The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1960, p. 15

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i Has 45--Redl Estote For Sele | 45--Reol Estote For Sole 45--Res) Estate H5.500 BRICK fiveroom bengaiow, mt thaned EArRge, Dedepomsy pias sione fireplack, divided basement, some extrs's, good near everyting, priveis, Whithy, MO (EW -siarer hs Jnise, ry brick + Aatached brick INGLY, rome, §ensimen oly, APH $048 DEPONY. shx-toom 3 ached brick 4. Strat cine bedrooms, one BHA Yorigage, nee Aoome pewly farmsned, cess, ome Sd sctosne, SlumInem wntrni, RA S000 av 74 Osbaws BIVE |b o™ ois" ooby $12089, Mi. Lawton, oush ie | WA IRE, Brethows Real Estate 14d. we "larmahen moms, agie room. MODERN three-bedroom home, War wig re Brass Sirens' Deimos &5 mony, oi Beating, decorited; $3500 "nm 1 WEEKLY with low down payment. (weer (rans {tetrad private Paine RA S0905 after | vm I SOLD cement : Wiock stcen room, section sunroom front wed usr, oi hows, 3 Ad Anes bath wpmeirs, aT Barage and Fr Make LARGE loi, 90 feomiage by MW flow, Sulkavie for Ehuteh oF £hob A tom, " RA 14424, 315 Lashes Braet, inrge ving room, ged veneer, three | ed 4 Aoally % rive, bathesom, Ah 1 ACRES with two fast running trot | (irdame, nent Tyrone. only Joi, Kolb icof ater, rank, McQuay tors, MA fai manyille dad prs also some BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Aperiments, elec. tricolly equipped, best loa tion $100. Apply 498 Simcoe 51. North, Apt, 15; RA B-B6T6 45--Reol Estote for Sale GUS five room WankRiow, pearly sACIove wo schouis, shopping, many extras, Must be seen 10 be spyrela Sacrifice, moving {4 US RA 8576, LOW, Bn payment, hve room Law. ow fo condition, "modern kit Sits Bric, hl oo cio nek, fron rinl View. | ly vaash, ted on double lot w shade ot A SHT6L or HA 54161 evenings L Sneigrove Co, COMMERCIAL #5 Ir. frontage lor sie Street West, opposite Ot Centre Phone BA 54005 afler JOHM A, J, BOLAHOOD LIMIT] REALTOR INGURANCE 167 SIMCOE §, RA 5-6544 BYNG AVE, § room home, 3 bedrooms, new, mony extras, only $12, 900 full price. Phone now 10 inspect, ROSMERE 5T, New 5 rooms, good ores, lorge rooms, neturel trim, Asking price only $12,900, Hurry! : MARION ST, New 5% rooms, oftached garoge, very lorge rooms, beautifully finished. A must for you to see, Asking only $14,500, ATHOL ST, E Y room brick, 2 kitchens, very nice ores, clean home, Asking only $11,900 GLENCASTLE One year old, 6 rooms, beous tiful home in excellent oréa, Asking $14,900, SANDRA ST 6 rooms, stone front with of tached garage. Extra finished room in basement, For some thing special see this, Asking only $17,500 COURT ST 7 room brick home for only $6,500, A good house for the working man, 2 storey, large down payment required, Corries for $50 monthly, A steal NEW ---DUPLEX---NEW Two 5 room apartments 4 pce. tiled bath in each suite All rooms large, Large lot Located in Apple Hill district, Good income Reasonably priced with a low down pay ment APARTMENT SITE Will take 2 = 7 suite apart~ ment buildings, Close to Sim» coe Street, lot size 139" x 118'. Must be sold. Asking only $9,500 with half down payment DRY CLEANING BUSINESS Fully equipped. Doing good business, lliness sale 1960 panel truck included in sale. Owner will stay and show buyer how to operate, Asks ing only $6,000 down BUTCHER SHOP Fully equipped, good brick building. Close Siry South, reasonably pric low down payment Spm LOF with nr 7% by Whitby and Oshaws, nice view, Reasonable, BA "rn, = sis DOWN, immediste possession of 4 votorey home on McLaughiin Bivd, five rooms and bath Aownmairs I and one large room Up, Natura | a oil heated, good garage, Full { pries $10,500, One morgage On FER: sonable terms. Ernie Holmes, Resitor, 204 King Street East, BA 52363 or RA A638 a, between Hosd, TENANT DESIRES NEW LANDLORD His rent will help buy five room bungelow, three roomed apartment, double gorage, patio, central, privete RA 3.3823 Two modern three bedroom bunga'ows one year old, one with garage, on water and sewer, close to four ccrn- ers. Price $12,400 and $11,600. Will accept half cash MO 8-5366 NEW HOMES $695 'One Mortgage $73 MONTHLY Il heat garage real automatic $695 Is your full down payment for these 6 brick bunga low NO SECOND MORTGAGES AND NOTHING EXTRA TO BUY Full Price $12,095 roo forces coe ed with WE REPEAT NO HIDDEN COSTS GROCERY STORE BLDG, & 4-SUITE APT Established business, for many years, Store doing good busi ness, Apartments fully pied. Check these features Reasonable down payment Jack Appleby RA 5-6544 occu W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD RA 5-8831 WHITBY CLASSIFIED | RA 3.3398 Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board FOR SAL) Walnut plano, med | RE MINGTON Chain Saw Sales and jum shee, lovely condition, $150, Phene Service, Chas, A. Bell, MO 8.4173 Whitby. MO 8.300 | POR RENT = Kix-room house ROOM and board for young man, cen [distriet, Phone MO 8.2547 patainer, laundry done, PROB | Eo Eire wo 44708 | Phone MO 82604 FOR RENT = Small three coomed self) of "ggg = unfurnished | sontained . apartment, central NOAVY | oot ment TE Tt, | wiring, adults preferred, $53 monthly, | Jan "only contral. MO 8.2780 atier | MO BATe [§ p.m BOWYER Refrigeration, commereial | roth DHck Bunsaiow. Ih and domestic. All work guaranteed, 505 | VOR rent" six room brick ang ow, in| Andorsan Street, Whithy, MO 8-370 and sereens, $100 a month. Phone Ply: | THREE roomed self contained apart: mouth §:-3063 Kearboro collect ment, $45, gavage available, 208 Brock EMPLOYMENT Street South, OLiver 54471 in good upright plano. | wanted General | housework or oning by the day. Rea | sonable, Phone MO 8.5184 after 6 p.m | FOR RENT = Three rooms and bath, | elf contained, central, residential, $65 monthly, heat and light included, Call ding, | MO 8.3381 | PAINUDE. FOR SALE = Massey Harris Whithy, MO (actor, four attachments, new 2-438 [tan 198 Chestaut East. MO 8.4140 COLD WAVES (Lanolin enriched) from | pon RENT Pia roa ned $6.95 includes masterful shaping, sham. cent "Unginitiod Apply 318 poo, and styling hy Ken. Please phone goot West, Whithy i MO 85134 for appointment . ~ GR ASE citing. have power mower, will| travel, MO 8.4083 FOR C.I.L. PAINT SEPTIO TANKS cleaned the sanitary CALL Dodd & Souter | 34 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563, [WANTED -- Deep well pump, WW HP Paint and Wallpaper St re 107 Byron Street South minimum, Must he well known make MO 8.5231 FOR RENT | WANTED = Licensed Rody an for {auto repair, plece work. Phone MO [8.4008 or apply Mohawk Body Shop, {Dundas Street West, Whithy | bedroom suites in Whit. s modern apartment builds ventilated kitchen, wine range, refrigers foundry facilities, all service TV outlets, parking, etc. Rent $90. A J Schatz Realtor MO 8.3337, contact I. A Daly MO 8.4775 even. ing NICELY furnished room for vent Tew | home, centrally located, suitable for one or twe people Phone MO B-5256 HOME OWNERS « Shingling, nsulation eavestronghing 208 Green, meals optional Pony | condi | | apart: | Phil Harper FOR RENT «= Boating, camp- ing, hunting supplies, gordems ing and lawn equipment, paws er tools, box, boat and cabin Tw by ing dow ator trailers FOR SALE motors, trailers WILDE RENTALS SERVICE AND SALES Ws Dundas E. MOB 3226 ATTENTION HOMEMAKERS OVER 90% OF YOUR WEEKLY SHOPPING IN YOUR OWN KITCHEN $14.95 PER WEEK complete food plan for a family of four inte your ng 9 WESTINGHOUSE FREEZER NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED Food plon by SCHNEIDER'S, 5 drapes Used boats, the tinest Call ECONOMART MO 8.5381 You Con Be Sure. If It's WESTINGMO 8 ¢ . Further Information Dundas | __ Toy ii TR TI, h sale, Apply Box 847 _Oshaws 1 "Tomes, DOUGLAS L, LAKEP ROWE aoitage on Lake pew fve-room, Beavy gy A water presours, large ot, Fred FONTIAC A Warranty, save comvertile, ail entree wa Cook, Resitor, hestiston Rf adad --- 1ROOWED brick eipies. 80 wood Wiiky location, #t reduced excellent VEVERUE; Woidns BWR Voie "Mo 9765, hogy Rdimg oy CADILLAT oer SERRE For Sole | 45--Reol Estote For Sole 31 Aviomobiles for. Sols [F7hutomobiles Jor Sale | 'MODEL A Ford, ie sod Ma +E penton, $175 Aiww Market 35128, ation. One owner, Prime WA $1085. TWENTY FOP scenic eres wih erys- lens, flowing iia HOVER ITS IE irced eines wonted for chants, alt so BL Ww Meher Foy RA 12512 or Ho Wo 35765 , GOWER sale Avking Prince Fro DON'T MISS THIS 57 Chey. two-door, stondord green ~~ one owner, lady driver 18,700 miles ~ new condition $1,300 DIAL RA 5-3494 REALTOR GOOD VALUE Good ores, close to schools ond transportation, 5 room 1/2 storey brick home, oil heot, recreation, goroge. For full details coll Sally Woloce, RA 8-465), FULL PRICE $12,000 6 room brick home in lovely condition, Feotures living room with fireplace, dining room, large kitchen, 3 bed- ro0ms, recreation room, @ors age. Well landscaped. Toxes $191. Coll Sally Wallace, RA B-4651 BYNG AVE, close to Sim- coe N. AP, store, Bus, schools, two new brick three bedroom bungalows, Kitepsen with dining room, sashless windows, 812 hoo with substantial down payment, or will build NH.A, with small down payment, RA 5-603) WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 V.LA. BUYERS This compect 3 bedroom home is situated on two ocres , of lend on the south side of No. 2 highway, just east of Oshawe, All conveniences $10,500 full price, For full particulars coll today, 52% NH.A. RESALE $13,500 Full price with rea- sonable down payment, buys this extra well built 3 bed- room home, Large modern kitchen with dining area 13 x 18 living room, Many extras, For full particulars call today ARTHUR WEINBERGER Realtor 32 PARK RD, N, BUNGALOW with DOUBLE GARAGE ond GLASS ROOF PATIO Compact 5 room brick bun galow with recregtion room, - covered patio, double garage ond lost of extras. Choice location, northwest, close to schools gnd shopping centre The buy of the year and the price? $11,500, Down pay- ment of $2,000 required, Easy terms. Call for appoint ment: Mrs, Irene Weinberger Open Evenings and All Day Saturday CALL RA 5.6588 -- RA 5.6589 RA B:5154, evenings RA RA 5-6580 3-7244 STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR RA 8-466] ond must sell five-room - modern bungalow. Attached garage, breezeway, natural fireploce in living room, Nice quiet surroundings, Exceptionally large land: scaped lot, fruit and shade trees. Asking $12,300 with $2,500 down payment 187 KING ST, E. Owner leaving for USA $15,200 for this attractive 6-room modern bungalow with at tached garage. King Street East, Large living room, Hollywood kitchen, three bedrooms, colored bathroom with built-in vanity, This well constructed home is now completed, ready for im- mediate occupancy, $2,930 down payment, Steve Macko RA B-466) Jock Sheriff RA 3.377% Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board H. COLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER BOND STREET EAST DOWN $500.00 DOWN 6-room, one-and-half storey home, newly rebuilt and decorated, All modern conveniences Oversized rooms and situated in an excellent location, Mouse is vacent and you can have immediate possession, 3 RA 8.5161 DOWN $500.00 DOWN Bungalow located on Adelaide Street. In excellent condition, and situated on a large lot, Must be sold as owner is trans: ferred to another city DOWN $500.00 DOWN S-room brick bungalow in a fine residential area landscaped and decorated and . doors Completely Has all aluminum storm windows School just around the corner, Don't delay DOWN $500,00 DOWN S-room, 3-bedroom bungalow located just east of Wilson Road. Decorated. and landscaped, - Only 2 years old, Mandy to chools, shopping end bus service DOWN $500.00 DOWN bungalow with 5 good-sized rooms. 1s § years ! te in every detail. Full basement with oil heat. "Modern Kitchen with loads of counter space FULL PRICE $7,600.00 FULL PRICE 4-room bungalow, well looked after, A home you can move inte and nol have a thing to do. Newly decorated inside and out, Located close to downtown, The price is right, so call us with ut delay FULL PRICE $1,200.00 FULL PRICE Vacant 101 having a frontage of 132 ft, by a depth of 330 ft, Located just east of the city limits LIST YOUR HOME WITH US THE PRICE IS RIGHT IT WILL BE SOLD THE SAME DAY Call Mike Dubyk Bert Peyton 1 compl ng IF After 6 p.m RA 5.64782 RA 8.5161 Jam Goldstein John Penicka RA 8.5690 RA 8.5161 Ristow & Olsen REALTORS FACTORY -- WAREHOUSE 3,000 square feet, centrally located, drive-in facilities, heated Available on short or long term lease. Call Paul Ristow at RA 8.5107 or RA 5.8152 evenings 377 GIBBONS ST. Four room bungalow, large living-room, modern kitchen, two bedrooms, 4 piece hath. Hardwood and tile floors. Oil heating, garage, large lot. Priced at $6,9600 with a substantial down payment, To see coll Roy Flintoff at RA 5.6165 or RA 5.3454 evenings. NORTH-WEST Five room red brick bungalow in popular north-west location with basement apartment, Listed at $13,500 and financed under the NHA plan at 5% interest, Total monthly payments just 34 50 taxes included. Please inspect this money saver now. Call Corl Olsen at RA 8.5107 or RA 5.3412 evenings NEW -- LARGE -- CENTRAL Six room split level, garage, high, clear basement. Attractive combination of brick, stone and siding, overlooking Creek Valley Offered at $18,800 by owner moving ta U.S.A. Call Paul Ristow ot RA 8.5107 or RA 5.8152 evenings 100 ACRES $12,000 North of Part Perry in the Little Britain area, this farm with an eleven room red brick house end 55 foot bank barn con be bought for $12 000 with half cash, 70 acres good productive loam presently seeded down. Balance cedar and hardwood. Twe located in the pasture area. Estate sale, so immediate hod. Far further information call Carl Olsen r RA 5.3412 evenings Springs may RA 8.5107 RA 5-6165 RA 8-5107 19 ATHOL ST. W OSHAWA Members af Oshawa and Nistrier Ran! Fotate Raard = . . {i ACRES with pine yoo om "home, wh Sian, Oaewa 15 mee: Yi 3 sooroved,| ni, MW, Resitors, MA 1999, Bowmanville, SPACIOUS fooms for family or eowid STOREY and hall -- two family y rie, | like new. 499 Bimeoe Street North. SPACIOUS suburvan 5% room Brick custom bulit home, walkout basement, OVER, vanity twindows, Many more pad by Ope NEHA 6 per cont mon wage, No agents. BA 3-41 3 =. WHY pay rent fii down, esrries for | ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W,, OSHAWA RA 3- 71 32 $10,500. Terms, Cali Walter cuny and Kidd, | converted, brick, good pol rad prey BA | is SI, for Hollywood kitchen, builtin stove neipnl, interest and | 922. Main Street, INCOMY. "home, ght large ii. #6 Brock Street East Pons RA 38175 or RA 33156, RICHMOND ot Ritson, well built two storey, four-bedroom family home, with large modern kitchen, Iving din ing room with naturel fireplace, attach ed garage, nearly new furnace oil heating, situated close to King Street 75 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES end SERVICE oh West: Ag hutamebiles Womed Ii Ear for wrecking. Wher Poices pad er. BA S904 or THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednasbey, September 7, 1960 15 [50--Articles for Sale ; bt lB Sut AR RY REAR a hast oiler, Wriie Box 25, Gomaws Times Wir es, AWNIRGS, i. vin oo Lig 3 [id A id Wh BA moter cycle, 20 J Psst 1) BA 51181 Avenis, Guwaws. kad y ond used, id sold on wortaplies. $9.25 iso Ei a HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE. SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERV Rvice MOTOR 10 UNE - GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST, W, BE aiver 5, Reh | Simeoe A Te ui i Gh a i ~ Hd i RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cars, Jrade wp or 5 Liens peid of DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK 20. 8 RA 3.9421 oh {ic sale; ISS wp, Soma lator. £ontinental om 98, Puli fyrite test kit, $25; vacwum 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel: RAndolph 3-346) 50---Articles For Sole pnd pier $88 Wien Puri VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, iran CA od Gouge, $100; pressure Kauss, 81.404 engine tool, "Ww farts, East and North GM, immediste pos session, convenient terms, owner will CREFY OR one murigage. To et eal) Roy Flintoff st RA 85107 or RA 53464 evenings, Ristow und Olsen Reghtors L. S. Snelgrove | Ltd. 43 Park Rd. S, $500 DOWN ne-holf storey older # Perry, six rooms, hen, Private drive, $5,000, Coll Joe Wannop, RA 3.9810, efen- ings RA 1396 CENTRAL LOCATION Seven room brick in lovely modern kitchen, small kitchen up~ stairs, Full price $10,600, Call J, Wannop RA 3-9810, evenings RA § 1396 COMMERCIAL CORNER Five roomed bungalow with sun porch, large kitchen end living room, Easy payments Full price $9,500, Coll Joe Wannop RA 39810, even- ings RA 5:1396 [46--Real Estate Wanted SIX a00m bungalow preferred, will eon: sider 144 or two storey, must be een: trally logated. HA 5.6854 47 Automobiles for Sale 1066 TUTONE Super §8 Olds, twhdooy hardtop, radio, hydramatie transmis sion, whitewalls, chrome wheel discs HA 0150 '0 PONTIAC automatic, radio, two tone, privately owned, reasonable, RA | 4-48951 | 1050 MORRIS Minor, '52 engine con verted to OHV with Alta slum, head, |dual carbs, 248 Beatty Avenue after § pm 'MM METEOR, customline, good condi tion, Will sacrifice for quick sale, Apply 1259 Meadowyale Stree PRIVATE | One and o home in P modern kit Full price 5 '] condition oil heating, '8 Chey Impala eonvert ible, absolutely showroom condition, power windows, automatic, radio, ete Must be sold Apply 1230 Meadowvale reet ANTE Auto Insurance (0 20 per cent, Bix months to pa Pl personal service at your home eall WA 5-2802 '86 FORD Fairlane Victoria, two.door, havdtop with completely overhauled motor, spotless inside and out, Only $1085, Low down payment, Hilliop Mo: tors, RA 8-669] "ih PONTIAC, entian automatie, trade and finance 'BS BELAIR coach, lent condition, low mileage. Banting Avenue. RA 3.4827 Si OLDEMOBILE "Super A8", equip: pe d bes offer, Can be financed, Tele. Iphone RA 58504 1036 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent eondi- tion, $650. Phone CO 3.2020 1060 ENVOY four-door sedan, Hilly equipped, gleaming black finish, cus: tom red trim, only 1200 miles, New ear warranty, only $1795, Low down p ment, Hilltop Motors, RA 8.6801, | A8 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con: [tion will finance from 6 to 9 pm, [145 Albert Street |'a8 DODGE four-door "automat two-tone Best offer, RA 8138, |Prew Street |"H5 DODGE, two tone hiue, automatic, | radio, take. over payments, $37 month: ly. RA 8.1733 | '0 FORD { eRuinped, four-door Heluxe Laur very clean, Take HA 85179. i one owner, exeel- Apply 140 radio, 00 Galaxy, stiok shift, all hlack, perfect gondition, low mileage. Can he seen at 309 Adelaide {Street West, Apt. 12 after 6 p.m UW CHEVROLET two-door, perfect pon. {dition A veal collector's tem. Very rave oar, Asking $600, Hilltop Motors, RA B6E01 'i DODGE sedan, push button radio, | windshield washers, whitewalls, no rust, Best offer, RA 84714 between u {anu i pm {ih CHEVROLET Impala eonvertihle, [ludy driven since new, only 4000 | miles, only $3895, Low down payment, {Sve it at Hilltop Motors. RA 8.6801 [CHEAR, 850 down, take over payments, |*a7 Meteor four door, new tires, black and white, RA 56448 "in PONTIAC four door hardtop, power: glide, radio, white walls, tinted glass, windshield washers, $3000, 4000 miles | Blackstock 150 W, collect [1008 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black, only {#1073 Phone RA 81732 after § p.m {4 G0 CHEV, half-ton, 81800 cash or take {over payments: Phone RA 8.0719, |'00 DODGE two door, Tadio, heater, [aw mileage, one owner, Open till § {0'elock Robinson Motors, 874 Nitson Road South (HH OHRYSLER Windsor, very clean [Soe this one 10pen tll § o'clock, Robins {son Motors, 3% Ritson Road South '04 CONSUL sedan in exoellent condi Hah, owner leaving town, must sell all RA 30017, 148 Harmony Road I North [IT Laton Chev. piekup, cash Offer. Als tivo wheel trailer, lights and {Heenced, Apply 808 Sommerville ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP | MERCEDES BENZ GXW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING-W ; lL. hest OSHAWA RA 3.7132 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) [ RA 3.4494 Res, RA § 5574 | CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MQTORS 149 KING ST. W 25 GRENFELL ST. WILLIS MOTORS For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD, E, RA 5.033] CLEARING AT ONLY 10% DOWN Pontiac, VB, outomatie, Volkswagen, deluxe Studebaker, Silver Hawk, Ford, Victoria, Hardtop, Olds, hardtop, oll pows ered - Chev Wagon Chev, two-door Pontiac 4-deor deluxe, Pontioe 4-door, Pontiac 2-door, 1 '57 '57 56 55 55 2 - door Station 85 '585 '54 50 MARIAN AUTO RA 8.5179 Kentals, Vacuum lee, BA 80901 WL anytime, ONE" | Mollet vi Tange, EXeH war, very good | JCondiilon, will sell, ¢ Phone RA ers, Reasonable, Phone RA 34456 penal and rear heat speaker, 365 Hoad South RA 85072 L{ 4 MO BH755, | DOMINION Appliances (a av, Market, Hampton, A complete line appliances at hard to best prices, fax 32241 sale, wheelchairs, hospital beds, walkers, commodes, health crulehes, canes; also roll-away bed Free delivery snd picky Rentals, RA 51644 USED parts and repairs for # #5 to $0, washers and saves, Mompton, CO 33241 WESTINGHOUSE Tea, condition, $50; L} guaranteed Paddy's Market, Telephone nA 65-0163 WE pay highest prices in the oil ae Used used furniture ture Store, RA , 444 Simeone foun PAINT, "interior, All colors. Gu Oshawa _ Hardw and Elestrio, Church Street, RA 37624 Bes VICTOR television, auled, with Hf th new pleture i onsher: # hb King Street West mattresses, new eo ' Phone BA 5:0364 after 6 p.m LLOYD deluxe baby 'earringe wit Bill Dragomotz Motor Sales BA SERVICE STATION 136 KING ST, W, 56 Studebaker ,,,, $598 55 Dodge ,.eveee. $595 "54 Pontioe yess ees $498 '$3 Dodge Suburban Station Wagon , , 52 Chev. 50 Meteor SPECIAL '52 Pontiacs == 2 to choose fram, alse _'8 Chev, OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE RRRR ON 1960 Demonstrators POLARAS, DODGE DARTS VALIANTS SIMCAS Come In Today ROBINSON MOTORS 574 RITSON RD SOUTH KEITH'S CAR MARKET 512 BROCK ST. NORTH MO 8-5931 MO 8-8621 Your AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE SPORTS CAR HAVEN is proud to announce we have a FULL LINE OF NEW AUSTIN PRODUCTS to offer to the public IF WE HAVEN'T GOT IT, WE WILL GET IT IN 48 HOURS Come in and see our full line of fully reconditioned used cars 1957 DODGE 2 Sharp, ready to Low priced 1957 BUICK SPECIAL SE. DAN ~~ One owner, power brakes, power steering, radio, whitewall tires 1957 DODGE 2.DR. STA. TION WAGON --- Push-buts ton drive, power brakes, ra- dio, whitewall tires. Air lift in the rear for mare load, See this beauty, it won't last, at the low price tag we have on for this week 1955 BUICK SUPER HARD. TOP «= Fully powered where it needs it. Plenty of extras, 1954 MERCURY ¥3.TON PICKUP This car has been all gone over, in A-l condi tion $3958 $279 $248 Tess ens Petree $145 each \ DR. V-8 == 0 ta work, We have many more models ot all price ranges to choose from, Drop in today or give ike new, silver white, 44951 trie range in good working order, Ca Mrs, LeBlanc, five room house; stroller, RA 37048 B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543 six chairs, Buffet and table Salle, RA BEDROOM cl ver, tion, Apply 501 MKC h LARGE beds and two joldin pe dresser and stool, 180 La good eon ts, ete. RA 3.7024, INDIAN moloreyole 42.74) Mal walnut dining room suite, Good teed rebuilt machines Wotimates free, Cleaner Repair Serv. 5 #lso VEIY PERSOD- brig Ho nA includes [SPANISH WALNUT ten wagon, % bed Ro dress. | &r, Bpiece painted Pligg suite, seal | RADIO for 50 Vauxhall, Somplsis with ibinet, $18; Park board $16; room divider, $22. Wilson GAR stove, good condilion, Phone SELLING "furniture? We' iibuy i, Re. I hep lanees a 4 dey al 19 Prince Street, Phone WA B11] eo) ME conditioner, "poriabh "" ur de. on SICKROOM sauipment for rent and for Kelis A 1 snd eribs, Low rentals, i investment, | Reasonable, RA #4014 alter 4 Phone Ald. | mh of wringer type wa lhers, ¥ hp motors, reconditioned "wood REFRIGERATOR sale, new 1080 Big hig thermostat, girl's Winter oui, size 10 LL |] completely tube, TWO roll-awny heds with spring filled ondition, $20 each, RA HEAVY duty 42-inch thresburmer hee RA B-0518 after 6 pm, OIL space heater, will heat four and also playpen and USED tires, most all sizes, #3 and wp, EIGHT piece walnul dining room suite, oad, Apt. 1, beds, kid. hrooders, , two others, electrie brooder, box, $6; rv er Furniture Sale Bow on! Delavan nonzie ; Fionr £5904 La » 25 FR ee Per fooks AThorite Sudeniy | WASHING machine, m $19.05; Serta Bevery lent condition; portable aliens, reg i machine, good condition. coffee 367. | oaks top halt pie, $20.95, fables, 9. Tenplece lying room table Bnd lamps, $99, Furniture, 20 Charen Street + bookenses pig 99 cents with ony WEAVY duly Molist Tange, annex Al re: of unfinished furniture. Bludents' toched, suitable for cottage, kitchen fawks, Si chest of drawers, $17; cabinel_ also two combination storm $5.99; vanity Sranmy, $36) doors, hone RA 53879 hook rT ------ - FOR SALE One wsed Livingston Cool Stoker, in good condition, may be seen of Cedardole Fire Station, 76) Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, or Phone RA B-6441, 51--Swop & Borter THREE piece bath 870; pressure systems $65; stainless steel sinks $10; flages, new 1960, car-bed style, 527.00; laundry tubs $15; sump pumps, holler es | Lar full panel eribs, half-price elesr- and rad piping and fittings; outhoard mul, 810.88; oy Ailled crib maltresees, | motors, boat and trailer, lawn mowers, $9.08; playpens, $6.88; high chairs, |W Chin, RA 37088 [97.88 and rollers, 85.68, Wilson Fuini | |Wre, 20 Church Street ison kanar "variely vy wire "ony "iathing, pew, w 12 Rb i RA {record Furniture, 20 Church Sireet |irigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, istoves. ete, For top cash ofisr, son: dies 13,000 ou, fi, SYRRr warranty, 3 floors, 3 King East, plywood Lin, complete | controls, skis, ele » | with eo - |owEsT prices in town! Baby ear [WILL trade GE heavy duly range woih timer, or gas convers burner with for electric portable sews ou, ff, family size. 5 yr. warranty, [ing m machine, or what have you, RA Kerly 5 special $109. 2 floors RA 85153 | B-9 i Tor | AWO door Plymouth sedan, may be Whi Hoy Rose od Harts | 52--Logol {1 Ceell Brohm, Will not be responsible "about [for any debis eontractied in my name, Oshawa by my wile, Shirley Brohm, on or after 1] King | this date, September 7, 1080, without my written consent, ~ Cecil Brohm, Four Candidates For Bevan's Seat By M, MCINTYRE HOOD announced that they will alse Special to The Oshawa Times [have someone in the fight, LONDON ~ As long as the late| There is keen competition for Aneurin Bevan was the Labor|the Labor nomination, The So- candidate for the Welsh consti-|clalists still regard Ebbw Vale :(tuency of Ebbw Vale, there was as a safe seat, in spite of a four. never any doubt as to election re. corneered contest, with a Liberal sults, In straight fights with Con. included. Bo there is no lack of servatives, he won by huge maj aspirants for the nomination, orities. In the general election of Special interest has been added last October, he polled 27,326| to the fight for the honor of bes voles, against 6,404 for his Tory|ing the Labor candidate by the e Opponent, entry into the field of Michael The by-election In November|Foot, who was M.P, for Devons (WAY ever mutter Am the Puritron machine at Beauty Supply Wholesale, Street East, RA 37 ai gas honverelon mer, All in good +o dition, RA 5-758 BARE orl, aks size, one hi small trieyel RA Mh, of a member to take his place promises to be a different kind of contest, This time there will atiudont table; aise ply. be Jour Laudidaiey in the field, 0 or stainless (Lt Col, Patrick Lord Phillips steel flatware, large armel wedding former joint tre 4 d R bie, Call RA asurer of the 0 Nentenitie, Col RX Liberal party, is to be the Liber. BOILER al candidate, Since Wales has a 15 H.P. WATERLOO traditional Liberal background, gh chair, his entry Into the . fight may port from 1045 to 1065, He was defeated in 1055 and again last year by Conservative Miss Joan Vickers, MAJOR EVENT There Is more than Just the hope of securing a seat in the Commons in this move of Mich. . LOCOMOTIVE TYPE Complete with stoker and all automatic controls, good cons dition, $250 BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD, OL 5-3311 ael Foot, He ls a prospective leader for the left wing of the party, a position made vacant by Mr, Bevan's death, So if he secures the nomination, it might be a major political event, It is inconceivable that Labor should lose this seat, If he Is returned change the picture. The Conser. vatives have not yet named their candidate, but there will be one And the | the Welsh | Nationalists have SALE Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed, Double hung windows only $18, Call now Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8.5385 Aluminum Play Sparks Nationalist Excitement By M, MCINTYRE HOOD to parliament, Michael Fool would be a serious contender for the' leadership should Hugh Galtskell resign after the party conference, on the issues of nus clear weapons and public owners ship, Mr, Foot in parliament and Frank Cousing in the Trades Union Congress would be capable COOK'S TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE ON SALE NEW AND USED LOW BARGAIN PRICES Ph, RA 8- 0887 OUTBOARD ! MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd, Braoklin, Ont, __Oiver 5-3641 All aluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates colle ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial between them of giving Labor's entire policy a sharp left turn, OTHERS IN FIELD Mr, Foot has been proposed by three branches of the British Iron and Steel and Kindred Trades Assoclation, one of the strongest unions in the consti: Special to The Oshawa Times EDINBURGH, Scotland-The Scottish Nationalists are making a rallying point of the historical play, "The Wallace" being pre. sented at the Assembly Hall as one of the main productions of the International Drama Festi val, At one of the early perfor. { mances, led by Wendy Wood,|'"®"%Y: they sat solidly In their seats) But there are others the while the National Anthem wag/fleld for the nomination, His being played, and sang "Scots|'eading opponent for it will be Wha Hae" after the final cur.Alderman Frank Whately, §7- tain calls, |vear-old miner, He has heen On the opening night of the nominated by the miners' unions second week, however, there was Mr. Bevan was nominated by an even more definite demon. the miners when he was first stration, The audience was shock.(¢lected to parliament 31 years od to see the lone figure of al/d%0, Miners continue to claim young woman-clutching a Scot,/that Ebbw Vale is a miners' tish lion rampant banner in her|i¢at, and must be represented hand--walk up on to the stage| by one of their craft, That gives as the star of the play, lain Ald. Whately a decided edge. Cuthbertson, six feet, four inches Others seeking the Labor nom. tall, was taking his final curtain|ination are Gordon Parry, a calls, Pinned on her coat was dframmar school teacher; Fred the small blue and white badge Evans, a sohoolmaster and Ron. wwe OF the Scottish Nationalists, The ald Evans, the steel worker who young woman, Mary Ewing of was Mr, Bevan's' agent, Their Jedburgh, stood beside "The chances, however, are overshad- Wallace" and then handed him owed by the impending battle the banner for nomination between the two ROUSED APPLAUSE {big guns, Michael Foot and Ald, A hush came over the Assem: Whately, bly Hall as the audience wonder ed what was going on. There LIBERAL IN ROLTON RA 5.5332 COOK'S TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE Highway 2 Courtice. ON SALE NEW AND USED LOW BARGAIN PRICES Phone RA 8.0887 were one or two faint boos, but| The old pact between the Lib. they turned to rousing applause erals and Conservatives to share as the banner was presented. the two Bolton seats is gone, Along "with it went a plaque Frank Byers, former M.P. for bearing the inscription: Dorset: North, and chief Liberal "A token from the Scottish Whip in the 1945.1980 parliament, Patriots, in full appreciation with has accepted an invitation to be all true Scots, for your magnifi- Liberal candidate in the Bolton cent portrayal of Scotland's na: Rast by-election, to fill a former tional hero, Wallace {Tory seat. Since 1831, there has Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town, Quick service. Alex Vajda RA 3.9851 us a call. MOhawk R.&M Every iob guaranteed. Tain Cuthbertson, in prisoners'been a pact that the Liberals rags, and towering over the would stay out of Bolton East young patriot, looked slightly while the Conservatives did not embarrassed. He accepted the/contest Bolton west, The Liberals banner, and when the applause have broken the pact, forcing a had died down, grinned and re |three-cornered contest which res marked: moves the seat from the cates "There seems to be a demand gory of being safe for the Tor for 'Scots Wha Hae'" ies, In 1939, the Tory majority, Immediately over 20 Scottish!in a straight fight with Labor, patriots, among them their lead. was 2732. With a Liberal now in er, Wendy Wood, rose from their/field, this has become very de- seats and softly began to sing/cidedly a marginal comstitutuen. Bums' famane sane ley 5

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