The Oshawa Times, 21 Sep 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 21, 1960 | HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 44---Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent FOUR-room a) and bath, near partment bus stop, store and SGM. Apply 525 eit) Street, 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MOND, FRIDAY HROAY 8 70 12 Coll The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 (44--Houses, Ait Flats For TWO - room bachelor apartment 525 nished, all conveniences, near Worth Gm RA 34817. a APARTMENT --two large rooms, bed, sitting room, kitchen, suphoards sink, stove and refrigerator i deur $i2 weekly, heat, hydro i eer floor, privale entrance, ute walk to South GM. RA [r+ TWO - room large apartment, letely farnished, air conditioned, cated between hospital and Four ners, for eouple 4 or three girls, 25 Wesf, R THREE. - room. well contaizied ment, refrigerator and stove in Kitehang private entrance, immediate iy RA 50191. ONE furnished bedroom, silt one or two gentlemen. Apply 47 Nassau Street, FOUR - room apartment with stove, refrigerator, TV aerial, dryer and washe Ra 32. | 32--Articles Wanted | 21--Personal Service |WAGARS Dri = Govern | COINS, stamps, supplies bought snd | | ving School t leence, fully insured, dual p Store, 64 Call evenings. RA 85-8820, at reasonable rates CEDAR tree. trees for hedges, guaranieed cisity Sa vals ee gis Radin Ropoirs done, , ta MA 39935. we of plumbing. SAU oe rm | FOR weed killing, spraying and prus- Al shrubs ha even To YOUR local chimney leaner. d Chim ry Avene, RA py (Fred), Carden 4 ry & neys built and repaired, gas linings in |S ore ~ . Landscaplpg. | stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free est cur radia, repairs. of, mates, RA 3 | Eliott Avenue. RA 3479 (Fred), YOU'LL find exactly the worker you! | GEORGE % TV service, TV want with an Oshawa Times Want Ad. Call RA 3-3492 now. FURNACE SAI FS AND SERVICE H, M. Mackie Co, Ltd, RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus ports 15--Instruction JAN Mae Marsh, dance educa 37--Male Help Wonted 13--Gardening & Supplies, 14--Household Repairs HEN manure, horse collie py UMBING and | WA manure, TWO Lo of loads. Phone BA tings, fixtures, new and a ae 34081. ine from septic tank ts, sewer + 20% 1--Accountants ne ore Cotas Gio hig ants A , Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5. T, HOPKINS AND COMPANY, Cer- Oshawa, CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge We have on opening for a soles-minded young mon to train as an office ond credit monager. Age requirements 21-35, some soles experience necessary, Excellent oppor- tunity for advancement, full employee benefits. For op- Mr, W. Fertile, monoger-- FIRESTONE STORES OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-6566 THR » api artment, heavy duty Hse Kitchen cupboards, heat, lights and water included. 119 Central Park Bivd, South. RA 575304, BUNGALOW --one hopping 3 onsecuTive INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 248 37% a2 # not paid within 7 he Charge rate will ap, Above rates apply only 10 original orders for consecutive Insertions. Insertions ordered of a later dote- constitutes a new originel order Pi and B fisth $7.50 per month for 3 lines ally; sean, Radditionl line $1.00 i i initiol letter, abbreviation, $ ond c sign, figure, counts os @ word, Box ge 156 additional, All AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. Ports for sale, olso scrop iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Soturday oll day. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND. FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 -- RA 3-3374 * (collect) CEDARDALE Al o to] bedroom, close to 157 Centre, TV outlet, oreo afr |" copper plumbing, Child 0 per month, RA 85487. m unfurnished bungalow for Children welcome. Phone RA " Sats, WuLow 7% ver 7 on furnace, 191.50 per yard, Delivered | parking lois and driveways. N. Tulski CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled, fertilized sod cut fresh daily, prompt delivery, Special contractor rotes, RA 5-8504 SODS ¥i rent. 5-5942. anywhere In cit tricts, | Phone R TV TOWERS 40-ft, self-supporting towr, Hot dip galvanized. No paint. Complete with new Wave- Master oll - channel antenna. Total price, instolled * and guoranteed for year, $59.95. BoB 1a5eT8 services -~ "small business, 184 Bond | Street West, Room 1. Office RA 50397. | Residence, RA pry RONALD ¥. D. WILSON, Chartered | Acgountant, Oshawa, RA oh MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co, Chartered Accountants, RA 53571 meoe 138" $i Street North; Ajax WH 2-0890 2---Barristers of 4 39525 or RA anal, ~ yoom, seli-contained apart-| private entrance, available Oec-| 5950. Phone RA Ive 4 room furnished apartment, $10! week, very central. Also one light housekeeping room, §7 weekly, 194 Divi- sion. RA 80818, LARGE two - room apart: er ment, refrigerator and ave, central, reasonable rent, RA 38-0933 FURNIMED J Poreom a Fling yy TWO - room furnished ry sepa. | Slose to hospital, quiet a rate entrance. One child welcome, | > Simcoe Street Nor a Available immediately, Apply 378 King [THREE - room apartment, priv. vate Street West, |bath, near South aM Possession Oe THREE ment, tober 1. ASSISTANT MANAGER SEABOARD FINANCE CO. Has an opening for an ex- MUST be in by 5 p. m, the day be- fore publication, office hours: Daily 8-5, Soturdoy 8-12. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times sholl not be responsible for errors in advertise. HUMPHREYS, Boychyn ar and Hillman, Barri, > Solicitors; R, { ey! 5G. 8. Box shym, Bhs ww | iim, ih 7 wA Ring | treet East Phones: Office Res, RA 54604 or Whitby Mo sa1; RA 55203, | Money to loan. ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more thon ane incorrect Insertion of ony odver- tisement, nor the price charged for o single Insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And olso reserve the right A-1 rolled, weed treated ond fertilized, Field sods, Low prices, Townline N., V2 mile north of Tounton Rd. RA Li dancing school, ballet, tap, baton, pre-school, character, Frida Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253, VIOLIN, viola, cello and peta, A ay, | | 1n-| TV Enterprises 253 Drew St. RA 3-3553 Award RMT, Telephone RA 397 SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRONS -- METALS PAPERS -- RAGS perienced assistant manager, between ages of y who is interested in advance- ment. Top salary, profit shar- ing pension plan, os well as SIX - room house, oil heated, hot water tank. p---------- 1 room THREE srtment, furnished tober 1, Apply 25¢ Malaga Road 116 Bloor East. Phone RA 3-4722|8IX-room bungalow, available 532 Lakefield Street, or unfurnished, heavy duty stove and THREE-room basement refrigerator, Adults private entrance. HARVEY DANCE, Cd SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT 1 0 Academy, Ballet, tw 3004, Tabi. Reyinter now. $34 King West. RA "; Ven RAGS ry CALL RA 8-5286 PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 16 years' experience, by interview only All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA Act now, RA 5-1054 | ELECTRONICS FRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, | "TV. -- RADIO -- HI-Fi 16 years' experience, by interview only | PARTS AND SERVICE TOWERS to classify advertising according fo its own classification, In the case of disploy advertise. ments The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce oll advertising matter correctly but ossumes no liability if ony inaccuracies In ony form of adver are i therein, 3.9986 ond OL 5-3545, other employee®benefits, Con- |: Phone RA 5 3 n fidential interviews moy arranged by calling Mr, Prest, RA 8-6283 or by calling in ot 292 Simcoe St. S. FOUN CAME 1 woliel. | tor and Notary Pubic J" King Street | East, RA 32200, and private | mortgages arranged GREER and atly. Barristers, tors, ele, 7% Simeos Street' South, Dis! RA 3.2278. Residence phones, J. M Greer, BA, Sc., RA 53364; Terence V, Ketly, PA, BCL, RA 8-5832 RALPH JONES, BA, nd Thoms WH, Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli. | eitors, 130 King Street East, RA 85-6246, Mortgage loans available, Lia CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No.| B--Building Trades tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, |. 5 Simeoe Street North, RA 3.3466; T. K. [ALL types of carpentry work Creighton, QC; N, C, Fraser, QC; G. K (cement work, plastering, chimney Drynan, G. L, NHA mort: pairs, eavestroughing, insul brick sid | ghges Sr. ing, Free estimates, RA 58735. MANNIN TAWARTZ, "Barrister, CARPENTRY, framing, finishing, Solicitor, a. Money to loan. Asso-|terations and repairs, Free estimates. eclate, Br Mackey, BA, Henry Call RA 8-8841, T, H. Van Schyndel Black: 20% King Street Ean, RA 2 NERAL building, all kinds of re. Residence, dial RA 3-4029 hi) TR Raney No job too SOREN P. MANGAN, QC. Barrister, small, RA 5.1479 olicitor, Money to loan. Office 14% lies. | ALL plumbing and heating supplies BE an a0 awn, BA 9020] ne RA 5.52), Harold R. Stark, oa'Cence 5-340! Thane Ra heating and engineer | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister ing, 255 Simcoe Street South, and Solieitor, 26% King Street E, E |ALL types of carpentry Telephone a RA 32201, Resi. | ALL YDCh 0 imuey repairs, roughing, insul brick siding, roofing of all types. Free estimates RA 3.7030, ALL kinds building and modern apartment, OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE -- RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET |35--Employment Wanted Ay {pv TCH girl requires [perienced. RA 5-470 " |39--Agents Wanted [pur TCH girl would like housework by! {day or office cleaning. Phone RA 3-9576 "OVER FORTY" bookkeeper desires permanent position, Experienced on accounts receivable, payable, and pay- roll, also posting machines and typing. Phone RA 3-2169. STENOGRAPHIC position desired by young woman, experienced typist, some shorthand, available October 1. Write Box 48, Oshawa Times MIDDLE aged widow would like work of any kind, housekeeping by day preferred. Write Box 42, Oshawa AIRE a Liisa 36--Female Help Wanted ED lady or pensioner to d be companion helper for semi-invalld, for small wage. Morning or afternoon off, and evening to baby sit. Modern home, pleasant location, References, Write Box 48, Oshawa Times $22 WEE IRLY Tor wearing lovely dresses given you as bonus Just show North American Fashion Frocks to friends, No canvassing, Investment, Experience necessary, North American Fashion Frocks, Lid, 3425 Industrial Blvd., Dept. E-2921, Montreal 39, RE LIABLE woman to housekeep and | take charge of three children, live in, A 8.6812, PATIO STONE FLAG STONE STONE PLANTERS ROCKERY STONE Supply and lay OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3-3222 wa | OSHAWA ACME re-| HAULAGE LTD. al-| LOAM -- GRAVEL FILL -- STONE RA 3.3528 OWEN BROTHERS CO. LTD. TREE EXPERTS We specialize in tree prun- ing, tree plonting, tree re- moving, cavity work Phone RA 5.5287 GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES We specialize in A-1 fertil- ized field sod. Prompt de- liveries for Oshawa ond Dis- trict, Field loading for truck- ers and special rates for cone tracts RA 8-8111 COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE ploughed, disced, wood cut trees Bolict Seaboard Finance Co. Act pow RA 51054, PIANO lessons now commencing, day = or evening classes. Phone RA 85-8605 | {after 5 p.m. or weekends "LEARN TO DRIVE. At the Oshawa Driving School | Licensed by the Police Commission Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars RA 8-0091 | 16--Insurance |ALLSTATE Auto Inurance, Save to 20 per nent, six months to pay {pers sonal service at your home, [RA 57413 (17--Money To Loan wi HAVE clients' monies available [for loans on first and second mortgages | {and also purchase of mortgages and |agreements of sale. Louls §. Hyman, |ac, 57 King Street East, Oshawa, RA 13-4343 5 different types to choose | from. All heavy galvanized | 16-gauge steel. Installed with a 2-year warranty, Antennas moved , , $10.00 len & Lou's TV RA 8-5804%r RA 5-7844 FREE SURVEY ~ SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMPSON TV TOWERS 40-ft, tower structure with single Radess AC 2-13 all- channel head. $59.95 com- pletely installed and guaran teed year RA 8-8180 OSHAWA TV 361 GIBBONS ST. 43--Women's Column SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $8.50. Cold wave $6.00, Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5.5363, 24--Market Basket RIPE tomatoes for chill sa hamper. Pick your own. Bring own containers, Thornton's Road North, one block from city limits RIPE tomatoes for chill sauce, 50c. a hamper. Pick your own. Bring own con. tainers, Thornton's Road North, one block from city limits, CANNING tomatoes, $1 bush your own containers. One mile Raglan, Don Linton | TOMATOES Pick bushel; carrots, 75c. onlons, $2.75 bushel; cooking onions, $1.75 bushel. Bring containers, W, Eymann, % mile east of Nicholls Ga- rage, Courtice. Go north to first cor. ner, 25--Pets & Livestock iH SADDLE horse for sale, well manner. ed, OLiver 5-309 BOXER pups, Registered, Perry, YU FERRETS, RA 2} PUPPIES for sale, 88; females 85, MO & TWO kittens, ht free home. Telephone RA 8.2125 BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea. Ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5.6321, COCKER Spaniel puppies from tered stock. Buffs, blacks, tans. Also Toy Terrier, Laura Jennings, 14-4573, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, 26--Farmer' s Column Murdoch, Park Blvd, Ciring Call RA 3 3 i - room apariment, heavy wire d private bathroom, suit two, i. 79 Centre Street month, electric included. 227 King LOVELY three . room apartment, plus Street Went omar King and Burk, bath and storage room, heavy wiring, |FIVE - room bungalow "October 1. heated, hospital area, reasonable rates, |1262 Simcoe South a ASR Apply 340 Ritson Road North. INICE furnished two-room apart BACHELOR apartment, newly furnish-|All conveniences, Central, close to ed and decorated, self-contained, pri-|north GM and hospital. Store and bus vate entrance and bath, near hospital at door. RA 8-6844. = and OCVI, Suit two. RA 5.3363 THREE room apariment, sink a a arth - |FIVE - room bungalow with finished boards in kitchen, private bath, a AEN a San [Jidoor work, Aver. |rec. room, King - Oshawa Bivd. dis-|able now, parking. RA 835239 after wary. Write Rawleigh's, Dept, 1-310-VV, | trict. Phone RA 3.2839. p.m 4005 Richelieu. Montreal BASEMENT apartment -- three rooms, ONE" or ho rooms for one ¢ on two gE gz private bath and entrance, children wel. |7irls, or three - room apartment, CHBISTMAS Sar Senn. Sul Cus come, Also housekeeping room. 218|duty wiring, self songaitind, TV ou greeting cards, Over 50 cards to choose | Celina or phone RA 85253. couple preferred. RA 8 from. Special business cards, Write for IMMEDIATE possession, lovely, two- TWO - room a builtin cup. your free album today. W. L, Smith bedroom apartment. 665 Bloor East|bouards in kitchen with sink, stove and and associates Ltd, Ajax, Ont, after 8 p.m. Saturday, anytime Sunday (refrigerator, use of washer and dryer or during week. RA 93. private entrance and bath. Apply 350 41--Raom & Boord YOUNG lady, wll o share furnish. Arr in a ed apartment, wit me. Please call two room bungalow, ste ROOM and board for gentleme beds, water and sink in roo also | iid cant Gotover Por Liv bhi garage, near 8G Motors, RA 57754 or 147 Mul Street. ol BASEMENT kitchen b. nished, dh home, suit gentlemen, RA 5.7854 after 5. BASEMENT apartment, available Ope tober 1, private entrance, private bath, heat, » lights, water. RA 5-8757, EN ----, TWO - bedroom winterized cottage, West Beach, Bowmanville, includes space heater, heavy duty stove, chrome kitchen set, two-piece chesterfield, $45 monthly. RA 8-191 TWO new basement apartments, furnished, one unfurnished, tiled oor built-in cupboards and sink. Taunton Road near Hampton, CO 3.2192. THREE - room basement apartment, self-contained, reasonable, abstainers, fear Sou South GM. 1213 Sun Valley Court, ay ond $60 mo Road North, Courtice, RA 3.9073, MODERN, four rooms and bath, base. ment apartment, private ground level |entrance, recently decorated. Aerial and heavy wiring, parking, abstainers, = |RA 8.5387. -|HOUSE to rent, four rooms, suitable for two adults, central, heating, close te shopping. RA 5 5-8675. bri Te pri room apartment, seif- contained, heated, child welcome, cens tral, $65 monthly. RA 5-1953, SIX - bedroom house, on quiet street, close to hospital, $128 per month. Ap ply 323 Leslie Street, APARTMENTS One large, one small, elee- trically equipped. For further information phone RA 5-3815 or RA 8-6485 BRIGHT ATTRACTIVE 2- bedroom apartments, ADE- LAIDE MANOR -- Holly- wood kitchens, electrically equipped, broadloom, locker, hot water and parking in- cluded. IMMEDIATE occu. PANCY. Contact R, Vickery Real Estate, 46 King St. West, phone RA 8.6228 -- evenings RA 5.6342, BRIGHT ATTRACTIVE 2. bedroom apartments, ADE- LAIDE MANOR --- Holly- wodd kitchens, electrically equipped, broadloom, locker, hot water and parking in- cluded. IMMEDIATE OCCU- PANCY, Contact R. Vickery Real Estate, 46 King St. West, phone RA 8.6228 = evenings RA 5.6342, APARTMENT FOR RENT Two bedroom on Rossland Rd. E.,, near Simcoe, in mo- dern apartment building, half block from buses, electrically equipped, free washer and dryer service. $95. per month, CALL MR. BAILEY Days RA 3-2033 Evenings RA 5.2484 '44a--Rooms for Rem TWO furnished house sekeeping bedroom and kitchen with refris eraton, lh parking space. Apply 15¢ Agnes roet, TWO clean, furnished rooms, very cene tral, oil heated, suitable for two ladies, Apply 31 Charles Street. K Lair, housekeeping room, central, LARGE front room, for one or two friends, very central. Athol East. ONE R ae unfurnished room, one fup nished bed nitive room, light houses |keeping. RA 3 ONE . Roo in ground floor apart ment, reasonable for a congenial Nady to live with widow. Kitchen and teles vision privileges, abstainer, RA ae LARGE bright front room, suit friends, twin beds, 65 Elgin Street Ease RA 5.6146, nd 'screens, ™v nd, lot, paved up For ROOM and board for young gentlemen | call h Home privileges, good Englis speaking preferred, central. Apply 51 Colborne East. Phone RA 5.7687. ROOM and board for gentleman, three minutes from Four Corners. Phone RA B-8324 ROOM and board optional, good meals, close to NGM, 10 minutes to Four Cor- ners, garage for rent. Apply 240 Divi slon 'Street and | eaves | | | work WHY pay rent? Pay $68 monthly plus taxes and own your home, lowest down payment ever offered before in Osh- awa. Phone RA 65-5123 after hours. RA 8-5205. Lloyd Realty, Oshawa Ltd. HOUSE for rent, six rooms and bath, close to school, Possession October 1, Apply 71 Liberty Str outh, Bow- manville. TWO well Tarnished voor with Board ™O . bedroom, newly decorated house ' % y at Squire's Beach, available October 1. 212 King Street West, RA 8.8205. {Apply afternoon or evenings, WHitehall ROOM and board for two quiet gentle. |2-4186 men in private home, Mary Street dis-| Two . room unfurnished ground floor trict. Phone RA 5-3048, : apartment, Newly decorated, cup- ROOMS with or without board, suit Jour boards, double steel sink, tile floor in gentlemen, double garage, home priv. Kitchen, Private entrance, Phone RA |lleges, single beds, very oii 2) 5-6457, Brock East. RA 8.6697. | THREE - room apartment with private ROOMERS or room and board fo or | Rath. adults only. Apply 39. Celina three gentlemen, close to SGM plant, | RA 5. 3955. | THREE * - | heat, light: ROOM and 'board for two gentlemen, Glover' two single rooms, good heme, cookin Apply 202 King Street East. | APART od room Bpartments in ROOMERS wanted, private "bath, "two | ing. all ¢ ndry blocks from downfown. Apply 116 Al- [available "immediately. RA. 53938 or 66 bert, evenings, Wayne Street. Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street East. FURNISH ONE apartment, suitable for couple, gentleman, abstainer. Please apply 161 . re ladies or gentlemen, Day care given to HEARN $33 plus a free wardrobe Inioshays Bivd. North, child" while mother wh" ad 128 0 . Tracks oi friends. No investment, can-|ROOM for one or two gentlemen, sepa- Elgin Street East. vassing, experience necessary. Write: Jate beds, soi if desired. Tele: [FURNISHED be " phone North American Fashion Frocks, Ltd, ATE 3425 Industrial Blvd, E3567, Montreal 39| go0M and board for one, good meals. South side of town. RA 8.6839, WAITRESS required for "Coffee Shop, hours open for discussion. Apply after |pon ay "and board for Indy oF "gentle. 4 pm, Mr. _McArthur, Genosha Hotel. | an pensioner, $10 » week, close to bus. Phone A 5. 5208, WANTED -- One woman to live in, to GOOD, clean, comfortable rooms for look after two small children, also light housekeeping. Apply 741 Beaupre g.ntiemen, Apply 44 Colborne Street 3004 East Avenue, Oshawa, RA § ROOM and board for "gentleman "in | WOMAN to work in restaurant, Must {be willing worker. Apply Envoy Res: ;rivate home, central. Apply 118 Sum. mer Street, RA 5.0858, taurant, 522 Ritson Road South. ROOM with board, phone, 'garage, one block from South Simcoe on highway 401, RA 85-3925, 66 Third Avenue. BOARD and room, gentleman p red, one room, two friends to share, twin beds, close to downtown. RA 5-5565. ROOM and board for four boys with cooke all conveniences, home d| meals. 21 Gladstone Avenue, RA 8.0283, [tenna. Apply 91 Ritson Road North. ROOM and board in new home, park. | THREE . ing facilities. For RA 8.0594. ROOM and board fi = meals, lunches packed, single beds, TWO large ished rooms, pri- home privileges, close to down town, vate, ahd cold water, cup. RA 8-5526 boards, storage *» ce, closets, on bus ROOM and board for gentleman. Home Ine. RA 3.9462. cooked meals, plenty of hot water, in| FIVE - room house, "centrally located, clean, quiet German home, 81 Park oil heated, TV outlet, adults only, Phone Road South, RA 5-0128 ROOM and board for gentlemen, on- (SELF "contained apartment, one bed. tinuous hot water, home privileg 5 » 10 minutes' walk from downtown, Apply 241 Ritson Road South 575 RA TWO gentiomen to share, singe" bed: home privileges, home cooked meals Lunches packed. RA 5.7043, IN CLEAN, quiet home, go A. barrister, sollcl- | et Simcoe Street North Office RA fe en Residence RA 5.5542 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici-| tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5.9592, Resl- sonable rates, MO 8.2204 derice, RA _8-0204 WATERPROOFING murphy and MacDonald, Bar. cellars, For appointment, , Solicitors and Notaries Public, 1255 Bowmanville, 206 King Street West, RA 54717, Russell i f g tin Dial! J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, 5, L LBOZING 2s Ease " . vi pi THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll | Brothers, 2% _Hilleourt Drive, Whitby, TED VEENHOF Street East. Phone RA "81783. MeGINBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND Solicitors, Clients' funds available for DEEPENING first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, COMPRESSOR WORK RA 35-3566 arles C. McGibbon, Qc/ RA 8-3864 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 11--Business Opportunities FISHING and Hunting camps, resorts, lodges, lakeshore lan dfor develop ment, restaurants, service stations, stores, In booming Kawartha Lakes) district, Write for free pleture listing follo, Bowes and Coks Limited. Real. .. [tars, Peterborough, Riverside 2-4234 GENERAL STORE ~ gas pumps, lock: er plant, in small village in Peterbor ough-Lindsay district S,room house, four « plece bathroom, approximately one acre land. Full price $25,000. Must sell, ill-health, For particulars, phone RA 54281 | of repairs, recreation rooms, roofing, water proof} ing, Brick Bloe and cement work, Rea. | | specialists, Roof to Write Box fi y to loan on first mort. and agreement of mortgage arranged. purchased NIA Dryoan and Mur Creighton, Fraser, doch FIRST and second morigage, sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen nick and Hennick, Darren, 31 King Street E CLIENTS' monies a and second mortgages. and agreements of sale pply M. ¥. Swartz, Barrister and No- tary Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA 34607, MONEY TO LOAN, $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, , Agree- ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen- tial and Industrial city, subs urban and country, and Sum- mer cottages, TERED nurse required for South Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle, Ont, Live in or out, five-day week. Phone Newcastle, 4441. HELP for accounting department, Nec- essary qualifications are typing, cost ing, ability with figures, Apply in own handwriting to Box 47, Oshawa Times, giving age, experience, and salary ex rected. References may be _required EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply in person between 8 and 5. South End E. Lilley, for first Mortgages purchased, ". room basement apartment, 5--Nursing Services ater supplied, 54 376. SOUTH MAVEN Nursing Home, New eastle, Ontario. Private and semi-pri- vate ac for up or bed patients, rates, New bullding, TV, lounge, organ, ete, Please phone Newcastle 4441, Visitors welcome at anytime, 6--Optometrists - J TUCK, RO, ptometat, Please t [l Hank ar 74 Burk Street. ined at home, Dial RA ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of So etry, the examination of eyes, rontact lenses, 136 §'meoe North (at"Colborne), evenings by appointment, RA 3.4191, Gardens landscaping, removed, RA 8- 1798 AURORA SAND a GRAVEL Brick, Sond, Crushed Stone, Road Gravel, Pit Run, VALLEY FARM RD, Phone Mobile Operator TEmple 9-254 1 LOAM GRAVEL - SAND FILL and STONE "RA 5-521% 1 bedroom, suitable for cooking facilities, Cloke. ing pospl al and Goustown, Girl preferred. Phone RA invalids ox 54 FOUR . room unfurnished apartment, {ouple only, immediate possession, 203 King Street West. Call between 1 to 7 p.m. TWO - bedroom apariments, $03 per month, features stove, refrigerator, w dryers, boo Summerland Securities Lim- ited, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3568 MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort- gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacont lands; short term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. Apply M. Swartz, 26V42 King Street Bost, A id Telephone RA your own, 75¢c 7--Surveyors bushel; Spanish T. WORTON and Associa tario Land Surveyors, Professional En. { gineering, 300 Dundas Street West, | Whithy Mo 85001, Ajax 728, DONALD WH. TROLLOPE, On rie Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Avenue RA 5.6881 N. RA 84651 of 'Douglas L. Gower, Real Estate, FOUR - room apartment, suitable for |couple with one or two children, self contained. Apply 7 Rosehill Blvd. STORE or business | office, heated, parking, very central, Phone RA 5-5380, Evenings, RA 8-4646, FOR RENT -- six - room, three-bed. room brick hou: oil heating, TV an. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST required for the office of the PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Qualifications must include shorthand. Apply in writing to Dr. C. M. Elliott, 179 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa. W. Gordon Bunker, business ad- ministrator, Board of Bape tion. DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On. tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue. painting, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 8--Building Trades DODD & SOUTER PAINT--WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby NORTHEX GRADING AND EXCAVATING All types of earth-moving. CALL FOR ESTIMATES _ TORONTO PL 7-5211 GARAGES = 10% OFF COLONIAL HOMES 134 SIMCOE ST. RA 8-4614 BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathroom sup. plied ond fixed, compiete with four fittings, Large color range. 90c sq, ft. First class tradesman, Phone anvtime RA 8-1177 W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563---MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. Ww, PO. BOX 329 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 QUIKBRIK (Under new management) THE PLASTERED BRICK MAKES OLD HOUSES BEAUTIFUL HOMES Let us show you how inex pensively your home con be made more beautiful. No ob- ligation, Phone RA 5-8372 or RA 5-9591 two male, one fmeale, 15 weeks old, Phone Port 5.2853 seven weeks old, $5 each. room apartment, unfurnish. information phone led, on Ritson Road South, parking fa. [Slitien, Apply 236 McNaughton Ave. past spaniel, Male to good Oshawa {Home Landscaping SPECIALIZED IN FALL PLANTING AND SODDING, SEEDING, TULIP BULBS, COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Call RA 8-6366 © PLANT NOW! EVERGREENS complete stock, 22 varieties LAWN SEED (no charge for seeder) POTTED MUMS FERNS, CACTI FOLIAGE PLANTS VAN BELLE GARDENS HIGHWAY NO. 2 MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE un sink, hot regis. black and black and tan. Lindsay, Phone FA 'MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS Up to $3,000 for any good purpose, including down 'pay- ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts or purchases of any kind. No penalty for pre- payment, no bonus. For fast, friendly service call SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, 294 Simcoe Street South RA 5-1121 (formerly Bellvue) HOUSEWIVES Cash in on the big Fall and Christmas selling season. Be an Avon Represen- tative in your neigh- borhood. For im- mediate replace- ment call-- LE 6-0627 collect. EARN EXTRA MONEY Agents, Clubs, etc. Sell Canada's finest Xmas cards, Novelties, etc. Over 250 items includnig Deluxe, Religious, Velvet, Chrome, Everyday and Personal cards, Wraps, Ribbons, Toys, Books, Dolls and Jewelry, Many Gift items, Prompt Service. For colored catalogue and samples on approval, write W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King St. E., __ Hamilton, Ont. monthly, Contact Don Howe, 7732, APARTMENT -- modern ftwe with stove, refrigerator, washer a eds, dryer, available immediately. Phone home-cooked meals, continuous hot| RA 3-233 or after § p.m. RA 3.7396 water, close: to South GM and shopping | FURNISHE room apartment, centre, 81 Park Road South, Septraly Phone RA 32707 ROOM and board, South district, clean accommodation, lunches packed. RA 5.3710. ROOM and board for two good home cooking, lunches pack parking facilities, Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue ROOM or room and board for gentle. men, good me lunches packed. 335 Athol Street Ei RA 3.9541. ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to down town. 23 Elgin Street East. RA 3.7814. FOR married couple, one child option: al, two or three rooms, close to down. town. North GM continuous hot water, | RA m3 ROOM and board for two gentlemen, teachers or day workers. Park Road North and Adelaide vicinity, Phone RA 8.4275. ROOMS and rent, with or without board, 296 King Street East, near Rit- son Ro ROOM a gentlemen to sha: WANTED ~ immediately, good used two row corn planter with fertilizer attachments, any make. Will pay top cash price Phone OL 5.3019 DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COltax 3-2721 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 27--Fuel & Wood DRY hardwood ends, sulfa r- naces, stoves, fireplaces, ete., $5 large load delivered. Phone RA 8.0818. 28--Summer Properties | MI, JO CAMP, partridge and duck. Open Sept, 24, outlook good, house. keeping cottages, boats, store, ete., on Clarendon Lake. Robt, H, Wedden, RR 1, Clarendon, Ont, COTTAGES, camps, homes, acreage in beautiful Kawartha Lakes district, 85 miles northeast Toronto. For free list. ing folio; write Bowes and Cocks Lim- ited, Realtors, Peterborough, Riverside 2.4234 "home, GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY RESTAURANT AND FOOD SERVICE Two-room apartment, 8 years to go on present lease, low rent, doing excellent turnover, good location, big take-out service. For further informa- tion phone RA 8-2303 11 ALL NEW!!! Philco-Bendix Equipped King Koin LAUNDERETTE ie m el gl UR dd LANDSCAPING SERVICES mercial Washers and Dryers. «Original Double Load Weeds treated, field nursery sod, top soil, gravel, sand Washer «Single Load Tumble Action fill. Complete service. Weed control. Free estimates, Washer w=High Frequency Agitator + ED KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 Washer ED th Jocated.' THR aa . room furnished apartment, clean, well furnished, reasonable. Apply 202 Huron Street. APARTMENT SIMCOE N,, AT ROSSLAND Redecorated, five rooms, stove, fridge, parking, Adults, $100, 1 RA 5-3302 RENTING $75 MONTHLY 3 and 4-room apartments, good location, stove and ridge, hot water and heqt- ing, bamboo drapes and washer and dryer. For ap- pointment to see call Howard "McCabe at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-4164. John A, J, Bola- hood Ltd., Realtor, PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS Two - bedroom apartment, stove, refrigerator, TV out- let, drapes and parking, Available now, RA 5-7272 or RA 5.5787. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo. cated in downtown area, Moderate rent, Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 180--Mortgages FIRST m mortgage money wanted on on six- room brick house, in downtown Osh. awa. Will pay good interest rates. Call| we write Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst Street, loronto 19. Phone RA 3.1733 or evenings RU 7.9387, 5 19--Personal WANTED -- ride to Toronto, Danforth and Pape by student, RA 5.5497, DRIVING to Toronto, ATIVE at Queen | and Bathurst 8 a.m. Any kindly phone RA 3.7263 aler 6.30, HYGENIC supplies (rubber goods), mailed post paid in plain sealed enve- lopes with price list. Six samples. 25 cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order Dept. A-11 Nov. Rubber Co, Box 9 Hamilton, Ontario, ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfuous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Oct. 4th and 5th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. MRS. ANN PROFESSIONAL PALM READER Card reader, and advisor, Bring your problems to her, No appointment necessary, Open daily from 10 AM. to 10 pm, RA 8.4141, 140 Simcoe South | 28a0--Trailers FOR RENT - Tent trailer by week $20 accomodates six people. Phone MA 3.3262 29--Summer Properties For Sale FOR SALE - Summer cotta nished, Balsam Lake, 100 ft, one-hour drive, three bedrooms, 17 x ft, living room and kitchen combined, fireplace, boathouse, dock, sand beach, swimming and fishing excellent. Phone I to § pm, RA {30--Lost & Found REWARD -- for information ng the return of a brown hand-tooled Weal. ern saddle and English saddle with equipment, please phone RA 3.3867. LOST -- green and yellow budgie, vi- cinity Cubert and Mill Streets. Child's pet. RA 5.1579 LOST --German Shepherd, Answers to the name of "Chub." Brown and beige. Tag No. 385, Reward. RA 8:1076 after S pm. FOUND -- In downtown bank, photo. graph album, Owner may have same | ion identification. Phone RA 8-1789 after pom. |32--Articles Wanted -- |wanTED ~-- Roll-a-way bed or conti. {nental bed. in good 'condition, reason. Farms, Ashburn, Ontario. | able. _Phone RA 85870 after 5.30 p.m. WANTED -- part time bell hops. Ap: a - ~== ply front desk, Genosha Hotel APARTMENT at 1393 King East, three FULL or part time, a dignified form rooms, upstairs, $40, adults, L an A . rock 708 WANTED of sales work with unusual oarning [SO¢K: RA 51708. ~~ Soe ' potential, neat appearance and forceful TWO and half room, furnished apart. Dressmaker's form, condition, PHONE RA 5.8310 for two Eh RA 51963. 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent FURNISHED housekeepin; and stove, linens furnish GM. Telephone RA 3.2408, MODERN four room apartment, 8215 Suntiemay room, frig. . Near South «=Philco-Bendix Commercial Dryer ~All Completely New. in De- sign and Construction "The most profitable and competitive coin operated lounderettes in the industry." IN ADDITION TO THIS WE OFFER: Up to 90% financing on total purchase ~-Longest financing period ot lowest monthly install ments «Complete Merchandizing Program Write, wire or phone imme- diately for information on how you, too, con own a King Koin Launderette. KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, LTD, 20 College Street Toronto, Ontario Telephone: WA 5.4515 12--Dressmaking BY OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE LANDSCAPING Specializing In foll seeding ond planting. RA 3-3222 14--Household Repairs FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol- stered, See our materials for re.cover ink Sil R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA 37212 Ci . WSTERIIE LDS I $85 RECEPTIONIST CASHIER We have an unusual opening for a young lady 21 30, who can meet people, has a pleasant personality, is a good typist, and can handle figures accurately. Finance exper ience will be helpful, but not essential, Good salary ond employee benefits, To apply, see Mr. Prest, Seaboard Fin- ance Co., Canada Ltd., 292 Simcoe S. Oshawa, {37--Male Help Wanted APPLE pickers wanted REAL modern apartment, will sult bus- iness couple, living room and bedroom, wall to wall carpeting, curtains, drapes, ete., supplied, ultra modern kitchen, wall oven, table top stove, south end of city, private entrance. Up to 5.30, RA 8-2821; after 5.30, RA 8.2096. THREE rooms, clean, apartment, heavy wiring, line, adults. 1615, TWO large furnished rooms. with sink | cupboards, Jangette, refrigerator, i use achine, suitable for coupie or two Riri Apply 248 Toronto Avenue. KITCHEN and bedroom, furnished, Suit one or two gentlemen. Close te Shopping Centre, nfell Street. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail 8° Park Road able in private home, North, 5 7 p.m. RA 8-8671. LARGE room for two single men or or ladies, single beds; also 1 single room, cooking privileges. Apply 66 Warren Avenue. comfortable sink, on bus 301 Gibbons Street. RA FIVE-room bungalow, three bedrooms, on Gibb Street, $75 monthly, available November 1. Apply 109 Alma Street be. tween 6 and 7 p.m. weekly SEMIdetached five room brick home, nicely decorated, 10 minutes from Osh. a Trad immediately, $50 month. yr. C -- |STORE -- Main Street, well establis nar od barbershop, centrally located, suit. able for other small business. RA 3.4343 after 5. vebuilt, Ui Bhoistery | Dial 21--Personal Service bute RE -- [LAWN mower and outboard motor re CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-| | pair and sharpening service covered like new. Get the best for less Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe RA 37463 or RA 817, Street North, Call RA 86541 for a free -- estimate PT ------ | TRY OUR RMR or 'exterior, Raxs| BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Jue work guaranteed. Free estimates.!| Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish ond chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--RA 5.3887 Street West. ---- furnished room, central, close to bus stop. Telephone RA 57401, ROOM, furnished, $5 per week, gentle. man only. Telephone RA 3.2853. CLEAN furnished rooms, single, double, twin beds, cooking facilities, central. RA 8-8402 TWO-room furnished apartment, rig, washroom, private entrance, very central: also sonable. Ap; ly 96 Centre Street. LARGE attic room, twin bods, spring. filled mattresses; garage: ooking ii llexes, quiet district. Apply 45 or phone RA 85-4504. Tat | | in good personality. Preferably men over 30 | ment, privifte entrance, bath, parking, |years of age and with some sales ex- stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, washing a We will train you. No invest facilities, adults only, working couple m required. Write Box 50, Oshawa |preferred, lights, water included. Phone mn or RA 3.2633. RA 54335. hip and Al Conroy, RA 38-0086. [PAINTING and decorating. Free Imaten, work guaranteed. antesd. RA 7 ANY Wind of garden work by experi,| reasonable rates. RA 8.1504 ab

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