The Oshawa Times, 2 Sep 1960, p. 7

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ee -------------------------- The engagement is announced | Frank Hill today of Miss Donna Elizabeth Johnston and Mr, William Hill The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John Emerson Johnston of Ajax and her fi is the son of Mr, and Many Bosses Find Tea Break Takes Strain Out Of Busy Day it ror ihat's fis ay nk most of the ie: By EDNA BLAKELY Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP Afternoon tea is by no means exclusiyel for the ladies Many of Canada's top hus executives take time oul for tea hoth in the morning and after nom Most of them like to sip a fresh brew made in the office, served ness in china cups, The variety made at the corner shop and drunk from a paper container 1s not their cup of tea These are some of the findings in a survey, conducted by the Tea Councll of Canada, of Cana dian tea«rinking habits, Tt ghowed that Canadians are among the world's greal tea drinkers, prefer (ea bags to loose tea, and enjoy blended fea POPULAR BEVERAGE Wynne Thomas, publie rela tions officer for the Tea Council gald Canadians spend more than $50,000,000 in drinking approxi mately 12 billion eups of tea a year, Hot tea usually does not he come a popular heverage for Ca nadians until they are ahout 20 but iced tea Is catching on as a eool, summer refresher among teen-agers The Tea Council says nearly 70 per cent of tea<rinking Cana dians prefer using tea bags ra ther than loose leaves. This me thod 1s decried in such traditional also T0 KEEP A PEACH If the peaches you have hought are ripe and you are not quite veady to use them, spread them out on a tray so they will not hrulse and store them in a cool place On the other hand, If they are a little underripe they will vipen at room temperature DIAMONG WEDDING MONTREAL (CP) Mr Mrs, Walter Harris, married in (Hlasgow, Seotland, eee brated thelr 60th wedding anniversary, | They have six daughters, seven grandchildren, and eight great: and grandehildren 20-INCHES TALL! Ry ALICE RROOKS | Here she is the hig doll every little girl wants for her very own! Thrifty to make Sister She's 20 inches tall a real pal with straw.yara he can he brushed, curled, Pattern T2668: doll, clothes pattern pieces face transfer: directions Send THIRTY FIVE CENTS coins) for this patte stamps cannot be aceepted ™he Osh awa Times H I Arts Dept Oshawa, Ontario. Print NAME ADDRESS NUMBER JUST OUT! Our New 1980 Alice Rrooks Needleorad containg THREE FREE Pat ferns. Plus eas galore for home furaishings, fas) | toys, bazaar sellers unusual des 5 1 sew, embroid huok am Re With the \ send 35 cons now! MAY PATTERN TO BE WED THIS MONTH seomed vo Work ou fof me distribute the and to submerge any on top the tea" up to you," Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 2, 1960 7 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL | Bsks Where To Seek Sanctuary DEAR MARY WAWORTH: 1 dal is simost entirely prevented am & divorcee with an eight-year. Beginning with a girl's first inter: old. child. I have heen divorced view, she is advised how to eo for six years and have (ried in operale with the home, in putting if ime to lead a decent life bul & "saving face" on her situation, I have failed Cheek the telephone directory Last February 1 met 8 boy to locate the home in your town om 1 learned to love and | and make én appointment to dis loved me, We were cuss your plight, You might clip ght he he married if 1 could this article and take it slong to anning 1o sve my first marriage declared #id you, if your voice fails, in tell null and void by my chureh, But ng your story --~M, H net » ¥ ag i nnn a ime discouraged As MRE DEAR MARY HAWORTH; A widow, in her 408, with two sons yith Bob with Bol ages seven and nine years, lives lapsed into an allah Mis hi ({ taro { i] nant # The mare a ae e fi Vsoh a in a oe d nd AH in a large house in a fair-sized he marriag ike pia pled od right away, But he BY Her husband passed away in 8, Paul's United Church pt i Lg OW UD 4 i e hour set 1 Bhout a year ago at the age of H, Ajax, on Saturday, September soo him Ju RY aan and when | 1€8VIng hier a business, the house, 10 kad why he otaved away, he and the ehildren to support and Park Lane Studio, Toronto said: 1 don't have any explain educate sind Pl) She is lonesome, frightened by I work as a secretary and witi/the situation in which she finds herself, and has drawn into a to he very I have no money child wis quitting m an | (AY y 1 [ pant Shell, even to the extent of retis to have NE 10 bed about B o'clock each Nan ahead, M3 : ¢ igo if night, then staying awake worry wanis to I am heing pur AN DEE PAV marry her and help rear the boys lose her. | realize 4 inking countries a wd for what 1 have done; hut " 4 nk Coun f ; LR hq BT Aah AoY that might He has known her for many Australia or New Zi nd, hut a 5 th ome g F BH " e . 0 least i ensures & fresh cup of help me until | ean go hack to Years, prior (o her marriage I | sh ok gad Tagay? FR Their religious affiliations are the ea n 1 AUrAr and require , y . , SAME] hut is the age difference no strainer : DEAR F, R.: There is help alia much? I am the man, We A survey among busing ex- hand for you, In the town through would appreciate your evaluation ecutives disclosed their preferred Which you write, you will find a y N laste for a Canadian blend. a Florence Crittenton Home for un DEAR V, N.i If you and the Jnarried mothers Expecting Illegitimate Child | All smile for the her is Timothy Jay Mr. and Mrs RR 4, Oshawa, Timmy brated his first Wirthds om August 10. He is the grandson photog , som of Wilfred Knapp cele Oshawa Visitors In London Lunch At Ancient Hostelry are By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspimdent To The Oshawa Times LONDON In Ye - Olde Cheshire Cheese the 00-year combination of many varieti widow are deeply congenial, the old hostelry which used to he the Among selected pure' teas the For almost a century the Flor age difference is comparatively favorite haunt of Dr, Samuel liked were & type grown at Nu. ence Crittenton \Homes Associa-| unimportant, I think, If either one Johnson, on Fleet street, 1 have vara Bliya, a Cevionese moun. ton has been doing a wonderful pesitates, it is probably due to just had lunch with Mrs, J, L tain re and Doom Dooma, work, on a nation-wide scale, 18 natural incompatibility, --M, W, |Beaton, of Oshawa, and her A tea grown in Assam in north ng unfortunate girls to a tol Mary Haworth counsels through cousin, Miss K MeCullough, of east India erable solution of the problem of pep column, not by mail or per: Toronto, who are on holiday in CORRECT METHOD illegitmate pregnancy sonal interview, Write her in care the United Kingdom, And be What is i : You may apply to this worthy of this newspaper, cause of her close association Wal is the correct method of justitution for help, in full confi |with Mrs, Beaton in the Prince making tea My Ws really a Fhomas says dence that vour needs will be itl ) | matter of ympathetically considered, and a personal choice, hut suggests. one (ea of tea for euch person and an ex: Diutied 1 give you ail possinie Motif For Pri ira one for the pot." This was! Liained to give you alt possinle Noth For Prints the ry Rte ied hy professional mind in the elrcumsiances F N t Y on tasters. "thouch perians 11" ctu tought wil he sven to) EOF Next Year some ( anadian afeguarding vour relationship to MONTREAL (CP) Various The teapot should alw Be YOUR daughter; and also, to draft- (pends in painting featured a col hbo ng plans for the future that will jection of cottons for next spring warmed first, The vater must he help you to resume your proper and summer al a preview here fresh and poured into the pol on responsibilities later, in a spirit of that included adult and children's the boll. The ted should stand for| renewed self - respect and re-| elothes five minutes, then he stirred to kindled faith in your ability to] The collection, styled "a gallery strength evenl fea leaves unless hags are used lead a good life despite unhappy of prints," was shown in ab: past history stract, Impressionist, Renals The Florence Crittenton Homes| 8ance and other art forms with milk or! Association has a tradition of han-| models stepping through giant experts say "it's dling its humane work so dis] pleture frames |ereetly and effeetively that scan.) Afternoon wear for the ladies represented the modern art Whieh comes first the Most #4 [ors in the new vintage tones as Applied Aft | acted as hostess for a very pleas Philip Chapter, 10DE, my wife ant oceasion Mrs, Beaton and her cousin ar rived in England about 10 day ago, and came to London after spending seven days touring the lovely countryside of Devon and Cornwall, As we had heen in Edinburgh, Beotland, for a few days, our meeting with Mrs Beaton had to walt until our re turn to London, but it was a happy reunion when we met her at the Cumberland Hotel, at the Marble Arch, where she has been staying | SEEING HISTORIC PLACES | Mrs, Beaton has heen seeing) most of the interesfing and his: | torie places In London, attending! trend, with prints and plain Oo some of the plays, and thorough: | | | gold, In nightwear, Impressionism | gave a variety of subtle shades including mauve, lilac and grape & 'floral borders VIVID PRINTS Sportswear, also in the im pressionist style, featured vivid prints in orange and yellow, as well as the new off-white Renaissance marked coeckiall clothes, in black and white as well as bold floral or abstract patterns against rich grounds of green, gold and wine | Men's clothes were more col much use was made of new vint: age tones in print shirts, Slacks, either plain or checked, were In {burnished tones of green and tartans and reds Children's clothes also showed a trend to more vibrant shades Dresses for small girls were wide collared, full-skirted, puff-sleeved and ruffled | Holds Stopwatch | For Cowboys | VANCOUVER (CP)--A hand some gal in cowboy hat, Mrs Florence Duce is a clockwatcher, She times the suspenseful mo ments each rodeo rider stays aboard a bucking bronco or a bull, or the period that it takes a competitor to rope and throw a calf Her hushand, Bob, is a five time winner of the Canadian bareback riding championship, but she doesn't time his perform ances, "1 lke to be able to watch Bob, but 1 can't watch both him and the stopwatch and worry at the same time," shel sald While his parents are on the "road, their four-year-old son! Darcy stays with his grandma in Raymond, Alta "I certainly don't want him to be a rodeo rider, but he's been riding since he was two," says Florence. "He has his own horse now, and can already ride a calf." Their home is at Graniwm in the heart of the stampede coun try, 80 miles south of Calgary \"/ MU i Food particles from badly soil ed pots and pans will come MDI mare ily if you turn the uten ¢ A WAS Si upskle down In the dishpan Ww Montreal, (when you wash them fahrle Is WO ¢ BF ACE A ' g \ loose ented recently | well as In greens and Grecian; tones in floral patterns, or with we back: | orful than in former years, and| Mr gold, Among dinner Jackets were fill of Iv enjoving her holiday, She had) trip by river boat on the Thames up to Kew Gardens, to view the exotle greenhouses and) the wealth of roses After meeting her at the hotel travelled by bus to Fleet hy way of Oxford sireet Pieeadilly Circus, Haymarket, Trafalgar Square! and the Strand, On Fleet street we entered the ancient close in | whieh "Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese"| SOCIAL NOTICE street, Regent street, ENGAGEMENT and Mrs, John Emerson Johnston of Ajax announce the en gagement of their daughter Donna Eligabeth, to Mr, William Hill, son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Markham, Ontario, The marriage will take place In St Paul's United vnureh, Ajax, on Saturday, September 10, at 2 pm MARRIAGE The marriage of Janet Rita Marie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Victor Mahaits of Montreal and Robert Michael Seviour, son of Mr, and Mrs, Michael -Seviour of Hamilton, took place at §t Andrew's United Chureh, Osh} awa, on Saturday, August 27 1080, with the Reverend George Telford officiating ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Drinkle| of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Shirley Anne Louise, ta Mr, Don ald Clinton Dale, son of Mr, and} Mrs, Clinton Dale of Galt, On| tario, The marriage will take place in Alhert Street United] Church on Saturday, October 8, at 2 o'eloek Get the Finest Antacid-Laxative | YOU CAN BUY: nd | a SAVE MONEY T00 With this GIANT ECONOMY SIZE MILLIPS' 26 ounces [uaeNEsiA ONLY whe | 13 S- ALSO AVAILARLE 4 ounces 12 ounces J3¢ 67¢ MITCHELL'S Drug ¥ SIMCOE SY N HAPPY LITTLE TIMMY realistic attitude then you have st |] E R N A L S times, Virgosns sre ambitious, resourceful and practical but, . sometimes, they are indiined to Mr, snd Mrs, Norman Sisco week visiting friends and renew. "¢ 199 critical of others and have had as 6 recest guest, Mr, ing acquaintances before leaving TTOWSE TESERIMEnL UNNECERsATIY, (Bise"s mother, Mrs, Gordon for Davions Beach, Porida, 177 10 fice the facts as they sre, where Mr, Grose has heen night There are chances of financial Oshawi, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth yas burned out December; indication of Job ree. market, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Pen well, Perry crescent yeturned 16 vu. wars do not promise any asd Patricia, Bowmanville, were and Mrs. Floyd Bahr indiente the possivility of mar: ville, good months In whieh to (ake off your vacation is to eall the social ph tie in both family and the personal column for which personal relationships, This Is a late in December niversaries as well as visitorsiyith family and Toved ones, and gouroeful, and would make an FOR THE BIRTHDAY GUIDES COLLECT lon job and financial matters, This pany collected and sold 5,250 ' Irvin Black Weds of those phases of your life, What gu ous Norman, 18, She was one proved status slong these lines, to attend a meeting of the Inter. lyou will have to adopt m more national Girl Guide Association, Al Beth Tzedie Synggogue, To Sisco of Stouftville . y manager of the Diplomat Motel Bain for brief periods in ently Mr, and Mis, Orville Casement, since his own hotel in Wingham October, late November and mid- Pipher and Dianne, Peterbor ognition in November, But all of ough, Mrs, Earl Pipher, New. Mr, and Mrs. William Tred this will depend on your efforts, rose and Bill, Willowdsle, and cently from a holiday in Willowghe vying atls Mr, and Mrs, Claire Bell, Karen by, Ohio, visiting friends, Mr. u sinele November's aspects guests last Sunday st the home rl ' " A age and, if travels in your mind of Mr, Clifford Pipher, Stouff THE STARS SAY nent July or August would De One way of letting your friends Domestic interests are under gen know that 'you are back from By ESTRELLITA erally fevorable aspects, but be i department of The Oshawa FOR TOMORROW business circles throughout Sep Times, RA 3-474 for an item in, Planetary aspects now [(avor tember, Look for some good news there is no charge, News of 50-|perfect period in which to cement. a ohitd born on this day will cial events, showers, teas and an-old friendships, share pleasures p, highly piu and re from ont of town wre BIWRYS encourage new ncquainiances able chemist or diagnostician Mr. ad Mrs, Whitney Groke I tomorrow is your birthday An aughter, Debine, of *lyour horoscope indicates that, for PRY op A ham and formerly of Oshawa, line Aig budicates that, for] MONTREAL (CP) Members spent a few days in the eity this advisable to focus youl attention of Montreal's 415% Ranger Com does not mean that there will be pounds of old telephone books to any spectacular change in either! finance a trip to Mexico for it does mean is that, if Jou would . Barbara Hambly {wind up this year, with an im. |of 5% Canadian delegates named ' In Toronto Rites tronto, on Wednesday, August 31, Irvin Black, son of Mr. and Mrs of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Knapp (Bernard Black of Oshawa, took and Mrs, Joseph Dixon, Osh. [As bis bride, Barbara Ann Ham bly, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Wh | reat-grandso f 4 y Rwa os KTERL-Eranadzon OF | vous ®. Hambly of Toronto, Rab ' Mrs. Thomas Gurney, Oshawa bi Stuart Rosenburg officiated Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned in while peaude-sole appliqued with alencon lace and seed pearls. The bouffant skirt fell into a chapel Photo by Ireland train, A rose-pesu-de-sole head 1 dress held her fingertip veil and The 4,000 and more potent drugs In our Sarried 8 bouquet of kar. Prescription Laboratory comprise » 2.308 same close 1s denias, sweethes HO i " ing"! on pi Joaeud. in . Hh ( ' : lies of the valley writable "Dati ng of hoalth doh pied by the notorious murderer, , MTs. Fred Oakley was the ma +o. A00 AEH" gti Wess 200 Sweeney Todd ul ids Fil tron-of-honor in deep pink, The )] pain In constant readiness to ald you se . junior bridesmaid was Miss Pat directed doctor, ae location of Jhe famous res vicina Higgs in pale pink, Their by your ) A ¥ ¥ i an e mon ", anlar . % "| peau-de-sole dresses were identi I he 101 century. nthe wrens WIy Styled with "bell shaped IAF f 90 or 40k J avoneat fire of London of 1566, the Lid skirts, They wore veiled rose which rvs wh be called for by yous structure was destroved, but the petal headdresses and carried next prescription, But whatever they are, cellars were untouched, Tn them Poudvets of deep and pale pink you oan be sure we are fully prepared to we Saw some of the original Carnations, The ring hearer was beams, charred hy that great fire Master Robbie Goldberg ply them Immediately, of nearly 300 vears ago, After the, Mr. Louis Black acted as hest fire, the present building was man for his brother, Ushering erected, and hecame an inn and were Messrs, Norman Pecoy, restaurant, a role which it has/Morris Lander and Neil Brown occupied ever since | A reception was held in the ' oo Beth Tzedie mezzanine hall, To QUAINT OLD ROOM receive, the bride's mother wore ¥ 1h In a quaint old|s sheath dress of champagne room, with blackened walls and rich heavy beams, Its furnishings pean-de-sole with a matching hat scald 'opr, Advertisers Exchange Ine . ' trimmed with brown tulle, The and decorations included many log y . Pleces of great antiquity, 1t had| "1 9°Rroom 8 JrotHee Jumiting "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S an old world atmosphere. and V*¥ Reriflowe d d . " Mrs Boe ow Rsphere, A with a welled hat to mateh, PRESCRIPTION 1S OUR PROFESSION Later the couple left for a wed. our luncheon party ding trip to the eastern United) 8 0 or f y ] pr h Mrs, Beaion is leaving London {ates id Wavelling the bride| in the morning for Newcastle wore a heige woollen stroller sult with cocoa hrown accessories. | and after 24 hours visiting friends there, 15 going on to Edinburgh| "newly wedded pair will live to enjoy some of the musical and|'® Toronto, dramatic events of the Inter hational Festival of Musie and|on September 7, and is hoping Hama that the seamen's strike will then Bhe and her cousin are sailing|be a thing of the past so that her we had chosen this old place for Quy. & Lovells. OSHAWA -- BOWMANVILLE -- WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" for Canada on the liner Carinthia,|salling will not be delayed, School Opening Specials LOOSE-LEAF REFILLS...25¢ & 49c INDEX DIVIDERS . .. . . each 15¢ LOOSE LEAF EXERCISE BOOKS 4 in a pkg. Reg. 83c SPECIAL VALUE 59c THREE RING NOTE BOOKS .... 69c fo 1.98 ZIPPER BINDERS (TOP QUALITY) IN PLASTIC AND GENUINE LEATHER PRICED FROM 3.98 TO 5.98 MATHEMATICAL SETS. . . each 69c MAKE KRESGE'S YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWR SHOPPING CENTRE AIR ----

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