{bat 10 me it means 20 pounds off strual tension exactly right .t first month of dieting is just right ™ eM eR his blasted fat, I can lick it and with activity, The cure for €d- | The more overweight you are, the LWORTH'S [1 will yet!" (tion is mition, Cheers for herl| oo. vou ean ex to lose in 's the spirit! Her attitude! The change is all the more gl " '. aes. bo I vate! SAVE 28¢ RAYON & SILK That is really wonderful, Tuning in to markable when you know that it) God gives gaddened strength! was this homemaker who firstiof losing slows down, but i is 17 Square JO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Seprember 8, 1960 | KEEP [ly uM and strong purpose , , , and wrote that her home was a lub enoouraging to lose the first soft quickéhs the spirit, Suddenly you! tered mess and it took all day 10! cy 50 & hurry, Printed or Solid Colors Reg. 19¢ each With Help Of Prayer, Dieter Found A New Joy In Living |e. Le Sie outboard" 5 7% in cu ste i SPECIAL 3 J 29¢ WHILE THEY LAST SMARTLY STYLED NEW FALL By IDA JEAN KAIN {self and not caring from one This dieter dealt with pre-men- cess weight, 20 pounds off the dieter, A homemaker who weighed in day to another, I | Latest Fashion Attractive Colurs {at #282 miserable pounds" wrote! "This way every day is new , , , [to ask for help, She was inspired|ivy 5 challenge and 1 find it all) - - --_------ by the young mother who, with) yery satisfying, I'm pleased with! CRUNCHY ICE CREAM | 1 > aa | 1.98 .. the help of prayer, had reduced) ine way 1 have done so far, My butter or margarine | Add sugar frosted flakes and ------BURNS {in Viving week 1 went to him for my| "If that eourageous young check-up and he said I am doing) mother, who was in the same! fine, I am not taking pills to curb | | plight as I am in, could reduce, my appetite, When I feel myself | : lthen with the help of prayer Iiweakening I pray for strength, 1) can have a whole new life ahead, | had one tough struggle last week, | Once each month I will report It was a week before my period my progress," the mew dieter --and it was rough. I wasn't hun. | promised, gry but that old fecling hy want: | is good! ing to eat came back, B i a hews 1s good! first report cleaned euphoards polished fur-| after one month of dieting, count-| Miture , , . anything to keep busy. | ing calories, and watching what And 1 prayed for strength , , , ? |1 eat, I've. setually enjoyed it and it worked fine | more than my old way of gorging, "My weight went down from) { myself and feeling sorry for my- 282 to 262, It's still an awful lot, $B tsps 115 pounds and found 8 new Joy | doctor is very pleased, too, This #3 tsps. brown sugar, firmly | nutmeats, stirring lightly over packed . | 1% cups sugar frosied flakes i% eup chopped nutments % qt, vanilla lee eream Melt butter in medium-sized | saucepan over low heat; blend in sugar, Cook until mixture bubbles, stirring constantly, CHILD GUIDANCE low heat, until heated through, Spread in thin layer on baking sheet, Cool and crumble, Fold erunchy mixture into slightly softened Jee eream. Place in freezer compartment of refrig erator until hardened Yield: 6 . 8 servings CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD, [J BlUtbt noe. FOR HAPPINESS So Real, You Have To Touch Them To Believe They Are Not ARTIFICIAL BEAUTIFUL ROSES NOW ONLY 10°. MISS ROSE WEDDING RING $50 There May Be Many Reasons Why A Child Dislikes School - By G, CLEVELAND MYERS [her teacher and she sald she Is Over the years 1 have had smart, many letters about the child, usu- 2 SS ally in the early grades, who WANTS ADVICE oma allokoa™ loathes to leave home for school, M 0 Rida y Ike me adv This child may begin to ery or] 2 reply in par hine to stay home as soon as he Show no concern over her ery ig 1 , a ing et as > 4 \, rises, and grows more disturbed 'ng on a school Maraing A a8 \{ ote 3, as time to leave for school ap if you did n ear her cr n a: Vey as if all were well and cheery pi 1 2m proaches A rot o ool or / \ Sd Often he will feign illness, even Don't coax, argue, or 1 her Vieira 2 ry 4 7. J y ( Usually he is well and Prove hy your nonchalant \ Veey Foe w7 that, of course, she is going to school SOLITAIRE $00 lc Special Record Sale Buy One for 1.98 RECEIVE ONE EXTRA FOR ONE CENT "Arc" Hi Fidelity Long Play Albums' Reg. $1.98 each 2LP.A. for 1.99 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 3.PIECE KITCHEN SET Choice of FRYING PAN SET SAUCE PAN & CULLANDER SET ONLY qG¢ COMPLETE | While Shopping Visit Our Luncheonette And Relax And Enjoy a Cup of Our Famous Coffee FIVE DIAMONDS $200 vomiting ays happy on mornings of weekends and holidays Even some teen-agers feign {ll ness in order to escape a dreaded test or examination This type of problem may have INE various causes Show great pleasure over her The child may have fear of achievements at school and else bullies on the way to and from where school, he may have had certain| 1 hope you read to her and help unhappy experiences with the her have more fun with children teacher or classmates, or he may of her own age Flower of the month... ring of a lifetime dislike to leave his mother orf wy poieting Self-Reliance and miss the attention at home & gy, glownoke, may he had by MISS ROSE younger : child might receive Inj congo a" self . addressed, US s absence 1 § a elf - . : his absence | amoned envelope to me in care 1s the Jatent fesign by Bluehird OTHER REASONS ha is newspaper Besides, he may have escaped PARENTS' QUESTIONS for years many things he dis. Q. To our son. 10 liked to do at home by erying ori... ne ean nothing Jeigning ness or by Just refuse ye he adds % and %, he will get ing to do them A Pennsylvania mather writes 1-6 A. Induce him to measure with I have a little girl in the first |, ruler so as to learn that % grade (equals 2.4 and so on ving trouble with her| . i inG raluhinn going 10 school, She cris every," PTAC WT BL vlehin day, She doesn't want to go to kitehen d school, At times she gets up and | Li when | dress her she starts to] ery. Yet when she is home on Saturday and Sunday she is al ways playing school, I went to see In the meanwhile try fo find out if she has had some unhanpy ex periences related to solv. these problems If possible school MODEL KCA30WR sss NOW ON display in our window, Aud, of course, every Bluehird diamond ring is guaranteed SALE PRICE 229% "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" MEAGHER'S 92 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5.4711 guard against decayed teeth LA LAC CO EVERYONE CAN OWN A WZZ6% GAS DRYER You get SO MUCH more for SO MUCH less!* Gentle AIR-BREEZE System Controlled Heat or Air-Dry Large Loading Door Full-size Drum T . FRI, ; Convenient Lint Trap HURS Bi Sar a | PEACH SHORT CAKE Dries clothes foo\ I SAN a only 2 cents . y, CHOCOLATE BANANA == | CAKE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM or CALL TODAY! a. 3% 2aGN (Yonsumers' Has 48 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 3.3468 ® Automatic Rotisserie common ® Automatic Clock and Timer flawless, and insured free against loss or damage, ® Plug-Out Oven Heaters Pay Only 10% Down ® Lift-Off Oven Door BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST, WEST RA 3-7022 No Extra Charge For Credit UNBREAKABLE POLYETHYLENE JEEP With Moving Wheels | Regular $1.98 ONLY 1.79 EACH WASHABLE MEN'S FINE HOSE 100% HI-BULK ORLON Shrink and Moth Proof Soft and Comfy sizes 10 to 11} ONLY 1.00 PAIR Double Seat Fits Perfectly LADIES RAYON & ACETATE BRIEFS Sizes S-M-L Won't Bind -- Won't Ride 3/97 AT OUR DELICATESSEN COUNTER All Cakes & Pastries Baked Fresh Daily In Our Own Ovens On The Premises WIFE PRESERVER | | Office girls should keep a tooth | brush in their desks or carry one {In thelr purses. Brushing teeth after each meal is the best safe ONE-A-DAY! By ALICE BROOKS Always welcome as gifts -- a hostess can never have too many of these dainty, lacy doilies Flower doilies add a flower fresh touch to table, tray, dress. er. Crochet one a day! Pattern 7442: directions 10-inch round; 8% square; 8% x 13 oval in Neo NOW ONLY 90. ON YOUR GAS BILL § YEARS TO PAY 80 Send THIRTY . FIVE CENTS {eoins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to The Osh. awa Times Household Arts Dept,, Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER JUST OUT! Our new 1980 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book contains THREE FREE Pat. terns, Plus ideas galore for home furnishiags, fashions, gifts, toys, bazaar sellers exciting, unusual designs to erochet, knit SOW embroider, huck weave, quilt, Be first with the newest. send 25 cents now! I BACKACHE aokache, tired fooling, disturbed roa P.S. IT'S NO SECRET -- GAS DRIES BETTER - FASTER - CHEAPER! -- OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL ® PM,