"Our conviction is that, in sub-[years, the association said. The THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 30, 1960 15 hd ' stantial sure, work has ex-| production increase aversged 15 . EMERGENCY MEASURES Wants UN Parkinson's Law [ri arn, se TEE GEA a available and to secure maxi-! During the same period, value d. |ToAccept : CL Job Changed - In Print Bureau ibough th sssociton's bref Fer declined lo M300 J . Red China didn't say so, this is the gist of With increased costs, the decline For War den By DON HANRIGHT printing bureau in neighboring|the theory expounded by C.\in physical volume of such or- anadian EASTBOUNR, England (Reut.| (, Press Staff Writer Hull, Que. Northcote Parkinson, British eco-| ders as greater than the values ers) Sir Andrew Murray newly-| OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern-| (The buresu was the subject|nomics and history professor, His "0 ® What happened to the Warden? teresting to know the plan in Giocted president of Britain's Lib- ment was told Thursday that its|of an inquiry by the Commons|second law is thai expenditure COST QUESTIONED That common impression of a fel-| operation in Ontario County |eral party, called Thursday f3'|national printing bureau is fol-{public accounts commitiee inlrises to meet income. While we. ove 10 we' more low with a tin hat, sandbag, first! The fact that warden responsi-ithe admission of China to thez| lowing Parkinson's first law. 1958 to determine how $17,000,000! 1, 1958-50 production from the printing done, as taxpayers we aid kit, shovel, etc. {bilities are mainly pre-attack and| United Nations, The contention was made in a was spent on the building.) printing bureau was $9,122,714, an|question the wisdom and As far as present planning jo rescue Josi-attach, | is big con- rath YEWhition gig Ihe savers prief to Acting Slate gestetary The association added: increase of 75 per cent in five great cost of uncontrolled expan. Emergency Measures goes, sideral in this 3 4 "'Balcer by the Graphic In doesn't exist any more. Why?! The rescue service is organ {UE into the Common Market| 3 io. "Accociation, comprising | Most of his operational functions|ized on a three platoon basis of group van vine by an over private printers who are com- of World War Two are almost|iwenty-seven men each, with a of competition from the non-existent. However, all his pre-| Company Headquarters, making j Queen's Printer. Take a g lass ses attack functions become the solela total strength of eighty-six, ering Township. Tt Is hoped 8| yee than 10 per cent of the responsibility of the Rescue Serv-| The Company is permitted by|total of five companies will bey reay's rising output is for Par- ice. financial arrangements with Pro-|formed in the County, This is 8 jiament, the brief said. There has k i f There are conflicting views on{vincia) Headquarters to have proximailly one trained peseste been flood of folders, pamphlets, ta e a tw st [Lo] iemon ene this within Emergency Measures equipment and a truck for onelman for every 400 population, |reports and books turned out for Organization, with the result, the platoon and the provision of oper- In addition fo the rescue trgin-|government departments and : Ee ! i the sole . ling, special instruction will be pranches. i Wardens service raining has su: Stoke) pmo, Cho SUL respon 5, each member so that hel vy take a couple of ice cubes... i P - and more writers, edit The Army's stated views in this| As this is a costly business, this|can act as neighborhood advisor| Wipf relations personnel Command are that Wardens are County's organization is built on on Emergency Measures and bey © "5 0 vired to maintain this ; i : RS Yetohe Dli orking|s0 known by his neighbors, His hove, : h : , = ste, Te rl oe J, LS EE i 12 am mn Lg mn of POUT ON real DELILE] vermouth. f - ion it wi king f " recautions to take a 13 ' --- In this situation it might be in-jCU® Jldtouns working sit oa. prety prior to an Jack. The the current production efieets . : y oe AND You DON'T HAVE T0 WORRY sha the abo . ise is that knowledge ore- ild- to tify new . 4 Livestock ment shared from the above men prow se is event casi a build-up justify the pew just by itself.. . ABOUT THE Hw AL J HAD This, but for the small cost of thus the warden $s fu COLD UST all lved makes for a rea-| Industry, men's clubs andl the y | omably a fe» ih dg Wen gn are being ap- o HELP! . Need Help THE ATTIC INSULATED 4 the rescue training scale of equip- sonnel, Turn to Sports Page Wonderful news! And your family will be Review well dispersed, based mainly on proached to recruit further per-| SO DO OTHERS ! on the rocks oes ment Brochures and informatiers on} TORONTO (CP) -- The light There are enough trained res- becoming a member of this pub-| for further 2 glad to hear that YOU just arranged for numbers of good and choice cue personnel in Oshawa for the lic service organization is w@vail-| z : : in i Ww steers offered sold actively at organization of the 1st Company able from the EMO Odfice,| information. : 7 Y OUR attic insulation from BRO N S prices strong fo last week's close and a platoon strength in Pick-|phone RA 51153, f i f; LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, Now's the time tt tari lic stockyards esotdtebihiac -] : : md at the Ontario public stockyard and enjoy | Vs malt ; : to prepare for winter and with our fine in- this week BY, Jet Yer | sulation your winters will be warm , , , your I heifer quality was only fair with summers cool , , , and your fuel bills re- prices mostly steady, Fed year . 7 / \ X 7; H Ii ctively at firm! RAG R/ 77 duced. Stop by today for your free estimate, bofs Sued tec ot op For Complete Details On " Ae | poy today fory cow and bull prices were mostly ? b 2 : 7 f steady. with replacement cattle . I i dls z \ G J | ¢ $1 per hundredweight lower on| Th F Al AA Cla 5 a fair demand, ese rine N77 WV / | or a modern step- Genuine calves sold at firm] : ; | y : | prices with runners, heavy 1 ; £5) / g J saving kitchen enn roughs and beef calves slow and| ) hard to sell. 2 Oo see us this week. Hog prices closed $125 cents re ' Y [+5 / x lower for the week while sheep , ' > ) E32 Z aX and lamb prices were steady Cattle receipts, estimated at! Ab 6,600, were some 2,800 head less Y 4 Nh +s : fi than last week and about 1,100 Y " 7 Aw Our sturdy roo ing head less than the same week in 1959, Receipts from western Can- ntact 2 Zi ARS i ada totalled 207 head, down 569 Co es = 7 A SE will end constant from last week I = . ¥ Sy ; . There were no shipments of ' =H " leaks and mainten- slaughter cattle to the East, and | 4 > no exports to the United States | é a, ! ance demands. Slaughter cattle: Choice steers . 3% $24-24.50 with odd tops fo 25 | Fh good S285; Jetiarm on 3 er Ne FREE ESTIMATES . , FRIENDLY SERVICE common 14-18; good heifers 20- . - y 7 = i ny ot ts 3 Exclusive Agent ¥ lis . + « BUDGET TERMS 23, medium 18-19.50; common XC. usive gen ; a J i ie - = | | BROWN'S LUMBER 25-50 with odd tops to 26; good I Ep a 22.23.50; good cows close al 18] 2 - r with odd sales to 16,50; medium | Bottled In * ; re . % & SUPPLIES LTD tia commen "050750 | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Co eanner and cutter cows 10-13;| - 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH good heavy bologna bulls 17-17. 7 ¥ 50; common and medium bulls, QE ca FANE DIAL RA 5-4704 OSHAWA, ONT, including heavy, fat beef bulls 12-16. Looking For A New Home? Compare Before You Buy! DRIVE UP AND SEE THE Open For gr i n How To -_" Get There: North on Simcoe St. to Rossland Rd. . on ii, a a - East on Rossland to the Daily From 4 mr, "| MODEL HOME 1:30 bo 9:00 y _ | = = Tae 5s i . Just follow the signs Regular bus service now available te the corner of Ritson and Rossland Roads LOCATED AT: 619 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. NORTH Built by HARTWIG CONSTRUCTION Company Limited [=~ "Quality Built Homes For Long Term Value"