The Oshawa Times, 3 Sep 1960, p. 13

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ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON or Mite 7 Dumcter | "Let God Out Of Church" | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Seppomber 3, 1960 13 Seripture ~ Isaiah 10:5-34; 2427; 37,2097, [the 4H Girls Clubs ot Uxbridge ' . ates To on Wednesday, ustrial Vicar | (LL. Perkin bows i } heist remodelled into » VANCOUVER (CP) God can- they were part of life, part of 8 0 jm | not be kept boitied up in a church living community." | LC Misses Mildred snd Gertrude : 4 A ; a - ie, building, says Capon Ernest Now, 17 years after the plan) Corbett are holidaying in Gary, Southeott. YVancouver-horn Angli- started, he has ss many people! By MAY E. BROWN Indisns. {can viear who has worked some. attending fireside meetings and, GREENWOOD -- The Green. Mr. Newman's home, north of | thing of & revolution in his parish gatherings in each others' homes wood Auxilisry of the WMS met, the village, is coming slong fine, lof Si. Wilfrid's Chureh at Helton, as attend the church ot the home of Miss Edith! A | industrial town near Leeds, Eng: The ides really is ancient, he| Ormerod with a sitendonce, TREE DAMAGE jand said. Orthodox Jews worship in| Mrs, Frank Webb wes in the! SPALDING, Engend (CP)-- "Many people prefer tn keep their homes and the old Preshy-| chair, The South gr took thelyamilies whose children sre God confined to Sunday service," terian church at the turn of the worship service whi WAE 8 cought da # hi & voor of she pe centr as largely home-based. study of P, 9%. | Can maging trees in 1] the 45-year-old minister said CEPIUrY Wi gely y salm Lincolnshire town are io be | here, "They've afraid that §f He "And, of course, Jesus (aught! A feature of the OBTAIN. WAS moved to 8 house in 8 iresless got out, He might be dangerous," and prayed wherever and when. the report of the School for Lead-| " To "get the chureh off is ever people gathered to listen." ers of Whithy given by aren: neither "For he saith, By the strength of my Then Isaiah sent Hezekiah saying: pedestal and glongside the peo REACHING DY avs. tp Janet Jones and Miss Gladys oF. Bd : i " is heart think so; but it is in hand I bave done it, and by my wis "The remnant that is escaped of theiple," Canon Boutheott has heen RROD. BOW 8 : sney, Both girls gave exc of Ne anger. And the Mg ih Shalt ghd - destroy and cul off na dom; for | am prudent: and | have house of Judah shell again take root engaged in sn unusual home eure building Should aware he accounts of their stay al the Col him against. an hypocritical nation tions mot a few. Wherefore it shall removed the hounds of the people, downward, and hear fruit upward; for church ministry in the busy re "But it 9 i extond He out | 288 snd thanked the auxiliary | HARMONY and inst the people of My wrath come to pass, that when the Lord ° and have robbed their treasures, and out of dervsalom shall go forth a\ Yorkshire £Ominunity since the oe. Into the heart of that Ie. | urempnb them the privilege of i P i a charge, lo take the hath performed His whole work upon I have put down the inhabitants like remnant, and they that escape the LOB orld ar oie mm : ' : ii give pm harge. 10 oe, he Mount Zion on Jerusalem, T will pun a valiant man: and my hand hath real of the Lord of Hosts shall do this He began holding weekday Yoday we are 4 og TN Following ihe business session UNITED CHURCH tread them down like the mire of the ish the fruit of the stout heart of the found as a nest the Fiches of the GL ) Joich of id) 37 setvigty Ind disey n on Souls, plece of architecture where we pli By 10. Te bs home| Rev. M, 7. Holmes, B.A, 80D, pio Isaiah 10:56 king of Assyria Isaiah 10:7, 12, people," Isaiah 10;13-14 JOLDEN TEXT saiah 37:16, administering Communion ino J Sunday to Near 8 Soman g 1s t Minister s J rr oo . . rr ---- | CORAUCLIDE Sunday school and 80 on Sunday Lo Dear B Ser of Mrs, H, Middleton, i -- -- - { pa Bible classes, in the homes of his 8nd which we forget for the rest iI Ross Metcalf, ARLT, ALL a i w ds " york PERSONALS Organist and Cholrmaster working-class parishioners, of the wee : BIBLE LESSON ecapture nglicans Laud | LA de | REAL NEED pressure on the minister. We ex- May Brown attended the Sum | » He explained his ministry while! pect him to he a Christien for mary and Achievement Day of 10:00 AM. . . . 1 Escaped 1 tian U t |'¥irs, Charles. Southe olf i What OS te - church ae-| 4 ax tr MORNING WORSHIP od Sovereign ni ---- brother, Rev, Norman Southcott| tually means is 8 mixing-up of| U 0 Heort come of Bi, Chad's Anglican Church, |the sacred and the secular, It| UDMOrmS for women at one A Heorty Welcome Yo AW Inmates YITICION AC ie sini arsor'te ie dor We somites BIE Hoch | tenn Sars Tor women aon intive sown] The need was very real, par- means getting the church actively) go substituted for trouse ver an S | BRAMPTON (CP)--Two armed Meeting of the executive council gave quick and unanimous 80 ticularly in homes. where elderly involved with the lives of the} id OF trousers, pies . 0) Assyrian' said the Lord, "the rod "Howheit he meaneth not so, inmates who escaped Thursday of the Anglican general synod provgl to the report of a special or handicapped pe e live," he people--their polities, their work, | to from the Brampton training ended Thursday night amidst in: committee that urged specialized said. "They needed a sense that their recreations." I By NEWMAN CAMPBELL obedience and indifference ol were recaptured Thursday oi. statements on Christian treatment for crimingl drug ad mm-- | WESTMOUNT | SOUTHMINSTER Inasmuch as our lesson has 10! fim. God used A a in punish pion by police do with the threat made by A n fy dicts un control of atreat { ' ing Israel, "Ho Assyrian, the rod' James Neil, 17, of Toronto and WW ticts under the control of atref rt T { entur United h r h Ayia, we vi eresh uf and the staff in Ronald William Kirby, 18, of Ri. Rev, Michael Hollis, first meni organization rather than in ua e UNITED CHURCH | Cc rg minds on the that of Mine anger CaP : i Rad 1109 CEDAR mighty empire ia eir hand is Mine indignation, 1 Cooksville, a Toronto area com- 4c ior of the Church of South @ penal institution CEDAR 57 i i Ld . valet vno. munity. were working on 8 coal . " FLOYD 57, AT GIBBON -- A ------ territory along the middle Tigris Will send him against an hypo Pe ] hon Bt fled € "India, reviewed the development! The comibiltee, headed by Ri Of i ! nderstandin Marie D3. AR o 4 R in river, the cap of which wa i ; A h alin . an it ns ; They were recaptured about Of Ms church's union A widely Rey, E, 8. Reed, bishop of Of Organist and Choir Leader | 11:00 AM originally A 1 he name, peopie of J A ol 3 RIVE swimmers diverse denominations and con tawa, had studied the matter for A ---- MORNING WORSHIP however, is often applied to the him a EHares 0 take be POW | eported seeing two persons cay. Cluded five years By R, BARCLAY WARREN Pou, dear Lord, bast been our) 11100 AM entire area conquered by Assyria, and to take the pre I rea _ rying rifles in the nearby Mead "For 12% years | have taken rmppe said the only Wis Pwenty-five years ago. § stood ide MORNING WORSHIP C. W. LEWIS ' owvale area, Provincial police communion in the church of South 4 ick i May Thou ever & omiort Student Minist ! b ; Stronls aid 0: 56 8, to stop drug trafficking is to side sz Dl Ii hou ever be our eomtor Mr, Jemes Youn: Studen inister Modite anean - quotin from street Isaiah 10 Constable Wesley Bowman found yndia from ministers, some epi 10 sk 3 Ar 8 a Hekng oi hy the side 2 Miss Olive Anglin And sland closely by our: side Pir 9 I "THE GOSPEL OF p Sele Noles Write owheit h yeaneth oot so > 3 gs Is p > 1 a ali a hy TS of a F i a 1" € oh 3 ele " WHS Howheil he my eth 5 the youths lying on the ground at scopally and some RON-EPISCOP: yon Cirioation of enforcement at nd took Lhe wred ma ¢ SUNDAY SC GEGHSEMADE with helpful commen ) he neither does his heart think s0:|s grove near the Meadowvale ally ordained al vo for better, for worse, fo glory be our first desire / CHOOL, | Rev, Dr. Wilbur M hit) ! n his I ( {i a warning a ria tivities with severe penalties for 5 Re apn 4 FOR ALL AGES "YOUR SOUTHEND WORSHIP He I " sn bu Wa 0 destroy station, He fired a warning shot law violations richer, for poorer. in sickness and Th crvice our supreme de: od CENTRE" He continue At the time of and to cut off nations not a fe nto the air and they surrendered aw violation y ht A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL our lesson, Assyria | ain In Isaiah 10; 7 A fully-loaded .303-calibre rifle our thoughis to heaven the ascendant, With the ad f Wherefore it sh ( ¢ to aud a .22-calibre rifle were found at spire Piglath-pllesar 111 (746-728 pi . . e Lord ha huried under trees HRILLED BY ATTITUDE our first acquaintance 1 aith gives way to sight, the second in empl performed His whol ork u The rifles had been taken from five years before, there had heen gan, He N , )y Shak Mount Zion. and « ; a home at Churchville, about al Most Rev, Howard H, ( gi committal of the mentally il 2 miuteal attraction. She had Jo Love Divine we prize the more, ! 184 } M J mion and 1 f manese 2 BU the will punish th of the stout mile from the school Ar hbi hep o Edm Mon and ds . The executive council includes graduated from the Ottawa Civie, It calls us forth to serve CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH mighty Sargon (722-705 B.( aart of the ki 1 and Mrs. Earl *Mighton said (wo ate of All Canac a SHC H 451 $105,000 for television and radio Hospital, I liked her naturalng But human love we thank Thee ' " i ln ny ' k de of thrilling to hea shop ollis | y is hudg for y { ¢ glor of his high Jo ouths beat on the back door of E {where PPOgramming in | Mil ge Tiand 1 prized her modesty, He or R : portant role in | y at Isaiah 10: 12 er house. Mrs, Mighton fled say they came lo a point. | here 1961 main ambition 450 to get al It strengthens us to serve ev. Warren G, Dickson, B.A, Minister this period, Sennach » J 4 vith her nine-vear-old daughter, they could unreserved accep man A fe ea ye! Mr, R, K, Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster A 4 y 5 \ The sum represents an increase I ye BA SHALL BEAR FRUN Susan, but they caught her and each other's ministy of more than $100,000 over the had surrendered to Jesus Christ We both signed it two hours later when at one time extending to the them down like the mire of The report "I am totally unable to believe that God has not been as truly If suggested that consideration in health, to love and to cherish M work in one as in the other," should he given to the possibility (ill death us do part of dealing with narcotic addicts, gm in some manner similar to the the man wh ' ch an im: (p And shall come [0 pi Bitook her hack into the house current vear and was passed by and in faith had committed Pwenty-five years doesn't seem THREE BASIC TRUTHS that day, that the remnant of 15- Susan made it to the home of a TREATMENT FOR ADDICTS SEAR SES, ot oom teopting all to Him. To love and serve long when one looks back, God) 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP God's sovereignty over nations |rael, such as escaped of tire house neighbor, who called police The shirt-sleeved churchmen, oo goo annual report of the de- Him in helping others to- know een very good to us, The s illustrated in His dealings withlof Jacob, shall again take root The youths asked Mrs, Mighton sweltering in high humidity and g i t Vis r goal, Neither I of His presence and bless i' )artmeni ol nformation and m, too a 1 goa v ( Hee ol 18 pre a les Assyria. Isaiah 10: 5-34. Three!downward and bear fru ip for clothing and took two rifles, heat vere also told pi WT of us had a car bul we spent ig that was ours in friendship REV, WARREN DI KSON his uths are contained in this ward: "the zeal ah of a shotgun and ammunition, They about plans for early conversa J many h y hours walks long and courtsh nereases, While i j passage God will use 5 vIn Ho vill per o { ah r oad the telephone from the tions between the Anglican A the Yep Yeu 4 _. E the . h 4 ( ht fac 1 het 5 hap will be speaking of this service n punishing His pe Israel; 10: 12 yall before leaving, * Church of Canada and the Pres TOO BRISK? flowers and shrubs and trees and pin as individuals we have] EVERYBODY WELCOME then He will punish A ria be Zennacherib had threatened to, Neil is serving six months for hyterian Church in Canada ISLAND BROOK. Que Cp walter kept "God first" in our love and hoastfulne und, | destroy the city of Jerusalem, but possession of & stolen car and Other reports included develop. Mrs, Rebecca Waldron, who ha After two vears of friendship © ambilighs le thank Rin i) y v NEAL 1 v our three eniidren who are 0] " > «ments on preparation of a study passed her 94th birthday save we hecame engaged. That eve remnant of Israel to the land of the king of Assyri not definite and three months ine the!' ning I presented her with a Bible 10 1 The love and trust we have| promise." Peloube Select [come into this dity, no an definite for breaking, entering she believe he youngest gener:| "tt had written the fol had In each other these thirty] Anglican and United Churches, It %, ; : Note larrow there je way he and theft Ang torn Bl Er Eon ie: at Rion ill pot live a ong A5 ing verses composed that da ears hecomes richer each day St d I it Angered by His people's dis- came, by the same shall he re lev, the last one. She said nowada We pray thal we may have am| An re S ni e ure deanery and congregational id : Het at OUR PRAYER an | a ime p to the city, a people have too rich a die Ane 4 other twenty-five years to verve | : For 1 il Rofend this elty to save id live too brisk a pace In the months of ripening our Lord together, We thank God! MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D, 0 W ) re i» » it for Mine own sake, and for My |~ servant David's sake Isaiah |= | -- ~ : 3-3 11:00 AM, -- J i DENTECOSTAL || HE Phriati ici i ST. ANDREW'S AND SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH oso ¥ iid wind ere are | Christadelphians [| PENTECOSTAL Christian and Missionary Alliance cause of he finally He w bring back al'the Lord God said Concerning Kirby is serving nine months guide to be used jointly by friendship for making us one stil vars raging somewhere CHRIST'S BRETHREN cE CHURCH CONGREGATIONS WILL WORSHIP TOGETHER en w wace come to all TUMATTHEW 12 50 wan, Pastor When a od Na "n God and ATTIRE . 4 on Telephone RA 3.4477 y IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Invite seekers after Truth -------- BROADCAST CKLB to apply for Free Bible ! 11 AM.--"A DEAD MAN SPEAKS" REV, G. TELFORD will preach d IN P 0 AM SUNDAY FIRST ROUNDUP literature | G. TEL Pie first general cate NO OBLIGATION SCHOOL COMMUNION SERVICE 11 AM.--Open Sessions of Sunday School esars Averta i beloved | CHRISTADELPHIAN [| 11 AM and 7 P.M 7 PM ~--"THE HIGHEST CONCEPT ECCLESIA REV C. HARRIS OF LABOR" GRACE Pst Qttica Bon ia} EVERYONE WELCOME A Y Mid-wee ! f 3ibl Albert Street United Church REV, §. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister LUTHERAN : SER : . - - - is-- - LE MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader CHURCH / F 7 RIE ST, Diol 5:3872 REV, W apTaie [BAM SERRE. THE MINISTER WILL PREACH A. Kartechner in Religious Unity 7:00 Pw pray for peace, SUN JAY SERVICES to ; ' ty. The n Cor orcs Taes ' : BROADCAST CKLB 10:30 AM. Desgite these fallen Banars belie ' \ he spi sh : NO SERVICE IN THE CHURCH 9:15 AM SUNDAY" SCHOOL THIS IS THE LIFE" 29 GLADSTONE PHO : +757 . h of the Light .3 Seis fae g gd Nn) J) . pe AESULARLY ON : : mi Kin Street hted Ghurel Destruction of the army of Sennacherib Television . 0 Johovah of Hosts Thou art God , , , of all the king doms: of the earth Isalah 37:16 : REV, MERVIN A BURY MA. B.D. Minister Mr. Rhyddid Willems, Chair Director end Organist Youth Department Nursery and Church School 11:00 AM a ' 10:15 a.m King Street Pentecostal Churciyi BRIAN ARING BURGESS REV. J M. McKNIGHY Preacher: Rev, Mervin A. Bury, MA, B.D, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | NORTHMINSTER UNITED 1 Tea RY Bocas Chun i Caner Rev, N. F. Swackhamme BA . H. A Mellow. BA BIBLE SCHOC 9.45 AM ALL AGES Read Gulgtians 4 i 10 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP IN 11:00 AM. --"GLORIOUS REFLECTORS" 7 P.M. DRIVEN CHURCH TT suv &. waists sant: Mu Hom Sn ok Sunt NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH 7:00 P.M.--"GOD'S RESTORATION" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE {Simcoe at Rossland) LVARY ECHOES POstor w peak at bow 3 nT PM AT LOBLAWS --_-- -- - 7 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP IN UN YALEYIEW Rank Bright Congregational Singing--Vocel Variety ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA WE[ 5 PRAYER & FELLOWSHIP REV JAMES Ma KN | T prec hina SUNDAY SERVICES FIRST BAPTIST - oe Soh BUT LOST DE in (862 Hortop Ave) Bible cent ue fi ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Af Centre and Bagot Streen REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A THE SALVATION ARMY 9 48 A) 5 5 L Rev. Clinton D, Cross. BA. L Th : RA 5.2386 Minister of First Baptist at Both Services IRN TRINITY 12 i : OF ANC 0 {ION A c . 9.00 AM HOLY COMMUNION MAJOR AND MR RILAND R N, Corps Office ' HE ARIFTURAL REY TO REVI 11:00 AM~--HOLY COMMUNION --- REV. D. WILSON 4 sos PLE OFF-STRE , » i F 7:00 P.M--EVENING PRAYER--REV, C. CROSS 11:00 AM --H CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH " . Mary and Hillcroft Streets Rector: The Ven H. D. Cleverdon + Phone 5. 579% THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA wun me weirs | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pye veel KNOX & ST. LUKE ST. PAUL'S I EVERYONE WRLCOME _ din di ENCE, TR oo co tn ert car Sn at ua Presbyterian Church KING ST & and WILSON ------ ------ : Ae kl TURE, WG, D. RICHEY, Ah n ok Align, BA CO. Minis ! | Vo OF NDAY SCHOOL 9:30 SERVICE ONLY UNTIL SEPT. 4th Combine Services of Worship A 4 ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH 11.00 AM. & 7 PM. WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE ; . i Sranch of The Mothe ' ne Fim Church of ' enti i incumbent: The Rev. R.A Shao RA 5.7044 11:00 AN I ts ash ---- The Pastor Speaking at Both 0 AM: w= 1:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP ! a AUUL~-- \ ! Serv ces ! EVENING SERVICE UN | 1) Ice i : ST. MARKS CHURCH THE LAWS STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE OF PRAYER" | test = o nealing through € tian Sei - Wednes ' f : a ute Ea y Rev. A Woeolcack ---- RA 8.305% 8:00 AM HOLY COMMUNION 4TH AM --NURSERY CLASS A A Ak 11:00 AM MORNING PRAYER pel 7:00 PM EVENING PRAYER Cr School commences Next Sunda »

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