he Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 86 King St. E.,, Oshawo, Ont, Poge 6 Tuesdoy, September 6, 1 960 Better Communities Come From Planning There is a continuing controversy in Darlington township on the subject of township planning. The need or impor- tance of planning is not so much in question as the methods, but readers of our news columns will be familiar with the details, What is fundamentally important is the lively interest taken in the planning regulations by a con- siderable number of the township's resi. dents, In the long run, this can only result in good. Municipal improvement does not come from public apathy but from public interest snd argument. Town planning, unfortunately, meets apathy more often than it does active interest. Yet it is a subject that cannot help but affect each citizen in a per- sonal way as the urban areas continue their spread across the southern Ontario countryside. An interested and informed citizenry can see that steps are taken now to avoid the costly mistakes that lack of planning can cause; without the interest, planning authorities must work in. an atmosphere of frustration and disappointment. In Guelph last week, Elmer Sauer, president of the Soil Conservation Society of America, urged Canadians to use land properly, The Hon, Alvin Hamilton, federal minister of northern affairs and national resources, said Cane ada should have a plan for resource development, At about the same time the Ontario Municipal Association was being told by J. B. Milner of the law faculty of the University of Toronto, that suburban growth is destroying both city and country. It is not just that the urban sprawl is removing from production some of the best farmland in the world, This is serious enough, when one considers that the rate of the world's population growth will place a greater and greater strain on agricultural resources -- that in 40 years, for example, the production of food and fibre will have to be in- creased 160 per cent. The urban sprawl has its own build-in problems -- prob- lems that, if not tackled in the early stages, grow into monumental headaches, Movement of traffic is only one such problem. Provision of recreational areas is another, The problems - must better sooner than later. be faced, and Law-Breaking Excused It has been repeatedly charged in these columns that we cannot expect any substantial improvement in traffic safety as long as the courts refuse to regard traffic offences as seriously as they do other offences. The work of police officers in enforcing the law is often frustrated by what seems to be a double standard used by some magis- trates --~ one standard, and a stiff one, for such crimes as petty theft, and another, much softer standard for people guilty of traffic offences. A glaring example of this was seen last week in Toronto, where a magistrate dismissed a charge of leaving the scene of an accident against a motorist who admitted his guilt. The motorist said he broke the traffic law because the woman in the car with him was not his wife, and had he stayed at the scene of the accident there would have been unpleasant notoriety, The magistrate apparently considered this an adequate excuse for law-breaking, Leaving the scene of an accident is not only the act of a coward and sneak; in many cases it is an act of brutality, when a victim of the accident is left in- jured, perhaps dying; and it generally means hours, days and even weeks of strenuous police work to track down the culprit -- time that could be put to better use by the police on the job of accident prevention. But in the eyes of one magistrate at least, leaving the scene of an accident is excusable if it helps someone escape embarrassment or notoriety, Why, in the name of justice, does a driver leave the scene of an accident except to escape the conse- quences, all the consequences? ever The magistrate has read an odd inter- pretation into law, one well calculated to inspire contempt for all law, It this: an offence can be excused if it is committed to save somebody's repu- tation, A woman who steals pennies to feed her starving children is a criminal and must be punished; a man who adds to his home without obtaining a build. ing permit is a sinner against society, and must be punished and a driver who gets involved in an accident and then runs away must be tracked down and punished -- unless he is driving around with a woman not his wife, in which 18 case he must be excused, If this is justice, or good law enforce ment, we'll take the jungle, When Husband Was Late Today, the X-ray 1s an accepted com monplace with civilization. It was, how- ever, not always thus As recently as 1895-just 65 years ago Professor Roentgen of Warzburg University exasperated his wife by com. ing late to supper, After going to a lot of trouble to prepare her scholarly husband's favorite dish, she was annoyed that he merely trifled with it, To make matters worse, he did not speak when she spoke to him, He per- sonified the absent-minded professor, Frau Roentgen reacted as other good wives react under such circumstances. She simply blew her top. The professor, thus atvakened to the world of realities, was speedily con. trite. He explained that he was think ing about an extraordinary experiment, The Oshawa dimes T. L WILSON, Publisher and Generel Manager €. GWYN KINSEY, Bditer The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Time festablished 1871 and the Whithy and Chronicle (established 1863) lished daily (Sundoys end statutory holidays excepted) Members of Canadion Daily Newspapers Publishers Asseciation, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dailies Assos ciation. The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news despatched n the paper credited to it or to The Associated Presa or Reuters, and aise the local news published therein. All rights of special despatches are also reserved Offices: Thomson Building, 425 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario; 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, P.Q. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delive Pickering ed by carriers in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax Bowmanville, Brooklin Port Parry Prince Albert Maple Grove Hampton, Frenchmon's Bay, Liverpool, Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskil Orono, Leskord, Broughham, Burketon Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan Manchester, Pontypool and Newcastle no! ov per week. By mail (in province of Ontar carriers delivery areas 12.00; elsewhere year, len, ont Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16999 To pacify her, he invited her to walk over to his laboratory, And so Frau Roentgen was the first person, apart from her husband, to see X-Rays ("X" because they were "un. known"). What she saw was some barium- platin cyanide salts glowing mysteriously in the pitch-darkness of the laboratory, Her husband knew, if she did not, that that glow was profoundly significant, He had been experimenting with what was called a Crooke's tube in which an electric current was applied to one end of a vacuum tube and at the other was a metal cross. "Something" passed be- tween the two and made the glass at the end of the tube glow, but with the cross as a shadow, Roentgen had enclosed his tube com- pletely in blackened cardboard so that no light escaped. Yet some sort of rays were escaping because they made the salts on the nearby bench glow, In further experiments he found that the invisible rays had remarkable powers of penetration, If he put his hand be. tween the tube and a photographis plate, he could get a picture of bones, with barely a shadow of flesh, So doctors could now see inside the living body. Other Editor's Views CIVIC SWITCH OF IDEAS (Paris Presse) Most of the action of the film "Liaisons Dangereuses" (Dangerous Relations) takes place in Megeve. When shooting was finished there, an official reception was held at the eity hall to thank the for the publicity the movie would give the French ski resart, Now that the movie has been released, it is considered so immoral that the city fathers let it. be shown in Megeve. producer refuse fo REPORT FROM U.K. i farm in the ares Auto Factory Plan Inspires New Hope By M. MCINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON Thousands of un- employed in the Wirral district of Cheshire, on Merseyside, have had new hope implanted in their breasts, The Minister of Housing and Local Government, Harold Brookes, has given planning per mission to Vauxhall Motors, Brit. ish subsidiary of the General Motors Corporation, to erect a £30 million factory on 400 acres of a disused airfield at Hooton Park, Wirral, In his letter giving a favorable decision on this huge develop ment project of Vauxhall Motors, the minister points out that this represents a substantial Intrusion into the proposed Wirral green QUEEN'S PARK helt, But in view of the excep tional circumstances, he decided It was right to grant permission URGENT NEED Mr. Brookes was greatly pressed by the urgency of the economic factors, namely, the high and persistent unemploy- ment on Merseyside, There was, he said, special need within that area for additional employment, in a district which is scheduled to receive large scale overspill The site is mainly in the borough of Ellesmere Port, which is due to receive an overspill population of 20,000 from Liverpool and Manchester, The grading of this planning permission to Vauxhall was the subject of a public inquiry in June, The objectors included the Im Ontario Building Startling Display By DON O'HEARN TORONTO--I1 slory A tour through the Ontario bullding at the CNE will make your eyes pop Never has there been so much showmanship And never much apparent money The building is tull of "model Models of mines, of dairies atom plants, of highways And models don't come crackerjack boxes One small one--it's only about three square yards--we happen to know cost $6,000, Another, not much bigger, was billed for $10,000 And there are models in some of the exhibits that are huge PRIVATE HELP? How did all this get through the treasury hoard? How did this tight-fisted array of watchdogs ever approve the spending that was involved? Was money being hidden other accounts? The reporter, close to the way things have been going here, had to be curious, There was no story, however One of the men connected with the display explained that not many of the more expensive ex. hibits involved government money. The models etc. had been PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM Epitaph: Here lie some pieces of Harry Spode---He drove after taking "one for the road." Today's dark thought I'he length of time between the crack- ing of the atom and the crack of doom may be shorter than you think seemed like a has there heen free-spending of of in mn ups A person doesn't get tired enough to drop in his tracks un. loss he is eveeedingly small and has uncommonly large feet Politicitis is a pernicious aMlic. tion that causes the palms itch, obscures the vision, deadens the olfactory nerves, loosens the tongue, inflates the ego, toughens the skin and hardens the heart. "The humidity in hell is always excessively high," says an evan. gelist, Hadn't you better behave yourself? "The modern girl is a spineles treature," asserts an editor who evidently hasn't visited beach re- #0rts in recent years, plied by the industries concerned as a public relations gesture THE LEADERS? There is still no real sign that Premier Frost intends to retire, Nevertheless the race to be his successor is just as hot as if he had quit In fact it's a wonder certain cabinet ministers can find the courtesy to talk to each other Attorney General Robert Health Minister Dymond, High ways Minister Cass, Energy Min ister Macaulay and Education Minister Robarts are all hopefuls, and to a varying degree energetic in pursuit of thelr ambitions Really enjoying the show are a few old hands such as Treasurer James Allan and Agriculture Min- ister Goodfellow Without personal ambitions themselves--though one may end up for a short spell as an interim premier---they probably will have most say when and if a conven: tion finally does come At present they would be in. clined to favor Mr. Robarts if he can get a bit more experience un- der his belt before the contest comes, FOR BETTER HEALTH YOLOA BOATMAN ON THE CONGO Cheshire Agricultural Soclety, which holds its annual show at Hooton Park, and the tenant of a The Cheshire County Council and the local councils Involved did not object in principle, but wanted certain safeguards, BAFEGUARDS PROVIDED In giving his ruling, the minis ter has made provision for these safeguards, He has laid down conditions to protect the amen- ities of the area, The siting, de- sign and appearance of the bulld- ings and the layout of the site, have to receive the approval of the local planning authority, Agreement must also be reached with the local planning authority on screening the site, the dis. posal of industrial waste and other refuse, and the maximum height for materials stored in the open on the site, The Vauxhall Company has signified its willingness to protect the interests of the Cheshire Agri- cultural Society and the lenant on the farm, A spokesman for the Vauxhall Motors sald that the firm would now go ahead with the Ellesmere Port £30 million factory despite falling car sales, It is Intended to manulacture commercial motor vehicles in the new plant, The factory will give employment to 7000 men, I'he company's spokesman said that the first stage of the scheme "will take two years to complete, and the present setback in car sales will be a thing of the past by then." 3 FOOTNOTE « On the day on which the minister announced his permission for the new plant, the first 1961 Vauxhall models came off the production lines in the company's new plant in Luton There are approximately 1500 cul-price. 1960 models at the fac. tory walting for buyers, Do-It-Yourself N.Z. Smugglers AUCKLAND, NZ. (CP) -- So alert are the New Zealand cuse toms that ships' crews with con. traband for sale are insisting on do-it-yourself smuggling. They have plenty of low-price goods for sale, but the buyer must go aboard ship and smug. gle his purchases ashore, Favorite item for smuggling is transistor radios from Japan or Hong Kong. But large numbers have heen seized Now small size transistor radios, about $9 in Hong Kong, can be bought for $34 aboard ships in New Zealand ports. But it costs far more to buy the same set from smugglers ashore, after running the customs gaunts let, What Kind Of Snacks Are Best For Dieters? HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD How about snacks while you are dieting? Well, between - meal tidbits are probably all right if you follow some suggestions, Probably your greatest for a snack occurs either dinnertime or before MUNCH ON VEGETABLES If there is a wait between the time Hubby comes home and din ner is ready, you can relieve that feeling of hunger hy munching a piece of or evlery, Or you can take a radish or two, some cucumber lettuce or raw cabbage. A small glassiul ol tomato juice is all right, too While these foods will add some calories, they won't add many And 1 tlunk you will find them a substitute for the candy, cookies and cake that you may have used in the past PSYCHOLOGICAL LIFT I'he mere fact 1 chewing probably give a psychological lift Sipping black coffee or tea with & without & noa-caloric sweeten: HEINE before bedtime somewhat carr satisfactory val you ane something will you er, or lemon in the tea, will help relieve that hungry feeling, Since such beverages add no calories it all to your diet, you can have them as frequently as you wish, OTHER SNACKS But let's be practical. You might prefer something else to cucumbers or black coflee while vou watch television later in the evening. Better still, you can save the fruit or gelatin dessert from din. ner for your TV snack Where there's a will, you see, there's a way QUESTION AND ANSWER C. BR: My lip has been chapped for some time, Could this be due to fever or a cold? Answer: Persistent chapping of the lip may be due to exposure to sun or wind or to excessive dryness of the air, In some cases, it may indicate a vitamin de ncency \ ubborn area of supposed chapping may be some other type of skin disease or even an early cancer, OTTAWA REPORT Many Government Posts Available By PATRICK NICHOLSON Canada has seldom offered to patriotie aspirapts to nations) service such a wide variety of top government appointments as now are due to be filled by the prime minister, / There are some 4 such vacan- cies, actual or imminent, Some ore full-time; a few parttime; and others call for only oc casional attendance al meetings, The annual renumeration ranges from $75,000 down. Quite apart from the higher echelons of the civil service, there are altogether some 425 top posi tions on Crown corporations, standing commissions and gov- ernment boards, which the prime minister of the day must keep filled, There are also a large num ber of appointments fo judge ships, the Senate, the cabinet and political posts which the prime minister is called upon from time to time to fill, These appointments mostly range from two to 10 years, while others run until retirement age or even until death. Thus it takes BY-GONE DAYS 40 YEARS AGO Robert Flgle, Oshawa (icket agent for the CNR, was transfer red to North Bay as travelling freight and passenger agent Mayor John Stacey welcomed delegates from all across Can- ada to the 46th convention of the Supreme Lodge of Loyal True Blue Association William Fitzgerald, president, and Mrs. M. A, Reynolds, secre. tary, were the active workers in the True Blue Orphanage work in the city, Town council decided to buy a house on the Gifford property on Ross' Corners to he used as an isolation hospital Judge George Young Smith, Judge of the Surrogate Court in the County of Ontario and one. time Reeve of Whithy, died in his 89th year A bridge of cement and steel construction was in the process of heing built over the Grand Trunk Railway, west of the GTR station at the Whitby Junction, Rev, J. J. Rae, Richmond, In diana, a former pastor of Simcoe Street Methodist Church, was the guest speaker at special services of Methodist and Presbyterian congregations in (he Preshyter- lan Church, The former office of the Re. former, Simcoe street south, was converted into the Nut Krust Bake Shop and the former Vindi cator office on King street west became the Bake Rite Shop, Town council decided to pro- test against the proposed 50 per cent increase in telephone rates. Building permits in Oshawa totalled $680,196 during the eight months, appoint 8 secretary of state and a ministers of fovests, each at $15,000, with no overtime pay and no guaranteed annus! holidays, At the level of pure patriotism ~parttime jobs with insignificant remuneration which are essential to keep our national enterprises | operating smoothly -- there will shortly be vacancies on the His L. toric Sites and Monuments Bosrd, p the National Film Board, the Na- nearly a decade before a new gov- ernment can expect to have placed ils own supporters in 8 majority of key tions within the federal establishment, PRIVATE LIFE PREFERRED Our prime ministers are in creasingly finding difficulties in allracting competent men and women patriotic enough to serve their country in some of these posts, This is even true now, when a recent change of govern ment has opened these doors of opportunity to nearly half the population of Canada who have endured 22 years of subordination to Liberal aspirants. Next month brings the expiry of the appointmnet of Donald Gor don to the $75,000-per-year job as chairman of the Canadian Na- tional Railway, as well as that of three directors at $6,000 a year for part-time services, Gordon, drawing exactly three times the $25,000 salary attaching to the of- fice of prime minister, is the most highly paid employee of the Ca- nadian taxpayers, He also has the most thankless task in competi- tive enterprise in Canada, But there is no indication yet that this Scottish immigrant will not be re- appointed, In the near fulure, the prime minister must appoint a chair. man al $17,500 and two commis. sloners at $10,000 to the important International Joint Commission, which handles boundary and sim- lar problems with the U.8.A, The plummiest vacancy ap- pears to be for a president of the Canadian Commercial Corpora- tion at $25,000, ANY CANADIAN MAY APPLY The prime minister, aided hy his ministers, must also find a chairman for the National Cap- ital Commission ($21,000); vice: chairman of the Board of Broad. cast Governors - ($18,000); vice. chairman of the National Har- bours Board ($17,000), In the civil service, there is a vacancy for the deputy minister of national defence ($20,000); and two assistant deputy ministers of Justice ($17,000)--all cabinet ap. pointments Then we get down to the low pay level of Canada's most im- portant jobs: vacancies in the cabinet, The prime minister must tional Capital Commission, the Fisheries Research Board _ The lesson from this catalogue is us, Canadisn tax. payer pays the man who runs the puff-puffs three times what he of- fers the man who carries the most onerous load of the great est importance fo us all; the prime minister. He and too many of his aides in this great govern. mental enterprise are charitable institutions. A total of 47,380 Ca~ nadians earn more in private bus iness than we pay each miaister for running a multi-million dollar department of government, Hard of Hearing Can Win in ZENITH'S "Gift of Hearing" SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST and "GRAND PRIZE Glorious 14-day, & All-Expense Paid © Trip for Two to PARIS a eT Plus...tv serst raviost 8 Weekly Contests o 25 Prizes Esch Week o Valuable Hearing Scholarships to deserving children! Nothing to Buy! No Obligation! HEARING AIDS ZENITH HEARING AIDS ARE AVAILABLE AT Imperial Optical Co. Ltd, 1 Ontario Street RA 8.6239 an) NIAGARA " Alger Bi RA 5.6561 Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company How much do you need? From $80.00 to $2800.00 (sometimes more) NIAGARA FINANGE COMPANY LIMITED KING 57, E, oon to Biltmore The Suite ed Saturdays~Open Hh ches Throughout Onte VES x RA SI SI 2 P.M. Fridey . A SAVINGS ACCOUNT STRIGTLY FOR SAVING WATCH YOUR SAVINGS RISE WITH THE ROYAL BANK [2] Account PLAN Step one: Open a Royal Bank Personal Chequing Account for paying bills, Step two: Keep your Savings Account strictly for saving, A PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT FOR PAYING Bills THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Oshawe B With a Personal Chequing Account for paying bills you seldom need to draw from your savings. You can actually see your savings go up with every deposit you make, plus the interest your money earns, Let us set up a 2.Account Plan for you, It is a real help in saving. hi § F. D