The Oshawa Times, 20 Sep 1960, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, September 20, 1980 13 Estote For Sele _45--Real Estate for Sale _(45--Real Esters Por Sele , Aba--Rooms For Rent M45--Reol Estate for Sale 145--Recl Estate Vor Sole 435--Resl Estote for Sele of Estote Por Sele (45. . - hed. one PRIVATE sale, five soem brick bangs a - SL in north section of city, TWO bedroom bungsiow, sirest, STOREY and hall -- two family brick, | po] a ;, JrIWaS enieence, Te. low with og sophalt drive | CRIFICE SALE , Contact desl location Baris, cach or lope fike mew, 460 Simeon Breet Nowts. -- 45 Real Estote For Sale |45--Reol Estate For Sob Phone HA 85% way, on Wightend Avenue, Coss or sub SA L , a -- jes. Eduton Walker, BA 51442, (PRIVATE -- thr { ty . ished for Mantial down payment. Ne renters Ml tt eee | OM YER OU solid brick bungalow. wo am se Hedwig's, three year | MODERATE roe, Cha aly Tur hed fox slense, Dial RA $9702 6 room, 2 storey brick house, i > , , om Some and screens, partial | og" room brick x] Cen | properts and Is o , Haht WE heave Rents for & threehedmom| with gorage in excellent LIST Wi LLOY Jaan ry aerial, $1600 own. |. os Park Bivd. Many extras very some with ail cash. For Quick sale { N = A eine | E1680, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. RA W._MeAuley Realtor, Prines Shops, Sahoo, 22 haat. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ' ad x 4 Jieisler Redltor, 78 v ' home, close to downtown, first clang size rooms, Owner anxious 10 3 ACRES LAND home: ove, $16,509, sent a" wary, mies bones STACIOUS five room Wingsiow; nearly residential aves, $75 monthly. | extras Dust be seen 66 bes ', 5d homes, Business wanted for clients, STEPHEN ontact Mrs. Tierney, RBA poll 5 $7130, evenings RA 55097. ins BA the vicinity of Call Schofield , Daytime RA L. S. Snelgrove Co. Lid. 43 PARK RD, § $4,000 FULL PRICE Five rooms ond wash room Modern kitchen, tile ond fino floors, Hot ond cold , clean, Bin oontral, ' S052 or 74 Oshaws #5--Roeol Estate for Sole FAIRPORT BEACH -- five rooms, in. wilated woter, Large lot, on highwey , beavy wineg, lerge lot, Hood 2a. as. Howard 'I in Blackstock, Coll Joe Wan - nop RA 3.9810 or RA 5- sink, euphoar . 1396 PRIVATE RESALE| "1 s00 own 3-bedroom, kitchen, living Four rooms, hardwood floors room 14 x 22; 2 recreation Modern kitchen, oil heat, rooms portly finished includ- very lorge lot, Lovely condit ing stone bor, stone barbe- ion. Coll Joe Wonop RA 3 cus, fruit trees, asphalt drives 9810, evenings RA 5-1396 way, solid brick, stone front, nina windows and doors $12,300 FULL PRICE ond screens, $2,700 down, Modern 5 room brick bun take over existing N.HA, golow, Tiled kitchen and 6% mortgoge, poyeble bath, Oil heot. Double gor $69.42 monthly principal end oge. North section, Coll Joe interest, Apply 1316 Scugog Wannop RA 3.9810, even Street, Oshowe ings RA 5-1396 Centrally located 2-bedrocm bungelow built on a 75 lot Toxes featuring built-in fridge, eluminum storms ond screens only $78.00 yearly. Full price $8,500.0 Ultrg-modern bungeolow with oll the modern feotures and in cludes broadicom, built-in settee, dropes, wosher-dryer, fire place and many other features, Owner Iteaving the country ond is selling ot cost $1,000.00 Down - 4-piece bath, full basement is selling for $13,200.00 Maria Street -- Beautifully kept bungalow with gleaming hord- wood floors, oil heating, 3 bedrooms, basement floors pointed Full price $14,000.00 ROOMS FOR RENT IN WHITBY Houses built to suit customer, Belle Drive, Whitby, Call one of our soles-staff; Audrey Moore, MO B-4088; Phyllis Thom dvke, MO B-4743; Mildred Bilide, MO 8.2167; Rita Snow, MO 8.2430; Jeanne Naylor, MO B-4612, or coll the office ot anytime, MO 8.5853 OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 130 BROCK STREET N., WHITBY Member of the Oshawa and District Reol Estate Boord H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 31 BOND STREET EAST DOWN $500.00 DOWN 6-room one-and-a-half storey home, newly rebuilt and decorated All modern conveniences, Oversized rooms and situated In an excellent location, House Is vacant end you con have immediate possession, years old This house 3-bedroom brick bungelow, 2 built on o large lot RA 8-5161 DOWN $500.00 DOWN Bungalow located on Adelaide Street, In excellent condition, and situcted on o large lot, Must be sold as owner is trans. ferred to another city, DOWN $500.00 DOWN $.room brick bungalow In e fine residential area, Completely landscaped ond decorated. Has all aluminum storm windows and doors, School just around the corner, Don't delay. DOWN $500.00 DOWN S-room, 3-bedroom bungalow logated just east of Wilson Road, Decorated end landscaped, Only 2 years old, Handy to schools, shopping end bus service, MO B8.5853-4 DOWN $500.00 DOWN Another brick bungalow with 5 good sized rooms, is 5 years old end complete In every detail, Full basement with oil heat: ing. Modern kitchen with loads of counter space. FULL PRICE $7,600.00 FULL PRICE bungalow, well looked after, A home you can move into and not have a thing to do, Newly decorated Inside and out Located close to downtown, The price Is right, so call us with. out delay, FULL PRICE $1,200.00 FULL PRICE Vacant lot having a frontage of 132 ft, by o depth of 330 fr, Located just east of the city limits LIST YOUR HOME WITH US IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT IT WILL BE SOLD THE SAME DAY After 6 pm, Coll Som Goldstein RA 5.6782 Mike Dubyk RA 8.5690 John Penicka RA 8.5161 WHITBY CLASSIFIED | AUCTION sale of new and used furni, FOR RENT « Three.roomed unfurnish ture, oar and 4 ton truck, 1% miles ed apartment. No children, Apply 312 west of Ontario Hospital on Base Line. | Dundas Street West October 1. MO B:4001 or MO 837040. | (yyg™pouiivy. also feathers wanted FOR RENT --&mall three-roomed un: (Highest market prices paid. Jake furnished, soll tontained apartment, (Parker, MO 8:3644 collect. central, heavy wiring, adults preferred. gag "s (15 "Z Hominion - plano, recent. $33 monthly, MO 8.3727 & {ly tuned; three evening gowns, sizes FOR RENT «= Three bedroom apart: [15 and 16, blue, maize and white, MO ment, refrigerator and stove, at 213 8.3084 or 339 Perry Street Palace Street, Whithy, RA 3-4302 TYPEWRITERS, now and used, low FOR SALE -- Dominion plano, recent: down payment, $30 up, Desks, filing ly tuned; three evening gowns, size 18 cabinets, adding machines, cash regis and 16, blue, maize and white. Call MO ters, Hamilton Office Outfitters, 103 83004 or 339 Perry Street, Whithy Ryron Street South, Whithy, MO 8.8431 FOR RENT = Apartment in new du REMINGTON Chain Saw Sales and plex, location 320 Perry Street, In: Service. Chas, A. Bell, MO 84173 quiries MO A345 WOME OWNERS = Shingling, siding, THREE and four roomed self contain: insulation, eavestroughing, painting od apartments, $41 and $51, garage Phil Harper, 225 Green, Whithy, MO avaliable, 209 Rrock Street South, OL 8.4358 sun FOR RENT Apartments, 34 roomed apartments and one Jroomed furnish ed apartment, Apply 300 High Street, Whitby COLD WAVES (Lanolin enrtcned) from $6.95 Includes masterful shaping, sham poo, and styling by Ken. Please phone MO 85134 for appointment FOR the best in insulation, use Pal.O- {Pak, Save money and install it your self, or we can do It for you. For free estimate eall H.W, Goode and Sons Lid, 801 Brook North, MO 8.29017 [SEPTIC TANKS oleaned the sanitary Way, new tanks installed Wa Ward 304 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563 BOWYER REFRIGERATION Commercial and domestic, All work guaranteed. 505 An. derson Street, Whitby = MO 8.327¢ GRAVEL & LOAM Cement gravel ~ Driveway grovel coarse or fine--alsa fill. Delivery Monday to Sate urday noon, Eric Branton, MO 8-2660 FOR RENT -- Boating, camp. ing, hunting supplies, gardens ing and lawn equipment, pows er tools, box, boot and cabin USED FURNITURE and appliances, ele. We buy, sell, exchange anything Hamilton Used Furniture, 103 Ryron Street South, MO A831 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 304 Chestnut West, Phone MOhawk LR FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper St re 107 Byron Street South MO 8.5231 ATTENTION HOMEMAKERS MO 8-5381 Over 90% of your weekly shopping in your own kitchen $14.95 per week will bring a complete food plan for family of four into your home, including 0 WESTINGHOUSE FREEZER NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED Food Plan by SCHNEIDERS, The Finest. For further in. formation, call ECONOMART You Con Be Sure It it's WESTINGHOUSE trailers, FOR SALE «= Used boots, motors, trailers WILDE RENTALS SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas E, MO 8.3224 sell, Asking price $11,100 with low down payment, Moke on offer. J. J. Yon Herwer- den Reoltor, 741 King 5. E., Oshawo RA 3.4471, NEW BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE Owner moving to England, will take low down poyment ond one for belonce, only 10 minute's drive to Osh- bedroom bunga'ows owa, Phone Bill Miller ef RA 8.5123, $952.00 DOWN Brond new six-room brick homes, One mortgage for belonce with monthly poy- ments of only $92.00 includ- ing interest, principal ond taxes combined, For informe- tion coll RA 8.5123 ond ask for Irwin Cruikshonks, Lioyd Reolty Ltd, Reclitors RA 8.5123, RA 8.5124 RA 8.5125 101 Simcoe St. N Two modern three one year old, one with garage, on water and sewer, close to four ccrn- ers, Price $12,400 and $11,600. Will accept half ccsh, MO 8-5366 JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S RA 5-6544 SACRIFICE SALE OWNER LEAVING PROVINCE THIS HOME 1S BEING OFFERED TO YOU AT A LOSS TO THE OWNER, LARGE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH BREEZEWAY AND ATTACHED GARAGE, FEATURES: ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS ELECTRIC HEATING BROADLOOM IN BEDROOM, LIVING AND DINING ROOM TV. ANTENNA, TOWER WITH ROTOR TWO BATHROOMS DIVIDED BASEMENT HOT AND COLD WATER IN GARAGE NATURAL BIRCH KITCHEN CUPBOARDS LOT 75 x 200' TAXES $189 YEARLY 6% N.HA, MORTGAGE 1250 SQ. FT. FLOOR SPACE THIS HOME MUST BE SEEN TO APPRECIATE THE VALUE WE ARE OFFERING TO YOU. CAN BE SEEN WITHOUT OBLIGATION, GIVEN CONSIDERATION, ANY OFFER WILL BE CALL HOWARD McCABE RA 5-6544 RA 3-4164 Members of Oshowa and District Real Estate Board : Lloyd Metcal REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St, E, Dial RA B-4678 SEE OUR NEW FURNISHED MODEL HOME! Only $12,500.00 With as low as $475.00 down Situated on Wilson Rd. N., at Lansdowne Drive No hidden charges for extras!!! 1050 SQ. FT. 3-Bedroom Brick and Stone Bungalow Forced alr oll heating Laundry tubs Prepaid services Convenient location Storm windows and screens I aluminum storm door | wooden storm door Exhaust fan in kitchen Panoramic soshless windows Ceramic tiled bathroom walls ond floor Dinette off living room Iron ralling on front poreh Sodded front lawn Gravel driveway Large modern kitchen OPEN FOR INSPECTION EVERY DAY FROM 1 PM, TO 10 PM, For further information calle Lloyd Metcalf 5.6983 Everett Ellin 3.9290 Joe Maga 5-919) Marion Drew 5-7610 Dick Barrioge 5-6243 RALPH VICKERY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 46 KING ST. W, RA 8-6228 42 ANSLEY SUBDIVISION Spacious S-room bungalow, beautifully landscaped with shrubbery, planter and rockery, attached garage and picture window, all on a choice lot 60° x 126'. Must be seen to be appreciated. For Sale or Rent for $140 per month, $500 DOWN Only one year old, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, modern in all ra- spects, NH. A, resale, attractive terms. COUNTRY LIVING Beautiful 6 room ranch bungalow, featuring low taxes, Pierson windows and Koolvent awnings and 2 aluminum louvre doors, large living room with natural stone fireplace, 4-pce. ceramic tiled bathroom, walk out basement and stone planter, beautifully landscaped, large lot 82' x 264' and lovely vegetable garden, ottached garage, see this and make an offer, For appointment call Keith Donevan evenings RA 4.7313, BEVERLY STREET Cosy 5 room brick bungalow on quiet street, electric fireplace in 12' x 15 living room, archway to separate dining room, good size modern kitchen with built in cupboards, 2 bedrooms, ample closets, 4-pce modern bath, all in real good condition and newly decorated. New forced air oil heating. Good buy for cosh or reasonable down payment with terms arranged for responsible party, Please ask for Mrs. Walker, EXECUTIVE'S CHOICE Ultra modern, fabulous 6-room ranch bungalow, open fireplace in 12' x 20' living room, ample cupboards and closets, built in buffet in dining room with pass through feature, Built-iy bar and sink in huge recreation room, Fully landscaped SYLVIA STREET 6 room brick bungalow with 3 room basement apartment. Featuring nice living room with picture window, 2 eluminum doors, two 4-pce. bathrooms, doub's garage. Requires $5,000 cash OSHAWA BLVD. N. 2 storey brick house, three bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath. room. Verondoh and sun porch at rear, good goroge, nice lot. Full price $12,500, COMMERCIAL SITE Wel constructed older B-room house, needs decorating and minor repairs, space for additions on 58' x 165° lot, low down payment enable you to toke advantage of this opportunity, Please ask for Mrs. Walker For Service after 6 P.M. call Ernie Allin RA 3.3053 Evelyn Walker, RA 5.1442 Pot Donevan RA 3.7313 List CO-OP through this office | MACKO REALTOR 187 KING ST. E RA 8-4661 $2,500 down payment will make you the proud owner of this 6 oom modem pric bungelow, roge ond pov: driveway, Two blocks to school, Larger rooms thon us- wal throu , Old interest rate of 572% on the first mortgoge with monthly poy- ments of $84, principal, in- terest ond toxes. Home Is now vacont, immediate pos session, N.H.A, resole in south-east ores, close to schools. This 6 room modern ranch bungo- low is selling for $13,000 with $1,300 down payment, easy monthly payments, 4 bedrooms, and dining room, large bright kitchen, This 7 room split. level home is in a Y north-west residentiol oreo, Beautifully decorated, in spot- less condition, nicely lond- scoped, hedged grounds. Very close to schools ond shopping centre. Owner transferred, Selling at $19,800 with sub- stantial down poyment, Open till 9 RA B-3798 Large living Jomes Dionne Jock Sheriff RA 3.3775 Steve Macko RA 8-466) Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board SCHOFIELD Insurance Associotes Ltd. REG, AKER, Pres BILL McFEETERS, Vice-Pres ROSSLAND RD, WEST Attractive ranch style, six room bungelow with attached garage in this desirable loca- tion, Convenient to shopping, schools and bus, Just 3 yrs. old, lovely living room, hos stone fireplace, Extra large kitchen and dining room., 3 bright bedrooms with large closet space. Hot water heot- ing with oil mokes this a complete home. Extra lorge lot, owner leaving city and anxious to sell, Reasonable down payment, call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5.0243, $6,900 -- LOW DOWN PAYMENT A real buy in 0 small com- pact home in the south eost section, 4 rooms ond 3 pee. both with glossed in sun porch, and utility room in rear, Decoration like new, Good size garage with small work shop attached. Lovely well kept garden. Front lawn completed and enclosed with privet hedge. Low heating cost, Taxes only $74.59, call Russ Reeve, avenings RA EXCLUSIVE AREA One of Oshowa's loveliest streets ---- Bessbor Dr. El 7-room tri-level home with attached garage, gleom- ing oak and tile floors, ample cupboord space, finished rec- reation room, forced air oil heating, professionally land- scoped ond decorated, Owner sacrificing this gem of $17 ,- 900.00 with substantial down poyment. LAKEMOUNT ST. N.H.A. resole, 6% ~~ Well constructed 3-bedroom brick room, 4-pce. colored both, forced oir oil heating, No. 1 ook ond tile floors, patio of rear entrance, fully lond- scaped ond decoroted, It con be yours with $1,800 down ond only $14,150.00 full, price, LLOYD AYERS REALTOR -- RA 3-2254 $7,500 Full Price. 10-room, insul brick house. 2 toilets, Centrolly located on large lot, Owner hos permission to build extra 4-rocm bungolow on recor portion, Offers con- sidered. Whitby, $8,500 Full Price. Cosy 2- bedroom bungalow in pictur. esque surroundings. Garage, 210' deep lot. Neor to creek $3,000 down ' payment re- quired. $2,000 down, Splendid 3- bedroom bungalow on large lot. Decorated, the best of storms ond screens, Divided and partly finished rec. room A reol buy ot $12,700 full price, Carries for $69 monthly. Reasonoble offers considered. Oshowo $14,500 Full Price, $2,500 down, Modern 2-bedroom bungalow with complete rec. room and extra toilet in base- ment, Garage, large lot. Dundas St. W, (No, 2 high- way), Whitby Reasonable offers considered Older type, 12-room house, Commercial, Very centrally located, Would make ideal rooming house, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, Would cost $2,- 000 approx. to re-decorate, Solid brick. A bargain of $10,000 cash New 3-bedroom, 6% N.H.A, homes for sale in Whitby and Oshawa. Low down payments con be arranged, Phone this office New apartment buildings, fully equipped and some fully rented. From Duplexes to 11-suite apartment buildings. Whitby and Oshowa areos. Low down payments, BUSINESSES Grocery Stores, Furniture Store and Others for Sale, Information on request FARMS AND BUILDING LOTS 5.4840, 4 BEDROOMS -- INCOME POSSIBILITIES Now listed at $11,500 = 7. room brick 2V2-storey home with garage, Large modern kitchen, family size dining room, Oil heated, Low taxes, low down payment, Owner has @ new home under con- struction, Must sell for fure ther details, call Don Stra deski, evenings RA 8.8423, BROOKSIDE ACRES-- LIVING AREA 1612 SQ. FT. 2 FIREPLACES 7-room brick bungalow with 2-car garage. This ultra modern home features a liv- ing room 13 x 20, huge kit- chen 11° x 22' with built-in oven and counter top stove, Separate dining area with built-in china cabinet, 3 good size bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious family room. This lovely home will be land scoped back and front and completely - decorated to the purchaser's choice of colors, An executive home in o pres- tige area. Call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5.1726. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Serviced building lots from $2,000 full price $11,000 full price. 97 acres and 11-room brick house. Barn, hen-house, pig-pen, drive-shed oll in good condition, 30 miles north of Whitby. Other forms and acreages for sale, INDUSTRIAL 3,000 sq. ft. factories to rent New ond central. $280 monthly, Whitby, Industrial sites from $2,600 per acre. TO RENT New apartments from $95 per month Older month, type,, $55 LOANS Loans arranged, Mortgage money available, on property of all kinds, MATHEW & ALLEN MO 8-853) 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby Evenings: TE 9-1812 Piskering) end YU 5.7780 (Port Perry) LS. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. | 43 PARK RD. SOUTH $500 DOWN Full 6 room, 2 storey home presently used for 2 fomilies, prac. tically new roof and furnace, extra sink unit on second floor, central location, easy payments. Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810, $9,600 FULL PRICE 5 room 114 storey brick home in good condition, large modern kitchen, hardwood floors and tile floors, hot water with oil heating, garage, one open 10 year mortgage, immediate possess fon, located near Simcoe St. South. Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or RA 5.4162 evenings. PORT PERRY $500 down, large 3 bedroom home, spacious modern kitchen, bathroom, town water, central location, full price $5,000 with low monthly payments. Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810 BURK ST. 6 room, 2 storey home, good clean condition, modern kitchen, and bathroom, hardwood and tile floors, garage, and lot 210 ft. deep. $10,900 full price with easy terms, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or RA 5.4162 evenings. $800 DOWN Small store fully equipped for barbecue chickens, located on Highway in Port Perry, Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. 6 room, 2 storey home, spotless condition throughout, ultre modern kitchen, 4 piece tiled bath, forced air with oil heating, divided basement, paved drive, nicely landscaped. Call Keith Peters RA 5.8761 or RA 5.4162 evenings. 10 acre lot for sole, good market garden soil, located near sa jamPton, STORE FOR RENT JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE 5. RA 5-6544 OWNER SAYS SELL! Will toke os low os $1,000 down ond repoy $72 per month, 6-room frome home in top location, on Tounton Road E. Large kitchen with cupboards golore, Panelled dining room plus mony other features. Must be seen, Coll now and ask for Bill Swor- brick ot RA 5-6544 or RA CHECK THESE FOR VALUE Byng Ave. -- New, 5 rooms, brick, $12,900, Greenwood Ave, -- 4 bedrooms, 6 rooms, bungalow, $14,700, South- wood St. -- 6 rooms, new, outstonding, $18,000, Pal- oce St. -- 5 rooms, new, beautiful, $18,500. Bloor St, E. -- New, oll leased, $19,900. Simcoe St. S Dry cleaning business, ood turnover, $19,500, rew St, -- 4 apts, grocery store, well established, 926,500 Call now for these buys ond ask for Jack Appleby ot RA 5.6544 or RA 3-3398 APARTMENT BLDGS, 5 suites, new, fully leased for $40,000. * 8 suites, new, fully leased for $62,000, 14 suites, new, fully leased for $93, 000.00, Call for more infor- mation ond osk for Jock Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3.3398 LOTS! LOTS! N.H.A. approved for houses or apartments, priced from $2,500 to $9,500. Call now for Jack Appleby at RA 5.6544 or RA 3-3398 NEARLY AN ACRE Surrounds this lovely bungo- low, located north-east of Oshawa, this lovely home in- vites you to move right in == there's nothing' else to do. The modern kitchen is cheer- fully decorated and fully equipped. Including a mod- ern electric stove, good sized living room. Two large bed- rooms with lots of closet space, Modern bathroom, full basement, with oil furnace, aluminum storms and screens all 'round. The Price: $9, 800 with $2,000 down. Cor- ries for $85 monthly includ- ing toxes, Call now for Ted Cunningham ot RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358, FIREPLACE Here's a cosy home for you, A six-room bungalow with a charm of its own, Only one block from bus and stores, yet in a good residential oreo. Finished rec-room with sep- arate toilet, Many more fea- tures, too numerous to men= tion, Priced at only $13,500, terms to be arranged. appointment to inspect call Ted Cunningham at 5.6544 or RA 5.2358. INCOME HOME Newly listed, this 1Va-storey home offers a large living room, modern kitchen, 2 bed- rooms and 4-pc. bath, on the ground floor. The upper level has a 2-room apartment with separate 2-pc. bath, renting for $45.00 monthly, Alum- inum awnings, paved drive, ond many more features for the low price of $12,500. Call now for Ted Cunningham ot RA 5.6544 or RA 5-2358, $500 DOWN $500 Looking for @ 7-room brick home, situated close to down- town. 4 bedrooms or could be converted into income. Home carries reasonable. Toxes $112 yearly, Asking price $9,900. Don't delay, will be gone today. Call How- ard McCabe at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-4164, $1,000 DOWN $1,000 6-room brick home on Simcoe St. South, All nice size rooms, oil heating, full dry basement, close to schools ond bus, Carries for $85 monthly, This is it! Call Howard McCabe aot RA 5.6544 or RA 3.4164, $12,900 PRICE NORTH-WEST Brand new brick bungalow, 3 well planned bedrooms. 1960 model kitchen, large accessible living room. Mod- ern Pierson windows, private drive and oil heating. Coll Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, $12,900 PRICE NORTH-EAST Smart brick and stone bun- golow, 3 bedrooms, built on an exclusive crescent, Front landscaping to be completed, House includes exhaust fan in kitchen, up-to-date tiled bathroom. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5.6544, $12,900 PRICE SOUTH-WEST A real ranch style home, large living room and dinette across front of house with kitchen at back. This is a 3-bedroom home. Trim ond woodwork done exceptionally well. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5.6544 $12,900 PRICE SOUTH-EAST This house is to be built, will have kitchen with dining area aot the front on one side, while the modern living room is on the other. Leaving 3 good size bedrooms ond eo bath ot the back. Full base- ment with oil heating, sodded front, private drive. For fur $75.00 per month for lorge modern store located on No. 2 Highway, just east of City limits. Call RA 3.9810 or RA 5.8761. Members of Oshawe end District Real Estate Board ther information call Bill Rat clitfe at RA 5.4544 Members of Distriet, Real Oshawe and Estate Board Bosco, Realtor, RA 35-9670, , moving to US, For ARTHUR WEINBERGER Realtor BARGAINS GALORE Beautiful BRICK BUNGALOW with extra BUILDING LOT seen Bungalow Extra Lot ... .! Full Price ....... That's the way you will fig- ure if you are going to this lovely home, northwest, An exceptional well built new 3-bedroom bungalow, front lown sodded, copper plumb- ing, ceramic tiles, especiolly insulated by one of the best contractors, The rooms ore very spacious, most of them olready decorated in a soft postel shade. And the bose- ment neorly big enough to have a bowling alley. Colll Mrs, Irene Weinberger, RA 8.5145, evenings RA 3-7244, USE OUR OWN PENSION PLAN INVEST $3,500 -- AND FORGET IT A modern, nearly new Duplex in excellent location, eoch opartment approx, 1,100 sq. feet floor space, ond on in- come well over $2,000 -- will provide security after a number of years for you, A home outstanding and worth every penny of the full price of $19,900. Coll Mrs. Irene Weinberger, RA 8.5145, evenings RA 3-7244, COUNTRY living within the city. room modern ranch with attached garage and breezeway. Extra large living room with ree bedrooms, moi space, Modern ¥ room. Oil heated, extra utility room. on half. Tot, PRIVATE -- Bix-room house full basement, Dovedale Dri iso sev: Five bungalow re than ample closet kitchen, colored bath. WILSON Realtor Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 PERFECT FOR COUPLE Lovely 4 room bungalow in the north-east section of the city. New forced air furnoce, side drive ond garage, low taxes, Small down payment ond low monthly payments, Cheaper than rent $1,000 DOWN With balance on one mort- age ot $70.00 per month, ix room brick home with garage, Call today. DECIDE YES! This is the yeor to buy o house -- ond this is the sea- son to do it! Order your new home now for fall accupancy., We have lots in all sections of the city to suit any house lan you choose. DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,200, FULL PRICE FROM $12,950 with no hidden costs, all mortgage fees included in the total price of the home, Open Evenings and All Day Saturday For prompt courteous service call Bill Norris, Lloyd Corson or Dick Young. RA 5.6588 -- RA 5.6589 RA 80 S. D. HYMAN REALTOR RA 8-6286 $1000 DOWN Seven room brick close to downtown, In excellent con- dition, oll heating, large kit- chen and living room, nicely decorated. Call Doug Bullied ot RA 8.6286. $1500 DOWN Exceptional home just outside the city. Six large rooms, oil heating, large lot. Right on bus line and close to shop- ping. In spotless condition, Call Doug Bullied at RA 8- 6286. BUY OF THE MONTH Four room brick bungalow with an attached . garage. Full basement, oil heating, partial rec room, Beautiful large kitchen. Low down pay- ment, Call Harold Segal ot RA 8.6286. LaSALLE AVE. Five room brick bungalow, ranch style, on nicely land- scaped lot, Oil heating, par- tial rec room, storms, screens, storm doors, TV antenne, drapes to remain, paved drive, Listed at only $12,900 with low down payment. Call Bob Stevenson at RA § 6286. RIVERSIDE DRIVE Six room clay brick bunge- low with garage nearing com- pletion, Mahogany kitchen cupboards, ceramic tile bath- room with vanity, storms and screens, This is o beautiful home and seen. Call Glen MacKinnon at RA 8- 6286 THICKSON'S RD. N. Five and a half room frame bungalow in superb condition. Three bedrooms and all con- veniences. Fully decorated and fenced landscaped lot, Asking $12,200 with a low down payment. Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286. GLENFOREST STREET Spacious five room brick bun- galow with carport. Stained trim, vanity, sliding closet doors, storms, screens, newly decorated, landscaped. Call Harold Segal at RA 8.6286 WHITBY NHA RESALE Three bedroom brick bunga- low at the sacrifice price of only $12,100. Nicely decor- ated, Large lot fully fenced and landscaped. A wonderful buy for someone. Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286. to x several fruit trees, Ideally located for srowing family, Close to school. Priced sell at $12,300 with $2500 down. §. Macko Realtor. RA 84661. LOT, NHA approved, sewer and water, 56 x 150 in Apple Hill, $3000. Lot 110 150, north of Oshawa, Ritson Road, $1800, Call 8. M: tor, RA 8-466), MODERN brick bungalow, rooms, oak and tile floors, masonry garage, paved driveway, fruit trees, , RA 3-750 between 11 a ow, three bed- oll painted shrubs, fenced yard nd 2 p.m. PRIVATE sale, detached, (hree-bed- room bungalow, 6 per cent NHA mort. Sage, chrries $60 monthly, MO 8-8768 Yhithy, #10 ACRE farm with two streams, stone house with all conveniences, 100° barn with running water, abl ing $33,000 with easy terms. W. Frank, acres work- le land, 20 miles from Oshawa, Ask. oil 10 ve Quay and Kidd ville. MA 3.3393, _ FOR SALE -- old storms and screens, close and bus, RA 55013," AJAX -- two . bedroom, well decorated house, large kitchen, garage, full base. ment. Modern oll f ences, 2.6233 MODERN brick bungalow, rooms, oak and tile floors, ofl p CAR bed basement broadloom, storms and screens. Must sell, owner transferred to new RA 8-3648, Chaucer Avenue, loed jer home, ix rooms, heated, hardwood and tile floor, to schools urnace, all conveni- Price only $7900. Phone WH three-bed- aio paved driveway, fruit rd, RA 3.7539 .m or $500 down, two room bungalow, spartment, self-contained wall to wall location, "ACRES scenic land, fast running trout stream, four room cottage, near Enniskillen, Asking $10,900, Terms. W. Frank, MeQuay and Kidd Bowmanville, MA 3.3393. Realtors, VACANT property cost money, Beil or ene Times Classified Ad, Dial RA yours quickly with an Oshawa 3-3492 w to place your fast-action ad! LARGE lot, 958° frontage by 100° @) tion, Suitable for church or club build. ing: RA 3-434, 316 h, in well built up residential see. Leslie Street. 4 ACRES of land, % planted with vaspherries. Very close to two schools, south PROPERTY for male, 9% acres, good location, Apply Cedar Street South, section, Telephone RA 33 after 4 pm, at 1192 LOTS in registered subdivision, Oshawa, fully serv. and building permits a ance $100 monthly, Write Birchd lopments Limited, 27 Bloor East, Toronto, ARTHUR WEINBERGER Realtor 32 PARK RD. N. $800 DOWN for BRICK BUNGALOW BLOOR WEST You can buy close to Simcoe St, S, for only $11,500 o cosy 3-bedroom bungalow with patio, garoge and very deep lot. $75, that's all you pay monthly for principal and interest, Why pay rent if you con pay off so easy your own home. Call Mrs, Irene Wein- berger, RA 8-5145, evenings RA 3.7244, 4 LOTS CLOSE TO G.M. SOUTH $2:500 ach, 50 feet wide, We have others, Call Mrs, Irene Weinberger, RA 8.5145, evenings RA 3.7244, McQUAY & KIDD REALTORS WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. §. OPEN 9-9 WHITBY MO 8-3414° TORONTO EM 3.9603 ONLY $5,000.00 $1,000.00 down, and gen erous terms for this 8-room, 5-bedroom home. The house is situated on Highway No. 12, on a V2 acre lot, For appointment to inspect call Mr. Parikhal AJAX SPECIAL Two-bedroom bungalow, oil heated, well kept and fully landscaped large lot, close to school and shopping centre, Asking price $9,400.00 with low down payment, The "mortgage is at 512% repay. able $58.00 per month in- cluding taxes. To inspect, call Reza Parikho! OPEN HOUSE Tomorrow, Wednesday. Sep tember 21st, "2 to 9 pm, Location Dunlop Street West, close to Annes Street, in Whitby. Luxury 2-bedroom apartments, larger than usual, balcony, stoves and refrigera- tors, custom built and taste. fully decorated for your com- fort. You are cordially in. vited to inspect these pleas. ant apartments Members of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board I~ (Continued on Pageyl®)

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