The Oshawa Times, 19 Sep 1960, p. 6

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She Oshawa Sines ot. E., Oshawa, Ont -- Beginning Finally Made On Coast Guard Service It seems thet a beginning is being made on 8 Canadian cosst guard, some- thing that has been needed for many, many years, Transport Minister Hees, in a speech at Halifax, said the federal 'government is setting up a Canadian Marine Bervice, which will bring to- gether under central direction than 150 vessels in government service, and will mean the building of at least six vessels of the coast guard type to patrol the Atlantic, Pacific and Great Lakes waters, The central direction phase of the plan will mean greater co-ordination of existing The RCAF and the Navy have always played pro. minent roles in searching for and help- more civilian services, ing vessels in distress or missing at sea or on the lakes, but there has been an obvious lack of direction of other rescue facilities, The coast guard vessels are badly needed, Bix such only a start on the number required the Great Lakes alone could easily account for a half dozen. And craft effective, there must be a tighten. ing of safety measures, The Montreal Star has pointed out that in Montreal, the country's greatest port, there is no vessels are to make these fireboat. There is no fireboat in the 81. Lawrence Seaway. Some time sgo @ ship burned in Vantouver harbor while an argument went on about who had the responsibility of putting it out, Just over a year ago 35 fishermen drowned in Northumberland Strait because a sudden storm caught them ~ and their ships lacked the means of receiving emergency warnings, Many lives have been lost in the rough waters off the rugged British Columbia cosst because of lack of rescue facilities, There have been comparatively few disasters on the Great Lakes, but that matter of luck more than anything else, And the Great Lakes take has been a a continuing if unspectacular toll of lives and ships Traffic tremendously in the past few years, The on the Lakes has increased opening of the Beaway has brought more deep-sea vessels into the Lakes, and the boom in pleasure boating has greatly boosted the number of pleasure craft plying the Lakes and the connecting links as operators, largely amateurs, head from big city yacht clubs to waterways such as the Trent-Severn and Rideau systems, The plans for the new Marine Service must be energetically pursued, Pain And Childbirth We're puzzled by the remarks by Dr, Helen Rossiter and others at a recent about the conference of anaesthetists "softness" of North American Dr, Rossiter and her colleagues spoke disparagingly of the women who demand women, more sedatives against the pain of child birth == more than ropean women, for example = and who "think you are frightful if you don't relieve them of it" Frankly we believe that it's fright. ful not to relieve pain, whenever the relief is medically sound, We do not be- lieve that pain in childbirth is a fairly recent development, and largely the result of modern woman's anxiety about it== there are too many literary allusions to the birth struggle, going back to the time of the early Greeks, "If the anaesthetics hdve some bad effect on the infant being born, the fault is surely that of the anaesthetics, the failure that of medical researchers un. able to improve them, That failure does not justify the pain, The idea that pain must be borne stoically, without complaint, is a primi» It is part of the And too long has the idea tive one fatalism of ignorance persisted that children must always be born in the agony of the mother as a sort of inevitable punishment, There are times when pain is neces. sary, as a teacher, The child who scorgh- es a finger learns that fire can be dan gerous, In this way pain is part of the warning mechanism of self-preservation, But otherwise there is no virtue in pain, It may have to be borne because medical science cannot do anything about it, but that does not justify the suffering -- it simply indicates that medical science has a great deal to learn and discover, The necessary pain we must live with, but the unnecessary pain cannot be ex- cused; it can only be tolerated until the advance of human knowledge remove it, Part of the job of the medical profes. sion is the reduction or removal of pain, and the have a vital role to play, They cannot fill that role by in this anaesthetists trying to explain away their own shortcomings, Just For Executives If you hold an executive position no doubt an article contained in the Cana dian Army Journdl might be grounds for study and some reflection, The article reads; "While Ulysses was away at the Trojan War about 1200 BC, his friend Mentor undertook the care and educas tion of his Prince Telemachus, Mentor's advice to the Prince on the subject of decentralization of effort and delegation of authority of its force with the passing centuries, "The proof of son, loses nothing of the ibilities in a king, as the supervisor of others, does not cons sist in doing himself, To attempt it ambition; and te suppose that others will believe it can be done, an idle hope, "The king should not be the body, but the soul, By his influence and under The Oshawa Times T. L. WILSON, Publisher and General Manager €. GWYN KINSEY, Editor everything is a poor The The Oshawa esta hronicle (estat and Oshawa Times combining shed 14 @ V shed statutory shed tt ted Sundays Members at C nd alse 1 of wpe Thomas Oma vy Buildin 4 640 Car t Street SUBSCRIPTION RATES Whitby, Ajg Ottices ersity Avenue Yoront Montreal, P.Q ered cartel Oshaw Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 his direction, the hands should operate and the feet should walk, "He what be done, but he should appoint others to should conceive is to do it, His abilities will appear in the conception of his designs, and the choice of his instruments, "The godd supervisor is he who, doing nothing, causes all to be done; who meditates and contrives, who looks forward to the future and back to the past; who sees relative proportions and arranges all things in order to provide for remote contigencies, "A craftsman, in his workroom, sees everything with his own eyes, and does everything with his own hands, but a king who presides over a nation can neither all all. He ought, indeed, to do nothing himself but what another canmet do under see nor do him; and to see nothing that is not essential to some determination of great importance." Bible Thought Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing; but to be cast out, and to be trodden men,~~Mat- thew 5:13 As Webster cons. tinue in the Bible we shall go on pros pering, but if we neglect it no man can tell how suddenly we may go down, under foot of pointed out, if we Ye are the light of the world. Mat. thew 5:14, Shall lighted by the gre of God, shall we to lives bes nighted the light of life deny! we whose lives are 10¢ Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. «Matthew 5:9 Peacemaker is the called whose birth the angels sang of "Peace on Earth* of the One at second name those who are alter SOME DAY J ' 7 11 0 TITRE THEY'LL REPORT FROM U.K, § than New Schools Built At Decreased Cost By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng. Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON he ministry of education declare that it ha won the "battle the bulge' in building, In its annual re Just hed, it sa that more schools more quickly ol lool port publ 10 year built before A major task of for the in 1047 in the nave last heen than ever chool building education minis hegan chool lea age wus raised 4 1h An estimate that made in 1940 showed that two million new in schools would he re- by the end of 1961, That very quickly had to be But by the end of 1059, the number of new places actual ly provided reached a total of 2,600,000, The report says; SAVING IN COSTS "Today the new school building dominates the local landscape The fact that they ave only hall INSIDE YOU vhen Ing from lo was places quired figure ralsed As expensive in real terms a they were in 1040 is a major achievement in sell In 1949 place cost secondary £4 fen years luler HER COBIS were 140 ($407) fon primary schools and £256 (8606 a saving of more than £200 mil On th hi a school to house 500 pupil cast, in Canadian current 000, and a 1000 pupils This figure is far the of comparable size In Canadian cities LAST YEAR'S RECORD During the last year, place were provided building of 476 new extensions to existing each £150 school primary school ($413) and each place £420 the avel fon prima ould $440 chool for $606,000 econdary would cost below cost schools of 246,000 hy the schools of premises Building in progress at the pres time will 200,000 more places, about three-fourths ent provide Brain Protected But Avoid Bumps By BURTON H Candy's head hit the concrete with a dull thud, Her 2-year-old face flushed lobster-red as she let out a tremendous how! and tearS streaked down her cheeks for a tall half how When she suddenly her hreaklast mother Every Junior FERN, MD upehucked tricken more NOTION home with black But even erushed oon springs leaving him wear, Like injuries are ney Hi worried even mother come when and-hiue though it texlora, the back into none heauty only skin deep Under the protects vital under this hard hat Is several layers thick that the Briin™oies for rough handling ile--=Handle with ( Yel common avoid unneces head HOOSe QUES like a old block shape looks the worse [or most head bony helmet tissue, and # soll cap Kin a brain You ean sep JO EE US RIES It's no "Frag Are packay ense tells you to Ary Vil You can still damage its on the QUEEN'S PARK Important content tear the brain or make it blood vessels may break bleed inside the skull Although hlood gushes out of torn vessels in or on the brain blood vessels just inside the skuli or between the of the soft may pa anything 1s Injury may swell and layer Hour you know cap ooze slowly before Wrong Strangely enough, most trouble stems from the tive skull, This rigid braincase can't bulge like an overstuffed valise to accommodate extra con tents, Swelling and bleeding build up painful pressure The child fussy and irri table, He fidgets restlessly and picks at his food, His cheeks tay ghostly white and eventual ly he throws up under pressure MAY MEAN NOTHING Although vomiting should al ways make you suspicious, it of the protec acts Vote On Sunday Movies Expected TORONTO Sunday movies are now in the wind There will probably he a plebs iscite on the question at this-{all's elections here in Toronto, And in view of the strong sup port given the Sunday sport vole SOME Years believed almost certain the proposal will be approved Sunday would require an amendment to the Lord's Day (Ontario And as a0 0 movies there undoubtedly will be spirited opposition fram some ErOUPs pa of the amend. ment will not the most happy task for the iment to face Howeve { certainly will do it if scite is fa. vorabl Prem } sage he OVE alma pleb has sh nee a tu theatre industry has heen faci ent years Arthur Reaun cerned that Liberals as \ in the Temiskaming Reaume say far one writer picked his MY 1) by-election, quite indig t not | ars has the pe in both neoe Ceatre ¢ ha varsers and twice A cyple might say that twice nothing is not too much. And the Liberals have had little more than nothing in the way of organiza tion in recent elections Mr. Reaume, however, is a pro And after making the proper al low ances far enthusiasm one has to concede that he has been on the ground in both riding nd that the Grits really may be top contenders In the campaign itsell they have some catching wp to do For while the Conservatives didn't show much life in advance once the gun went they were off the mark very quickly They had candidat nOMIN ated, their picture their campaign liter printing presses before CCF or Liberals had a the field Wm either riding By-elections, of course, are old stult now to the PC organization and the wheels start turnin quickly y aken and on the they man a ature You don't pile as this party has of aol YOars w hy-election in Ou smooth and powerful machi I of them heing secondary sehools, Last year 6,500,000 schools m there were children in the of England and This was an Increase of over the previous year The increase included nearly 1,000 more sixth formers, indi cating a growing trend towards pupils staying longer in school, School pupils aged 16 and 17 In 22,000, compared with an increase of 3500 in the previ year TEACHER SHORTAGE still, how , A sub: stantial shortage of teachers, The of 5500 in the number of teachers did little more than muteh the rise in the number of chool ehildren, On this point, the SAYS shortage place lo more slate Wales 00,000 creased hy ous report "The ome of vas warrant teachers in still serious the retention ystem of distribus which again proved effes tive last year, Even so, a num. ber of areas remained very short of teachers," enough Lhe tion, of quota And here is an interesting foot. note which we commend to the consideration of Canadian educa: tional authorities, The total entry of new students to universities was 22,000, Of these, nearly 20,000 entered universities with financial sistance from public furs, about the same number as in the previous year, nothing at all, Like your ¢hild may cry and carry on until the swell of swallowed . tears irritates his stomach lining, He may upchuck long alter you've quietened his Crying, But since vomiting may mean trouble, you'll have to watch for other danger signals, DANGER SIGNALS His eyes may cross, he may stumble, and paralysis may weaken his muscles, If he's still an infant, the soft spot on top of Wiis head may bulge tensely like # pup tent filled with too many cub scouts: The pupil of one ey may widen while the other hrinks to a pinpoint, and the pupils may no longer be able to narrow and- protect his eyes from bright light, I'he heart has to pump blood against the rising tide of all this pressure, When the pressure ins ilde the skull reaches or tops the blood pressure, blood flow te the brain stops and the child lapses inte a dangerous coma Somes times the coma starts suddenly without the prologue of all these other symptoms, may mean Hitle Candy SURGICAL MEASURES Emergency surgery can res lieve all this pressure and save the ehild's life; The sooner the operation, the better the child's chances And so any whack on the head which leads to one suspicious symptom, or whieh knocks the child out even for a moment, calls for an immediate check with your doctor, He may want to examine the child or he may Just want you to wateh for other symploms for a day or 80, LET HIM SLEEP Forget that old fairy tale about not letting a child sleep after a head injury, You can let him doze, as long as you rouse him every few hours to make suve he's not turning into a sleeping beauty. It's best te wake him once or twice the first night alse just to be certain Close watching is more impor tant than head x-rays, These ex. pensive plotures tell you about the skull but not about its pre- elous contents, Even though a damaged bundle makes you wary of what's inside, many a fragile {tem comes through safely in a crushed carton, And, of course, perfect package may contain broken ems, DON'T FEEL GUILTY Few whacks lead to high pres. sure symptoms Bumps and lumps are a normal part of grows \ ail neither you aor yours is to blame. Conselence can be a cruel court, sentencing ins nocent parties to unjust gull, Junior has to let Mother's strings i going lo Ho dlependence and sods 20 of apron he's simply future ee Junior's OTTAWA REPORT Dief Recognizes Role Of Forests When Prime Minister John Diclenhaker introduced the Bill into Parliament to create a Min istry of Forestry, he gave official recognition for the first Lime in our history to the pre-eminence of the industry which is "the bone and sinew of Canada." It was 8 truly remarkable over: sight by our Birst 12 prime min fsters, who governed Canada through Hs first 90 years of Con federstion, to disregard the value of the tree to Canada, John Dief- enbaker pow has the Parliament. BY-GONE DAYS 15 YEARS AGO During the first eight of the year, Oshawa's building amounted to 8740000, and 210 new homes were constructed dur- ing that time months Rev. BR. W. Wighton, distin guished Scoitish and South Afri can minister, accepied the invita tion to the pasiorale of Calvary Baptist Church here Rankine of Haydon as awarded the ihe Royal Toronto Festival in Dive Nnoist Mi oprano vocal senolarship bh Conservatory of Music al the Kiwanis Music Toronto Bathe Park Talent Show, which was attended hy over 700 persons, was an outstanding success The ninth annua! Seventh Day Conferes was held at the Osh awa Missionary College, Pastor C, Erie Jones, president, of the Ontario-Quehee Conference and Pastor W, B, Ochs, vice-presi- dent, of the General Conference for North America, were among those who delivered addresses I Officials of General Motors of 'anada marked the company's 100,000th unit produced since Jan I Rey mer United minister Chureh Dr. R. L minister Church ol McTavish, for King Street appointed Westmount United ol Was Installation of the dial switches for the new dial telephone system was proceeding in the new ex change hullding at the corner of Bond and Victoria streets, Miss Evelyn Robson, Burk Si obtained her "Gold" or elghth Canadian Figure Skating Assgpcia tion test, the highest award" pos. sible to amateur figure skaters A pack of dog farmland near sheep, valued atl farm alone, roaming through Alax, killed 22 $1000 on one Although much work remained to he done before all the class. rooms were fully equipped, the new Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute opened its doors for September school opening PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM you look at don't you feel like an atom?" asks a poet, We can't say. We don't have the slightest idea what an atom feels like, "When the stars, Becoming wiser today is not an unmixed blessing. It causes a person realige how dumb he was yesterday, 1 When a person's desire to stop smoking exceeds his desire to smoke, he can and will stop smoking, With a BNS Personal Seourity Program y ary authority, which he will pre sumably shortly implement in fu)! to create this new deperiment dedicated to making the most of this great natural resource with which all Canadians are blessed It was exactly 100 years heliore Jom Dieinehaker was elected to he our prime minister that Queen Victorig selected a primitive backwoods lumbering community to be the site of the new capital of this young country, Up to that time, and for half a century later, the wenlth of Ottawa was derived primarily from lumber- ing. Today our most valuable in- dustry is lumbering in all its ramifications, and the produet of the forest earns us more foreign currency than any other group of exports, This is a fact which we lend to overlook, but "wood products" still constitute nearly oneAhird of our exports by value, REMINDERS OF LUMBER In Ottawa, there are names and associations recalling the grest lumbering interests wherever one turns: in the names of streets or suburbs, in the origins of man. sions and companies. Our prime ministers live in an official resi dence which was initially built by early lumber baron; one of Oniagwa's leading men's clubs is housed in the former home of an- other lumber baron; yet 12 of Canada's prime ministers lived In Ottawa without recognizing the Onvious an he new department of forestry will he a recognition as well as an ald to this greal industry. Its ignificance has heen widely ap preciated, but perhaps nowhere as deeply as in the heart of Jim Forgie, the Liberal MP for North Renfrew, horn, raised, employed and elected in the Ottawa Valley whose settlement and wealth stems from lumber, From his boyhood, when he used to take milk out to the huge square timber rafts floating down the broad Ottawa River past his home at Pembroke, and trade it with the cooks for delicious fresh cookies, Jim Forgie has been alert to Canada's greatest natural blessing, OTTAWA VALLEY MEMORIES In the 19th century the British market for our great timbers de- veloped, for buliding ships for the Royal }! and especially for mastings, Mr. Forgie (oid me, # first raft made up of these iand-hewn square timbers Quehee Cy from the 0 wa on dupe 1, las! rafl to pass in 1909, says Jim, recalling that "It was indeed a memorable Sight to see those huge rafts pass Pembroke, and be broken into eribs when they reached the Lost Baeigh, where the turbulent Ot. Lawn passed under the Allumetie Bridge." "One Navy aren! Feaaned cannot discuss the fore estry industry of the Ottawa Vale ley without thinking of those men of rugged steviing worth whe had the courage to enter the valley, and develop an industry which hes meant so much to Canade, Outstanding among those cours @geous and ahle pioneers are the Gillies Brothers of Braeside; J.R, Booth of Otiaws and Robert Booth of Pembroke; Thomas Hale, the Gordons and the Mac: kies of Pembroke; O'Brien of Renfrew; the White, Dunlop and Munro families of Pembroke; the Mclaughlin of Arnprior; Alex. ander Fraser of Westmeath; the Brysons of Fort Coulonge." Those outstanding pioneers and lumbermen stamped their names on the valley and Ottawa: many of them have kith and kin now spread across Canada, But as well as them one must remems her the rivermen who manned the great vals, said Jim Forgie, and who, tn thelr address of wels come Lo Prince of Wales tater ng Fdward VII) in 1860 coined that apt phrase describing themselves their industry "The hone and sinew of Canada," QUICK RELIEF FROM TORMENTING PILES (without pain or discomfort) ana For generations, regular Mecea Ointment has brought eamfort snd healing to literally millions of peopls Meces Vite Remedy (in Ointment form and in the new Tube) for relief from the distros of Internal piles, has all the impor: tant Ingredients of internationally known Mecea Dintment==plus many other special, medically proved ingredients for stiacking snd shrinking painful Piles, snd hestowing healing comfort I you have inflamed or protruding Plies why suffer needlessly: another day?--get the new improved tube of MECCA PILE REMEDY Ne, V Make sure you ask for MECCA and the tried and proved blessed relief that Mecea Pile Remedy No, | ean bring Io ~ e 51 KING ST, E, At This List . . 1, Unpaid 2, Medical 3, Tax Arrears MAY WE HELP YOU CONSOLIDATE? Borrow $1600 Repay $40 Monthly ALLIED INVESTMENT CO. Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc, Take a Look 4, Mortgage Due 5. Money for Business 6, Consoli- dation RA 3-3993 ou can make sure Junior goes to college, Be ready when the cap fits... Tt may seem a long way ahead but the &o time will come when to college To make sur And that will cost vou money! the cash is ready when you nood it; save the guaranteed way , , with a THE BANK OF life-insured BNS PsP al the moment, Junior wants to NOVA exclusive with The Rank of Nava Sq «is just one of many useful BNS services, Visit your nearby branch today and find out how the BNS can help you with money matters, Personal Security Program, ha SCOTIA A NETWORK OF OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND ABROAD Manager: Oshawa Branch, Kingsley M. Hume

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