The Oshawa Times, 21 Sep 1960, p. 21

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 21, 1960 21 Stainton to start the season's ac- and family visited Mr. and Mrs, rie, Maple Grove, visited Mr, and PY a ] Kivities. Fred Dart, Woodville, Sunday. Mrs, Howard Abbott, Burketon, (o) rtice Rev I as] A number of people from this Little Scott Stainton came home| Monday evening, P C ui Mrs, G. Ost aod. Mr. Osliene of Little © ts ies and ' , district attended the Darlington from the hospital on Monday. Mrs. Elmer Down, Larry end borne and Lynda of Hamilton, |Mrs, James Little of Bewdley Ratepayers' Association Corn Miss Pearl Leach, Mr, John Roger, Ebenezer, visited Mr, and| Mr, and Mrs, C. Fulton visited|and Mr, and Mrs, George | Roast on Friday night, held at the Kivell, Mr. and Mrs, D. Fleit yrs, P. W. Davidson, Saturday. roup "6 is] | 250,254 Wns, C. Vin vised and 2a Mis Ot Ie) e.come {home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Budai. and family, Bolina, vislted "Mr. and Mrs, B, Lavergne, and Mrs. Fulton and family of bug. Chis & rises Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoskin, [395 VTP. =. seath ' Oshawa, were callers Sunday eve- MRS, K set for the annual bazaar, The Stratford, s. H. cott wa By MRS. ALLAN FISHER _ Scarboro on Oct. 5. A bus will Thornton's Corners, Mr, and Mrs, _-- Rossel) Session 1 holt ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs, oi tiEs. ROBERT COOK regular meeting iil be held on Mr. Ralph Wehnert has resum|visiting with Mrs, Fred Cook. + ZION -- Rev, and Mrs, F. J. serive at Taunton at 7 p.m. to Ray Cameron ehloyes i motor Thomas in Scarboro, E. Perrault, i Group of Courtice United Church|September 29 at 8 p.m. od studies at, Ryerson Institute of ---- ---- Reed were welcomed home Sun uo a0 1adies who care to go on 'TIP O08 Saturday to Muskoka a Mr. and Mrs, Percy Bryce, To. Mr. and Mos. K., Wood Visited WA met Tuesday evening, Sepl.| The 18th Mothers' Auxiliary| eh og, eet. daiilen REJECT BOARD OF CONTROL: day by a fairly large congrega.| interesting tour, Anyone Algonquin telgh Falls Roy roto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred 2 Thy Sund George PORG- 13, at the home of Mes R. Johto) old » fall uncheon at the og Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Wehnert LONDON. Om. (£7) off tion. Sunday, Sept. 18, the guest OL : a, 5s als Cameron, Sunday. DIO, On Sas stone. Fourteen members were... "vw.u.0iay Supt. 21 atipps sted bo Germany vaso ouncl Tussday wight Tejected 4 speaker was a representative of tending to go on this trip please borough, Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Glaspell, Miss Joyce Fisher is attending resent. Mrs. A. Wilkins led the ' ' as ¥ Where iboard of control system of gov the Gideon Society attending the felephione the WA soctetary, es. Mr, and Mss. Nelaon Fins Were Grant and Gwen, Tyrone, visited Teachers' College in Peter- devotional. Mrs. 8, Kinsmen|12 noon, There will be a sale of ht s wil teach in a private girls ernment tor the city alter conference in Oshawa. Mrs, Amoid Gelssberger. All rpg RL "held at. North. Mrs. Norma McMaster, Sunday. borough. presid oe Sum foe Sidlucss Pd ig 254 Surly Aut Vues 499 Mr. Bob Archer spent last week|and part of London Township. ny he 3 oman Fy Social oy Sad ladies are welcome The group in we J Church, Oshawa. Mr, aud Ws, H. Balsa and gr. ai Mis Beuty Pan ata hess on. in, user oo oe by take surprises. at Pioneer Boys' Camp ne ar Council will seek Ontario Munici- room on. Wednesday, Mrs, Glen charge for the meeting in Octo "yyope, yugy and Donva Cam. Samiy: Qehéwa, mete callers alin, "oo boro, Sunday. the hostess and Mrs, C, Fulton, | PERSONALS Bracebridge where he attended a|P2l Board approval of a seven- or are st Geissberger, 3 {ward c il wi Glaspell, Mrs. Arthur Dart, Mrs. be hg Boi by gl eron visited Mr, and Mrs, Don-| yo" poor Perrault, New. Miss Della Chamberlain is at- The executive of the large WA| Mr. and Mrs, §, Kinsman en-| Leadership Conference for the Ward Sowell Win two aldermen W. Pingle, and Mrs, Frank Bast, 0 ks, and Mrs. Han s|ald Prout Saturday. castle, Mr. Jack Lavergne, Osh. tending Teachers' College in To- group met Monday afternoon at|joved a holiday recently with av. \Innter School Christian Fellow-| Mrs wo Tog Meloy bib Geissberger, Jr. Mr, and Mrs, Morris Sleep and awa, were dinner guests Sunday ronto. the home of the president, Mrs, and Mrs, Roy Hopps at their cot-|ship Executive, | TB DEATHS : i- tage on Lake Dalrymple. Recent visitors at the home of Approximately 150,000 persons i .. Glaspel 1 vs Club is havi family, Coldwater, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, E, Perrault, | Miss Janet Naylor spent the H. Vetzal, Several items of busi : reading, Mr. Claell ioe a ea Doubler Club havin a pr gg Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. P. W, Davidson, weekend visiting friends in Co. ness were handled and Novem-| Mrs, A. Wilkins spent a few Mrs. G. Goddard were: Mr. andidie of tuberculosis each year in Hoe. Cs vere Foq od Plant inhome of Mr, and Mrs, James Mr, and Mrs, James Stainton Mr, and Mrs, C. Terry and Lau-|bourg. ber 24 at 7 p.m. was the date|ldays visiting with her daughter,! Mrs, Charles Goddard and Char-Pakistan, np or Exclusive with EATO N'S in Oshawa!' SAVE 40% #0 50% CoMPANY-WIDE SPECIAL SELLING CONTINUES "SUPER-SATIN" LATEX BASE PAINT Ordinarily 8.40 Gal. For walls and ceilings; needs no thinning; just stir and apply. A washable, low-odour paint that dries to a velvety sheen in minutes. ""Almatex" Interior Finishes in matching colours SATIN: Wal. GLOSS SAT. WALL Gloss SANG WALL alo ae 300... 700 Orange Ice cree B09, 00. 709 Whispering Sand 228 .... 428 . 728 Mushroom ...... 202 .... 402 ..,, 702 Peppermint "21 oA. Antique Ivory ,.. 229 . 429 .... 729 Pink Bud 201 .... 401 .... 701 Willow Green .... 213 .... 413 ,... 713 Bamboo ........ 225 ..,. 425 .... 725 Cocoa Tone .. .. 203 .... 403 .,.. 703 Turquoise .. ... 214 ,,.. 414 ,,.. 714 Antique White ., 232 ,,.. 432 .,.. 732 } Coral 204 .... 404 , 704 Alpine Blue .... 215 .... 415 .... 713 Persian Lilac .... 233 ,.... 433 ..,, 733 Powder Blue. +. 205 .... 405 .... 705 Cameo Rose .... NG .... NE .... 76 Posch ......... 2M .... 4 .... 704 Ordinarily 2.50 Qt. SER Qts. for 2.75 Aqua Green .... 208 .... 408 .... 708 Sunbeam Yellow . 226 .... 426 .... 726 Silvermist Grey .. 235 ,... 435 Enamels and other Special Finishes Formulated to resist the ravages of weather, these good-quality 'Almatex™ " Almatex" High Gloss "ALMATEX" ""ALMAPLEX"" (Acrylic latex) f a \ exterior paints apply easly to leave a hard-wearing, durable finish, One eost" should suffies for most re-coat work, PLASTIC FLOOR "PROTECTION" PAINT : PLASTIC ENAMEL A \ ; 15 COLOURS IN HOUSE PAINT! FINISH TI Bag SR BR gl Reg ee 100 Wate we 108 Bick For woodwork, furniture, boats, canoes, cars-- Use It on wood, linoleum and Cinder blocks, atc. Not fo be used 'Gs @ Floor finish, k 107 Dark Brown ! 0 11 Shutter Green 103 Yello 195 Sort 13 fast Grey highly resistant to dirt, grease, moisture, it flows concrete -- leaves a tough, 600 White 618 Continentel 626 Brick R eliow efoom Green 4 Navy Grey 611 Chinese Lime Green 627 Powder on smoothly and dries to a hard glossy finish, lustrous coating on indoor and 612 Antique Ivory 623 Bibssom Pink outdoor floors, 615 Sea Crest 624 Wedgwood Blue a Sendalyond 9 ; Ordinarily 8.80 Gal. 802 Orange 812 Pearl Grey 819 Neptune 800A Clear 809 Maroon 617 Daffodil 625 Modern Grey 804 Turquoise 813 Pink Bud Groen 801 Grey 810 Green vo uminum $22 Baby Bi oyal Blue i i EATON : Ci ne 0 Cove $5 Spee ER pall A ce 2 Gals, for § 808 Yellow 818 Peppermint 899 White : EATON @ pt | B PRICE: . ° EATON SPECIAL PRICES: SATON ij Soess Shteial 2 Gals. for 9 80 J I Ordinarily 8.85 Gal. Prices: M Ordinarily 2.70 Qt. -- 2 Qts. for 2.95 Ordinarily 10.80 Gal. SE Ordinarily 2.80 Qt. 2 Qs. for 3,08 vege : 630 Clear Sealer must be used for exterior surfeses X i 2 cals. for 11.80 2 win 9.85 £30 FT Sin cored st v, -- Exterior Trim Colours | -2ciperlt1.00 Gel. » Ordinarily 2.70 Qt "Almaplax. ; oh TATON Special Prise: narily 3, A Ordinarily 7.50 gal. do ls, fo i ormilion 118 Sunshine Yellow Ordinarily 3.15 Qt. . 2 Qts. for 3.40 2 0. for 2.98 Ordinarily 2.30 Wt. - 2% fo EX 1 Le Hi Eon Qroon 12 Tirausise oye! No. 599 'ALMATEX' A warding. Iustiods No. 1099 ONE SOAT EXTERIOR Special purchase brings savings on PAINT APPLIERS of flogged nylon<bristie M 714" mohair + sovered J " "" white for Interior wood Ordinarily 12.75 Si 2 Gals for 12 75 Ordinarily 9.75 gal, gals. Painter's Brush. Ordinar- rush. Ordiner. Roller with Tray. Orde SUPER WHITE Math, shen Toi oe EATON SPECIAL PRICES: . 4 EATON Special Price ... for 10.75 WATON Special 2.99 EATON Specie! 3.99 Ton Specter m GLOSS ENAMEL J Iliaumin "™™ Ordinarily 355 Qt -............. 2 Qi. for 3,85 lly 10 2am 338 | [Find 200 | BUTE 309 | Mi, 1.20 PLEASE ORDER ALL PAINTS BY NUMBER EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 275 PHONE RA 5.7373 Handsome English | From EATON'S own Goria tonia - spotless kitchens . . . Full-Fashioned Earthenware TV candy with that 'home GLOVES Hosiery Snack Sets made' flavour! For Children only at EATON'S : : . Practical yet glamorous . , . 51 Now, with the long Winter evenings Good quality fabric gloves. . . double- gauge, 20-denier daytime sheer, rein- OO Tote cnvemaning more. Pur. | EATON'S Creamy Nut Fudge | woven cotton with neatly hemmed | forced at heel ng toe. With sim va « Tlf : a . ms, y itiz (¢] chase one or more of these attractive Rich, melt-in-the-mouth fudge made with tops, dainty pearly button trim at freshness that lasts. Choose from snack sets for serving the refresh- fine dairy butter; liberally laced with wrist. With smooth in-sewn seams; soft shades of Glow Beige or Tender ments . . . they're made of quality chopped nuts sizes 4 to 7. Colours: white, beige, red, Beige; sizes 8)2 to 11 in medium earthenware; cups in green, blue or blue, navy or brown. and long lengths. yellow solid colours, plates with pret- LP. o EATONIA Value, pair tily patterned bamboo design. Plates EATON Price, pair | 09 ® 1 i" 61/4 0 . approx. 9%" x 6Va EATON'S Peanut Brittle 4 cups, 4 plates, 8 in set Tasty, crisp toffee combined: with fresh, P P ' plump peanuts makes a welcome taste treat ® 3 pairs 3.10 HY anytime. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 °® ; +49 89 ® : @ PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 202 PHONE RA 5-7373 PHONE RA 5-7373 PHONE RA 5.7373 BREE es Sat --

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