The Oshawa Times, 27 Sep 1960, p. 3

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| J | i | | SECOND SECTION PAGE NINE Council Approves 2 Works Projects Winter Works Program On Third Plan Under Study OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1960 GREATER OSHAWA YOUTH FOR CHRIST | ing the conclusion of the parade | E. C. Corbett, J a Rally will be held at Sim- | Church, Whithy; W, A, MeMil- coe Street United Church at | lan, Free Methodist Church, 7.45 p.m. Rallies will be held | Oshawa; Thomas J, DeFoa, at alternate weekends through- | president; Steve Zurba, Direc. out the fall season, The new of- | tor, Osha Youth for Christ; ficers of the group are as fol- | and Rev,' N. F. Swackhammer, lows: Seated left to right: Rev, i First Baptist Church, Oshawa participate, At about 2.30 p.m. Saturday the floats will proceed down Simcoe street as far as the Band Shell at Memorial Park Their route will go on Plans were discussed for next | via Centre street to King street Saturday's parade at Alexan- | west and on towards the Osh. dra Park in which 17 floats will | awa Shopping Centre. Follow- Members of the Greater Osh- awa Youth for Christ attended the season's first meeting re- cently at the groups' headquar- ters located on Warren avenue G. Fi A Faith Baptist | Standing, Smith, James Aldous, Edward Badashafsky, Jacob J Zurba, treasurer, Two projects for a winter | works program were approved! by Oshawa City Council, at al special meeting in City Hall, Mon-| day night, These projects | provide about 14,500 man-hours of work for Oshawa unemployed, The estimated (otal cost of the two projects will be $66,000, More than $432,000 of this cost will be paid by the City of Oshawa, The remainder will be paid by the Federal and Provincial Govern- ments, in their winter work left to right: Mel Homes, secretary; George aser Bell and Mendal Smith, ~Oshawa Times Photo Says Steel : Board, Architect To Meet v grants | A third proposal, to have the fi-| nance committee consider the ef- fect of a debenture issue for a project to provide an additional | 25,000 man-hours of work, was| also approved, | | The proposals were made by| CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi. ALDERMAN BRANCH "ll SIDEWALKS PLAN of Works, The meeting had also! The third proposal, left for con been attended by the chairman sideration by the finance commits and superintendent of the Board tee, involves the issué of a $200, of Park Management, 000 debenture issue to cover the cost of additional storm sewer program, This would be about 25 per cent labor, Mr, Branch said the sidewalks were suggested because last year there was an unusual number of requests for them, He said the amount requested had to be de- layed, "We thought we eould start early this year, providing winter work at the same time," he said, The 4500 man-hours of work will provide seven weeks work for 15 men, Work In the second project is to be done on Baker Park, North Oshawa Park, Horticultural Park, Mill street, and Hillsdale The first project approved was! an additional 10,000 lineal feet of| widewalk to be installed this year, | The total cost will be $36,000, The labor content is estimated to he 25 per cent. This means the labor cost is ahout $9000, In the winter works program, the provincial Government pays 25 per cent of labor costs, The federal Govern. ment pays 50 per cent of labor! costs, Seventy-five per cent of the! labor costs, in this project, is $6500, The remaining $2500 labor | cost, plus the estimated $27,000! material cost, will be covered in| Slows Job On School Work on the addition Adelaide McLaughlin School was not proceeding as it Id Trustee M, Brown told member of the Oshawa Board of Educa tion at their meeting Mond night Trustee H man of the buildi committee denied minded the board that tract for the school was not ed until July 25 and that ing to the contract the was actually ahead of The contractor had A contract has been awarded to Hoy Construction to remove the house at 229 Albert street at $250 by the Oshawa Joard Education meeting in the board room of the O'Neill Col- leg and Vocation Institute Monday night Furniture has been chosen by the Board for the board room and committee room in the new ad- ministration building after a visit to the Brampton Board of Educa- new building. A report in- cluding the different items of fur- niture was dra up by special mm chairman, Father P Coffey, and adopted by the Board The Board decided to take a up for steel, he said econd look at two kinds of pan R. H. Lunney; supervisor 1l available for their new building and maintenance said poard room before making a fin. the contractor had taken it upon himself to test every piece of steel before using it in the con struction of the building The chairman of the Board Trustee G. Fletcher warned that the Board should be fair in mak- ing complaints, It was unreason able to blame the architect and contractor for a delay if they were holding construction up for reasons of safety But Trustee Brown was persist- held cost of to the/d co of of should be ate ay Armstrong, chair- g and planning th He re the con tion accord building schedule been ( ttee held ol elling al choice The Board authorised Trustee Father Coffey to investigate five additional items for the new building, a cement walk from the parking lot to the entrance, of fice space for a truant for the secondary schools, carpet or vinyl tile floor in the commit: tee room, a door hiding a sink and a coat rack from the com- mittee room and provisions for| ent. He said it was obvious to him|™aPs in the committee room, | and the people living in the neigh-| The Board decided that the! borhood of the school that little category placement of secondary work had been done in the past/5chool teachers in the revised| few weeks. [salary scale be determined ac- Trastee G. Drynan said a good cording to the provisions of the deal of argument would be avoid- OSSTF cer ed if the architect supplied the Feb. 9, 1960, Board with a monthly report as $50 MONTH the Board had suggest d. | A sum of $50 per month will be paid by the Board to R ". . school for Retarded Children Fund-Raising Plan Is Due Coin Club T mare a Use Arena Commerce is launc, 1960-61 season fund raising ca The Oshawa Coin Club, at its September meeting, announced paign this Saturday with the first of two "gasoramas" it plans to operate during this Jaycee sea- that arrangements had been com- pleted for the club to hold 'its meetings at the Oshawa Chil- son. Jaycees will be on duty at Don dren's Arena, The meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 21, will be held Down's Texaco service station from 7 am. until 7 p.m. Satur- day, pumping gas, checking oil and washing cars, All the service In the banquet hall of the arena, station proceeds for that day are. The tremendous interest evi- turned over to the Junior Cham-| denced in the club activities was indicated by the large increase in membership since the club's formation early in the year. mher of ber for its operation of the sta- tion This will be the second time Junior Chamber members have become one day service station operators and will be the first of two "'gasoramas' it 'will hold this year. The Jaycees will work on a three shift system to he sure that each member has a share in the work, and to be sure there is an adequate staff on hand at Down's service station to give Oshawa's motoring public prompt and effi. cient service all day Saturday. During the evening much dis- cussion was heard about the methods of collecting, various coins, their rarity and value, A nice collection of Canadian coins was dispalyed by J. Hodges. A collection of ancient Roman coins, recently acquired by W, Myles, also attracted close atten tion, A re-issue of the Maria Theresa Thaler was made available to the club by the Royal Coin and EE. Stamp store in Oshawa, This coin is dated 1780 and has been struck from the old dies by the government of Czechoslovakia in Dr. Wm. Tossell {an effort to obtain dollars for I S k | other goods, S pea er | The club extends an invitation Ito anyone who is interested in UXBRIDGE The importance collecting to attend its October of having a well balanced farm meeting and participate in the management program was stress-| activities of the club, at the home of Mrs. the Cerebral Palsy School uniil more generous payment can be considered in the 1961 budget The Board decided to allow public school home economics and industrial arts teachers to make purchases of supplies up to $5 a month and to submit vouch ers for their expenditures through the superintendent of public school education to the business administrator. A senior student of industrial arts at the O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute, John McLen- nan, will give drafting clas at the Oshawa Central Colle, Institute until the regular insiruc tor recovers from illness, the Board decided following a recom mendation by the principal of OCCI, H. E, Murphy, of The superintendent public On New Collegiate Plans liott, reminded the Board that re | servations should be made shortly for the conference on curriculum development to be held Novem- ber 10, 11 and 12 ASK PAVING The Board will recommend to City Council that the sidewalk leading to Dr, F, J, Donevan Col- legiate on Taylor avenue west to Farewell street be paved Authority was given to the busi- ness administrator to dispose of old pianos replaced by newer s/ models in the schools, The Board will meet the archi- tect for the R, 8, McLaughlin Col- legiate October 6 to approve the inal plans and specifications for the projected school The OCCT anditorium will he used for a Youth for Christ rally Holds Meeting BALSAM AND MT. ZION --| The Monthly Women's Associa-| tion met on Wednesday afternoon bags Gates. Phe meeting opened with the fication chart dated President, Mrs, Lloyd Wilson, in : i he chair, Mrs. Richard Day led in the| devotional part, Mrs, Lloyd Wilson introduced trip to Russia, which was very in- spiring as well as educational, It was decided to have a hot turkey supper in November, Plan the church for anniversary, All enjoyed refreshments, The Mt, Zion anniversary will {be held on Sunday, September 25, All Who have followed the at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. The ser-| vice will be taken by Rev, G, Lit.| tle and the home choir in the Drunk Charge Is Reduced {of A drunk driving charge against|daughter, Mrs. Lorne Jones and|!!! be in a cast for two months, | Cyril W, Slaunwhite, 31, of Oxford street, was reduced to one of impairment, when he appear- ed in Oshawa magistrate's court Monday, He was sentenced to 10 days in the county jail, His license was suspended for a year, Three police officers testified Slaunwhite was drunk when he was arrested in the driveway of his home, late on August 25. The doctor, who examined the accus ed on the night of his arrest wouldn't say he was drunk, "He knew where he was and could co- ordinat his actions, He was also able to walk 'the straight line." Mrs. Slaunwhite testified her hus. band definitely wasn't drunk. Magistrate F, 8. Ebbs said he wouldn't hesitate to find Slaun- white guilty of drunk drivi except for the testimony of the doctor, The accused had heen convicted of drunk driving at an l earlier date, 639 ed by Dr. Wm. Tossell, OAC Guelph, when he addressed Pasture Improvement held on the farm of Mr. Lloyd Smith, Port Perry, R Mr Smith was the winner of the 1960 Ontario County Pasture Competi- tion, a Meeting o Hillsdale Members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, following their luncheon meeting at Hotel Genosha on Monday, gained intimate details of the facilities provided by Hills- dale Manor for the aged of Osh- awa During the meeting Rotarian Douglas Johns, superintendent of the home, explained some of the features of the institutions, Later the service club members were privileged to tour the building and e, at first hand the modern ap- pointments provided by city coun- cil Mr. Johns stressed that Hills dale Manor is not a hospital. Ra ther it designed to care for people over 60 years of age wha are unable to care for themselves in their own homes. The rules sel up by the province make no mention of financial assets as a t qual on for residence It was explained that a rate lof 3.50 per day has been set as Dr. Tossell also pointed out the importance of establishing high producing hay and pasture fields of using good seed mixtures proper seeding methods, and the maintenance of a high fertility level for maximum production Mr. Lloyd Smith, host for the meeting, outlined his crop rota tions, seed mixtures used, and his pasture management practices that led to his winning the com petition, Mr. Joe Lanthier, Thornhill, the official judge for the Ontario County Pasture Competition, com plimented all the contestants in the competition this vear, for the very fine job that they did. He also reviewed some of the more important points on the score card that was used for judging the competition Mr. Ken Fallis Branch, Parliamen Toronto, an 1 s th had to do with weed control in pasture. s¢ is Field Crops Buildings Rotarians Tour Manor |the charge for this year. This figure may be revised next year after experience on costs is as. certained, The home, Mr. Johns said, is capable of accommodating 204 people. Facilities are provided for 50 special care cases and 50 bed. care cases, The residents can take their meals in four dining rooms' with 75 people being the capacity of the main dining room It is planned to set up a hobby or workshop, complete with tools so that residents can keep them. selves occupied. A sewing room for female residents is planned, Articles made by the residents will be sold and the money raised will be used to boost the home's welfare funds The auditorium will accommo- date between 225 and 250 people while there are five separate loun ges in which, television sets, don- ated by local groups, provide en- tertainment morning, Rev, Little will also) preach in the evening with Alan] Clark as soloist, : Congratulations to the Mt, Zion "Kennedy" baseball team who won the Ontario Intermediate "D", Championship on Thursday night at Brooklin against Mac Tier, The Mt, Zion baseball team was started seven years ago and ntere y ty league the|the guest speaker, Mrs, E, Buzek, entered in a community and of Glen Major, who spoke on her at Claremont by Manager Lorne Jones and coach Ralph Jones, In 1958 they entered OASA by the late Cliff Johnston, but only made it to the semi-finals, so this s were made for decorating Year in their first championship|sentence, to give his broken leg under their coach Ray MecLel- lan and manager, Jack Bond. A vote of thanks is extended to team and gave their support The ball team was entertained on Saturday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Gibson Uxbridge The Mission Band held their bazaar and tea on Saturday in the Sunday School room, The pro- ceeds amounted to $40. Mrs, Morgan Evans of Clare- mont spent the weekend with her family, 2 Injured In Collision Three people were slightly in. jured in a two-car collision at King street west and Thornton's road, Monday at 8.30 p.m. Dam. age to the cars was estimated at $650, The driver of one car, Gwen neth May Browne, 42, of 12 Lloyd street, RR 3, Oshawa, suffered shock, a stiff neck and bruises to her left hip and knee, A pas- senger, Jacqueline Browne, 14, received a bump behind her right N8 ear as well as bruises to her right | arm, leg and foot, Michael Browne, 9, got a stiff neck, The driver of the other car was |Gerald Fudge, 27, of 212 Dove- dale drive, Whitby, An estimated $525 damage re. sulted from a three-car collision on King street west, at 7.45 p.m., Monday, One car was driven by Ronald Fred Foskett, of 54 Dun- das street east, Whithy A secone car was driven by {John Vincent Delorme, 61 Ken. neth street, Oshawa. The third car was driven by Charles Fel legi, 301 Dundas street west, Whitby, No one was injured. Return Man To Jail Henry Shilling, of Rama Town- ship was let out of jail a bit early Saturday, only to be jailed for another 10 days on Monday, Appearing before Magistrate F Ebbs for being drunk in a public place, he said he had been on his way to the county jail to get his belongings, Sunday, when he got drunk The magistrate sentenced him to $10 or 10 days. He was unable to pay the fine. Shilling had just completed : term of two mionths and 20 days 'in the jail . @ nis of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth. days today: Teresa Stepinac, 785 Col- borne street east; Mrs, Ada Trehern, 204 Hillside avenue; Lloyd Parker, 166 Stevenson road south; Lynda Barnard, 441 Glendale avenue; Reg Allan, 357 Adelaide ave- nue west; Fred White, 198 Oshawa Blvd, south; Sally Sykes, 200 Central Park Blvd, south; John Davey, 182 Mus- koka; John Clancy, 33 Ade. laide avenue west; Lynda Schneider, 324 French street: Wayne Lepp, 416 Rossmount avenue; Alvin Y : Wayne Alderman Walter Branch report. | debenture issue, This project will| ling from a joint meeting of the Provide 4500 man-hours of work, | an Ballet | Plan d e finance committee, and the Board| The second winter works proj- [ p " we eet will be jo level and hi four ing, se derma pet its a shawa parks, at a total cost of ker, e Board of Parl ans Performance New Stud lov. Sth about $30,000. Labor content inagement, said this was work that [this project is expected to be 70!nrobably wouldn't normally get {per cent; or $20,000, So the gov-|done, However, he said, "the The lawa I to handle the Park. Work involved in the parks includes thinning of trees, levels ling, filling, cutting weeds, brushe na Y Of French Classes Seen The subject of French classes for elementary schools will be taken up by the Oshawa Board A Education during the next meeting of the Board's manage- ment committee, This was re. ffirmed at a board meeting v nu 2 | pi londay night held in the hoard he room of the O'Neill Collegiate on to bring this bal. @nd Vocational Institute, : A letter has been received bv {ernment will cover about $16,000 parks board is very interested in of the expense, leaving the other| providing man-hours of work for $14,000 for the city, |the winter program", Convention Funds Low, Board Told [1.000 this year to $4,000 and had {been able to save on convention expenses because the major con. ventions had been close by this year, | The chairman of the Board, | Trustee G, Fletcher sald "It is of this moment Board policy that it is an open procedure and I don't think the chairman of the finance committee or 1 have the right to deny any trustee the money to go to a convention, | | 12 of the Osh mmitiec ippearance of The let in the city | { the chair. id, The first | Board members of thé Oshawa Board of Education were told at a board meeting Monday night that the money set aside for con- 4 the Board from Dr, C, H .Vipond, ventions was almost at an end, } --. a former chairman of the Board) Trustee W, Werry, a member oot Asking that the Board reconsider|of the finance committee, raised Its decision to discontinue the|the point, teaching of French; | Trustee 8, SBaywell, chairman of Trustee M, Brown asked wheth-| ie finance committee, said there! |was only enough money left over {for trustees to go to Brantford next week for the public schools { | avenue; 9 Montravi to the June company wa |reached t iments for their O wa {ance were made during the p |summye The Board of Director |of the Oshawa Little Theatre felt |that here was an opportunity to : [bring top quality ballet to many |€" any thought had been given iy to advertising for French teach- Oshawa: son road south, The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four » week period, The cur- rent attraction is "Girls' a resident who seeing such fine "The Company ward to the ison with eager anticipation," said Robert John, son, general manager, "Not on is this eur 21st season as the old. ape yon ot est continually operating ballet he B or ot strongly eriti J anv Nor rie | 0a e company in North America, but zed by Trustee A. E. O'Neill. dancer is looking for. Trustee M, Sparkes said he/up that was that, thought there should be a mo.| Trustee Sparkes repeated his tion that the Board keep within/motion that the Finance Come |its budget for conventions, mittee should be supported fo | Trustee Saywell said the Board keep within its budget and the had cut its hudget down by almotion was passed, he Sev NAMED ORGANIST The many friends and ad- mirers of James Mayhew will sked| be interested to know that he had accepted the post of organs ist dnd choirmaster of St. George's Anglican Church, Owen Sound. Mr. Mayhew de- lighted many concert goers with his beautiful solos as well as his capable handling of the organ and choir in Simcoe Street United Church while R. G, Geen was away on his examination tour last spring. He will return to Oshawa. in November to play a concerto with the Oshawa Symphony GIRL ESCAPES CRASH SOMERVILI NJ. (APA runaway truck carrying a three- | year - old girl, Brenda Jones, | Town" and "Nowhere to Go." Reports on birthdays will be received only between the Phone RA 3-3474. Asks Tim i our tour will take us into Eastern elze | | 3 e [Canada for the first time in six Here we go again, You de-| | years." |elded something in haste and are ) " To Allow in leisure," he | y 2 . 3 *hastized his fellow members. Aug, 22 and dancers returned ® from summer engagements that| Trustee G. Drynan and Trustee had taken them to London, New| Brown denied his allegations, First Sauarebriggs, of no fixed|as Pretoria. South Africa. |trustees' decision and the super-| ble address, requested a reformatory| The Company will leave Winni.| intendent's report, "I resent| rus ees peg on Monday, Oct, 3 by pri. Trustee O'Neill's charge, It is un. (time to heal, when he appeared|vate hus and truck and give their true and should not be allowed| In Oshawa Magistrate's court, |fj,st performance in Fort William [te 20 unchallenged," he retorted. Over Cage y | eam la charge of being drank a 3 pub [elude stops at Toronto, Montreal Hiscussion should le scant que lic place, It was his third offence; St, J ' Ne and and taken up when it was sched. ( : this year, a pinky kp BE for in October, A request by a basketball team|end of the year if it was in finan. Magistrate F, 8. Ehbs sentenc-| Je 2 p " rom | ---- ( 0 8 C-lmove the Company to and from tion into "overtime" Monday] A discussion ensued as : in the county jail. This sentence/up most of the engagements and night at its meeting in the board Whether next year's Board could automatically sends him to the|they will perform an average of| oC {room of the O'Neill Collegiate be Sominitied of a Secision hii | reformafory, |one performance for each day | and ocational Institute, It 1s kind, and was finally de. the| . " on crutches. He said he didn'tlawa appearance occurs just be. Hawks Basketball team, asking| committed to wage scales and like being In custody. "However, |fore their three-day stop at To. that the t be gi special| PAYments on buildings, an item I have no money and no friends. |ronto , aL the team be given special ofthis kind could well be passed ; | . consideration specifically that Fray chin 4 the $10 fee it paid for the use| Another discussion ensued as to after which my leg will need ex- announced that a contract has Pay i |ercises. 1 have no choice," he(been signed with National Con. Ie ane of the Donevan auditorium last Whether the Board was set on [ said, cert and Artists Corporation of| year oy Wot the slew one of $20 making a profit when it fixed the The maigstrate asked Square-|New York to tour the Company! Officers for the ensuing year|" Diet. |" schedules, Ton Ca | aH ' d if it wanted to consider|thing was intended ment for alcoholism. The accused (1961-62 season The tour in that|of the Oshawa Rock and Mineral Board : | 8 ' i | replied in the negative, but he|country will include Minnesota, | Club, The meeting was held at the team as a special case. | Mrs. Shaw's motion was defeats | expected he needed it, The treat-{ Towa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, | the home of the prseldent, J, H.| Trustee M. Sparkes said heied, ' ania, New York, Kauffman, would hate to see the team fold] A motion by Trustee O'Neill i tence, Li It is of interest to local dancers coming year are: President, J, H,| encouraged to find some support ig a We scheduled price . that Mr. Arnold Spohr, director Ka ffman; vice-president, Julius|from the public, The Board had ane th 3 e en ol te Year 2 Juveniles of The Royal Winnipeg Ballet will | Zilinsky: secretary teasue, [set up fair and equitable rates|!' could not meet the cost, it be take time out during the heavy | John Pratt; executive member | continued, passed, Confess To in every ce ntre where the Com.|(, J, Lariviere: editor, Mrs, J, H. pany will perform, M Spohr, a Kauffman and press reporter, yn with him and sald he was Canadian, and the only dian! Mrs, C, J, Lariviere 4 p : 8 Break Ins a ally . against making an exception, - "This is , a ballet company is most anxious sume of last year's activities and| T1iS Is not a profit making or. ed during the weekend. Monday dancers, ing year, It was announced that | 100k the schedule was Trustee confessed to eight city break-| Local audiences will be priv./the fall field trip would take Mrs, W, Shaw's view. |ins since Aug, 26. | ; ace in the Bancroft area on| Trustee O'Neill bounced back. Aged 13 and 14, the boys were|' 'Ballet Premier" The next regular meeting will| profit making organizations for| MacDermaid through Harold Mc. Was seen by Princess Elizabeth | be held Thursday, Oct, 20 at the | Neill, of the juvenile court, De-/and the Duke of Edinburgh at a|CRA Building, Meetngs are keld asked, 'The only reason that this tective MacDermaid had been|Command Performance in Winni.|at the CRA on the third Thurs. isn't one is becayse they can't| days This could be the last chance|terested is cordially invited tol "Is that a charge," came in The list of break-ins, with|for local audiences to see such a! attend, {fn " Trustee G. Dr man dates, is as follows: Bells Ga-|line company of dancers for any| The Oshawa Rock and Mineral |" i oi y ' day, Aug, 26; the home of John|tinguished company as The Royal [for the purpose of studying and|here" Trustee O'Neill rebuked. Hosey, 4166 Montrave avenue Winnipeg Ballet occurs only rare. | creating interest in minerals, | The chairman Trustee G. Flet- Aug. 28; Cranfield Motors, 331/1y |rocks, gems, fossils, geology and|cher whistled the Board to order las Corby's service station, at the|company will Wednesday, | Meetings are held on the third Mrs. C. C. Lee that the team be| Oshawa Shopping Centre, Sept.|Nov, 9. at 8:30 n m. in the Dp. |Thursday of each month from given the gymnasium at $10 was 9; Phillip Janicki's store, 74 Park |F,_J. to May at the CRA|under. discussion. Trustee Mrs. : Auditorium Building and are open to School, Sept. 21; College Hill RE -- public, In June and September, 5 School, Sept. 22; and the Oshawa | Trustee Mrs, Lee made the mo- Drive-in Di Fr or quarries to collect specimens, tion, he Sxplained. to lier feet" road, Sept, 23 1e$ rom The trips help to build up individ-| Mrs. Shaw leaped to her feet The hoys also told Detective ual collections and also provide ¥ hr n id MacDermaid they had broken a - . made a motion," she said. | A Crash Injuries acquainted with club members on| ' Trustee Father P, Coffey Park road south, intending tol an informal basis, whether it wouldn't be possible to! enter; but were frightened away by a police cruiser checking the engineer Fra avis 8% of Qf | fee and give it. a rebate at the eng r Frank Davis, 63. of St LINDBERGH MARRIED -- -- ! } Thomas, died in hospital here Al ) J ey venile court Sed Monday from injuries ' suffercd SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP)--The STEAL JEWELS [road Company train crashed into bergh, 23, son of Charles, the fa- TORONTO (C the rear of a CNR freig rai S i i - X i 1" B) Diamonds Me J 3 of 4 t freight train mous histor, and i Miller, plunged over a S0-foot embank. | and jewelry worth $30,000 were 21, both Stanford University stu:(mens Wednesday and landed on| jos lace N n the $3 i injuries. | Samuel Bornstein, part owner of 000 ad ig a H d 300, were married Aug, 30 at the girl gultered ik) igop injuties | ; : rash, trewe . ».| Abou minutes after her father the Midtown Model Jewelry cars and engines over 500 feet of home of the bride groom Siremoved her fram the vehicle. al ' huath Jan Tindhareh hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m, | Rehearsals for this tour began |"oW repenting Tea To Heal ) | York, Vancouver, and even as far| It was a reflection on the Monday, He had pleaded guilty f0lon Oct, 4, The schedule will in.| The chairman ruled that the ran the Oshawa Board of Educa-|cial difficulties, ed the accused to four months|the island, One night stands make | Ho Squarebriggs appeared in court|they tour, The Company's Osh. | Offi The request was .from cided that as future Board's were it Mr, Robert Johnston has also on too. i i : Chairman G, Fletcher asked the Zanc! SUC {briggs if he had ever taken treat-/in the United States during the|were elected at a recent meeting | Birman v. Trustee A. Yanch said no such ment was prescribed in the sen-| Ohio, Pennsyly that the team be given the Ey Michiga ¢ ) . ; e te. Z yme Michigan and Wisconsin The slate of officers for the|"P but he thought it should be g 8 and it should stick to them. he|5'VeN special consideration, was tour schedule to audition dancers Basil Breen; program chairman, rr ee Trustee A, E. O'Neill teamed to hold the position of director of | The president gave a brief re- Two Oshawa juveniles, arrest-|to see and encourage Canadian outlined the program for the com. | £anization. Surely we can over- |leged to see one of his ballets, | pl which has been Oct, 1 "Are there many requests from| i questioned by Detective J oh n|hailed by international critics and | use of the Board's property?" he working on this case for several|per in 195! day of each month, Anyone in- get the gate," hé retorted. rage, 256 King street west, Fri 10.000 miles hy s i dis Club was formed in April, 1958, | "Drop your courtroom manners Park road south, Sept, 7; Doug-| The Oshawa appearance of this| related subjects, {and that motion made by Trustee \ I. Donevan Collegiate Institute October road south, Sept, 11; Westmount the Shaw made the suggestion and | field trips are arranged to mines Theatre on Thornton's I didn't make a suggestion, 1 the opportunity to hecome better window at Sargant's Garage, 278 ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Railroad! have the team pay the scheduled garage, They will appear in ju Sept. 18 when his Wabash Rail. ™M@r'iage of Land Morrow Lind stolen Monday from the car of Mr. Davis suffered chest injur- gents was disclosed today. They|its roof on a railway track. The | Mannfacturing Comngnv torn wn + an

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