TROPHY WINNERS AT JUNIOR GARDEN CLUB EXHIBITION Garden Club Display Attracts 100 Entries wa Suggestion Wins pp a $809 For Worker Bonnie Childe: Glei MeGee, 8 mainien: Childerhme Aoi x | ne on 3 Sr. vee in a a Foor 2 eral Motors plant, won| nett best garden among the mem- ho to svar " ig in Se wd 3 x 6 0) bers of the elub, companys og mlion suggested et Chryhe, | I Reay, L. 2p ere Oshawa Times Photos | Miniature Arrangement -- - Par | mom, When neumatic screwdrivers) Co - S-- wp Iie Tebuill and Nsed 48 Feversing o, | screwdrivers for somoving 4 ferens Mayhew How To Deal [77 27 L ZH THEE: With Robbers | OTTWA (CP) ~ Under the! title Armed Robbery--It Could; a i 3.6 Ti i lt sentation of two trophies for | Trophy te Perry hemp for outstanding achievement, In the | the most points scored in the picture at left Mrs. 0, C, Weeks | show. Terry, 10, is the son of presents the D, MacMillan | "Mr, and Mrs, Harvey y_Thompe | | of 619 Someryifle avenue, Montrave avenus, wha had the 1 the picture at 'meht A, W. Hunde, chairman of the Agrie, THE HIGHLIGHT of the Osh- | 5 A Junior Garden Club st the Children's Arena on abn, hi was the pre- Canadian Club Meets Thursday tee of the Westmount Kiwanis Ciuh, presenis the trophy | Earl' McDonald, 15, son a Mr _@nd Mrs, Floyd M Charles E Pritchard, of the|C For iis opening dinner meeting of the fall and winter season, the €anadian Club of Ontario Coun- ty has been fortunate in securing Shartotte E. Whitten, CBE, MA, POL, LLD, as speaker. Miss Whitton, one of the most colorful ures in Canadian public life, speak on the subject "You sud the Decay of Democracy' The meeting will be held in Hotel Genosha st 6.30 p.m. this Thursday, The members and executive will extend a warm welcome to any prospective members whe may care to at- tend Happen To You, the RCMP hs published a 16-page booklet oul: lining precautions that ean he taken against holdups. The booklet is the fifth fn ol " series instituted several years ago eplied Crime In Your Com-| munity, Published in both . Eng-| lish and French, it is a handy| guide to preparedness against armed robbery Made up of Hustrations in' sil- houette with brief explanatory captions, the attractive hooklet is directed mainly at banks and hody ont, submitted 8 Huger. to Install vacuum cups on th underbody press at A any io ensure a hefler grip on gh hohe) Fight, underbodies as they were fed in pty to the machine, His iden resulted |W. P tice, J. in 8 cheque for $687.75, | ood, J, Ka Other awards went to the fol- mare p [i Ma Hata! pe hee, N. ¥ x Ais Fi 3 R, Wellman, nesting: Bterritt iio ant Protection: P, Beeching, A. V, Brearton (3), G, Chessman (#), G, Kasubeck, Wright, Traffic: P, Johnson, Sales; D, Floyd, 4 Hroducion Control; RB, Crouse, Coi erfon PBA Self, eC Tool ay B, bch, i A mer, M, Brent her Personnel; R, Jeffery, ee a A, Henderson, W, im 8 A 'H 1 hy nin byl, M, Hall Inspection: Aid liams, BR, W pb E, Mes business estaplishments, hut dis.| .: jeourages any notion on the part or 6d 8 og aval ot ith P ioe. of the private citizen that he is months, Wednesday, Oct, 26, the 8 /mmune from holdups, speaker will be Guy Arnold whose de a 4 subject will be Among the Head Hunters of Borneo and Related Problems", On Tuesday, Nov, 22, the speaker will be Carlyle Alli- son who will speak on "Cana The Canadian Club has ar national executive of the Im. perial Order of the Daughters of : the Einpire. 8 mambo o the C Council for Bocial Bervice of the CHARLOTTE. B, WHITTON Church of England and a mem- dianism and Other Problems in| A native of Renfrew, Miss her of the Canadian Women's Broadcasting", The speaker on! Whition is a well known social Press Club, Thursday, Jan, 26, will be El. worker, writer and. lecturer, who! During her active career in more Philpott whose subject will | served three terms as mayor of publie lite Miss Whitton served § "A Canadian Eyewitness in Ottawa, She is also the author.ef igs assistant secretary of the So Soy oh Asia", Mme. several publications on vari al Bervice Council of fe gor % ange Rolland will be the forms<of social work and Imm d was joint editor of "Social| | aker at the meeting Thurs. gration Welfare", She was also private ¥, March 16, Her subject willl She is 8 past president of the secretary fo the minister of be "The Changing Scene in Que-| Queen's University Alumnae As trade and commerce at Ottawa! | bee", ~Inoctatio | from 1622 to 1625, SCENE OF HOLDUP AND SHOOTING : 'on ( iy on, J, bos, Png | OSHAWA TIMES CARRIERS ENJOY THEATRE PARTY More than 380 Oshawa Times | treated fo a theatre party Sate | Suests of William Payne, man. carrier boys and girs + and girls were wday morning, They were the RADRY YOURGSLOTS Fe Caught by 2K 'Body Fain , Haleley, ©, - Clarke, RB. Boyle, : am, thd oF, dh Trim and Hardwave; W, We key L. Meaning § Plant: W, Smith, 1, Man Sw Hoon, Ly Haneock, Nar Plant: gL Local Men At King's Favorite In Crash EA hd i ER : Hn D Scottish Rite Cornet Player io Conf erence PETERBOROUGH, Ont, (CP) playing hefore the troops shal Se mah wus Silly Injured ha Uh, 0 oi ml The corridors of Buckingham | fighting in the trenches nawskl, FORT WILLIAM -- The annual Raiate ang wilh lhe wiching ny ve fect, ie lnvhes tall sigan] yi ii di Body-y- White: f) Somple, & convocation of the Supreme Coun. [taive played by 50 searlet-coated Siders Six «footer Cobel, 8 Salotorew, B, Allin, €, ell of the Ancient and Accepted Scots Guards bandsmen, Guardsmen gave him good pre. Police Department Saturday, Moore, F, Johnson, B. Saws teetion, His face now Is distin.| Allan Reading, 23, of 248 Beatty Scottish Rite for the Dominion of | The musie stapped and King lee hed hy 1 Canada aut ander vor oo ith a J oll shed by Wa grey sideburns Ave., received bruises to his left gi der way tay Wi oar saphena tn an shin win mr ome var] CELEBRATING Sird degree masons from all |auet floor of the reception room paris of Canada, Dr. James illed with lty and din} After the war he joined a handed aver after being involved in a Simpson of Hamilon, Sovereign He call Wi Pu Ag 4 a ma: {on Brighton Pier and played at collision with a car driven BIRTHDAYS Spon 1 Jaiuitod. Sovereign Lk (the London Palladium, In 1N1 (John T. Young, 18, of 118 Lauder Conteatilations. tad bath Mr, and Mrs, A, G, Storie, Mr, | | "Now, young Bob, let's hear he vill invied J Joly the ha toad, Damage to the cars was wishes to the following resi: and Mrs, C, Roy Melntosh, Mr, | what vou can do with that eor- gt Princess Patricia's Canadian estimated at $350, dents of Oshawa and district and Mrs, L. F, MeLaughlin and yet Wlght Infantry be soloist, Four| A total estimated damage off Who are celebrating birth: Mr. and Mrs, 7. L Wilson, alll "won Everson. the King's favar e later hie took to freelancing] $210 resulted when a parked de: days today: af Oshawa, are In attendance. |;o™ coinist oe later Rigs hp Hey ituek volled down 4 hil a Williamson, 83% Ni, and. Mrs, dondon Bunker it Rt fat: military. band [BYERY THEATRE and collided le 8. in uk nbs Hho Mrs, Ruth Maes were expected to attend this som (oilbood 'Sruily' 0 mitention and "1 Played at practically every Jaked ot th ark road ferenge, bu, ping 0 & rece | paved o snappy mediey of popu-| theatre in Toronte and gave eon:/ "8 At the same address Ly wy Wallace, 407 Langue, Mr, Bunker was unable/iar"(unes of the day on his cor |oeris on the radio," he recalled. Wa oa Al BS driven King sirest sas Lary ' i "In my spa time 1 4 ped A or, The meetings will continue! [et at the Twilligt Concerts ye Simooe street north, The parked oy Ry ° Ro Pony: throughout Monday, Tuesday, FISHING ROD by what later became the Tar: Dickup belonged to Peter Wott south; Lois Goodall, 349 Ver Wednesday and part of Thurs:| Now in retirement at Sandy onto Symphony Orchestra," Risky of N) ilson read south, dun read; Sandy dy MeFeeters, day. Many functions have been Lake near Peterborough, the 6%! mm (he 1930s he toured the planned for the visitors by the year-old musician has set aside! United States with i City of Fort William, the City of {his cornet and taken up the fish: | ment band, a t Rik Inish Rea Part Arthur and the various ing rod, At his secluded cottage, ante. For several years he was! wo masonio bodies of the twin cities. [where he lives with his wile, he first cornet in the full-time Tor: w= (recalled his great moments of #Mlonto Symphony under Sir WN Two ol Oars ago. MacMillan. gil) HOPE -- A tw "It was a 3 Jiedaure 4 to play Ro During the Second World War the King and Queen Mary, | Everson formed the RCAF's mil: King was a very affable io ry band at the manning depot, always had @ pleasant word for Tavonto, and other bands in! 0 everyone. {many Canadian cities, He was Ty King oud ask me to | valided out of the RCAF in More than cas! Ay popular ballads and after| considerable Poli of ge EH wl Tye Bo wands he'd come up to ws andi Now he pursues his hobbies ofl Fda electrical ont In a some SING joke about this and that. building, carpentry and fishing. limited aves some six from after two breakins reported 10! Mr. Everson was bom at the He hasn't played a musical in ie Port Hope, just east of 3 the Oshawa Police Department, (English south coast resort of Sttwment for years. On the farm of Tom Andrus, Sunday. {Hove In Sussex and began play! "I's restful here," he said. *1/the roof of oa be he hth Sra was tora Steven Yesenak, of 380 Albert M# the cornet at age eight. He have my radio, I listen to the off and carr fi; some street, reported his house was (akoned 1h 4 latully tradition be-) reat wvmphehiey, I'm gratetul of the ly i xd § grandfather was a gated Mg between 6 p i (fessional musician. ppb RL We? [tou jmbs y m., Sunday. In oy A totaly ons CUTTER # was missing a vat "My father wanted me to go tn' In his bedroom, The house Bad|jor music. He himself was a dis- been partially searched and a appointed musician -- a tallor's| forced al gunpoint te open the cash drawer and safe, "I think he was surprised to find some. body else here mh me, He ded a vous," Bulmer said, "I THOUGHT § was next", Station Agent Guy Bulmer tells The Oshawa Times reporter as he looks at the spot on the CNR waiting reom floor where Percy Thompson lay after he was shot by a hooded gunman late Saturday night, Bulme ™| 24 Aberdeen street; Mus, Louise Jackson, 689 Emerson avenue; Mrs, Marjorie Siruss, 481 Faivleigh Svethiai Nancy Hanck € 5 street west; Ivan Burke, Satie street; Evelyn Cowle, Barat hn Carol 0 Wyohwead, Ta Wilken, 128 Wilson » ves 4 Bal the Baitis®, i H bh : fr and cornet in an amateur ba Ehlup Janicki, ™ Park. road | At 4 he joined the Gordon reported $10.88 in cash | aklaaere band, #8 85 mis Ww uarters in the same Hi fof Music he learned to play an sha 1100 feet, Fortunately dis were ab packages other 11 instruments and gradu. Mus. Viola Casselman, 25, was stock were safely Ls of gum and two packages of ated with top honors. | bat ramets 0d Ma ln Tor wan when distant field. the CNR station. Police com | As star soloist he played at! He said the store had been en. concerts and parades and in 1913 a fire. Helped hy 7s Hi | 258 iE landed safely a = tracks Satoday . Hoy od an with { 13 A esca where a masked fun | EA from the cash | ed to find ar Tan west along the ONR | drawer. In the Ay «08h a Times Pholota 'tween 3.30. p.m, and 8.30 pam. iF passing mat } the area and walked RS hy l h | rook were unable fo save WeiThe He Sign of tracks as far as Whitby but fail. (tered through a rear window. The 'at the Canadian National Exhibi-| |, She Titied her Sit taldren haat oun of trace of the man, | robbery oeturred sometime be tion in Toronto. During the First! furniture. is owned by Den oy The house is rom (World War he alieraated between| Firemea from nearby Mi Bothwgl of Train, {Platisbwigh, N. Pr $= X,