THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 20, 1960 15 GUARD SPIRIT OF THE VASE HAS CONJURED UP THIS DEMON, TO HAUNT US? It is a twochamber pump slightly larger than the natural heart--which is run on batteries. S--_ 7771 | NEWS IN BRIEF WANT £2 MEI / WANT 70 BE SURE /iL MOON ATLAS GET WHAT == . MOSCOW (AP)--S8oviet scien- tists are compiling an atlas of the moon, featuring 30 graphs yen oy Lunik III, the camera-carry! satellite that surveyed the hidden side of the moon last year. CHANGE TRADITION JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)-- Instead of champagne, officials Juice Indonesian. built naval vessel, a 147-ton sub- marine chaser, THE LONE RANGER TOKYO (AP) -- Communist North Viet Nam has established 34,585 agricultural producers' co- operatives, Radio Pelping re- ports, It said 55 per cent of the families are participat- 2. THE WATER TURNED OFF WATER IN THE THE WHOLE ,_ ~ NEIGHBORHOOD lg | [THE WATER COMPANY 18 || DAGWOOD, THE NEWS 1 5 MAKING REPAIRS IN THE SPREAD AROUND THAT § 1g | | STREET AND THEY HAVE YOU HAVE THE ONLY ok x World vights reseried [ SHIFT TO CITIES TOKYO (Reuters)--Young Jap- anese prefer to work in the cities, says the ministry of agriculture, It reported that the farming pop- ulation decreased by 460,000 be. tween April, 1960, and March, 1960. Majority of Japanese leav. id Yhages and farms were un. 9, eate, Tne SECRET AGENT X 9 ali, 9-20| / A oa 2) 7 of ks O) wll DUNG, wee ees RUSSIAN BUENOS AIRES (AP)--Argen- tina has decorated Igor Stravin. sky, the Russian composer and ; ] le was here wo ompany W ances at the Colon Theatre, LOW MILEAGE 6 TO CHOOSE FROM AT CTARSAW AP) Pond and UP TO 20% DISCOUNT __ CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD BEE RIE © CHOLERA OUTBREAK WHY TH' BIG CLOTHES WELL, SHE KNOWS HER wIF SHE GETS ONE GOOD GENEVA (AP)---The first out. PIN ON HER NOSE ? DIET WiLL BE ATHING SNIFF O' POPCORN AT break of cholera In Afghanistan TY O'TH PAST... TH BHOW / since 1930 has taken nine lives, BESSY? sur messy WHO ? me Name means J ' Te orld Hosith Organization NOTHING TO ME, AND TH POSITIVE THERE'S NO ATES ) 5 p! TR = ly. PLE ON ANYONE NAMED BESSY. : ! A ¢ ¢ FORMOSA TRADE pre i) , ; : 4 , v2 7 TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)~In a 5 : 4 move to attract more industry to Formosa the Nationalist Chinese government has enacted legisla. , tion granting a five-year tax hol Sh \ iday for mew firms and facilitat. TA I) ing purchase of industrial sites. Rack: 7 oS 4 SMALL REMINDER " LONDON (CP) -- A pocket "m k"" Is being manufac. tured to help motorists avoid the NO, TM A BACHELOR) WHOM | S| Sng Triars A (10 shillings' surcharge on park- ANE OU BVaE WLBT'S LISTEN TO TERRIBLE! NOW» ing meters. It buzzes an alarm LAVA vou Sve: BRICK AND DR EAST AND: | Ic \T WAS THE] [after one hour, and is made by RIN NS 4 wi \A Born Go SIP i the manufacturers of the parking EF SOME TID-BITS of 3 He PIAN ers. i \ SAVES DISCUSSION LONDON (CP)--While readers wait for an unabridged version of . H. Lawrence's novel "Lady {Chatterly's Lover" to be re. leased, a book store here dis. ays a notice: 'Regret we aven't got it either over or under the counter." RIGHT NUMBER LONDON (CP)--Although the Jrime minister's secretariat has 1 ft Downing Street for the Ad. Ii Ax OLD FRiEnD -- Y MISS QUIGLEY, J/s0 wii ARE you DOING Y Tiey DID, BUT No MORE = WHEN THEY miralty bullding, switchboard As MR. FLING= MAY I ASK JUST "\| BUTI DONT THINK | OF THE COUNTY f MERE ? THISIS A SORTA | HAD TO CALL IN OUTSIDE FORCES TO erators still announce they are WHAT YOUR (NTEREST 15 IN 175 ANY OF YOUR PRIVATE LITTLE EMPIRE = J PUT DOWN AN INSURRECTION, THAT "10 Downing Street." They say THIS LITTLE ORPHAN YOURE 3 Sig DEPAR! THEY MAKE THEIR OWN BROKE THE TREATY = NEVER ~ it would confuse people if they NOTA RELATIVE = pur FE - LAWS © srr] | QUOTE TUE Li changed it. | ND BULL BAKER JUS X [J] hii HE SCHEDULED AN EXHIBITION GAME WITH THE TITANS AND WE'RE FLYING TO THE COAST TOMOR BRICK BRADFORD SUB CROSSES ARCTIC © PEARL HARBOR, Hawail (AP) -- The nuclear submarine Seadragon arrived here Wednes- day after a 45<day east - west crossing of the Arctic via the North Pole, The 8,800-mile voy- age established a new 'North west Passage" for submarines, SETS PRECEDENT LEEDS, England (CP) = The Methodist church has appointed its first colored minister in Brit ain, Rev. George Pottinger, a West Indian, has taken up his post here. STUDY POLICE AYLESBURY, England (CP)~ Four police officers from Libya have been attached to the Buck- inghamshire police force to study British police methods and ju- dicial procedure. : SALLY'S SALLIES LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY | 3.FOuNp Tie SLVeR YI LEE DOLLAR AT THE SPOT WHERE 4 BOULDER. WAS PUSHED OVER THE va. aA THE WORLD'S PULL 0' SILVER DOLLARS, ll MISTER! SL 5 "ayeatpuss saanyes 4 Bury £9 PInqLISIq "Persistent cuss, ain't It