The Oshawa Times, 20 Sep 1960, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussbey, Septonber 29, 1960 z=] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT:ADS [EZ V----hccountants | 13---Gardening & Supplies 15--Instruction : __[22--~Radio Repairs (32~~Articles Wanted 14) Adv & Boord i of tomas. Apts, Floats [A Flots WAR and Co, CLASSIFIED AD RATES | any wine of gavten Im ww, KAIAN Mae Marsh, dai SCHEV, Tain, cor sti reveies, A COIR, or Ch ey i " "Petr Electronics, 191 Ei sold i yh mAneIE, Foe Saturday, Masonic Temple, BA 4 top, of manure, Foe yor londs, Phone ibid WANTED ~ ry Fad 07 Gol mom end bowrd tor we gentlemen, Lorraine Siveet ) GorsECUTIVE ! 54001 | Jb--Insurance | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT (00 "ens Rev ier 30 po | [S00 ns roms. ond home, eoviang; (TmEE om ape mEn, pesry Woy | VOR RENE Five miles north, Nass: 14re8 Savion » TY on ; men, clove 'to. SOM pant, a 25 words of lees | Fensonabie rates ronatie, PrEschom, eharReler Friday, ry Avene rg Fred) ed fod 1%, ST svarimen_ sud hyo , oss | pn soam Shelos Sonvim Bad 2% 1m CEDAR trees lov hedges 44 DAY OR MIGHT { , picker cu hanids, hewt ly mew six-toom Morey wd SECA, he Juerantacd anting AMSTATE Auto Inwrance, Bave wp wf) J ¢ pe 47 378 402 ne rae ctmaates, Wa Ya 6 20 per cent, wx months to pay. For T.V. and RADIO WANTED orig lag ier Bigg 1s ys Wea yA RA 5 Rd " a ie Pig room, ih W not pais win 7 dors the | Fok peed Willing, sprering and Er os ovr me, oo ALL RA 8-5286 hati, evenings ANCOR. Deli Ta| Mader ALE, VRIEDLANDER, BUN I 7 ew a - edn i piees bath 7 na Above 1 Au Apds Te original § for PAA Cortes dervior Cull RA MM To Loo | C Work SCRAP ROM, POULTRY HED Cog oud poo far) Ly ae, test wo las Fister 1. Bemsupioy "on A, V. | orders for consecitive insertions, § abuse, Oshaws Home La 7 4 4 Ls OSHAWA AND FEATHER TICKS Oshawa Blvd, North welcome, Vin por mont WA add fat. Full Friedlander, bs Comm, oF. if # Insertions ordered Gf 6 Nyy cli ve 8 per yard, pit gravel, (WE WAVE clients' monies wviilatie JIMA - I TURNER i ROOM for one or we Wen, seh: | FIVE = room sninrmiched Bungsiow Tor later gate constitutes & new engine! § oi co" cor "yard, Delivered, Bpschul for tor loans on first snd second Or gages | ELECTRONICS rate Teds, 7 ad davired, Tole | 8 Children welcome, Phone BA month BOR CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | wae, arking lols and driveways, BA SHII8, hd sls purchase of morigages and -- hone BA 546 ters Berviess offer Prof hinge (5 Filed agreements of swe, Lows 5 Wyma RA 3 2043 - RA 3. 3374 ROOM spd "ond ion oe hess: re East, Osh RA mass, vices Ht Al nines sinew. 144 hond ver moni ir pKa Go, 5 Wing Brees Ko A SPECIAL (collect) uf mdi, VY do ole entrance ---- Pe |A AFAR room, itshen, WwW TW Taney | Ton rel {her 1 Pome RA B05 ink, slave and sef { CIIENTN money to loss on first mort. | Em ROOM > hoard - lady L WALD ¥, B. WILSON, Chartered] , E960 initial letter, abbreviation, CROSS TO N age. Mortgages and agreement of suis ON FAMOUS %- ployment Wanted man hear $1 ce FWO - room furnished spariment, $10 $12 weekly, het, int included, sec Re uw Ontarie, RAILS od ¢ ven figure, Sons 08 & SUPPLY purchased, NHA mortgage wreanged, LADY requires pause ork by the hour, | 1956 10 bus. Vione A 5518 week, very contrat one light | id wal niranoel 7d al, ' If word. Box charge 15¢c aadimianal, | SOD Creighton, Fraser, Drynan snd Mur SAMPSON ¥aperienced, RA GOOD, clesn, eomioriabie rooms for housekeeping room, ¥1 weekly. "io Divi ute wal Ta qd Mm Classitie Advertisements | doch WIDDLE - 244 widow would Tike |$entiemen. Apply #4 Colborne Street | on. BA S816 {TWO - room arge apariment, come am BONTEVER, Ay ond ll UST be in by 6 pm. the doy be- A-1 rolled, fertilized sod cut |FIROT and second mortgage, sale! TV TOWERS work of any Kind, housekeeping by FW Fou ed wy TK ya soniionid, io Broek JX nariared Ac anmiint Leh fore publication Htice hairs Baily fresh doil ' del pelt conternen, ints, 66 y, prompt delivery, agreements purchased and sod. Hen day prefered, Wrilke Box #2, Oshawa ROOM snd hosrd for gentlemen In bead arin He 8-5, Saturday 8:12, | Special contractor rates wick pa Weunick, Berristers, ol King 20h h Times : private home; antral, Apply 118 Bum i or ain" twee » Breet East 7 DAY, tower structure wi mer Street, RA 5-088 LARGE Two - room REGULATIONS y 7 -- a -- The Oshaws Times shall not be RA 5-8504 {CLIENTS monies svaiianie for 1st] single Rodess AC 2 13 oll {36-~Female Help Wanted xoom with pond, phone, 44 one (ment, refrigersior and stove, ant, TORRY 7 . IR resconsible for errors in advertiser | = long second morigages, Mortgages! poet head $59.95 rome | black from South Simees oh Wghwey resonable rent, RA 5099) ie Bide dp WUMPHREYS, Boychyn Hillman, | ments submitted otherwise then in and agreements of sale purchased NONE ' 5 4 RELIABLE woman (0 housekeep snd | G0 290 Grote, Third Avenue | TWO + room furnished apartment, seps Had BA 50181, © Barristers, Solicitors; R, HW, Hem. || witing, nor for more then one SODS {Apply M. F, warts, Barrister and No. pletely installed ond guerane Lake eharde of three children, live "in BOARD and room, gentlemen prefer. (vate enirance, One hid welcome, | revs, QC; G, 8. Boyehyn, BA; W. A} incorrect insertion of any adver (i sia We King East, Oshaws teed 1 year , one room, two friends 0 share, Avalianle immediately, Apply 978 King | Hinge Aedroon | red man, LLB; 36% King Street East | tisement, nor beyond 1 price i REGISTERED nurse required tor outh it West A Phones: Office BA $1177; Res, BA || charged for a sale insertion of || A) rolled, weed treated and fe . RA 8-8180 Waven Nursing Home, Neweastle, On a beds, close to downiown, nA pov wom oor ol ase ak wakes FOUR. room" soarimapt wilh B-4608 or Whithy MO 82761; BA 39298, | the advertisement In which eror fertilized. Field sods, Low Live in or oul, five-day week, P oor Phone 4722 | refrigerator, TV serial, dryer and w Money to loan ocsurs, And olse reserve the night §i Kf T os MN ty mile MONEY 10 LOAN OSHAWA TV | Mewenstie, 441 | KOM 3nd Bown for four bore ih tank. 3 » RA 3. dF avaliable immedintaly, RA 33734, Tmm--------_n, rices ownling " 1 ; | JOHN A. CAMERON, Tarrivier, soliel. || to classify advertising according to price 2 $2 000.00 to $50,000.00 for MRE, ton ificounting depuriment, Nec: imeis, 31 Gladstone Avenie, BA $0189, Furr somm soariment; Turin | FURNISHED two-room ~ apartment, lor and Notary Public, 18% King Street |} We own classification north of Teunton Rd, RA vol bo te ¥oU, ' e (essary qualifications are typing, cost i furnished, heavy duty stove and close to hospital, oie nd denn, Apply ast, HA 32000, With nd privete!] In the cose of display advertise I A oN immediate loan on First ond 361 GIBBONS ST (ini, ability with res Avvly tn owg| ROOM and ourd for Tadies or gentle: or uniurnished. heavy duty stave and|cias to hospitel uid MOTIEARES RETARD ments The fi mes will net be held $9986 and OL 5-3545 i Second Mortgages Agree ---- handwriting to Box 47, Oshews Times, men, Mingle And Soule roms, close to jo dg oid A 5.3004 MODERN three + 100m Pn responsibia for mors specs then i < ' a b) ' w-- giving age, experience, snd salary ex downtown Ww 4 riment, | (IREER wand Welly, Barristers, rio that in which the eciugl enor PATIO STOME ments for Sale, on vacant end | 43~~Women's Column pected. References may he required, | Loos nd oar in pew home, park. THREE mom modern apariment, Yate bath snd entrance, heavy ! rs, ele, 7% Simeone Street' Y de improved propert residen 1 ki hee ng, non North Simcoe Dial BA 30278. Residence phones, J, M [] o6cupies. The publish Meavaun AC ETC Wo Property, ' SPECIALL Hest permanent 50, | EXPERIENCED waitress, Apply inling facilities, For information phone ove snd refrigerator, parking spi A FLAG STONE tial and Industrial city, sub. (FPRECIALL Heat opi IR person heiween 8 and 5, South End] WA B04 Apply 79 Centre Brest Phone A $4443, er Greer, BA, B6., BA 53368; Terehes V. | 19 reproduce a) adv g mo ' . Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 85892 comactly bust asumes na lability STONE PI ANTER % urban and country, and Sum« 1566 Pine Avenue. BA 5.5363 Hestaurant, 5 Bloor Breet East {ROOM snd Foard Tor gentlemen. ood | LOVELY three » room spariment, piu | (Onn 5 ad Vg KALVH JONES, WA nd Thome W. || or "plverinement are ¢ontained ROCKERY STON mer cottages er r---- EARN 834 plus 1 (ree wardrobe in| ments, inches packed, single' beds, bath and siorage room, heavy wiring, spariment, Taunton Road near Wer Greer, Associate Barristers snd Soli- | §oorgin Supply end lay 24--Morket Basket JOY spRTE Lime, Just show fashion | home privileges, close to down town, |hewied, hospital ares, Tesomible rules on, bulltcin supbor d fours wi eliors, 130 King Street East, BA 8-6346 OSHAWA Summerland Securities Lim frocks to friends, No Investment: ean: | RA $5526 Apply 340 Ritson Road orth pa ; a Mortgage loans available | GARI En SERVICE ited 112 Simcoe Street [RIPE fom aloes for ehill sauce, Se, a Kuasing, Experience Necessary, Wika | koom and board for gentieman, Home | BAC WrLon partment, newly Hurmish RYE Loom Span mani, Wad od « 0 » f J I ort on | hamper, Pick your own, Bring own eon. North American Fashion Frocks, 148, | cooked 'meals, plenty of hot water, tnled an echrpted, sell-gonthine: 4 : Won ha BASER, DRYNAN Ho 8--Building Trades RA 3.3222 N 44 Oshawa, Phone RA | DIRRE: J ek your own. Bring own eon. | a rv ner, arated 98 lan, quis German home, '81 Wark (vate entrance and bath, nesy hospital |lober 1, Apply 254 Mielage 'Word, tary Public, Bank of Commerce aidg J _{ Wack from city Hmits WAITRESS required for Coffee Shop, Road South {wna id OCYI, Bult two, RA 53363 SIX + room house and EATAgS vail § Bimeoe bireel North, KA 33484 TK CARPENTRY, framing, Dnishing, 8) CANNING lomatoss. $1 Pome Bring | 17478 oven for discussion, Apply BIeF| OOM and Tonrd for uentieman, eon | FIVE - room bungalow with finished Avy lier 0 Whim " od: Creighton, QC; N, C, Fraser, GC; G. K | terptions and repairs, Frea estimates lyowr own conta ' dpm. Mr, McArthur, Genoshs Hotel, Linuous "hot water, home privileges, ree, room, King - Oshawa Bivd, dis-| bran 8. k "ivsoch, WHA mort: | Call BA #4841, 7. H, Van Sehyndel OSHAWA ACME MONEY TO Raglan, Don § on, he mile aan. of WANTED = One woman to live in, to Apply 241 Ritson Road South trict, Phone RA 32039, phone RA 375% i logk after twa small ehildren, also | BASEMENT apartment -- thres ov | WK room Dungsiow, recres room, MANNING. ! RWARNE, 1 Barrister, | i ig TL a A og wh i HAULAGE LTD JOMATOER . Fiok four own The. [ght housekeeping, Apply 741 Be BUPFE | name Sonlamen Tare, Huis weg private hath ond entrance, children A 1002 Lakeserd streee, RA 38441, ciate, Ha Wher to loan, Asso / ¥ |lushel; carrots, Toc, bushel; Spanish Avenue, Oshawn. RA B-5004 [Lunches packed, KA 57043 come, Also housekeeping room, 2) gate, Bruce V.' Mackey, BA, {small RA 3-147 onions, $2.75 bushel; cooking onions, Celing or phone HA 5525 FURNISHED housekes 0 w-- GRAY [$1.75 'bushel, B® ont GIRLS required for fine assembly , ok HesMence LE pd RA B4AH1, Akt types bulding repairs, rooting, Hon = § TONE Ryman, 15 mil vant of Nicholle Gu. | Works soldering and wiring, experience Lome ookud ealar contin Vo say possession, lovely, two [and stove, linens hed Wows |eavestiough, chimneys, fireplaces, side: | LL == STO Monies for all types of mort | 0 Courlien, Go north ta first sor. Electric components preferved ut | water. eine to Both GA ant 5 Bloor East OM, Telephones RA 3 SOSEPH B MANGAN, a, Rorvister, walks, oops. RA 80304, Gordon May sf firs 4 | (not essential. Opportunity for advance {Hates #1 Park Road Kouth wiier § pm, Saturday, anytime sunday | TREE room * WA_1 24 A RA 3 3528 gages; for first and secon , ment, Group benefits, ete, Apply Stark {or during week, KA 5.3893 contained, private entrance, Centres Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 144 Bt iast, ( [4 Jiumbing And heating supplies 2G $ 966 : | gE. -------- Y {ROOM and board, South district, elesn | Rl Sree Bent, 0 Jshaws, RA #0231. | BA 5521 Harold RB, Stark mortgages on all types of real [25 Pets & Livestock Electronic Instruments 14d, Ajax, Ont I Te Bid packed, RA UTILTIES PAID! Threeroom unfur- (Park Blvd, North, Call RA 30869, A DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barri plumbing, Jeating and. engineer estate including vacant lands; | 54710 hished apartment, private Jath ad sn [1Hnip + room apariment, heavy b WON, Barrister ik # Bimeoe Street Bouth | OWEN BROTHERS CO. LTD short term mortgage for SADDLE horse for sale, well manner Fance, parking, heavy duly wiring. line private bathroom, suit two, and Salieitor, rir King Aireat Es ALL rvs of carventey work ami TREE EXPERTS builders; first and second ed, OLiver 53080 | HAIR STYLIST [Room and hoard Jor Iwo Sentiemen, Phone A 56108 [per month, electric included, 227 King dene, BA 0 ed A +4: An | {ament work, chimney repairs, eaves : mortgages and agreements [BOXER ups, two male, one meals parking fuellities Avply 108° Carnegie | YOUNG indy, willis to hate furnish. Wrawt Wa _corns Ning tr. id troughing, insul brick siding, roaling of | » v Registered, | ve 2) |e ariment, with sams ae ell ipive room bun slow 9 1 ¥ SADE Jarriater, Noi nel [all types. Free estimates. HA 3.70650 | We spec ialize in tree prun for sale purchased Apply 1 P a | vi 528 A oid,' Phone Pon| FEMALE Aramud vr room and hoard for gentle {RA £0208 after § p.m 1282 Simeos Bouth y iF, ole, 13% meoe reet | y y 26) 0 J nD A------------ Office WA 59741; Residence RA 5.8844 (ALL kinds of building and repairs,| Ing, tree planting, free re M. Swartz, 2614 King Street | pein oid, 9% wach,| vil ¢ men, good meals, lunches packed, 335 PRIVATE four - room upsiairs apart |NiCE furnished iwo-room {recreation reams, roofing, water proof moving, cavity werk East, Oshawa, Telephone RA [1A 54764 | or newly-located business Athol Street East, RA 39541 ment, heat, water, lights, TV asthe |All conveniences, Central, close 19 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Rolie): |ing, Brick Blog and cement work, Fes | ' 3.4697 lie | in Oshawa [Wght wiring, $50 monthly, Apply 2 10 8 north GM and hospiisl, Store and bus tar, 3 Simeoe South, WA 59598, Resi: | sonavle rates, MO 84204 | Phone RA PURPIER for sale, part Spaniel, Male | pooM and howrd for Kentiemen, close (p.m, 334 Albert or phone RA 58184, |. door, RA 8.6644 denice, RA 8 Bi females 85. MO B-5147 to down lown, 23 Elgin Street Eps - a WATERPROOFING specialists, Roof (|= | MO 8.5432 iA 37814 | THREE bedroom bungalow, (wo years | elREE-room aparimen), sink and GREFR or . And ATRAIE BAT: cellars, For appointment, Wile box MONEY AVAILABLE |*Wo kittens, female, tres a good 3 iia - (old, aluminum stor En Aarimant, Mil ad Fisters, Solicitors and Notaries Publie, | 1255 Bowmanville . {home, Telephone RA 82125 | FOR married couple, one child option: | ynienna, larg n ped Paved able now, parking, RA 65290 Sfter § 286 King Sireet West, RA 5:47 win! GRANDVIEW TO HOME OWNERS | GOON Keorch Calile pups. 990 Havion | EARN #l, two or three rooms, elose to GOWN: | driveway. MO . (a m J '] Hussel BULLROZING and excavating c ' : [ North G contin hot water, 8 Murphy and James A Machionsld. [MO 86619. Free estimates; Tay 10% SOD SU PPLI ES Up te $3,000 for any good |Street, RA 2665 dh nis GM continuous " FOUR room apartment, self-contain ge i MeGIBRON snd BARTENO Barristers, |B he (} Hilleourt Drive, Whithy | A d, (0 entrance, three-piece hath, Bolicitors, Cliens' funds available for | oo ere 28 Hilleou 4 We specialize in A-1 fertil purpose, including down pay arth ming, HA bok Sofas, EXTR MONEY ROOM and hoard for Two gentlemen, aut fabiae © Apply 101 Witson Hond APARTMENT first Mmartunges 20 Bimeoe Street North, ized field sod. Prompt de ment on home, payment of | Agents, Club 5 fachers or doy workers Bark Road (Nop FOR RENT RA 5.3666. Charles €, MeGibhon, QC a ft she i is COCKER Spaniel puppies from regis Ente, 5, 'ete, Sell North and Adelaide vicinity, Phone Eduar F. Bases a6. on, QC; TED VEENHOF liveries for Oshawa and Dis existing mortgage, consolida tered stock, Buffs, hiacks, hiack and| Canada's finest Xmas cords, |RA 84275 WHY pay rent? Pay #68 monthly plus Id lead for t k 8 ang " |] |] THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll trict, Field loading for true tion of debts or purchases of [tans Also Toy Terrier black and tan. Novelties, etc, Over 250 |ROOMN snd rent, with or without | payment. ever sftered before" in Gen] Two bedroom on Rosslond . ¢ | rates for cons kind. Nea ity fi , |L#ura Jennings, Lindday, Phone FA y be gltor and Notary Publie, 264 Xing WELL DIGGING ers and specio any kine ) penalty for pre Pid items In¢ludnig Deluxe, hoard, 206 King Breet Rast, near Rib [Loy "Phone RA 86123 after hours, os, In mo- reel East. Phone RA 81783, | CLEAN OUTS AND tracts payment, no bonus pad Religious, - Velvet, Chrome, won_Hoad 05208, Lloyd Realty, Oshawa Lid lpi ili half 5 | {BEAUTIFUL baby hudgles, ready for EPENING RA 8-811] For fast, friendly service coll ||! baby ( Everyday and. Personal cards, [ROOM and board available for two! Ap ARFMENT~lour rooms plus Bath, §--Nursing Services COMPRESSOR 'WORK ------ -- [ibrond, 114" Elin iroet ad nn Wraps na Ras Books gentlemen to share. Phone RA 51963, |orivate entrance, equipped with relrig block from Jum, slectricqliy ng Home, New. | COMPLETE SEABOARD ---- Dolls " and Jewelry, Many 43--~Weont d To R 1] ---- aa og AT ap ule scuipped,_ iy Ppp 4 " df I hildre ' 4 HH e accommodation now Vailabie i RA 8- 3864 DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, 26--Farmer's J "Column Gift items, Prompt Service, onte 0 Ren {WIth he oF 1Wh_oh dryer service pe 9 m-- : IMOUSE for rent, six rooms and bath, iA or hed patients, R rates -------------- GARDEN SERVICE 2914 Simcoe Street South Fos w= immediately For colored catalogue and (MOTHER desires three = room pan. close to school, Possession October 1 CALL MR, BAILEY 4 4 t liable ohild care f ow building, TV, lounge, organ RA 5.1121 Iwo - row com planter 0) Sed nani somples on approval, write [Meh wih relable ole Clone to ub Apply 71 Liberty Klreet South, Bow Days RA 3.2033 ete Please phone Neweastle 4441, Visitors Gardens ploughed disced, attach Ww G P80 , | manville ghed, A ( | i Achments, any make, Will pay top| V, Jeandron geting lie school and bus, Write Box 88, Evenings RA 5.2484 welcome at anytime, PRECAST landscaping, wood Sut trees formerly Bellvue) {eash price. Phone OL 5:3019 | Card Co, 1253 King St, E, [awa Times ) + hedroom, newly decorated house 9 TWI( 6--Optometrists removed |18a--Mortg 'y | DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Hamilton, Ont 44--Houses, Apts,, Flats at Solr 8 Jeaoh, Avaliable Riisher 1 449-~Rooms For Rent {Phone eolleet, § ton, COlax 39781 ahd bd, . | TR Ma Por Fa / 2410 | "Wo Furnished housekeepin ome, &W. VUOK, WO, optometrist. Flosse CONCRETE RA B-1798 | FIREY mortgage money wanted on six: Markwill For Farm, Tyrone For Rent vor war iai groin | 10 Rivlaed boise aasin es Ay accounts at downtown Domini ---- oe | TOOM brick house, In downtown Osh T™Wo nk. or 74 Burk Street Invalidy po awa. Will pay good interest rates Call 27 weFuel & Wood RECEPTIONIST MODERN four room Spariment, #05 apartment, Newly decorated, oup- (ut pricing apace, Apply Ah #1 amin, d al ho |] A | . or write Frank Hazlett, 5005 Bathuyst ie h, Fh hoards, double steel sink, tile floor in| . 3 we. Dial RA $4047 we pn SEPTIC TANKS AURORA SAND & Street, Toronto a Phoia HA & 178) or (PRY hardwood ends, sultable for fur. CASH {IER hop amonth bone Ra 6 kitchen, Private entrance. Phone RA TWO clean, furnished room: ¥ ie saan of ye Oplam. SIDEWALK SLABS GRAVEL evenings RU 7.6 naces, stoves, fireplaces, ete. 85 Ia We | nr 7 FURNIIRD ws oom inanement | o487, hh oll heated, suitable for J elivere "hol e 1} Hp. p | oe North (st Colborne), COLORED PATIO Brick, Sand, Crushed Stone, Y9wmPertonl {load delivered, Phone RA #0818 or pv vous 21" 6, plied, parking, vacant, RA' 8.8409 before | THREK « room apartment with private Apply 31 Charles Street, avenlie by sipeniment, Ra 14 DURA STEPS Road Gravel, Pir Run 28-Summer Properties who can meet people, has # pm, or after b p.m SILI wid: Spviy 9 Celis rs amaping nmin \ o WANTED «= ride to Toronto, Danforth d ! : FOUR room apartment, all conven: . | T-=Surveyors | CURBING VALLEY FARM RD and Pape by student, RA 55467 COTTAGEN, camps, homes, acreage in| Pleasant personality, is a good ences, Apply 01 Celina Hireel, mide ig [oom basement apartment, | AwGx front room, for one GF WORTON and Associates, On| WELL TILE Phone Mobile Operator DRIVING to Toronto, arrive at Gueen |"eAuliful Kawartha Lakes disiviet, #5] typist, and ean handle figures [door lover's Road, IA Bos, se nde, Sar one, ABB 10 " AW } 3 Glover's Road, RA | Athol Mast tario Land Surveyors, Professions! En. | b {and Bathurst 8 wm. Anyone interested [N08 NOFhesst davonto. For free Wst:| accurately, Finance exper- [NEVEN room house with upstalve h esp -------- TEmple 9-254) | kindly phone HA 37363 After 630 (NK fabio, write Bowes and Cocks Lim-] (0 00" Lil pe helpful, but not [apartment. Apply RA 5-320 APARTMENTN ~ TWo, three and four (GNg "single furnished room, App inearing, 306 Dundas Strest West, ied, Realtors, Pe ? if d » Peterk kh, Riversid: h ! id: hithy, MO §-8001, Alex 788. BROOKLIN WOULD like vide to Bglinton and Ave: 3-408, CTOOROUEN, Tlvetelde| essential, Good salary and [TWO + hedraem. wader. degorated, can, Teen tied | iter 8 pm, 77 Ontario Street, DONALD HW. TROLLOFE, Ont nue Road area, Phone RA 52364 | employee benefits, To apply, appliances supplied, $95 monthly, Im: | iiiabie immediately. RA 5:3936 or 6f |ONE large unfurnished room, one fur | a Land Rurvevis, #16 Adelaide Avenue Oshawa HYGENIC wappliea (rubber goods), | 2Ba==Trailers see Mr; Prest, Seaboard Fin Medinie Dassusaioh, anv inate, ti Wayne Street hong HA Pr i ce dnd A I ' d post paid in plain sealed enve : "01 | couple, | ! a DONEVAN AND FLEISOHMAN, On CONCRETE Home Landscaping oy With price list samples. 85 FOR RENT -- Tent tratler by week sas] - 2"¢€ Go. Canada Ltd, 2914 [RA sardi ni Ae Tre aur given ta| ONE - bedroom, in ground floor tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue IN FALL 0 3 samples, $1.00. Mall Order|accomodates six people, Phone MA| Simcoe 5, Oshawa THREE yooms, private entrance and oiiid" while mother works, Apply 138 |ment, reasonable for a congenial printing, 18 Bloor Street East, RA SPECIALIZED : - All Nov. Hubber Co, Hox 91 3.3268 bath, available now; parking, central, |gicin Street East, to live with widow, Kitchen and b-8638 PRODUCTS PLANTING AND SODDING. Ontario | RA 3.2578 FURNISHED bed = sitting voom. ful vision privileges, abstainer, RA §- "oo, Building Treader Ring, Yl Pols) ~|9=--pummer Properties | STENOGRAPHERS neat, nor sarsat wie bi coin: efor ab. sl 3 LAROR bgt rotary sl - . ve 1 f ends, } - ; LIMITED COMPLETE GARDEN ELECTROLYSIS For Sale required wall 10 Whi carpeting, ourtains, drapes, dawhtown, Gi piefersa -Phiie RA 5.6146 1 SERVICE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (ete, supplied, ultra modern kitohen, ' ™W : COTTAGE o " hea ' . 3 nN FOUR . room unfurnished apartment, [TWO large furnished rooms, with sink DODD & SOUTER Oliver 5.331 1 Call Removal of superfuous hair fa AE on 1 Hilksaare. lot, wed DEPARTMENTS wal vise entrates Ui i 10 mA oouple only, Tmmediate possession, 203 |oupboards, rangeite, refrigerator, and PAINT-~WALLPAPER | Marie Murduff will be in [miles from Oshawa Private, RA 5.3953 hy A ONTARIO 30215 after 5,30, RA 5.3 King Streef West, Call between 1 to ue of on \hing machine, Riitablo Jor | J h coup ; PAINTING & DECORATING 11---Business Opportunities| RA 8-6366 Oshawa, Oct, 4th and Sth, FOR SALE Bummer cottage, fur Int (HAW | 1 Ri r THRER = rooms, a fomfortable 2 LL] Avene. CONTRACTORS FIRHING sod Hawi come seats. | Phone Genosha Motel on [nished, Balsam Lake, 100 fi. lakefront. nlerested applicants are re Apartment, heavy wiring, sink, on bus (TWO - bedroom apartments. $03 per NICE furnished TA * i F U | | ane: irive, thre y 7x88] quired to pass @ typing test |line, adults, 501 Gibbons HNtreet, RA month, features stove, refrigerator, or free estimates call lodges, lakeshore lan dior develop these dates for appointment, |i" HUN" To, hres iii AR o 15 w Ji m I Bi 8-1015 Iookers, washe dryers, bamboo (34 Royal Street, RA DAYS MO 8.5231 ment, resturants, service stations, | | 4s Household Repairs drapes and adequate parking, Located | wires d "h hed |stored, In booming Kawartha Lakes fireplace, hoathouse, dock, nand beach, | he st of 80 FIVE. room bungalow, three bedrooms, Pat Pat KITOHEN and "bedroom, "furnished, EVENINGS RA 5.7426 a rite Tor ree: piature Tiaing | FURNITURE Tonnivod and" ve anil MRS. ANN [swimming and fishing excellent, Phona| hONd test o ¥ pm on Gibb Street, 878 monthly, available Rao Pihawa. Call Ri Batlarson af Suit one or twe Kentlemen. Close to 18 4 Salary up to $2,880 per an Shopping Centre, 63 Grenfell § on $ \ Rowe d Coks Limited. Real [stered, See our materials for recover MERE 0 to 6 pm. RA 3-206 H November 1, Apply 100 Alma Street be: |g 107 Byron $1.5, Whitby [folio Rawes and cola Limited. Heal: sored. See our materials for recover PROFS SIONAL PALM Sot he num, depending on qualificas [ween 6 and 7 my. Weeki Fa" . Serenade fo ATTRACTIVE fumiahed. rope 8 i. HA av212 "NS A room apartment, suitable r J NORTHEX GRADIN GENERAL STORE = gas pumps, lock: | = ; | Io | . | O--Lost & Found tion REMIdetached five room brik home, couple with one or two children, self: (Ae in, Pn RA LBL Road G er plant, In small village in Peterhor- |[CHESTERFIELDN rebuilt, recovered,| Card reader, and advisor | LORY German Shepherd, Answers tol For further particulars as to [nicely decorated, 10 minutes from Osh. contained. Apply 137 Rosehill Biv h LJ AND EXCAVATING ough Lindsay distriet Soom house, [like new, Why pay more? Our rates Bring your problems to her [the name of "Chub." Brawn and beige residence and qualification AWA, Myailable immediately, $50 month: re LARGE room for two single four + piepe hathroom, approximately [are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed No appointment necessar [Tag No. 303, Reward, RA 81076 oie | ly, CO 32 THREE . room Nement apartment, |judies, single beds; also 1 single Ad 0 price 835,000, Must | Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery a apf N ary " afier] requirements, apply to Civil self-contained, able, abstainers, [on lei . one acre land. Full prie 83 | 3 pom TORE M i cooking privileges, Apply 66 Warren All types of earth-moving sell, Ulhealth, For particulars, phone (Co, 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA| Open daily from 10 AM, to Service Commission, 25 St BIG NE iret well srtablish: near South GM, Sun Valley Court, (Avenue, RA 54381 S011 [ 10 pm RA 8.4141, 140 [FOUND = In downlown hank, 9hoio:| Clair Avenue East, Toronte |e bershon, centrally located, sult: RA" 5.1306, 1 -- p % ' {trap AT. OWREF mY Reve to ¢ able for other small business, RA 3.4343 we INICE large furnished room, centr CALL FOR ESTIMATES [roi sale ov Tous Bnei wv ost. | CRERVERVIRLON and ai sii Simene South [Kraph we v have same| 7 oon after § RTORE or business office. heated, close to bus stop, Telephone RA 5.740 aurant, excellent location, in new covered like new. Get the best for less [40 Wiifieation, Phone RA 8.1769 after Applications forms, available APARTMENT at 1903 King Bast, Three fhrking, very ain, Phone RA BONO | OM Tarnished, #3 per week, TORONTO PL 7-521 oa plaza, Oshawa. Coneessions | at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simeoe 21-Personal Service . at Nahenal Emplemont of TOOmA, upstaira, 840, adults. Lb Hap venings, RA 846 sing Telephone TA 3.3083" offered to ald new husine MoNelll, | Street North, Call RA 868541 for a free cook, RA 51708. FOR RENT «= al room, three-hed ms (REA 8:0000 oF MO 3088 estimate LAWN mower and outhoard motor re. 32-- Articles Wanted fices and Post Offices should aL. we [vOOM Brick house, ofl heating, TV an. | FURNISHED room in bachelor _ GARAGES AV PAINTING DHOORATING Ty fr and sharpening service. Rowsland | be filed NOT LATER THAN tenna. Apply 91 Ritson Road North, [cooking and TV privileges, Pho tradesman. interior ar exterior, Roaxa pg B+ Rossland Hoad West, | WANTED SEPTEMBER 30, 1960, with BRIGHT ATTRACTIVE 2. THREE » room apartment, unfurnish, [© a0 10% OFF » y </tone wark guaranteed. Fres estimates 7462 or R | Civil Se i, ' bedroom apartments, ADE |ad, on Ritson Road Nouth, parking fa:|CLEAN furnished "Teoma, dite DRESSMAKING and alterations, RA gy" 32350 WAGARN Driving Sohool -- Govern. | vl Ter vice Lommission, LAIDE MANOR == Hally= [eilities, Apply 338 MoNaughton Ave: double, twin beds, eooking tacilition nie. centra 03 ment lieenoe, fully insured, dual oon.| Dressmaker's form, in good 25 St. Clair Ave, E,, PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit . 4 wood kitchens, electrically COLONIAL HOM h hy ¥ trols, Call evenings. HA B-AR20 nditio TORONTO, Ontario ly - L HOMES 13---Gardening & Supplies [ney fixtures, now and used chang condition RUN bi equipped, broadloom, locker, | TWO Taree ~wnhTIshed vooma, ik |TWO:room turn n pold yO washroom, priv 134 SIMCOE ST, § --- . lalty, Installations at reasonable rates vate, sink old water, cup: platty. 1 t " PHONE RA 5.8310 {37-=Male Help Wanted hot water and parking ine |Ngaris sorage space, closets, on bus | Very central narmation and estimates free an any RA 8.4614 PLANT NOW! |ivne of plumbing, Dial RA 84341 3 Ritson Road North or RA 34m7, | also le | WANTRD = part time. hell hone Ao. cluded, IMMEDIATE OCCU- |iine, RA 39463, ; sonable, Apply 30 Contre a SHAW ply front desk, Genosha Hotel ud PANCY, Contact R, Vickery IVE - room house, centrally located, THREE unfurnished, Nght house BUILDERS EVERGREENS [YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim | ITO WRE - : fonts with al West hone RA 8.6228 y - er ---- complete stock, Sted ih and renaired. gas Unings I | gaason, Phone Ajax WH AUTO WRECKING CO, Wandin. Brineh nd Moors. Basti] evenines RA S 6342 RUF + contained apartment. one hed: [COMFORTARLE clean, single | Ted Taylor's Dance band F now booking for winter : ng rooms, All conveniences, Al 9 CHARTERED wocountantn' office "ro. Wea! Edate, 46 King Sr. [oll heated, TV outlet, adults only, Phone : " stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti Wants cars for wrecking. Parts 5 = he room, 10 minutes' walk from downtown, [also large double room, twin beds, Ceramic tiled bathroom sup. 22 hh #4 varieties mates. RA 3.2007 A een! for sale, alse scrap iron and Fhalonthly, Contact Don Hows, RA Hnod fon. RA Rarer hig aii plied and fixed, complete LAWN SEED 87740. Elgin East, RA 3.9707, metals, ete, bought : Open ASSISTANT APARTMENTS TWO two-room Apartments, one on THREE clean, unfurnished Toonie, PROFESNIONAL painter. paper h 2-1663 with four Hin ' Large re for seeder) fer Guaranteed airman And a - : & h : ) Jlentals anray Ona aturday all day hone third floor: I aut. First class, tradesman, Bone FERNS, CACTI PAINTING and aecorating. Free est I OUR n y MANAGER One large, one small, elec: Hound yg i n" rnin. . - Phone * [And suroards, Ro My ¥ Abpty 148 19 Tn 8-1 177 FOLIAGE PLANTS maton work guaranteed A 37d | BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN | RA 5.2311 89 BLOORE, trically equipped, For further |AFARTMENT = a Two Teoma, | ARes. Streel [YOU'LL find exactly the worker you! Chicken plate, half chicken - informat ho with stove, refrigerator, washer and [LOVELY furnished room, salt gent -- VAN BELLE want with an Oshawa Times Want A with french | fish and " SEABOARD MONONA phone a Phone | man, private home, Amis, "Ww yerond) fries, dryer, available {Call RA 3.3408 now W. W R Si chips, hamburgs, hat dogs, CEDARDALE FINANCE CO. RA 5.3815 or RA 32033 or after § wm, RA 374%, | Rlovd,, or phone R ! A L GARDENS sy milk shakes SC RAP THREE lovely rooms, downsta [FANG ite rim, twin bE wey, DIGSING BY | FURNACE SA £S | MODERN Skul IRON META TO Has an opening for an ex RA 8-6485 he irahen von Central nine [ilnges, quiet distriot, Apply 43 Phew MACHINE HIGHWAY NO. 2 WE DELIVER RA 5.887 L LTC perienced assistant manager, we | couple preferred. RA 8 [or phone RA 8-454 SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE MA 3.5757 | AND SERVICE 22--Ra Radi dio Reps - i Fr IRONS--METALS betwen Spe gt 2 n 33, BRIGHT ATTRACTIVE 2. [FURNISHED three TOO ARATIMERY, FURNISHED [ri continuous hob WHITBY, ONTARIO BOWMANVILLE H. M. Mackie Co. Lid ==Radio Repairs | PAPER---RAGS who is interested in advance bedroom apartments, ADE» centrally located. Phone RA 3.3707 water, near King and Ritson, abstain. wn» § WO flor a LAL er. RA 5.1365, 31 Rowe Stree, --r " TV, RADIO. car sadlo repairs. All FI ' ment. Top salary, profit shar LAIDE MANOR = Holly» |* --- -- rvem---- MO 8.2563---MO 8.31809 LANDSCAPING RA 5-5954 dwiakes Thompson Eleotronios, 187] OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY ing pension plan, as well as wood kitchens, electrically | DOURLE room, suitable for two ladies 3 Elliolt Avenue. RA 3.9782 (Fred) | RA 5.3432 ) wee be Co ' 0 b 404 CHESTNUT ST. 'W. SERVICES rye -- FREE PICK. Tent inerviows may be | Sauipped, broadioom, tocker APARTMENT A Nor "Gonara Notore. Ba Kings PO. BOX 329 ! ¥ labor plus party ) CR 4 P hot water and parking ine [dale Avenue. RA 86387 -- | Weeds treated, field nursery ---- RESIDENCE «= RA 5.4159 arranged by calling Mr, Prest SIMCOE N,, AT ROSSLAND p | wt | RA 8.6283 or by calling in cluded. IMMEDIATE OCCU. [FURNINHED light housekeeping rooms CLIFF BROWN ity top soil, gravel, sond -- nstruct on 100 ANNIS STREET oo} 3 h ¢ A ul 4] PANCY. Contact R. Vickery Redecorated five rooms, [private entrance. 97 Albert Street A te er. ae JUANG tans Maw commencing, dat! 40.4 solfsupporting owt - haf de Shiba ual Real Estate, 46 King St, stove, 'fridge, parking. Adults, |ywe warily oraished Rose ooning ¢ 0 pS @ or evening olasses. Phone (ALY . A rooms, © re! GRAVEL & SAND ED KNOWLTON after § pm. or weekends Hot dip galvanized. No paint. | 34==Auction Sale Seaboard Finance Co. West, phone RA 8.6228 ~~ $100 wy: uurle Welaired. A LOAM RA 5.6047 PIANO. Classical and popular, for 1n:| Complete with new Wave - CANADA LTD evenings RA 5.6342, RA 5.3302 TE WTR TRH 04 formation contact Patricia Tuck, ™ Master all - channel antenna kK) A ry W ted gentlemen, Apply 63% Albert Street, Prompt Delivery -- -- w= Burk Sureel, Oshawa: Dial dda Total price, installed and AUCTION SALE gen an " OFFICE SPACE ----"_ "ILARGE room, close to Park Road, BY OSHAWA VIOLIN, viola, cella and theory In guaranteed for year, $59.95 IMEN = Pleasant outdoor work, Aver {One oF twa oan share room. A home, ale 312 per hour. No experience neces. FOR RENTING [aw ay from home, Call RA S403 FA 8- 8951 GARDEN SERVICE WALT Telephone NA S001 $75 MONTHLY [FURNISHED room, continuous hot | i | , IRMT. Telephone RA 397 ! TV Enterprises sary. Write Rawleigh's, Dept, 1316VY, | ! 08 Richelien, Montreal n HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY-Halon The property o RE {water, very central, Telephone RA LANDSCAPING I$ Royal Ballet, Migh 253 Drew St ie Dropety of CHRISTMAS Card agents, Sell Own : NT 3 ond apartments, | Vater an Academy, | {land Register now. 4M King West. RA : R Mrs Edith Edwards ada's best selection of personalized good location, stove and rr QUIKBRIK Specializing in fall seeding [Annet Rex 0! ng RA 3.35583 4 greeting cards. Over 3 vards ta ohoose| p fridge. hot 'water and' heat 1 WEEKLY, we Jumishea Teams, and planting PRIVATE W tent Tar 800 BYRON ST. SOUTH [fia Miscial hisinean canis: Write to auienger elevates service ina, bamboo drapes and iy TH es SS | E teacher, student counsellor y A o ; )C ¢ and [oentra \ (Under new management) RA 3.3222 118 yoars' experience, hy interview anty T.\ RADIO HIF WHITBY _-- a 8, a New building, Centrally lo. washer and drver. For ap » - Act naw. RA 51064 pl g . . { Lh - T ™ P -- - PARTS AND SERVICE cated In downtown ared pointment to see call Howard APARTMENT «= four tooms, heal, E LAST RED rRly ATE teacher, st COURSE ' - 4 eCab R or R heavy duty. private entrance and bath, BRI ly 10 an aan WR TOWERS SATURDAY, 41--Room & Boord Moderate rent, Less mow | Cate at Ed Choke [TV Snients 'and parking Toews RA Aa o i " t RT AY . a a PRT AM tes BUSSE] 3 tent tee to choose | SEPT, 24 1960 [RON rt nit RUSE] ovlobi "oad Lid. Rear bl imei MAKES OLD HOUSES from. All heavy galvanized BAAN -- BEAUTIFUL HOMES | GRAVEL - SAND LEARN 10 DRIVE ("5% ul vam. | A001 Ie ot avd hones [nope sevice) THE TIMES | PARKWOOD MANOR | BUCKINGHAM om stove, frig . B4 Iheds. very central. 3 Brock East. R | A | Let us show you how inex: At the Oshawa Driving Schoo! Antennas moved $10.00 washing machine, et 8 SRN BUILDING | APARTMENTS APARTMENTS pensively your home con be FILL and STONE Licensed by the Police Commission M ROOM and hoard aptional, goad meals Two bedroom apartment | 2-bedroom Apartments, elecs made more beautiful. No ob Fully tained: instructors len & lou's TV Sale at 1:30 P.M, [clase to NGM, 18 minates $0 Four Ca stove, refrigerator. TV oul 1 tricolly. equipped. best: loca ROTS, Rarage for vent. Apply 340 Divi N ¥ ligation, Ph RA 5-52 Standard, Automatic cans . : let drapes and arking tion $100 Apply 498 ] RA 8.5804 or RA 5.7844 Auctiones sion Street Contact T, L. WILSON a Toy " ~ 8A pS 93 Sie we St. North, Apt. 15; RA §-8372 or RA 5.9591 | 9 RA 80091 | FREE SURVEY LOYAL POGUE [11%ussive Won Rasa "*' Phone RA 3-3474 | "05am, RA 8-676, 4

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