The Oshawa Times, 30 Aug 1960, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, August 30, 1960 3 ' CAMP SAMAC STAFF PRESENTS SWIM SHOW ___|CAPSULE NEWS || Faces Trial | In Knife-Death ei=E=iizizs TORONTO (CP)~Afler a five-leen city districts were without 20; discharges, 268; newborn dis-| day preliminary hearing, Louis electricity for 45 minutes, {charges (male), 23, (female 21; Wim, Fer, 4, vue Som" pu, youn ygucuus usr, nutes, 5; mise meg || of murder In the death of Mrs.| ST. THOMAS (CU), = MaCSliuhront, 44; treatments and exsm Jiargust Bennet, x. Whous United Steelworkers of America fiations, 2 cuts, 14; physio- Jun 10 ar an east-end service '© » Whose members sre oni Bp) (HY MER 8 : uy strike here, says food and wel-| AN SCIENCE SUBIYCT| stat » fare vouchers will be issued tol" CV iol Coon nee of the| BLOOD SUPPLY SHORT strikers on Friday. Letters have|, and works of the master TORONTO (CP) -- Canadigp| been sent to St, 8 TET ristian was the central topie of Red Cross officials said Monday chants asking that the vouchers Oi Lesson Sermon entitled) unless 8 significant number of be honored snd guaranteeing Do (SRR SCI SC end | blood donors come forth the Payment by the union. The sirike| un ro oad) city's hospitals would be without|BEainst Canadian Timken Lim-|6t £4 Christian Sotnce churches blood by the weekend, An esti Ved 1s in its 19th day on Sanday, Aug. 20. mated 1,750 pints of blood are TAKES NO NONSENSE VISITORS AT ROTARY used each week in Toronto's 23) 108 ANGELES (AP)--A mot-| Visitors at the meeting of the hospitals, There is no A-negativel oir shot a trian who Rotary Club of Oshawa, at Hotel type blood available now and giouied a complaint about his Genosha, on Monday, included other types are dangerously Yow. driving Monday, Olav Johannas- Joe Moroney, of Toronto and Ro-| { WALKING TO B.C sen, 27, was taken to hospital tarians Dr, John Pyper, of Strat TORONTO (CP)--Kevin Grit. With a wound in the lower back, ford; Charles Innes, of St, John "di ib Aier Johannassen shouted at the Newfoundland and Dick Fleming, a t Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the ! | 8 An exceptionally large crowd | of eager shoppers wee on hand early this morning, long before the official opening cere monies at the new Power Food Market Store on Rossland road New Power Store Opened By Mayor opening of the Power Bupermarket No. 34, the second - Power Food Blore in Oshawa, was held this morning with a eager erowd of shoppers in attendance, The new store situated on Rossland road near Ste venson's road huge market surrounded with parking space for more than 300 cars al a time . The opening ceremony began with an address by T. L, Wilson prominent Oshawa citizen and publisher of The Oshawa Times Mr, Wilson greeted the public and told of his long-standing friendship with Sam Weinstein founder of the Power Stores, and his two sons, Leon, now presi dent, and Morris, now retired He then introduced Leon Wein stein who presented Power greetings to the City of Oshawa and introduced Mayor Lyman A, Gifford WELCOME FROM MAYOR Mayor Gifford welcomed Power| Food Markets, Ltd, to Oshawa) on behalf of the people of the city, He and Mrs, Gifford then of.| ficially opened the store hy eut ting the red ribbon at the door. | and the crowds immediately be- gan to flow into the store, Also present at the ceremony were Ken McKenzie, divisional superintendent; Paul Baker, man ager of Power Store number 21, the first Oshawa Power Store situated on King street east; Nate Minard, manager of the new store; Mrs, Olga Tribe, head cashier of the new store and Andy Bell, meat specialist at the nxew store HUGE CROWD There were s0 many customers anxious to jam into the store The official large, is west The fith, 25, set off on foot for Van couver Monday with a $15,000 prize awaiting him at the end of the 3,000-mile jaunt, A shoe com- pany has ofiered Griffith $5,000 in cash plus & $10,000 trust fund for his medical education if he makes Vancouver in time to see the Grey Cup foothall game Nov. 26, He took part this month in : | n 357-mile walk from Montreal to | Toronto, open in Oshawa in recent years, is modern in every detail and STORM HITS MONTREAL includes the latest develgp- MONTREAL (CP)--Near gale ments In retail merchandising. (force winds and torrential rain Been here are Mayor and Mrs, |struck Montreal Monday, causing Gifford as they opened the store, [power failures, traffic accidents ~Oshawa Times Photo [and broken telegraph lines, Thir- west, By the time Mayor Ly- { man A, Gifford and Mrs, Gifford clipped the ribbon to open the store a crowd estimated several thousand were on hand, The store, the second of the chain to that members of the Oshawa Po- lice Department stationed at the door had to stop the lines from time to time and walt until the store cleared out a bit ore allowing more to enter The first customer in the line-| up, which began to form before 7.30 a.m,, although the opening wt held until 9.45 a.m,, was a bouquet © by W. B, Cormack, assistant general manager of Power Stores, She was Mrs, Willlam Spiers, of 487] Miller avenue, Oshawa, JACK-POT PRIZE A Jack-pot customer prize was won by Mrs, A, Turner, 434 FEulalie street, Oshawa, As the 31st customer to enter the store, she received 31 saver books, 31 name brand products in a Ham-| per, a 31-week subscription to} The Oghawa Times and 31 silver dollars Was presented with WN HANCALO Sal Lam CrvY ' [1 a a A g th special fea THE WEATHER office says cooler than Monday with its Fees ons Vig nany Fpl ba- Tuesday, in southern Ontario | five » degrees » above seasonal shoppers' convenience are a| #nd Quebec, will be slightly | temperature, but Wednesday "Bargain Corner", where soft|™ --- WEATHER FORECA goods which have been bought/ney died at the Oshawa General | at clear-out prices from manu: Hospital Monday, Aug. 29, She Vis driver to watch where he was going, with embellishments, the driver stopped, unwrapped a ,22- calibre rifle from a cloth cover ond fired, then drove away, WORLD POPULATION NEW YORK (AP) ~The world's population is Increasing by 48,000,000 a year and mnow| stands at 2,900,000,000 says the! United Nations Demographic Year Book, Communist China, with 669,000,000 has the largest population, India is second with 403,000,000, The Soviet Union has 209,000,000 and the United States 278,00,000, will be warmer again, Both days will be sunny, ~(CP Wirephoto) ST facturers are sold at speclaliwas in her 51st year, rates, and a two-tier frozen foods| Mpg Lunney had been ill counter, the first of its kind in|anout two months, Canada, Daughter of the late Mr, and BRIGHT AND COOL Mrs, Harvey Harris, the former The supermarket is big, bright, | Marjorie Harris was born _at cool, airy and pleasantly decor | ¥hornton's Corners and attended ated, Giant murals, high up on the| ME school at Enniskillen walls, have heen painted by ar She was married in Toronto, In| tist Zylinsky. a refugee Polish 1920, to Bruce Lunney, She had| nobleman whe eame to Canada resided in Bowmanville since her because his father had heen pre ava . ber of viously connected with the Em. Mrs. Lunney was a member o bassy and who has made his St. Paul's United church, a mem name in Canada through his/ber of the Evening WA and painting. {faithful church worker, d The opening of so large a super-| , Surviving are her husband west under the influence of al market in the north-west part of Bruce; a son, Harvey, 20; two joy pressure Oshawa marks a significant point|Prothers, Donald, of Oshawa and eastward in the growth of the city {James, South Monaghan; a sis [ter, Mrs, A. Holdsworth (Doro op Ontario except for fog patches i for TORONTO (CP)--Official fore. casts issued at 5 am Synopsis: Temperatures today are about five degrees above normal for the season, High tem: ay as winds shift in'o the south: through James Bay ~ OBITUARIES (thy) of Oshawa and a half broth-|in southwestern Ontario and the | er, William, of Enniskillen, There | Mygkoka area {are four grandchildren, Regional forecasts valid until| The funeral service will bel midnight Wednesday y | held Mon 20, at 2 pm, for Mrs Emma Hunt, who died at 453 Ni pigon street, Oshawa, on Friday Aug , In her 85th year The service was conducte from Armstrong's Funeral Home by Archdeacon H, D Cleverdon and Rev, A, Woolcock Pallbearers were Robert Hunt Edward Hunt, Frederick Hunt Albert Pope, William Barber and Frank Barber Interment was at Mouat Lawn Cemetery FUNERAL OF CHARLES ERNEST GAME The funeral service for Charles Ernest Game, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital Mon day, Aug 2 was held at the Gerrow Funeral Home Thursday Aug, 25, at 2 pm . Rev. W. A, Gibb, minist Westmount United Church, ducted the services. Interment in Emily Cemetery, Ome er of con was nee The pallbearers were A tage, D. Game, T, Game, § ost, B. Montgomery and ( tomley ARCHIE THOMAS ROBICHAUD PEMBROKE Archie Thomas Robichaud, 180 Munro St, Pem broke, died at Pembroke General Hospital last Saturday at the age of 79 Armi Prov Bot Robichaud was the son of 'he late Peter Robichaud and Mary Quigley. He lived most of his life in Point Alexander until moving to 'Pembroke 16 years ago, He is survived hy his wife, the former Ann Arbour, and six children The are Peter A. Robi chand, Deep River, and Archie Robichaud, Jr., Pembroke, The daughters are Mrs. Joseph Bren nan (Valeria), Elkton, Mary COMING EVENTS FERNHILL bingo tonight at Avalon at RB pm. 20 games at 36 and 310, Seven $40 jackpots, door prizes KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, AUG. 30th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos, 56 ond 535 sons conducted by the Rev, Harold, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake |land; Mrs, Edward Sweet| Turner and will be held in the Ontario. Niagara, Georgian Bay (Catherine), Mohawk, N.Y.i|Morris Funeral Home Chapel, and Haliburton regions; Windsor, Mrs, Adolph Rose (Audry), Pem-| Bowmanville, Wednesday, Aug. |-- -- erere-- broke, and Mrs. James Stephen-|31, at 2.30 pom son (Rita), Bowmanville, The Interment will be at Bownian funeral will be held from his ville cemetery home Tuesday morning, with high : TLRS 18 mass sung by Rev. MeNally MRS, THELESA DENNIS Bradley end Rev. Murray at the! The death of Mrs 'Theresa Den : nis occurred at St 8 | Church of the Most Holy Name of n '| Hospital, Toronto, on "Rembroke A | |Aug, 28. Formerly of 3% Simoce JAMES ALLEN [street south, Mrs, Dennis had In falling health for some time been seriously ill for five weeks, | James Allen, 66 King street west, Born in Toronto on Jan With Theft ] 20, | {died at Sunnybrook Hospital, To 1001, she was the daughter Sunny : off BOWMANVILLE (Staff | |ronto, Saturday, Aug, 27. He was|ihe late Mr. and Mrs. George Two Toronto youths, Randolph in his 69th year Born at' Dromiller. County Hubbert, She was married in To. Wayne Pilon, 18 of 56 Grandview Down Northern prac Aro ronto on July 17, 1920, and had @venue, and Bernard Leo 1092, the deseased was a son pplived in Oshawa, for the past 31 Derusha, 18, of 319 Donlands ave: s 1ate' J Ased Was a son Of aa c She was a member of St.|Pue, will be arraigned today be: | the late Thomas and Jean Allen. y \ i ol fore Magisty ~ Foe , Gregory's Roman Catholic fore Magistrate R, B, Baxter on| A resident of Oshawa and Can i a charge of fac | ada for 33 years he was employ. Church and of the Ladies' Aux. charge o stealing a coin hox| ed in the body and fender de ary of the Canadian Legion, and its contents from a pop cools partment at Gener Sell Branch 43 jer at a west end service station, ent at General Motors prior | Corporal Kave F h to his retirement in 1058 | Predeceased by her husband, B P a Kaye reethy, of the Mr, Allen served in the Ennis. the late Cyril (8id) Joseph Den ovmanvile Police Force, ston. killen Dragoons of the Tmnerial Ris on Jan, 17, 1958, she Is sur PR He car in Which the two Army during the First World Vived hy one son, Frank Edward Youths Wore driving Pog it was War. He was a member of the Dennis, of Toronto; two sisters, hve ing east Moy King street Oshawa branch of the Canadian Mrs. E. Morris (Viola) of New| $2" this morning, After making Legion York, and Veronica Hubbert of ? routine Shock of the car he ™ roceede a servi He Is survived by two sisters, Toronto; and a brother, Joseph, ' Ne 20 he irvige saticy Mr Jemima Graham, Pitts. of Toronto Amissing hes ox) wurgh, Pa, and Miss Agnes! The remains at Arm./ : \ 2 | Allen, of Lisburn, County Antrim, |strang's Funeral Home for Re.| Bowmanville OPP were notified Ire'and and two brothers, Wil: quiem Wigh Mass in St. Grog bo op the car and the pair. were liam Alen, of Lishurn. I ot add Ba b "CR: apprehended on Highway 401 A Jshurn, Ireland ory's Church on Thursday, Sept. bhwee Neweas } and David Allen, of Belfast, Ire-|1. at 10 a.m. Rev. Dr. P. Dwyer veen Newcastle and Newton. land " y Yeriville, by OPP Constable Pat The ) will sing the mass, Interment will | Harte- Maxwell | memorial service will be be in St, Gregory's Cemetery y > held at the Armstrong Funeral Oshawa. : : bi wie. [aif ale Shared by Bows ome at 2 p.m, Wednesday, Aug. | = s OP 3 1 ve 31. Interment will he 'in the Sol ihe OPP. They are also wanted diers' Plot in Oshawa Union by Oshawa police and Pickering Cemetery | Township police, Two Youths Are Charged | | | are SCHOOL PROJECTS More than 200 schools and teacher-training institutions in 44 Cloud Patches, Sun Wednesday | London, Toronto and Hamilton: Fog and cloud patches clearing early this morning, becoming sunny today and Wedmesday, A little warmer Wednesday, Wiads 8 peratures are expected Wednes-|light becoming southerly 156 Wed: | nesday, Kirkland Lake region; and Wednesday, Warmer Wed: Skies are clear throughout most | nesday. Winds light becoming donald Co, truck, John Nelson, southwest 20 Wednesday, Timmins « Kapuskasing: Sunny with cloudy intervals today and Wednesday, Not much change in temperature, Winds southwest 185, Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Wednesday Windsor 60 St, Thomas ,, Kitchener London Wingham Toronto 'elerborough .. Trenton 'e St, Catharines , Hamilton Muskoka ., Killaloe .. Earlton Sadoury North Bay ., Kupuskasing White River , Moosonee « 85 . 85 « 85 « 85 60 , 50 I MUM ON SHOOTING 'LONDON, Ont, (CP)--A 31. vear-old man being treated at | Victoria Hospital for a minor bul: let wound in his shoulder re- [fuses to tell how he received the wound, police said Monday, Leo Chenier, who won't even tell where he lives, is being kept in the hospital for a few days. The 22calibre bullet passed through his shoulder, COUPLE IN COURT GUELPH (CP)--Albert Edward Delves of Rock wood pleaded guilty' Monday to five charges of obtaining money and: goods by false pretences and was re manded in custody until Sept, 19 for sentence, Delves' wife, Joan, also. charged, was released on bail, She has two children to care for, Both were arrested at Montreal last Wednesd North n system moving gay and Sudbury: Sunny today|' | of Ajax, | BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED The birthdays of two members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa were remembered at the club meeting on Monday. Those honor- ed were John Graham and Myrle Book, DROVE ERRATICALLY | Erratic driving on the way home from a wedding Monday sent William Gostlin, 22, of To- ronto, to Jail for a week, He pleaded guilty in Oshawa Ma- gistrate's Court to drunk driving. He was arrested after he made] a wide turn from Bloor street on to Park road south, INJURED IN FALL Daniel McCabe, 35, of Down) street, Oshawa, received treat. ment at the Ross Memorial Hos. pital, Lindsay, during the week-| end, for lacerations to his hand| and shoulder, He was injured in' a fall, AWARDED SCHOLARSHIPS | Three Oshawa and district stu-| dents have been awarded $400] Ontario Scholerships, it is an nounced by Education Minister John P, Robaris. The students are Howard W, Rundle, of Bow- manville; Carol Phipps, a stu- dent at Central Collegiate Insti] tute, Oshawa and Judith L,! Broadbent, student at O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Insti tute, In all 413 Grade 13 students received the scholarships which] were given on a proficiency basis of at least 80 per cent on the best of eight papers including English Composition and English Literature, SATTELITE TIMES Fcho 1, the U.S, satellite bal loon, can be seen tonight and Wednesday morning, at the fol. lowing times, according to the Dunlop Observatory, 8.42 pm, travelling south « west to north. east; at 10.47 p.m,, west to east; 12.62 am, west to south-east; 2.57 am, low in the south-west, Watchers should look for the balloon about 10 minutes early, The times listed are for when | Cigarets Are Taken From Truck Somehody apparently walked away with 50 cartons of clgarets from a delivery truck in broad daylight at the corner of Simcoe »4 Athol streets: Monday morn. Tha driver of the Hayden Mac- told police he stopped In front of the post office to de'lver some [narcels, When he returned five minutes later the cléarets were miesing from the trek, The doors were not locked, Sleepwalker ' In Hospital | tion of the hoard EDUCATION BOARD BRIEFS The appointment of Charles' Sawyers to the Cen'ral Collegiate Institute staff was confirmed hy | the Oshawa Board of Education ot a meeting of the board's com-| mittees Monday evening. ON DONEVAN STAFF Theappointmentof Mrs Helene Reeves to the staff of the Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate Institute was also confirmed, TEXT APPROVED The secondary school principals were given the board's permis. sion to use "Latin for Canadian| fichools" as a Grade 10 Latin book, RESIGNATION RECEIVED | A letter of resignation has heen received from J. E, Broadbent, | formerly of the O'Neill Collegi-| ate and Vocational Institute staff, CONFIRM APPOINTMENTS Appointments of the following public school teachers were £on-| firroed: Mrs, Joanne Kerr, Mrs. Margaret Kylie and Mrs, Karen Ridgely. TWO RESIGNATIONS Letters of resignation were re- »d from two members of the public school staff, Miss Marilyn Black and Miss Maude Ramsay. NAME MUSIC TEACHER The board agreed on the ap- pointment of Edward Oscapello os teacher of Instrumental music in the public schools, ON PERMANENT STAFF A recommendation by R., H, Tunney, supervisor of building and maintenance, to transfer Carl Ritehie, janitor, to the permanent stall was approved by the board, ACCOUNT APPROVED The board agreed that an ac- MORE THAN 500 residents of the Oshawa ama atiended a demonstration. of swimming and life saving techniques at Camp Samac Monday night, The camp pool staff gave an Interesting and informative dis. play which was thoroughly en- Joyed, In the upper picture Aquatic Display Douglas Sinclair, right and Paul Edmondson prepere {0 demonstrate aqualung equips ment, In the lower picture Jim Evens plunges Into the pool from the diving platform in a comedy bit, ~Oshawa Times Photos count outstanding for $6642 to the builders of the Dr, F, J, Done. van Collegiate Institute should be paid, PLAN FURNISHINGS Rev, P, Coffey, vice chairman] of the building and planning com- mittee for secondary schools, will call a meeting of his committee to discuss the furnishings for the board's new administration build. ing, TO DUSCUSS ROOF Father Coffey agreed to take| up the matter of the roof construc. room in the| new administration building with | the architect, at the request ol the board, ASK CLASS SPACE A request by the "Club Lorely" BROCKVILLE (CP)---Evangel. ine Kirkby, 10, fell 20 feet to the| ground early Mondav after she heard a "funny noise" in her| sleep, jumped out of hed, ran across the roem, pushed open a screen and, still asleep, plunged from her window, She is in hosoital from a lacerated ear, bruises and shock, Her pareats, Mr, and Mrs, James Kirkby, believe a street-| cleaning machine which passed| the house at 1:30 a.m. frightened] the girl, She was found semi. consciousness on the ground when her parents heard her whimpers at 2:10 am, suffering severe SPY SENTENCE BERLIN (Reuters)--An East| German court Monday sentenced Manfred Gerlach, a leading Fast German aviation engineer, to hard labor for life on charges of spying for West Germany, | destroyed by fire, for the use of a public school classroom to teach German will be investigated bv the chairman of the public relations committee, Mrs, C. C, Lee, ACCIDENT INSURANCE The board decided to suggest to parents that they take out student aceldent insurance with a differs ent company from the one pres. ently employed by the board, For provides comprehensive insur | ance coverage including dental insurance and payment for the loss of a limb, NO COVERAGE The board voted against bur. glary Insurance as the risk of burglaries from schools was slight, it felt, DISCONTINUE COVERAGE The board voted to discontinue an extra expense insurance which provided for emergency accoms| modation in the event of either the] OCVI or the OCCI being entirely With A Furnace Cleanout MRS. BRUCE LUNNEY countries are associated with \ Bowmanville resident for 31 {UNESCO's Associated Schools years, Mrs. Marjory Edith Lun-'projects. FOR 1959 Bedford § KING EAST MARY ST, OSHAWA PORT PERRY A. E. JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined--Prescriptions Filled PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT YUkon 5.2383 RA 3.2721 SALE Panel Truck in excellent condition $750 or nearest offer PHONE RA 8.5187 Between 8 a.m. and § p.m, FR YOU CAN WIN OIL HEATING [oT © IT T=00 217] | A=0¢ | (Private Resic fences Only) HARRY 0. PERRY Lid. RA"3 3443 OSHAWA | la § a §1 premium, the new comnany|_ Has Big Crowd An aquatic display by 16 mem:| bers of the Camp Samac pool'¥ staff marked the official elosing of the camp's summer water sale. ty program, More than 500 spec. i tators looked on delightedly as APPRECIATION VOICED the swimmers went through their| A few comments by B, 8, complicated formations with Auker, district commissioner of hardly a flaw, Boy Scouts, expressing appreeias Some of the patterns executed !lon for the generosity f Col. R, by the groups were stars, a foun. §. McLaughlin and the Commune tain in which the feet of the !'y Chest In making the use of swimmers come together in [he pool possible, concluded the cirelo and create a fountain by dlsnlay, kicking, and wheels which turned Stanley E, Lovell, vice-presis round and round. lent of the Boy Scout Assoclae Formation swimming and tion, speaking for the assoclation, Jumping and diving exhibitions ¢}pressed appreciatin of the dis. were also put on, One of these P'ay and congratulated the staff was a demonstration in aqualung On their water safety program, diving, showing the correct way _ Pivecting the display was Paul in which to perform this sport, |Tdr n, swimming pool dls rector, 8. A, Richardsan, execu LIFE SAVING [tive commissioner for sconting in The life saving demonstration Oshawa was the commentator, Mustrated techniques in elemen.| The participents in the watee tary approach to life saving, res. show were: Douglas Sinclair, cue assistance and resuscitation, Tom Abthorpe, Jim Thornton, Diving demonstrations were Robert Salter, Darryl Davies, performed from the three metre Roy Fleming, Ron Miles, Ron hoard and included the jackknife, Roberts, June Fleming, Judy hall. tuck, half gainer and full Saunders, Mary Thomas, Sandra jatner dives, | Robson, and Gail Hitchens, Filling In befween events, John 'vans, assistant pool director, re- led the spectators with his water clowning stunts, nln TEE Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIMBEEF 12 King St. E. Meat Specials! Wed. & Thurs. RIB STEAKS . 79° SPECIAL! WEDNESDAY ONLY! , RA 3-3633 MEATY PORK HOCKS 7 - 1.00 FREE BUY 5 LB. COUNTRY SAUSAGE FOR ONLY LJ 1.00 (GET 5 18S. FREE) SHOULDER PORK CHOPS . 48°

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