_ PORT PERRY BLACK AND WHITE SHOW SHATTERS PREVIOUS RECORDS ad | SECOND SECTION OSHAWA ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1960 PAGE THIRTEEN RECORD ATTENDANCE | Injur es Ribs High Quality Exhibits at Collision Maintained Tradition = ims Mahoney, ernhill go Mi Tp MRS, CHARLES HW. REESOR | Conles, Mrs, A, Card, Mrs, Sker:| Grape Jelly -- Mrs, Fines, a morning, She was at PORT PERRY ~ The Port rat | Rhubsrd and Strawberry Jam mitted to the Oshews Genersl Perry Fair presented by the Port. Baby's Dress -- Mrs, Brown, -- Mrs, L, McDonald, Mrs, B. Hospital and relensed after treat Perry, Reach and Scugog AZri- Mrs, Kydd, Mrs, Skerratt, Dowson Mrs, BR. Prentice, ment, eultursl Society will once BEAN opus Socks ~ Mrs, Costes, Pizespple Marmalade --~ Mrs, Mrs, Mahoney was riding in 8 go don he history ps the MOE sic Foreman, Mrs, Kydd RB, Prentice, Mrs, L, MeDonsld, ear driven hy Marie Amelia Mar. wuccesstul fall fair In OMBro, "gop Bath Blanket with Wood| Raspberry Jom ~ Mrs. Fines lowe, of 37 Prince street, The only Mrs, Skerratt, Mrs, Berths, Mrs, B, Prentice, Mrs, B, Dow. other esr was driven hy Peter J, The fair reached an all record. Boy's Jumbo Knit Sweeter -- som, McDougal, 3, of Camp Borden, high for altendance and Sates Miss Skervatt, Mes, Brown, Mrs. pesech Conserve --~ Mrs, RB! McDougal told police he was pail 4 Bi boluses oe Contes, | Prentice Mrs, H, Geer, Mrs, ¥, {Droveeding east on Faleieigh 2 hit through the fair ground gates on HOMECRAVT M. Holliday, Bon ame pi ing ar 1ahor day to attend this outstend- Table Cloth ~ Mrs, Barthey,| Three jars, 1 Jam, 1 Jelly, Yicanie ross the intersection A ing annual event, The weather Mrs, Costes, Mrs, Sherratt marmalade --~ Mrs, R. Prentice, aid Jsrom iv Dlersselon ns . was perfect and the track in fine oy SOidon Bedspread ~-- Mildred Mrs. McDonald, Mrs, M, Steer, op . shape, The Port Perry Fair has Martyn, Mrs, Skerratt, Mrs, Three Fruit Marmalsde--Mrs could not avoid hitting the ear, ort err air been in operation for over 100 Brown, L. MeDongld, Mrs, ¥, M, Holll-| Marie Marlowe told police she years and is still going strong! Quilt, Canadian Design ~ Mrs, doy, Mrs, Fines, {was proceeding north on Fern "Phe officers and directors are to Bkervatt, Mrs, B, Dowson, Pickled Penrs ~~ Mrs, Vines, hill boulevard, slowed down st Ibe commended for the fine a Laundered Quilts Mrs, Sker- Mrs. R, Prentice, the intersection and didn't see a Vv | rangeme nis of enterfainment, rat Barbecue Sauce ~~ Mrs, JK car coming from the west until S es er {harness races and horse show Four Quilt Blocks ~ Mrs, B. Bateman, Mrs, I. Prentice she started erossing the intere features Dowson Dill Pickle Mrs, N, Wilson, section, Then she tried to ine More then 5.000 farmers, holi- and nearby some paintings, most: The midway provided fun for gli QW! appliqued -- Mrs, Contes, Mrs, L, MeDoaald, Mrs, JK Bate: crease her speed to avold being dayers and the just-plain-curious ly landscapes ages, The Orono Band supplied Mrs, Moore, man . i hit swarmed, thronged, jostled and| Rows of embroidery work, pil ne musical selections and Mr Carriage Cover fot = Mrs Onions - Mrs, R, Prentice . - . -- wandered over the Port Perry ious, auilis (both decorated and Montgomery, of Oshavw y- Berra, Mrs. Barthay m n vv Pickle Mrs A Novel Christmas Table Centre Fair grounds Monday under 8 plain), throw rugs, dresses and Ped the voeal solos, The Black ne Sheet Eb, Malebing DA Card Mrs ince Mire B mm A Mrs, Les McDonald, Mrs, pd 8 8 ol 2 § M g Card, Mrs sleanting sup and brilliant blue stuffed animals were on display and White 5 how ie "| Skerratt, Mrs, Brown, Beets -- Mrs, i, Prentice, Mrs, Sherratt, Mrs, R, Prentice. hi : Socks, shirts and beautiful Afghan Mrs, Prentice, Mrs, B. Dowson, Mrs, Barthau, | Home made Christmas Cards The falr, always one of the uhite bulky knit sweaters were MANY FINE EXHIBITS Contes, Mrs, 0, Heayn Bread and Butter Pickle -- Mrs -- Mrs, Les Beacock, most popular in south-central chown toe, sll the products of As usual the women's show of] Rug, wool Blanche MeDon- J. Philip, Mrs, ¥. Dayes, Mrs.| child's Stuffed Toy = Mrs, Ontario, is over 100 years old, 15 the women in the ares baking, sewing, handicrafts, flow- ald, Mrs, Brown K. Bateman Skerratt, Mrs, M, Coates, Mrs. regularly put en. by the Port ler vegetable and grain exhibits] Rug, hooked ~~ Mrs, Coates Bean Relish -- Mrs, BR, Pren: red Fines Perry, Reach and Scugog Agri- FINE BAKING were outstanding in } quelity| Rug, braided Mrs, Prentice, tice, Mrs, C, Kydd, Mrs, C, Kydd J cultural Society aking 8 pg g longa { . 3athroom B erat | Tomato Buiter -- Mrs, I, Pren.| Article made from a 6-quart Baking goods on display made in these particular classes Bathroom Het Mrs, Skerrat iid ' ' hasket---Mrs, Sherratt, Nell Pale a ' nh e sally gl 5 Ve B 1 Mrs, Prentice, ¥ y BEST YEAR EVER the salivary. glands work over: once again the public school M Prentice, Mrs, Kydd | fot Dog Melish -- Mrs, Bar. mer, Mrs, Les McDonald, @; pies, cakes a okies, o he , ewhi 4 , U I L "The hest year ever', estima: tarts and preserves, All were ehildren of tia 8 ba M ESinitad NEW EXHIBITORS ONLY thay, Mrs, B, Smith, Mrs, R bead Work on Collar --~ Mrs, ted the officials counting he judged and prizes awarded Te " pg Lid 4 Detitie ' Bonnie Wallace | Prentice Skerratt § money and gazing at the erowds . art work in their own competition, | ™ goiiiod Jace Mrs, Kydd Fruit Chili Sauce Mrs, L.| MH Work in Wood -- Nell , The Junior Farm building Also shown in this class are| @rooheied Doll Mrs, Kydd. MeDonald 3 7 Da bby Work In Wo 6 Close to 175 exhibitors came 10 sands heside the main building, flowers and vegetables grown and] AEN wh f oily 1 i rh on Me Donald irs, ¥. Dayes, Mrs Paine rv, Mrs, Skerrait, Mrs, Bar. show their stock, vegelables, 11 was & B o| eare v4 hai ross-stiteh on Tea OLh =| entice thaw was not there a vear ago, hav. cared for hy the children during uy, | El of & 3 v potatoes and grain, The women |i, heen built lle dot Peres high the growing season, The fine nev i" i ne Henry, Mrs ' meet, fel h Mrs. Dowson,| Three articles decorated with exhibited products of their sew: gohool students thi spring, The building housing these entries Is id nd Dress ba 4 Ay oo onned: = Me. La liquid emb, = Mrs, Skerratt, Mrs, 4 fing y skills x » ! p aloes, . \ €8 0 ing, quilting and haking skills material was supplied hy thea great asset to the fair, | Bonnie Wallace, Mrs, Kydd | MeDonald, + Kydd, GIRLS 19 AND UNDER in the main fair building Agricultural Bociet 2 Hh y | B® impson Sears 14d, Special Bom I § cam ) § , RIDES POPULAR 2 (LWA THE ANNUAL ONTARIO | shown by 85 exhibitors, Dunc ( is a scene in the Judging ring far maar as Hockuond on the There was a button collection, "phe Go-Kart Rides proved Mrs. Carl Kydd Brooklin, | VEGETABLES AND ROOTS | cotton Dress ~ Nancy McDone County Black and White Show, | vobin and Elmeroft Farm, | during one of the class. In the | weer (near Guelph and Upter posters Pl ontest ir ' Jealiy) very popular with the younger set a" Mary Maxim Speetal, - Drs, Priies # kia ' |ald, Mildred Martyn, Glenis Me» | Beaverton, won the premier | lower picture 18 Roy Ormiston |g ¥ > BAS Aaver E the Var and NOWers,| and kept several of the logal boys = ' 8 ' y v } ok \ g Leod, held in conjunction with Port | oo ocier and exhibitor awards | with Balsam Brae Pluto Sov grove on the east vegetahles, potatoes, examples of ira Py Trine the afte: oor n, | FAH | oS 1 ick ling Vegetables ~ "allan Hemstitched Dresser Perry Fair on Labor Day broke | while Roy Ormiston, of Brook: | ereign which won the grand [FINE HOLSTEINS painting and photography In thE "mee men responsible for this DOMESTIC SCIENCE [Col of Bauash == Mrs, R.|Scarf -- Mildred Martyn, Sharon all previous records, A total of | lin, showed (he grand eham- | e¢hampion cow award The Port Perry Fair is the| or a8 building |wonderful fall fair were Alex| While Bread Mrs, J, Philip, | Prentice, 8, Taylor (May, 160 head of Holsteins were | pion cow, In the upper picture | Oshawa Times Photos, [largest regional showing of Hol There Were leaf collections, | johns, president; Dr, Donald| Mes, G, Brown, Mrs, Holliday, | Beets Mrs, C. Kvdd. Mrs,| Throw Cushion - Sharon May, stein cattle in Canadas, Begun in €¥amples of silhouette painting on| Christie, vice-president; Herman| Brown Broad -- Mrs, G, Brown, (N, Wilson, Mrs, R, Prentice. [Mildred Martyn, Nancy McDon- 169 HEAD SHOWN 1086 by the late HR. M, Holthy glass, bird houses, model bhoats| Kerry, second vice-president and Mrs, Holliday, Mrs, Philip | Fall Cabbage Mre, Philip, ald the Holstein showing have grown and planes, one piece of mosale Fred Lamb, secretary-rveasurer,| Vruit Bread - Mrs Holliday, | Mrs Prentice, Mrs, Whitmee | Apron = Mildred Martyn, work and samples of writing of a who along with the directors and Mrs, Philip, Mrs, ¥, Dayes Carrots Mrs, Whitmee, Mrs, |Glenis McLeod, poem done by junior grade pupils, | many willing volunteers have! Cinnamon Rolls = Mrs, N, Wil: Don Leslie, Mrs, I, Prentice, Pot Holder - Mildred Martyn, . here were 160 head of the hd wn k and white 0h lo CHEST X-RAYS made this country fair one of the son, Mrs, Holliday, Mrs, Philip,| Citrons 8, Taylor, | Sofa Cushion, Satin -- Mildred ac < 1 o OW ing for vibhons and the right te J 4 I most looked for events in the| Orange and Nut Bread Mrs.| Cucumbers Mrs, Whitmee,|Martyn, Sharon May, Marilyn ' he represented at the coming A free chest X-ray was offered gounty Philip, Mrs, Holliday, Mrs, D.| Mrs, Ben Smith, Mrs, J, Philip, |Langmald, provineial showing at Peterbor- by the Ontario Department of Following 1s the prize list of the Letlie Veg, Marrows ~ 8B, Taylor,| Christmas Table Centre -- Mile {Health | tater Mufling Mrs, A, Card, Mrs,| Mrs, Bert Dowson, Mrs, Don Les gred Martyn, Nancy MeDonald, ough r ? On the midway were swings, | H, Geer, Mrs, N, Wilson, lie Shorts = Marilyn Langmaid, larger every year 1 S art Beef cattle were represe ted | pony rides, a ferris wheel and LADIES' WORK Three ways to use Cheese =| Onions, Spanish =~ Mrs, R u S an 1 ucces hy Hevefords, Shorthorns and | meppy-go-round Weel ANE one each, Bath Towel, Guest|Mrs, R, Prentice, Mrs, Philip, Prentice, * '|Mildred Martyn, d Aberdeen Angus | Wash Cloth Mrs, Barr Mrs, Les McDonald, y Onions, AOV «-- 8, Taylor, J Pillow Cases, emb, -- Marilyn There were hooths at which) Towel . ay : : An overflow grandstand erowd everything from lon lay re. thaw, Mrs, Steer, Mrs, B, Dowson,| Date Squares Mrs, C. Kydd, By MRS, CHARLES REESOR GET OF SIRE dale Queen Ollie, Hugh Ormiston: watched the harness Totes. andl ceiving from long play ve ro Towels -- Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Les McDonald, Mrs.' R.| Early Potatoes -- Harry Geer, Baby's smocked nightgown = PORT PERRY Ideal weath:| There were five strong Sewior|Elmeroft Inka Dewdrop Dolly, showings of horses on the track. There was an exhibit of milk.|Mrs, Moore. Mrs, Barthau, "| Prentice y | Mrs, Harry Geer, Stan Taylor, | Marilyn Langmaid, er, a large erowd of interes ed | Gets-ol-Bire shown, the first prige Dunrobin and Elmeroft; Prous: yu ve cattle judging was done| Ing equipment and one of wash) Tea Towel Mrs, Coates | luncheon Plate -- Mrs, A| Lale Potatoes -- Mrs, J, Philip,| Knitted Article--=Marilyn Lang» spectators and the largest entry group for Dunrabin and Elmeroft| dale Model Darlene, Lloyd : [og eh TOWER Mrs C0BLEeR aad Mrs, Les MeDonal Largest P maid, Mildred Martyn at the far west end of the ers, stoves and freezers, A duck 1 8, ke |Card, Mrs, Les MeDonald, Mrs .argest Pumpkin or Squash - | yi ate Y t Ouse. | Mrs. Moore, Mrs, Skerratt list to date, combined to make| consisting of the Reserve Grand| Prous grounds pond proprietor was next door to] Pillow ¢ WOT Mrs, | Tt Prentice Mus, A. Card, Mrs, Harry Geer,| Summer Pyjamas - Marilyn ar y ' y Cases, © ) 5 " ' He Wi Silage at Pon Blac embion J Sale the fin dit Junior Champion Female--Highi "m0. 0' wore three sulky races ® Welght and age guessel | Bkerrail Mrs. Brown Mrs Fancy shaped shortbread w Mrs, Fred Dayes Langmald, Mildred Martyn, Foie by yg By an po and:| ing ged Cow and. the Ris fol it Monarch Topsy, Smith) Tro dernoon with the racers| ANd down ai one end of th Coates, ! [Mr Ji Prentice, Mrs, Philip, walla ~ Mrs, Ben Smith,| Tailored Blouse--Mildred Maw » 4 §t 8 Wan y ry | 4 . Mrs, Wilson Mrs, Fred Daves, Stan Taylor, [tyn, Marilyn Langmald A "he o king ar-ol : wie va | LWT for three t midway one could, for a price, Pillow Cases, knitted edge , I B ' ! ' ' ! ' a ets i NE Eaive Je I a ft als I ui Hor i, Rambles Pe. $150 each and ane $800 bur My | throw eggs at a human target, | Mrs, Coates, Mrs, Brown, Mrs pat jayer Qaltt decorated for| Turnips, Table « Mrs, Harry| Overblouse -- Mildred Martyn, A { = Bix f J d A 3 y The target was a fate poked in| Dowson \ANKAEIVIng rs, G, Brown, Geer Glens MeLeod, Marilyn Lange and Judge Sam Rathwell, of headed the Junior Get « of + 8ive| Naney, Elmeroft and Dunrobin, | Horses shown included heavy WEon. Mrs, C, Kyd 7 | y a0 Pp : - hole in a wide, eircular plece| Pillow Ca colored applique! M8 vdd, Mrs, N, Wilson Pavsnips = Mrs, Prentice, Mrs. maid, Navan, had many elose decisions class on a very uniform group by! Helfer, Two Years, Dry--Elm:|teams, carriage and commercial 4 f A Ases, colored applique Crumb Cake - Mrs, Les, Me : Hi ) , i iste ! : ' J P p J | Kydd 8 Skirt «= Glenis Moe ke Rosafe Preceptor that consisted] ka Jed a S08. 4 of wood Mrs, Bkerratt Bol Ky ummer n By SHOWN of the first, third and fifth Junior ero inka Jean Jenny, Linrohin horses, and ponies -------- Lunchoen Cloth = Mrs, Brown | Ronald, Mre Les Beacock, Mrs,| Sweet Corn = Mrs Prentice, | Leod, Mildred Martyn, Marilyn A total of 160 head of Holsteins Yearling Heifers Jean Olla, Dunrobin -and Tim: HEAVY HORSES [mm Basthay Mats -- Mrs. Skers| ARel Coke = Mra, G, Brown, "™ PiVlip, Mes. Whitmee, Langmaid, were shown hy 83 exhibitors, This) NEW ZEALAND VISITOR eroft; Elmeroft Inka Barbara) Under the heavy horse class, our Blane Nate = Mrs Seer Mrs, N. Wilson, Mrs! MeDonald GRAIN, SEEDS Bed Doll -- Mildred Martyn, i Ceell Humm, of ( ip 4 0 Ran. 4 ratt, Mrs, Prentice, Mrs, Kydd : Mower Arr t--Mildred Black and White. Day is the old N Zeal ne i Ante Fhury Model, Dunrobin and Blmeroff Percherons, Clysdales and wag: Tray Cloth Mi Biarratt | Honey Spice Cake mix -- Mrs Fall Wheat Yackson Bros Mar ore kanfemente rei ar p a heen si ew Lealand a visitor at the Heifer, T ars, Wel High lo wy are § % ay §, HBkerrg . a ol A ftuaad . Martyn, ey MeDonald, est in Ontario, having heen Blart: ABW ¢ WILLE al thel feifer wo Years Ve gh jon horlses were shown, In the Mrs. Kydd, Mrs. Barthau G, Brown Mrs, Les McDonald, | Jack Crulekshank [Institute Prizes = Mildred ed in 1047, and this year's entry i by il li my Point Reflection Kaye, 8m it hilight horse elass--earriage horse ®| . Centrepiece Mrs. Moore Mrs, Kydd Six Mowed Rarley = Jack ! was the liries in its histo o pre ted by te Sualty ha h i Bros Roybrook Model | dy Rov | radsters and ponies competed ami Y Ie Mrs. Skerratt. Mrs. Dowson 8 Pincapile Pie Mrs, G Cruickshank Martyn, Marilyn Langmaid, ; p Rlmeroft Farms i al der a ¥ de' Pi fh ] ! . PI u | ; ; Wii bi) pth th premier Of the milking females fw par fRobt. Flot hi ai nat Tel The Part Perry Junior Farmers Crocheted Swan Planter |g, Irs, N, Wilson, Mrs, I1.| oats, Karly Variety = Gordon WOMEN'S INSTITUTES Breeder and Premier Exhibitor teular, Mr. Humm 1s a noted) "gol Three Years. Da Forage Club had a hay exhibit Mrs, Rkerratt | Yeoman Chilton: Plo = i Fancy Apron -- Prince Albert, awards with ¥, Roy Ormiston,| New Zealand judge and a forgo el i i A 4 8 ol i {with some 36 samples being care Pr, Tatted Doiles Mrs, Dow:| oo Mr Philip, Mrs, G. Brow Oats, Late Variety Jack| Manchester, Blackstock, Rrooklin, the runner-up for each (mer president of the New Zea le LAMY ee 30 J l fully examined by the old timers onore son, Mrs. Skerratt, Mrs, 0. Heay "Rais sin' Pie i Mrs. | Brown, Cruickshanks, Jackson Bros Nightgown-Blackstock, Prince Ormiston also showed the Grand|!and Friesian Association hig A and, Jon A SHA sat he club was formed to en Chesterfield fet -- Mrs Coates, pw H. Geer. Mis A. Card Yi| Stalks of Fodder Corn -- Harry|Albert, Brougham Champion female. winning this| OHNEP HISLPPIAE WINNEPS Were: oo, Roy Ormiston "PE [courage the adoption of newer! on Sunday evening, Aug, 20 'Y Pari ha N ) a Rhubarb Ple --- Mrs, C, Kydd, Kiezehrink Roger Holthy Blouse--Honeydale, Brougham, hanor on Balsam Brae Pluto Sov. | HTSL Benlor Yearling hull, Harold varieties of grasses and olovers ine members of Westminster con M ly Ne F A 8, 3 oates, Mrs, nis RB Smith, Mrs, Holliday | Sheal of Fall Wheat N. Wil: Blackstock ; nifs, Sierra {son Hanky «= Blackstock, Honeys eveign. the first prize dry, aged Page, Uxbridge; dry three-year:| Heifer, Three Years, Wel cow. She also won the Grand O Rows of Holsteins at the west|ihe Re y 1 Mrs, R, Prentice, Mrs, Hollid i | Sheal of Late Oats N. Wil:|/dale, Manchester . 3 aw wi ir<nle i i rmistor Honeyvale Narnoey ie Rev, and Mrs. W, A Gibh| Mrs, Fi A row y ay, | | Championship last year and is a A v ory a ld in milk, Smith i any ovvale (ae oy Taping lr, de Neg the nav: auc Mie. Wr oe oan A, Vite Mis. I own, Sker.|. Three stuffed Tomatoes -- Mra [son, J Philip | Gloves - Honeydale, Shirley, former All-Canadian Aged Cow { | turn in the judging ring, Some edonia, Ont, where Mr, Gibh has|ratt, Mrs Moore, Mrs. py ro les Les McDonald, Mrs, A, Cand, Ri Hira Cutting . 1 Jack Brougham. i |Holthy, Gordon Vernon, Lloyd, Bouquet of Flowers = Mane Two of her milking daughters were lying down in the shade aceepte { ', | Mrs, Prentice, S808 p si 4 fy "ars : pled a call t ve y 5 4 A classe VEDE in order of first, Heifer, Four Year Diy | I: ple a 0 serve the Sofa Cushion Nr Skerratt Maple Cream == Mrs, L. Me {Smith Leslie Smith, Ted Lamb. chester, Bn ywgham, Blackstock, won the progeny of dam class of a tall row of cedar trees United Chure , : w second and third Eimeroft Hartog Jean Ona a nited Chureh, About 100 pers Mrs, Brown, Mrs, Coates 0 Y . r, Ree uti [or CHAMPIONS PRAISED » i Re! Bull, Junior Calf Bimeroft robin and Bimereft, George Mei They were pampered and sons attended the dinner | _ Cushion Mrs, Moore, Mrs [Ruunid, Ys, Rs Freee, Mv Ivers lov Smith." 1 Jordon Candy w Biackuock, Brovghe The Reserve nenior ane Res fika Sparkler, Dunvobin and Laughlin; Roybrook Gay Rose, [Prepped, brushed and groomed H, Sliter acted as chairman Brown, Mrs, Coates A an \ Tart Mrs. N. Wil a 1 ht Li Roser Holt: am, Prince Albert, serve Grand Champlonshin Went gre aits Royhireok Laddie, Roy joy Ormiston: Sheffield Supreme; heir glistening hides wiped down for the evening, introducing the] Mother and Daughter blouses pricol TAME == Meg, N, Wil: (by, Leslie Smith, Leslie Coeh.| Corsage == Blackstock, Mam ! | son, Mra, R, Prentice, rane chester, Prince Albert, ta Eilmeroft Hartog Jean Ona, the 0 or \ \ i he \ ; head table gues Mp Ormiston; Elmeralt Inka Pride, Bonnie, Dane Hill Aeves, Shef- for the last time ad table guests irs, Rarthau Brownies = Mrs, @, Rrown,| Field Chopped Way wil Marmalade = Brougham, Mans Philip, | ' + %'|Langmald, Mildred Martyn, in hay and tur xt Shepherd' old Harald Werry and Son, Osh./Ormsdale Queen Emily, Hugh ay ald pasture mixture gregation held a dinner honoring) Pot Holders Mrs, Coates fe liod's Pe Mus. Fine The best animals in the various Royal Delight, Roy Ormiston, | first prize dry four » year - old, p50 . . Followi * K y R rs, Can Todze Rathwell was well pleased Dun obi and Himerof field Farm Young lads in white, worked 'oHowing the dinner ( K Wool skirt Mrs, Card, Mrs Mrs, I, MeDonald, Mrs, Philip, man Wilson. Harold Medd Bester. Rasedile ty ¢ i wl Reserve Bull Senior Calf Roybrook| Heifer. Four Years. Wet carefully with the smaller calves WHER, chairman of the board| Moore, Mildred Martyn Sauaves -- Mrs. G. Brown. Mp ¢ Ay ar MA chester, Honey ale, with his Grand aad Ce ing ymbol, Roy Ormiston; High! p) tH 1 Dewd and heifers. leading them slowly Of stewards, thanked My, Gibb Jumper and blouse -- Mildred A Mrs, G, Brown, Mia,| Flay Ensilage -- Wesley John:| White Layer Cake, decorated Grand Champions, describing pn meraf ro ewdrop Kim ' OWI1Y . R, Prentice, Mya, Don Leslie son, Leslie Smith N day Re ns. He pralie Point Major Lochinvar, Smith ones and Bimeroft. George around the ring on short leads, for his services to this eongrega- Martyn, Mrs, Barthau, Mrs Drop Cookies Mrs. I, Day n, Leslie Smith for Mother's Day = Manchester, them as outstanding, He Prased gooiheps: Arrow Ollie Achilles, 18 ) AP nast the sharp-eved judge tion, During Mr. Gibb's ministry) Brown ars, I Daves, Prougham, Blackstock, Prince the balance, quality, good leds yo "yon MeLaughlin, Elmeroft Inka Dew. M arp-eyved judges, : 3 ' . . [Mrs; B, Dowson, Mrs, R, Pren Sw y " olliday and Sons, Gordon W ) : the congregation has more than Afternoon Casual Mrs, Coats|tine a Albert, Honeydale, Shirley, and lovely dry wdder of the Halla irop Carrie, Dunrobin and Elm FLOWERS TO F 3 la \ . los Mrs. Moo . | tee YORK f 1 ie Joe deep) Holliday Ht. George Mel niin. High AOWERS TO FORE doubled in number, and a ohurch|©8, Mrs, Moore, Mrs; Skerratt, | "con. tarts Mrs. L. MeDom| Sow. over 18 ' 2 champion and \ Bull, Junior Yearling Jr, OFOit, Loarge MeLaughtin 1118 h has been duilt, Thi id not| Ladies' Slacks Mrs, Coate \ y das on:| Sow, over 12 months -- Keith) HORSE RACING RESULTS body, smooth shoulder and excel:| oot SHEE LE aunt. Roy Paint Sherry, Smith Bros : Flowers Showh on ihe MAIN ave heen Accomplish 2 without Mrs Brawn Mrs. Moore. e®iald, Mrs, R, Prentice, Mrs, N. Van Camp, Keith Van Camp First Race 4 0 1) 119 WT ( i i i ¢ Pp of Of ihe OL ils I 0 i lent udder of the Re herve Ormiston: Reserve Junior Cham:| Cow, Five Years and Over, Dry hal ding np Bad {oth 3 nem Mr, Gibbs guidance and inspira. Cotton Slip -- Mrs, Philip, Mrs \, } WE ' | Sow, under 12 months, over 6 =| 1st Heat -- 1, Hi-Fi, owner Stan Last year's Grand Champion pion mimeralt Rag Apple Eddy Balsam Hrae Pluto Sovereign, Jin: o J en, Mr. Wright mentioned al Moore, Mrs. Coates Ie A "halt Cake -- Mrs, C.K. Van Camp {ley Gibbons, Milton, Ont; driver, hull also won this award agai pugrohin and Blmeroft Roy Ormiston; Prousdale Remb "gpa wep Jnles. 'tomatoes | Verse of seripture often quoted hy| Baby Doll Pyjamas Mrs | Ryd, rs, B, Smith, Mrs, 8 Sow, under 6 months -- K, Van Bob Norris, 2. Rusty Bill, owner He Ya Floor HY Bull, Senior Yearling Page: co Bara, Murcay Jackson, Llovd . y ATT ™ ul a Shite: Mr, Gibb, * in quietness and| Coates, Mrs, Skerratt, Mrs Mo 1" . |Camp, K. Van Camp, |Rrethour Rros,, Blackwater: dri. Anchor shawn Jointly hy lo i holm Rocket Tone Treasure Lad, Prouse; Yimden Juanita Ma y|yo ah | 2 Fay I I i in confidence shall he your Moore Mr N Wi Churued. Butter =| Rest Bacon Type Hog on Ver, Lorne RArethour, 3. Roger Rack Haha i 3 | {th 4] Harold Page Fletidale Rag Burke, ©. J, Hadden and Son. |p oo pT, "yellow *noans strength.' TT Novelty Pyjama Rag = Mrs, Dom atic Til Soo Grounds Kelth Van Camp, |Boy, owner Frank MoNally, Osh ackwater ¢ hendes © ane ne a tah a Nve Years ad ag § 3 y aa Thbad anim | estie Shop D re ar driver. Frank 3 ong Rev Bip Bad AN Atom, Robt, Flet . Cow, Five Years and Over, Wet| poraiaod and" came numpking his is suited to Mr. Gibh's awn Skevratt, Mrs, Coates ; Pic: Mis. G. Brown. Mis. ©. PHOTOGRAPHY awa) driver, Frank MeNally Aull, Twa. Years Roybrook Elmeroft Sita Dewdrop Jane, character, whose Y Novelty Apron Mrs, Sker / p 2nd Heat -- HLF owner Stans in the same elass following Down in one corner, there was L 108@ quiet strength \ Kydd, Mrs, N, Wilson, Cake: Mvs.| oll. Spa Seenie. of Ontar : Or BE A Rov Sy Maestro, Roy Ormiston; Val: Dunrobin and Elmeroft, Georde a small display of photography And confidence in God have in: "aN Mrs, Brown, Mrs, Coates Pil, Mrs. N. Wilson, Mrs /. oll. Snaps, Scenie, of Ontarlojley Gibbons, Milton; driver, Bob _ Resetve rand Champion Leigh Pabst Admiral, N MeLaughlin Raybrook Adeen P spived the members of this eon Kitehen Half Apron rs Kydd 3 ; Mrs Skerratt, Mrs, -R, Prens Norris, 2. Rusty Rill, owner Bre A AMA Hunter, Wm. Stone: Way Brook Ray Ormiston: Fletidale Dueh p tio a Rrown, Mrs, Coates, Mrs. MeDon 2 Mrs, 8 Moore Ithour Bros, Rlackwater; driver, ship. He was Honeyvale Néro h \ regation to likewise obtain Mage Raking Powder special ! Bown Jointly hy Christie Bros. | aster lad, Harold Page, 0. ette Lassie, Robert Fleil CELEBRATING strength from God through faith] 9 Cake: Mrs, H, Geer, Mrs, G.| "Three Col. snaps of different Lorne Brethour. 8, Roger Ray, - Cham be Senior Champlon Female and quiet meditation Housecoat -- Mrs, Brown, Mrs. | prawn season ~ Mrs. R, Prentice, Mrs. owner, Frank MeNally, Oshawa __|Moare, Mvs, Skerratt driver, Frank MeNally, Part Perry and Harold Honey Rull Three Yea ahd Over | a » p The (rane fon : He PALS Halsam Brae Plute Sovereign Mr, Gibh w resente Coates, Mrs, Moore \ , Nx a Seagrave. The Grand Champ Flettad Supreme Anchor, R. Rav Ormiston 1g | BIRTHDAYS Mu S00 Win pede i With a Ladies Cardigan Mrs. | Nelais 5 Ly 3 Three flash snans. childten ante Second RACE | h 3 ' Mrs, Moore, Neil Palmer, Mys,| 1st Heat 1, Victory Bars, dale is a well-proportioned individual, pic and W. Stone. Robt. Flett \ ' 3 ana tone y AS OrVe A . | =1th if he CORETeR Coates, Miss Foreman Mrs » N strong on top and walking well a 'Christie. Bre Reserve Senior Champion Fe Congratulations and hest [ihe gift of the congregation. yo h Brawn, Mrs, Philip. ha y AWRE! \ R ake ¢ S Brown ve Roses Special -- Bread: ®. Prentice owner, Rrethour Bros, Rlack The Reserve Grand typed in well Riduedale Loohin Mae Elmeroft Hartog Jean! wishes to the following resis [Bitte Miss Mary Wright present 1 \ K ti eo Lae | y / | Ladies' Hat M Ma eel Three ATS a ' water: driver, Lorne Rrethour, JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE [ya a RH Walker Ona, Duittobit an Elmeraft] dents of Oshawa and distriet la iy €ibh with a bouquet of | ye Sith Mea Hy La Martyn, Mrs Philip Mrs, Brown ( hho Bg anh ANI gi" } oN her, ne rations Hugh Ormiston Rrooklia r Ch von Aull Flot. | leorie cLaughlin | who are celebrating birth gladiol adios' 6 Rat a rs, G, Brown, Mra flip, Pie By Th CE LAE a Givens " Sh showed the Junior Champion fe dak BADR role R Flot Grand Champion Female | days today Thomas Moorcroft, clerk of pide Curling Set Miss! Mrs. N, Wilson, Mrs, A, Card. |] 'e, A, Cand b |S ens, Doles, oH dtiven, male and Duarobin and Elmeraft and W. Stone, Robt. Flett Balsam Brae Pluto Sovereign, Mrs, H. Braund, 308 Mont jes sion, + Ahitodue od the few mins Father and Son, Sport Shirts CANNING Riu Tdvgy Mrs, Skerrath | owner, Frank Conlin, Oshawa Farm the Reserve Junior Cham Reserve Senior Champion Rall Roy Ormiston rave avenue; Margaret Rose {1s er an is wife, the Rev, and Mrs, Skerratt 3 : i \ N CAPE _-- I Dore " | driver. Frank M Nally ! plon female. The Junior Cham: --Honeyyale Nero, Christie Bros, Reserve Grand Champion Feo) Howard, 242 Conant street; {Mrs, Ward of Apsley, Ont Men's Gloves Mrs, Sker AY "he vig Nr, Hue Local Interest -- Mrs. Skerratt, Ta) 3 jreat -- Victory Bars, own don was the Winning Senior Harald Hones male -- Elmeraft Hartog Jean] Naney Meshen, 211 Centre St, | MT, Ward was born in Onario/ pat. Miss Foreman. Mrs. Coates | Cherries Nira A Rice Mrs, 8. Moore, Mes. R. Prentice. | on "Rrethour Bros, Blackwaters Jearling and the Reserve Junior! Grand Champion Bull -- Fleti-/Ona, Dunrobin and Elmeroft,] N., Whithy; Wes Keeler, 230 [and educated in Ontario and in "Sleeveless pullover MIS. | Mrs A Ms. F Hon Active bay or bave---Ars. Adgeiver Larne Brethour. 3. Axie Champion the tap Junior Year dale Supreme Anchor, R. Flett George MeLaughlin Windsor avenue; John Randle, |Scotland, receiving his B.A, from Brown, Mrs, Coates, Miss Fore: | liday J O Card, Mrs, R, Prenton, Mrs, N./y\anners, owner Hugh Givens ling, The Junior Champion is and W, Stang, Robt. Flent Best Uddored Female -- Plain.| 1040 Beaufort avenue; Milan [London University and his theos| man, Peaches -- Mis. R. Prentice. Tierratt [Dogies Creek: driver, Evie Give large. strong in the lain and with' Reserve Grgnd Champion Bull view Reflection Joan, Robt, Fleit,| Dukitseh, 4% Fairleigh ave logical i y at the University Socks, fine -- Mrs. Coates, Mrs. | Mrs. B. Dowson, Mrs. F, M. Hob ¥ Photo, Special of 1080 Fait =|ang, 3, Betty Mae, owner, Hilliard a mood set of legs and feet. The --Fletidale § ) eme Anchor, R Cunnington: Flettdale Duch.l ue; Mrs. George Bartlett, [Of Edinburgh, where he met his| Moore, Mys, Brown : liday pis oils ed Lamb, Rill McMillan, Stiner, Claremont, driver, Hi ¢ } {Stiner, Cl: 3 er, Hib Reserve Junior was also a strong Flett and W, Alone, Robt. Flelt. ete Lassie, Robi. Felt 1200 Simcoe street south; [Wife Mr, Ward will take wp his] Work socks Mrs, Brown Rapheiries -- Mrs. B. Smith. ARTS AND NOVELTIES Iliand Stier ' topped individual with plenty o Helfer, Jwhior Calf Elmearoft ni Get-of-Sire Rasafe, Mrs. Joyee Bowler, RR 4 duties as minister to the West: Mrs. Ste Mrs. Moore Mrs. N. Wilson, Mrs, F M Hol RIS AND NOVRLMES : Third Race dairy quality Renown Canary Snow, Dunrobin Preceptor. Dunrohin and Elm. Oshawa: Mrs R. Ball, 25% mount and Westminster congre:| Rroadeloth Pylamas Murs. | liday ; cra 3 oh Yall DPietwe -- 1st Heat <= 1, Marsha Lea An outstanding pair of Junior and Elméralt! ValLeigh Sov. apof whirook Revelation, Roy] Mary street Mrs. Hayy [(Eations on the first of October Coates, Mrs. Holliday Mrs Pineapple Mrs, R, Prentice Nn A 5 " Mis. 0. Heawn owners Rrdthour Bros, TRlack Yeariines teak b ih the Junior erelgn Sally, Wm: Stone: AIVew Qravision; Forthlyne Sovereign Kelsh, 317 Lakeshore He A : Rrown Mrs, L, MoDonald, Mrs, A, Card. svticle Ago p lrg | NAIOP driver, Lorne Rrethour. 3 amd Reserve Junior Champion Jon Sovereign, John Sule aia RR Holtidas The first five persons to in m the interim the pulpits willl Rarbecue Apron -- Mrs, Sker| Sirawberries -- Ms, FM, Hol | "(i © of Petit Paint Jewellry inion' Ax, owner, W. J. Sharp ship for bulls, The Junior Cham Heifer, Senior Calf Fimeraft form The Oshawa Times of (De ocupied hy lay supply---James| pati. Mrs. Brown Mrs. Prentice. | liday, Mrs, R, Prentice, Mrs, F rs, A Martya, Mrs, 1} Qxhawa driver; Al Brown. 3 jon was Royhrook Count, awned Design Creator Ruth, Dunrohin goo mite Soveriesn. Ray Ormil heir birthdays each day will | Young, James Shearer, and Walt Ray's Jeans -- Mrs. Coates. Daves Coates, Mrs, Skerratt Glen Todd, ew Orv Rre- intly hy Roy Ormiston and Ross and Elmereft: Rovhroak Model 53° DE REN, Ap AY receive double tickets to The [or Lane M RRs i Rhuhap Prentio Oil Paintin Mrs, H. Garvey, in. pads Svner al nh FR \ ia tha \ Plston: Elmeroft Adeen M. Jean : e tioke ¢ @ Mrs, Card, Mvs, Skerratt thubarh Mrs. R. Prentice ¥. thour Uxbridge: driver, Orvan Parks Boome d. while the Re Louise, Ray O mista Prousdale Fo nt ore. Regent Theatre good for a | LAr in the evening colored Wool cap and mitts set -- Miss Mis. €. Kydd, Mrs, Bartha fre. S.Moore, My BR. Dowson. | Rrethaur ! | rve was the nrobin an Ww D her Ollie doy P pl WARMA PINS N ari he » \ 8 lide wicting the A Nil \ v he Api] nT Phe Roane s. © bok pall Rimeraf Rag Apple "June Year! x Fim. dale Royal Emily, Hugh Ormis fow week period. The current i i ad w fer depicting te de Foreman, Mes, Coates, My, Goowberries -- Mus, R, Pren Autumn neene " Mrs. ©, Kydd | sng Féat = 1, Marsha Loe, ' : el 3 W ing AI attraction is Walt Disney's [VOI ment of the church, andi Moore flee, Mrs, ©, Kydd Hongue: o istie Foam Flows gwner, Rrethour Bros, Blacks Sy Fett Oaliawa. had holk vol ka Sy \ A Na ho ¥ IW nian Get-alSive Ravexgica Pollyanna same interesting hMehlights of Child's Rib Mrs, Skerratt Red Currant Jelly «= Mpg, © Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs, Ske water: driver, Lorne Rrethour the Hest and secand Prize win: S ag RAVMROOR( arog Triune. Dunrobin and Reports on birthdays will [Chueh activities, were enjoyed Mrs, Kydd, Mrs, Barthau Fines Mrs K. Bateman, Mrs, Brau 2 Attorney Pride, owner, Ivan ad \ A y tay rm Ne p a be received only between the (hy all Child's Cravon AOR Mrs, Dowso Aluminum Tray Mrs, Ske Mason. Ray pver. Orr Kes. aers in the elass for Rest Udd § \ Duchess Della Elmeroft; Supreme Burke Ros k Ly . \ a ason arrie: driver, Orr Kes od females, winning with Plain Bg" -- haa B Rarey 1 Sen «| hours of Ram and 10 am i o! evening olosed with the Coates, Mrs, Skerratt, Mrs, 1 Rlack Currant Jelly Mrs LM sock. 3 Dutch Ax. owner W. J al Ang aw y nero hh ATTY and oF DSU Phone RA 33MM renediction, pronounced hy Mr, MeDonald MeDonald, Mys, R. Prenticey! Copper Tooling Mrs, Ske Shar : y ot DAR. nif Q Q { a i 3 ARAN a BARRA © appe ooling = Mrs, Ske Sharp, © Oshawa; driven Al sew Reflection Jean Helfer, Senior Yearling--Orms: Roamer Admin, Robt, Feit, i in Gibb, | Baby's Dress and 8lip = Mrs. Mrs. Fines, att, {Brows ul : Progeny of Dam Rals am| »