CT More Holdups | 'In Montreal WHITBY And DISTRI PUTTING CORN IN CUTTING MACH! COOLING KETTLES OF CAN a SH ------ womm-- MONTREAL (CP) --~ A honk fo ond 8 Wijacking high fighted news on Montreal's crime fromt Wednesday as 4 crime wave went ino is fowrth day. The holdup ocevrved ot 8 Wrench of La Banque Canadienne | Nationale on lle Bizard northwest of Mopiresl when Iwo masked men #rmed with revolvers 16k $2000 from the cash drawer For the sixth time in less then 19 months, hijackers waylald a mall truck in the Lavrentians The robbery was staged of Lae Bagupy shout 100 miles northwest of Momtresl, Four men accosied the driver, and escaped with an undisclosed Claude Laihapelie, sum of registered mall gl SIMILAR TO OTHERS 1 Detectives said the robbery was t similar to previous hijsckings Wn tthe pres, The others netted hi- 4 Jackers amounts up to 835000, No arrests have heen made northeast section netted thieves shout $5 M0-worth of goods, Burglars also hroke into A flurry of hurglavies in the of the eity a downtown clothing house Tues day and escaped with 87.000 in merchandise including §2,000 in a coin collection hox Meanwhile, Montreal police di: rector, 4. Albert Langlois, or: 2 dered an Investigation inte Mon- i " 8 Install Officers 0f Kinette Club The Kinette Club held its first dinngr meeting of the season at the Spruce Villa Hotel last Wed nesday evening with a very good attendance The president, Kin. ette Bylvia Snelgrove, welcomed all present and presided over the dinner Following the dinner, a short business meeting was held at which time the president thanked all members for the work accomplished for the Carni- val and especially to chairman Huth Hewson who devoted so much time and effort, The mem hers arranged to have a "Paint ing Bee" for the Cinderella float for the Christmas parade, President Murray Silver, of the Kinsmen Club, presided over the installation of officers as follows; president, Jinny Jeffery: past president, Sylvia Snelgrove; vice president, Donna Robertson; see. retary, Ruth Hewson; treasurer and registrar, Pam Day; bulleiin editor and press correspondent, Anita Hampson; director, Doris Spellen, Betty Bilver was appoint: ed sergeant at arms for the year and Joy Rich was appointed sun- | |shine girl, 4 wR) 2) Corn Canning In Full Swing For 260 men and women of the Whithy district, September means canning time. The 250 are employees of Btokely-VanCamp's canning factory in Whithy and from now until Oet, 10, if the frost does not arrive to hinder operations, the erew will he at work canning a quarter-million tons of corn This week, the corn is arriving in great truck loads and also ready for harvest and canning are lima beans so two canning operations are running simultan eously at the plant Normally, the eorn canning season begins in earnest on Sept 1. But a tardy spring and late planting held up the season this year, Normally, corn Is planted about May 24, This year, a cold wet spring kept farmers off the land and much of the corn was pot planted until June § The first corn canning comes right after the August heat waye bul this year, August held nd heat wave and thus the canning sea son is also later The Whithy plant started can ning corn on Sept days worked on half-day shifts Now, however, the corn is com ing in in a steady stream of trucks and a full erew is on but there is no 24-hour operation as had occurred in years gone hy LONG OPERATION 1 and for three Canada' Three prospective members were welcomed; Mrs, Marjorie Gartshove, Mrs, Joan Vesey and |? Mrs, Josie Barvell, Mrs, Gart shore was the lucky winner for the evening draw, donated by past president Sylvia Bnelgrove, The Joy Rich trophy was pre. sented to the girl who devoted most time and efforts to Kinette projects for the past year, The voles elected Ruth Hewson, a Kinette member for only one year, The |Kinette Jeffery said a few words of thanks to everyone for their newly elected president, | day's incident in which two con stables were disarmed hy one of five men whe robbed a branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the north-central ares The holdup neited the thieves $18,767, bringing to $32087 the total amount of money stolen from the Bt, Denis 8, hranch in three holdups since March 10, WELLS POLLUTED CHATHAM (CP) --~Heavy pollu- tion of wells used by summer cottage residents has made a my nicipal water supply necessary in Ervieay, Kent Coumty hoard of health was told Wednesday, J, W Wright, ehief sanitary officer blamed pollution on the close TOTS ASK MAYOR TO FIRE DOG CATCHER During the spree of 8 wer yer tevm of office, 8 mayor sometimes Leis many strange requests fiom Wis constiti- ents Recently Mayor Sen Mar tin had the following letter mailed to him from, whet he helieves were three jumior Whithy citizens "Dear Mr, Mayer; Wood you ples five the dog eateher Thank you, Vaughan M., Glenny 8, Garry 8," Now Mayor Martin is won dering what prompled the youngsters to write the let ter, Wis strongest theory on the strange request is thet perhaps the Whithy Dog Con- trol Officer picked wp authors' dog on his travels, Patriotism Bites The Dust OTTAWA (CP) When the movie action is running thick and fast and the struggle between cowboys and Indigns hes come down to 8 question of life and death, whose side are the Indian viewers on? Why, the cowhoys' side, like everybody else AL least that's the way it is at the Moose Lake Indign reser vation, 40 miles enst of The Pas Man, Moviegoers there never as sociale themselves with the cel luloid scalp artists Mary Waltsford, an Anglican mission ary In charge of a nursing sta tion at the reservation, "They always favor the cow: boy," she sald Thursday in an interview. She recalled the em harrassment she felt the time she was among an all-Indian audience at a western, as copious num hers of Red men hit the dust But she need now have worried "The Indians didn't mind st all they laughed their heads off." Miss Wattsford, an Ottawa girl, came hack to the capital for the says f NEW CLERGYMAN Replacing Father Quésnelle as f tant Priest of BL, John the Evangelist Church, Whithy, is Father George Frederick Ane nett, Whithy's newest clergy- man, Father Annell received his elementary education at Mimieo Grade Bchool and ate tended high school st Mimico, Parkdale (Collegiate) and St, Michael's High School, Prior to his ordination to the priesthood UE, WITS AFL-CIO ATLANTIC CITY, NJ, (AP) The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (Ind Wednesday labelled the in 1053, he received his Bach elor of Arts degree at the Uni versity of Toronto and he majored in Theology at St Augustine's Seminary, For the past en years, Vather An Be nett was the assistant priest st | the Lady of Fatima Shrine in Searboro Father Amnelt"s major hobby is oil painting snd he is active in sports {of the C10 In protest against is for President Truman in 1948, made the state: meni support former in a resolution passed at proximity of eotiage septic tanks 75th anniversary meeting of the AFL-CIO "one big company un- its 25th annual international con and surface wells, | i vote of confidence and expressed the hope that she will have full support from all officers and members for her term of offic The meeting closed with "0 The next meeting will he held Oct, 12, they are thoroughly inspected and any which do not pass the test are thrown out As they reach the cutting ma chine, each cob Is placed in it, Many things happen to a cob thin end first, and the corn is get I8 of corn before the kernels into the grocery store, Corn purchased by the ton and truck ed to the plant where the husks are removed in the first machine of the long line the coh must fol low Long hefore the eohs, now huskless, and still bearing its ker nels, reach the cutting machine where the kernels are removed, Evening Now Playing (LOLS BROCK Feature Starts at 7 and 9:25 FOWARD SMALL vue YUL BRYNNER GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA Phone MO 8-3618 WHITBY Shows at 7 and 9:15 p.m, JONG VOOR wee GEORGE SANDERS MARSA PAVAN he eet TED RONOND ene wy KONG VOOR te ty ANTHONY VERLLER PALL DUDLEY we GEORGE BRUCE soe CRANE WEIR oe seis whittled off the cob, From there the corn proceeds to the erush ing machine and the cooking vals Although the season was later this year hecause of a poor start, plant superintendent Ever- ett Quantrill reports that there is a fine crop, He also reports that there is an adequate supply of help this year too, Zl After the lima beans and corn are finished, the plant will begin! canning pumpkins which will {round out their year Legion Auxiliary First Fall Meeting Canadian Legion Ladies® Auxil. lary held its first meeting of the season last Wednesday evening at the Legion Hall, The presi- dent, Mrs, Earl Ormiston, wel comed all present and presided over the meeting Anglican Woman's suxiliary, ion," The UE, which walked out vention KING STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL SAFETY PATROL IN ACTION Guards, Safety Patrol For School Children Publie sthool ehildren in Whit. hy have road crossing assistance at five places this year Guards at Brock street south, Dundas west at Cochrane, Dun. das street east, Hrock and Col borne and King and Dunlop help the children across the streets, One safety patrol operated by school children is being used this year, King Street Public School has a simplified safety patrol to facilitate the easy and safe de: parture of students To bring te a halt the indisorim. inate entry and departure of children along the perimeter of the school grounds, King street school has posted student guards WHITBY During the business meeting tentative plans were made for the | forthcoming hazaar to he held Nov, 25 at the Legion Hall. Past PERSONALS Carol Dragon and staff, Whithy, Ella Hry@ak and Lucille SR : | AIDS SCHOOL CHILDREN president Mrs, Fred James will| Peper, of Bowmanville, were in at four outlets, In order to en officially open this bazaar, Toronto on Wednesday where force and control an orderly de A committee was formed to|they attended the Fall Hair Fash- parture, the children upon dis purchase a plano for the Cana. ion Forum which was held at the missal are urged to leave the dian Legion hall, Mrs William Hopps, sick convener, gave her Flesta Room, Prince George Hotel, They also attended the school and go directly home The guards are posted at the report, Those veparted sick were; Fashion Show at Arcadian Court four corners of the school at 12 Mrs, M. Shelley, Mrs, Humphreys and Mrs, C The next meeting will Irwin Weir, be in at Simpson's Mrs, Earl Ormiston, president noon and $3.45 pm ing to sehool must walk their bieyeles from the NE or SE cor the farm of a soelal with Mrs, [of the Canadian Legion Ladies' ners along the walk, Rieyole Ormiston and her committee in! charge Auxiliary, and Mrs, Vernon riders leaving the school must | Moore, secretary, left on Thurs: walk with their bleyeles to NE wee day for Windsor where they will or SE corners, RECEIVES HIGH AWARD | BANFF, Alta, (CP)-David @Q.| Cuthbertson, 28, of Mouiical, | was awarded the GovernornGen- eral's gold medal Wednesday as Canada's outstanding ehartered accountancy student, Mr, Cuther hertson was presented with the medal during the final day of the three-day annual conference of the Canadian Institute of Char tered Accountants, He received highest marks among 1,100 ap plicants, rer | | OFFICE ALERTNESS | Office workers when tired at he desk should sit uprieht he body well-balanced with spin attend as delegates the Province: wide Convention held there. Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Nimigon and family spent last Sunday ln Haliburton visiting his brother and sistersinlaw, Mr, and Mrs Nick Nimigon, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Rushton and thelr twin sons, Scott and Sandy, of Toronto, are visitors for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Nichols, 301 Dundas street east, Mrs, Robert Nelson, Clarence drive, and Mrs, John Cottingham were oo-hostesses at a bahy show er held at the home of Mrs Nelson in honor of Mes Children who take their bi {eyeles to school must upon ap: Childven rid.! proaching the area go directly to school and leave thelr bicycles They are not to pleasureride about the streets during school hours, Those living only a few blocks from the school are urged to not bring their bicycles, Whitby has a female guard this year, Mrs, Marjorie Smith, 1010 Dundas street east, is guiding children across Dundas street at Cochrane, She is fully qualified for this work having spent two years in Scarboro as a orossing guard, A housewife for the rest of the day, the efficient woman was accepted as a guard after declined to amplify the announce: | applying through the Police Department os -- Mus. P. Thrower Entertains Group | The Whithy Baptist Church {Ladies Ald held its first meeting of the season last Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mrs, P Thrower, The president, Mrs, E Rivett, opened the meeting and welcomed all presemt, Mrs. Cox led the devotional, Various re ports were given hy the secre tary and the treasurer A short business meeting fol lowed. At the next month's meet Ing, plans will be made for a coming basaar, The meeting closed with Benediction, Mrs Thrawer's group were in charge of the social hour, Irs. A, Millar thanked hostess for her hospitality the PUBLIC MEETING WHITBY A Public Meeting will SEPTEMBER 19 at 8 p.m, torian Order of Nurses' b VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Colborne Street, to discuss the future of the Vie- BRANCH be held on MONDAY, in the Council Chambers, ranch in Whitby, They're off to School . . . Skull Found hat Of Adolph Coors DENVER (AP)--The FBI an nounced Thursday that a found in an isolated mountain section has heen identified that of Adolph Coors III, tive missing since Feb, 9, The skull was found Thursday about a mile from where torn clothing belonging to Coors and scattered human bones were un covered Sunday, This is in lonely mountain country 30 miles south. west of Denver The FBI sald Identification was made hy Coors' dentist, It ment skull] as M, | wealthy Colorado brewery execu | Skating Fea THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 16, 1960 § sda $250 bersery~ fot VR on article - nursing, Of FBYPA Meet evening, the young of Valth Baptist Church DEVOTED STUDENT ] VANCOUVER (CP) - Patrice' Sturhy, ear-old schol student at Fort $4, John, won the SE UER Ar LOUERS CONVERTIBLE # AUTO TRIM REAR-COUNTY SPORTS Ph. MO 8-8121 Pacifie National ¥ hip ion's top) PICKERING (AR EE EREEERN) COAL SUMMER PRICES 25.50 PER TON DELIVERED ARTHUR MITCHELL LIMITED ; CALL COLLECT WH 2.6771 = sssssssnnel ---- TAKE NOTICE THAT erly to a point opp NOTICE OF INTENTION (1) The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Whitby intends to construct os @ loco! improvement a storm sewer with catch basins, manholes and private drain connections in Montgomery Avenue from the existing sewer of the intersection of Montgomery Avenue and Cassels Road northerly to a point op boundary line between Lots 29 en private drain connections to lots on each side of Montgomery Avenue fronting on the said sewer as laid out ond indicated upon Registered Plan No, 601 end in Heber from the existing sewer ot the intersection of Heber Down Crescent and Co ite the 30 with own Crescent Is Road south- dary line be- tween Lots 13 and istered P 38, 39,40, 4) vingial subsidy, on the dollar, owner ma lication o objection to the said is. I) 14 with nections to lots on each side of Heber Down Crescent fronting on the soid sewer os laid out ond Indicated upon Registered Plan No, 601 with private drain connections to the street line from the existing sewer on Heber Down Cres. centto Lots 1,2, 4,5, 6,7, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 ond 28 os laid out and indicated upon Reg- No, 601 end with private drain connections to the street line from the ining sewer on Montyamery Avenue to Lots 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, ond 47 os laid out and indicated upon Regi 601 and intends to specially assess the cost of the work and debenture charg with Section 64 (1) of the Local Improvement Act upon the following land which is immediate. ly benefitted by the work namely Lots 1 ond 2 and 4 to 54 inclusive as laid out ond Indicated upon Registered Plan No, 601 for the County of Ontario, The estimated cost of the work is $9,425.00, ofter deducting the estimated amount of pro- The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal annual instalments by charging the rat able property in the area ot the rate of 8 mills The Corporation of the Township of Whitby shall pay no portion of the costs of the work, (3 Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any within 21 days after the first this notice file with the Boar work being undertaken, The said Board may approve of the seid work being undertaken, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections | to the said work may be considered, I Dated September 13, 1960, MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk, Township of East Whitby, rivate drain con ed Plan No, es in eccordance ub- his | © PAINTING © PAPERHANGING * GYPTEXING ® WALL MURALS SO LET'S MAKE A DATE TO DECORATE NEW (961 WALLPAPERS NOW IN STOCK ¢ ROXATONE WORK DODD & SOUTER. Paint & Wallpaper Store FREE ESTIMATES COLOR SCHEMES SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH WHITBY MO 8.5231 Rruee straight, and shoulders held aa Citizens are urged to attend, urally ang relaxed, Mahaffy, Tasty relveshments iwere served by the hostesses,