The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 7, 1960 3 -- Town To Service Industrial Land BOWMANSVILLE (Staff) y go M an approved Indust s Town council, at a special indus. cided 10 locate in Bowmanvil % 2 = ia A ol wt % trial meeting Tuesday igh pdopted a four part motion by " A RES AVAILABLE 3 Conneitlor Glenholme Hughes 10 The mayor said Be au Brook In service industrial lands subject to YESIMERES {Brookdale Kir 2s four conditions to be adhered to WAY) would make 2 acres of in |i these lands will be serviced, © dl land available for ind |" The motion was that council trial development and Glen Hae ! a d ha} Dairy would also make 20 acre Iservice lands providing the Bow of Bd 2 oe. Tn addition manville Development Associa J AVpliary : bi Beau-Brook would be able tion forms a Hmited company to make additional erRiEe y : finance building for an incoming rig 3 _ io M wy . bn EJ ef bY Ys § $ Li industry i such building is re ro said 4 a ary quired, or be permitied to con wv steed & building or buildings His Worship sald something which can be offered for sale or Would have to he done with the rent at reasonable rates for in FRISINE dustry, in order to facilitate heavy Indu rigl traffic which would be mak WRITTEN AGREEMENT ing use of it if industry settles in Condition two hat those per- the proposed industs ile SOBs OF COMPpanies who nave in He said the Association wa an a8 west hegeh road bridgs dustrial land to offer for sale for proposing an verted ¢yp p hh ' bo A period of years be required 10 Be Hy sewer em he installed HE FFICE | by Thursday night, No end Forecast highs for today range give the town a written under- in the industrial property ! unny, hot weather now | from #0 in northern Ontario taking which must be registered 4 i t ering most of Ontario snd | snd eentrsl Quebec to 90 in in the registry office ? NEED LIMITED COMPANY is expected in southern | southwestern Ontario, (CP : Clerk-Areasurer BR, B. Rey ( regions until at least Friday, | Wirephoto) Condition three: that the land aid Councillor Ro dl T0 DEDICATE NEW CHURCH IN OCTOBER i oe 0 com oy CITY COUNCIL | WEATHER FORECAST And condition four: that Located at the south east | byterian Church on the after- | lin Public School under the lea. | Sunday. The congregation is it othe Town be within 3. ve Compan while be corner of Rossland rosd and | noon of the first Sunday in 0¢- | dership of Rev, Kenneth Mat planning to erect a modern onable range. of the Bowma council, But he i y a | Nipigon street, this portable | tober, The congregation has | yueu.s The first services in the | church building on the property. [ville Development Asse can sign an agreement . | ehureh will be dedicated hy the | been holding services, since Hs rable ek hw held last oh 545 0 4 ¢ 2 t ell to the land ia congregation of Bt. Luke's Pres- | inception in Adelaide McLaugh portable church were he As ~Oshawa Times Photo, 545.000 estimated cost, This est ind offer tr mated cost to the town lakes in OFFICIAL OPENING Drop Charge SEPARATE SCHOOL se he pen comely ots 7 Weather Seen ment with the town by the association proposes is con i council these are citizens and cial assessment in town \ " ¥ pleted under the winter work ot think he prope y » | by the Oshawa Separate School program are out to capitalize on their i entered northwestern On- with scattered showers and i board tonight to consider appli he B le 1 dustrial sitas. but the : n, accompanied hy showers thunderstorms today and tonight, jax | 0 or ase cations for ihe Pos! of sel retary A wh $i Manville DEVEIOPIERt ood for more industry in te d thunderstorms, This cooler Thursday cloudy with scattered treasurer and business admini- Association is a group of town cover northern forecast showers, Warm today cooler ve LIVE | » p x» N y 0 p way owner Norman Scott Wi ( : heen received by the hoard for manship of ex-Mayor Nelson E. Way owner Norma 0 read over central and 15 to 20 shifting tonight to north A, Frost will off Clay open ! 4 walter wppear in court Tuesday, has left lines of $4000 an acre, but & oy p a The ne " Onsis | g gre b an sere att $ 2 " pew walter purification plant a The new intake consisst of 2100 for the east coast and will not ia and commercial growth of he : Ha A i is Forecast Temperatures the town Wa vi } ] nal forecasts valid until Low tonight, High Thursday The new plant will be named | ber and steel joints, The pipe Ronald Brown. 24. of RR 3. Bow: | rolled in the eity's i : ar 2 3, Bov ) o y separate] Ww. D.( { Hi A hh vr Pr ates Be rele / ayor arruthers, in d als : \ the William A, Parish Water Pur- terminates with a concrete crib. oie "vas dismissed when hel schools Tuesday, They are divid. ing: the BDA's proposal told Deputy Reey y ) ara, Windsor, Lon- Kitchener ,, , 06 90 | d council res 1, Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny London ..., , Bh 90 P The intake has a capacity of 15 a og A . b This will be the second ocean I'he witness who failed to ap- 327: St. Phillip 101 French ¢ land that pa ' of Wind outherly 15 to 20 Toronto 6h A i lons per day when the y f af for more industrial and commer: t : X ¢ a hid dash. sion the Hon, Mr. Frost has offi-|™ lion gallons § lay 3 and comn of the service an Bay, Haliburton re. Peterborough ..,.,. 65 ) The raw water telivered hy YE¥ Of the car which Brown was Wig's, 20, the chairman of the He pointed out Bowmanville At the suggestion of Clerk R I t of Thursday, be- 8t, Catharines vo BB that he opened the Ajax and Pick le raw walter 1s delivered bY... 04 14 have ing Feb, man ment commitiee, ¥, Mea in competition with other munies polds this action was not i | yudy with a few show. Hamilton pohly and which wi olved in an The new plant replaces the i Tent way 2 ' Wi Re thei® total detention fime of 'three BCCilent on Highway 2, at" Maple CROSSING GUARDS i ies and | nos a Fie iW plan : : hours al the design rate of flow, YYOVe The board asked the chairman ) Industry ave been oblained and ( nd Lake, North Bay, Earlton , ve 05 Vork Is taken lo gel work under i Sunny and very warm Sudbury reese 65 18-inch water intake pipe, 600 feet' some 1000 feel in length was con wiv 8 4 Hy " ; in length was but eight feet below strucied lo connect the new plant clondy and cooler with Kapuskasing .,.e4, ib ath v ( I showers and thunder. White River , 0 . BOARD BRIEFS structed and the winter works TYPEHY 0 wher can benefit while FORONTO " P) Official fore- Winds southerly 15 to 20 shifting program subsidy if the sewer and De 15 still on council ed at 5 am, EDT Thursday evening 10 northwest remie n d a water main installations are com Mayor Carruther Cooler air spreading erly 15 to 20 | A special meeting will be held t this { tv OWE | d from Manitoba Timmins-Kapuskasing: Cloudy " 3ixte a P 5 sinessme 0 When former: Brookdale-K puta wm . 3 . tor : BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Be trator. Sixteen applications have businessmen under the chair rm of { of by soon Thursday andThursday Winds southwesterly AJAX (Btaff) Premier Leslie! increases demand OF MOre cause a crown witness failed to ) ; post of the late Albert C. Osborne, interested in the indu he land, he was talking alo La Ontario by Thursday westerly 15 to 20 Alison Thursday afternoon 8lifept of Mine h diameter sub he returning, a8 charge of care 2721 PUPILS ENROLLED right out of the industri 0 p.m, aqueous concrete pipe Wilh rub yess driving against Meredith. A total of 2721 pupils were en- NEED MORE INDUSTRY br Carrutiers sal ht Thursday Windsor 'e 70 0 I Frie, Lake Huron, Lake St, Thomas .,, we | 90 ification Plant as a tribute to the n the outer end, he top of which pleaded not -guilty before Magis- ed as follows; Holy Cross, #34 | effort of the present mayor * ! d lc trate R. B. Baxter, St. Gregory's, 430; St, Gertrude's, 00 0" Lhe feel the peed!) Which | " Iv arm today and Thurs. Wingham ,., 66 90 5 nm who I the need aot Was the \ | ma inglis ak y 2 v lake level is at its lowest record pear was the only one who could | ¢ Hidren ad 148 F n lish speak 5 ciated at an ope mag seremony of devel estify to the identity of the dri- In St. Joseph's, 183; St. Hed y and very warm 10. Trenton Ahad in Ajax. It was in February, 19) - ner Spi g ts Ji 0 ) . ering General Hospital two pumping nl a RAINE 13 eported ipalities to give serviced land at until further estimate } nd thunderstorms Thursday Muskoka ,,..., 65 od reasonable rate and build fae most recent industrial 1 O56 I Winds southerly 15 to 20 Killaloe .. . 60 shell-filling factory, That had a A Raglan distriet man, Donald He 1 a lot of tl 1 2 BRD 0 5 s The A new wale upply main of hd 14+ i, A of the management committee Lo € Said a JoL OF the Space W life expectancy of five years. The dis Pi Smith, 32, driver of the other gontact the ehief of police about has already been completed and Way ind Thursday morning, be- North Bay ...eee0se0 83 . » level, It Id hardly be'to the existing main supplying ec the lake level, 1t could ha of the town, oy m "hursday afternoon, Moosonee RRR ehicle involved, died in Oshawa (he formation of school crossing the association feels if it set up Councillor Hugh veneral Hospital, Mar. 16, as 8 guards, with special reference to 8 company and has the facilities ceived the unaminibu result of injuries he received in| St, Gertrude's School they could have everything ready of council the crash ips ater supply, bul A AN . ry m good municipal water spf IN OPERATION Pwo other passengers in his car NAMED TO STAFF -- § J { » | mT ij was gg it for 8 Purp Cite The new plant went into oper. his wife Doreen, 27, and daughter he board has decided fo ap . ™ . fen fc am I ation on March 14 this year and Elaine, three, were also injured, Point Miss A, Guy fo its teach iJ a eam ns me, ; the time has now come for the] Brown and the missing witness NE stall, y [ ) " ) ficin ning, were aly a ne re AD) p TROUBLE WITH ICE official opening were also Injured and were re SEEK SOLUTION MRS, JAMES READ rector of St, George An Troubles with ice have occur There are two eight-hour opera-\ moved to Bowmanville Memorial gonarate School Inspector E ale 4 ' ay Selina Reg at the Chure il uct the serv © red annually and even in January tional shifts in each 24 hours and Hospital before the investigating Pinan Was asked hy he hoard to Mi a : oy Read died 4 We ren wit! conduct the y X ty oft all TO and February of 1042, the first the plant is not attended during officer, OPP Constable Peter Den agsist' principals in arranging|Tuesdav. Sept. 6 after p lengthy FUNERAL OF ' feat year of operation, the intake be-!the night hours, During the night, Hoed, arrived on the scene, classes = where there is overs dined. Hy in London. Fngland MRS, ANN COIFRy LL] 4 +H ' " " Y . i The funeral of the lal v EILEEN FERTILE | base. He was presented with the came blocked with fee and had water pumpage is about 200,000 Constable Den Hoed said he crowding in thelr schools Ie stun in er 77th YeRr . k she was BY year, 1 \ \ \ could not, from his own know. |" Phe former May Selina Cog. Ann Coffey of Read, Om } Correspondent ball after the game by the um. to be cleared by backwashing. A gallons, Water storage on hand steam line was also used on occa each morning is about 800,000 gal- ledge, say whether Brown was the To CALL TENDERS has several surviving relative YH alee ip » ) sion to clear the intake and inijops, almost one normal day's gpiver, A motion by Trustee Mrs, W. man, she married the late James i." chawa. was held Sept, 2 REN( HMAN n BAY = The pire for pitching the perfect game, later years, a diver has been gupply, Operating on this basis Clark to relight two basement Read at Norwich, England, Mov-ig charles' Church, Read ( fnan 2 By Pee oes on SAIL TO OSHAWA employed on more than one occa without a night shift, the plant classrooms in Holy Cross Schoolling to ( anada about 40 years ago! i mn Requiem Mass wa A i EE hot Sporia une Seven Blue Jays and. one open sion to clear the end of the pipe can he carved for by four men at a cost of $043 was defeated. [she lived most of her life Inippaied " th Trop oy for he, Second class boat sailed to Oshawa on IL year whe py defeale L considered adequate in 1erms . " hen other means have failed, | or the supervision of Charles The city' edics a Canada at Port Perry, Shirley . / : wl 1 A : w L " under the supervision of irles The city's medical offi er of|Canada at Po y ) The celebrant wa TH Toronto Optimists at Maple|Saturday afternoon, Ross Fertile In recent years, with the growth| Reed, the town wor ks superin- health has suggested the addition and Oshawa Larkin, who was assisted by Re f Stad last Saturday by|and Michael ; Melnerney 'were J p e demand for more, tendent, al lighting and the hoard moved! She Is survived hy Iwo sons, x if Stadium last & ) V of the town, the demand for : gi ' ay nt > he 0, 50n8, 1B. Walsh as deacon, and " core of 4 to 2, |firlst in the Blue Jay class, both water has exceeded the capacity In addition to serving the town to call for tenders for the light: James, of Port Perry and Vietor Shannon # uhsdeacon - of the pressure filters to remove of Ajax, the plant is also serving an osts ing. of Oshawa, and four daughters in the: sanetaary daria th he Toronto team took an early going down to Oshawa and on the the high turbidity present in the! ihe village of Pickering. The pop: | ARIES ive Above Mrs. Mel James (Gertrude, of Mass weve Ri, Rov, J. G. Hanley, |! i i I by scoring one run in each(return trip, being about half a shallow water at the mouth of ylation of . Pickering has almost . , CONSIDER INSURANCE Port Perry Mrs. R, Steward Ve J. J. Shannon h {wo innings, French:/mile out in front of the second the intake doubled since the water distribu-i BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Val. The finance committee Wasi qm, 6)" of Oshawa; Mrs, J \ tov. C. Gazely m's Bay tallied three in the boat skipped by Don Hercla, with The new plant was constructed tion system was installed there in entine G, Davis, 34. of Pontypool, asked to consider insurance Darlington (Kathleen), of Oshawa Hamilton. th on hits by Everett, Colley, Joyce Fertile as crew. by resolution of the 1950 council, 1954, The total population served |Win Tuesday fined $75 and as aga miiclous, damage In the nd Mrs. D. Linton (Violet), of, A large representation of tI lones and Fertile and one in the] Ron Playford and George Me: which stuck out its political neck! by the new plant is approximate. sessed court costs totalling §9,| ONCE SEROWS QI a COW 0 B Uxbridge Sisters of the Congregation di th inning when Everett hit 8 Cleary placed second on the re. in the face of an adverse vote of ly 9600 plus some 54 industries OF 15 days, when he was con. for three years, Property Commit The body 1s resting at MeDer. Notre Dame of Kingston and that was dropped, turn trip Sunday, 1 gained the ap: in A victed, before Magistrate R, B. tee Chairman, M. Rudka, report 10_hody 1s resting a Mh Broo} y ni " the electorate and gained the ab iin Ala Baxter. of his second offense of @d that Holy Cross School had mott Panabaker, Funeral Home, Brockville was also present STRUCK OUT 13 The ladies auxiliary of the proval of the Ontario Municipall The new plant was constructed ni ri, \ offense of oo kon Into Lwice over the|Port Perry, for services in the| Interment was in §t. Charl Wavne Colley gave up three hits! Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club pre. Bound to proceed with plams larly the E. A. Henry hha opp Bk) Stan Rospond past weekend and' ink, glue and chapel Thursday, at 2 pm, In gemetan Prayers at the 2 ruck out 13, One error was pared a very nice buffet lunch he \ ANY y sl Sta Ospon ; ' ' Ww y \ ! \ N X "whic a Ww n " the new plant Company lu of Ric hmond Ho said while patroling north on coment had been smeared on!/terment will be in Pine Grove hho ere said by Rev, W v reed to the Bay team, Hum. Which they served to the skippers The new plant 1s a modera and the intake was installed by o . " EN Comete Prince Albert lamilton. Members of the ( ) Tan ia and crews on their arrival at | f { Canada Dredge and Dock Com. Highway 115 around 7 pm. Aug school property emelery, Prince of East Toronto gave up rapid sand filter purification sys anada edge a . | { i olic Women's League formed a ing Oshawa ~~ Yacht Club Other mT » ved Fuperal serivees will he con. L r hits, all 'in the fifth inning s tem with an average design pany, The total cost Is 8560,000 {8, he noticed a southbound car SUSPECT MAIN BREAK due tod By Ror B. W. Fuller, 8uard of honor { struc E ont three. They had members of the elub that sailed R ) t capacity of 2.5 million gallons per Rppros! Hop, Him he the Joh a Mr, Rudka reported that a wootor of the Chureh of the A The bearers were Clare B 0 arrors o Oshawa were, Rear Commo~ " [the centre line eo was forced water y » 2 > | p ( . dore Jac sInerney A water pipe, under St, Phillip's nan, Gerald Walsh, Leo ( H worship Mayor Nathan lore Jack McInerney and Wayne day to leave the road and go on tog cension, Port Perry { Tom Provision has been made in the CITY AND | L e road and go on 10, gehool, was suspected of being ford, Leonard Walsh, Willian Kempson, Commodore Tom Tom- | the shoulder as the car did not Phillips presented the trophy to|plin, Sr, and Paul Grieco, Tom design and in the use of aval Fhe hroken and was being attended VERNON P. SANDERS Durkin and Joseph Hanley J Pa Mg got back to its own side of the'(n, He suggested that the win! Vernon P. Sanders, who lived captain, Billie Prentice; Don| Tomblin Jr, Erie Blenkarn Jr. able property for the construction DISTRICT ! Laren to Blas the I : ! | i | \ of several extensions for antici road. after he hiew the horn dow contractor, employed by the| at 1568 Simcoe street north, died FRANCIS M, STINSON : Tanking. the coach. also received Eric Playford, Jim Clark, Harold pated expansion as town growth Je turned and staried i give hoard, be changed as work that! at the Oshawa General Hospital| BLACKSTOCK Follo trophy. and all the bova ve and Lloyd Saunders, chase ter following the ac: was to he done on St, Phillips v. S even weeks' illness Peter Mal 1 g " : PIT A ) p an " on Tuesd: Sept. 6, after a short in rele 2 HOSPITAL REPORT cused for about a mile he notiged School windows by the beginning! {ness iit die ough Civie Hospital, the death o ived gold medals FORM AUXILIARY COMING EVENTS Following is the vreport'of the Davis hit the shoulder a few af the year had not been done,| The son of the late David and curred Wednesday, Au ho RACK EVENTS |e Heeling waa held last Wed. \ Oshawa General Hospital for the times, but most of the time he The matter was left in the hands| Katherine Sanders, he was born Francis McClelland Stinson tn the k events: that follows nesday at the home of Mrs, E. "ro eek ending Sept, 3: admissions was over the centre line of the property committee t Toronto. Nov, 10, 1891, The de. (Of the late Thomas and Sar h J na ay J gid a & | Dlayiord to form a ladies aux- regular monthly meeting of Cour . ale Of h 14 b 4 4 F ( { . sith Fertile wi 0! os tal Ay THE resular mon the "orange S44: births, male 2), female 13;| When he stopped the car, the bi i [ceased was married at Toronto, Ann (Fowler) Stinson Bl a A SroPly (lary of the Frenchman's Bay ' harges 24 y lis officer noticed the accused smell HOT PLATE BURNER placing second in the 60-yard yaoht Club, Election of officers Temple Thursday, September 8th. Pol charges 244; newborn dis. 01Hiee gL © Accused sme « 4 Rt am Shi March 25, 1913. A resident of Osh My, Stinson, who was In h h and the boys on the relay! was 1 ad t fol ; ek supper charges, male 18, female 21:/ed strongly of alcohol, He stag. Sisters at St, Gertrude's School | Go 5 "2a"0 ble ho had lived in 70th year, was born at Lif \ ud Nava Col (was held and the following were STARTING Friday, Sept, 9, 8 p WI major surgery 86: minor surgery gered and his speech was thick {will be consulted by the property Toronto and Monte a: Manve » ! Fowst hip |B ' n Keith Fertile, MS tuact| Clected: of al ance v , A a UAW ) ¢ I pal v.. Sig reZV § / A ; Canadian Lorian Rocibl Te inane: 114; eve, ear, nose and throat 49; Davis wanted to know how the commitice over the installation of "a3 "erootvician at General Mo-lents he moved to Cartwri { also Feceived trophies| President, Eva Playford; sec. He egular membership meeting at 8 examination and treatment 99; officer was able to tell how he a ot plate hurher OF A TAREE ions for 28 years, he was a mem Township in 1809, He obtained h d coming in second retary, Vi Tomblin; treasurer, p 5 \'é y reat. 8 Ie oo 5 De eir new une I \ \ a Or 4 A A. ; a s RB: physiotherapy treat sjutred JC Bp a neh room {her of the Electrical Mainten edu ation at Lifford, Devitts anc nehman's Bay play the next! Marie McInerney; food convenor, i the Ark n men PB 4 re! J 0 VRE NET a ance )shawa & 9 wwpl sehoo brad 4, " R 3 Thursby \ Whist at # pw : sight he was arrested. than he oe Y FURNITURE an Club of Oshawa and di on : . d of the OASA playdowns Mary Tomblin; assistant, Joan VEEN an Thay NURSING EXAMINATIONS (did in court 0 property committee Wass. ied by hix wife, 0 le Was untied in inst Oshawa Connaught Park usher and Vera McCleary, day, § nt A "clock Nuises from the distriet are . authorized to buy Kindergarten ¢ urvivec \ ite, the viage with Annie Rebecca \ ith the first game being played : at \ 7 ol ¥ id distriel a Town Constable Tracy Davis, furniture as required. Mr, Rudkal former Ethel Alberta Raby: two of Orono. They farmed in ihe Bay on Tuesday at 5.30| Poddy Blenkarn; assistants, Nels Wioing their registration exams who was on duty at the Bowman: peporte gar 50 Jack Sanders, of Ajax, and y : a de ile Gr Ter, lear a Gener, & sported that one kindergarten Sons, Ja anders. of Ajax, and wright township until poor hea | he se : shaw lie Grieco and Vera McCleary, NOVEL BINGO inations at the Oshawa General yjjle police station when PC Ros was without furniture Ken Sanders, of Richmond Wl forced him to give un Re vv work En } the Ty cond at Oshawa id LV po a will © py L : Hospital today R ' Lhe p hea 1 Ente ursday, Frenchman's Bay de. he next meeting will be held at THURSDAY { IG 8 PM | Ys {pond brought the accused in and six grandehildren nil they moved wnto the vill ited Streetsville in two straight! the home of Doddy Blenkarn on ot ° hd y fy STREETS CLOSED said the accused X ered the w lk I The body is resting at the Aym- tock about M vey \ mes, In the first game Wayne! Sept, 21, The ladies have planned Albert ¢ he following streets will be ow AJ is nee, fram the door to a Ss nto Truck strong Funeral Home for service Hi a member of K&t ols " ev pitched a perfect game,/a corn roast at Playfords on Game AR closed for construciton today: [he counter then slouched over [in the Chapel on Thursday, Sept | United Church ne up no hits or walks and no| Sept, 16, Tickets may be obtained May be doubled or | , Ritson road north. from King the desk He said Davis smelled Girl Is Bruised [8 at 2 p.m, Interment Will be in, My Stinson predecease @ etsville player reached first'from any of the members, f 33 cast to Bond; Wilson road south strongly of alcohol the Mount Lawn Cemetery in 1058 from which time . 3 - -------------- - ---- i OT INCLUDED from Olive aveaue to Shakespeare] The accused admitted he. his! winTRy (Staff) = A 13-year Funeral 'services will be cone pesided at Millbrook dueted Ly Archdeacon HD. Cley Surviving is his only Door $170 JACKH enue: Ritson road south from wife and another man drank y iL 4 . } old Whithy girl, A eid, 927, oo \ th . King street east to Bruce street; small bottle of whiskey before ve W ay 3 H, Jume R ee aed erdon, rec tor of Christ Memorial Mrs. Lorne Griffin (E() \ Sunnyside Neighbourhood clased to southbound traffic; King they set out for a restaurant for ve WAR (POAC: Anglican Church brother, Richard, of Bow J for bruise fle » had been or bruises after she had been ville, predeceased him in 10 Park are having their clos. [street west from Waverley to supper » x oa b _ 4 a hurt by a truck Tuesday after: MRS, MARGARET DOUGHERTY : \ ing programme Friday Thornton under construction.| He said he did not feel thelnaon. Ea In poor health for several years and Gordon, of Cadmus, in 1959 REQUIRED BY THE BOARD OF Open. for the weekend will belliquor had anything to do with his, The 'girl was pushing her bi. Mrs, Margaret Dougherty died at He rested at MeDermott-Pana. | Taunton road east from Simcoe driving but that he was just tired lo between tw parked cars on|the Oshawa General Hospital baker Chapel where funeral se HEALTH OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA Spm. until 11 pm. Bring } : J ob . street to Ritson road north, When He said he had not eaten before Tuesday. Se ee was conducted Friday, S ; 3 t ne A p walke ¢ psday, Sept. 6, She was in her your children and come [ever possible streets will be kept he drank his share of the whiss yn the road when she walked into ; by W, Perry of Port P : Salary $3,200 00 per ennum, Annual increment \ t ack whee truck. Driv. 86th vear early open for local traffic. Emergency key he back wheels of a track, Driv. Tp, 00 oot Anus Quebeg, Presbyterian Church, Intermen $160.00, Five day week, pension plan, group in- ing the truck was John Subtelry , iti sh # ng ar coud ®, A was in Cadmus 3 ) conditions such as weather could of Toronto PRNCHIO ape surance, hospitalization, & P.S,1 employer shared. require the closing of streets not Seek Parish Hall After she had been treatea/SRushter of the late James Mee Syd nat TRE Apply to DR, C. C. STEWART, wn this list at the Whitby clinic the girl was Laughlin and Marie Foster, She Mo nN sie I taken to the Oshawa General Hos tos ™ arvied in Detroit. July 4 Roy p i : Harold awl Ot Medical Officer of Health, Wj 2a 0 : \ N for! ¢ ure 'HEATING PERIOD |As Classroom pital for x-rays and later released. wind "1 ATE! 10 QURRE TIF There were many beaut City Hall, nine year Prior to ming " The front of the bicyele B Oo Sam floral tributes from friends 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario, Was! oshawa Mrs. Doughert | Trustee L. Hughes told mem. smashed, bog oN 3 Ny A da - > had lived neighbors IS EXTENDED bers of the Oshawa Separate ---- "A" devoled member of fhe School Board, at a meeting Tues. CWCA MEETS Church of England, Mrs. D \ A L y 0 lar 8 gl \ Oshawa City Council Mon day night. that a solution would Grand LAC JACQUES-CAR ied lading KARTING' IS day n gave three readings Ihave to be found to the over piER Que. (CP " harles BR. the church. She was a mem ! Ww 0 a bylaw requiring lands canding at St Christopher's ; 4 : of Chris a bh Ww S : You HO NEVER FINISHED U. A. W. HALL lords to maintain an ade. al g 4 opi Lynch of Ottawa, chief of of Christ Anghoean A an \ 3 » NE E T FA i A new fad workh HIGH SCHOOL nal bad Na Southam News Services, was Angus and an adh quate he a a Ie ted prem | At present there were nol peclected president of he Ca. George's Anglican Church, Osi y ises from Sept. 15 of one year oC Br he po { : : to June 13 \he t yo enough seats for the pupils he padian War Correspondents As. Wa rom Latitornia 1s : A F Re Rnd [said sociation at its annual meeting Predeceased by her hushand ! t are invited to write for FREE booklet, Tells how you o " J Ws A AR : ® Bear > Bn . A y p i SEPT. Tt ered the period Oct, 13 to | S¢ hoo! laspector E. Finan, a here during the weekend. €, A rash Rous Tg ons i hy RIOT Your Hh Sehwol iptv : » y he: «Day of The re: urvived by a number of n s! sell for about 1 y May 13 greed with Mr, Hughes saving 0 e Canadian Press ; » 3 AT HOME IN SPARE TIME 8 O'clock N that the number of children work. Toronto, was re-elected trea. 20d nephews including Mrs. Gor-| enough accessorie bs Extension hy a month at a bi A Pp ) don Hall, Oshawa: Miss Mildred! 'ups to m al los AX CESS 0 eal re and Pat LU he als d § 0 warm any sal A 16 GAMES $10 A GAME either end of the period was og In oxen of 4 To acy CP at ron ~~ po EP a Wilson, Oshawa: Leslie Hall, Osh} heart 3 AMERICAN 3CHOOL je - : alin, Tore i 100 DUNDAS ST, DESERONTO, ONT, evening, Sept. 9th, from fay 10, 1875, the deceased was a 0 9 explained hy Al. Christine wa: Weade!l Mclan r Ve nw | GAME EACH OF $20 1 ne as the result of coms The pear considered erection etary to: Gordon Hall, Po : 0 ; " 3 a Ri $30, $40, 350 | plaints received hy the MOH, | portadle transporting a Fern Carothers y \ 3 ) SHARE THE WEALTH Dr: CC. Stewart i from St. Christopher's tact Rev, Father N. Gignac andy vieo will b h ¢ NAME 1 GAME OF $150 | Many of complaints. Scholl to an amply classroom enquire ab ML USING: the parish at Into s \ t 3 CARDS FOR $1 sald Mrs. Thomas. came '0 another school and finally de. ha 1 of St. Mary's-ofsthe People Home a \ from elderly people cided that the chflirman of the Church as a classroom five days 8 Interment Admission 4 Cards for $1 PRY commitiee should vomia Week LAG Ca ae Rov is \ : Ww. Ls ------ OUR 63rd YEAR H Booklet and Samy ADDRESS

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