The Oshawa Times, 20 Sep 1960, p. 3

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CAPSULE NEWS Garbage Truck Kills Child TORONTO (CP)--Angelo Nit. was/ fined $10. Police broke up | sopoulos, 15-month-old son of Mr, the party Saturday night and {and Mrs. Michael Nitsopoulos of found the apartment strewn with {suburban Scarborough, was liquor and beer bottles. Tenant |killed Monday when he was run Lawrence Barker was fined $20 {over by a garbage truck near his|for permiiting drunkenness. | home. i | | SAYS TTC OBSTRUCTS AUGUST WAS DRY TORONTO (CP) Samuel! LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Records Cass, Metropolitan Toronto traf-| the London weather office fic director, charged Monday that show that August was the driest the management of the Toronto in the area for 10 years. Total Transit Commission, including] rainfall recorded by the depart- top officials, refuses to co-oper-| ment of transport's meteorologi- ate in attempts to solve Metro's| cal branch was 1.95 inches. Rain|traffic problems. Metro roads VISITING ROTARIANS ENJOY SPORTS PROGRAM of fell in on significant amounts {only seven days, equalling the record low set in August, 1933 {and repeated in 1950. committee ordered a report from | Mr. Cass on a proposal to change the location of TTC passenger stops 'to reduce interference with | traffic. i FREIGHTER AGROUND ! OLCOTT, N.Y. (AP) -- A 200-| DOCTORS GATHER | foot Canadian freighter, the Con-| WINDSOR (CP) -- More than| rad-Marie, went aground Monday 600 French - speaking doctors {near this resort community on/from Canada, the United States Lake Ontario, about 30 miles and overseas arrived here Mon- northeast of Niagara Falls, day for the 30th congress of the! | a {French Canadian Medical Asso-| | GETS STIFF TERM ciation beginning today. Dr. Al- | LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A 45-phonse E. LeBlanc of Windsor, year-old London man described president, said about 1,200 dele | by Magistrate Donald B. Menzies gates and wives are expected sentenced Monday to five years' DEVELOP ROCKET ENGINE Bel vi ~~ THE WEATHER OFFICE says the disturbance which brought showers to the south- ern portions of Ontario and CITY COUNCIL NEWS IN BRIEF The Ontario Anti-Discrimina tion Commission has asked Osh-| showers this afternoon and to- , : 58 hin It night in the north. Warm sun- eaving clear skies behind it. at] : . Skies are expected to clear to- | PY Weather 1s expected to- Quebec yesterday is moving eastwards across the country ~CP Wirephote | Official fore- patches early' Wednesday then sunny and warmer, Winds north- 15 becoming light tonight and Wednesday. High today and low tonight at Trenton and Pe- terborough 65 and 50 Killaloe and Muskoka 65 and 45 Southern Kirkland Lake re- gion, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with a few showers clear. ing this morning. Wednesday sunny and warmer, Winds light today southwest 15 to 20 Wednes- day. High today and low tonight at North Bay and Sudbury 65 and 15 Northern Kirkland Lake, Tim- mins Kapuskasing: Partly cloudy and warm today with chance of a shower or thunder. hower this afternoon or evening, Wednesday cloudy with showers, Winds southwest 15 today becom- ing east 15 to 25 Wednesday. High today and low tonight at Earlton 65 and 40 Kapuskasing 70 and 40 Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight, Highs Wednesday . 55 80 casts | cast | | {| i 4 TRE CR. ow Nathaniel J Windsor St. Thomas .. Kitchener London Wingham .. Toronto p eterborough ,. iton . St. Catharines . Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe | Earlton Sudbury North B k Charles Easton, of Toronto, two of the opposing skips in the doubles competition at the bowling elub, Oshawa Times Photos ot po THE 386 ROTARIANS from | the opportunity to try out the the 31 clubs in District 707, who | Oshawa Golf Club fairways and ttended Friendship Day | greens and the greens at the held by the Rotary Club of | Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club. In Oshawa took full advantage of | the upper picture are Jim OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF |Home at 3.15 p.m. Wednesday, SANDRA LEAVITT Sept. 21, followed by interment The funeral service for Sandra|in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev Leavitt, beloved daughter of Don-|H. H. Mutton, pastor of Cedar- ald and Cynthia Leavitt, 803 Gor-| dale United Church, will conduct don street, who died at the Prin-|the services v argaret' spital . cess Margaret' Hospital, Toronto, | FUNERAL OF last Saturday, was held at the " 4 Melntosh-Ander Home MRS. THOMAS D. SWEET The funeral service for Mrs at 2 p.m, Monday, Sept. 19 : Rev. Dr. George Telford, min-| Thomas Douglas Sweet, who died at. the family residence, 179 Cen ster of St. Andrew's United 3 Church, conducted the services| tre street, last Saturday, Was Interment was in Oshawa Union held at the Armstrong Funeral Cemetery Home at 2 p.m. Monday, Sept : 19 The pallbearers foster, William k Rev. James S. Pierce, pastor Newell and Terry of Simcoe Street Pentecostal bbe on Church, conducted the services MRS. ROBERTA R. RENDALL ipierment was in Mount Lawn In failing health for the past! cemetery year and a half Mrs. Roberta en a i - Ruby Rendall, 133 Conant street, . 1h€ Pallbearers were Haro w . Sweet, Norval Sweet, Percy died at the Oshawa General Hos-|g' 0 Liovd nglt y ital Monday, Sept. 19. She was|oWeet, +0yd Sweel, Seymour p . rid Sweet and Carmen Thompson in her 63rd vy bo A daughter of the late Mr. and Cabinet Post For Barrette? Dnipro Chess Mrs. Thomas Thomson, the de MONTREAL (CP)--Le Devoir | Koch, Harold Richardson, Cliff Barkey and Jack Boyes, all of Pickering, at the golf club. In the lower picture, from left, are | Jack Biddulph of Oshawa and ay APPROVE CROSSING GUARD A crossing guard will direct children across the intersection of Robert and Simcoe streets, Council was told. Request for the guard came from Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Marsh. 2 were. Joe Holt Newell Jac De Guerre | A dance, held in the clubhouse| in the evening for the adults, ended another closing. It that Harold Is hoped at the next esti. [hous nat had taken part in the | mer sports activities will their hood association, says are y broth Jack Thomson = 4 trict University Women's Club, at the home of Mrs. A. J. Marsala, 377 Sim coe Street North on Wednesday, Ser tember 21, 3:30 to 6 p.m St Wed, Speaker FAFARD SPHAGNUM PEAT MOSS for old or new lawns or gardens , . . proper application of FAFARD PEAT MOSS will produce soils of loamy texture 2 CU. FT. BALE .... $2.10 4 CU. FT. BALE .... $3.20 6 CU. FT. BALE .... $4.25 7.5 CU. FT. BALE .... $5.15 boover milk ra 16 CELINA ST. | | | : Philips Sr. 0, Nowosad 1: Braun the program, gave two reasons FIRST FALL MEETING Bs Centre St {1, Mailboroda 0; Whitfield 0, for the strike: The strikers did| The first fall meeting of the Sept. 28, 1960 {Jwasiuk 1. not think they were getfing givor- Oshawa Naturalists Club will bel Mrs. Ethel Brant | = ous militant leadership from the held at 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26, Monture . official heads of the union and|in the children's story room| No Licence they felt seamen were not treated|at the McLaughlin Public Li-| as well as fellow workers on the brary. The meeting will be high- D . . | shore, lighted by two educational river Fined -- LONDON, Ont. (CP) Roy James Croft was fined $150 Mon 1 Plan . . . The pigs were found by Tom day for driving and for holding Francis when they strayed on to @ car ownership permit while Your { which adjoins the disqualified ; 3 La. . SSH They were Croft, who said he inherits $28,- Thanksgiving in New York 1ghterhouse : in a barn until provincial 000 Oct, 23, had his licence sus 3 {and a veterinarian arr ed pended after he failed to file Special Package Tours proof of financial responsibility After examination they were er returned to the slaughterhouse; Joliowing a traffic conviction last which ships meat to dog food nrms Diseased Pigs Recaptured ORILLIA (CP)--A herd of 20 pigs suffering from atrophic rt is, a highly infectious dis ease, was recaptured during the weekend shortly after an escape from a slaughterhouse 1:00 P.M € KINSMEN BINGO. | TUESDAY, SEPT. 20th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackp: Nos. 51 50 JUBILEE PAVILION RUMMAGE SALE SEPT. 21st at CRA GIBB ST, 1:30 P.M St MARGARET HAMILTON GROUP $1.25 Let Professionals t and " a held 3 police § tario and Quebec although 2 [charges of breaking and enter- Aerosystems Company avy. saiement of its approval of PY ing. Floyd Arthur McCullough nounced Monday development of {po Ontario Human Rights Code ( learin Later Owen Sound, where he had been Bine which they say will enable gorse the code in a letter read g sentenced to six months definite @ doubling of payloads for space by Council at a meeting Monday TORONTO (CP) for attempted theft. uses liquid fluorine and liquid the Property Committee | hydrogen as fuel. Synopsis: A weather distur- SECOND KILN LOST ASK BYLAW REPEAL bance moving eastward across kiln, recently built to replace an-| BORAS, Sweden (AP) -- Miss trator of the Oshawa Shopping centred over Lake Erie early to was burned Monday on the farm failed to take part in a Swedish iewellers, for the repeal of the disturbance are expected to end of Roger Nechelput at nearby election since women got the Wednesday afternoon closing by-|in southwestern Ontario early to- the tobacco in it was estimated 0rd in Sunday's Parliamentary referred to the property commit-| afternoon followed by clearing || RAISE PILEDRIVER LEVY FOR GRANT Weather i lorecas; Gor Welues NDSOR (CP)--An $100,000 Pl b In thern a : Peating Vieasver was val enty Jo S to the Oshawa General Hospital spread into the far northern re p Jake § Clair next five years and not by issu-|™ pn 0. 0 enone driver, property of Dinsmore For U S Govt Bo A Ne . Monday night following'a sugges-| Hons. Windsor. London: Exten rates 3 ha ra t f the spital rd and |B $ nas Londor uxte [wales Sunday when waves ion of the Hospital Boa an sive fog early this morning then 0 an open hatch ment fs a growing problem, but Bastedo, chairman of the Finance cloudy, clearing GALT (CP)--City council gave United States union research di- |ward morning, Wednesday sunny i : V M {bylaw approving construction of Goldfinger told the] Reports on an air pollution sur. day and low tonight at Windsor | la civic centre at an estimated Ontario legislature's select com-|vey carried out in the city were and St. Thomas 70 and 55; Kitch |was passed asking the Ontario ment Monday that employment|from Dr. C. C Stewart, medical and 50 project without a plebiscite and local governments, Teachers| the property committee jregions, Toronto, Hamilton: are included in this category. Cloudy with chance of a shower SEAWAY PARKS POPULAR LET BRIDGE CONTRACTS Gerald|tor for the AFL-CIO said that in awarded afternoon. Clear tonight. Fog for the Ontario-St. Lawrence De- heen a st & t Toronto, for the bridges sunny and warmer, Winds north-|; velopment een a sharp decline in the num-| 55 Stevenson road south over the erly 15 today, light tonight and said Monday that\employees and miners. But or-| ay Pp 0yees §. But or- Monday night. {tonight at Hamilton 70 and 50, ed ime Svmmicsion Parks they liad gone. SYSTEM SATISFACTORY and 55 ow a 8 ' more| Eimer Sopha, Liberal member| The city feels that its present' Eastern vl tw Adolphustown and the A y fy ' : Georgian Bay regions: ) satisfactory, C cil decided ft : v | Quebec border in 1959. held the committee's attention|satisfactory, Coun ecided to) FROST 65 TODAY lexchange with Ontario CCF|ed on the recommendation of the | today, clearing this evening. Fog | Frost plats tio colebeati . said the Liberal party had en- 'S 8 . { ple celebration for hi | EEK 1,11 ,766 { losin Pro ram up to my ears in work." He the past and would do so again. |said: "My wife might bake me | He said political parties would in hiring government workers the closing day program, at cardboard horse, RURAL PHYSICIAN DIES Radio Par t t Vy, hb Special Prize was awar * "RITICTZ ES P : . adio Park last Saturday, by pecial Prize was awarded to/, Horton, 79, a country physi-| CRITICIZES DUNCAN WN clan for 46 Vears is He also criticized Ontario Hy ASKS WALR SIGN 1 S Ian ers. As a result the event was an|as "Pierie the Painter" dressed °°" for 46 years in this tiny 3 d aro. y- : . as lf. : the traffic committee if it might| A colorful parade opened the paint brush ton, died Sunday night. 3 beng 8 sellStyled foreign af C C il ti in Whit 1 hi activities and posed quite a diffi ake sale 3, " a) - A at Bloor and Simcoe streets as|lounty Council, meeting in 1it- earlier this year recommended a A bake sale, bingo, golf, penny Ontario Hydro Energy Minister it was at present a dangerous by today, received a letter from grant of $240,000 he paid to the and Frank Ross hi cted as 0 ary ap 7 pty ror : nd Frar 0ss Who acled as proved very popular. A pony ride party in a Forest Hill apartment|tion as to how much time Mr {Hospital asking "a definite as- That grant was based on 75 per lows ' A 8 . a > 9 a " Na . I 3 ls Gostiine -- Loans. Cox big attractions for the children. found-ins for 20 teen-agers, Each!fairs and how much to Hydro. All former Oshawa residents of | With our plans -- and that the the hospital. | as majoretie: Diana Harrison as [Fairview Lodge are now in Hills.|County of Ontario will make a| The Ajax-Pickering board brief : ' the members' children, third, Miss Florence Mathews residents from local nursing eral Hospital." the patients in Ajax - Pickering as a te 8 Joa i I~ as a Dutch girl and Joan Ginger Ald. C Bint reported by the hospital board, Ontario Ontario County. B : Milton F THREE GRASS FIRES films, "Antarctic Vigil" County's share of the 110-bed - oys in costume -- Milton Fice | . MONS ORS : T0 CONSIDER HONORS CASS c y i answered calls to three grass | Alex Oakely of Oshawa, who|mated that the total construction ASSI ELECTS HEAD Zorro without horse; Phillip Ma- house the parents of the children fires in Oshawa Monday. In the as a hobo righ bt Le Rollowing is the report of the walk at the Olympic Games, federal and provincial grants will leod, superintendent of schools in show of the Oshawa Dairy. In the Jshawa General Hospital for the should be given recognition by|amount to $659,000. |Windsor, was elected president Yestray. Orkney. Islands, Scot appreciation by attending| jo 4" Cy "and 284 Courcelette SIONS 263; births, male 29, female|who had won the Canadian horse-|says the brief, which is $372,922, : ne. and making it a truly neighbor-| avenue. There were three routine 26; discharges 286; newborn dis-|shoe championship for the ninth will be raised in Ajax, Picker- sociation of School Superintend- awa for 33 years, Mrs. Rendall : " : : ents aud luspecters. Monday, ©. attended Cedardale United EE ---- {major surgery, 74; minor sur-| re-- The hospital board brief will be A. Rath, Ottawa, is a regional CROWN PROSECUTOR |gery 84; eye, ear, nose and bmitted to the special commit- vice-president. Predeceased by her husband : 4 S b Spott d | = Gavin Henry Rendall, June 14, are that Prime Minister Diefen e Alex C. Hall QC, is in Ottawa inations x Sass Ey physio- | u e baker will offer former Quebec this week to prosecute the mur-| erapy treatments h . ter, Mrs. Roy Wotten (Elizabeth eter oroug H d St In arnor " of Oshawa and a son, Gavin, of in his cabinet | ad art van Sullivan, who is charged| Miss Madalene Siss 215 T : The Rew ba ar. PETERBOROUG with murdering Ethel La Haye | iy @ bisson, <1v fre I'he newspaper says Mr. Bar GH Dnipro street, has completed the|g i i { Also surviving In d 18 | three-year Corres ond pe : €| Several residents of this Notre ers, Walter and Conservative candidate in La- borough, 10-7 in a pre-league dla a {called in to handle the prosecu. BY spondence course Dame Bay village said a submar- . 2 belle riding. vacant » the ap- Play chess match Sunday tion when the Ottawa crown... 5. 0 3 i / The memorial rvice will be Hi Rb i ag Bh Peterborough team includ. Anderson leading British sh was anys sists a, aay Tender EAT'N the sl Funes ' 1 | € 1 les £ British ship-| ¢tpicke mei | 'tion with e University of] : E i EE a Rn held at the Armstrong Funera iri Courtemanche to the Sen- ed seven high school students owner, said Monday night he be. ri hen With latyngitis Ros Dright Semin ale om fore at $ STREETS CLOSED [the first graduating class from Baker who said her attention , by ction Following are the individual Sh seamen is "organized from The following streets will be this course which offers subjects was drawn to the harbor by "the Oct. 31 and the Conservative can - FERNHILL bingo tonight at Avalon at/idate has not yet been chosen. players named first Salional Union Wilson road south from Olive tarial field. ers who saw it agreed it was a 12 KING ST. ERA 35-3633 8 p.m. 20 games at $6 and $10. Seven Kustudic 0, Turkiewych 1; hat is really the genesis of syenue to Shakespeare avenue; | " submarine, No markings were . i ig FLVER Fong Meat Specials! Wed. & Thur FALL tea for members and prospec. |lionale government was defeated gyorohohach 1; Philips Jr. %. He spoke on a British televi-|street to Ritson road north: Rit.| ar The sub appeared briefly in the p L] . u Ss. by the Liberals at Quebec's June Kuzemchak %; Don Day 1, Paw- 51on program discussing the long/son road north, from Rossland |Oshawa, driving 57 VW, were middle of the harbor and then tn ie aly fe earentle Milne 1, Rogozinski 0; Wilf Day 2000 members of the National Whenever possible streets will be bourg team, composed of P. Hen-| The village is six miles from from provincial politics recently sy J Seamen' Ese N | de Ah 1 Kachnij 0; Lang, 0, Janchey. Séamen"s Reform Movement, a kept open for local traffic. Emer-|derson and H. Hueckel, driving a|Botwood in north-central New- 00 FALL LUNCHEON within the Union Nationale, Mayes 0, Mibus 1; Ray Blodgett tional Seamen's Union |could require the closing of|at Peterborough last weekend.| RCAF and USAF officials In Ibs . . ------ iil 1, Slemko 0; Browne 0, Chromejl Commentator Ludovic K e n- streets not on this list {Both teams lost 17 points. Eight|St. John's, Nfld., declined com- " WOMEN'S GUILD RACK LAMB Ib. 49 day in the south portions of On- | MOITOW. as a 'chronic criminal" was Ch nce Of Rain concurrent on each of eight] BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) awa City Council to issue a pub-| a was brought here last week from a fluorine-hydrogen rocket en-\gor press and radio and to en- and three months indeterminate @nd orbit vehicles. The engine night. The letter was referred to issued at 5 a.m BURFORD (CP)--A tobacco VOTES AT 104 A petition from the adminis- the Great Lakes region was other destroyed in a Sept. 1 fire Ebba Sparre who has never|Centre, J. F. Schmitz, signed by day. Showers associated with the Hatchley. Value of the kiln and Vote in 1921, maintained her rec-|law was received by Council and day and in eastern Ontario this ! |at $3,500, election. She is 104, tee tonight Sunny and warm City council's grant of $500,000 Lal ity council's gra of $500, vio' while va s exDecher . floating piledriver was raised tario while rain is expected fc will be made in levies over the gions Monday after three attempts, The z : ing debentures, Council decided | Lake Erie. Lake Huron re Construction, sank in five feet of slg AR of IE TORONTO (CP) Unemploy-| conveyed to Council by Ald. E this afternoon COUNCIL APPROVES CENTRE M0! in the area of government, a Committee {Clear tonight with fog patches to- two readings Monday night to a|"€clor says. | TO STUDY REPORT and warmer. Winds light, High to- @ cost of $500,000. A second bylaw mittee on organization of govern-{received by council members ener, London and Wingham 70 Municipal Board to approve the has increased rapidly in state officer of health, and referred to! Western Lake Ontario, Niagara vor. vosonvah dirs early this morning clearing this CORNWALL (CP) Mr. Goldfinger, research direc-| A" oontract for $243,320.30 Arthurs, public relations officer the last seven years there has Co. Id to Bailey Construction|patches early Wednesday then Commission ater of factory workers, railros i i | P| i ers, railroad , Morrisburg, ry ad|CNR and CPR by city council| wednesday. High today and low g 1 : : 900,000 visitors have been ganized labor didn't know where te . ' po |8t, Catharines and Toronto 70 than visited the nine parks be i . ' 4 ion" Lake Ontario, Hali- - [tween of the legislature for Sudbury,|system of garbage collection 181, urton, | ° |during most of the session. In an|notify Industrial Disposal Limit.|Cloudy with a few light showers Radio Park Holds | TORONTO (CP) Premier|léader Donald C. MacDonald .he|Board of Works Committee. {65th birthday today because 'I'm gaged in political patronage in - » la cake. collapse if all political influence aX 0S ita The weatherman co-operated in as Zorro with his bicycle clad in RUR. was removed. ENTERPRISE (CP)---Dr postponing the predicted show-| 10-month-old Mark Gingereski I hairma o « | Ald. Christine Thomas asked | unqualified success, in tam and smock carrying a Community northwest of Kings- dro chairman James 8. Duncan Soy 0 be possible to erect a walk sign WHITBY (Staff) --The Ontario/tee on hospital grants, which fairs expert in the service of the| - cult task for Mrs. T. D. Thomas .TEEN-AGERS FINED toss and the refreshment booth TORONTO (CP) -- A drinking Macaulay did not answer a ques- intersection for children to cross, [the Ajax Pickering General Oshawa General Hospital Board. idges, The list of winners fol- ; an airplane rp G3 + Judge Ol-land an airplane ride were alsoled to convictions Monday as Duncan devoted to foreign af-| ALL INMATES MOVED [surance thal we may proceed cent of the actual county use of Girls F i ree treats were handed out to Miss Bathroom; and a tie for CITY AND DISTRICT | dale Manor as well as four city|grant to the Ajax-Pickering Gen-| submitted that 96.8 per cent of homes bringing the total to 93,| According to a brief submitted General Hospital are residents of eski as a clown . as Vive. Dep nt | "Wildlife in the Rockies". {hospital is $1,118,766. It is an Indian; Tom Mathews as meeting to be held at the club- The Oshawa Fire Department 1 € es HOSPITAL REPORT [finished sixth in the 50,000 metre cost will be $2,200,000 and that| TORONTO (CP)--C. R. Mac- B b 1 T De Mill sum-| morning the call was to the yard ceased was born Feb. 17, 1898 at est bicycle -- Terry De Mille | : ree. y Qe 4 ic t 3 * inl > alone p aw | . afternoon, it was to Thornton's week ending Sept. 17: admis-|the city, also Dean McLaughlin] The balance of the money, of the 650-membet Canadian As- : ident of Canada & 0s A i 3 " x 3 A resident of Canada and Osh {ambulance calls during the day. |charges, male 24, female 31;|time, Ald. J. Brady said. |ing and Pickering Township Church, ] 1 1H : ; submited to 4 rumors in political circles u ns Says Strik Ontario County Crown Attorney | throat 45; treatments and exam- 1954, she is survived by a daugh | premier Antonio Barrette a post {der trial of John Francis Sulli-| COMPLETES COURSE Oshawa $206 LAWRENCETOWN, Nfld. (CP) rette could be the Progressive Club, Oshawa, defeated Peter lin Ottawa June 1. Mr. Hall was |; = of Sydney, Australia LONDON (CP Sir Dosald given by the Association of Ad-|ine appeared in the harbor Mon- 4 I ) Sir Donald o¢tornev p ie , pointment of State Secretary The attorney, Raul Mercier, Toronto. She was a member of|e p,* wife Mr: ste - « PCVS and Kosser eves the Id ot of i | color," said housewife Mrs, Peter TRUE TRIM BEEF -Y COMING EVENTS A byelection is scheduled for \ n : x scores with the Peterborough Canada" by. the Seafarers' Inter-|,joced for construction today: |0f particular value in the secre- sound of engines." All the villag- Mr. Barrette, whose Union Na- oi ink » enid Qi $40 jjackpots, door prizes os | Lewis Nelipa %: Moore 0, it, I think said Sir Donald. [Taunton road east from Simcoe {visible. Greer and W. Freeland, of tive members of the Oshawa and Dis 22 provincial election, resigned llk 0: Snowden, 1, Izdebski 0;|20d bitter unofficial strike by|road east to Hilleroft street. (tied for fourth place with a Co-|submerged. LEAN because of internal difference sky 1; Sanders 0, Hrywnak 1: breakaway branch of the Na- gency conditions such as weather 60 Sprite, in the sports car meet |foundland. Ge 's Parish Hall 1; Jack Blodgett 0, Schurko 1: nedy, summing up at the end of] | driver-navigator teams took part. ment. ge s aris - -- -- RIB Hy STEAKS bh. L D. MeclLennon Manager DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY -- OSHAWA -- BROOKLIN * PHONE MO 8-3304 inquire---- He was given until Oct. 4 to g : pay Monday's fines. His 1960- Flesh of animals suffering from mode! car, bought an credit until 'hinitis and other diseases ay his inheritance is received, was be used for dog food since it an- ordered impounded for three not infect other animals, |months. \ nsored by the i RA 3-2312

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