Melanghlin, Mrs, | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Ynursdoy; Sepheios 8 "e (ins. Harold Pl, | Chocolate Layer Cake ~ R, Meloughiin Mrs. H Laughlin, Mrs 1, Dorrell Dark Fruit Cake Wirs Moore, Mrs, G Light Pruit Cake -- "rs, GR Putnam, Mrs, 8, Moore Jelly Roll -- Mas, G, Brown, Date and Nut Los! ~ Mrs, 8, | Moore, Mrs. H, McLaughlin, Mrs |G, Brown | Light Cup Cakes ~ | Dorve, Mrs, 8, Moore, or Brow Six Ctarts ~ Mrs, L. Thompson, MeLaughlin, Mrs. G 4 A, Card, Mrs. E, Six Biscuits -- Mrs, L, Thomp- son, Mrs, 8. Moore, Mrs, Da; us, Pie =~ Mrs, R, Me. Laugh Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs,| L a - Mrs, B, Leask, Mrs, G, Brown, hg A. Card, Apple Pie Mrs. L. Thomp- son, Mrs, Card {Dorrell, Mrs, E. Leask, Mrs, A Cherry Pig -- Mrs, Harry Van Camp, Mrs, R, McLaughlin, Mrs, iL, Thompson, Lemon Ple -- Mrs. L, Thomn Mrs, 8 nie la SCENE OF HANGING This trim garage at the rear | ning a Nazi prison and torture of a home near Winnipeg air. | camp in the Becond World War, port was a death chamber for | Laak denied the charges, but Alex Laak, a B8-yearold for- | was found dead Tuesday in the mer Estonian army officer ae | garage and authorities sald he _eused by the Russians of run- hanged himself, The report from the Soviet Tass news | agency sald Laak bought his | G A A G | Brown, Mrs, H.| Brown, BLACKSTOCK (Stal) «= Fol. lowing is the prize list of the Blackstock Fall Fair which was held recently Pickle PF Ayre R K H Two year old ing - Aubrey Toll, Blyth, Ont Yeld mare or gelding, light draft = A, Toll, Heber Down, Brooklin, A, Toll, H, Down, Yeld mare or gelding, heavy| draft -- A, Toll, 2 and 8 H Down, A, Toll, Percherons Brood mare and foal - heh G Shea. Sucdeman, V. ookiso | comerelal borees -- R, Coch: 1 Cochrane, | © Burketon, re. Two year old gelding or filly CATTLE V. Cookson, W, G. Shea | Shorthorfs prizes were alll2 One year old folding or my =| taken by three Bowmanville are a on the Hldnner, Mrs, H ison, Mrs, G, Brown, | Moore Table Centre Mrs. 8. Moore Salad Plate Chocolate Pudge Mrs. D { Dorrell, Mrs, H, Van Camp, Mrs Dozen White Eggs | McLaughlin, Leslie Cochrane, Cochrane, Blanley Taylor Plate of Fancy Cookies --~ Mrs Whole Tomatoes Mrs, H Van Camp, Mrs, V " Visi Balad Dressing Mrs, 1, Thompson, Mrs, G, Brown, Mrs, E, Leask, Mrs, G, Brown Raspberries Mrs, V, Dayes, house with loot from prisoners lr Feae hos = Mrs, B, Moore, Mrs in the wartime camp Mrs, A. Card, Mrs, 8, Moore, ---- Pears -- Mrs, Raspberry Jam Mrs Wi At Brown, Mrs, 8. Moore, Mrs 1st 1nners Btrawberey Jam Mrs Card, Mrs, 8, Moore, Mrs Marmalade -- Mrs. G Chill Bauee ~~ Mrs, F, Nine D. Piek! M Pony foal = 1, and 2, R, Coch:|Lamb -- 1, and 8 L, Ayre, K| [van Camp, Mrs, W, Wright Mis rane, G yes, VanC ly Bread and Butter hackney, 46" and under -- Clare! H, Skinner and Son, Tyrone and a, A Veron 'Por Perry 3 and 3. a. H Dow Mrs, B, Moore, Mrs Single in harness, ether than! VanCamp, H, Skinner, nn, Radish Hayes, Market Lainb, shown by boy orig" g A Bingle in harness, hackney | girl 1, and 2 L, Ayre, K A Moure. Lbulle Coe rane, Pony team other than hackney, Best flock of sheep " , , ig - (i, Hayes, R, Cochrane | grounds L, Ayre, H ' Mis. Dorel, Mra Violet Bker G. Hayes, SWINE Laughlin, Mrs, D, Dorrell i Single saddle -- L, Atchison, R Yeriahire Vv. Skerratt, Fresh Fruit - Mrs, G. Brows, Mrs, A, Card H, McLaughlin Dozen Brown Eggs Leslie Brown, L] Dayes, Mrs "as |B, Moore Strawberries -- Mrs, ¥, Dayes, Mrs, 8, Moore, Mrs, E, Leask, Pineapple ~ (CP Wire 'photo ) 8. Moore Card Bl 1 t 1 F 11 F Brown ac S oC a air Mrs, G, Brown, Mrs, 8. Moore, | A. Card Single in harness other than] Oxford -- All prizes taken hy Hayes Market Lamb - IL Mrs. H, Van Camp hackey over 46'-1, and 2. G. Dow, Pickled Beets = Mrs, A. Card, C, Vernon, 2, and 8, R, Cochrane, VanCamp. {decorated for Christmas Gift Hackney team -- R. Cochrane, K, VanCamp, R. H. Dow, 80hool Lunch Mrs Cochrane, C, Vernon Pony Tandem -- R, Cochrane peat: 2 Monti a J Jer - Bi ORANG radburn urketon ost group of four ar motel Sow, 6 months to 1 year Jim Byres, Burketon, Donald Brad. burn, Sow under 6 months Donald Bradbura, Herd ~~ Donald Bradburn, Tamworihs All Tamworth prizes were taken by Leslie Taylor, Burketon DAIRY PRODUCE | Special Prizes a, L Brown, Mrs, Thompson Magic Baking Powder Special Mrs, 8, Moore, Mrs rell Lake of the Woods Company Special Moore, Mrs, F, Dayes 8. Moore, Mis, 1. and y G, Shea, 2 Les Coch "| brsedens, Garnet Rickard, Rus. ane, | sell Oshorne an: Allin, Foal by mother -- W., @, Shea, Aberdeen Angus -- All nrizes! VR er Cochrane nerdeen Angus All prizes Yeld mare or Belding Cookson, V, Cookson, W Keith Hobden, Brooklin Millin Mrs, § | re, taken by Malcolm Bailey of RR 4, Port Perry, except dvd BL aL prize on heifer calf which was| and DOMESTIC SCIENCE won hy Kenny Wilson, Janetville,| Fruit Loaf Yeast -- Mrs, Gor-| Hereford heifer calf under one|don Brown, Mra, Lorne Thomp year -- Murray Brown | wor n, Mrs, Ewart Leask Holsteins All prizes were! Phi Broad : Mis taken by Walter Holliday - and Wright andy Moore Sons, RR 8, Oshawa olliday |L. Thompson, H. McLaughlin, Mrs. D Rest Fat Steer -- Gamet Rick | Brown read -- Mrs, G. Brown Mrs, 8. Moore ard | Mee E, Leask, Mrs, L. Thomp|pApigs' DEPARTMENT Hest Reel Herd Males Me 1 Baby's Wool Set Mrs, 1 Mrs, D, Dorrell, Mrs, 8. Moore. Five Roses Raisin Pilg -- Ms 8. Moore, Mrs, A, Card, Domestic Appin ™a Mrs. A | can d, Mrs, 8 Moore, Mrs, IL, Mrs G. Shea, Belgians Brood mare and foal Keith Hohden, Clarence Buckley, Lind. ay Two year old gelding or filly ~ A des old geld fill ne year gelding or fi K. Hobden, 2, and 3, Len Ste Aes son, Burketon, Foal by mother -- C. Buckley, K. Hobden, Yeld mare or gelding - Hobden, 2. and 8, C. Buckley Road or Carriage on Halter Brood mare and foal - 1 Ralph Saddler, Nestleton, Lloyd Atchison, Newtonville Two year old colt Brent, Bowmanville, lier! Tos alle Domestic White Cake K akan Six Pan Buns | Bailey, G, Rickard Thompson, Mrs, 8 Moore, Mrs | Bryan, SHEEP E. Leask, 5 K Hampshires -- All prizes taken Pan Chelsea Buns Mrs Infant's Fancy Nightgown '|by Lloyd Ayre of Bowmanville Brown, Mrs, L. Thompson, and Keith VanCamp of Burketon, |S. Moore, Suffolk ~~ All prizes taken by Banana Layer Cake Mrs. G.| Boyd Ayre, Hampton i ae |M | Mrs, G. Brown Baby's Faney Short Dress Mrs, 8, Moore, Mrs, G, R, Puts |man, Mrs, M, Coates Baby Doll Pyjamas Mrs, V Mrs. | gkerratt, Mrs, 8. Moore, Mrs, G Brown, Brown | Child's Smocked Dress = Mrs rown, Mrs. Roy MeLaughlin,| Southdown -- Aged ram - 1,|Mre. Allen Card, David! and 2, L, Ayre; Shearling Ram --| Chocolate Chifon Cake 1, K VanCamp, 2 and 3 Ln MeLaughiin, Mrs, G "oal b ~ L. Atchison,| Ayre; Ram Lamb 1, and 2, (MM. Fred Dayes al oR IY mother thea L. Ayre; Aged Ewe -- L. Ayre, Angel Cake -- Mrs, G. Brown; |v, Skerratt, Mrs, G, Brown, Mps, R, H. Dow, Bowmanville, RR 4, Mrs, LE. Bryant, Mrs. Fp BR Bryant, Harness Classes 8 and 4, K, VanCamp; Shearling | Daves. | Child's Plain Cotton Dress - Heavy draft team -- H, Down, Ewe -- 1, and 2. L, Ayre, K.! 10th Wedding Anniversary Light| Mrs, E, Leask, Mrs, A, Cand 2 and 3 A Tall {VanCamp, R. H, Dow; Ewe!Laver Cake -- Mrs, G, Browa, Mrs, L, BE, Rryant, Light rah 18m = A, Tall,| H._Down tt Belgian team -- K, Hobden, C iy "nT Buckley, 3, and 4. Len Stephen. | } aon Percheron team -- V, Cookson, 5 W, G. Shea, V, Cookson, K Hob- | den, Les Cochrane Commercial team = Russell | Cochrane, Burketon, Norman Dennis, Bracebridge, R. Coch. rane Roadster team -- Lome Hos kin, Burketon, Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton, Leonard Right, Brooklia, Burritt Mana, Carviage team ~ 1 and 2 B ann. Commercial single horse -- 1, and 2. R, Cochrane, N. Dennis Four-horse team -- V, A, Toll, R, Dahan, # i Hoskin, Orono, 1. Cochrane, B. Mana Carriage, single, small -- 1, and 1. Gents turnout -- L. Blight Lady driver = L. Atchison Single Ny ™ - Bill Reid, B. Mana, 1. Cochrane, B. Mann. Single ad nce under 13% hands -- 1 and 2 B Mama, I Cochrane. Team road race -- 1, and 2 B,| Mana, 1. Cochrane Single hackney on rein -- L Hoskin, B. Mana, L. Atchison Single on rein, Perch, Drath Commercial or Cookson, A. Toll' W, G Shea Saddle = L. Hoskin, L Atchison, D. Brest, Linda Littie, Agincourt " a i BE BREN TY CAMERA WATCHES CUSTOMERS PONY CLASSES television | son says the main idea is to Brood mare and foal oamera keeps watch on custom: | coor unattended customers nod Goo. Hayes, Columbus, 2. and 3 wy ers in a Suhoas ansato rug | Plierers, Here the camerp | A olosed circuit watches as Mrs serves Mis. Louise (CF Wirephoto) Rice | Rrown. | Dayes, M da Dayes, man Mrs, G, Brown, | Simpsons Rears Spectal -- Mrs, |" Dn, Dor. Five Roses Light Layer Cake Dorpell, Mrs. G, Brown, Mrs, M | re. V, Skerratt, Mrs. M, Coates, A. Bergson || Neofiepdiat Artigle ~~ Mrs, Mien, Mrs, 6, BR. Putman, Yrs, fontse, rs, G, Brown, Mrs |M, Costes \ Five Different Quilt Blocks -- Dollies, three different fypel Mrs, G. BR. Putman, Mrs, L. E, work --~ Mrs, 8, Moore, Mrs, V | Bryant, Skervatt, Mrs, G. Brown Fu! Pyjama Bag Novelty ~ Ms, V, fet , Embroidered ~|Skerrait, Mrs, M, Contes, Yes, L, E, Bryant, Mrs, 8, Moore, Artificial Evening y Bit, Mrs, V, , Mrs, 8, Place Mats -- Mrs, G, RB, Pul- Mrs, G, R, | Ban, Mrs. G, Brown, Mrs, M, 1 £1 BE» ore, i -= ® Mrs, =~ lin, Hon - Mrs, V. Sherratt, Mrs, PARIS CAMPAIGN a, Putman, i PARIS (AP) Police sre erach Women's Vitis FIN =~ ing down on sidewsik Blacks manville, Shir: pl LO eiitier. Porte. pireets ONO Special ~ Lynda Kyte, with ssapand-sell desis In the Chery) Motes, | MeLasgh tourist season A deoten rules that {eameramen msl Ly sod, not take pictures of 8 pers Men's Special =~ Mrs. M.\son without Mis permission, Must Costes, quote prices on the spot, and Overall Peis in Class % Games % the 'sidomalk with Mrs, I, E. Bryant tripods and other equipment, Knitted Blole -- Mrs, G, R, Put. nam, Mrs, L. E, Bryant, Mrs. M, Contes, Crocheted Blole Mrs, L. E.| Bryant, Lloyd Ayre, M#s, V, Sker- rait, Ladies' Baby Doll Pyjamas Mrs, G, Brown, Mrs, V, Bkerrait, Mrs, M, Coates, Summer nightgown -- Mrs, M, Costes, Mrs Bkerratt, Mrs, Moore, Cardigan, bulky knit L Mrs E, A, Appliqued and Embryol Mrs, V, Bkerratt, Mrs, Bryant, Mrs, G. R, Put dr UNITED TAXI RA 5-3541 143 KING 24-HR, a Propi MN Richards L, R DA Putman, {Contes Luncheon Cloth ana Rervicttes| Coates, Mrs, 5, Moore, smde Off Painting ~ Joyee kg Toye, two hand finished Hooked Work Rug» Mies. L Eg Shor Three Vaney Handkerchiefs-- ! ant, Mrs, G, R, Putman, Mrs, 1 Bio Three Varieties Pot Holders = Mis W. Conte, Mg. L. 3 Coles Mats for Viot Dishes -- Mrs, Carl McLaughlin, Mrs, 6G, R, § ant, L x, Bryon, Mrs, G, R Put Group of Six pietures 2 House Dress -- Mrs, Mrs. 6. R, Putman Skerratt, Mrs, G, Brown, Mrs, Putman, Mrs, 1, RB. Bryant, vatt, Mrs, G, R, Putman, Mrs, man, Mrs, V, Skerratt | Swerrait, Mrs, §, Moore, Mrs, M, Contes, Mrs, G. Brown Brown, Mrs, L, E. Bryant, Mrs, G, Brown Tailored Bkirt Mrs Mother and Daughter dresses Mrs, 1. E, Bryant; Mrs, G. RB, Mother and Daughter aprons --| 1¢7¢d Sport Shirt -- Mrs, M. Coates,| Quilt Appliqued Mrs, M,| Plaid Work Shirt --~ Mrs, M, Quill, Double Wedding Ring ~ Pyjamas Suit--Mrs, M, Coates,| Quill Pieced, any other pattern| M Heavy Work Rocks Mrs Crib Quilt -- Mrs, 8, Moore, {'1% Fancy Knit Socks Knitting Bag ~ Mrs, V, ker. " Sweater Coat, wool, knitted Sweater Coat, wool, bulky Cross Btiteh on Finished Article w- Mrs, I. E, Bryant, Mrs, M, - Mrs, L, BE, Bryent, Mrs, G, B.| Oven Mitts -- Ma G, Brown, Putman, Mrs, Mrs, M, Contes, Mrs, L. E. Brysot, Mes, Graham, Mrs, 'M, Contes, Leslie Cochrane, ho ait, Mrs, GO, Brown, Mr Contes, Bryant, Wes. G, B, Puiman, Mrs, " : - Mrs, L. EB, Bryant, Mrs, G, ® wraidod Rag Rig Mrs. 1. ¥, Brown, Mrs, G, R, Putman, Hooked Rag Ru, Mrs, G, BR, |Mrs, 1, B, Bryant, Mrs, V, Skere 4 Jiman, Mrs, L LE Bryant, ry vatt, Mrs, M, Coates, ant, : a Dressing Table Set, ¥mbwol-'c, R, Putman, Mrs, L. E, Bry. Knitted Wool Cardigan ~ Mes. ed Mrs, M. Coates, Mrsian Mrs, Vv, Bkerrstt, Putnam, Mrs. L, E, i, 2 a eliires wo 3 eA" , Moove, Mrs, ratt, if Cases, Kmbtoidored _ nam, Mrs, §. Moore, Gms, 6 es: Mrs, V, Skerratt,| Child's Stuffed toy ~ Mrs, V, Pillow Cases, Crocheted Vace ls E, Bryant, Mrs, G, Brown, Mrs, G. R,| Dressed Doll ~ Mrs, V, Bker- Pillow Cases, Cut Work -- Mrs.| G, Brown, LE, Bryant, Mrs. GR, Pull poo. gist Parcel ~ Mrs, V, Bath Towel, Crocheted Trim Conies Mrs, L, E, Bryant, Mrs, M Article of Wood, Cones and Bath Towel, Embroidered i ¢ B. Mrs, G. R. Putman, Mrs, G, Nancy Staniland, Mrs, M, Poa Tous! ly 8 Mopre,| | Coates 4 Ca y Top Sheet and Pillow Case, Set Bryant, Mrs, 8, Moore, Embroidered -- Mrs, M, Contes, Card, Mrs, 8, Moore, Mrs. M. Coates, Yitim Mrs, G, R. Putman, jul Mrs, G, R. Putman, Mrs, M,|% Contes, Mrs, G, Brown La Mrs, V, Skerralt, Mrs, L. E Foden Mrs, G. R, Putman, Mrs, Bryant, ' Bryant, Coates, Mrs, V. Bkerratt, Mrs, Mrs, G. R, Putman, Mrs E., Bryant | Bryant, Mrs, 8, Moore, Mrs, L, BE, Bryant, Mrs, 4. - rs. M, Coates, Mrs, 8B Brown, Moore, Mrs, G, R, Putman, l Mrs, LF, Bryant, Mrs. G, Mrs, M. Coates, Mrs, V, Bker- man, Mrs, G, Brown vatt, Mrs, M Coates, Mrs, 8B. Moore, Mrs,| > G, R, Putman re, G Brown, Mrs, C, Me: Laughlin, Mrs, L, E, Bryant, ph Greates! | Mallon Pieture april & Nahe Mrs, M, Coates, Mrs, G, Brown, |Mrs, V, Bkerrat, Knitted sleeveless vest - L. KE, Bryant, Mrs, G "Ning Mrs, { R. Put ' Men's Mrs. M, 'oates Crocheted Chesterfield Set Mrs, L, E, Bryant, Mrs. G,.R. Putman, Mrs, C, MeLaughlin New Cushion Idea ~~ Mrs, 8, Moore, Mrs, V, Bkerratt, Mrs, E, Passant Corduroy Sofa Cushion -- Mrs, Mrs, Special pd i MYSTERvESS: iT FEATURE AT , . 1100-=3140-~628--910 G, Brown, Mrs, M, Coates, V. Skerrvalt, ple Table Cloth == Mrs, L, B, R, Putman, 3 Action Packed Thrillers! CURT JURGENS DAWN ADDAMS "HOUSE oF INTRIGUE Print by TECHNICOLOR' TT PL... hi it i 0 - URS 11 THEY TS THECHNICOL OR IETHING WITH THE BLACK I & | bo Lakin Li \ OL MNA lakh a dy Ay ia [Wh GARY ME Dotvats Retr Mave 4 edt 1 10g edie "Babette Goes To War" wang JAOQUES CHARRIER ---- ORATOR Lan WARD! ENR URI A + JUN [p-- Will See You All Saturday SEPTEMBER 10th ~ 8:30 P.M. ot the ""GET" OPENING DANCE OF '60-'61 AT 0.C.V.I, AUDITORIUM MLE LY DRIVE-IN Box-Office Open ot 7:30 =~ Show Starts ot 8:00 MOVIES ARE BETTER WHEN SEEN FROM THE BEGINNING! COME EARLY! ADY PARK camo OLYMPIC.-STANDARD SWIMMING POOL SUNDAY, SEPT, 11th, 3:00 P.M. "Swimming - and - = Diving - Display" marunine ® Nigh Diving ® Comedian Diving * SynSonized Swimming (2) L.metre Diving Boards (1) 3.metre Diving Tower Pool == 2'- 12' Depth, Underwater Lighting Latest - Modern Filtration, Che ond Washroom Facili- ties, 2 Refreshment Booths, Beautiful 40-Acre Park with oll facilities for a lovely day in the country, Adults 50¢, Children 25¢ SUPERMARKET GIGANTIC FREE THEATRE PARTY MORNING SEPT, (Oth A AT 9:00 AM, (s presents Wl SATURDAY REGENT THEATRE When Mom and Dad Shop ot A & P Make Sure They Pick UP Your FREE GUEST TICKET From the Cashier When Checking Out! (Rn you P00 "THE DEERSLAYER" vicniicoon TNE THREE STOOGES n WHAM, BAM, SLAM" 3 COLOR CARTOONS 3 SATURDAY MORNING SEPT, 10