The Oshawa Times, 3 Sep 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, September 3, 1960 OFFICE HOURS iim) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2:2 21--Personal Service 28---Summer Properties 36--F emale Help Wanted 44---Houses, Apts, Flots [atk Apts, Floats V--Accountants | 13--Gardening & Supplies 15---Instruction Howth. the TWO . bedroom cottage, Lake Che (CAPABLE woman to mind three schook Le For sy \ ATES § yeed Kislin praying 'snd HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Baton, HAY fever 5! Inguire shout bo PIN A OnEANY, Fos CLASSIFIED AD RATES on of Blagg be and ior H da i beademy, Balls High Punitzon machine Oshawn, Beaty mong, near Peterborough, inside fotlat, age chiliven, Coll BA B-6640 FIVE - room spartment, gersge, ™ APARTMENT - three / oom, bese Street East, Oshaws, Onterio, BA 26 words or ess Vfor complete Garden Servic ii BA | I er ing West. BA Supply wammssle, 15 King Street East small host, Specia for, September, 4 "EXPERI ENCED will and counter wir] aerial, heat, hot water, 880 monthly, im-| ment. Heavy 16, 208 cred ee id 4 Cash Charge Ji 8.6366. Dshe Home landscapin 36122 weekly HERall 2 wanted, Ap Vigor Snack Bar, or midis occupancy, RA 51345 or BA couple, one child, 210 Chadburn Street - - ¥ NM # 4 H iw a » » odd FALE, FRIEDLANDER, WUNTER snd § 3 CONSECUTIVE ANY fond of Baril work ' popu ) i, Y OUR EN FORE FERRY ~laks 4 ok akia- | phone LAL rene -- - {TUBER room ry ba C rho Lgl easonable rates, BA $150 wir ok, BA y Ont ctake, Private, three bedros : -- - wing ' Trustee Romar 1 ing sve], INsekTioms EE _ ou iits sii, | BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN (ull GMail Wl wutivped ¥ikin| WAR $08 WENNLY vive & tres work (APARTMENT = hres. room, bist |Fiariment. shons. 72 Calis Bots East, Osiawn; B. L, Yale, CA; F (MSER TONE " hicken plate, half chicken 522 Satisrids 0 Wednesday dll 4d ( si. (couple. Apply 210 Chadburn Bisaet ren---------- 2 4 1 PB 4 INSERTIONS 318 4.12 R . dent - counselio Fashion ¥'rocks to friends 0 inves ply 4 al loon due, fos Prdienaawat B. L., Yak Ty AUBKRTIANG i 370 443 CHOICE LOAM rxivan ee terniew only. Yith french fries, fish and (FIVE oom collage, all coDVERnces,| unt. can vissing Sxperience Bee 10 | MREE room, well - contained apr | | ran sontest on ensmabie vom BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting A harge rate will opp naw. RA 5-154 Jug chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, |sale beach, howl, available tor BOPEII Write Nonh American Fashion ¥ ment, heated, "modien, $5 & monn. (Rh 8910, 147 Simcoe South. Serviess Jer compete wokkestnk]l pp rates apply only 10 origina FOR SALE a ------ pita EEKRS her. o¥'s Busch, Lake Dotympy 14d. 3425 industrial Bive,, Dept sis Apply 257 duines Biresi, Oshawa gg services for small business. 154 i | pf Fr ve ial c | p dda ontrenl 34 room apsrtment, 3 i grders for consecutive inserions, I fF IN FiLl --Money To Loon MODERN GRILL v - " ' - TWO - oom apartinent with stove, : H Path Brest arent, Room 1 Office RA 50301. 1 £ osequent insertions ordered of GRAVEL--SAND y WE DELIVER--RA 5 COTEAGES, camps, mes, acreate \\ uo IABLES girl or women to take | sls thiee : Mom spartment, heavy WiF {rising cupboards "i WE Girone ai Basi Bod ater date constitutes o new origing A 16 Filling A nis 4 . : dedeld " heauti mast Torontn. For free lst. charge of wo children, Hght housekeeping, hardwood floors, Tuikdn cup rect. tiuse to Shapoios Contre OF RONALD FB. Widow," "Gare pois | . 4 ROFLE BRE | Tome S------ » Be a a Corns Lim. ing chores, while mother works, LAve boards, lights, hest and water ned: | ha A 5 3955, Accountant, Oshaws, Ontarie, BAI * Professional and Business fisting . weed. 22--Radio Repairs ing tol torhorough, Riverside|in. BA 320% alter 7 pm |, BX 57677 or WA 4013) 55 ER $7.50 per month for RA 5-2156 : I ary No yr Pi Ih 1 : ; p woot |[FOUR-room house, al conveniences, | SIMCOE Breet South hind Mawr, [7 MONTEVTN, MONYRITH, RIEWY, and | Each additional fine $1.00 ¢ } Re mapa Bitten. | Vat, one) vie sch, chive, "com (18 Bowmanville, Write ox 10, Osnaws | Wehed spuriment vetanl, Bg Ca, Chartered Accountants, BA 53527, rakes In Peon ef an v & 0 } shun | Ah cl § § : aviat y ciliate Avenue, BA 39792 (Fred - men ing September 6, for two weeks i 5 "ou Aimee Sireet North Atos WH(| Ech initial len "| OSHAWA ACME so Tnsuranee, "Ba MARJACK LODGE |i, sine in a AWRRY rom apartment, comin (FOUR toon sariient hitsbie Lop oo. Sh : a 8; £01 hr - . ' LLBY, radio, car radio Fepals All hi. keaper wanted. must|located, separate entrance, heavy wir. | COUPE w ons 197 Rosell) Blvd HE DEWAR and Co, Accountants yr RELAIS be y ' ' ' mikes, Thompson Electronics, 157 STURGEON JAKE GE NERAL wisskseper Ww ned, mast! ime, Sb possession, RA 54259 [contalued wily 137 Re and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg. 11 On MUST 5 om. the dav: b HAULAGE | TL 6 7 Hott Avenue, RA 37192 (Fred) Fishin ewimming, ef Box 524, Ofcaws TWO two-room apartments, also three. | MODERN electrically yvped, Ri tari Street, Oshawa, Ontario, RAJ MUST be in by 5 p * SGy Be ' no ir ' oom apartment, furnished ey uniur-|Dedroom spuriment, 11 Cray #222 fore publication Offic rs; Baily LOAM A COO friendly atmosphere, abuns SINGLE gin! for general store Tei. | maha hae 24911 4 {Whithy, MO 85226 : 2B ist Qa ilar B12 FILL STONE 4 yal SPECIAL dont hom cooked . meals, 4 "phone Ao an Teneng pester FOUR room unfurnished apariment, | VPPER duplex Sombie Prd 4 arristers REGULATIONS op A o East aw WECIn Idrer | - couple" only, or one school child; ap [#8 Chatles, ikiiag south of ya " | awa Time all nd be p , ah Chile, 08, CREIGHTON, VRASER PRYNAN , . Oth wa Times sal not b RA 3 (By 2508 ON FAMOUS Thur fon | awk, P.O, Duns For Fur Store Lemna us pnd garage, Available October hg A at its, RA | arristers, Solicitors, P oS stad # / 4 TF { ) 25R2 ¢ tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bag, Janis Stes otherwise than 'n 4 : cement | p ord Sot ! FIVE - oom bungalow, seven minuies | bn re ments. 86 § Simeone Street North, RA 3.3466; T writing, nor My ' 4 p . S SON : £ office experience, also | bedroom apartments, Creighton N.C, Fraser, QC; G, K || incorrect insertion of ady AURORA SAND & ; f Fran AM 280--Trailers Some_ohfi . paren hd [to sous Ol Dating. hot. wich month, features wove, refr ers 4 X ho B- 5060. |laekers washers, dryers, i Drynsn, G, IL, Murdoch, NHA mort: || tisement, ner be A ! ; 10 0ssish gages arranged y harged fo ie insertion © GRAVEL \V RS FOR BALK / ABBA Thursday AM. for inter | drapes and adequate parking, Located advertis F i { v ; ¢ equipped, 1nciudin Two bedroom |AIAK tour-room house, heavy uty in North Oshawa. Call Pat Patterson st the ad i; Gr 1 . » ol y of A HANNING oF MARTZ. Barrister] oc d also re the rig PR old one With hunks, § Terms. N, Chek view Thy / 27021 on, Iwiring, three-piece bath, floor fumace, | RA 84651 of Douglas Ly Gower, Real olicitor, Notary ey 0 losn £80 iy RIA t ¥ | Kin, ik i bride F A 3 {newly decorated, fenced in garden, an-| Estate ciate, Bruce V, Mackey, BA, Henry} 10 closely VALLI Y FARM. RI / 40-ft, tower structure with . < jp. - ¥ y A | 3 IW Ta {V) 5 er by week $25 Wk, private driveway, Ha Block, 26 King Street East, RA 3-4667 : A FOR KE Faller by K -- Y APARTMENTS -- two - room and fours pw Riad fy don Rd ' se of » § 3d AC 2.1 [A / ia xb Phone MA | possession, & Edward Street Ajax oom, | sell-contained, Private bathe, f 8s r EA a % i f 3 2472 \A VR £ SGIR Five mom. apartment, bullt In cup: kitchens with sinks and caphosrds, Tm inter : TEmple MONEY TO LOAN ; AA a---- meer | JEWELLERY SALESGIRL [FIVE - som apartment, bull Jn joe kitchens with winks snd euphossds, ton Ady hg giddy 29--Summer "Properties REQUIRED Goraue, close 0 Oshawa, COMsY| 57425 5140, : ; : aah matte ; / 4 2 For Sale p referred but [48 APARTMENT "= "iour rooms : prog ' J HAW A y : ; sermanent | THREE - room apartment, kitchen, iiv- | King East, Ground floor, £50 DONALD BLAKE DODDS Barr nil ( f Er ( A RA 8-8180 IRONDALE Haliburton Highland ui 4 od Perm oe ing room, bedroom, private aathroom, sion Sept 1, Adults. LL. Hancock, and Sulieitor, o King Street "Ki any MEEUracios y IARDEN SERVICE ¥ tehed coRart oh De Lake, 250 fi Apply between 10 Luise and basement, first tloor, RA | 51709, elephone isines 230 esi § of dvertisen : {i B urn 5 A § bh from highway, h ; nd ) to Burr 13-4516. 290 Bruce Vi LARGE three T Tein" peilooon dence, BA #537 therein, NDSC AP Vy ma LANDSCAPING OSHAWA TV ' W. Lancaster Credit Jewellers Ltd, 32 King ww "room furnished apartment, third | tained downsiaire apartment, newly £ FT. SALMERS BA, barrister, solici Speciolizir 4 j sort Credit, CR B-4156 iW | floor, conveniences, heal, HEhts, een: decorated heated, use washer and wr, ete, 13 Simeone Street North v mils A tral, 860, Child welcome. RA 38180 laundry tubs. 248 Bruce Street. Phone Office BA 53741; Residence RA 55542 . ne : 161 GIBBONS ST 30--L ost & Found . 4 MO 8-567 after 6 es ) » 21, 8 [FURNISHED bed - sitting room, full | - . BOWMAN, David L, Barrister, 80liet 8 Building Tred " | [ PRIVATE. SECRETARY | cooking facilities, Close to hosp and MODERN two storey brick home, dF Tamas South. RA 00M. Rest: | Co NERAL bullding, al Kinds 1 J of Enfield, TLR2F, tattooed for |downtown, Girl preferred. Phone RA | very central, immediate possession, dence, RA #0264 sORFY, Nn i Day or Night g vail Bivins wh 5507 $100 monthly, Write Box 16, Oshaws re all THOMAS 3, RI a is Ce ay | 4m As : : mg jarder Y . F OSHAWA add SENIOR MEMBER ra oom furnished basement apari:| Imes LOST Dark grey hrown ho ment, refrigerator, stove, bulltin cup. |[FHREE ~~ room apartment, private itor an Notar bh # Street East. Phone i plumbing anc ond aintaining - Fl ECTRONICS LoNY n Jans hos, 4 pair 4 of LAW FIRM hoards, separate bathroom and show: home, tiled bath, no children, please JOHN A. CAMERON, barnster, solici-| Fhon mA 2 #52 h 4 odding and fall planting her fe ' A [ere close to bus and stores, WA 53486, | abstainers only, possession immediate v plumbing i agin sodding o i] ) ] - il i n A Ean RA sane and orivets ing, 255 Simcoe 8 A I ) RA 8-5286 5 Woman's larg ontain nae On as possIDIE; IPHREE - room unfurnished hasement | (%i he 44 di wiring, RA 53677. 120 East. RA 3-260, NHA and private , ny % o . GUARANTEE! and arth 3 re week medical dnd |apartment, with private bath and en yin Kay ry mortgages srranged Al CARFENT RA 8 A 36 4 p Rive N oF ; South 4 chem Legal |irance. Apply 300 Monash Avenue, RAINEW home, three bedrooms, reer RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas W,|#4lre Exp poems. eke \ 0-0000 RADIO HI-FI od or A BAD J HONGe 36 1 ; pe | #4788 tion room, Phone BA 3.3876 Greer, Asscelate Barristers and Soll: wp" , p(s OSHAWA | OA N f AND SERVICE a X preferred bur not oom self-contained Spar |NTORE for rent Main Bireet, well itors, 130 King Street East RA 862% "A al A Applications fully ment, utilities paid, parking, RA 8-610, | established barbershop, centrally lo Mortgage loans availahl WATERPROOFIN i Ho HOME LAN Al ( ol cated, suitable for other small business. " X ellars, For appointment, Write B LEABE home near south plant and | GREER, murphy and MacDonald, Bar. (Seles, For app TV TOWERS NE CAPE Rumen | : : shopping, to. middle age 'abetainar, | Phone BA 34343 after 5 pn uiers, Soliciors wid, Notaries Fubl mer : Hil "I Spacla WRITE BOX 2 couple for full care of boys, & and 12, FRREE furnished room spartment, 6 King Stree es A717 issell ' he p P. religion and particulars to Box 12| private bath, heated, on Highways 18 J. Murphy and James A. MacDonsld GARAGES LOAM | 40-11, seit supporting tow Tor W "a OSHAWA TIMES [ataion Times ind 7, one mile north of Brooklin and Kelly, Barristers, 5 i v y 32--Artic es Wante a-- YHREE apartments, close To shopping | Phone OL 53114 after 6 p.m cD a EXHIBITION SPECIAL \ | WILL 0 Canadian 37 Male Help elp Wanted | centre, all conveniences, frig and stove, (THREE room unfurnished apartment, dang o/ a \ # 4 \ oF d ) § i F ete, One four-room apartment, $100 Private bath and entrance, heavy wir ode RA 5.20081 Te 10 OFF \ A ) ' SINGLE man wank ad "for dwlry {08m (imGnihiy. Two four-and- halt Toom' apart pi Ry Bad 3 Bad BLL §.5832 | 1 reference equire Phone WEBY, (ments at 8105 monthly. Possession Sep | RA 82504 MeGiihhoN and BASTEDO Barristers 4 A A TT 1 ' # tember 1, 1860. Call now for Ted Cun | 5 TF Me A BAST COLONIAL HOMES FILL and STON public Seelations men, Two ningham at KA 54544 or RA 5-235, | THRE A. J. Bolahood 14d, Rit garage, very central, avallable imme: diately. Apply 221 Arthur Street mortgages, 4 y : 134 SIMCOE ST, § iid : ( dally. Local company. | John 6. Charle Met RA 8.4614 RA 5 5979 TV Enter Pr 18eS Ww. PO No invests Youu should equal Your! ROOMS only, or room and hoard, week: | 55 PLEX = Twa ome or four room apartment. and hedroom suites, (complete with private entrance, kitchs len and bath, Bruce Street, close to Fdgar F. Bastedo, QC pan. time, Confidential. [iy or "monthly, Apply 260 Athol Street Oshavre Time Last anytime HUMPHREYS, Boychyn and Hillman Idi : =f '18a--Mortgages )83 Drew St Barristers. § ¥ a ing Materials 108 v ¥ , Iie ) RH i] n 9 Bu 9 Vitini J 2 AREQ { $ - MODEEN three room apartment, [down town. Business couples preferred, uh PG nb \ | WEW ioe Tater oF Building, venem ; ah RA 3.3553 ) REPRESENTATIVE lnrge Kitchen, Also three - room hase. $75 monthly, Immediate possession. Hi nt oF RA hg "RA able, Telephone RA 58552 Pl ANT NOW! 1 ¢ | REOU IRED ment apartment with ~ de-humidifier, |Contact Don Howe, RA 5.7752 one ice J ' mo-- ! ¢ 1 (14% of p 604 or Whithy, MO 8.2761; RA 55203 T ' ) 4 {Roth, i separate entrance. Phone poURToom modern bungalow oh lave Money to loan |11--=Business Opportunities EVES EN 5 ' A 21798 6 IV. RADIO SERVICE Ne a much needed | ! Liot, west onde Oshawa. "sarane. CO [FOR sale or lease: Modern new lock | ain LL B Alla { HAW ' for farmens as well a ih Dedroan Mints 50 Jules 3ast in Pe ne wi cherke) -- 6--Optometrists tions for Arugkist, hardwar riet J rs. WA ons for dry ardware, Var , F la WI it fwellers, We finte possession. Apply 523 Leslie Street | ; . ooh Please | Fostaurint, | and hairdreyse 19--Personal Tu AUTO WRECKING representative in |s Pusiossion. Abel 335 Leslie Street] poop, ATTRACTIVE 2, G6, BH TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please rinak hand Mure Pr FOUR . voom unfurnished apartment,| pay aceounts at downtown Dominion on any other 'e 4 niive [ up TOWERS A vel i" I" A ear is essential couple only, immediate Poss bedroom apartments ADE. amined at home, Dial RA 5-458 Loads of parking. P / : the man selected will [King Street West, Call between 1 to] LAIDE MANOR Hollys mines home L] 34587 | re G5 ' ( I 4 RA 56802 or MO A585 f t . ve the opportunity to estat pm wood kitchens, electrically Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex ' | r | ACTH y oil I ) F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom FISHING and Hunting camp d il AN h lish himself in a business that |FURNISHED, three - room basement! equipped, broadioom, locker etry, the examination of eyes, rontac | | | WIPE ' ¥, xami an of eyes ante I 1 apartment, private entrance and bath, | hot water and parking Te akeshore « ¥ ae t vell and as repeat lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne) | I [8] | a evenings by appointment, RA 3-411 ara A " VAN RFI { k Y : } / § } 7 B us ¢ a in regularly Phone HA ig alter 6p cluded, IMMEDIATE OCCU. in booming Kawartha Hid : THE IRTH central, one bedroom apart . Write for lies picture b nd | Arie i ) \ ime position | ou $70 monthly, immediate posses.| PANCY. Contact R. Vickery 7 ~Surveyors lio, Bowes and Cocks Limited . - C y Faia y ¢ @ man on @ sion, cow ' 3 | AY 4 - 4 \ | sion, couple unly, Lloyd Realty, 101 Sim. Real Estate, 46 King St, JOONALD HW. TROLLOPE, Ontario] ro Peterborough GARDENS A v Le & | / TV CEDARDALE yet time 'earn @s you [coe Novth. RA 89125 West, phone RA 8.6228 w= Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Avenue | HIGHWAY NO en QU § C RAP lea plan. Write at once [FURNISHED three - room apartment, evenings RA 5-6342, East. RA 5.6001, i | MA 3.5757 RA 8.5804 RA 5.7844 he information to Sale utilities paid, 865 per month, suitable DONEVAN AND FLEIRCHMAN, On " 9 ¢ u C 3:2/37 p ih < ) dor RAS 144 | Al an , Box 817, London, for two people, good location. RA 6.3054 tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue no WMA i X ; ; ' ARTI aya. 13.3 10 440--Rooms For Rent g printing 12 Bloor Street East RA | IRONS----METALS - - - ly three rooms, private bath, Gooll loca: | LARGE front bedroom, furnished; alse 3 4 lg ly 236 ' " p | i Foor Repairs i ; PAPER----RAGS Male or Female Help RW"; Mm" We McNaushton Avenue, houseeeping room, tround floor, ee of Bh, T. HORTON and Associates, On $ 1 l ERVICE h tario Land Surveyors, Professional En lar $7.0 PROFESSIONAL I CLUDE ALL OPEN SATURDAYS ALL A Wanted DOWNSTAIRS four - room, self-contain: | ONE - bedroom, with ome privileges §ineering W8 Dundas Street West, £10,000 investmer 9 RA © 4 ed apartment, with fireplace and base. [in ground floor apartment, business hithy, MO 8.3061, Ajax 728 anid] JL ¢ ( at 8 EXPERIENCED canvmasers to cover | oo "ayeigls] |Vady preferred, abatainer, respeciably CHICKEN DELIGHT [PAINTING sid" Secormiing. a : EXTRAS FRE i 5 I Pp Oshawa with new sid les promotion, : | 8--Building Tred - i IREE PICK-UP high commission, Call §1 Burke Street, | FOUR room apartment, ground floor. | 1A4¥ 10 live with widow, RA #4 uliding Trades OF CANADA LTD, Males, wor Ante , RESIDENCE RA 5-4) 08 p.m all conveniences, couple mrefevred willl TWO - room furnished light tier y py "Bi: CALL JO¥ 444 i y ' me ' 4 wemeeees | 0ONSIder small haby, Apply 458 Ritson [In close to South G) Apply 3 TI he caveling. Hirer 288 MARIOM ST, and hand rh Porgy Th 4 chek 100 AP INIS STREE Tr 4 Room & Boe rd Road South Hillside Avenue thers, 26 Hillcourt Drive, Whitby, | WINNIPE ! [TWO rooms, for rent, in quiel home, ROOM, furnished, $4.50 week, ALL © buildin, fing, | -------- PAINTER and " tian Tt vi 34--Auction Sale. ROOM and board in ne'w home, PATk:|far elderly lady, or quiet couple, ren. Gentleman only, Phone RA 32858 | ypes bullding repairs, roofing, 1 ki : ' 4 0g facilities, For inte cmation phone [sonable rent. Phone RA 5.2308 eavestrough, chimneys, fireplaces, side.| | ~=Dressma ing ADE BX AY f ' 1 ¢ HA 18-0504 ONE large room, furnished, also kite walks, stoops. RA 8.0304, G. \ RA 8-22 I i FURNISHED hasement fRurtment, on chen furnished, for gouple, Available ER "IDRERSMAKING and alterations, RA FURNYTI Hi pairs W f | \ : RNSEYS AT ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, #00d | Taunton Road | Earl 1) ui (now, Apply 630 Simeon Noggh 2 hbo ) \ GUE v lunches packed ngle Deds, (couple or two gentlemen, $65 manihly | FURNISHED room, suitable for iwe kitchen cupboards, recreation - = | vileges, close tar do ¢ a ' 4 t HYPNOTHERAPY ¢ th ¢ ida close for down Lown, includes heating, hydro, COIf rls, use of telephone, electrically arages, concrete and hloek : : ¢ v ¢ im 3 bine Moding JR 5.6937 {13--Gardening & Supplies i) IT: I 3 T . AUC TION h ; i . i | 4.2102 pd ulpped, Kitchen, houskeeping de: " » ; . . OOM and hoard for gedleman. Home | APARTMENT = % i.|sired. Opposite Lovell School plays » i \ X( ) | NOW . [cooked meals, plenty of hot water A kitchen we Loom, bed Bi |#vound, Apply 87 John Stree pobD & Souter © |° CALL GRANT Hl Beautiiv Your Horns WYECREST [glean let German Nome, #1 Fark | Lutrdsr sik share bain, hort." heave] NOON So ir ee " L f luded, Private entrance, upstairs 1 oh PAINT--WALLPAPER 1 4 Iie or two ladies, abstainers. Phone RA i a Ir I V } Ou - ~ ROOM and board for gentlemen on: (three minute walk South GM, Rea: | PAINTING & DECORATING FOR SOD Ad FAINTING DECORATING by | \ ui nprove Picture Quality FARMS inuous hot water, homie privileges, sonable RA 85917 Fi0l? AEF 4 pon CONTRACTORS NEST QUALIT joaman, imen ; " HAVE A TOWER Apply 341 Ritson Road 1 nth | ree -- [FURNISHED oom with home privils - IN ! Y tone work guar ee Free | ) RB ( 10 minutes' walk from SGM. RA { For free estimate p y RA #2558 is f D( /C|IC mes batty { GENTLEMUN + slhgie and | #3408 DAYS MO 8 5231 REA SONABLE RAE CHESTENFIELDS C ROI YOIS 4 " timat BROOK IN ON TARIO Ho KTR packed aie wt FREE TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and EVENINGS RA 5.7426 MO 8-30 " ie a as aT | Kilghen, refrigerator, billiin' cupboards 107 Byron St. S$, Whitby atreet Now M T.RI.O THURSDAY arate bos," reantast 1 desired. MA| 9 WEEKS RENT ato sh snail CLIFF BROWN | COMPLETE CHENTERS 4 LDN - ih re . SEPTEMBER 8 ROOM and hoard for gentbeman, teach Modern one hedre om apart ( NEWLY Jhcarated. 1 amon GARDEN SERVICE are. reasonable. " Saiisiae -- TELEVISION 10 PN Shaping "Contre, Odag. | Pesse| mnt $83. 103 Cravdan Rd, |sanvthiences mona oSnirance. ane « Tativesse ~ a " h ve 3.7208 GRAVEL & SAND | Garden ploughe hi holst v ( on Ww ) 20 Cortage RA 8.6781 37 HE AD NEAR wth GM, and downtown, | MO 8-4770 i a ky completely furnish | ronms landscaping, wood cut, 1 HA § L M indscag PARCEL ; 171 BOND ST. EAST eoteh home good meals, lunches | - -- {ed for light housekeeping, including removed ri MRING : with Listed A packed, single weds, tive day week, | | heat, lights, continuoug hat water, use + ar | ui \ I { ¥ continuous hot water, paitking, 88 Park | § ¥ machine , central Prompt Delivery RA 8.1798 Bldg 3 da 3 ia J : %3--Vomen's $ Column Vv ated Acer: dited Road South : el APARTMEN | [a a a and 44 dryer Contre, Adults only. RA $5267 RA 8.8951] o---- ) t Personal Service Money EP 15 early fall freshners,, 4 [TWO wentiemen 16 share, "Single «| Large two bedroom aparts and : : Rumah . . % home privileges, home ooked mens | > 4 in RNISHED ms, Hght housekeeps CROSS TOWN tyne of plun A 2 - { Page Hairdressi due in October, 3 in Noy Lunches packed. RA 5.704% ment, in apartient building ing for gentle bi ¥ ing Fri) RA 5.5463 1 L a ember, 9 yearlings and 4 [room and board for gentlemen, cise] Kitchen equipped, Simcoe St Phone RA 8-568 | SUILDERS ! ; he -- 4 and hoi ; BUILD SOD SUPPLY wR 24-mNarket Basket Heifer Calves to down town. 3 Elgin §itreet East. N. $100 monthly | ROOM in private home, very central, eramic tiled bathroom sup ol a RA 37814 | " Spring mattress, swit gentleman, 108 plied and fixed, compiete A-1 rolled tilize t FURNACE SALES CORN for " J R.Q.F,_ Record [FOR married couple, one. Tihild option Ly RA 5 330° v Elgin Ean ad dozen | with four fittings Large fresh daily, prompt delivery - BOAT OR TRA R ¢ . ushel Type Classification lal, twa three Tooms, (plese to down. | "|ONE furnished voom and kitchen, suits color no 90¢ a ft Special tractor te AND SER VICI LALLY hi Il { \ 5 i ¢ h SE Ll ING | t North GM continues hot water, | TWO BEDROOM able for two, central. Apply 378 Albert First class tradesman, Phone A 5.8504 H ORAGH W. Ey : . AP [Street Phone RA 33978 d anvtime RA 5 505 { mito TN d ] 4 ¥ ROOM and board tar gen leman, Hame | ARTMENT CLEAN single room, also double room, RA 8 | 177 » )é Ain ¥ ¥ ooked meals, plenty of hot ater in Four blocks north of King {twin beds, i refined HAR Vers - ANE | win i \ v ean quiet German hon te ark: | h Th {oontral parking, 114 gin Hast, T . J : f 25---Pets & Livestock ppl Road South | Street at Lansdowne Drive, |%u7e? parking WwW. WARD TONE PLANTER _ -- -------- i LABRADOR housebioke ¢ ol p ROOM and hour, five dure week a large ing and dining room, [ATTRACTIVE furnished pom, wa : IN L N 4 A he a private home, a few blocks from SG sto an nd able in ivate home, 82 Parl OM WELL DIGGING BY ROCKERY STON 15--Instruction ToL an Same $58 head. fina vam : | Buiding. Immediate voor (Korth, 3 pm BA S347 : a ding c sses GGING B upply and | ' Yar HOARBING, talimining, bathing, deflea Bl UY NOW ! ROOM and board for we Junk Ken [NEWLY deoavated, in basement, hed: MACHINE SHAWA DE! WE. Waubena Kennels, R R32 Don't lemon. Appl Jn Park Rem 1 North or | % lvoom with klichen all conveniences | ) / \ wi wait until you are [eal RA S04 {Private entrance. One minute from PECIA G IN 30" 1 GARDEN SERVICE LILLIAN ope J {TAKK ines Chan pln. stack. Panes unl really short of milk EXCELLENT hoard and Tevun for gon GOWER. REALTOR [anopning centre, 36 Fernmil Blvd HA WHITBY, ON TARIQ RA 3.3222 b | \ y habia Write | Iman, fay worker, ll oom vonlences RA 8-465 $7298 Res . p vull Tamily, Cadillac Avenue South. RA -- ---- {UNE lovely furnished room, suit gentle. MO 8.2563 MO 8.3809 3 \ Te ¥ ¥ cl HEAL Tru aby budgies pady we Gu y {81777 private home. Apply 444 Fernhill 204 CHESTNUT § W GRANDVIEW ALES & V1 y king train Mir \ ar [ROOM "und hoard for youny Kentie OFFICE SPACE [Diva pos phone RA §:70%0 PO. BOX ) . : f t y f ir men, willing to share large bedroom ky DROOM furnished newly decorated, : SO UPRPL IES TT " S-- mmm | GOOG NOME. SEPATAIE DodN, 400d foo comfortah \ vw ODIUPPLIES | |EARN TO DRIVI 26--Farmer's Column | 35 Emalovment Wenreg | oud home, sentrie he youd ful in voniarlable wit, Remo, we' Sut OSHAWA EMERGENCY | Prom GENEARE wheat, suitable tor sond. W hd Sarue Nast. RA 3 | WITH PARKING LOT, hs iad bit 8 experience n Xe BOARD and room, xentleinals prefer | [APARTMENT -- four rooms, heat, DRAIN SERVICE for Oshawa ¢ ¢ . ; mag IR RR 1 Phone Clary \ ' ! Mme Smploy fred, ane roam, two friends (lo share, | 2-4.6.ROOM UNITS, [heavy duly, private entance and bath, . 4 ont, Write Box 23, Oshawa Times iwin beds, close to dovymiown. RA | ™ antenna and parking, Phone RA od a 3 GA h . A 4 Airs . DEAD m stock pleked up prompt EXRERIENCED ) ty desires part-time | 33568 | 3728 iigaing Bets Agel | : g Arto toliect, Hampton, LOUax 3-231, work, Dreforably cleaning 0 £11 00's. | ROOM and Woard for on Rove win| CENTRAL LOCATION, bt, URATRIShed Toams a arivale R RA 8 RW Fu AY rane RORY Hand all wmveniences home gqooked [natn and entrance, heavy w irin Electric Drill Service A 8-8111 Cy ' WANTED immediately good used | SENTLEMAN with own cement or Meals. 21 Gladstone Avenue. WA ly Phone Adults. a couple. 140° Gibb * Street RA 8.2651 - - 3 . two ow corn planter with fertillzar | WOUII Like worky free estimate '| ROOM and board for ladies oa gentle [RA NDSCAPINC taghments, any make. Will pay top hs nen, single and double Toning, close to DICK BRADLEY [ENN aaah ing by Learn Hairdressis NOW \ sh price. Phone OL 5-3019 | downtown. RA 8.3643 SERVICES ; Fasing y ----- -- 36--Female Help Wanted |------ - [gh schioal and hospital. Absiatnere PRECAST ged treated, field nurse nin high 27--Fuel & Wood HORE ured qu (| 43--Wanted To Rew RA 81296 [ive sen miei Sessoboesina me and two nN no Dial 'waNTeEn three room 1pa tment, | oo rm ------ | FOAM, couple preferred. Apply 48 Drew BRY hardwood end t { 4 A RA \ olose 16 South GM, private a ntrance Street cont Free Ny divi . v | | haves: wi one RA 8 , EXPERILNCED waitress. ful art: | Toasanable tent. Write ©. RreA®n RR Br HE --_ CONCRETE | ED KNOWLTON Sha I Wis tn, 300 Wing 8. Marware | OFFICE SPACE [Laysty Rimi om rats SEPTIC TANKS RA 5.6047 Mortgages 18a--Mortgages To are es cantain FOR Blovd., or phone RA ioe dresser want [od ground floor apartment, bh iain | A LARGE atte roon , twin beds, Apring: SIDEWALK SLABS 2 ipa RA 1a Poh A vember J, Wite, RENT filled mattresses: garage: cooking pr | ~ | AR \ COLORED FALIO Flowering ord Tropical BALLET STUDIO M O R 1 C /\ ( AR | WANTED = Comioriabia Sad ing ored, vi distil. Analy 48 Brew CURBING oliage Plants OF TORONT( | EXTRA MONE y nable, Please hone RA 33 , Passenger elevator service THREE rooms unfurnished on Rifaen j New building, Centrally lo choo! . 3 WELL TILE We still have a good > MARI f 44 Houses, Apts, Flats v ding A gehaal, hus Fa shopping. Phone RA of plant boxes : z MONEY AVAILABLE cheng, had For Rent cated In SOwmown one. | OREN wa Be furl Moderate rent. Leases now Suit one or twe gentlemen. Close | ®hade trees ar i aha vier FOR : iy | available Shopping Centre, renfell Street BROOKLIN fon . : : t an MOEA LOAN m LOVELY LARGE mE re CONCRETE VAN BELLE GARDENS gis : RN ., Evervday and Pe nd Hurnished . tree roam THE TIMES | MANOR 3 Miles East of Oshowo LOW A THLY PAYMENTS apartmer and Wa + 100 { oe 4 t f QED 2 A S Lolls V ' apartment, Heavy duty wire | | PRODUCTS MA 3.5757 Wein \ RRE NT RATE ; Prompt ing, very central, reas nab le, BUILDING rnd ARTAMENT elec. « LIMITED BOWMANVILLE ALLIED INV ESTMENTS CO : igh Tl 498 WILSON tion $100 Apply . ' A N( I RA 3.3993 J - Nac imcoe St v pr, ' CLiver 5-331] PEN EVENING a RA 3.3993 ad Co, 13 RA 3.3 I Phar, RA 3.3474 | Lrg New Am 1% 5

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