The Oshawa Times, 3 Sep 1960, p. 3

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POLICE WILL CHECK TRAFFIC CLOSELY [Thieves Bille | CAPSULE NEWS THE OTRAVA Ties, Scunse). y Soviowir 3, 1900 3 gi i Wi ~~ Vending Machines | . 4 . : " The soft drink vending eh Fifth Robbery 7 ehaines of two Oshawa service tations were broken into early this morning and a small amount of cash taken from each Ii en eqars The stations, both on Simcoe treet south, were Tom Biblock's STORE ROBBED AGAIN tensed of irying fo assassinate Fins station and Monty's BA. gpapya (CP) -- Thieves ran Prime Minister Hendrik Verwo- station cas sacked the Robert Harvey hard-lerd, asked the South African Su- Police sald the thieves 200 At yop store early Friday, escap- preme Court Friday to name the cash by prying open the cosh joo with more - than $1,000 in| guardians over her father with hoxes on the side of the Machines. .orohandise. 1 was the fifth the power to engage lawyers, -- break-in in the last 10 years at David Pratt, a weslthy farmer, #1." ithe store, Sparta is 10 miles has refused legal adviee in the Knocked Off Bike southeast of Bt. Thomas case and his daughter said an in- » » ! ASKS STRIKE AID quiry inte his mental condition Child Injured | gT, THOMAS (CP) -- Mayor would show him incompetent, i - . Vincent Barrie requested depart BALLOON CROSSING Gerard Miller, 6, of 581 Cre pment of labor assistance Friday LONDON (AP)---Three men In rar avenue, received slight head ju on attempt to bring about a basket flosted down on a tree- lacerntions when hit Thursday seiement of the month-old strike top in Belgium Priday after mak. morning hy a car driven by AW. Canadien Timken Limited ing the first balloon voyage over drew Bellak, 25, of 281 Simcoe jere (inion - management talks the English Channel in 47 years, street south, Gerard was riding 8 broke off Aug, 17, Workers seek The Daily Mail sponsored the motoreycle at the time of the BC. yaoe boosts, overtime and shift| flight to celebrate the 175th anni eident pay Increases, union security, | versary of the first voyage ever bellak told police he was rave pension and welfare benefits, made across the Channel in » elling east on Olive avenue when WORKER CRUSHED FATALLY halloon, a little hoy on a bicycle came TORONTO (CP) -- George (MORE) out from La Balle avenue in front palmer, 5, 8 construction com-| TRAPEZE ARTIST KILLED of him, He sold he applied his pany greaser, was crushed to] CHARLOTTE, Mich, (AP)~A rakes but could not avoid WGN death Friday night between 1wo 67 » year - old trapeze performer the boy earth-moving machines in the fell 40 feet to his death and Geyard was treated at the Osh- company's marshalling yard, \bumped his daughter to a seri CE Co awn General Hospital and then wonwpn DIES ON JOB [ous fall from her perch 20 feet TO SEEK SHORTHORN QUEEN CROWN relensed TORONTO (CP1--A 62year-old| above the ground Friday hefore| construction worker who had! 1,500 grandstand spectators at 8 terest in the breed, and to assist heen hired minutes earlier died [fair here, David Winnie of We hd 0 , : CELEBRATING [aren a aiiack Friday after wahitchka, Fla, died of a broken 1I'S or orn in various public relations proj | elimbing a 50-foot ladder to work neck, Winnie's 16-year old daugh Be asi BIRTHDAYS lon overhead construction of the ter, Patricia, was badly hurt The Lassies shown in the photo. graph admiring one of the Col . Fred Cardiner- Expressway, Po TO BUY BREWERY Congratulations and best ioe said the man, Vilho Kaup-! LONDON (CP) Canadian |1ege Shorthorns were selected as j I! wishes to the following resi pinen, told his employer he was indu stirialist E, P. Taylor, who {reserve winners In the competis dents of Oshawa and distriet £5 has taken over sever itish ' F { OBITUARIES 10 are celebrating birthduys a ET LIQUOR STORE breweries since March, owl ry Tae You! ladies the basis of personality, appenr- tion: Left to right -- Gall Baker, ud A / g y . » . ' hy gL" ( i ( ¥ J ( nd ability ( 5e ' | this weekend LISTOWEL (CP) The first!fered four shillings and three (nyio Shorthorn lf and abi 40 I 4 ¢ and of Hampton; Mary Hyatt, of In. 2 ' i L 1 rthoy ot ' I } Of wn cattle ne sele Wha MRS, FRED B. McCLENNEN | Those who celebrate today |yiauor store here since the Can- Pence for ench one-shilling share |; contestants for the title tions were made by a panel com wood; Gloria Leighton, of Orange. v The funeral service was held! #7¢ Leonard Martin, 193 Har ada Temnerance Ael, now re of James Calder and Company irst worthorn Queen o ed of the wives of prominent ville; Joan Beath, of Oshawa; % [at the Meintosh-Anderson Funeral, ony road north; Gene Pays |peqied, was passed in 1915 will relativ small Beottish brewing oniavio. Th election of the Ontario Shorthorn Breeders, Norma Howse, of Aris; Evelyn 4 5 hick, 321 Guelph street; Mrs, il J, Fred Edwards, firm, The firm's directors, who , p a 4 Home Va in today 10) rs | Clow 1201, Minden he sua Joon, onservative em own more than 50 per cent of the Q i Shorthorn Lassie Associa Pegelo, of Cargill and Monica el VeClenner is Bimooe 4 ' IETEERIY VILIY f ace ( on wis ani st vear do . street south io di { at the Osh treet; Mrs. Kyrle Southwell ber of the legislature for Perth, shares have recommended that ; " ts a" ra 4 Ja J 2 vat id O'Shea, of Grantom, Mrs, John awa General Hospital Thupsday,| 406 Brock street north, Whit- [said Friday, No date yet has shareholders accept the offer Th y Are BO Br i ers its Viel Rickard, of Bowmanville, presie p A Mr ietzs . $ onsite YON'T LIKE TV BOCCE gept 1, Mrs, MeCellenen, who by Ir J ne ; Diets a 10) been el for start on construe: | Nt IRE h S0Ce F x 9 Yom < x YODER John Rickard of Bowmanville as dent of the Ontario Shorthorn Las. ; Of val gyne street; John Brady, 25 mn ed - Sd d parts p fim has ed hadony "She Hg Adelaide street west; Wayne | FIRE RAZES GARAGE Board of Ballroom Dancing here an I Ontario on' president, promote greater In-isie Association, is at the halter, her 76th year and Wendy McLaughlin, 448 SAINT JOHN, NB. ((P)~The has protested against the Satur Rev. Mr, Wilson, assistant rec Jarvi treet; Joyce Cam: jarge garage of City Transit Bus day night televising of soccer tor of Bt. George's Anglican ( Centre treet | Company and the plant of Mari | Game § her ause it keeps dancers Church. conducted the Service 1, Whi Nel Toffan, 610 | ime Tire Company. were demol-|® 04 BS LIKE MARILYN Interment was in Mount Lawn MAapl Whith ished Friday In a fire, Loss was WARSAW TAP) Ticket seal Cemeler hin 1331 | estimated at $200,000, There were] F808 6 calp e's a i 0 { Dale no injuries {5 are doing a thriy ing hy iness we former lorence Ma Wi y : we ' ag wh these days outside Jarsaw Auliff, the deceased was born al oad nol 8 (SYNBIONY VISITS yg theatres showing Marilyn Mon celehral ( N A roe's film, Some Like It The married at' Baltimore, Ont,, mM Maureen |gere Leningrad Symphony newspaper "Express "i, He 60-70 around the turn of the century, A lente William street |chsetra is due to arrive here {complains about their "scandals | Lio grow! esident of Oshawa for 40 years Hai Ambrose, RR 1 air today to present the ous behavior" and recommends /4 Colborne, On April 2, 188 ind Mrs, MeClennen was a member m road gwesl J Russian symphony concerts their private enterprise "be liqui. Geo Anglican Chureh ne i Spratt, #2 Rosehill | Britain Us dated." | gy » Golden Age Club. | Bivd.; Jolin Turner, 161 East CHOU LASHES US. | BRITISH ADMIRAL BURIED | | MATIIT WH isting her husband in HONG KONG (Reulers)=t |" NpWPORT.ON-TAY (Reuters) | | po ed by a daugh ersons to ine | nest Communist Premier OV Admiral of the Fleet Sir Cox (Josephine), of i awa Times of [En al lashed ou Hany A Charles Lambe, former First Set | United States foreign policy with| og who "died gi 2, Wit charges of intervention in Latin buried in this Scottish town Fri wi Jong M08 and Also surviving are a sister, Mr { Theatre good for a |America the Congo, Laos 800) qov with full naval honors, Earl Yl Chou told a reception), 4 Mountbatten of Burma, chief of ville and a son, William, of | da each da ii Oshawa double tickets to The Goal LAKE CITY J two helicopter na ry d limit Constable White y hil 4 i or telicople even grandchildren and four 1 is Walt Disn Asian, African and | Admiralty and service mourner i a Highways of 3 police patrol cruiser, In the raalt patrol the high a poli he received only between the like a hurricane" The speech 5 WASHINGTON (AP) Presi ¢ has bro ' | Beatrice Alexander, of Ottawa r-weok period, The current | Vietnam Hi ' | p the defence staff and a close ; | Oy ) nar h | ar oth officer doin i { y Mt) truggles o available provi f / | i reat-grandcehildren Pollyanna Latin American peoples Against ing| 5 The police are ih er ower photograph, Police Con . hours of 8 am, and 10 am ted by the New Chine » i /§ {| i ) 0 lia ( W i a \ ' Wis reporte hy PW effort possible to reduce the | siable Pred Mirdgiia, wiso of | JJ] egra 1011 | Fiore ka avin yan reporte 'Hees Gives £ 90-95 ) 3 White ( o the side o he road ) dent Eisenhower signed Friday a % CHARITON, Gousiole" Edun, Watsitud | in th, se If lh out oe own CITY AND [iil" tosvonrinti "sirmssoons| J] er 3 haw ioe \ for foreign aid--a sum he has THE. WEATHER office says | Quebec for the holiday week. | peratures today and Sunday will SIX HUNDRED pe in Peking marking that friend of Sir Charles, headed OMANA # ECHL Il be on duty thi d to | similar duty can radio ahead 10 ' & aro the Reports on Dirthd II 08 imperialism are now ragis ® Anvid , i y annual Labor A eekend Whith, detachment 8 (News Ag a highway death toll in Ontario wn talking to the driver of a SIGNS FOREIGN AID BILL he radar cruiser, The black hox automobile who posed for thi | iW too little, Congress pleasant sunny weather is ex end, Northern Ontario may have| be a little higher, . y we instru. | simulated rest picture | sald is pro. arg 1 ; prahel Livi Kehol, 269 John street By Ruling DISTRICT vided $65,000,000 more in another pected for most of Ontario and | scattered thundershowers, Tem- (CP Wirephoto) i Addr & ¥ pki Jd ) ) he total of these n fa | -- " -- meter which indicates highway | Orillia, Ont . _ measute, hut 1 4 Btapns | | [. Forecast Temperatures speeders, When it indicates an Oshawa Times Photos LITTLE ROCK, Ark, (AP)-A WINS SCHOLARSHIP is $404.954,000 less than Eisen | WEATHER FORECAST Lows tonight, Highs Sunda; federal judge here has issued Miss Susan J, Cuddy, recent hower requested | BT, CATHARINES (CP) Windsor Ph Hl H St, Thomas . BB Sunny Sunday fees » » Toronto ,,., 55 WAS CAUTIOUS | sehool desegregation in the south. Scheol, has heen awarded the, TORONTO Constable [day he Seaway Authority is pre ern U.S, if it is upheld by higher! Consumer Gas Company ad John Wright, the Hest Negro 10inaved (0 give "sympathetic eon { com i missions scholarship to the Unie become an Ontario Provincial sideration" to (he problems of | Judge John Miller said in ef. versity of Toronto Policeman, will be attached fo > municipalities along the route of Peterboroug! 5 { J arters for a while 3 | eterborough 4! fect, that Negroes must file Ind | general headguar A [the new waterway including Tre VY FIRM INCORPORATED wp ssman sald Friday ding 0 renton ' 50 Oakle Explains vidual suits rather than cla R TED On an OPP spokesman sald Friday. |i jo, , for boosting tourist busi St. Catharines .. ruling which could slow down graduate of Whitby District High| NEGRO GETS OPP POST _ |Trangport Minister Hees said | | This week's edition of The spokesman sald the new re: |. c Hamil tario Gazette announces that lets eruit passed the OPP's training ™ . MUIR ton Thatta The problems. it is TORONTO (CP) == Forecasts or thundershowers tonight and| Muskoka . . oo, | {ors patent of incorporation have college program with high understood o 1nis 0OSl 101 | This would make it impossible heen granted to Courtice Con-/mark range from minor gomplaints fo! '¥8ued at & am Sunday, Winds southerly 10 to 20, {Killaloe for a number of Negroes to Join) sipyetion Lid, of Darlington FEPA REVISION ASKED [a growing pressure for more ex. DYNopils A Lt Tee high pre White River; Mostly cloudy Jatlion in a single sult aimed at com-|To i , r Py 'vale ansive tours 4 Kure rea, which has moved | and little warmer tl Sudbury 2 y Wkles , ) in Oshawé waship, TORONTO (CP)=The Frater sive tourist facilities at key a t With seats {0 . ROME (C} HEX Hak! i Hot een | Ji 3 woh Relling a school hoard to assign inal Order of Kagles, a service seaway locks near Montreal and d from Hudson Bay dur-| tered showers or thundershowors| Kapuskasing Oshawa, who finished ninth e| since 1033 and works a a We Aer ihem to schools for white per WINS MANY PRIZES areanization. has asked Premier along the Welland Canal ; ing the la | hours, and is now today and Sunday, Winds south.| White River , 20-kilometer walk at the nan automobile plant © Das sons P, Roy Ormiston, of Brooklin a centred 1 Kirkland Lake erly 10 to 20 | Moosonee vee pies, today gave a reason for his been training ene to tWo hours pare USE OF LAW I HuInErOW | tthe Fost to institute amending leg-| Dr. Hees sald R, J. Rankin Lonitee 3 > 2 |3 ' a ay gi ane rm ! § k SE OF LAW won numero awa at the; ave y WR Te 3 POS h ha 10 weather over most . p " \ " staying with the pack {ally for the Jast ihree yea he jude I { lo! CONE Holsteln Show held Friday, lation to prevent employers ve. new president of the Seaway|of Ontario this morning, The! TORONTO (CP)--Marine fores|, TORONTO (CP) -- Temperas {did 4 Alex can pla most any stein 1e judge said Friday the Little ¥ b " WAY fusing to hive persons because of Authority, will visit tures: didn't war ' play Y RTE Rook school board using the The following are the prize a chance te disqualily me ¢ ey ed mi J SH Arkansas pupil placement law Drought home by thi district did in the 1956 gam If you wo opp im to fairly in refusing to shift 14 breeder enior bull calf, fiist ietion In future chool Integra Neaway 0 y & l { thelr age The premier bos hi o munities in the next month . w hi A Ain \ 4 i iy i pub It ter Wy one 80 in the bu oh, the judge on | "I Negro pupils from all-Negro Hop: heifer, three years and under paix Employment Practices Aol. vari artiament on the! England durin the next 4 Lake Erie, Lake Ontario notice you g- wa h Al aco Mann high to predominantly. (four, in milk, Test; junior year Mang FISHERIES MEMBER | or Ou8 problems hours, and promises oleasant Northeast to east winds 10.15 At the 1956 games in Melb fashion style | hh vhite Central, Hall or Technleal 1 hull and veserve Junior oPTAWA (CP) Appointment With the seaway operating at| sunny weather for Southern and knots, veering gradually to south Winnipeg a Russian Jud qua ¢ high [championship econd owned or pp J, R. Dymond of Toronto high degree of officlency, tie central Ontario for the loliday east 12:18 by (his evening and I rt Willi Alex, to the amazement of the Tost of them chose caps The schoo! board already has jointly with Ro Parks, of Canadian member of the Authority now is in a position Weekend. Scattered thund ne Southeast of seuth 123-18 Sunday Wh te R am, Canadian er \ hats to wear as protection a wed 18 Ne os to onee-white! Bloomfield: bull, three years and a | al i Fishery Commission | Where it can devote more ation. ©! will ead slowly east from I'd hide oh ; var claimed Oakle f t \ \ ! entral and Hall high schools for over, second, owned jointly with! oo h ied ad Friday. Dr. Dy. (tion to the problems involving sit. NOTHIWe n ontario, mainly hr Lake Huron, Georgian Bay Pr a not having at le ¢ foot on handkerchief, delicately the fall term beginning Tuesday tern Ontario Cattle Breeding ed 8 former member of the tations created by its construe.| he 1 i Lake Su Bast to southeast winds 12:18 North B y ground at all time di ed in pale oral i Meanwhile arrangements were Association and William and How: fisheries research hoard of Can: [Hon said Mr. Hees, Udy JIN ray knots, veering gradually south Killaloe diva a: Stations a} Ked up at the Glymple Village m de to provide a eparato high avd Dod 0, of Cardinal: cow, five ada and now fisheries consultant MAKE FAST TOUR 0 valid unt) cast to southerly 15:25 knots by | Sudbury | hot « di at Lillington, | years and over, not in milk, se0« ty {he Ontario lands and forests| ye and. M Ran} J k tonight and sounth to southwest Muskoka - N ( { heiter, junior yearlin eC: department, fills the vaeaney |niviwind Hp 7 tahkin Made a 4 A ea vy he 15-25 Sunday, Scattered showers Windsor DOORS CLOSED ond; and third, owned jointly gaused by the recent death of pyig ind deesthe-Seaway trip Ontario, N A th I ves spreading from northwest end! London School door were closed with Harold A. Werry and Son, pp, W. J. K. Harkness day, visiting major locks in| gions, V . 0, \ ) - A y nen) { ! » Jak i for Police Awaitin or 2 o pubils in Roval Oak of Oshawa: breeder's herd, third PILOTS UNION. SUED {the Montreal area, then flying to] Hamilton: Sunny with light wor most of the lake tonight, Toronto | h Detroit who wast progeny of dam, second; junior, RIMOUSKI, Que, (CP) A the Welland Canal and not much change in tempera h school next week. | herd, second 07 mn Mr. Hees also said that ture today and Sunday : ) ae was filed in eivil wat pro £279.000 action \ ed In posals aimed at helpin Can Georgian Bay. Kirkland Lal i ' AL Gatiy At Gaffney, 8.C,, a Negro mo court here Friday hy Quebeeair|' 5 A a Qcld 10 ence wist was shot and wounded by lagainst the Canadian Airlines Pi hoa s shipbuilding and shipping 3; \ North R Wy bury a group of white men when he S Pl t tats Assoclation: and its lawyer, industries will be made to the ostly un with WoW | RK) ewage an J pis Montreal, | federal cabinet hab wpe ta a W Y . 0 h change \ nit ! ay direc Arthur Garmaise of Ay in the near fu.'* . iy lem OI Reute tiot po kill 1 t 5 oliee tion he > y A re W Ww lay, Sund y ee by : od fo ; \ i; pr ol oe 2 led i : oy 3 { . \ b : 1 The Men were fot. oq) for fipancial loss incurred by a tne | y t a lind raced for | violence § mirol ove eee Ul ure y ke 8 eheoair. The! He salina : ola nt 11 v today after whites and. Africans warfare ¢ Sultan Hamud, 9 1cksonville 1g § ¥ t rant ord pilots' strike at. Quebecair, The fe declined to elaborate on Ch { HOW \ \ N action described the strike as!the nature of the proposals but day Wit Is x0 Min, Max, Dawson Ww 43 50 Victoria ' R 66 Edmonton Regina " ) 9 legal i \ & 30, (egal was understood it involved Timmin Ki elashed in North t J miles from here Iv quiet Y week of BRANTFORD (CP \ -- gapper mining ar nig Poli reeme turban } Negro den rs ) FIND PLANE WRECKAGE y ® rout | | ent HN \ en will he a } N form of assiste N N for the second nigh a roy 18h the at stations service nt will he opened ! } N assistance for the two Mostly an ith 1 4 00 0 0 At lea ind p \ 3 rN, 1 h MGT RIE THEE Alihere officially Wednesday nap VICTORIA (CP) Offietals lind ws tpi which ave hard and a lin gl rm a . a.m. to . p.m. leas \ nan \ esmen pss | 1 id rl part of an aiverait pressed | , This : wed | oc wl itside av by nw | L foreign competition i or S¢ - Juve A 8 day began making raids acy chain that winds along the Grand, engine hauled up fram the depths UmpeIRY NE Ov with Ndola's main hotel ) ng railroad line dividing their triba ENGLISH CARRIER River of Juan de Fuca Strait may be McLELLAN"S White Rose STATION was touched off b \ nds 2 "™ . oth Rh eo ¢ a hy land Barry Morse, widely known The plant was built for the that of a Trans-Canada Air Lines rg eo f PORIA we and television actor in Can mudicipality by the Ontario Lodestar which disappeared 13 38 PRINCE ST, erto white-only t Mov » a, hegtan M career in Eng. Water Resources Commission in vears ago with 30 persons aboard D Housed and rest i ho land in 1958 4 y 3 Cle Up-The-GG | prog T™h 4 er fe hy ¢ 3 h J ¢ 3 3 ' TA alice used DIME NOVEL en a : This Ry R red din ov i Argh Mui Hy Sh S ORES R. J TUMEY S SHELL STATION ; X ¢ CENTURY IN U S PILOT STUDY treatment plants at Waterloo off Carmanah Paint, The plane 962 SIMCOE ST. NORTH we A pila lv of communi and Fer Tenders soon will be vanished on a stormy night April 100 yea ago the first on tow, trstaid. rartation and called Tor a want a Paris and 0, win on ove to Vcore | OPEN THIS SUNDAY ALEX NATHAN'S Sunoco STATION conducted \ nwvall, Oat. Another at Hespeler heing en SAYS FATHER MENTAL 215 KING S$ t nae e anspic 1 the Ontario larged, A project at Kitchener is, PRETORIA (Reutevs) Susan 213 KING ST, WEST An ! A \ a ) h White Medical Association well advanced {Pratt ghter of t . man started Win n ' : uhte | I advance Pratt daughter of he man ac 12:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. COOPER'S TEXACO STATION near the Sh « § hawa \ assks which was crowded : ¥ i © d sy heer ferin 56 BRUCE ST, men and Away. white people were drinking] many years. You always save ct » a T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION : a S u at school wig, A 437 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH ping another link in the pollution NAIRORI Thirteen Af y WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING & RITSON ROAD SOUTH Rugs need cleaning ? i yd + KARN DRUGS LTD. SOUTHEND TERACO STATION L a YOUr OV ast efficient service r 28 KING ST. EAST Rk Saati 506 RITSON ROAD SOUTH : AL SEGERS TE JURY & LOVELL LTD. Reon STwsT RUG & YPustER SLEANgRS SHEARED oc -- ROSSLYNN PLAZA RA 8.4668 || BROWN'S SUPERTEST STATION . Skrigaord® ~ * au, Xue 334 PARK RD, SOUTH RA 5.7488 a eve ort, Ove RITSON DRUGS ZOLTAN & NICK'S FINA SERVICE 264 KING ST, EAST RA 5.5370 160 SIMCOE ST. S--RA 8.0051

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