA 68132. of 57 ft. on the west Roberts, Superintendent of lo 0 "oh Co country which| David Levin of Saskatchewan's own. . , eran of B, F, Goodrich Canada [STOKROOM equinment far rent and for side of Myers Street Construction, Department of . {economic advisory and planning] Mr, Levin noted an "interest:||imited, retail store Srgenizaven; board said at this week's meet. Ing rc .rsal" in the effect on the hos been named manoger of BF wheelchairs, hospital beds, invalid ond a depth of 132 ft, Public Works, Ontario Mose has the lowest labor rates of a [crutches canes: alio roliaway. meds in, pital, Whitby, Ontario fo padi oan Make) ing of the provincial govern: Prairie provinces of high freight store in Oshawa, A native of this Jud ecioa, Low rentals. No Phestment:| Offers for the purchase of A $1,500 Bid Bond and ao [kinds at costs that are ruinous ™ents' Trade and Industry Coun. Nees, Historically a handicap, city, Bai first Jord for f the als, RA 5.1644 J | the above land may be made 100% Performance Bond [to us and our industry," cil that increased population is/they have more recently been he BFG ( ol aie sel $ teens he best GUNS. ammunition and hunting sup-| on forms provided for that will be required os specified, The unemployment resulting Mot necessarily, and often isn't, acting "as a protective umbrella after se ello uit, yea ove i ranteed. plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent| purpose by the City Clerk, [trom competition shows a loss of @ Stimulus or accompaniment, ofjunder which local industrial Sh Manger Io XY r Borl She Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond| 3rd floor, City Hall, Osh- Tenders will 'not be consid- [co © ten jobs within the in. economic growth. However, in terprises are established and ef- and operating manager, EQ aw, $18 I now Strget Wout ha LL ---- owa. The closing date for ered unless made on forms | ho the Test 31 years, he/the circumstances of the fectively meet outside competi the Ontatle store Suasrviste of the polled | Lymer Aluminum Co. jan Pe ecesmorios, 00 Hb" Merury| lenders is 5 pm. DST, supplied by the Department | i, ts : Praivies' relatively' low popula. tion." \ 3 a AR "a 4 RA 8.5385 {ma Must be seen to be appreciated.| Tuesday, October 11th, 1960, of Public Works, Ontario, in ton Sukloff aml he tion, he regards it as a positive A railway representative at the| Or : TORONTO (CP) ) V0. [Cheap for cash or terms and tradedn| ond all offers shall be sent accordance with the terms Ron Sukloff, a member of the|' fdeace. He said: meeting commented: le rthur Lepine,, now on i dy se p --==== may be arranged. Phone RA 08-4733 to the City Clerk, City Hall, nd conditions as set forth |association's Ottawa consultative 'nlluence, We sald: . [WI never thought I'd see the! ia! assianment for the Kitchener | OUTBOARD motor, new Scott 3 3 4 and ¢ ommittee said legislation! "Population concentrations ap- never thought see theipeadquarters of B. F, Goodrich, | motor, new Scott 3.6 HP, Oshawa, in a sealed envelope therein. ( 1 , S8 glslatior pear to grow to the point where day when a Prairie representas| led uncha fre 1 Noy i } a fre y $ .the time to Jao" l 20" reversible electric fan, 3 spieds clearly marked 'Tender for should be passed to curb imports : . 4) ih i oy ve a beautfiul home [Phone OL 3.4836. Land" and shall be accom- A Deposit of $15.00 cash, [rom Japan, |they reach a kind of eriticalltive would sce any good a. sl | SIL " pl . om BRR agri a «| freight rates." with aluminum doors [pHHGRER gas space heater, three to panied by a certified deposit or cheque made payable to | Richard L. Edsall of Edsall Re. mass and begin to generate ac ([reight rates lows, best cally controlled, just like new.| cheque pcuable to The Cor the Treasurer of Ontario, will [search Lid, Montreal, told the[tivity on their own, They ere-| ' S rot one RA & poration of the City of Osh- be required per set of tender |annual convention that Canada is ate markets, determine its size, | | oi lity we - ii - quality 0 et price in CLECTROMOME RCA Victor, Admiral. que for ii amount edual to documents, which will be re- |in a recession but there is no!its needs and ste, us y Ri | VE uic The finest in TV, Hifi and service, 6 of the amount offered. o & fs p reaso soti , i n said to] a wn LB | hl service ih t trade in allowances at Parkway The Corporation of tha Cit funded if documents See Ie valid reason for expecting really nay population Su id hl | iouor "2 ree a sion, 918 Simcoe Street North. 8 ! of the City turned in good condition [hard times. act independently, and probably | LOU 10 | ALEX VAJDA of Oshawa reserves the right meee (Will act in the near future (on ¢ Bain Lh4 Color TV go display . within thirty days of above | ..y . um RA 3.985] 35 GAS stove, good condition. Phone ue aly 3 oe closing date, otherwise for | of the prairies) if it isn't already | \ uh . " ' 0 887 is e | " I relic BP odlem ---- TOOD le catineiaT Besa highest or not Teited Big Beet doing so, . Largest Canadian Food Distribution Co, of Reeth wt oA A OUTEOARD [ete cub uniform, Telephone RA 35670 LR BARRAND The lowest or any tender ATTITUDES VIAL {| its kind is expanding and requires a number OTTAWA (CF Liquor an ) COLEMAN space heater with fans, : ' not necessarily accepted. Mr, Levin emphasized however | f I I the § mo may bec ram MOTORS lar ° nize, dva years old, best offer City Clerk, arvest een that if population is to il this! 0 capab e salesmen, ir Arclie } : Pelophone OL 5-839 \ Sor atti Densid BS Mars nN Nn LD MILLAR CHATHAM (CP)--The Ontarlo| le: It must have the ppc. wtf § ful applicants with a keen interest in SEL. a ot the ns te FOR RENT one oll burner unit, 200 gallon ail drum, Deputy Minister, sugar bebt harvest is: expo tudes and adequate skis. | LING, MERCHANDISING and SERVICING FOOD dev nigh J " MARINE STORAGE | windows. doors and frames. lumber, USE THE Department of Public [¥MSar BE Arvest 1s. exp | The pessimism of the 1940s, for PRODUCTS. ay nigh UNE 3 | ricks, timbers, and Seal high beams. Works, Ontario {this year to be above the aver-|; c... oe "would have prevented . The nprohle 3 3 jete, 1 ie ite, To x } " S, o. lage for » las ™ bev " A tad . : . . Tbe problem. alread » and SUPPLY Ltd + mile north Taunton Village, sast side be Baile age fap Sie la 10 yeals, bit be almost any entrepreneur from|§ This is a top-calibre company distributing leading mt a visher \ COKLIN ONT OL 5.3 circle driveway { i t a Ww Iasi years rec ree i | top: i i Souiiern end of Battin island, nal SROOKLIN ONT. OL 8-364) [CTs einer re OSHAWA TIMES | foriament Buildings i atl, ed foun uronic ww produces. Tops in gpperunily for cdvancern, told the Oitawa brench of the crib, WIth TaRiIess. aRCIent © cond! SEORIR: Wrnani, | Harvesting will start Oct, 10, pforiun ty If it hung from the end § with a full employee benefit program, Fellowship of the Arctle. Esk FOR SALE tion, reasonable. Phone RA 5.8205. | __September 26th, 1960, __|was decided Thursday at a meet.|® Us hose, ai { Apply in Sid : : and mos anxious to lear from 1 |TRUCK radio, car radio, portable 4 3 rs ofl But the buoyant optimism of d: 2 hak A" aampital u# _anxi arn fr WL 3 . LASSIFIED ing of field staff members of| had AM ti age, 9 status and enclose re skimo were picking up the used Livingston Cool | ai. uaud 1adie parts, 300. tubes, tay C URBAN GROWTH Canada and Dominion Sugar (fScent years encouraged §f cont photagraph bad liquor habi's y Avingsic I$ ils hed, doil's high chair, ane in |"entrepreneural adventure." i graphe r "i . in goed condition, may wing, girl's coat, size 3. 23 Gibb More than 20 per cent of the Company | mo had to be shie en ot Cedardale Fire [Sirech Ant. § world's population, or more than| It was reported that the 14,200- | FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW § only C and ww ing him how tosh ; n, 76] Simcoe Street |PHILLIPS tare recorder, sightly used COLUMNS 500,000,000 peopl live i {acre crop is expecte i S , int. | | ) . Sime AD Bearer, 3 L000, people, now live in ur-'acre crop is expected to yield 14/stead of at each receiving point. er i an keepin South, Os jo. or Phone RA [rolls a ereritne ang xbe Iban areas of 20,000 or more, com. tons an acre, The 10-year aver-| Company officials said no WRITE BOX NO. 9? OSHAWA TIMES om him, Street west, | Ipared with two per cent in 1800,|age is 12.21, Ishortage of labor is anticipated.)