The Oshawa Times, 8 Sep 1960, p. 21

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, September 8, 1960 UX. Common Market May Aid Commonwealth thet & high proportion of this hold on the market weskening *¢ A EDNA BLAKELY (continue to enter the six duty-|including those from Censde, free and that Commonwealth na-imay also be hurt, | fd tions should benefit from the! The impact of EFTA on most! stimulus to growth given by eco-| Commonvgaith exporiers is ex S nomic integration, | pected to he small, But Canadian Commonwenith exporters of youd and wood products will suf-| : ler from Seca wien competi temperate toodetutts, pertiew| C0 "UE LNs and Swiss larly grains including whest, may | will compete with some Canadian Shoe iv =¥ . GRAM, England (CP) and A new breed of outlaws is threats (ening Pherwood Forest, the {haunt of Robin Hood his TR if in some eases find thelr slender) nanulastures in the British mar t, Q = - to complaints thet the A Sot Sought. in rates! 8, she said, "'You've| conscious of thie THtle| roa! be learn to walk around obstacles," ng girl needs at least Hammond, director of the Information the poor, i are only ahowt half 'wo pairs of shoes so she can al| MUSEUM'S PLIGHT {inch long, hut In a few months points yo lemate them. daly ors nasi BATH, Eneiand (CP) ~The Wok. |they can sirlp 6 loro of pine these shoes m of eom wear, + horne enstrie museum edles ave the trees in and siulf the textured unlined shoes have oh. " in dip shape, For the hey invader Connie, rss ah rer trade, main jal 11) 8 ters of manufactur , mainly raw materials, will Some ex 5 es, LONDA (CP)~Will the Com- ya " . SORINTO Cr Hult Wier monweslth suffer If Britain Old Time )=Pay the most riven Gms Mi TELEVISION LOG ea he 0 of Mechanic SN tp ton Wh on WKEW/TY Chonnel T=Bufisle WROCSEY Channel S~Rochester WATERLOO, Ont. (CP) ~ D WORTY Chonne) tBulfale WRENTY Channel bBuffale| 00, Ont, (CP) -- De PEER SI EE scribed 8s "one of the old school, The local plant manager, B, K, MM, Yan hired by a firm here to look after toes with paper ly Theatre 7 Bu its 80 weavi ines, to Mr, Wiech ! into prominence, Among the aterpiiiar, called the pi tes fr ro Rl ite of oe hers, Who # ers, said; "He takes desp| LOWER HEEL styles wre casual WaIkg wos : vine the for the shoe you're going to igence | CHUH/TY Channel 1i~-Hamilton CBLE/TYV Channel ~Toronis peler, and Mr, Wiechers came THURSDAY EVE, | &Play of the Week $30 PM. 8 Tiyesrold mechanic has heen Wuriele applying the "old : Karl Wiechers, who emigrated]? ! ETN? toon Slory FRIDAY EVENING [from Germany to Canaan 006, pride in the machines he works| Mrs, Hammond, & younglook- with low heels, an annual grant of nt least £1,800. Britain's forestry commission : on, and he has # lot of ing grandmother, says she has |The museum contains of had worked for 8 weaving plant experi: y The unlined shoes usually have meio' largest independent 5100 P.M, Family Theatre in nearby Hespeler but thought|*ne® With them." conceded 10 8 lower heel, Squash, ime ornamentation ee oon Story | 18 Working days might he over| Asked when he plans to retire, keg and stacked heels are all be ge fiself rather hon added to Peetions Valued ot Hook when that plant closed down ear-| MF, Wiechers said; I dow't think|ih6 Shown in low heeled myles, i, lier this year, shout It, Vl keep working as] peels of dress 1 Calfskin and dull matt finishes| : A oweatsr . producing plant|long as 1 ean." a ot drum Woes for fs] outnumber black suedes but eo WI CHAPS Tl were, Keith-Day Limited, pur| "He even makes the younger |ored suedes appear frequently, -- button chureh in Chased seme ot the maewines fellows hustle 'to Yoop UP. WIth beh "heel mansures 3% nehee. | RACH BROCADES hs Dorel Vilage is sitrasting a vecorded setvibi by the viputs rom the Bmith-Day firm at Hes him," said the manager, One of the newer styles has a1 Lateday shoes like late + doy| buon next 10 # telephone ives! luminated iter 1:80 AM, TLL Show | idle of Riley THE STORE FULL OF BARGAINS 4--Berial Drama 115 PA, This Is The Big O S~Eancentration T=~News; Weather ls) ¢ 12:00 NOON 7180 PA, 11-The Resl MeCoys y bn ph Boys' Sport Shirts : ad ly Tesen i d=Danker Is My Sizes 8 to 14 77¢ Business 4 b=Western #100 PM, | 1i8=Red River Jam: | is spending thousands of pounds pendent arti (eying to exterminate the pests, £1,000,000, Spraying operations now are being earried out alreralt, CHURCH AUTOMATION ~~ |dousing the forest's 3000 neres WITCHAMPTON, England with quick-killing chemicals, 8:15 AM, Captain Kangaroo 5130 PM, Show 9:00 AM, Romper Room Rogers ry Hound Di n LE NO HARM T0 TRADE Se Drams Series 1 To tren Liver | 8 Fury These were the major eonclu-| a~Highway Patrol 9:30 AM ns of The Commonwealih and 6:15 PM, 4 d 6:00 P.M, urope--a #00-page analysis of | S=Mr, Adams and Bye J=Rarly Show the implications for the Common |, LL My 6=-Metro News wealth of the drive towards freer iNew Weather ad some food [] M, fais and a variet small | Pig Ag factures may suffer as the moves toward European unity are ful-| 7 filled, Canada is amang the coun| 57) tries selling these pr ts, Big Rasesls 51s PM, Mac Show A=You and Your Family $~Checkers 10:00 AM, $2-Doukh Re MI 4~December Bride 10:50 AM, T~Maorning Show 82-Play Your Honeh 4=dack Nars 11:00 AM, dane Gray S$4-Frice Is Right #1 Love Luey trade on the old Continent and| ; . the Sasth future participation] s--Huntiey « 4 ritain Yo the common mar- ov sa mo ef, p Other findings of the study, the yu _waries Bum or first since the moves towards Alive European unity began to become # reality; Bont is 8 1, If the common market and| aghotsun Slade the Britishled Europesn Free 715 PM, Trade Area were to merge, it| T=News: Weather would he possible to arrange| 7:00 PM terms that neither violated the 'J--Femilv Theatre principles of the common market| 5 gon Cummings nor did serious harm to any sub-| 8=The Detectives stantial flows of Commonwenlth| J=pivmple Games trade, 2. At the same time, the Com:| gga ©? F'M: monwealth's exports should bene- 8100 PM, fit generally from [asler ecos|i18-Depuly nomic growth in Britain and eas:| 7=Panne Reed fer access to coatinental markets, | [PER Masterson 8, The preferential trading ar-| $130 PM, rangements shared by Common-|i1.6--8tar Playhouse Wealth nations are less jmportant 74 Heal Mec oye to the exporting countries econ: s= go % cers' © cerned than the guarantee of an| "gin pat 7 About Faces 5=Play of the Week adequate market in Britain, |11.6-Closeup ~Jeanne arson Show ' Feature Movie 4=-Olymple Games 8:00 P.M Brinkley S~Renierons Hebows bad-News; Sports #148 PM, -- birt oY 7 b=leave It To Beaver Hi=Family Theatre H-Btar 6 Lanioid 5-17 Gunset Sirlp 2~Rescue § T= Restless Gun News; Weather Bugs Bunny $=Truth or bhoree T=Love That Boh 3 d=Beareh for Tomorrow y g=It Could Be You 12:46 PM, Behind Closed Doors S~Masquerade Party | sido P.M BOYY 3 TO 6x ~~ SIMULATED LEATHER TWO-TONE WINDBREAKERS Knitted Collar ond Cuffs Zipper front, lined 2.99 16=Four_ Just Men 11=-News os : 7=Man From =Guid ng Light Blackhawk 1100 P.M, -G o 11-Movie Matines ' reat Movie Mye 7 TWO MAIN BLOCS §-3=Bachelor Father b- i Europe now is divided into two tard Gray Theatre | 4--Mel The Millers trading bloes, a development that), o vir" prom 1130 P.M is causing a lot of worry among Blackhawk T=Divoree Hearing the trading nations, | 9 Untouchables 4=The World Turns The European Common Market |#4--The Wranglers 2:00 P.M, 1" | 4=Markham 7-Day in Court was launched almost three years 10000 P.M 83-Queen For A Day | #go by France, Germany, Ialy|ii--1'm the Law 4=Drama Series av the Benelux countries, It Is 6-Rirthday Party 2130 P : orging ahead towards economic est of Grouche 1=Maovie 11:6-Perry Mason union, despite some difficulty In| $-Adventure Theatre 7=Gale Blorm The Detectives | 8=You Bet Your Life §5-2--Loretta Young f~Per Mason dealing with the problem of agri-| 10:50 P.M, Theatre = Twillent Zone eultutal products, b A [Mer his Week in ' House base #=Moment of Fear ritaln argued she could nol otha ! M, 10:30 P.M join this community because hl J-8an Trancitco Beat | 4-Movie Matinee Home Run Derby ot For Hire 7-Beat The Clock Y--Pony Express would seriously harm the Com:| é~-Panel Quiz 58-Dr, Malone Person To Perses monwealth trading pattern and M, &.Tombstane Territory | 4 Millionaire 11:00 P damage domestic agriculture and PM 5:50 PM, A884 B= News: Sports food Importing arrangements, 7=Who De You Trust 1115 PM, After the continental powers Sa_From Tose Neots spurned her proposals for a {nose free trade area, Britain led the way In forming EFTA, » grouping that included the Scan. dinavian countries, Austria, Swit. serland and Portugal, Britain's goal was to pressure the community of the six into... bridging the gap between the two bloes, The six would have nothing to do with this idea, In eflect, they told Britain she had only two choles: Stay on the outside or join the elub and observe all the rules, Britain has been grappling with 114-Flying Doctor 7-77 Sunset Strip ddack Narz #80 P.M, The Yesterday Btudent CHILDREN'S -- 3 TO 6x Windbreakers 1.99 | Girls' Nylon Tights Sizes 8 10 14 1.69 Reg. $3.98 Football Huddle b=December Bride BOYS' (OLLEGIAN PANTS look for ea 8 ro CHILDREN'S WEATHERPROOF SNOW SUITS Rayon quilted wool lined, double knees, full length zipper to ankle In red, navy, brown, Sizes 3 to 6 years, Pre-Season Special The continental Sizes 11:00 P.M, A 8842-News; Sports 1h oe. 11=News Weather T==Late Bhow &= Viewpoint apes 11180 P.M, y~American Bandstand | 11=ENE News 6~Wrestling A in Man §8-Jack Parr 4=ferial Dramas =MGM Theatre f--Fihber MeGee and Molly MISSES' AND WOMEN'S CAR COATS Ist quality weatherphoof, rayon quilted lined, Newest style with jumbo knitted shaw! collar, in black or taupe, Sizes 10 to 18, 3 04 » ZIPPERED LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS LARGE 2%" 3-RING CAPACITY! - T=Late Show 6 Viewpoint S=Sporiareel 11150 P.M, (I=Late Show &~Birthday Party Shack Paar "ne rum, G=International Detesr tive BOYS' -- 8 TO 14 YRS, CARDIGANS New check pattern, 5 button front, Ron 200 error rr. 199 4100 VM, H-Poneye With Capt, 1100 AM, $=The Unexpected The Oshawa Board of Education and its Advisory Vocational Committee Announce the 1960-1961 Program for the choice ever since It was made unmistakably clear earlier this year, The EIU says plainly the choice is political, not economic, "Do the British, despite the risk of material loss, wish to stand aside from the continent of| Europe? Or are they now willing tp make a whole-hearted commit: ment? "The task of this hook was aot to answer these political ques. tions, but to find out whether the| economic problems created In this context by Britain's relation: | ship with the Commonwealth ean | be solved, "The conclusion Is that they ean" With inexorable logie, the re. wearch organization develops a theme that would appear to make it extremely foolish economically for Britain to remain outside the moves toward integration, | The preferential trading ar rangements of the Common: wealth are not as valuable as they once were. This is alsd borne out by a second study issued re: | cently by Political and Economic| Planning, another research or ganization, The Rritish connection is de: seribed as the sole unifying fac: tor of the Commonwealth system This is gradually being eroded Britain's share in Commonwealth trade is smaller now than it was 30 years ago and much smaller than it was 20 years ago when the arrangements governing UK. Commonwealth trade reached thelr fullest development | At the same time, common | market countries' imports from the Commonwealth are tending to increase mare rapidly than Com: monwealth sales elsewhere, ADVANCED TECHNICAL EVENING CLASSES Boys' Miele a REGISTRATION AY O'NEILL COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 301 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Monday, September 12 or Tuesday, September 13 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, Employers and Employees have Indicated that there Is @ need Wn Ontario for Technical Evening School Courses beyend the Secondary School level To meet this request, a program of studies on the Post-Secondary School level has been prepared under the guidance of the Secondary Education Branch of the Department of Education, This program has been planned to help persons employed in industry to prepare thems selves for advancement in their particular field For tha first time in the Oshawa area, Grade | subjects of the Advanced Technical Evening Courses will be offered by the Oshawa Board of Education These courses are recognized by the professional engineers In the upgrading of engineering technicians PREREQUISITES FOR ADMISSION The requir i ile n ta the Advanced Technical Evening Certificate ndary School Graduation Diploma (Grade 12 in Ontari equivalent as determined by, the Principal of the School CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS On the recommendation of the Principal, a certificate may be awarded f Education te the candidate who completes success e in the four ebligatery subjects and in five of the approved optional subjects The Advanced Technical Evening Classes will be held en Menday and Wednesday eve COMMENCING SERT, 19, and run until approxis mately May | | for that each class may get in the required 60 hours of instrugtion per subject. This year the following subjects will be offered on Menday and Wednesday evenings providing there is sufficeint enrolment, A student may chaose one sublect from each group, Tests and examinations will be included In tha sourse in earch suhiect, The passing arade will be 50 percent in each subject, 7:00-8:00 p.m, 8:00.9:00 pm, 9:00:10:00 pom, MATHEMATICS | ENGLISH | MECHANICS | SMATHEMATICS IN MATHEMATICS |} MECHANICS I TECHNICAL DRAWING *MECHANISMS | ENGLISH 1 *Grade 2 Subjects FEES: $10,00 PER SUBJECT The following sredits have been approved and may he presented In flew of the subjects indicated GRADE XIl| Algebra and Trigonometry for Mathematics | GRADE Xill Algebra, Geometry and Triganometty for Mathematics 1, GRADE XIII Physies and Trigonometry for Mechanics | GRADE XII Vocational Drafting for Technical Drawing. GRADE XII Vocational Flectrfily for Applied Electricity |, REGISTER IN PERSON AY O'NEILL COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 301 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Monday, September 12 or Tuesday, September 13 7:30 to 9:30 pm BOARD OF EDUCATION A, FLETCHER, Chairman OSHAWA W. G BUNKER, Business Administrator Sizes 1 to 5 Reg. 2.49 1.77 HN Toddler's Dresses | Sizes 3 to éx 1.49 Women's, Teens' Canvas Oxfords LATEST HI-FI _ RECORDS wm 99¢ Reg. 1.98 Made of good-wearing leather-faced grain split cowhide, The 2% rings allow plenty of space for notes, as does the wide sturdy vinyl plastic gusset, Heavy-duty zipper, 2 inside comp inyl plastic bumper edge, Tan or chare artments for extras ! V JOHNSONS BABY PRODUCTS Large-size Baby Powder with Cotton ar Suth he T6e == BOTH ,, ii, by Oils [] Reg, 7% 47 55's Cotton Balls Reg, 3% MISSES' AND WOMEN'S PYJAMAS Cosy flannelette, in large assort. ment of attractive prints and styles, Sizes 5; M, L, 1 04 |} ERR 1.98 TO DELIGHT ANY BOWLER BOWLING BAGS Sturdy vinyl construction piped seams, full zipper opening, carry. ing handle, '] Reg, 1.29 SEE OUR LINE OF 'BOWLING dons CHILDREN'S COTTON OVERALLS Sizes 1, 2, 3, 66° Assorted colors vee snnss SLEEP REFRESHED RUBBER PILLOWS Quilted rayon covered, allergy free, shredded foam, White, 1 21 pink, blue, Reg, 1.98 ,,, Wea PILLOW CASES 89' Snow white. Fine quality, Reg. 79¢ pair BOYS' 8 TO 14 YEARS SUBURBAN COATS AND WINDBREAKERS Quilted lined, weatherproof, Choose either one, While they last, one low price, Reg, Value to 598 . " FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Ist quality, 70 x 90, Reg, 5.95 pair, Each ..,. 1.94 MEN'S SANFORIZED WASH'N'WEAR CHINO (POLISHED COTTON) WESTERN PANTS By '"Maughs, Wide belt loops, strong pockets, zipper watch pocket, Sizes 30, 32, 34, 9 47 LJ BATH TOWELS Large size 30 x 60, thick 'n thirsty, Attractive all over gay 1 21 prints, Reg, 198 ......, We GIRLS' 1st QUALITY, 8 TO 14 YRS, HI-BULK ORLON JEWELLED CARDIGANS Noted Canadian maker, Assorted colors Rego 3.98 ....ovvvvivv in 2.55 LADIES' 1st QUALITY DRESS SHEER NYLON HOSE 51 gauge, 15 denier, top quality brand in newest Fall shades, 35° Sizes 8 to 11, Reg, 79¢ value The authors of the study feell er ---- BOYS' FAMOUS SISMAN SCAMPERS Leather uppers with long-wearing composition soles and heels, sec- onds, Sizes 8 to 3, Reg. 4.98 SAVE ON 1st QUALITY DIAPERS Curity == Reg, 5.4% Hospital Colle Pack, dos, Reg, 3.49 59 Dox, dos, DOR, & FOR EVERY OCCASION GREETING CARDS 15 attractive boxed Sugar and Spice Cards, The answer to 19 many unexpected occasions MANUFACTURERS CLEARANCE 00 STURDY CANVAS ZIPPERED TOP If spoRT BAGS ee 99¢ STOP FOR SCHOOL SAFETY SIGNALS Clearance House In Ajax Open Every Weekend NO EXCHANGE OR: REFUNDS Friday -- 10 a.m. fo 8 p.m. Saturday -- 10 a.m. to § pm. Item Listed Below At Clearance House Only DRESS SHOES 50. po % Beautify your home the modern, func. tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now, W.B. BENNETT PAVING i

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