The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1960, p. 7

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2 | | words, "| It may be well to have him " |see 8 number of words which be- CHILD GUIDANCE How To Help A Child Who Has Difficulty In Reading ed, But after he has finished the sentence or paragraph, or is try- ing to spell 8 new word, it may be well to sound out the word for him snd to encourage him sound out with you some similar ords 'gin with the same letter snd sound, as boat, ball, balloon, First, practise him on words| which begin with a simple eon-| " sonant, After he has caught on well, have him see words in| : which two letters together make| a certain sound at the beginning fof words, as chair, chain, child; # or plow, place, please; or train, Regal and elegant, acrilan | acrylic fibre again proves its versatility, this time taking to FLAMENCO proves a real show-stopper In thi mn at the Cana- his presen dian hibition National E x | are the confection colors of | this dramatic gown styled by | Olivia of Hamilton, Olivia calls high fashion, In a gown that | Shocking pink and frosty white | the evening gown 'Flamenco', MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Readers Give Further Views Regarding Natural Childbirth Dear Mary Haworth: 1 fully en- trol, and free from any tc rrible dorse E.J.'s recent statement that all this hue-and-cry about the wonders of natural childbirth is a lot of bunk; and the same goes fdr Natural childbirth fans either have a quick and easy labor; or want to punish themselves in some way; or else want to im- press their husbands, Childbirth can he just as satisfactory with @ spinal anesthetic, I had my haby last Spring, in a new large hospital center where rooming-in (baby with mother) is available, During my stay, there were only four mothers in the rooming-in- wing; and 1 wasn't there from preference, but be- cause the other wings were over. flowing, | OLD DAYS EASIER? In July, a friend had the same experience--assigned to the room- ing-in wing, for lack of space in the others; so rooming-n isn't a very popular arrangement, appar. ently | I think a new mother should get all the rest she can, while frightening pain, NO NEED OF PAIN KILLER When she helps herself in this way, the chances are that won't want or need much if any analgesia; though it is always there if she wants it, As for myself: 1 recently pro duced my second child, who weighed over 10 pounds, without feeling the need for drugs; and it was a thorough'y satisfying, very interesting experience, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again I wanted to be awake for the birth and was; but if a woman fsn't particularly interested there Is no reason wh shouldn't have anesthetic for the delivery The point is--if she prepares herself to help herself through labor and delivery, the whole un. she { e dertaking will he a warmly re. cember. If you are single, new/rare," membered satisfactory experi ence, rather than an ordeal that you'd Just rather forget, cerely, AF, MORE MAIL Dear Readers: Well | . {mail on the subject = 'about |evenly divided for and against her stand, Typical views are of-| fered here, MH, Mary. Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail! or personal interview, Write her in care of this newspaper, | Ijast at natural childbirth and rooming-n as 'regressive' non | ense has brought in a lot more | THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA | | FOR TOMORROW | This day's stars warn against] carelessness in business and fi nancial matters. Written and le. gal matters also call for caution, In the P.M, influences are more pleasant and many of the day's problems should right themselves, | FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow 1s your birthday, you have every reason to he o timistie now, even though the next two months will not be too sues cessful, Look for an uptrend in business and financial matters during November and mid-De- romance is a distinct likelihood | in November--with the possibility next May or June, | In job matters which, in the| case of Virgoans, are more ofien| try, trap, After he has practised on sim- ple words of one syllable, you might practise him on words with two syllables, especially short fa- letting him y it. Or, as say 2 word ball, you him to say some words send like it and rhyme with if, (My bullets, Homa Fun With self-addressed velope to me paper.) ! ¥ ARENT QUESTIONS Q. Our son, in the third grade seems That he a good reader and learn good habits of har work, physically and men- y, €B- breaking into a vigorous news-iof a French song. {in bond, a Puppet Theatre In Montreal Parks Delights Children y JANET WILSON Canadian Press Staff Writer an audience of youngsters, "Bonjour!" they answer, when the grounds this summer The Vagal curtain rang up on since he was three yeers old.| After many tours he sold the ides of 8 travelling puppet : parks department in 1967, MOBILE SHOW | | His theatre is in a troller, de yisited by The Vagabond, Ge corated like an ; medicine show wagon. | MONTREAL (CP) -- "Bonjour ing eight by 6% feet, it is fitted les enfants!" pipes the thin pup- with sound equipment, lighting, | pet voice of Monsieur Surprise to sets, and a workshop for making eager - eyed and menipulating nettes THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, September 7, 1960 J gh Europe Montreal / show to the pei in smaller playgrounds pot yie western Measur- own 4 paint, During the tight schedule. winter ayard around the city parks, Mr, Fay- hn Me. hos » lard is assisted by students from The scene was a familiar one jog Beaux Arts and L'ecole du Montreal parks and play-iseuple They gre Claude Lafon- prises.) This fall he plans to mobile pu theatre, | Thousands of children have jaughed and cried while watching) Monsieur Surprise cavort with \his fellows -- Fanfrelucho, Bim, Michel le Magicien and Le Pi |rates Baboul, of Paris-horn Andre Fayard, who has been making the tiny figures KEEP IN TRIM TOPS Clubs Spur Dieters To Best Efforts In Reducing By IDA JEAN KAIN Two big stumbling blocks in re- ducing sre discouragement and boredom. The spirit of ecamarad- erie and good will which are the very heart of reducing clubs helps overweights to hurdle these ob- stacles. This eagerness to help others lose the burden of fat was shown in letters from members of T.0P.S, clubs in response to a particular column, ne h k who ghed 282 pounds wrote that she looked in the door of a T.0.P.8, meeting. She turned back becapse the miliar words like dish black: board, mousetrap, Then you might say words with two syl- lables, having him tap as you say each syllable, as horseshoe, camel, ready, You could even go on in this way with words of more syllables, as grasshopper, elephant, hippo- potamus, Later practise him on simple words with the long or short sounds of the vowels, Suppose your child is only four or five and you read a great deal to him, including some nursery rhymes, After reading one rhyme sev: eral times, you might pause in- stead of saying the rhyming word Finds Rodeo Riders Interesting Subjects Full-Length Book VANCOUVER (CP)--A rodeo rider who was dating her daughter was the inspiration for starting Mrs, Mary Robertson of El Cerrito, Calif, on an unusual writing venture, "When I went to talk with the young man, a bull rider, I found I knew nothing about rodeos," she said during a visit to the international rodeo here, "I went to the library and found there were no books on the subject, so I decided to write one," . Since then, Mrs, Robertson has travelled 82,000 miles and at. tended scores of rodeos gather. ing material on the subject, FORMER REPORTER Mrs, Robertson, a former re porter on the Los Angeles Times, said she had interviewed more than 350 cowboys and as many women riders as she could find in preparing the hook, This is Rodeo, now in the hands of a | publisher, "I hit the jackpot at Little .|Hill, Kan,, recently," she said as she watched the riders in action brone rider, a girl steer wrestler and also a girl bull rider. "Years ago there were lots of women in rodeos but now they're N ident Her h d is vicepr of a San Francisco insurance gin. Of marriage sudden or otherwise,{firm and she says he doesn't like anything "that even smells like a horse or a bull," She was asked whether her here we than not found in the inventive daughter was still going around! she can; as once she gets home go again, I had hoped this debate field you are currently in a fine|with the rodeo rider, nowadays, there aren't any moth. Dad blown itself out, But E.J.'s cycle for capitalizing on original ers, grandmothers or aunts around to help as in the old days. | Needless to say, we love our chils| dren dearly and feel very close! to them, despite our brand of realism, K.C SHORT ON INFORMATION Dear Mary Haworth: Obviously E.J.'s concept of natural child birth is unsound, It is not a mat- ter of "yoga or judo exercise nor of women "expected to suffer horrors and do nothing about it," as she mockingly says Natural childbirth is based on knowing and wnderstanding what consequently I was frightened, During my second pregnancy 1 studied and learned; and when| D-Day arrived, 1 was completely| relaxed. 1 can't do Justice to the subject| in one short letter; but would ad- vise EJ, either to read-up or quit sounding off. I just hope none of EJ.'s children are girls! Sin| cerely yours, D.C, UNDUE EMPHASIS | Dear Mary Haworth: Speaking of natural childbirth, I believe that entirely too much disputa- tious emphasis Is placed on the anesthetic aspect The notable thing about natural childbirth is not how much or little anesthetic you take; but rather the understanding prepar- ation you make, to help yourself] intelligently during this most im. | portant event As far as 1 can gather, not| much anesthetic is given to any maternity patient until labor is quite well advanced. Which means the average patient has a choice of lying there g and enduring, until an anesthetic is finally Or dev 3 self to practised re na abdominal breathin a full com prehension of its usefulness--thus aning given staying relatively calm, in con! A zipper fasiener opens wide | CY ADRIAN, is going on; the whole theory is| to educate parents When my first child was born 1 knew nothing on the subject; colorful shag leather combine to make a round anl roomy bag that can be oor 1 from sb der to wrist by adjusting the strap. hide an vert CONVERTIBLE HANDBAG ideas, and this cycle should last for many months to come, How- ever, Jouli have to work hard to capitalize on your ideas since a Saturn influence, which will pre- vail off and on throughout the year, demands hard work. You can't expect immediate gains while this planet is in control, March should bring excellent re- sults for your efforts along job, financial and property lines, how: ever; also, late August, mid-Oc- tober and December, With hte e of 1060, an unusually propitious Jupiter aspect will encourage all new ventures, A truly auspicious beginning for 1961, Be child born on originality and scientific ability, bers were a mere 20 fo 40 ponds overweight and she was afraid they might laugh at her, Happily, one of the letters from a club member came from the very town in Ohio in which eur homemaker lives, Here is the helpful spirit she will find in that group , , , and in all T.OP.S, clubs, "I am writing to you in connec. tion with the lady who weighs 282 pounds and has mustered the courage to start reducing, "I am especially interested In her reference to a T.0.P 8, club Please urge her to go to one of small club last year so I got | attend the T.0.P 8. convention in Detroit. Believe me, that was an! eye-opener, Women were there from all over the country, Alas-| ka and Canada, "They were all sizes and shapes but what astonished me were the many, many women who had lost | a hundred pounds or more, Bee: ing their 'before' pictures was) just pmazing, | "Reducing clubs have no magic cure-all , , , for there just isn't] Bn easy or magic way to lose| weight safely and surely, But it| does help so much to be with al group of women, all with the same problems and helping each | other, We all follow and enjoy your morale - boosting columns and often read them at our club) meetings," An unhappy overweight couldn't help but take heart from that welcoming letter, T.0.P.8,, which| means to Take Off Pounds Sen-| sibly, has headquarters in Mil | waukee, Wisconsin To learn more about this excellent organi-| zation, write to TOPS National | Headquarters, 2306 South Howell SOLD EXCLUSIVELY IN WHITBY AT COLLINS SHOES 18 SIMCOE ST, §, 119 BROCK ST. §, IN OSHAWA AT DANCEY'S this day will hy endowed with fine Imagination, Avenue, Milwaukee, 7, You will all be happily sur- prised to know that the home- maker in today's story has now| duced 20 p That's to. morrow's column, | their meetings, I am sure they will noi isugh at her, After all, they are all there for the same urpose, to lose weight, whether n large or small ts LOSES 45 POUNDS "I have belonged to a T.OP.8 group for over a year now and| have lost 45 pounds, T have 10 more to lose, I had tried dieting many times and would only lose a few unnoticed pounds, Knowing that I would be weighed in every week , , , we meet on Wednesday | evenings , , , made me stay on my diet, I was Queen for our RA 5-1833 MO 8.3476 Open Friday Evening Till 9 P.M, TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA INFANT DEATHS Canada's infant death rate reached a record low of 80 per 1,000 horn alive in 1958, compared with Sweden's 16 per 1,000, Dus "VENETIAN BLINDS "DRAPERY TRACKS 'RUGS - SPREADS RETAILERS CHARMING STYLES! SUPER VALUES! Smart Synthetic FUR COATS 94.88 STYLE AT RIGHT; Sizes 12. 18 Grey "Persiana" (Alpaca) Coat you'd hardly know from real Grey Persian, Smart and ,, serviceable for all » occasion 5 wear, Lined and warmly inter ¢slined, At Zeller's Thrift Price, USE OUR CONVENIENT "LAY-AWAY" PLAN A Small Deposit will Hold Any Article until Needed, TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Baby's Hot Little Head - Jour baby's head feels hot it may simple free 0 Risor baby "ailment, #0, Baby's Sn { will prom; help ce this sgl fever by clearing hy wastes out Eh 1f baby's fever pensists, con- hysician, lh d, Onwrio Mother has yo od hot L night il anti w0 uke 3] ing, --- by millions of mothers. No eeny wu ~= no dulling effect. Especially good, wa, at ing rime for restlessness, peevishness, digestive ve 's Own Tablets and by i,t Hs "ORLON"-&« "DYNEL"" IN SMART SHADES ist way ellen a, "linically ested Children's Owa Tab SIZES 10.18: A de | SCHOOL for unumited capacity to keep per An im pressive gilt medallion adds an nal effects safe Information: extra touch of dash--By TRA. Lillian. Mae. Marsh D.EA.--M.B.A, Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Acrobatic, Kinderdance and Pre- Regirtratian; SAT, SEPT, 10th 10 AM to 1 PM, MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA lightful little jacket "Orlon'-&- 'Dynal processed to look like of Elegantly Styled "PERSIANA™ FUR JACKETS 44.88 SIZES 10 - 20: This lovely model is smart for evening dress-up practically 10 months of the year; and it's smart and practical for all-occasion wear in the cold-cold weather that's sure to come, Of acetate-&-cotton "Miracurl" that looks like expensive Persian. Black, Grey; with rich-looking mink-like "Glenara" egllar, Printed rayon satin Ning. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. § PHONE RA 3.2294 soft-smooth seal; fea tured in Bark Brown, Mink Taupe, Char Lined and warmly interlined, Slit pockets, Zeller-Thrifte Priced, 34.88 soal, School, at the SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD, §. PHONE RA 3-2209 ZELLER'S LIMITED RA 3.7253

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