hmm ------ E-- TTI Ei Woodbine Season Dietenbaker Ends Saturday TORONTO (CP) -- The most puccessiyl autumn meeting Ww» the history of Old Woodbine race rack will conclude Saturday with the rusping of the $1000 Autumn Handicep end the $7500 Miss, g Ihree-year Displsy Stakes Racing then will move to New Woodbine at suburban Malton for Monday's opening of the final 46 doy meeting of the Canadien Facing season, The auiumn handicap Is the traditional closing - dey feature of the 24-day Old Woodbine sea son. This will be its Sith run PDE. In the pest the race has entry, . been wor by such grest horses Kitty Girl, g six-year-old mare Edi- owned by Larkin Malogey and #0, Gaelsman, Display end Sun Conn Smythe 8s Exterminator, My Dear, Beau. The 1959 winner was Strong boy, owned by J. E. Frowde Besgram, of Waterloo, Strongboy will run sgein on double of $84.40 Parents Hire Road Patrol LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- Follow ing unsuccessful appeals for 2 lower speed limit on a Westmin- ster Township road, pares Wednesday night decided (to hire 8 man to patrol the road, He will be given a uniform and paid by the local parent-teacher Besociation to supervise children using the road, it was decided gt a PTA meeting Previously house wives had threatened to harricade the road with pots end pans. One painted i her "slow" sign and another laid out 8 cable to imitate a speed trap, Electric Plant Out On Strike STRATFORD (CP) -- Workers at the Brliance-Reeves Master Limited electric motor manufac turing plant here went on strike Wednesday after a dispute with the company over wages and seniority procedures The 46 strikers, members of Local 550, United Electrical, Ra dio and Machine Workers of America (Ind) walked off seven days after a conciliation report was handed down, The report recommended a 10 eent wage increase this year and A Seven-cent increase next year in a two-year contract, The ba sie rate now is $1.28 an hour, The company opened its Strat: ford plant last March after moy ing part of its operations from a sister plant at Welland, Still without 8 contract, the workers here are demanding the same basie rate of $1.80 paid at the OFTAWA (CP)--Prime Minks ter Dielamrker Wednesday ius trated bis faith thet the Upited Saturdey end pnother [OPmer ooo." Sill meet what he has winner--Kitty Girl, wilh WOR gecorined as its greatest test, the Autumn Bendicap WB Wh~ "po vorcduded sn address to the also may be entered In Wednesday's racing Chic old filly ridden by John Adams, SCORES ooiury Persian poet. Alte her eighth victory of the seas. For Vice 8 on beet, A A 8 with 8 1¥lengih margin OVer| fusiering light Piegel in the $0200 Netti Stakes To feel bis way along & gusty Handicap, right, Only four entries went 10 the sion" Sots the world; again, and yet seem, post in the petti. There was only win, place ard quinelia WagerIBE: whe Temp shell be by fits of passion slain; chout the current UN assembly as Skinpy Mipny and Plaga) were coupled ps a W. B, Beasley. pos shall not he who sent bi The other starter Wes "oon, 'the door Wn Belight the lamp once more, end yet once more? Church Builds Headquarters wm! TORONTO (CP)--Purchase of a site for a new headquarters building for the Presbyterian) New Arena Needs Chureh in Canada was author | Hockey Team, Show ized Wednesday at the inaugural meeting of the church's pew ad LONDON, Ont, (CP)--A spe- ministrative council, cial eity ecommitiee told It was decided to exercise an) Chic Miss paid $3.90 and $2.10 and combined with Piagel for a $640 quinells, A crowd of 7977 saw a dally posted when County Tiger and Queensyale won fhe first twe races, was ic Wednesday a senior hockey team Option on 1 1-4 acres of land in| 28 vill he the Flemingdon Park area on 2600 000 coli- Eglinton Avenue east of Don city, Mills Road at a cost of $100,000 of Plans are to he made for a told three- or four-storey huilding to senior house offices pow scattered In hockey three separate locations in Tor: would onto, and a trav jce s essential for the #2 seum proposed for the Robert Croshy, manager the Kitchener Auditorium the epliseum eommn tigge 8 or minor professional ea and the ice show Nam iit the operational cost of The EOURE il will decide later liseum when a start is to be made on Croshy had heen asked to the new building . advise the committee on the pro-| Pongld L, McDougall of Tor onto, chairman of the building - leommitiee, said a legacy of $600, 000 from the late Col, Waller | M [Gow of Toronto will enable the) u a 0 an |ehureh to underwrite most of the cost | Hurt In Crash across Canada are meeting in the new administrative council under STRATHROY, Ont, (CP) ~ A chairmanship of Dr, J, Lesliel Buffalo man was injured Wed- King of Gall, It is the first time nesday night in a triple rear-end women have heen re presented at cresh involying two cars and 8 (his level in Preshyterian Church! tank truck carrying propane gas. government, Bix are in atlend Firemen were called out in ance, he cr wie simi Barn Fire Burns Crop of the cars, was admitted to hos pital with possible neck and side injuries, ' On Railway PRINCETON, Ont, (CP)~Fire Wednesday destroyed a harn TORONTO (CP)--A Canadian|containing most of Raymond Ov: National Railw a y 8 spokesman|ington's tobacco crop and caused said Wednesday three private damage estimated at $50,000, firms are testing automatic rail-|Hired hands saved 20 pigs from 0st, Forty men and women from Rutomation session with this poem by a oth Here " A {ma Conedion Dental Association SeEms wmost 199 god 19 f predicts ise men's conscience beers small reproach, Compered with the|PIoRe political sophisticiation Conga, Nigeria gleams ps a shel of hope amid the dark cloud of NEmol in Africa, haidly apybody| Prospects Good For Nigerians By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Stall Wrker LOBULON (CF) ~ Niger sikuies pernaps the fuss beicese of "thought - owt freedom," carefilly prepared Loroneh seven is on the verge of in |VERrs of negotiation with Britain ! Potentially rich, F, Here the Whilklsn outlook end endowed with sue: thet once supplied dave traders {wich their raw material pow con jot least at the wpper Jevels--N genie 16 an awakening Zant thet cowld be a peeew 5 African evolution, Independence deys dawns Ball ight for the new Commonwealth wrdey, The feeming territorydin which skins of ebony and co RORSETY RIVE those of paler be, fee color wl far ovinwiher Kwame Wirwmel's e [ i joint, We the most Bopions Ne / | in this hoppy, Syne icowmisy, whose peovie | "The chaos in the Congs lec) 0 Hale Ww iRo chance of repesting Masel § oH (oor country' seve DF, Deemd | monty to Sistah Nigeria's his be: 1 : ug (+4 prossfr a" ATE, Goyer (eral designate who Wes worker! wi some 00 of the popwiation in North America ps Gishwasher, ore MMricsns, miner end clevelor boy, With Les lerger than British Colwmbia, wesith," one Canadian ound ofl out there! Nigeria has 95000 099 FOUR epilation of the Perron | hel grovps, The men one its 272600 square miles [He Ihe i pcked inio the prmpht of British FEEOR, he Toinbes In the wes West Africa, Nigeria 16 a shade) wha the Thos in the cast "I'S BR NBKRODR loited|\6F, they con be fs diferent eel word of fantasti ene Swedes and Beliens towrist, tld & reporter, "They've evens Hopes bout one « sixth of the total] continent of & nose oi Hy he word, There Js wo lorge wien freedom reed, A TRPIRSERIRE pA the rorthery in temperrment and hearse The Ait gunk, Most British bificiels » wEpects Wn the / : is may be ofiset by pos. [Bet that Nigeria ts fer ahead ily because of pride in the wey he Congo IR IFRIRIRG Hs WR Alrics, It dwarls Ghana, the first the United Kingdom government ImRsToions, Yegrn African member of the hes pureed Nigeria (0 independ | With their ommonvesith, end it may putlence--predict pt least shoriAerm the need for pri CEGRY, BICEE WM ERY COTS BH DPR TRERER (RGR WEE. Those who see possivie tro hand sess We PORE b yairies end the tiansierence 6 | power to # B ment," oF BREF ER Ched Ei WR Mey RY. be TepIEseRtaty oh the EMeIpng mids Many of the oid British evi cul'y of Iusing such Giversity Iniservemts mre resigning H CONRLEY where pre because of Gissptisiretion sions sometimes rn Wgh 16 an (uivie people | RROWIEARER proRem, Begry esipihis new Classes part Hi th # wd federe! system pné the thiee regions THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, September 29, 1960 13 7. IWR 8 herness, the pew lend: 8 Bie key lo seer gies of HEE POARiGs RE Tet, A leaders pay tribiie to Bribe HE Ear, thovgh sometimes relia to resist on oblique rele ence (9 past "erions" by edhe piel ners, Nigeria is B country of Leng, Hor end Ereiment, RE WETIGN. RE 19 puisders ps (he Indigo wed robes of Hs people, (Bk gccrsions wm the with, they press wis service ind of public re'ations RoWR RE the "prase Singer, whose function ls to precede the Emir Wn # Process on, Raveriise ing the boss man 19 the erowd = a Hon or hull elephant or some wher powerhil animal way equipment on a section of the barn, hut 29 kilns of tobacco CNR track near London, {and 800 bushels of grain were He said the exact nature of the destroyed putomatic equipment Is not) Princeton is 18 | known, west of Brantford, miles north: CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1, Blond B, Hit 0, Walt 10, Binds 12, Change 18, Addi» tional 14, Employ 16, Comply 17, Japanese measure 18, Exist 10, Boothe 20, Bummer color 81, Miss Smith 82, Young of the herring 28, Demo» eratie and Res publican 41, Extras ordinary PEFEOR (slang) 42, African viver DOWN 1, Untrue 2, Before (prefix) 8, Winter hazard 4, Change the course Bb, Pittsburgh product 6, Viscid 7, Likely 8, Miliew 9, Paint badly 26, Region 27, Do not (eontr,) , A Chrigts mas gift 20, 01d World Yizard 80, Jewish month 82, Letter 83, Manuface tured 84, Wing 85, Bird 87, Checker pleces 80, Frighten 40, Assumed name SAFETY LAW Pillion passengers on motor: | eycles and scooters popular in Bermuda must not be more than 16 years ald Fines F ollow Club Raid WOODSTOCK (CP) = Lloyd Tucker, manager of the Wood: 4 | stock Golf Club, Wednesday was fined $50 and costs on a charge 20, owing of violating the Liquor Control 11, Peter and Paul 16, Mixed 19, Ves uvius outs ¢ Act, d+ A RlElS]S TIE|| The charge resulted from a por 22, Storage % lice rald on the club two weeks cribs Yesterday's Answew | 280 in which 178 pints of heer 28, Supplies 20, More and four bottles of liquor, three food rational were 84, Vener 80, Beaweeds guelan 81, Game figh river #8, Bog 26, Native 84, Indigo VANCOUVER (CP)--8kin diy- of 86, Forbid vers have recovered 500 pounds Kansas' 88, Asian of fittings from the wooden capital river paddle steamer Beaver, firs steamship on the north Pacifie Ocean which was wrecked at the entrance to Vancouver harbor in of them only partly full, seized, HISTORIC VESSEL OUTSIDE POINTS BOWMANYVILLE, Ont, MeGREGOR'S HARDWARE LTD, DRAPAK HARDWARE, 1124 Wilson Rd. South, OSHAWA DEALER | OSHAWA WHITE AND SON, 1300 Simcoe St. North QUTSIDE POINTS BOWMANYVILLE, Ont, ABERNETHY PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King Street West PORT PERRY, ONT, PICKARD HARDWARE, Queen |Phone: RA §-5253 |MsEULLOUGH LUMBER €0, LTD, [1270 Simcoe St. North, Abi ne: RA 3-3011 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BRANCH, 16 Bond St. East, RA 5.1362 EDWARD'S HARDWARE, 13 Garrard Road FLINTOFF HARDWARE LTD, 13 King St. W HARRISON KINSMAN HARDWARE 337 Simcoe St, § QUTSIDE POINTS [KAS Hk bly BROOKLIN, ONT, | Phone THE BROOKLIN QUTSIDE POINTS ORONO, ONT, AJAX, ONT, {AJAX HARDWARE, ROLPH HARDWARE, Centre, Phone: 143 FRA ALY WHITBY, ONT. WHITBY, ONT, MasCARL HARDWARE (WHITEY) ATR Whitby Sh | Phone HARDWARE, pping Plaza, WHITEY HARDWARE LTD, 113 Brock St, Soulh Phone: MO §-3340 > i 4 # 8 "I solved all my pant decorating problems with this SUPER KEM-TONE OLOR HARMONY GUI PEI BEM a GaLaR HARMONY Gauine Here's how this wonderful book works for you... E" At last you have the ultimate In easy-to-follow color selection systema, The Buper Kem-Tone "Color Harmony Guide" tells you what goes with what at a glance ,,, supplies aver 1600 pers feot calor harmonies for paint, furs nishings and accessories, It's full of excitingly beautiful ideas ta follow for rooms with present fumishings, er rooms to be completely redecorated, Firat, you tum to the colar index, You'll find scoves of colors arranged in "families", Select your new color op one which matches your carpet, linos feum ov furniture, Then turn to the page indicated and you'll find this color harmonizes with ethers showing through the eut-out section, Keep on turning the pages for more lovely hare monies to go with the color of your choice, Be sure to use Super Kem-Tone for your walls and Kem-Glo enamel for the woodwork, Super Kem-Tone is guaranteed washable and Kem-Glo looks and washes like baked enamel, ~ BORROW IT FREE FROM YOUR KEM Bs -- mE AER 4 LAER Emm" ) ™ UR a i 1 lw FRR DURABLE W ' NRANTERG Wasa THE MERA E Ramey For Kites Beatties wad Faas Whikhoot RE al BUY WITH CONFIDENCE WHERE YOU SEE THESE SIGNS