The Oshawa Times, 8 Sep 1960, p. 8

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ENGAGEMENT 1 ENGAGEMENT SAFETY THEATRE TO BE MARRIED IN KINGSTON NEXT MONTH 7) | SOCIAL NOTICES | gr. Soha, Wiliam Ferguson 3 Mr. and Mis. Stephen Lv Bind bint Biome Taine, William to Mr. Robert C Mr, and Mrs, 8, D, Sleeman of Frances, Elatve, hs ox Wiliam of Mr, and Mrs, Clare Ellioit, all by the Quebec government and Port Hope wish to announce the John Yasmanicki of Oshawa, The © Oshawa, The marriage wil the provincial highway safety |engagement of their daughter, wedding will take place on Sat. 'ake place on Saturday, October om. i100 will have played to an {Mary Olivg, to Mr, Ralph Sidney yrday, october 1 3 pm, in/8 1960, at 12 o'clock at BL. Ger: oa d 15,000 ve ay by the | Turpin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Al-§ George's Ukrainian Catholic/trude's Roman Catholic Church, {bert Turpin of Oshawa, The mar- Church, |Oshawa, jend of summer, riage will take place on Saturday,| ! 4 Hove Il 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, September 8, 1960 MARRIAGE and Mrs, Arthur 8, Winter, to . d Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Tuson Larry Ernest Thomas, son of Mr, and Mrs, Sydney Thomas, all announce the marriage of their i : f Oshawa, The marriage will P E R S 0 N A L S daughter, Joan Elizabeth, to ie rida prem. | OF ANCIN Clarence Douglas DeGuerre, | Ey ar rad Semen. SCHOOL D G Mrs, W, H, Smith of Agincourtand touring through Ashland and Guerre, ai of Copdv ist D€ Anglican Church, Oshawa. | D.EA.--M.D.A and Mrs, Murial Spearson of Wil- Duluth and returning via Sault! ooo 0 place on Friday Sep | ' lowdale were weekend visitors Ste. Marie [tember 2, in the parsonage of ; Ll Ballet, Top, Toe, with Mrs, Smith's sister, Mrs. | . ler ' The eng Kenneth Pritchard and Ms, Prit.{ Mr. and Mrs, E. W, Aitken of| Columbus United Chisceh with thelof Margaret Joan Luke, daugh-| Character, Baton, chard, Colborne street east. {Edinburgh, Scotland, sailed for ™ tis ' e offi-|io, of Mr. John Edward Luke,| Acrobatic, ' home on Friday after a three. ©alng. |Oshawa, and the late Mrs, Jes-| Kinderdance end Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Sales month visit with their daughter! . isie Luke, to James Edmond Lon-| n land Judy and Tommy of Brant- Mrs, Sam Burnside and Mr. ard, and sister-in-law Joyce, who ergan, son of Mr, and Mrs, E, F.| " 4 {ford spent the weekend with Mr, Burnside, Gladstone avenue, , ier unable to attend, The com-|Lonergan of Trenton. The mar- Registration: land Mrs, R. A. Wellman, Lauder| . : sono (€dy pair, Howard Swinson and|riage is to take place in the| |road. | Representatives of Canadian Barry Authors are touring on the| Roman Catholic Church of Bt SAT., SEPT. 10th | [women's organizations have been continent and have now left Ger-\Peter'sinChains, ~ Trenion. on " | Mr. and Mrs. W, . English and|8uests of the CNE directors {many for Haly, Saturday, October 1, at 10 / 10 AM. to 1 P.M. |family, Colborne street east, were| Wives every afternoon for tea guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph|during the exhibition. Among One way of letting your friends am, at the ' : famil Kingston, | those from Oshawa to receive know that you are bac : . {Morrow and . family ng invitations were Mrs, John G y ack from ENGAGEMENT ~ Redman and Higgs, Kingston ~Wallace R. Berry, Kingston |during the holiday weekend. Brady, Mrs, John W, Dyer, Mrs, | UF Vacation is to call the social Mr, and Mrs, John Spence, An interesting announcement | Mrs, John Spence of Kingston, | in Delta High School, Hamil- | Mr, and Mrs, Leslie McLaugh- Ernest Marks, Mrs, W. R, Dopirtam: of The Oshawal/Kingston, Ouistio, anmounce the MASONIC TEM no interesting annous John # ' : o" strom Be p , 5. Co 5. | Time 8-4 lengagemen r daughter, today is the engagement of | Miss Spence is a graduate of (on The wedding is fo take lin, Simcoe street north, and Mr, Branch, Mrs, Cecil Bint and My imes RA 3-3474, for an item in Sagag Jean, to Mr, Clyde if Wet, [8 Ti ene g | ¥/ Mrs, T. L. Wilson, Colborne'J, A, Aldwinckle, The teas are'the or 0 ! Miss Mary Jean Spence to Mr, | Kingston General Hospital, place in St. Andrew's Preshy- and Mr on bo ie personal column for which son Reid, son of Mr, and Mrs. | 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA p raing . street eg s le ay al held in the large private dining (4 Clyde ¥ 19 Reid, B.A., son School of Nursing. Mr, Reid, % treet east, have left today on ne LJ ; = there Is no char, Ne v ' Iyde of d 4 terian Church Kingston at motor trip to Fort William |room of the Queen Elizabeth arge ews of social John Reid, Oshawa, The mar- of Mr, and My John Reid of who graduated this year from events, showers, teas and prt i hawa. 1 "! Oshawa. Daughter of Mr, and ' Queen's University, is teaching ' noon on Saturday, October 8 M 'Ml y B Fetehison Building, versaries as well as visitors na "lake place in 3. An Information: RA 3.7253 r, and rs. Joseph Felchiso from out of town ar 1 in a Y s r a .. W iliay are always Kingsto Hortop| Mr, and Mrs, W. M. Fullerton) ioomeq Y Ringuon, atari, " Saturday) ---- d hy y . and Robert and Barbara Jean E. Welch street, have returned from Lon- have returned from a motor trip , at GROUPS CLUBS Al | XILIARIES don, Ontario, where they were the in the United States where they A - I ---------- ' / 1 guests of Mrs, Fetchison's par-| visited Pittsburgh and other cen. Becomes The Bride ents, Mr, and Mrs, R. R, Walt, [tres of interest, | h SA HOME LEAGUE read at the convention were dis | The regular meeting of the Sal- cussed and voted on, President Ot Bruce Barrett | Mr. and Mrs, T. 8. Lesley, At the Bell-Swinson wedding on vation Army Home League was Mrs, Herbert Bathe and secre Bond street east, have returned Salurday a telegram was receiv held on Tuesday afternoon, Bep- tary Mrs, Alyn El will be 'the marriage of Jean Evan-from a motoring holiday in the ed from Berchtesgaden, Germany, tember 6 delegates to attend conven: yeline Welch and Bruce Wesley United States, crossing at Sarnia from the bride's brother, How Mrs. Major Rankin led In the! tion, which is being held this year garrett was solemuized recently -------- - -- - - 4 £ % ; singing of a few choruses and jn Windsor al Albert Street United Church 2 Z od hs » filllam Jame : the y : Mrs, Willlam Jame made A social evening is planned for The bride is the daughter of | daught , Joan Carolyn Wk. 4 | ENGAGEMENT |engagement of his " are Elliott. cop mobile puppet theatre sponsored announcement ind welcomed |g 0 ow 0 vt vi Miso} one. Mrs. Charles Cathe Jcptember 27, with Port Perryi yg Frank Welch of Oshawa and F Auxiliary as guests, Mrs, Daniel 0 Jute Mr, Welch and the bride. 2 " 4 | 7 Mira. Maynard Wilson led tv Gustanan will be convener for se y.\:43 . m hgh : 8 ov: yl vy nthe Guiltinan will be convener for re groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs p; 5 ayna 3 freshments and Mrs, Alyn Elliot Herne ® " Oshaw The singing of a hymn, Mr Bruce for entertainment Percy Barrett of Oshawa, 1€ | p d No" I i 10 d the ture : Reverend N, T. Holmes offi Strawbridge read the cripture The catering report was given { N 0) i y ' lesson, Mr th tL ORFREAnt Mrs. Herbert Bathe, and the ©2"*¢ sang a solo he Lord 1s My| ©, tors' report by Mrs, Clifford Yhe bride who was attended by L] Shepherd Pilkey Miss Donna Gangemli wore a J A] ~ i Mrs, Cathmolr told a few of s-line dress of white I P i F TIED CA R E Mrs, N » Eve as re. short prince the highlights of her trip to En Irs. Norman McEvers was re. short § 1and ported sick lk organza designed with a land and Scotland It is hoped more members will scoop neckline, puff sleeves and Mrs. Major Rankin closed Inipe out for future meetings. There a matching cummerbund, A v yr © for DRY SKIN ay ' PV y tl . prayer Tea w erved by €1 is work to be done for the bazaar small white petal hat studded Fellowship Group to be held on November 8 and with pearls held her short veil Next week is the annual Home conveners for booths needed. and she carried a nosegay of red League Rally with Mr Colonel "Service for Others' can only be roses and = white chrysanthe- 3 Effer as guest speaker given by all members working to- mums, ' gether, With-such a large mem : LG b, 3 Mi Ganger was ] . CANADIAN LEGION AL X., bership there should be a better Biss 2 0) ny t oh lime Designed to do the most for The Ladi Auxillary, Cana the green silk chiffon featuring a B e wan Legion Branch 43. met on attendance at meetings quare neckline, short sleeves the skin in the shortest bg "af 100 fol Members were reminded to be i h ' s 1 nded to b and a fully-gathered skirt Her measure of time, Tuesday evening with Pre ident out for next week's meeting Le Mrs Herber Bathe presidin Tuesday, September 13, at 7.30 lieaddress wag a band of nylon ¢ po This was the first meeting since p.m net studded with pearls and she WM » the summer ho ys and meet ; carried a nosegay of white car Ardena 4 ings will be held each week from Eg ' nations, Mr, Paul Bulkowskl act Cleansin, / \ now till next summer Holy Cross WA ed as best man Cream . 1.500 8.00 4 4 J T-BONE $ WING The charter was draped In A Tedepti 2 . ) ption was held In St memory of the late Comrade Ardena a pink carnation corsage, The new ing the month of August. A note lv wedded = was read from Father O'Flaherty Wa ed pair will live in Osh | of the Indian mission on Mani ---- -------- toulin Island, thanking them for the clothing he had received IN CASE ; . ¢ also the jewelry and trinkets that Check to see that you have f the members had donated for a I bazaar to help him raise money, Weatherproof wiring and outlets lb c Mrs, Stephen Coe, sick list con. for the electric appliances you . vener stated that she had de-|yse outdoors. Make sure you use livered two baby gifts to twol ooo light bulbs members during August g pos it hulbs. on the oN ) 4 | || Discusion look place on ways P00 he bute ure not re CAC NL AG. CUT-UP CHICKEN BOILING IN c |b. clothing had been given out dur 1171 $1 Stephen United Church hall 1 ® : Tengen Denni whe had been 4 Plans Activities For the occasion the bride's mo Skin Lotion 1,50 10 5.50 f J ; faithful member or _severa . . ther wore mauve with white ac Orange hi ) years, Deepest sympathy was Mrs, Joseph Callahan presided ~~" rks . hi X To aR ! expressed for her family at the September meeting of Holy br SHOT The bridegroom's mo Skin Cream 1,50 to 11,25 The resolutions which will be| Cross Women's Auxillary on|Mer Was in blue nylon net over Moisture Oil, 1.50 to 5.25 HE Tuseday evening, September 6, [Satin with pink accessories. Both| : bi) | p 2 | Mrs, Leo Kryhul read the min. Wore corsages of carnations, |] Perfection : i Bh oo g SR | utes and the correspondence, The) As the couple left for a wed.| Cream... 2.5010 8.25 & ] treasurer, Miss Mary Fitzgerald, ding trip to the Pocono Moun 0s | @ @ gave the financial report, The tains, Pennsylvania, the bride welfare report given by Mrs, J was wearing a blue and white k H, Lyons, showed 35 articles of dregs, white accessories and a = 0 | i ie coming seaso as de Sosy . [|] ] . Bided nave u social ove October 4. The regular Commun. | PHONE RA 3 zhu] OSHAWA PHONE Ra5 2546 | LEGS ® THIGHS Ld BREASTS Le. 59¢ ning once a wee! 8. James jon Sunday will be October 2 : Hanson Invited the grou 10 a Refreshments were served by | AAAGLNAIANSPIIIR EA WYI (| WINGS 5... 1.00 e NECKS 2. 19° FOWL card game at her home on Tues: {he social convener Mrs, James day, September 13, The date for Hickev. the fall bazaar was set for the afternoon and evening of Novem 8 : Lp dig SE rr 3 i BRIDE-TO-BE [bers 'Ho 'cross fail" | | PATTIES Fresh Made 3 Ibs. 1.00 in ; Ne Mrs. J. H. Lyons and Mrs ya The engagement is announced | ramos Hanson assisted by Mrs i ¢ today of Miss Joan Carolyn | Henry Canfield and Mrs. T. J ; oy" L] Florek and Mr, Robert Clare | o'Connor, will have charge of the Elilott, The bride-to-be Is the !faney work booth, Convener for! younger daughter of Mr. and the home baking will be Mrs Mrs. Stephen Florek and her Stephen Coe. A list of conveners Pure fashion genius... ¥ LEAN, RIB SKINLESS fiance is the son of Mr. and for other booths will be com- " Mrs. Clare Elliott, all of Osh. pleted at the October meeting, | THE STEW BEEF C WIENERS awa. The marriage will take The conveners of all commit.| PERFECTIONIST : Cutlets wm. place in St. Gertrude's Roman (ees were asked by the president Ad Catholic Church, Oshawa, on to have their annual reports 8 4 1b 1 0 S ports SHIRT S. Ae . Sdturday, October 8 re » ne voting on| u ready for the next meeting on | | FREE BUY 5 LB. SAUSAGE MEAT 1.00 | " GET 5 LB. FREE! --- " I =| and it's unconditionally guaranteed! FRESH, SPRING 3 4 BOLOGN Bad PIECE we (AME Ih, ¢f 41s 100 IN-A-BASKET cotton, (unconditions ally guaranteed) gilt cufflinks, Lig Bcd "eo | PORK HOCKS Pork Shoulders Breakfast Bacon discerning , . , Oy aialorad Sai 7 lbs. 1.00 oven easy 1b. 49° 2 lbs. 1.00 femininity! Now at Reitman's in @ galaxy of R. | ! J ' beauty Book-of-the-Year! special whovelties, prints or one-tone ~ K : Sanforized" cottons, ROASTING 40 pages of Glau! Shop for shirts with short, long or f Tlustrated in colour, "roll-up" sleeves , . , they come in f most colours, and practically any way | CHICKENS y you want! Sizes 10.16. 2.95 pl | Stuffed and Oven Ready | Tender EAT'N | 39: TRUE-TRIMBEEF Weds Sa tee nm 12 KING ST. E RA 3.3633 QIMAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- King St. West & Stevenson Rd. = RA 5.436) -- STORE MOURS: 9:30 am | . . a p I" 6 pom. Mon. Tues & Thursy 9:30 am. te 12:00 pm. Wed, 9:30 am, to ® pm. Fri; 9 am. iv 4 pom, Set, 4 ® MEATY FRESH SLICED *W-HE RE SMART WOMEN SHOP" » SIMCOE ST. N.

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