records and Is regarded as one | of the hockey greats of oll | time 1's THE END of a long road for Maurice (The Rocket) Richard, #9, the Montreal Ca. | nadigns' right wing star, who | holds » host of NHL scoring | He announced his deci | sion to retire yesterday, With | him here, left-to-right, are Hee 'The Rocket Has Reti said Frank Belke, Ca. director other players ahility hetter and MONTREAL (CP Maurice like him Rocket) Richard, who scored nadiens managing more goals and gave hockey fans There might be more thrills then any Other wih greater player in history, has retired, more all-round talent Speaking first ln his nebive hack-checkers and skalers French and then in the English harder shots, but for sheer, mur he painfully acquired during his|derous scoring power and the "18 wonderful years' in the N& quality that brought the fans to tional Hockey League Richard thelr feet he probably will never said Thursday night he matched "For two years | have thought! » ooh of records testify to more about retirement than Bny« nie The NHL record books list thing else and it was difficult 10/17 of them and his ardent fans oome wo ihis. decision " ' can come up with a dozen more low difficult only (he 9-year ar al gh wing nami san uw, Here are some: In 970 refuler but those who watched him over goals: including playoffs he had those "18 wonderful years" could 626 and in the 1044-46 season he guess that two things that made scored 50 goals in just 50 games, Mim great must have warred| "oark that has stood through within him seasons; in 14 consecu His pride and his love of the (ive seasons he scored more than game 20 goals; five times he scored It probably was 'the first qual: yore than 80 and four other sea- ity that made up his mind sons more than 40 Pande th 1 guess 1 finally realised tid 0 wupn cps DOWN week the game is getting too fast) for me,' & reporter who talked! Many people felt that Richard, to him sev days before the flory, intensely competitive, but announcement quoted him a8 ba cally shy and withdrawn, saying. {reached his greatest helghts| "1 would have had to take oft| when the stakes were highest, | a lot of weight in order to play| The record books bear this! this season and that is not sojout: In 188 playoff games he easy to do at my age" scored a record 82 goals; in one nine-game series he scored 12 TO STAY IN GAME times and in one single playoff But his love for the game will game he scored all five goals| keep him with it, as a good-will that beat Toronto Maple Leafs, ambassador for Montreal Cana-| During his career there were diens, the team he led so splend: #2 games in which his goal was idly through the years the winner "There may never be anot Frequently moody and tacitura - during his best years, Richard's . temper often took command and Here Is List he lashed out at both the opposis . LJ Of Richard's > Goal Scoring tion and officials, During his| {career he pald more than $2,600 [to the league In fines | But the worst incident seemed| to change him Near the close of the 1954.58 season he was suspended for the MONTREAL (CP)=The regu: oat thive Popular games and Joe lar season and Stanley Cup play playoffs for striking an officla off record of hockey great Maur pAID HIGH PRICE fee (Rocket) Richard, who re! 1t cost him one of the few hon tired from the game Thursday ors he. never won--the league might scoring title compiled from both Regular Season Playoffs goals and asslsts--and caused Gp G A Pt Gp G A Pt, [one of the most shameful epi | ® 5 611 sodes in NHL history Qf Of A Montreal fans--and not a few! "32 2n M hoodlums--crowded the Montreal 50 50 23 73 Forum for the first home game! M0 27 21 48 11 after the suspension was ans #045 wT 11 (nounced by League President] 14 28 23 53 Clarence Campbell 20 18 80 3 It started as a demonstration 43 22 68 2 Against Campbell and boiled over Mo into a full-fledged riot during n a4 00 which windows were smashed, WITH 8 streetcars overturned and 27 a3 a1 § persons were arrested 0 67 0 8 It is still remembered as ¥ 74 Richard riot a0. ¢ It seemed to mellow the un - | a8 0a 1510 84 @a1Tas 000 190960 51 1914388 8 1 3 4 Total 978 544 421 963 133 82 44 126 Dashes indicate Canadiens' did not quality for playolifs, FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Moncton, NB, -- Paul Wright, Wl, Trenton, NJ, out Yvon Durelle, 1M, Bale Ste Anne, NR, 10, Oakland, Calif,--Abel Donnell, ALL SETS 138, Honolulu, stopped Al Mer, drano, 188, Sacramento, 6, \ |LEN & LOU's T.V. Tokyo Kyo Naguehl, 13, Japan, out pend. | RA 8:3804 «. RA 5.7044 ence, 115, Philippines, 10, | natural her 1042-48 1043.44 1044-45 1045-46 1046-47 1047-48 1048-49 146-50 1950-81 1951.52 1932-53 1030-54 1054-55 1985-56 1936-57 1047-58 1058-50 12 817 6 1 1] 1] 2 9 4 70 1) " 70 87 'the | LL) in 41 n a an n Del-Hi Spaulding Towers or Anlennas ® INSTALLED MOVED ® REPAIRED SERVICE TO _-- intad ---- MAKE UF EXTR. $4 00 AN HOUR MONEY 10 ' ARL Quits Ring | MONCTON, KB, (CP)Yvon Durelle, the crageyfaced New Brunswick fisherman whose ex plosive fists aimost carried him lee to & world's boxing crown, guilt snd the ring for good Thursday might Am, with the Jeers of his onceloyal fans still ringing in Ws ears Yvon Durelle! Phil Brownlee | Beaten In US. | Quarter-Finals Tr quarter ~ finsls of the United THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 16, 1960 17 Sates national amstewr gol) tournament southwest conference champion, EXHIBITION GAME Brownlee, 19, who stands five, pesne Beman best veteran Bill, QUEBEC (CP)~The Montresd feet, four inches, and WOIEhS wondmen fn overtime to move Conadiens of the Nations) only 120 pounds, wes even wilh! ini, the semifiosls of the piey as en Farquhar after touring the front nament slong with Bob side in 38, He had advanced into LOUIS (CP)~Phil Brown- the quarterfinals hy defesting ot ov ® York, Varquher of Toromto was defeated 3 John Guenther of Hershey, Pa., ' % 1 b John Farquhar of ® and 5 in the fifth round | MW, Gi atillo, Tex., Thursday In the Farquhar, 24, is the 1950 U.S, pleyer over 24 left y wilt game Durelle, attempting a come back after retiring last yesr as British Empire snd Canadian Hght heavyweight champion, told reporters he was "through for good" after losing & 10-round de- cision to unranked Paul Wright of Trenton, NJ Durélle weighed 194, Wright 181 for the listless scrap that at tracted close to 4,000 fans SAD ENDING H was a sad ending to the flamboyant fight career of the 30-year-old French-spenking Ca inadian who twice fought cham. Archie Moore for the world ghtheavyweight title, In thelr first fight, Durelle sent the cham- to the canvas four times be. being knocked out in the 11th round Durelle chalked up a record of 88 victories, 25 losses gnd one draw, Thursday night's fight was his first loss in 23 appearances {here | The crowd feered loudly as |Durelle stumbled around the ring, Three times he slipped to J y the canvas after missing swings CP Wirephoto |Buright, tall 28-year-old Ne: | gro, sent Yvon down three times, [but couldn't land the finishing blows "What's the Durelle #lsaid. 1 Just haven't got it any more," His preity wife Theresa sald |she hoped he would stick to his Iretirement plans, Chris Shaban, Yvon's fatherly menager, sald; "It's not the same Yvon, He'll the club; Franke Selke, gen eral manager and Sylvio Man tha, former Canadien defence sce and member of Hockey's "Hall of Fame" tor (Toe) Blake, coach of Ca nadiens; Senator Hartland de M. Molson, president of the club; Richard, who is headed | for an executive position With ' Gordie Howe "Sorry To Hear Of Retirement DETROIT (CP)--Gordie Howe get hurt if he continues." of Detroit Red Wings, an arch. |= . rival of Montreal's Maurice Ri Chard for many National Hockey League seasons, sald Thursday ERE BOWLERS) Rocket's retirement CANADA'S BETTER BOWLERS CHOOSE... | Howe Is second only to Richard [ among hockey's record goal Bow LMA SBTER CANADA'S MOST POPULAR BOWLING SHOES scorer at better lanes and sporting goods stores ~[rom coast (o coast use?" Ie Rocket, He began to accept in vitations to speak In places as far from his native Montreal as Vancouver and reporters who had tried for years to get close to him began to find him affable and diplomatic His last three painful ones the He sure was a drawing card," ald Howe, reached at Detroit Osteopathic Hospital where his Hobbled by severe injuries that wife was entering the delivery kept him from complete seasons room for the birth of their fourth and sometimes seeming to play child, "He brought in the crowds on will-power alone he still man-|that helped pay our wages, aged to astonish the crowds | "Richard certainly has been he ' one of the greatest players in the n. iAvory Ri me 28 game and we will miss him," | n 1957-5 we played only games before suffering a nearly severed achilles tendon hut In the playoffs he exploded for 11 goals to become the first man to score more than 10 goals in a playoff series twice In 1058-69 he missed 68 games but still scored 17 goals and last Soason in only 51 games he got 9 SEASONS were THE WUMBERSTONE SHOE COMPANY LIMITED Bowling Shoe Division Port Colborne, Ontario YShoemahkers to Canadians for over 60 years" | ! 7 Attention ! Golfers & Would-Be Golfers SPECIAL EVENTS DAY SAT,, SEPT. 17th of "GRANDVIEW GOLF CLUB" Who extends a hearty -- welcome to everyone in- olfin "FROM NOVICES To EXPERTS" M. TO 3.00 ONLY VEN HAMPION FOR THE DAY (LADIES), "ATLANTIC HANDICAP SYSTE "HOLE IN ONE" CONTEST -- NO, 9 HOLE "LONGEST PUTTY «= 9th GREEN TLONGIT DRIVE 1st HOLE TTENDANCE PRIZES NUMEROUS OTHER "HIDDEN EVENTS" PRIZES PRIZES TOTALLING $130 PLUS A 1961 MEMBERSHIP FOR AN Il ACTUAL "MOLE IN ONE" (l WINNERS , , . TO BE POSTED AT THE "PRO SHOP" AND IN THE "OSHAWA TIMES", (SRANDVIEW GOLF COURSE GRANDVIEW ST. §. off King £ a ---- Hill | | | --_ Richard now will be a sort of ambassador ~ at-large, Cana. diens' executives sald --speaking| at banquets and giving speci clinies for youngsters, WILL TAKE TWO | REPLACE ROCKET | MONTREAL (CP) -- "How are you going to replace the Rocket?" coach Hector (Toe) Blake of Montreal Canadiens was asked Thursday night a few minutes after Maurice Richard announced his re. tirement, "With answered, "We're going to ask the league If we can use seven LJ two men" Blake LH TTT E-- A a | moa | THIS IS MY KIND OF CAR. FUNCTIONAL. SOLID AS A ROCK. BUILT SO IT WILL REALLY LAST All-new engine~so quiet you'll sometimes doubt that it's running, Unitized construction--you drive in a safe, solid cradle of steel, Glide-Ride suspen= sion--smooth riding even on roughest roads. Anglia 105E can really take it! FOR DURABILITY n | \ IS THE ANSWER \05E | AT YOUR BRITISH FORD DEALER'S PARTS AND SERVICE. COASY TO COAST DANC now has the famous Now you don't have to visit New York for the style you want at the price you want to pay. Florsheim shoes are now made in Canada... of the same leathers, over the same lasts, with the same attention to detail. We would like you to come in and see them. Learn about the extra special comfort in them. Consider the extra months of shape-retaining wear that have made Florsheim quality famous. Then try and think of a reason why you should not have the world's style leader at your feet. Black Bolmorel Plain Toe Oxford, single sole, rubber heel, for dress wear, 24.9% 3 Eyelet Calf Bogue, single scle, leather heel, Black or Jade Green, For business or casval wear, 24.95 Black Balmoral Ox ford, single sole, rubs ber heel, for business or dress wean Brown Calf Stepein, A beautiful shoe, 29.93 ov Available only at . . . DANCEY'S IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 18 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH ® OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M, RA 5-1833