The Oshawa Times, 20 Sep 1960, p. 21

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, September 20, 1960 Auxiliary Marks Up Outstanding Record By JO ALDWINCKLE Fifty-three years 8go, in Aug ust 1907, a group of women rep- all the Oshawa churches, met to decide on & joint project for the benefit of the community, It was agreed that a hospital was the prime need, Sixty wo- members of the men enrolled as "Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary" and elected Mrs, BR, 8. McLaughlin, instigator of the community ef- fort, as president, an office she held until her death early in 1958, Mrs, T. H, Everson, the only living charter day, was elected secretary and the unceasing drive to raise funds started, HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CALLS By canvassing -- and in those days that meant walking from house to house -- bazaars, teas, socials and talent money, the fund gradually accumulated until it reached one thousand dollars, In a town of five thousand popu- {ation this represented a con- siderable sum afd much hard work, With this money the Ladies' Auxiliary decided to buy a piece of property and the original site on Alma street was chosen, This caused a good deal of Tontrover, sy, as the location was consider- ed "too far out of town", However, the plan went for- ward, building was started and on August 13, 1910, a 16-bed hos- pital with one nurse in charge, Miss Elizabeth MacWilliams who is still living in Tordnto, the Oshawa General Hospital was MRS. T. H . EVERSON formally opened, It is interesting to note that on this day, three/pad to double or treble by her thousand miles away in England, | own ingenuity, Florence Nightingale, pioneer of| The talent money plan prevail. the nursing profession, buried. {major fund-raising event was Soon it became necessary {oithe catering tent at the Oshawa appoint a night supervisor and pair Under a big marquee, in Mrs, F. J. Rundle, Harmony, an|gyyelling heat and often torren- executive of the auxiliary, was ija| rain, the women prepared the first to fill this position, The steadily mounting treasury afternoon tea, and a cold plate called for the election of algupper for the three-day fair, treasurer and the late Mrs. J. O.|This represented tremendous Henry was the first to fill this planning and organization when position, Mrs, T. H, Everson re-\as many as one hundred would signed as secretary, finding the|jine up for a hot, home-cooked demands of a growing family re- meal, quired her full attention, and the| In those horse-and-buggy days, late Miss Maud Mothersill was showmen and visitors spent the elected in her place whole day on the fair ground and the catering by the auxiliary fill- DOMESTIC TALENTS ed a need, With the changing The Ladies' Auxiliary devoted times, the auxiliary discontinued fvity, itself wholeheartedly to the wel. this activity fare of the hospital, the patients POPULAR FIXTURE and the nurses-in-training, The One social event that has last- x ed through the years is the St. members visited the sick, sup-ip,irick's Day Bridge in March plied little comforts and made| This annual event retains its jams, jellies and preserves from| popularity and this year approx- fruit grown on the property, Mrs. |imatgly 140 tables were in play McLaughlin instituted the talent|during the afternoon and even- money scheme by which eachiing. ({llary, Oshawa General Hospital, has grown to the present mem- {bership of 280 including 88 ener- was|ad for over fifty years. Another getic young women of an evening chapter, ! follows: Mrs, T, H, Everson; vice-president Mrs. tive is as president, honorary At the present time, the execu- Honorary MRS. G. D. CONANT PINNING LIFE MEMBERSHIP EMBLEM ON MRS, R. 8. McLAUGHLIN IN 1957, Bolahood, Mrs, Henry Bickle; corresponding secretary, Mrs, T, E, Sutherland; press secre- tary, Mrs, R, J. Murphy, The bers do a consid able amount of sewing and knit- ting as well as entertaining the student nurses at different times of the year, This year's fund raising proj. ects for the evening chapter in- clude a dessert bridge to be held Saniomi and served a hot mid-day meal, |G. D. Conant; honorary treasur- Miss Mabel Whitney; past er, president, Mrs. C. D, Russell; | president, Mrs, R, W, Bassett; |1st vice-president, Mrs, A, W, Armstrong; 2nd vice-president, Mrs, J. G, Dancey; 3rd vice- (president, Mrs, Peter Simpson; Irecording secretary, Mrs, Nell Felt; press secretary, Mrs, 8, J, Nobbin; corresponding secre. tary, Mrs, Grant McIntosh; treasurer, Mrs, C, M, Elliott, | Conveners of standing commit. tees: Training school, Mrs, C, M, Elliott and Mrs, J. L, Beaton; {nursery sewing, Mrs, Earl Mann {and Mrs, D, E, Jackson; library, |{Mrs, Nell Fraser; cards, Mrs, H, B, James; membership, Mrs, L. W. McConkey and Mrs, An- gus MacDonald; tea hostesses, Mrs, 1, J, Metcalf and Mrs, C, L, Cousins, Gift shop: general convener and buyer, Mrs, J. G. Carter; Pp 1 and, a new ven- ture, a fashion show October 19, As a service to the patients, the auxiliary introduced a library cart a number of years ago and every week two members would circulate through the wards dis- tributing and exchanging reading material with those who wanted it. LIBRARY SERVICE Today the McLaughlin Publie Library assists with this project and sends a staff member to ac- company an auxiliary member on the goodwill tour every Friday afternoon, A newer, lighter cart was donated and the auxiliary col- lects and is always glad to ac- cept, clean magazines and paper back books for distribution, Mrs, Neil C, Fraser is this year's con- vener of this committee, For many years baskets of fruit were purchased and distributed to indigent patients at Christmas ! . | EDIBLE SEAWEED | NEWS INB | PICTOU, NS. (CP) -- This year's crop of Irish moss Is re == 'ported the biggest in years along LONG CAREER ithe shore of Northumberland $T. JOHN'S, Nid, (CP)---Strail, Extracts from the sea Thomas Wilcox Collingwood, pres. weed are used in making ice ident of Baine Johnson and Com- cream, custard and chocolate pany Limied ors, dons, has milk, celebrated his 656th anniversary ' ¢ with the firm, Born in Brigus,| SUE RLY (CP) Nfid., he started ss 2 Junlor | arse or Ww A Currie cheerfully lerk, Two of bis sons pow are, q {ilo v v TOF paid 8 fine for illegal parking (Ld after his car was tagged in a FASTER READING restricted zone, He also congrat. HALIFAX (CP)--Sasint Mary's "ated the policeman for doing his University here is starting adult| oP: reading classes designed to HOUSE CALLS double the average speed of read.| ALMA, Que. (CP)-The muni. ers. The university says mosticipsl council of this Lake St persons can increase their peed John community decided to in. to 600 words a minut with little stall fire alarm bells in the homes difficulty, of Alma's 20 volunteer firemen, Congratulations to . . . OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL on your 50th Anniversary every good wish for the future Mercury Taxi 45 KING ST. E. RA 5-477] 2 DIRECT LINES FROM HOSPITAL OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL ON THEIR 50mAnniversary And Sincere Best Wishes For The Future. member was given a dollar from| From its small beginning the assistant convener, Mrs, J. P, But ta past S0a30n, for Mt first) MRS, R, W. BASSETT PRESENTS AUXILIARY'S BUILDING FUND CHEQUE. | the auxiliary funds, which shelauxiliary, now the Women's Aux. | Mills; _ treasurer, Mrs, Alfred| cali gint to every patient, child] -- - ------------ w=' Austin; vasisast Teapuer, Ma, and adult! in the hospital, Con: |ture on the part of the auxiliary as the Adelaide McLaughlin Me-|and Mrs. A, F, Annis, vener, Mrs, W. J. Salter "Ivened by Mrs, J. L. Beaton, ahag been the establisiment of a morial Chapel, and Mrs, H. B.| As the Oshawa General Hos. | ' We ty d committee composed of Mrs, gift shop in the rotunda of the | James is convener of the special pital expands with th | BUSINESS AND PLEASURE |R. B. White, Mrs, C. D. Russell, [committee for this project, h pands: w 9 commun. During the year monthly meet. | rs: Percy Thompson, Mrs, R, L, (hospital, Under the convenership| myo youatty of the members or| ty, the need for more workers ings on the third Monday after. 9/8¥: Mrs, James McCansh and of Mrs, J, G. Carter and staffed |, aul 18 Yeftected tn tu {In the auxiliary is great. Prospec. noon of each month are held and | Mrs. J. G, Carter, wrapped and voluntarily by auxiliary mem. | ie auxtiary 4 Ye ® tive members would be welcome the social activities of this year RE ] ber now proudly wearing 25 presented 165 small presents with bers, the gift si hi os |and woul . J yO or yy oar e B shop has proven| pins, Miss Mabel Whitney | erin ou A Yd fellowship in fur corn Capers, at Christmastime SOINE 4 Tine Sau, best wishes from the auxiliary, to be a financial success, as well | : |served as treasurer for 30 years and the Maytime Dance, as well PLEDGE $25,000 as being of great service to they sper "old.timers" includ ytin " | . [J as St. Patrick's Bridge. Over the years it is estimated |PAtients and visitors to the hos. |, { At the presegy time a festival|, oo Mary i pital, Mrs. R. L. Gry, Mn. K. H, ly WW of gifts Is being planned for No- e auxiliary has raised over » Braithwaite, Mrs, Edgar Brad. | vember 18, Highlight of this will|$100,000 for the maintenance and MEMORIAL CyAPEL (ley, Mrs. R. W. Graham, Miss be a display and sale of dolls of improvement of Oshawa General| The auxiliary has also prom:|Vera Mo: yse, Mrs, Morley Can. all nations dressed for the auxil- Hospital and in this year's build-|ised to furnish the chapel which ning, Mrs. §. J. Phillips, Mrs. lary by women belonging to Osh ing campal ledzed $25,000 ! awa's many different ethatic palgn pledge 5,000 will be included in the new wing.|T. K. Creighton, Mrs, J, L. Bea. | group over three to five years, |The chapel, long a desire of Mrs. |ton, Mrs, R. E, McMullen, Mrs, | By far the most ambitious ven-(R 8. McLaughlin, will be known H, B, James, Mrs, J, H, Beaton HOUDAILLE Industries Ltd. SIMCOE ST. §, | 8 Convehing the festival of gifts We Salute oe da | The Pioneers Of The Bolahood for the evening chap- ter, EVENING CHAPTER The evening chapter whieh # came into being four years ago, is an active group under the| chairmanship of Mrs, G, G, Cur- " ley. Her officers are: 1st vice | chairman, Mrs, C, R. Lunn; and, vice-chairman, Mrs, D, E, Sager; secretary, Mrs, T. H, Greer; treasurer, Mrs, M, A, Powell; membership convener, Mrs, J. A MacDonald; social convener, | Mrs, A. W. Holland; scrap book) ; convener, Mrs, Mortimer Brown; | knitting conveners, Mrs, J. H, | Lockwood, Mrs, Daniel Shutka;| sewing conveners, Mrs, John WELL DONE! Oshawa General Hospital THE PEOPLE OF OSHAWA and neighboring ities have r to be proud and grateful to the OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL We offer congratulations to all who have had Fifty vears of service to suffering GIFT SHOP IS ONE ACTIVITY Humanity is a good achievement. To those who saw the need fifty years ago. . . laid the foundation for future R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS : rowth and s . and h i and to those who have by "labor of 10% KING ST. W. 4 y. g nd service, and have helped it to meet g , so well and fully the needs of your community. love' saw to it that the hospital and (is service by erecting the first hospital part in its works of mercy, its fifty years of y P Your hospital is one of the most modern in the WISH TO EXTEND THEIR VERY BEST WISHES TO THE OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR SO"Anniversary AND FOR THE FUTURE OF THEIR NEW ADDITION its facilities kept pace with growing country . , . be proud of it and continue to sup- port it, Oshawa and the needs of its sick, we pay our sincere respects, Blue Cross Division ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Ontario Steel Products Co. Ltd. 133 RITSON RD. N. OSHAWA

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