16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 16, 1960 ox, 5155 Xo A yy VROLEY Wis. syne, four oor owned, suiomatic, , #adio, "p49. ehter Ye PRICE lamp sole, trilie, table & |boudots lamps, 14 ove daconinsed a 755 WASH Metropolitan, radio, simon EWIN bey SOIREE, Bie, Weed Very tires, 4 oF nearest offer, BA Wiss pideete, Horm cover, ke Rew, $6407 alte om, IRA DATS 5 151 PONTIAC sulomatic transmission, WOUSEROLD fwrmiure (or sale, good tres, $190, rir MO 5119, preted 96 Rossland Rod Wel. nce 166, A 89501 poyime, SE pit (now tor gare, Fox, His a ong 977 a 0, 75 Ji" _ | Pony, Yacium Cleaner Kepwir [sd ond bor | 30 Hatem, moms § ") heard bor first feshle movements in the coffin oo We tad put hor fing In the tomb!" -- Pog "¥" VARIETY CLUB GRAND OPENING DANCE Friday September 16 CASH buyers sre reading the Omews wise recon A8--Automobiles Wanted Times Was Ads everyisy looks Jo a . (used bby e Tum yours, thie |M anted, Chevigiet Wn excel # Ray olin i oe BA 497 1 # fast-cam-petiing Wont Ad il ler -- [53 T} - a = To the Popular BACKWELL TRIO 970 12 P.M, DOOR AND SPOT PRIZES » Y. Ws C. A. 199 CENTRE ST, Bae in £2 Hi Motors, opposite BA ». 8 WG convertible, radio, § 4 ils, HG sonvertible, 3 se) lr ; : Head i iT i § __| LAKESHORE uly -lears for wrecking, BA 51181, is ®, Doi reet West, BA 66011, "ww ee y cuble foot, automatic defrost, elon interior, we Imanthe, Lied a Lk (1 otto , WW', as new, gas , itioned, $40; hans replace, bri 175, aoking | 2} 58 BOAR door hardioy, Wighipnd oon Wie, lly esuivped, BO. 10%) HOUSTON'S GARAGE Road, Apt. 2. = ! 5 BUIOK ripe 55 Srnslion, snd AND SERVICE STATION a sn LEAS ALECINTS, Co , tone, ) A eos cosdition Phone BA| MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST, W, RA 3.7622 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens peid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3-942) Free delive a riddim AVTOWANIO dbs dre, hn Bird", new a Wh Avy 0 Kaw sirest, DAVENPORT, We vefriger | ator, General Bing ard Pigg 6) g|Wtidn, Phone BA SHI, |W mer 54704 TWO windows, Wke new, ready (0 in Hon, ih lh, one 1 bx 0 nd one $9 x 5 AN #il OF, 5-368, a : PRIVATE sale, rium tanks and ment, rensonsbie, Phone Ron, MO sedbdandandond NW hE, wie S804 Miter pm. SRL pans isa enon sully both fis | MACLARY Tour - burner while" enamel new, BA 55491, gis slave, oven control, |FORTARLE eleciria welder B00 | condition. Phone RA 55518 after 6, Ca \anill press Wench chuck with only $c with | Barriase: Of hoy piece of unfinished | na asthe With motor, furnitures students' desks, $14; chest of avers, $17; bankeases, dug vee ity dresser, son Fu re, 50-~Articles For Sale Chute Street, ~~ - | GRILIVE cost and hat, size 4; erik and! LOWEST prices in town! Curity diapers RE" medan, fully aniomatic, mattress, car hed; 48" mattress; small Oro peti #0 per doren, S 3 new tires, brakes and battery. Can fi- coffee fable; vanity lamp, Apply 136 how 0 nance. Telephone Frank, BA 556870 |Garden Street, Whithy | 1860, ear-hed style, $28; large ise $7.68; | 1690, ; - woe | pi, hAlE-price 4 0 MGA 1600, loads of extra's, low SMITH-Corons portable typewriter, ex | onint sitled crib matiresses, mileage. After 6 p.m. BA 86316 A |. al. cost $99, new, , MO a wet] iT or #6 » boat, windshield §, $125, Phone BA 54819, ONE baby carriage, snd full size crib, with mattress, excel condi: tion, reasonable. Phone RA 58205, AUTOMATIC S-speed record player, 36; double bed, complete $185 radia, $12. Phone BA 64310, UNPAINTED hookense AV ¥ C ! CONVERTIBLE "55 Chev, V4 silo: Ahi Al hom, custom Fadia. BA 37585, 3 56 Oldsmobile, excellent condition, 4 oo sacrifices price | Sia 'ing eet Bast, | VAUXHALL, 1960 deluxe, leather wp | windshield washer, clean ex- $1600 cash or lerms no trade, RA 8-624, p.m. 66 Russell Avenue, | . | pi COME JOIN THE CROWD ! 2 FUN FILLED EVENINGS WEEKLY FRIDAYS RECORDS UNLIMITED TODAYS TOP RECORDINGS PLAYED ON THE FINEST WIFI SYSTEM m # i A wr AL } RUG, Wilion, good condition, wine tone | avoly (on Lone, 6% 8% 6, BA 57289, a-- d on Page 17) | " (C FLY TCA COAST TO COAST IN CANADA U.S. AND CARIBBEAN BRITAIN AND EUROPE Choose the service you like -- at the time that sults you for business travel or pleasure trips: DCB JETU IER SERVICE Dally services -- the only linking Vancouver, Winnipe FOR SALE One used Livingston Cool Stoker, in goed condition, mey be seen of Cedardale Fire Station, 761 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, or Phone RA B-6441, SRD deluxe, Fadia, WAPhers, show 08D Salus "perfect condition, best A 54935, MO 85152 COUNTRY MUSIC NIGHT DANCE FRIDAY 70 wm % SPACIOUS DANCE FLOOR + % TABLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 600 # SATURDAYS CANADA'S FOREMOST BIG BANDS wNOW PLAYING BENNY LOUIS "7 ORCHESTRA HIS For Reservetions Phone RA 3-2143 Qubilee. Pavilion. Complete Catering Facilities MUSIC--~DINNERS--~SHOWS i mar ce on: BH BE VIS WA ure: ssn Wilken Purwiore, bdo RY ho ry 4 ie CONTINENTAL ed. single size, 30 | Church Street, ; 0 CRRVROLEY hi, dt, i li Roki Pine El DEP Co "0 0 lin Ge wn, Phone WA ii OF TR trwcath | FACTORY feat fabulous savings, 17 0 Fonp Faire Victor overimsied MODEL "A Ford and box Trailer, WA oir 4 a; "ue bed, oleh eens Bisa 35d permet Willan (rd pe oil space "heater, "com iets, in Hinental beds, quilted 12 only, single amooth (0p mak | Ballet Tap - Baton | Chuck Fortune AND HIS BAND FEATURING Jimmy and Johnny | Admission $1, | RED BARN ¥ Soul anion: reaswible Phone WA | Sa: CTALY low Brice bali Ons, Fon pg, 4 A A 4 W PONTIAC, four-door luxe Laur B-2048 Ll complete, spetia 20 Church Street | entian automatic, very ean, Th 0 + bear oliags, Lake Che pg 4 Frade' una linance WN OVS. |i, "nesr Deleon, tnd ot Sie for wale, "soki Wh, RA VID is 7 LE "Super M8", equip: small boat. Special for Seplember, A oLosmany be finanesd, Tele weekly, WHitehall 23-5063 J I TREMENDOUS savings on furniture | phone 8504 5 a --| demonstrators, some slightly marked Ba Sool TENTS, camp stoves, camp cols, U8F: | [ovely walnut bedroom sulle, Mr. » pauline, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales vos dresser, chest and book ease wed, | and rentals, Oshawa Hardware and arty designed. This suite was bull | re-jet fights Toronto, Montreal, First Class and yep ar Tou fares, Also regular DC-8 to Europe, Virst Class or Economy, as well as low-cost propeller services, OVER 50 CANADIAN AND US, CITIES are served by TCA, Bwift, smooth First Class Viscount Turbo-Prop services link all major centres in Canada, provide service to Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit/Windsor, New York and Boston, Thrifty Tourist fights span the continent east and west, saving travel time and travel dollars! GOING SOUTH? Frequent Tourist flights take you from Toronto and Montreal to Florida, Bermuda, Nassau and the Caribbean, First Class service also available to some of these destinations, Anyone can fly TCA: Ask about TCA's 'Fly now =~ Pay later' plan, REGISTER NOW FOR FALL | | Irenie Harvey | I I | 066 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent pondi 1d $650, Phone CO 52020, ENVOY four-door sedan, fully - a black finish, cus: DAVENPORT with matehin ved im, only 1200 miles. New car ehaies, perfeet sondition; hue oof warranty, only $1795, Low down pay: fee lable. Reasonable, C . pd uphalatery, superbly sive ment, Willap_ Motors, BA B61. | GoMPLETE sock of Hilliop's Tenia | re ryroma sulles, arbors extension | 58 OBEVROLEY sedan, excellent con: | camping equipment Bargain prices, 1st Sn "four heavy tubular chrome dition, will finance from 6 to § p.m. come 1st served basis, Hilllop Motors, | chairs regular $79.80, while they last 145 Albert Street. {RA B6881, 84h, Wilson's Furniture Ci ° 5 ALF lon GMC pickup, Hood condi-|# ROOMS of furniture, only $269, This Church Street, & mart on 4 ol includes chesterfield, chair, chrome sel, -- - bedroom suite, mattress, spring, step Queen Street, Brooklin ¥ ih CORVAIR, 600 miles, white, mew Log oops nie, houdair and table condition, automatic transmission, 8nd | joo; "pillows, ete, $25 down delivers! windshield washers, Phone RA 37618, 15 ranteed Best Value! Barons' i$ HALF-on Chevrolet truck, deluxe Ho cab, reasonable, Call RA 6-0082, (South. UT J 7 deluxe sedan in A-L/WE pay highest prices in the eity for ON TIAL aan. good finish, used fumitire. Pretty's Used Fumiture custom vadio, slipcovers, new tives, |Store, RA 3.8271, 444 Bimeoe South, blogk heater, This ear must be Seeh | gp Ciigiierfield, 3 cushion bucket ds: to be appreciated, ferme cash. APP sign, excellent condition. Sultable for a hy #83 Masson Street afler § p.m. recreation room or cottage, Best offer, A hah dha Ito sell at $189, Ed Wilson's smash elesr out price $69, Kroehler deluxe two-piece | chesterfield suite, solid foam cushions, | nylon hiend upholstery, superbly styled, two ACCM, A424 KING 87. W, RA 5.6122 BAD, BALLEY = CDY.A TAP CITI Only Steam and Dry Iron with a OSHAWA F DRIVE-IN Box-Office Open at 7:30 -- Show Starts ot 8:00 ALL COLOR ~ ALL CINEMASCOPE : | "sHOW ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST en or boris cont or | SCREEN, TONIGHT ! 8 704 aunin Wilding, 737 Church 1, Torente | a AIR FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements 57 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA RA 8.6201 IN A CLASS OF 18 OWN IWHEN THE SUBJECTS LAUGHTER" BOTH ON ONE BIG LAUGH SHOW! Ta a s Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street ere Hh FORD Customline, automatic, A 1 Telephone HA L 4442, es aE TTT condition, with new paint Job, Dest gUSOYRIC sewing machine, console, JRE I 1 8 OY offe cepied. RA 81963, , Domastie Deluxe twin » heedle wig i . sedan delivery, good condi: zag akes bultonholes, oes fancy A HEY rot Bu Ag new tires, Hitehing Almost new, ! $150, terms, good motor and battery, $50 RA 85:4740, Phone RA 80152 afier § p.m, dl 1 BUICK 82,000 actual miles, excel [SELLING furniture? We' llbuy If. Re. #1 BUICK 84 ' frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, ele, For top cash offer. cone To tact 18 Prince Street. Phone RA b1151 AIR conditioner, portable $48 up, de. humidifier, automatic humid han dies 13,000 eu, ft, 5-year Warranty Kelly's, 2 floors, 38 King East, 18 FT, 6 moulded plywood paceship cruiser '50, 35 h eroury complete i | With steering and controls, skis, ete, | Reasonable. RA 8-4014 after 4, LL] a wlLlElEd STARTS TOMORROW OTH LAY, "SAYONARA" aeuer) 20d Hit "MISTER ROBERTS" aiak lent condition, $1265, 81 Admiral Road, Alex, WH 3-523 ALLETATE Auto Insurance Rave up #0 per cent. Six months to pay For Jartonal service at your home call RA 2802, "The Supreme Achievement in Motion Picture Entertainment! y WTIAD Laurentian, four door, oa. bh car, good mechanically, ooo cash or terms, HA 80073. 5) PONTIAC caoch, good tires, pain lent condition, Hest|™ ry LI a B.I8 Siler Bg 481 Drew Street REFRIGERATOR Ale, new 1060 big TT MERCURY : 110 eu, #f, family ¥7, Warranty, Cy aio heater. partoet| Keliv's special $100. 3 tiors RA 6318) Condition, $838, RA 4813. ' |B TWO doar Plymouth sedan Thay be {660 PONTIAC Birato Cher, Tour door, Jeon at Ted's White Rose and. Marine, 4, sutomatie, radio, many other extras, . dni Hike new. RA 5:2010 after 6 p.m. ff Tndiire Shoni TORT GWE Tall ton pickup, Body 18] ines "oaniy "Wholesale 18 KU 4 fod condition. motor needs tune WP. |gioet' mast, RA 87011, Re A reer | (NUDE RA FAKER (OF SOT SAGES, WOOd H PONTIAC sedan delivery, station | I ¢ : wagon windows, good eondilion, eash Phone RA. 34900, estimates, Terms , RA 5-378, a7 er re = J Bargain Centre for #5 OWEV, Bel Alr, two door hardiep iy Rois town, New and eo deluxe, hlack and white, whitewall nifances furniture, New deep freezers, Sires, Tafie. windshield wathers Jack: 17 eu, ft, special on sale, Ay $294 up signa §. 1 . "| Canadian manufacture, five year war: alison, Ph ne RA 58604 after 6 ranty, Complete f00d" insurance Just 6 MORRIS, Apply 958 Glidden Ave: off No, 3 Highway, Harwood North, nue or phone RA 3.3735, Alix Puliter Prize Winner ZOE AKINS' Greatest Animal Story! WORD VTE IR me rin J LAND IY Ih CRY Op FEATURE TIMES 1:00 - 2:40 . 4:55. 711 Last Complete She the BOOK THROUGH DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICE 300 Dundes St, K, Whithy==Oshawe-Brooklin==M0 8.3304 GUTROARD molor, new Boalt 3.6 HP, 20" reversible electrie fan, 3 speeds. Phone OL 5-4836 |ELECTROROME RCA Victor, Admiral |The finest in TV, Hifi and servies, {Righest tradedn allowances at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North Color TV on display {REFRIGERATORS new, $168 up; elee: |trie ranges, three-year guarantee, $137; |washers, 830 up; used radios, $18 up __ Barons' Radio and Electric, HA 3-3863 THREE piece chesterfield, reasonable |87 Albert Street " ir) ALE REASON PATHE wont COME EARLY AND SEE % % KA COMPLETE SHOW ! CHILDREN under Y2FREE! ALWAYS A (COLOR CARTOON THE UPROARIOUS MOVIE £1 FROM THE MOST TALKED-ABOUT BEST-SELLER BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST --OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res, RA 5.5574 SEF YOUR LOCAL AGENT MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE "Themes Meadows Co, Canada Lid, 22 SIMCOE §T, §. OSHAWA RA 3.944) METRO = GOLPWYN= ¥ wig Doris DAVID ® Resists scratches, snags and stains ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - BENZ DKW SALES AND SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3.7132 ® Uses tap water ® Lightweight ® 6-Setting Dial ® Exclusive channels woread steam evenly SALE Aluminum Products best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed, Double hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8.5385 MEAGHER'S | | All aluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doers, awnings, TV towers, paving, 5 KING WEST RA 3.3425 One contract, nothing down, For free estimates calles ALUMA SEAL CO, WILSON & LEE LIMITED of the WILSON & LEE LTD. OFFER YOU AN IDEAL ARRANGEMENT "TRY serorE You BUY" CHOOSE YOUR PIANO -- KEEP IT IN YOUR HOME FOR SIX MONTHS -- TEST YOUR CHILD'S ABILITY AT THE KEYBOARD THEN DEDUCT THE RENTAL CHARGES FROM THE PRICE OF YOUR INSTRUMENT, USE OUR RENTAL -PURCHASE PLAN If you aren't sure your child will take to plane lessons, WILSON & LEE LTD, will rent you a brand new small piano and bench for less than 3.00 per week (plus cartage) for a period of six months, Here then is an economical way to test your child's ability at the keyboard, All the rent plus cartage paid by you will be deducted from the price of the instrument should you decide to purchase, Budget Terms Available -- Take Up To 36 Months To Pay EASTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST MUSIC CENTRE WILSON & LEE LTD. Music SToRe 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA PHONE RA 54706 '57 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 4-DR, SEDAN Full Price Only $1,195 Just traded in on 'S59 mode! Spotless condition from bum- per to bumper, Completely refinished body in meon- light blue with matching blue trim. Deep-tread whitewalls, Lew mileage, one owner, Name your own terms, On. the-spot delivery, HILLTOP MOTORS, RA 8.6891, AR COOLED FEATURE TODAY AT: 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:35 aS 88 888888822 MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ® VIOLA eo CELLO | RA 5.9365 ANYTIME SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial '56 BUICK SPECIAL RA 5-5332 4-DOOR HARDTOP COOK'S TRAILER Power Luxury Equipped SALES AND SERVICE FULL PRICE ONLY $1,188.00 HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE ON SALE NEW AND USED Just traded in on '60 model LOW BARGAIN PRICES | Lovely two-tone aqua surf Ph. RA 8-0887 | green and seafoam white fin. ish, deep tread whitewalls, poweful tubine drive, dyna- QUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT flow, power steering, selector radio, chrome discs. This out- standing automocbile easily MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd BROOKLIN ONT, OL 5-364) ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO TRUMPET Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion ot $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during thot period which is token home for practice. WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH worth $1,395.00 on the mar- ket, 1st come ~-- Ist served, Name vour own terms. Hills top Motors, RA 8.6891 '58 RENAULT 4.DOOR FAMOUS FRENCH CAR FULL PRICE ONLY $888 Beautiful Petal Blue finish = Deep tread tires = miles and miles to a gallon of gas -- Would make a perfect second family gar = Low down pay ment, Name your own terms, Hilltop Motors, RA 8.6891, Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. AlexVaida RA 3.9851 RA 5.4706 Every job guaranteed,