3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, August 30, 1960 GIVE THE YOUNG STU- DENT A LIFT with his lessons by providing a well - equipped d well - lighted study corner, his capacious shelftype desk provides plenty of elbow room, the lighting arrangement | sex- cellent, and wise mother has provided pens anchored to the holders to prevent loss, Basic Wardrobe For Two-Suiter The campus - bound collegian #an carry his whole basic ward- | robe in a modern leather two- suiter if he knows his P's and Q's -- "P's for planning and packing, and Q's" for quality | end quantity, Planning means knowing what | Rind of events and activities will take place at your college, and the kind of clothes needed, Qual- ity means the number of basic garments and furnishings you'll peed, allowing for 'time out' for cleaning and laundering, "On his back" he wears a topcoat, suit, felt hat, dress shoes, socks, sleeveless sweater, shirt, tie and underwear, The rest is in the bag: 1 suit, 1 sport coat, 2 pairs slacks; 2 pairs shoes --- one pair casual slip-ons -- one pair playshoes; one cap; 3 dress shirts; 3 sport shirts; 5 sets of underwear, all wash and wear , , , 7 pairs socks ., , . 1 belt ,,. 5 ties; 2 sweaters , , , 1 long - sleeve pull- over , , . and 1 cardigan, Toothbrush and shaving gear should be carried separately in a small, moisture-proof leather toiletries kit, Packing this paraphernalia into a large leather two-suiter is a cinch with "know how," The main thing is to drape the pants and jackets carefully across the frames provided for the purpose according to the manufacturer's directions, The shoes, shirts and the rest fit snugly into the oppo- site compartment, The total weight isn't much more than that of the clothes Students Need Proper Desks With equipped desks ... ... 59 With homework ahead, children need well equivped desks; Dad may bring work home from the office, and Mom is usually busy with the manifold activities of club and home affairs, The first thing to do is to check that writing equipment, supplies and accessories are in order, Jerlyn Madison, consumer eonsultant for Sheaffer Pen Com- pany, suggests a list of necessi- ties for the well equipped desk. Make sure that there is a plentiful supply of writing paper: for social and business corre- spondence, for homework, writ ing and typing, note paper and pads for memoranda. Equin each desk with several pens, Today's pens have points suited to each kind of hand- writing. At each desk there should also be an address book, a dictionary, a stamp holder, a generous sup- ply of pencils, erasers, blotters, and a calendar, A card file will be useful for Nsting addresses, making notes about correspondence, keeping Christmas card lists, and jotting down similar memoranda, Finally, be sure that lighting Is good and placed for best illu- themselves if you have. one of the new lightweight leather bags with a magnesium frame. Leath- er, besides being traditionally masculine, is now finished by new tanning methods to resist scuffs and dirt and wipes clean with a damp cloth, Quality is the secret of getting the 'most' out of your belong- ings . , . from luggage right down to shoes and socks! Buy quality clothes that will take plenty of wear and clean. ing. Look for labels with such Extra Beauty Takes Minutes ATTENTION, MISS TEEN! Take time out from malt ses-| sions, TV'ing and phone talk -- and use those precious extra min- utes for extra heauty, Make a schedule -- start it and So says Jeanne consultant Dial Research laboratories, Here are her suggestions: Plan a time sheet for dally baths and showers, laundry of day-by-day stick with it, Bryant, beauty allow enough time rushed morning make-up! Set aside a day chores: dainties' laundry, mani- cure, pedicure, shampoo, setting, and other extras, Clock yourself as you do things -- keep a record of your time-- in the which night is for what -- you'll cnee you get naturally and effortlessly. Don't be stingy with ness and find that you will do these things; ness. With good grooniing, dainti- freshness, you'll find ther time | your skin is prettier, your hair of effort. Don't scrimp on cleanl-| shinier - and you, lovelier! for care and clothes, for an un- for weekly swing of rE TER EL NOVELTIES Malties Dillys Curly Tops 2D. Q. Sandwiches | ~ 1347 SIMCOE N. (ot Taunton Rd.) TH He's No Good As A Bird Dog But He Never Fails To Point When He Sees A Dress Dry Cleaned By ACADIAN CLEANERS Ce ay te rantecd | 238 SIMCOE ST. S. 299 BLOOR WEST, OSHAWA RA 8-5141 and you won't pay tomorrow for WHO Hil 1 today's false economy, so right for Shor IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT and colors SAVE $10 Reversible Sportrite SKIRTS Yo flatter and treat a schoolgirl or career girls budget gently , | You'll want two at this fabulous saving. Hurry 4 « « No all sizes School .... so perfect for SWEATERS They're all here in the latest Kitten, Bulky Knits, Wools and Ban-lon in pullovers end Cardigan styles, Regular 25.00 SALE 14-95 Bloack's AVES WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK nination over work spacey» w No er Ne spaces » 5 5 "4 EE EE a cana bb J ET ETRE FE EEE EE EEE LE RE EE LE SEE 4 SN WEE ss "AREY R