2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 29, 1960 | Dentists Told 4 f i oa \ # i sda's top dental suthorities took| R gammy "Must Catch Up' OTTAWA (CP)--Four of Can a close look at their profession Wednesday and decided that "dentistry must eateh wp with | the world sround" i Canadiens : sre to be provided with adequate | service in the next 20 yesrs, ® the last-day sessions of the d day Canadien Dentsl Associal CASTRO LEAVES FOR HAVANA Tre four panelists addressing four- on convention here were RB, G, Ellis, dean of the faculty of dentistry gt the University of Toronto; James McCutcheon, dean of the faculty of dentistry st MeGill University; J. W. Neilson, desy of the faculty of dentistry st the University of Manitoba, and W J. Dunn, registrar-secreiary the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario, In separate talks covering the shortage of dentists' assistants, technicians and hygienists, they found that immediate steps fo improve recruitment, working conditions and (reining are ne cessary, 'Scout Movement | Transport : By ROBERT RICE Canadian Press Siaff Writer OFFAWA (CP) The trams portation royal commission has issued a tight schedule for hear ings aimed at hitting its self-im- posed Christmas deedline op completing public bearisgs, Still to be resolved is the tricks issue of how to figure out whe! it costs the railways to Western Cenads's grain crop to} export terminals, ! "I hove we don't get bogged down in the quagmire of ra matical caleulations that many us don't understend," said MacPherson of Regina, when the new speed-up schedule was is | sued, It set out the sequence of briefs and cross - examination! Commission Hearing Schedule Set will wrap wp Ms submission on genergl railway problems which was balled Tuesday alter the commission supported a CPR ob jection sgainst any reference to costing matiers, After cleaning wp this submis sion the wheat podls are to pre sent their second brief on the cost question itself, DIFFER WITH RAILWAYS Prairie interests and the rail ways are at odds over the eos! issue, The railweys, wsing gb siruse equations, electronic com puters and complex statistical of Commission Chairman M, A procedures, claim that they are sing about $70,000,600 a year ir hendling export grein treffic a reight rates pegeed by lew at the level set in 1899, The Prisiries dispute the eos! {Red Cross nurse hes wom prejse Earthquake Nurse Praised TORONTO (CP)~A Canadian for her work in the esrthquake- stricken Agedir, Moroces, ares, the Red Cross snnounced Wed- nesday, Marcelle Maille of Montres! was lauded in a recent letier to External Afsirs Minister Green from the British ambassador to Moroeco, The letter seid Miss Maille ar | rived "when press interest in the! earthquake was beginning 10] evaporate, when most of the teams pssigned to the reseus operations were going home, but vhen. nevertheless from the med- ieal snd pursing point of work there wes harder Mf less exciting! work to be done," "Miss Maille was the only nurse of the Canadian and United Kingdom teams in the camp," the letter continued, : | i tween Richard Nixon and John INTERPRETING THE NEWS TV Debate Has Little Effect By HAROLD MORRISON (where errors were male snd Canadinn Press Siall Weiter (how taclics ean be improved, Perhaps the most striking fea: undoubtedly edvisers to the twe ture of the television debate be-|candidstes now sre busily en | gaged on a similar Job, Kennedy is that i apparently, has still left a grest mony Am. ericen voters 8s much in doubt 85 ever on the choice te be mede on election day, { Before the event, nations! pulse - takers reported thet the! two fast-moving contestents for! president were running neck-and- neck and there was some pre diction among American com: mentators the television show! would help fence-sitters leap to Repubtiean or Democratic terri-| ry. Apparently nothing of the kind TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS "Miss Maille could have re- took plece, While random polls! turned to Canada st any time, showed thet a few persons favor: | hut since she had volunteered for (ing one candidate decided 10] three months, she felt she owed switch Lo the other, genersily the it to the organization she repre |hour long spectacle ly sented not to leave until her term to confirm the viewers' previous ehzice, was up But, the pollsters say, 8 great for two three - week sessions-- caleulations and conclusions end one from Oct, 11 to gbout Oct, 28,|0pnose a CPR-CNR proposal fo: followed by 8 Nov, 725 session, 8 federal subsidy on export grain | shipments, |ALBERTA TO START Alberta will start Oct, 11 with its submissions on railway and Smallwood Fights RA 8-6201 . Miss Maille left Canadas for freight rate problems other then the costing of grain, The com Agadir March 5, remaining there number of Americans still Woodworkers DRAPERIES {haven't mede wp thelr minds until July 4, {how to cast their ballots, To meny of these voters, the join! television appearance msy have heen revealing in some ways hut apparently there didn't seem to be enough contrast be'ween the two men fo sway the bulk of the undecided, ! The advantage for the candi.) Kiwanis Elect District Exec. WINDSOR (CP) --- David Me ' ' tions general assembly this | Best Weapon week, would return fo the | United States soon, ~(AP Wirephoto) Soviet airliner provided, he seid, by the Russizns, An pide said that Castro, who had de livered a marathon four- address before the Upited Na- Cuba's Fidel Castro delivers 8 few last words over the microphones at New York's Idlewild airport today before taking off for home ahoard a mission then will turn to briefs| ST, JOHN'S, Nid, (CP) -- A OTTAWA (CP) ~~ The world (rom the CPR and CNR on rail-|longdistance skirmish between scouting movement was 8e-lyay operations other than the Premier Smallwood and the seribed by its leaders Wednesday ousted Internationsl Woodwork as the greatest wespon with ers of America (CLC) appeared {which to assault the harriers of to he brewing today after a lon: nationalism and racial prejudice, period of near-silence on hot Members of the Boy Scouts In | sides BROADLOOM INTERIOR DECORATING |grein traffic | The November session Is to be |devoted to western submissions on the costing question, Prison Revenge- Bad Uniforms OTTAWA (CP)--Prison guards want the tailoring of their uni-\moded, and in short a disgrace the Canadian automo'ive indus- for the opening of the 12-membe forms taken out of the perhaps vengeful hands of prisoners, The Civil Service Association of Canada Wednesday night passed a "poorly manufactured, out to the penitentiary service," Investigator Meets UAW WINDSOR (CP) -- W. Bladen, a one-man royal com mission appointed to investigate try met Wednesday night | | ternational Committee were The grain trade, however, first The exchange between the pre- Gruer of Montreal Wednesday COMPLETE Dr, Vincent 8 way with governing unanimous in their praize of the| |8,500,000-member organization as| "lo get hoys out of their| tight national skin," | Dr, They admitted that the com- leaders of the United Automobile nual meeting, told reporters missioner of nenilentiaries agreeing to provide better uni Workers (CLC), George Burt, director of the resolution that "penitentiary forms for the matrons, had left| UAW, said a proposal on Integra- officers' uniforms be made bythe design up to them and they tion of the Canadian and Ameri outside Industry.' One penitentiary delegate said "some of the prisoners don't like ws' and the fit of some uniform was bad The prison delegation also made a plea for better uniform for matrons at the penitentiary at Kingston, Canada's only women's prison The present uniform was More Pedestrians Killed This Year TORONTO (CP) --- Pedestrian deaths in Ontario traffic accid 2 in the first eight months to 198 from 174 in the eorresponding period last year, it ouldn't make up their minds what they wanted, The resolution asked that the penitentiary commission solve the problem by providing "specifications and style," Other penitentiary service res olutions asked for: Overtime pay a hetter deal on expense money, transportation allowance, 2 furlough after 30 years service; more pay, sick leave, drinking water snd sanitation fa litles in guard towers, optional tirement with pension after 2 days Ie years' service, Speeds Up was announced Wednesday E, J. M, Hughes, director of yvehicle accident statistics, said the number of drivers killed was unchanged from last year at 240 and passenger deaths dropped to 197 from 237 There were eight motoreycle driver d to Aug, 81 this year, half the total to the same date last year, ths NEWEST ADDITION TO the the General Motors 'line of cars is the four-cylinder Pon. tiac Tempest, available as a station wagon (shown here) or 'Barbecue Pit' Bomb Shelter VANCOUVER (CP)--About 30 workers on the project passed|Nelms said Wedn {Company demonstrators picketed the offi celal opening of a nuclear fallout sheiler display at the cour house grounds here Wednesday calling it "a ridiculous barbecue pit that could be destroyed with ick of dynamite." Acting Mayor Earle Adams told he demonstrators they would be shot if they made theli protest in Russia and said he be lieved there was a strong Com muilst element in the group, The shelter was built by mem bers of the Junior Chamber of Commerce from plans recom mended by the defence depart ment, Ald, Adams told the group: "We would all like to have the ator bomb banned, You should present your banners in Moscow, The only trouble is that you would probably be shot," Several angry women, who said they represented no organ ization, milled through the crowd denouncing the shelter, on one Wirephotos NEWTON, Mass, (AP) = The Raytheon Co, Wednesday an nounced development of a ne electron printer tube which the firm said will be useful for in plant transmission of drawings printed records and photographe|© at high speeds, four-door sedan, Built on a 112. inch wheelbase, Tempest is powered by a unique engine | which was ereated hy adopting | the regular Pontiac V-8, leaving . | tion plant at nearby Douglas) Point, P, R, Stratton, engineer in charge of the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission pro ject, sald all but one of the 606 the picket, ean su'omobile industries was informally discussed, : The proposal -- along with an- other asking investigation of a the! 100 per cent Canadian car--will|to time, he presented to Dr, Bladen dur ing public hearings in Ottawa, Mr, Burt said would result in "more cars al lower prices and more work af igher wages," He termed inte gration a highly-complicated and involved proposal, "We think Canadian automo hiles will not only be able to de- fend themselves at home," he said, "but once again make them elves felt in the export field," ! Po General Motors of Canada, Limited, today introduced the unique Pontiac Tempest, a com pletely new car featuring a four: ylinder engine, The Tempest, available as a gedan or station wagon, was de § matie offer { medate six passengers | luggage in the big rear deck, out the left hand bank, It Is the world's first car to use a front engine-rear transmission arrangement, RC Group Quits Hospital Plans OTTAWA (CP)----Mayor George esday the Little Mary, a Roman of § tribution scouts would he the better rounded men of tomorrow," Bengt that even behind the Iron Cur- tain, where the movement is pro hibited, signs of its latent setivity can still be observed from time Dr, Paul Koenig of Germany| have said scouting helped solve the! is offered as an option, Both are|e integration) German youth problem after the mounted at the rear wheels with! io Second World War, | SPECIAL SQUAD LONDON (CP) Scotland Yard's new car thief squad, CIO, went into operation this month to combat gangs which stole ve- hi worth more than £3,000, 000 in 1959, ntiac Tempest Complete Car signed to preserve the perform: lance of a big car yet deliver the econoray of a small ear, Among Tempest's engineering innovations are a front engine rear transmission arrangement that provides ideal weight dis for independent four wheel suspension, Power is trans. mitted from the "engine to the transaxle by a newly-developed| drive shaft that virtually elimin. ates the floor tunnel, The four: eylinder Temnest engine is adapt-| ed from Pontiac's big V-8 and 1s| available with either a synchro. | mesh transmission or an auto transmission, A light weight V-8 engine is also avail able, 112. INCH WHEELBASE The 112-ineh wheelbase Tem pest features design simplieity, The front end has an eye-catching twin grille with dual headlamps, integrated with a sweeping bumper, Upper portions of the Tempest excellent visibility as well as enfry and exit convenience Tempest can comfortably aceom Generous provided for storage has heen The Tempest has independent | suspension at all four wheels and equal weight distribution through |the front engine-rear transmis |slon arrangement, INCLINED ENGINE The 195 cubic inch, four-cylinder Tempest engine, inclined at 45 degrees, is available in five ver. sions, ranging from a one-barrel regular fuel engine, developing 110 horsepower with synchromesh transmission, to | premium fuel engine rated at 158 horsepower for either synchro. | | CLANSMEN RALLY EDINBURGH (CP) --Only 100 Campbell clansmen attended the statement last week by the leader| Mee Hossem Banal of Tran, here|clan's rally at Inverary Castle inlof the y| Argyllshire this month, The Duke decertified IWA locals in New: body's three-day an. ©f Argyll, chief of the clan, es- foundland after the bitter 1 timated there are 1,000,000 Camp. bells in Britain, Junker of Sweden said] transmissions, This engine has a Falls by Bterling Thomas, chiel two-barrel carburetor and de-| | the top rated four The standard Tempest trans mission is a manual shift, three: speed conventional synchromesh, while an automatic transmission] the differential carrier to give perfect balance to the entire ear, | Joining the engine to the trans mission is a curved torque tube panies of firing loggers who show! passed, The that houses the flexible drivel; ' halt, making possible the nearly flat floor and serving to suppor! drive shaft hearings, The 5 Inch diameter drive shaft is manufac tured of high grade alloy steel and is specially manufactured for high fatigue life, WHEEL SUSPENSION Contributing greatly fo mier here and TWA District 2|wes elected governor of the On- {chief H, Landon Ladd in Toronto! tario-Quebec-Maritime distriet of anperently was touched off by a uniop that renlaced two ; 950] loggers' strike, | Both commented Wednesday) night on 8 statement in Grand f of the 12,000-member Newfound |velops the same horsepower as|land Brotherhood of Woodswork-|8armia ers, Mr, Thomas sald the gov-| ernment - sponsored HBWW has! "secret agents" in the woods to check on the loyalty of members, | specifically watching for any log: who might be planning tol in the IWA in its renewed of.| forts to get organized In New foundland Mr, Ladd accused logging e ympathy for the IWA, He said 22 dismissals followed spying hy "secret agents" hired by NBWW, Premier Smallwood, who played » *iajor vole in the forma: tion of the NBWW after the IWA strike, commented that the agents are not really spies the "They're counter-spies spying on the | Kiwanis International, The 1961 ting will be in Quebee City. | Elected lieutenant «» governors) were; Thomas Smith, Norands, Que, ; Gordon Weedmark, Oitawa; Wil- son Gemmell, Peterborough; E mer Weaver, Trenton; James) Wright, Collingwood; Glenn Kil-| mer, Brantford; Dr, Arthur Post, 8t, Thomas; George . Marshall , 4, R, Andrews, Sault Ste Marie, In desling with resolutions en executive committee opposed 8 suggestion by the Port Hope Ki- wanis Club that Ontario integrate retarded children into the present |dates is that they were able to reach a vast audience at one time, Networks estimated that perhaps 75000000 viewed the discussion, | Both candidates showed them. selves to be somewhat inhibited by the eameras, They appeared) a little stiff, a little nervous; sol much so that Nixon at one time) found himself making the stun! ning declaratin of "getting rid of the farmers" hefore he corrected himself to "get rid of the sur pluses," Three more of these national TV debates are to follow, Just| as a foothall coach reviews film of the previous game to see SERVICE PHONE RA 8-468] NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET educational system, A resolution asking that school authorities examine the problem om.| 8nd make recommendations was resolution will be sent to the Canadian School Trus- tees Association end the Ontario School Trustees Counell, A committee spokesman said -- 7 AT MARKET that to merge the education of the retarded with thet of the| normal child would ereate "ha-| voe' in teaching methods and in| crease present costs, RA 1564 46 SIMCOE ST. N D, A ¢ OSHAWA FIRST GOVERNOR smooth Tempest ride is the in-|IWA spies," he said, The NBWW/| dependent four-wheel suspension would be "awfully sleepy if they The first woman governor in RED & BLUE BRAND BONELESS & ROLLED a four-barrel, |e The exception, he sald, was a Catholic nursing order in Chi | y stewart of the United Brother! ©2880, has finally rejected the mesh or automatie transmissions, hood of Carpenters and Joiners.|!dea of building a new hospital] The Tempest four is basically Mr, Straiton said the Operat. Ottawa with the help of mu: |the right hand bank of Pontiac's ing Engineers Union claims op orators of rented construction equipment should become union members, The Douglas Point site is on Lake Huron midway between here and Port Elgin, which is 25 miles southwest of Owen Sound. Death Sentence 'For Murderer TORONTO (CP)--Ronald Wi llam Dunn, 38, was sentenced Wednesday to be hanged Jan. If for the knife » slaying of his estranged wife Christine, 84, las May 28. An Ontario Supreme Court fury| was out 2% hours before return. | ing the verdict, Dunn showed nol 1 {with the aid of a $1,000,000 elvic|of all components, nicipal funds, The order had planned to con struct .a 250-bed hospital her [V:8 engine, The engine design | makes the best use of underhood| apace, resulting in easy servicing | grant, but withdrew the offer when a controversy arose over|V-R EN E AVAILABLE the question of elvie funds being| Also available in the Tempest turned over to a private organiza. Will be a 213 cuble Inch, regular lon, fuel V-88 engine for use with both {synchromesh and automaite he thought the J ury returned a system that cushions the unitized hody by an ideal combination of co!l springs and shock ahsorbers,| IPifteen inch wheels give excel lent road clearance, Standard tire size for the sedan is 6.00 by 15 and 6.50 by 15 for the station wagon, Wheel dises and wheel trim rings are optional, | The 112-inch wheelbase Te, has an overall height of 53.5] inches for the sedan amd 54.8 inches for the station wagon From bumper to bumper, both| models measure 189.8 inches, 15 EXTERIOR COLORS Fifteen exterior colors ar available in durable Magic Mir ror finish, with a total of 57 pos sible two-tone combinations | Sedan interiors are offered in 14 trim combinations in check weave, color fast cloth, with| Jeweltone Morrokide panels, Op tional for the sedan and standard for the station wagon models are interiors of solid Jeweltone Mor: | rokide, Each Tempest has a foam| front seat cushion as standard equipment Tempest steering wheels come in five different colors, with eus tom steering wheels available as a separate option or with the in terior decor group, A reflection free instrument cluster dominates Tempes!'s Instrument panel, Re cessed within the hooded portion of the panel are telltale indicator lamps for parking brake, temper: ature indicator and oil pressure indicator, Turn signal and high beam indicators are opposite eae! other on the upper part of the cluster, INSTUMENT PANEL An automatie transmission con trol lever and indicator are built in'o the instrument panel within 'asy reach of the driver, A spa- cious panel eompartment and right and left fresh air ventilator controls is also provided, The| upper part of the panel is painted a darker color with non-reflective paint for driving comfort, An in. | pest | strument panel cushion for added nroteetion and attractiveness is available, | Other Tempest accessories in. elude windshield washers, dual speed wiper blades, air conditions ing, power steering, radio, heat.| er, back-up lamps and a luggage | "proper verdiot,' Defence counsel had sought a manslaughter conviction on the ground that Dunn's mind was "earved away by alcohol" when his wife was clubbed and stabbed in her central Toronta home, Police testified during the tria' that Dunn gave them a statemen' five davs after the slaving in which he admitted hitting his wife over the head with a wrench and later stabbing her, The statement sald Dunn drove Blacks MEN'S WEAR LTD. carrier for station wagons, didn't sters' camps Mr, Bmallwood repeated that there isn't enough room in New-| foundland for his government and | the IWA, which first drew his! wrath in its strike against the Anglo Newfoundland Develop: | ment Company, The strike was climaxed by the death of a po: lice officer during a riot with log. gers al Bedger, Mr, Ladd charged pended loggers automatically lost! thelr jobs, He sald the IWA is considering possible legal aclion New Union | cheek up on IWA gang operating in the woods | the 16th century, the sus h the history of the Americas was Dona Brites, of Pernambuco, in Relax in Comfort TALLY-HO ROOM AIR CONDITIONED JOHN A, OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL 8 BOND ST, EAST, RA 3.4811 Goes To Court OTTAWA (CP)---The case of a London, Ont,, train engineer whe is the founder of a new railway brotherhood and who refuses to pay dues to his eld union has gone to the Supreme Court of On. tario, Fred Hill, through his solicitor, J, D, Wentzell, is challenging the union dues agreement between the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Bro'herheod of Locomo tive Engineers, | Mr, Hill, founder and organizer of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Running Trades, which is challenging the engineers union for the right to bargain for Cana: | dian tralnmen, was taken out of| service by the railway because] he allowed his engineers' union] DRIVE TO Beau Valley TONIG Did You Know + 4 In the main Dining Room eof the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have @ Full.gourse Dinner for ONLY 95¢. STEAK or RUMP = 19 FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED--5.6 LB, AV, BOILING FOWL .39° R. J. LUCAS RINDLESS BREAKFAST u §9° BACON PLATE BRISKET . 23° CANTALOUPES ... 19° FIRM GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 2 . 29° 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS NO. | NEW BRUNSWICK h, ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS ® POTATOES 59: ib. AS 11 QT. BASKET PRIME RIB , SIRLOIN, ROUND, T-BONE 44 MAXWELL HOUSE Cut From Red Brand Beef ED BRAND BEEF in, STEAKS: COFFEE "This is a most contemplible/emotion when sentence was/the knife into his own stomach GRADE "A" SMALL SIZE hoax," said Mrs. Ruth Bullock oi! passed. North Vancouver, logical preparation for a third world war, This thing . Is flimsy and stupid when you con sider Hiroshima." Solo Picket Blocks Plant KINCARDINE (CP) man - picket representing local 793 of the operating Engineers Union took a stand Wednesday on 38 road to the site o the CANDU nuclear power sia A one the act "It's psycho | Mr, Juste -- e F, H, Barlow sald after the slaying, He recovered in hospital, 1] | F. RICHARD 136 SIMCOE N, The Examination of Fitting of Contact Le And Glasses Children's Visual Training For Appointment Ple EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT BLACK, O.D. AT COLBORNE eyes nses ase Call RA 3.4191 At 7 p. Will Close Friday Remain Closed All Day Saturday IN OBSERVANCE OF THE HEBREW HOLIDAY m. and LEAN MEATY BLADE LEAN MEATY SHORT RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET STANDING 6th & 7th PRIME RIB 39 39 49 39 FRESH PORK FRESH PORK BUTT IC LOIN FRESH SHOULDER Leg of Pork ¢ lb ¢ Ib 45 39 39 39 KLIK 12.08, BREAD 2 = 39° order $10 to $20 -- 25¢ anywhere in EGGS ox 35° CANADA PACKERS Sle CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE Loaves Delivery Service Shop for your 920 and over Free "a have it delivered oy 40 $10 -- 33¢ Oshawa Under $5 «= 45¢