Teacher Supply Much Increased More than 4000 new teachers | will be available to handle the | increased enrolment in Ontario | plementary schools this year, A report issued by Ontario Education Minister Roberts esti mates an increase of 58,000 ele- mentary school pupils this Sep. tember. A year ago attendance reached an alltime high of 1,081,649 throughout the province, The greater flow of graduates trom teachers' colleges, a 3 per! cent improvement over 1955, is gttributed to the program car- ried out by the Department of Education, This involved the re. | organization of courses; estab- | ment of new colleges' provision | of new buildings; and a substan Changes In School Acts Councils may charge interest on money advanced to school | boards pending the sale of deben. tures, and meetings of schoo 1 boards are henceforth open to the public These are two of ments made to five at the last session of the Ontario Legislature and contained in a report by Ontario Education Min- | ister Robarts, Other changes includé: ban separate school board have its election conducted the municipality; the number of trustees on a union separate school board is increased from three to five; where the average | attendance in the public schools operated by the board is 3,000 or more, the board shall appoint its own publie school inspectors; 'by laws of township councils with re- spect to changes in school sec- tions now become effective on M amend: school acts | an ure may by | | gree of Bachelor of Arts from an January 1 of the following year rather than December 25 of the | year in which the by-law is passed The schools provide Objective Tests Seen Worthwhile Introduction tests this vear examinations appears been worthwhile, Education Minister barts "It is likely that the use of this wpe of question will be extended to some of the other papers," he said. One of the results achieved by the tests was a speed-up in the marking of papers, a problem which has been under constant study by the department, In a search of helpful sugges | tions the Registrar visited several | of the examining bodies in Eng. | land during the year, The infor. mation he obtained regarding marking procedures there has been passed to education com. mittees for consideration, Also introduced for the first Sime in Ontarle schools during the last term was a series of teats conducted by the Ontario College of Education Research Department, { Some 90.000 Grade 9 pupils | throughout the province and | about 20,000 pupils in Grades 7 and 8 in Toronto schools tried aca demic aptitude tests, and achieve | ment tests in English and mathe matics a program of identifying talent | The OCE received a gram of $90,000,000 from the Carnegie Cor. | poration to undertake the study. | Mn a follow-up program special at- | tention will be given to reasons | for premature withdrawal from | schools, egulations for elementary have been amended to that, effective in Septem | | ohjective-type | 13 | of Grade have | on five Ontario | to "Says John P, Ro- a8 Dart ol tial expansion of staff The Lakeshore Teachers' Col lege -- the first new college of its kind to be founded in Ontario for more than 30 years -- opened its doors in New Toronto last fall to accommodate more than 800 students, A new Teachers' Col lege will open in September in temporary quarters at Fort Wil liam pending the completion of a building under construction at Port Arthur, Mr, Roberts also states 'hat progress is being made in meet ing the teacher requirements of secondary schools, There has been a steady in- cveanse in the number of appli cantg attending Ontario College Listed ber, 1961, the principal of a school with an enrolment of 300 or mors pupils will be required to hold a elementary school and the de permanent teacher's certificate equivalent B.A de Ontario university or I'he requirement of the of Education courses extended Tuesday, Avgust 30, 1960 3 this summer to two other canires, London and Kingston, as well as in Toronto, Another 22000 students are ex- THE OSHAWA TIMES, pected to enrol in Ontario second- | the nearly 238.000 -egisiered i» | ary schools this year, adding to | September, 194. al An Important Message to All Motorists From The Chief of Police!!! DRIVE CAREFULLY!!! wy DRIVE EXTRA CAREFULLY around schools and play- grounds! Be on the lookout for Children when they walk to and from school, Your vocation from school children : is over now! BE ON THE ALERT when you near o School 'Bus, Of course, they have to obey oll traffic rules, But, give school buses a break anyway . + » they carry a price less cargo! PARENTS! NEVER STOP TELLING children obout the many traffic dangers. Only then can we hope to help reduce traffic fatalities, One out of seven fatalities in- volves a school child, One out of ten fatal accidents is coused by a Teen-age driver, DRIVERS! DON'T HURRY when you drive, The minute you save isn't worth the life of a school child, HAVE YOUR CAR CHECKED by an expert, Any car that is not in perfect mechanical condition is a potential murder weapon, The few dollars you spend may save o lite! H. Flintoff, Chief of Police, City of Oshawa. THIS APPEAL IS SPONSORED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA gree will apply, however, only in the case of newly appointed prin. | cipals, In Co-operation with the Oshowa Police Department Alert, Well-Fed Children Get The Most From School MORE DAIRY PRODUCTS Can Provide Your Youngsters With Extra Pep! ® DELIVERED resh DAILY MOTH ERS . + » you can help your children greatly by making sure their diet is adequate, NUTRITIONISTS + « « say that your child should have at least 3 GLASSES OF MILK EVERY DAY. OSHAWA DAIRY LTD. "The Dairy that Satisfies" 431 SIMCOE SOUTH 5-4719 DIAL RA