The Oshawa Times, 3 Sep 1960, p. 17

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Ma Room; | For Rent a i oi y furmiahes (rgd o o£ Oshaws Blvd Song eld hoviy #5--Resl Estate For Sole BUNGALOW, DRdrooms, decor Conan yr ves' 4 fenced snd land: CO $13.00, Owner, phone Mo | Whithy TN, [4 B WEST Darga rick , BYERIngS| tow "down cn, me ves Foam -- 14 ' io ro big eo oh Seach, om trees. A bid wh Ag evenings i hat + ] | vt Jars Jo Jot, $4dbo. Fi ve Ay ., iy Mavis emt MR oie "SRle, new Seven FOO og PRIVATE sale, Woon Income prov. ony, furpished large valunbie lot. good [imeome, woRdertl opporiamty wns [isaving. will CORBIARE TEREMENIE ik | Wel located. Wie Box 15, we sorey, , sit large family, 3 4v ee the Dethrooms, hiying room Witchen, attacked gains vided basement, extiz weil Rosehill Blvd TR Fopinis for samara, AIL TTR Centre. Phone RA S405 wites pm. ow DOWN $12,500 full price, sins ached brick bungalow, wu vi 3 cL btath and screens. 918 Ceptye Street] pr : i EN with two fast running " Lib nesr Tyrone, only Si id Bowmanvilie or subuihan 5% room brick custom built home, walkout base er Hollywood Kitehen, builtin vanity twindows. Many oxiras one NHA 6 per cont Usge, No agents. BA 34113 WHY pay rent -- 8700 down, car $100 per month principal, interes taxes three-bedroom brick wow on large loif Brookl n 2 Estate id Marken 1: Main Street, ore mort 5 for Fans Fre x nd half two family brick Oshawi ¥ alter Frank, Mekuny and Kidd, Rosh] FIVE pg and ey thy of SPACHH 8 fi ve sisas, Mo ¥ ae fe Way % hlokk hg Ld Privele e Foe bangslow, nearly Walter | frank CHE shopping, many wen to be A gs ng to U Avan To modern tee bedroom bungalows one year old, one ers acc MO 8-5366 with garage, water and sewer, close to four ccrn- on Price $12,400 and $11,600, Will half cash, ept oly 15) |45--Reol Estate For Sole (45--Real Estote for Sela 8.-Reul etut tov set ok, pA EE porng Brg % outs, Private, TWENTE FOUR scenic ares a Ww ie yo 0%, Osnaws Times, hot Saar, fast rh of He | Adony $0 J tors, ir Bowmore a, wes 1s ACRES with om home. oved, |eity sonyemences, [ro Met itis et és Weiter Front, "Metasoy ond Hesllors, Hh 3 oh Wow faded {enivare sale -- sx reom hangalow, [two fi ome wink, shower. stool, Apply Fulsiie gry oY "Ean, Vi ME Boog oi | house, lon | Phone Wh Yaoi or BA 39) a (SPACIOUS rooms for family oF eid Ibe conve HOF brick, wood | on condition, cenivl, BA " on Joon, Belaly knew Wh Ml Ad. sate be wld by fd nant, BA § with CONVERTIBLE, ¥ fag Fomor ve, automatic, GEL Fh fi gees] 194 RAG. ii ENVOY four Fiv. room conditioned, Suman, dr worm riven, NES, KArage, araweed piv 151 Masons Street, BA IHI0, | ANOTHER FIRST From Lloyd Realty Limited wileaming Li i fea Warre ment Motors, 5 METEOR Nis a nS oi on py 114 Brock West, between § and 4 radio, Wenler by Street. afier 5 RA # 4 ONEVROLER sedan New ens vi Pay: 0, A8--Automobiles Wanted |50--Articles For Sole Cn Oh Wisekers Went spACE hester five room om Sealy wisi oh prices pad |Wower -ERlon Lenk; studio 2 [kitchen wiility eabinet, Me HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION washing machine ; Debvy Suty four-uiner stove and cable, £ SPECIALISTS Eom: TE BRAKE Sekvice ginner's viohn, we tre Street Ginth A 203 9, i makes GEnERAL ri 67 KING ST. W, RA 3:76822 pred High "Tend oan, |B Eu 3g poo ys hobs a to FE gelled Ie A x Wy Contre for (he best! [elim sink VACUUM cisoner 50--Articles For Sole Uruien 11 '0d. 18" home OF $018, attachments, ad oom iy Vain eo JL " lr WA A001 pla Tr DINING 7 room suite, solid black "want, ONE Keysione, eight m EEL for she, hest oifer, Write |Brosector hres i irs ota {AA Cy for Horm sashes wood | rice "ovimaten, erin A, AL (MINING rom wie. doubly on por o wing wd town, Wew and used wp- | (0 J SRG CRU wood FARES, RA hewvy duty, BA lah gv? >, FeRson ir acl farmiture, New deep freezers, Af in excellent cond Yor in good 56002, , #pREIRl on sale, from Canpiion man aetirs, five year war. ONE Tangeite, oa yanty. insurance Just condition. Phone off Ne. & Wighwey, Harwood North, paiNy, interior, exterior, Als |All eons, Giarenieed motorcycle, "Vincent | Oshav a praware te "i taken condition, equiv Church Street. RA 37824, py hie sent, Phone BA 37005 Lovin stroller, enh, fbr I ARGON ar Tala" pride wiih | tay pen, ' in exeslle "hone RA 57592 v. overhauled, new pie: <ealia [ yERE @uATARiRe Hino fe oar 4 "i882, 4 0, 3 14d THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, September 3, 1960 17 By MRS, ALLAN FISHER has heen, received from Rev, and Mes. ¥ + 1: Reed, whe return Sept, from a two-month vacation in '| Europe, "erecting are sent 1o 8, #nd a reminder of church on Su ; re A hon a pi relatives and friends at Mr, and Mrs, Tom Bobil's during the afternoon and evening, Guests were prseent from To ille and ZION ~ A letter to al) Zionites| Pl it Z% Zion Couple To - Tour Continent to bid "Bon Yoysge", Miss Irma Hoskin, Thoraton's Corners, Mr, William Vaughan, Whithy, were vishors Monday evening [1 wr. Ray Cameron's The Naylor family enjoyed a #l the home nA "ud Mn. Pascoe 03 Bunda 'M, Heard, Enniskillen, visited Mrs, Ray Cameron on Tuesday. Miss Anne Jacque, Grimsby, ¢| and Doug Doldge, Cobourg, wers bri guests with Miss Janet IN Mr, and Mrs, Keith Stainton visited thelr son, Beott, at the Oshawa General Hospital, Mrs, Norma McMaster, (and Ross visited Mr. and Mrs, George Hilts in their if Soltage at Williams' Point, Port § E Oshawa, Bowmany . wry Bor age, five new , HOUSE, Jory rooms bath and FE i, WOW Ihudre, with five acre lot with rr Ehway Sir, ars, ware, Gontwood, bs trout stream, nes 4) Simeoe Street North seven rooms, nearly Mrs, Filmer Thy ay, and Roger, Ebenezer, were visiiors at Mrs, P, W, Davidson's, on Mon- day, Forbes Wisher was a dinver west on Sunday with Lorne Seb ick, in Oshawa, , and Mrs, Howard Abbott, Burketon, were supper guests with Mr, and Mrs, P, W, David son on Wednesday, : Mrs, J, Hynds,. Bowmanville, spent the weekend with Mrs, V¥, B. Glaspell, Mr, and Mrs, D, Knapp and family, Omemee, were visitors at D, Knapp's, on Sunday night, Mr, and Mrs. A, Fisher and George vigited Mr, and Mrs, Har. vey Webster, Little Britain Mr, and Mrs, RB, C, Blainton and Marla spent the weekend at Mr. T. Stephens' eoltage on Lake Chemong, Laurie Stainton returns ed home after holidaying for a week, Master Brian Hircock, Oshawa, is holidaying for a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Cameron Mr, and Mrs, A, Fisher spent Friday night at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A, Parrinder, Myrtle, and visited Miss Emma Visher from New York, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Dart and family, Woodville, visited Mr, and Mrs, Henry Dart on Sunday, Russell Perkins and Miss Mars gavel Perkins visited Arthur Raye, Markham, recently Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Fisher, Oshawa, were supper guests with Mr, and Mrs, A, Fisher, Bunday, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Leach were supper guests at Mr, Jack Kivell's, Bolina, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, George Cochrane and Douglas Flee visited Mr, and Mrs, Fred Dart, Woodville, Fri day night Miss Joyee Fisher is holiday. ing this week with Miss Marilyn Houslander, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, P. Westlake and family, Bolina, visited Mr, and Mrs, G, Cochrane, at Nelson Fice's home, Bunday night, Mr. and Mrs. C, Hopkins Beaverton, visited Russell Perkins and Margaret on Sunday, Jack Lavergne, Oshawa, visite ed Mr, and Mrs, B, J, Perrault, Thursday night, Mr, and Mrs, John Barlow and family, Mr, and Mrs, J, Blaine ton, Dave, Douglas and Clarke went on a plenie to Cartwright Park, on Sunday, Jim, Chuck, and Lorl Halliday, Oshawa, are spending a few days with their Jrahdparents, Mr, aad Mrs, Lloyd Halliday Miss Lynda Skinner, Oshawa, spent a week with Mr, and Mrs J. Stainton, Mr, and Mrs, 0, Koapp as and family visited Mr, and Py Lambert, Honeywood; also nN Galbraith, Bradford, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, L. Knapp and family, Pontypool, visited Mr. and Mrs, O, Knapp on Friday Mr, and Mrs, C, Terry, Laurie and Edward, Maple Grove visits ed Mr. and Mrs, P, \W Davidson on Sunday. Mrs, Fred Cameron returaed home on Friday after visiting friends and relations in the wesls ern provine ef. Slides Of Trips Shown Ry MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN The August "lower ' Show of the Hrooklin Hortieultural Society was held Monday evening in conjunction with the regular meeting, in the Christian Fdueation Hall of Hrooklin United Chureh, The president, Mrs, Norman Alves, conducted the "business moeling and weleamed guests, ine eluding Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Johns ston of the Oshawa Hortieulutral Soelety, The treasurer's veport showed $196 on hand, DISTRICT § MEETING The annual meeting of Distriet 8, Hortionltural Societies will he held on Friday, Sept, 23, at #8 pn. in Christ Chureh Hall, Scars hore, Mrs, Evie Green agreed to show "Buffet Arrangement' as exhibit from Brooklin Society for competition, The winner of the Poster Coms petition on the local level, will he eligible to compete for district prizes, The election of district diveetor will be held "at this mesting, Members wishing transportas tion are asked to contact Mrs, Norman Alves immediately. ROSE SHOW The International Rose Show, the first of its Kind ever held in Canada, will be held at Casa Loma, Toronto, on Oct, 1, 2 § and 4 inclusive, Over 130.000 roses will he on exhibit from various counivies, The decision was reached to charter a bus to the Rose Show, 'he tentative date for the trip is Monday, Oct, 8 for horticulture members, Please phone names ia to president, Mrs, Norman Alves, or the secretary, Mrs, Arthur Eliott Mrs, Kenneth Holliday intros dueed gusets of the evening, Mrs, Lloyd Stephenson and Mrs, Aud. rey Young, who entertained by showing colored slides of their holiday trips, Mrs, Stephenson showed slides {of New Rrunswick, Prince Fd. ward Island, Halifax and points of interest seen on a trip to the east | coast, and local scenes, Scenes at Algonquin Park were showa by Mrs, Audrey Young, new 8 Our Bunk Under Construction Now 6 ROOM BRICK HOMES N.H.A. Priced From $10,500 No Hidden Costs bers 3441, 3459, 3480, 3537, 3572, 3593, 5623, 3632, 3647, 3665, 3721, 3734, 3746 'and 3758; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT 15 HERE. BY ENACTED as 0 by-law of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa by the Coun. cil thereof as follows; terms. Fred Cook Realtor 11d, M _{ Nesbitt, Nestleton, Blackstock 44111 te Toom bungalow, BL RRIOK bungalow, (hree : tathed mo e, large ving room, fairly cemtral, morth district sule, Apply Box B47 Oshawa 7 basement, ore extra's, good district, | hing, THREE bedroom brick hous Hidde private, 'Wihihy, ho, completion, good location, ¢ centre, Dial BA 39707 $00 DOWN, immediate pos a Lvg-storey home on Mel aughhi Has five rooms and hath und one lure room up. pings; oll heated, good price $10,500, Ope maortga sanable terms. Emle H 204 Wing Street East RA 5.6382 LARGE ot, 358° frontage depth, in well bullt up resi tion, Suitable for ehureh or « _-- ing. RA 5:4434, 316 Leslie Street HIGHWAY NO. 7 VALUABLE LOCATION, 65 WORKABLE ACRE FARM CLAY LOAM, 2V2 MILES WEST OF VILLAGE ( OMEMEE, 2,874 FEET HIGHWAY FRONTAGE ROOM BRICK HOUSE DERN CONVENIEN HEAVY WIRING ( WATER SUPPLY, BARN x 60 LITTER CARRIE CHICKEN HOUSE, 15 x BOTH WITH STEEL RC DOUBLE GARAGE, ( BUS SERVICE, SURR( ED BY LAWN AND PLI ANT SHADE TREES, $14 §. DICKEY, RR. NO ~ OMEMEF hed rr. P i N.H.A, RESALE Meadowerest Subdivision, Brooklin, 3 bedroom rench type brick bungelow, $87 menthly includes principal, interest ond taxes, $1650 down, full price $11,825, 39 Ferguson Ave. OL 5 4485, PRIVATE SALE Modern attractive, ranch type home, ettached garage, built in oven and stove, natural fireplace, north end, $6,800 down RA 3- 2881 $500 full down Modern 3-bedroom bunge low Carries for $84.00 monthly, dropping te $59.00 monthly afrer 3 vyeors Whitby $7,500 full insul brick Large lot $10,000 Older-type house, Only ating to make home Centrally Whitby $10,700 full ayment 1. Subsection (1) of Section 18 of bylaw number 3415 as omended is hereby furs ther omended by deleting therefrom the words: RA Full Down Payment $599.00 $69.00 Per Month Plus Taxes To inspect go to Stevenson Road South opposite Sh salesman on site Friday, Saturday nd Mor LLO Yd REALTY LTD.-REALTORS RA 8.5124 -- RA B:5125 STREET NORTH DETACHED BUNGALOWS (NO SEMIS) $59200 FULL DOWN PAYMENT ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE FOR THE BALANCE CARRIES $78. MONTHLY $12,030 FULL PRICE FEATURES Six room solid brick Four plans to choose from Fully decorated All services in and paid for including sidewalks Hollywood kitchens Built in bathroom vanity l'led four piece bathroom High dry divided basement Aluminum combination storms and screens FLOOD LIT M Homes Open All Weekend HOW TO GET THERE ! con " (1) The coverage of o lot in a residential dis- trict shall not exceed thirty-three (33) per fon) of the eres of the ot," BICKROOM equipment for vent and for sale, wheelehairs, hospital beds, invalid ond by substituting therefore the following: 11) In the case of a Lot in en R:3 district in which an apartment building is or is to be erected, the coverage of the lor shall not exceed twenty-five (28) per cent of the area of the lot; end in ell other cases, the coverage of a lot in a residential dis trict shall not exceed thirty-three (33) per cent of the area of the lot." 2. That the schedule of minimum front yard depths which form part of subsection (1) of Section 15 of by-law number 3415 as amended is hereby further amended by deleting the figure "20" where such figure appears as the minimum frent yard re- f pping entre, EE 9 AO) payment M 123 10-room 101 SIMCOE - 2 toilets Whitby, price ome Central full price (cash) 13-room brick needs redecor fine income located ANDY NAGY' S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3.7132 3 Arthur WEINBERGER REALTOR 32 Park Rd EXCEPTIONAL BUY Large disting with 4 spaci living room combined size kitchen gation North ( old at unbeli Owner ing sacrifice to the payment only home with stor few years schools, in imma tion and modern in way. Call Mrs, Irene berger, RA 8.5145 ings RA 3.7244 LOT NORTHWEST Lot, el fe and Annape and $5,700 pa required -bedroom brick Owner built storms and Carries for price down Madern bungalow fully decorated; screens, elg $54.00 monthly $13,000 full price, Modern 2-bedroom, ranch-style buns galow with gtteahed garage Large lot, Between Ajax and Whithy $3,000 (or offer) down Other homes, old and new, for sale in Oshawa-Pickering grea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A real busy grocery store and snack bar with attached living quarters for sale. Ask ing price $25000 plus stack, A good living assured, Books available, Down pay: ment and terms arranged Furniture store, Ideal loca- tion, Good turnover, Books available, Open to offers Small Grocery store with snack bar, Steady turnover the year round Asking $8,900 full price TO RENT m bungalow BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. OSHAWA (Just East of Wilsen Road) | RA 3-4494 Res RA 5.5574 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W, ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES. BENZ D SALES & SERVICE about | Oshawa 15 Wing | N quirement of apartment builds ngs in R-2:B and R-3 dis tricts and by substituting therefore the following; 20 plus 8 for each ad- ditional storey or half storey ever two storeys" plies, new and used, terms 10 per vent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, HA 56511 BOYS CCM bieyele, reasonable, Phone HA A SEVEN room frame house at 112 Celing treet, Must he maved or demolished Make offer, Phone HA #6872 between |" 8.90 and 6, OUTBOARD motor, new Heol 3.6 HP " veversible electric fan, 3 speeds Fhone OL 6: 4836 TENTH, camp stoves, camp cots, pauline, sleeping hags, lanterns, and ventals, Oshawa Hardware Hleotrie, 8 Church Street HA 2560 PORTABLE television sels for vent, iso repord players, amplifiers and de humidifiers, For information eal! Meagher's RA 5.4485 IM PLYWOOD hoat equipped with 60 408 KING W,, OSHAWA RA 3-7132 for water hi ing. MA 3084 nfl pm SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, . RAndolph 3-346) "CLEARING AT ONLY 10% DOWN Pontiae, VB, automatic, Volkswagen, deluxe, Studebaker, Silver Hawk, Ford, Victoria, Hardtop, Olds, hardtop, all pow- ered Chev Wagon Chev, two-door, Pontiae 4-door deluxe 'S54 Pontiac 4-door, 'S0 Pontiae 2-door MARIAN AUTO RA 8.5179 25 GRENFELL ST. , Excellent cond). , excellent con wit N . dion, will finance fromm § 10 9 rd Po, King Breet West, WA sols, Must el le 7" Fen B Abert fret. i060 TV Special a "comaelr Wa § DONGE four-door Awomatic, rade, FAN i waving "WE A | S216 6 J for dons Best olier, RA 9195, |e poiigii Bale e_ Bun FR & join ee Ady PY Drew Sireel plete, sale price, $5 [¥ |! t- FURNACE, gravity m_ With cold FORD customiine sonch, radio and (ory fo iesrince of He Hy 4" pt bY gi gr Pg duets, ra years, heater, gond condition, Cash or will we: aie al 1 18.88 up, Bnontn top quilted | hone RA 3204 cept older ear as trade, RA 56438, single sizes, 60m: SPANISH Aoi Norv Road wr "Wh BELAIR conch, one owner, excel -- Wilson Furniture, 20 iif sell, cheap. KA oy, lent condition, low mile Apply 148 Church Bireet, i aod Banting Avewie, BA SMT. (AGGUNE Parlin Sale now on per WaT vera eretor for onle, V0 "Hi OLDEMOBILE, new (ies, na okes tremendous Savings! Vimy covering and iuitery, full hone BA 4 patterns, 25 ONE panel steel crib Jar one Tore B:5476, Ask for Frank, pe font Abort Hludentsr Hay Den, one venetian ing 78 x 4, 1 or " 8.05; Serta an every Sheva kr Belaiy sedan, wile: | smooth top matiresees, reg 850.50. | ong aby carriage and eri, Also SEW: matic, radio, two (one, excellant ep hall rice, $995; coffes awl end dition. One owner. Phone RA #1564 [Fables $9, Ten-pieee Hving ronm Ero wE maching, alt articles "most new CHEVY, sedon, good Fondiion, oo | includes table and lamps, $09, Wilson Pm rubber, new paint, BA b | Furniture, 20 Chureh Street WALNUT ten Won 0 ed and ress or, Srpiece painted kite ' he aa: Tih oe radio, (TV TOWERS, A0fo0i sell supmoring ors, Hensonamie. Phone HA 34758 windshield washers, whitewalls, no |lower, hot dipped galvanized, with al 7 {yust, Best offer. BA 84714 between 11, channer head. Installed and guaranteed RADIO for "80 Vauxhall, complete with and 4 pom | tor one, nH 07.9, TRIO Television. | Ariinl AL fil, rer seat 8 speaker, 365 Park {FA # nae Be 'CHEVROLET, tour door, geod I dition Aller 6 p.m. RA Wiis, pi dis "parking on inoainied furni-| 11 (IAS stove, good condition, Phone Celina Street ture, hookeases only 89 cents with epy MO BB75 Ph = ih Mi, perfect condition, while Piece of unfinished furniture, Students'| DOMINION Appliances (a division of CUM LA cover, Shitty desks, a whet M Araw Huleatty Bros.) how sold at Paddy's Going back to schol, must sell hookeases, $5.99; vanity (re i Market, Hampton, A complete line of A746 after A cord i Shvinet, #1 Books wad. pool ances of hard to beat prices, CON TONE, two (one Blue, Butomstie, Vormiiure: 2 Chureh Stree! os i i Vake over payments; 081 mom: | SEY ING furniture? Wo lbuy TE, Tie frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos uae H / o CHEV, good condition, x. ly 668 ugars ete, For top cash efier, eon we hers, Sommodes, health _ lamps: {Ofte Avenue or phone RA § tact 19 Prince Street, Phone BA BUA nd coil Low rentals, No investment |'8h FORD Galaxy, lick a wl | FRVOTRIC refrigerator, very good Kee delivery and pickup. Phone Ald: |g black, perfect eandition, Jow condition, Phone OF, 56-5080 Rentals, KA B-1644 milenge. Can be seen at lnide y LEGAL size, four draw tee! fill A ditioner, table $48 , v drawer steel filln Breet West, Apt 12 after 6 p.m Mi song a matie numidastar, ham (cabinet, Ad condition, $37, Phone R HW CHEVROLET two-door, perfect vlan dies 0 eu foyear warranty. B504 dition. A real eollector's Atem, Very Kelly's, 2 floors, 32 King East VSED Paris and repairs for all makes rare car. Asking $600. Hilllop Motors, | js" "6 moulded plywood paceship| Of wringer type washers, 14 hp motors, HA 40001 cruiser '99, 36 hp Mercury complete 80 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned with steering nd controls, skis, ele (iam iA Roya Paddy's Market, Heasonahle "A" BABl4 after 4 amplon LOWERT Drices Wn town! Baby "ear. |WE pay highest prices nthe oily for 1960, ear-hed style, $27.00; hed _Surniniire, ratty a ied Ruri ll MW eribs, half-price eigar: (hire Store 2 imene Bou nit, $16.88; Spring fillet evil MANTEREES, || IYNGRTONE stoker and furnace with $0.88; playpens, 88.86; high chairs, 10 controls RA oh ar, 87.08 and rollers, 86.88, Wilson Fuini-|? ture, 20 Church Street REVRIGERATOR wale, new 1060 hig SALE 10 eu, #1, family size, 6 yr. warranty Kelly's special $189, 8 floors KA 6:5153 {Ninn Fodusn ot Je 51 TWO door Plymouth sedan, may he | g seen at Ted's White Rose and Marine, | PICs fully guaranteed, Kingston Road East, RA 50083 Double hung windows enly HAY pvr sufferers! Inquire $18, Cell now the uritron machine al i Beauty Bupply Wholesale, Lymer Aluminum Co, Birest East, RA 87011 i RA 8.5385 AWNINGS, hlain colors or Bay stripes -- rompl service ree estimates, Order naw for early delivery. Chair and table FOR SALE rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simeone North > a. GUNR, ammunition and hunting sup ONE USED LIVINGSTON COAL STOKER, IN GOOD CONDITION, MAY BE SEEN AT CEDARDALE FIRE STA. TION, 761 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA, or PH, RA 8 6441, quished | bedr I good condition, ant LLL) 8 COOK'S TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE ON SALE NEW AND USED LOW BARGAIN PRICES Ph. RA 8-0887 S1--~Swap & Barter THREE piece bath sets $70; pressure velems S08; stainless steel sinks $10; laindry tubs $15; bai pumps, holler and rad piping and filings: outboard motors, boat and Sraller, lawn mowers, H, Chinn, HA 5.708 WILL trade GR i duly range woth Hmer, or gas conversion burner with thermostat, for electrie portable sew: [ing machine, or what have you. RA | HA064 |32--Legal 3. Sheet number 8 of Ap. pendix A' to by-law num- ber 3415 is hereby amended by changing the land use designation of part of the blogk ef land shown es R-2.8 on the west side of Mont« rave Avenue from R:2:8 ta R:3 so that the said Sheet 8 os amended will be qs shown on the revised Sheet number 8 attached to this by-law as Schedule "A", 4. Section 22 of byslaw num ber 3415 as amended is here: by further amended by des leting therefrom the follows ing: § | leay tar sales and e front | id ul FOR SALE One used Livingston Coal Stoker, in goed condition, may be seen at Cedardale Fire Station, 761 Simcoe Street Bedi Oshawa, or Phone RA 64 Ste ve A0 Ie e | pedr $90.00 minthly 2+ and apartments, Mow being decorated $55.00 monthly, Whitby Wanted Nice 3-bedroom nome, preferably with at tached garage Whithy $3,000 down payment Phone this office Mathews & Allen LTD 215 DUNDAS ST, E MO 8-853) Evenings TE 9.1812, Pickering or YU 5.7780 v J ewer $2,750 Mrs, rene B:5145, eve 35 ACRES FOR MARKET GARDENING Beauti ful, le clo te Hig hy few minute This land Prosperous farm and has Ww easy ters Weint RI "(b) the office of a phy: siclan located in the single-family dwelling used by the physician as: his private resis dence," Ving PFN, 220.60 The Ontario Municipal Beard IN THE MATTER OF Section 27a of The Planning Act, 1955, OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd Brooklin, Ont, Oliver 5.3641 in 8. No part of this by-law shall come inte farce without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board but subject thereto this by-law shall take effect from the date of its passing vel wen ANE IN THE MATTER OF an ap+ plication of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1769, passed the 2nd day of May, 1960, APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Weds nesday, the 7th day of Seps tember, 1960, at the hour of halt past ten o'clock in the forencen (Local Time) at the Council Chambers, Osh. awa, Ontario, for the hears ing of all parties interested in supporting or oppesing this application DATED at Toronto, this 17th day of August, 1960, R. L. Kennedy, SEAL VICE CHAIRMAN The by-law referred to in the above notice reads as fol lows BY-LAW NUMBER 3769 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA being a by-law ta further amend the Zoning By-law of the City of Oshawa, WHEREAS it is deemed de- sirable to further amend Zoning By-law number 3415 as amended by bylaws num. | 50---Artigles for Sale Take Advantage of The SINGER SEWING MACHINE CN.E. SPECIALS At your local SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO ST,, OSHAWA ta O is part of a market gard to be 59 '87 Bylaw read a first time this 2nd day of May, By-law read a second time this 2nd day of May 1960, By-law read a third time and finally passed this 2nd day of May 1960. "Lyman A. Gifford" Mayor "L. R. Barrand" Clerk All aluminum products Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates calles ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME '56 terms ule erms ( 55 Mrs, Irene Weinbes 8.5145, evenings RA 3 WHITBY CLASSIFIED JUNIOR clerk required Dominion Bank, Whithy HOR RENT = Three rooms and self contained, central, residential, $65 FIREWOOD available na monthly, heat and light included. Call Location near Base Line, bhelwee MO 8-831 and Whithy. Phone after 6 pow ROOM nd o rd hie? MO ra [FOR RENT = 'Modern three: ne brick bungalow, Meadow FOR RENT -- - Apartment, twa bed: | sion, Brooiln, Ontario. Wau rooms, living room and kitehen, imme. Selling. For information pho diate eccupaney. Apply 817 Centre (MO 8.2563 Street North, Whithy [FOR WENT or for sale POR RENT =~ Two unfurnished 1 vooma | Modern brick bhungale prin in very convenient location, between On: Phone MO #3146, Whit Alax a4 Whitby, near Base Line Use FOR RENT of Kitchen. No objection to one child, ment, private hath, Phone her & p.m MO 80307 {Apply 415 Byron Street Nott, Whith NICELY furnished room for rent sew FOR RENT home, centrally located, suitable far ane [1081 Unfuraished ar Tw beopie, meals optienal. Phone |S'7eet West, Whithy | RE LIABRLE day cave for siding, 8 Experienced. Whithy OWNERS ~ Shingling, PAIRLRE. | GRASS citing have power w thy. MO travel. MO 8-402 OME sulation, avenue Phil H ni [FOR RENT arper, 3S Green COLD WAVES (Lanolin enriched) trom in \ s hot LL 5] dnsitdes Masleriul haning, sham 1A am, Tg ; A en. Please phone Di No Petr) | Ph undas West PPointment SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary Way. new tanks installed Walter Ward FOR C.I.L, PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter RELIABLE day gare to ohildi a, any Alp. Experienced. Whithy MOaawh CEN Paint and Wailpaper $t re 107 Byron Street South MO 31 | '85 2 «door Station '88 '55 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial hE 32 COOK'S TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE Highway 2 Courtice ON SALE NEW AND USED LOW BARGAIN PRICES Phone RA 8.0887 Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town, Quick service, Alex Vajda RA 3.9851 Every job guaranteed, Drive t Wi Model Home in intersection on No. 2 highway te Brock rth to Northern Heights, Follow Arrows Toronto FOR SALE Massey Ha traetar. four attachments, new tian, 135 Chestnut East. MO & hy - N hath, Sheet number 8 of Appen. dix "A" to by-law number 3415 referred to above in paragraph numbered 3 of by. law number 3769 may be examined at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Osh. awa, Dated at Oshawa this 27th day of August, 1960 "I, R. Barand" City Clerk NOTICE TO PROPERTY OW- NERS IN EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP, WHITBY TOWNSHIP AND DARLING: TON TOWNSHIP ABUTT. ING THE CITY OF OSHAWA RESPECTING CITY OF OSH. AWA ZONING BY. LAW NUMBER 3769, al More Information ? PHONE: RA 8-204] BRETHOUR REAL ESTATE LTD. MEMBER OF ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS gentleman. Phone CLEARANCE SALE LATE MODEL CARS 'S1 Ford four door $228 '52 Chevrolet 4 door $250 'S3 Chevrolet 2 door $428 '53 Pontige Sedan de: $378 livery $375 $398 Three roomed d apart all ni = Three roamed Apply 312 Bb ind i 46--Real Estate Wanted | ; i Real Estate Wanted |47-- Automobiles For Sale | MODERATLY a business 'Mi CADILLAC party ne wanted far clients fully power equip " homes Eldorado convertible, red, ba Aulek sale aver payments. Phone RA $328 He We, Prince will p and far oN 'S3 Ford two door R Single furnished se tea Bill Dragometz Motor Sales BA SERVICE STATION 136 KING ST. W '56 $595 L] $595 $498 \ 08 - 47-- Automobiles or Sale I PONTIAC Ford twe door Wasp 4 $350 door '54 Hudson door Buick hardtop Or Best Offers MARIJAN'S GARAGE 290 CORDOVA RD. RA 5.5101 48--Automobiles 'Wanted SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up ar down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 3.9421 SAY All extras, S800. MA. 3.5588, TAKE NOTICE THAT THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HAS APPOINTED WEDNESDAY, THE 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1960, AT THE HOUR OF HALF PAST TEN O'CLOCK IN THE FORE. NOON (LOCAL TIME), AT THE OSHAWA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, OSHAWA, ON. TARIQ, FOR THE HEARING OF ALL PARTIES INTERES. TED IN SUPPORTING OR OPPOSING THE APPLICA. TION FOR APPROVAL OF THE SAID BY-LAW, A COPY OF WHICH 1S PRINTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS PAGE, DATED AT OSHAWA THIS mm DAY OF AUGUST, 60, ; 'SS four new, fully $1660. havdtop 0 new nA as sell fap PDR W od WANTED -- Deep well minimum, Must be well known 1 apply Rox 808 Oshawa Times, Whitty WANTED Licensed Body Man fo aula repair, piece work. Phan 8.4008 or apply Mohawk Rody Dundas Street West, Whithy we v CHEVROLET a convertinle, 4000) flown pavment RA 8688) WILLIS MOTORS For Your » TIN CAR \ TME Se) CARS RD, E Studebaker 0 Shop Dodge taaean 'S54 '53 Pontiac FOR RENT «= Boating, camps ing, hunting supplies, garden ing and lawn equipment, pows er tools, box, boat and cabin trailers FOR SALE motors, trailers, WILDE RENTALS SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas E, MO 8.3224 FOR RENT Dodge Suburban Station 'Wagon Two-bedroom suites in Whit. bys modern apartment build ing, ventilated kitchen, wine dow drapes, range, refrigers ator, laundry facilities, all services, TV outlets, parking, etc. Rent $90. A. J. Schatz Realtor MO 8.3337, contact J. A. Daly, MO 8.4775 even: ngs. $395 2 Chev $279 Meteor SPECIAL Pontiacs 2 from, also Chev, $145 each Al GO U Used boats, NT | | TON to choose RA 5 | | | | "L. R, BARRAND" CITY CLERK \2 Va

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