The Oshawa Times, 20 Sep 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY 4 WEATHER REPORT Do ofte ave y use f / : People of 10 use. Jor 3 Cloudy with chance of rain, p r a snowfa but kee . Fail oF 3 io it keep clearing later. Fog patches Wad ooking for a win . nesday. vor 89--NO. 218 OSHAWA, "ONTARIO, "TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1960 a Ee Doar ay TWENTY-TWO PAGES ongoleco SRENNNREN 1 SEAND RCAF Control | (ERENCE Ag sy cours SER SHE RADAR GROUPS Congo's strongn ; Mobutu announce today the planning to fly to the United Na- government ) taken over tions General Assembly, Kasa- gov met ha ob o vear by vubu appealed to UN officials 7 unt ae ) \ission aE a br here to prevent Lumumba from) / 4 7, 4 N E » -. FE Ls (ll 7 CT Lt ew Equipment Wi oreign Rival "cabinet meetings" were! ; PRO A York. held until the early hours of this er Bomix hy Yo ooh morning. but a predicted recon- 7, 2 'R 1 14 S where he g ' oat : . ciliation failed to come about 7 (4 7% ep dace qua Ions Kasavubu's ns ae ga A group of five African coun " t th 3 ations General], Guinea, Ghana, Tunisia . 5 a Les Ireda S| OTTAWA (CP) Disbandment | squadrons to back up the regular " l { Arab H y of all 14 RCAF auxiliary aircraft air force radar ground units. Morocco and the nite oubl re mediating be PRY £ . ? " control and warning squadrons The prese adar g "0 tepublic were media 3 By RICHARD VALERIANI against what the Cuban govern-| wil peg: ng squadrons, lhe present radar ground con tween the al politicians, Ren ' > : will begin next year, authorita- frol system is manually operated ih £ . " / { HAVANA (AF Acting Pre- ment called abusive treatment y : . " A TT J ters said % / 7 aul Capt Mie . > Fidel fie tive sources said today The new SAGE system will intro. ' mier Raul Castro warned today against Premier Fidel Castro in 5 2 acy " mi. 2 pe OMPROMISE PROPOSED ¢ an' outburst of anger that] Ne Yo The auxiliary flying squadrons duce semi-automatic control A A yi % i i out rst « ange th: New rk pg s pd co . e "il h . 5 of the RCAF will be maintained The 14 reserve squadrons I proposed a com- 7 ot v 4 igh n any determined The crowd houted for the Disband we ' . nd across Canada were formed 3 Mobutuy announced | i ( hich Lumumba iy, xi VW. S " % moment" demand the United United States to get out of the * an " nol ' 4 vod i the 15 )-54 i eriod "Rn n ai an premier with lim 7 % 4% ! h States withdraw from Guanta 'big naval base at the island's|Fadar squac rons, to Le completed , & Lt po" pn Iraing y ) ; t end. Raul. Fidel's|in.two years, will result in an reserves were needed to augment The plan would & hh 2 / ; nama naval base southeast eser ' Lumumba to accept : u 4 He threatened to take over the younger brother, then declared: |annual saving of approximately iy personnel of the regular orning, mark e | ! / | br CAF. a st on h > sir » ly through the United Nation TIT ARRIVES AT NEW YORK base during an hour-long blast We warn that an incident $1,000,000 pe a y ncessions would have been of at the United States, heard by there will be self-provoked--it is| The squadrons affected are lo-| On some occasions, the auxili- I y p to Congolese leader uch Yugoslavia's ; wt Tito a ng ahoard s liner | hind microphones is an inter- | more than 50.000 cheering Cu- : within our possibilities in cated at Halifax, Quebec City, aries : have actually taken over Katang Moise Tshombe| yw, to the crov ) ier Que een ' ' h 1 Ma a AP Wirephoto) : any determined moment to re-|Trois-Rivieres, Sherbrooke, Mont-| Complete operation of regular ; ) vr § , x . preter / irephoto bans who flocked to the palace Py radar stations vho wan sater autonomy in sw York's Hu tive tandin 1 a 4 4 : alm that piece of our national real, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, The auxiliary flying units the provincial government | square for a hastily called post-| territory that is in the hands of|London, Windsor, Winnipeg, Cal- he auxiliary flying units have } been converted to light transport duties. After the Second World rested a n erie who tried Lumumba accepted this com midnight rall foreign power gary, Vancouver and Victoria promise but Kasavubu rejected abr st Us The wrath of the Cubans re "hese : P are Ei ar es A ¢ as ang egroe | Castro 2 blasted the lted from the vrenfier's pus These squadrons are being war they were mainly reserve bassy her cave of rom Ine premiers Dur-igliminated because they have) fiohter ORR Kaeavubu, under | emba 1 a ported Lotel difficulties in New: 2 fighter squadrons wn § Pportéte S White spies" and aimed another threat York een Superseded by new, & 6g! I0: One of the chief tasks of the nic methods of ontrolling the! reserve flying squa < ig oy is Z Rests ar e h pare Bi American business Tn Cana President Osvaldo Dorticos fol opel ations of interceptors + Wh Byins ig igi 1 d fo 4 \ ol. that ' jg m ; Jed Raul Casty the i sist the army in its civil defe Oe coun | Tumba, insisted that both ° go PRETORIA (AP) -- Fourteen "We will nationalize here as lowed Raul Castro on the flood: "TL SAGE control system wil ole. y nce he co nments"' should resign and a nwa need: 1 uy ae wo. hat | lit palace balcon e read the og Fedary 44 ats one take over with Lu NEW YORK Ap An angry. moved 20 Shelburne Ri ere er i to-|many things as we have fo na Zovernment's' formal resolution be introduced In Canada next| Earlier this year, the civilian or murder ram tionalize he- said. Indicating of protest against what he called Y€4r and this will eliminate the ground observer corps was dis- of commission yn fron Lumumba's emissa to the|security restrictior ind room | total of . $4 hotel asked : HA ' Pref ho ther UHMOL hat severe penalties await three "provocative deeds" against the Feduirement for auxiliary radar banded south of the 55th parallel, the ranks of Congolese university Kasavubu group, National As iar stalked 0 h a 11$10,000 guar } oe { one Negro Americans being held on spy| Cuban premier 8 who! \ ag Jos F: onday { ar moved into the atz 1 i$ 1 anothe 1 on eR! . c & " _ lncen ARC Jraciual ' mbly President Jo ep Ka Hamad y ; h i D ' 2 " a stay] charg said: "Now you are aid "imperial would act as ministers according songo, was reported to have in-| heart o ) Ww en nite man granted a stay . { forces aggressors against our Oo u to their qualificatior ted that Lumumba would ac The familiar f r 'tha i A ve old farmer sen-|RoIng now Spies are Da-|.,untry" forced Castro to leave Reuter ews agency quoted cept nothing less than the pre- Yankee no ) on NG | t ! ' ¢ o death for raping his|tionalized iis hotel in New York. It called of 1,000 )) I ¥ tor fn » l aut ativ source a saying miership i u ¢ I am w evolution SUthuriaie sources 33 yuu "Ka vubu said he had dis-| moved into t eres: ' : hep ! Dlut the action a brutal measure that M } | §) | I' 4) i Lumumba rejected a compromise asavubu a) " . 4 : . a8 he man : [ slog: ' the Yankees _ ' Rauhen offer from Kasavuhu that cussed a possible reconciliation The bearded (: 1 I et ¢ ¢ icin . howed once again the "barbar SA Tomavt bremie al with sources close to Lumumba battle green fatigi waved ar A 1 I yal ered his name not ar ous and uncivilized natur of| " 3 ail t : should hecome vice-premier in a but that he had refused to sign|smiled his suppor in GT tous : : 4 The mass demonstration Was i. United States TORONTO CP) About 400 Meeting In conjunction with new government veement leaving Lu-/sharp contrast his rlier ae " i b di srotest! Hilt Diales leaders in education meet here CEA, the Canadian School Trust any agre g J F he a's ut § med radio tc rotest + y 2 a fir ag | @ vig 5 Jam by gs premier's office. | angry mood SOUGHT FOOD ELSEWHERE daughter's future Rpmonec. by 0 0 pol Dortic acked the United today in. the pb session of theiees Association took stock of it- um y n : . i! me 3 al 2 three-day 37th annual convention|self Mond: uh CR EE RASA he move 8 appar e Cubans refused to partak States as a false democracy and is 4 . : u ay. HOPE FOR AGREEMENT ; of the Canadian Education As. ». ! caf] umved t f food { f Hg Association president Charles savubu has appointed Jo-|ently Jum X | suggested | Discounts ae Te: premier ; J Boli-| bill from $400 to 3 { ! am Ber 0 " also "An international organization a japion y L. Simms of Fredericton told the J The s nformation minis-| Castro entoura Im 90 brought alo i biscu hn aiernationa. organiza Delegates include education trustees that if they presisted in eo atio i cans and bags o kango the United Nations), in order to/ministers from eight provinces,| consideri ng education a provine the new government| Persons ts asia o : A 8 stee : } N . 4 fulfill its historical function, Superintendents and truste es|gjal matter it would be doing a made mumba as vice-premier F del Castro, complaining of tight a 20) N ligence na Wn; ; v named by Tllea had not take Love 00ds N d peanuts. | {from schools in ma C i Sat Tay : jor Canadian| great disservice t vk go ove active wer because *|the Hotel Theresa WwW O e& e I} | should be located in a countr; " " great disservice to increasing g yer effective pow 1 + | representative paid b 9 I nc Y|cities as well as officials from number of Canadians, It was hoped to reach agreement wi where there is a truly demo-| colle sges, teacher and trustee or- a e first day, | time | 8, sai in his view time to adopt a "definite nati In Accidents | Lumumba, [for the first A MAN COULD OTTAWA (C P)--P? ime_Minis.| Right said that in his vi r th cratic and civilized government." " ganizations, jie 10.2 dopt a "de ational TT --------1lcASTRO COMP] AINED Diefenba sail onday | rule of law means equality of al nL jective, { Castre here to atte hel R t that he cannot see the ex-| without regard to race or color We are far too apologetic in OTTAWA (CP)--A bart I nited Nation Genera Assem ARISE A THIRST nding Commonwealth standing] "YI do not believe that in the our approach and in the ap- th Ts ahs Idn't b ini us a an 1 qa es |bly session, also took a complaint STROURNYF or anything other than equality|light of the experience of the past xercises propriation and expenditure of ie Joi shoulda ena ee 'd " "hrusqu EASTBOUR yr all under the rule of law | this Commonwealth in the future funds to further . . . the coms urtes and ¢ A " oe oh. to UN Secretary Hy P . Y In a dinner address to the|can stand for less iplete education of our Canadian » his Injury inglish lawye ted : : : . ed i i? nary, nx } lawyer S ak At General Hammarskjold f 5 R Commonwealth and Empire Law| Mr. Diefenbaker made specific Ji t Ever youth," he said. Le bi { Barrie pe | The switch in I same " : Conference he also | reference to South Africa in his 1 Z. 8. Phimister, Toronto Board London barrister | mr tir 1 0 i of Education directqr, attacked cause foolish or carele acts led Carter sald his afte a assailed the man-| HEX €0 Fopkdie ads 1. Noted that an increasingly | address, with a look back to the the concept ¢ | agement the Hotel Shelburne . Joi n nt factor in the Common-| May Commonwealth prime min-| LONDON (Reuters) -- Western week and the nuclear subma- education problems from a sim- abandoned In determining ¢ Slum Points over room prices and treatment Ume Jeftrey yes elationship is aconornle istres conference in London and Europe and the eastern Atlantic rines Scorpion and Trident ilar angle. He said that because Re 14 - and threatened r n Cen \ . i i stance from hel 4 mention of South Africa's forth 1 swarm with Atlantic Al- of provincial authorities being pensation for industrial inju dasa : : \ FAI ; 4 "PR : : o wil ar é perhaps startling to the practi tral Park or on una | found no or fie « I ' ; Ho HM fsjcoming plebiscite Or 5 On| liance forces today as the largest| PENNISON IN COMMAND responsible for, education there ing lawyer whose whole trainis WASHINGTON (AP) -- Both Pure ly. propa ; h rie ( e. | i 3 110 : eveloped| whether the country hould be: NATO naval exercise and biggest H The . Bri L ie! Bit a pory was a great inquality in educa has conditioned him to accept it!yy g nresidential candidates car-| N¢ Shelburne's owne dward| ¢ mop i ; ally, bat the lawve {come a republic. land manoeuvres ever held get Termes 4 a Th ove Sin also | tion opportunity. unquestioningly ried their campaigns. into eco spate, hes Ved. 2 4 4. Phone engineer F Conwhelth consider] Recalling that a conference underway eam th ES iar ie re, al Canada and the United States Mr. Carter said his proposition] oo. lv depressed areas Mon Aa t my r no V ct ht Common. | Communique s aid the South Afri-| weotiv 150 w arships--including ~o|did not spend enough on educa- a talaga { rom revolt ies 4 hen Y the 22-square mile " 5 i 1 1 ommon-| sOVer ould ask fc command of Adm, Robert Den- a: gal z " a is nevertheless far from volu-| to night. Both charged the other ' a t 4 . ite to fill a CAR governme nt should a OF | three from Canada -- will take ; : . (tion, he said. Russia spent be. tionary, adding in a paper to the So oti "he oonsibility for the during his UN stay---for ura 1 one 2 | knowledge the consent of other Common part in the saval exercise nison, U.S. Navy, supreme al {ween 10 and 12 per cent of its arty witl ; sibility foi ra SONS £ al knowle : . art |i 1 ave Xe! - 4 g N 2 Commonwealth and E Law economic plight of the districts Ped on ute to his hotel fron 't tie / \ it would be of particular value wealth governments if 1t decides named Fallex 60--in waters - lied commander, Atlantic, 3 total gross national product on Conference "brits re hy Kenmw ke in En route to his hotel from rare 3 y : al to change to republic status but' Ra er Taking part in Fallex 60 be- aqucation while the two North w ' Senator John Kennedy spoke inf int he complained the ( sw member nations tween northern Norway and Gi ides the C Yian sk It "I hope that 1 have said enough Charleston. W.Va. heart of the arp € I ; riniste vith men. | 8150 seeks continued Common braltar sides the na lan ships will be American countries spent only harleston, 8 hey Pp roug ecatment a I prime iniste vith | rel . re " > 92 4 to provoke among AWY troubled soft coal country where had received ugn hy at when tio of anada's new Bill of wealth membership, * he com At the same time, 45,000 Brit 71 snips of the U.S f Navy: y a between three and four per cent. some rethinking on what, at the hands of security forces wher : lor mented -; the British Navy, 15 French, 19| The trustees, in a seminar, de- ish, Danish and West German og ve RR a "These " words were accepted i.,one will deploy in exercise Norwegian, five Dutch and four cided to ask their convention | beginning of this nuclear ge : 4 : : on only be a topic of great ir nomination got a major box SLUINTOLERABLE SITUATION r ios all member states of the Com . Portuguese yy Taps onyentiog howe ho ave Tot concerned Dre en Nov. , he $id, he Wi became Ioerabt, sa a | : salth and that fact should Holdfast in Denmark and West| poldfast will be under the com- greater aid for vocational and re- port 3 . f 1! president Nov, 8, he said, he will hecame intolerable, said Castrq monwealth anc g 3 Gertuii; will be a the com- greater aid for : ; ihe workmen hemeives. who irginis ; | be emphasized. Consent to mem- . mand of British L en. Sir search education from the fed- proved from. "Republican It culty geting accommodations Simultaneously, NATO sea Horatius Murray, NATO com-| era . T ol the workmen themselves who ' or Tabi indi | bership requires unanimity and| eral government, This would must. today and in the near fu yed from Republican indif-| culty getting accommodations In that gives significance and im- forces will take part in exercise mander in north Europe leave provinces with more funds ture, expect to be sublected to io : (hd B Vv i of President oy : a? + Ibu hy g a { bi ii gS : hd portance to those words Bone Dry in the western Baltic The Soviet Army newspaper for elementary and secondary hazards greater than they have . | pub cay > Xe. at 'W Ike v : ne Shel i me hoy os d the 1 Mr. Diefenbaker said immedi Atlantic Alliance air forces will Red Star has described Holdfast education. neounte qd" ard ixon spoke a Kes state depar en ANC I é aid | I . . Ng " rat . Haw, a enriia act ever before encounters | ) ic d N : kes. : pariment | Yate problems' on the Common. provide cover for the operations. as a "provocative sortie be Other resolutions called for an Mr. Carter said the whole ques-|Ba and Scranton, Pa, centre United Nations intervened ! X Ships in Fallex 60 will include|cause of Danish press reports x anit ation for ind ( iling hard coal industry Policemen guarding the hote wealth agenda are of a racial the U Q m aft hn Es h VATO P! 1 P enlarged membership -- an at Hon of ompesao ci The Democrats, he said, p. yved | prevented some members of the TY > hel and structural nature She op , Mirera Satire SSe%s that N D forces would capire tempt to bring Nova Scot New trial injuries has become a soci emocre Sa I d I 'vented som ] ne OTTAWA (CF Saska swan help Atlantic province producers ; ol all ibe Shangrila and Saratoga, the new | Russian prisoners of war' B k d Newloundland ological rather than a legal prob tour of Michigan oda; while| Cuban delegation rom eav i avs it wants y ¢ what | get their goods into eentral Cana With Commonwealth member- ,,. joar powered earrier Enter-|played by Danish military ca- runswic! an wiol a lem as expressly recognized in/Kennedy returns to Washingion fhe, hotel bec use o A an 4 iy alr t in fed-|dian markets | ship expanding ayers were prise which is being commis-|dets who have taken a two-year into the group--and a full-time legislation designed to reduce for a fund-raising dinner and tele Castro forces massed outside. reight rat It ; . fone group that could give some gioned in the United States this|course in Russian. secretary. work dangers vised speech ro entourage nad " as made clear Monday | WON'T TAKE LE consideration to such questions| A -- ------------------ the West as whether there could be re- p gional groupings within the Com-| mmission on transportation by which was not clearly defined as , : Pr Messor George B Britnell of t the prairies or all of Western monwealth and representation of age & he University of ; t vould not settle for less| Such regional groupings in turn| y by hia x8. i than # f "| at prime ministers conferences. This the chief "Sas antic province: re 3 | | : Atlantic. provinces are As the size of gatherings rime ministers increases, Mr, his campaign for the De mocratic he tried to greet his followers testimony before the roya Dr Britpell said chew witne sion the Maritime ig Under the Maritime ¥ eight | 1 renbaker asked, will it be {€ { me ed as the rus ates y af Ta 4 ar . J 1 Ra t : : : ! y : Ra § Yoi He federal Over possible to conduct the delibera- , provis propusa ment sunsicizes freight rate roll tions as frankly and profitably as iday for a "national transpor- backs of 30 per cent on goods|.f,rer 'Should the conferences UNITED NATIONS, N.Y (CP ject will come again during the tai ubsidy moving ou of the Atlantic Prov-| pe held in parts of the Common. The 15th General Assembly o regular Assembly, when his dele I ted 1 at Sask-inces to as far west as Levis, | wealth other than London from the United Nations opens today gation will be headed by Khrush. atchewar ants leral gov- Que time to time? h di chey ernment to | 1 » tab for Freight rates on goods moving in an atmosphere of high d \ : % T " l 1 ( about | with the Maritime area are cut after a pre-session setback tor v i The vote s 70 in favor, none a t of Al } i ) aH 'wit! the bre 1 + 30 1 an western rail ship- by er ce! with the federal the Soviet Union and a lively against and ibstent er cent on ora ) I € DOL ns {8 treasury als gy a fer-| sideshow by Cuban Premier Fi 1 country, Bolivia, was ahsent, MEN! [treasury also paying the differ 'Montreal del Castre Russia and other Soviet bloc Ihe cos il said only ence that it would be bstantial." If granted, said the Saskatche Described here as tl larg member abstained along p : , i N subsidy spokesr } collection of rulers 8 ! France and South Africa Ti fet 1bs ly wan pokesman, the subsidy and diplomat nce the Ver m M time yment vas $13 vould relieve the West of its sailles peace conference, the As In a preliminary vote, the So- 150,000 last ¢ the Mar intolerable" burden of high] sembly will hear leaders' fro viet bloc itself joined in the time Freight s Act went into freight rates and, at the same| across the political spectrum N Assembly's near-unanimous sup- effect in 1928 federal govern. time, help the railways keep effi- * from President Eisenhower ' port of a provision. calling on all |™ent has put up $182,000,000 to| cient On ( ouncil Khrush 3 : Prime a | dre hehe Fre et a 1Sh( ; countries to refrain from provid inister Nehru tc ASL Bone, weary representatives ing war materials and military QUEBEC (CP) -- The Quebec were called to convene at 3 pm A) personnel in the Congo, except on LA I E NEWS FI ASHES | |legislature meets in special ses- | for the formal opening of the ) UN request, while the UN is | sion today to consider a govern. regul meeting is helping that young republi ment --proposal that Montreal | Many were to snatch only inl 3 |voters be given a chance to a few hours y after an emer Another preliminary vote decide at the next civic election| A I i i oy me, on the remainder of the reso] bumumba Troops Slaughter Tribesmen {whether they want non-elected| today--a ma y debate on the ? tion. On that, the Sov Hoe LEOPOLDVILLE Forces of Premier Moise |Mmembers in their 99-man council Congo crisis abstained Th . 13 C I i of brea Katang nee have slaughtered The session has been called so In a defeat for Russia, the 8 pr h Hammarskjold Bi ue | sted Co rem rice Lumumba in [civic voters can say whether they| Hk ¥igorons ac ion th massacre vet to have taken 1 n the infant [need the 33 class C councillors. | Security Council decisions s i y : ob | wo Y | ho' > ¢ ) pa K nited Nations sources said here today | These councillors, appointed by public and private organizations | Was ine Lost Twins Found Alive specified by the Montreal! charter, | member body passed withe dissenting vote an Afro - A CZECH PRESIDENT Antonin Nand order I resolution backing UN Secretary N arrives at the UN So- | BS w and order in the General Dag Hammarskjold on de egation headquarters in bi his Congo policies and opp \ ork. He with t up « N travelled ; o aid t 1 with » Ant F < are a throw-back to the post any military aid to the ng : Red fund aid the ROC RL AND (CF I \ he 2 Car and other ont . depression period when Mont except through UN channe . N ment er n de n n nce Monday were real's © " "re rs on the liner Baltika The | wi a de tmen ransport helicopter real financia affair S were so (AP Wirephoto) € ROLE ) noon: tod oh offic iid. The childrer tangled its whole municipal ad befor . : \ ry ( eal of sai e chil | . ratio lo ' hd CITY EMERGENCY ti 'a f the United Stat fe woarently were found ne 500 vards north of their St. Pas ministration system was over i : Lorain Minsier Ru a used its Sti veto in th al Bayion home, some 26 miles east of Ottawa {hauled ler or di ss 10 S514 WS 1 ! eto 1 x ¢ ix aoa PHONE NUMBERS : vote : Hn 8g Jot Dr zing | 11-member Security Council Kh h h Vi : C Jie Mentre a Bsa fo lave | 4 D An 1CiPa 2) alge Hammarskjold. He also dropped Extraordinary security meas Khrushchev sits astro { Metropolitan government has FELLED BY STRAY BULLET POLICE RA 5-1133 Russian an ndments to the 17- uf are in effect at g UN NEW YORK (AP Soviet Premier Khrushchev suddenly [been initiated in a preliminary H N ountry fro sian resolution he: wdquarters \ \ ork » today to visit Pr sr Fidel Castro of Cuba way on the Island of Montreal Adolphe Leclerc. 53. a clerk, | downtown cigar shop. He was FIRE DEPT. RA Cie \ + they had East | y prot nove came without W os } : , Bi as | street and St. Lawrence boule. ! ' | He travelled and soon the hig city n ad gs moved by tretcher to hos struck by a stray bullet i ¥ HOSPITAL RA 3-221 " A nee I ge. i gd t t 1 t Ho Ther A 1, about f miles [ministrative system is to be pita fie e was shot while | after a shooti pree at the vard. Two others were also promised the Xb- state attending the ibly iom t t Delegation residence on Park Avenue, i revamped. \standing in the doorway of & ' intersection of# St. Catherine ! Wounded. (CP W {ephoto) " nN \

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