THOUGHT FOR TODAY Some of the alleged hats women are wearing these days look like fluted pancakes. The Oshara Sime "WEATHER REPORT ° Cloudy, with chance of Fog, Clearing Wednesday, s little warmer, Winds light, ' VOL. 89--NO. 201 Price Mot Ovi OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1960 Second Authorized os Post Office Deportment, Closs Mail FORTY-EIGHT PAGES Oftowa King Still Controls or 10 Cents Per Copy Jordan AN (AP)--King Hussein) Airports were closed fo traffic Pian held firm como of and Jimmas tadlo suspended its today despite the assas- regular pro s, ph of pr Hazza Ma-| Gen, Habes Majali, the slain Jali, premier's cousin and commander The young king named Bahjat of Jorden's army, ordreed a el Talhouni, veteran chief of the search for the assassins, royal cabinet, to succeed Majali Hussein said in a broadeast to apd Monday night approved a the mation that Majali and the new 11-man cabinet, Seven mem- others killed or wounded with bers were ministers in Majali's him were victims of treachery, government, wickedness and aggression, # i i $4 4 | FA Hearings Start CONGO TROOPS BATTLE TRIBES Hydro Land Deal | Spears, Arrows Oppose Lumumba Invasion Force The Katanga army commender Ten persons besides the pre- London newspapers sald Presi- mier were killed in Monday's dent Nasser of the United Arab time-bombing of the government Jc public is bound to be Bus offices, Forty-one were wounded pected of ordering the time- hile Hussein appeared firmly bombing, oe Mu of the appeared a cur-| Majzli vas Jetaided fu Calo as a leader a ree . few was decreed for the Amman ava Li N 9 4 he 0 Aotess srea and armored cars With ory before his death he ap- troops in battle dress patrolled proved the recommendation from ital's streets he meeting of Arab foreign m! Ye £apital : ee to is ters in Lebanon that Arab coun- ltries halt propaganda attacks | against each other, The most bitter exchanges have been be- {tween Jordan and the U.AR | The Times recalls that two I months ago, on his return from "= | Yugoslavia, Nasser led off a [violent propaganda attack on | t | TORONTO (CP) -- A hearing| Can'Tex accounts marked in con-| ELISABETHVILLE (AP) = Wi 4 ¢ oT i ; em atrice Lu-|in the small town of Kaniams, into purchase by the Ontario|nec'ion with the Sarnia deal, Congolese Premier Patrl | ear Kasai's border, said every (Hydro - Electric Commission of| Mr, Crate testified his investi-| mumba faced a new challenge in| {ste Indian land near Sarnia gations showed that Mr, Sigler| Kasai province today, where his| road and io Jine loading Jao {appears to be headed into an-| contributed $100 to Toronto alder- soldiers were reported to be bat- Katanga diong ligt | other investigation, manic candidate Charles Tidy, sl tling tribal warriors backing the tier has n mn ed or Wothed, The royal commission re-| Hydro property negotiator, Mr, secessionist move there, A Sompany bd be gud ons opened hearings Monday afler|Tidy was elected for the ward| United Nations forces mean, prev uy stationes oy Bt t | adjourning June 10 to allow time| where the Dimensional office is while planned to take over eons ave been rep) y Ethiopian # [for accountant Harold Crate to|located, Itrol today of Belgium's big Ka. UN troops. vistionles {study accounts of 11 firms con-| Mr. Crate said he also found mina military base in Katangs| Belgian far mer viiianies | nected with Dimensional Invest-| a voucher from a store owned by| province, The last of the Belgien guarded the airstrip ag ments Limited of Toronto, Dim- Mr, Sigler allowing the Hydro| combat troops at the base weve mumba's forces, Ind [ensional Investments sold the|property division chief, Harry|leaving for home or the neigh.| The Belgian foreign oN stry {land to Hydro, Hustler, to purchase clothes at a boring trusteeship territory of denied a statement by 8, Sel The new inquiry will concern discount, He said Mr, Sigler told| Ruanda-Urundi, but several hum. ator J, Allen roar, Deneraie Can'Tex Ontario Limited which him it was common practice for|dred Belgian army maintenafice of Delaware, t yi ay an ond of Santer; controlled by William! him to offer such discounts and men were to remain until Bel children whose | an ] nf 20 G. Clark, a representative of| had, in fact, offered such to one gian equipment is removed, chopped off were flown ba 'M A » Race Riots Spread i Ty DEMONSTRATOR IS DISCOURAGED {of Mr, Crate's assistants, Under an agreement betwen! Belgium from the Congo a menth | Jordan's ruler, | | REPOSSESSED SCHOOL LAWN FEACKVILLE, Pa, (AP)-- | Buddy Bucklew, a contractor, pulled a truck up to Frackville high school Saturday night and removed the front lawn It was his, he claimed. He had laid the sod a year ago and | had never been paid by the | school hoard, Nevertheless, he was jailed and fined $10 plus costs Monday for malicious mischief John Lindenmuth, the school hoard president, said the board To Jail 0 jal JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AF Violence flared early today de- spite emergency police powers ordered to curb the racial out- breaks that have plagued Jack gonville with fire bombings and shootings The first death of the current trouble came when policemen returned gunfire and a car carry- ing two Negroes crashed into a utility pole, One of the Negroes was killed, In Buford, Ga., 25 miles north.| east of Atlanta, a rock-throwing racial fight Monday night brought about the arrest of two dozen A Congolese demonstrator | dued by armed' policemen be- | at lower Yauking Selogates / J: Fi el . against the government of Pre. | fore onlookers outside Palace ing Fican nations were mee mier Patrice Lumumba is sub. | of Culture in Leopoldyille | Pension Plan For Preachers? HAMILTON (CP)--A new pen: a stratified society--*like a ple sion plan for clergymen, based|with a rich upper crust," on salary rather than service,| The plan provides for led a Y : y | graded was approved Monday night by benefits based on salary,. Thel the exetyiive sonnel of fen | present plan is based on equal] HAVANA (AP) eral synos D glean! pension for e ar, rye | ' y OR eh nada. pen or equal years of serv early today ec The plan provoked lengthy and ~--(AP Wirephoto) q Castro Calls People's Fidel Castro! alled for a giant treesurer of Can-Tex and a bank! of the campaign had been about|troops who thrust info Kasai's| rally of the Cuban people Friday manager to appear before the|ggno he said, afternoon to answer the declara.| commission today, The interest in| Crown Trust Company of Tor- onto, The trust company nego- tinted the purchase of the Indian| reserve land for Dimensional CCF counsel Andrew Brewin demanded the inquiry, insisting the core of the matter may lie in the Can-Tex accounts, At time of the sale In 1068] Dimensional was controlled by| Saul Sigler and Sam Ray, It| bought $3,100 acres of Chippewa | reserve for about $2 200° an acre and sold a portion to Hydro for about $7,000 an acre, OFFICIALS SUMMONED Subpoenas were issued for the ! also showed Mr. Sigler contrib-| | ago. A spokesman for the ministry in Brussels said only one cise of a child whose hand and forearm {had been severed had been veri {fied so far, "The situation Is bad enough as it is," the spokesman said, "Phere is no need to invend atrocities with all the official verified accounts of rape, hrutale \ties and looting which the mine |.5try of justice commission has in its files," Frear made his charge in 8 speech in the U.S, Senate Mons day, Cruiser Rolls the UN and Belgium, only UN [troops will use Kamina's $100. 000,000 worth of facilities, includ. {ing one of the biggest runways in | Africa, The idea is to keep Lu. {mumba's troops from utilizing |the base as an invasion point against Katanga, AIDED CAMPAIGN Mr, Crate said his investigation uted to the campaign fund for Vernon Singer, Liberal member of the legislature for York Centre, i Both Mr, Tidy and Mr. Husler d took the stand, Under question. | REPORTS UNCLEAR ing by Hydro counsel J, D,| News of the fighting in Kasal Arnup, Mr, Tidy said he had Was confused. questioned accepting the s100| Premier Pascual Ngalula of contribution but decided it had|Kasai province told the Baizian no connection with business [news agency that Baluba tribes: He said he had received oné/men had counter-attacked with other $100 contribution from *'an|bows, arrows and spears aguinst| acquaintance and neighbor," Cost|several hundred Congolese army | | rebellious **Mining State" area Mr, Hustler said he had pur. three days ago and captured ils white youths and about an equal had not authorized the job, |often heated debate by he bish. RATES T0 Go UP {tion of San Jose, The premier|Can-Tex results from unexplained chased boy's clothing from Mr, |capital, Bakwanga, pumber of Negroes The outbreaks came as New Orleans awaited a court decision on a plea for delay in an order to Integrate the city's first grades and as Delaware school authori | |ops, priests and laymen Proposed by a commission ap ling' the meeting at MecMaster| pointed in 1057 by the primate, | siversdy. |the new plan FL increase the | Archdeacon R, E. Naylor of minimum annu@l pension rate to Montreal, who led the opposition, | $1,960 oi 40 years from the accused advocates of wanting to| Present $1,200, Bucklew said one board mem- ber had told him to lay the lawn "1 think I have educated the school hoard enough to realize the bill must be paid," he sald, reaffirmed his regime's ties with| cheques totalling $0,000 which Russia as he lashed out at the were paid by Dimensional into Organization of American States| A and the United States during a! 3% hour harangue, Offer Plan tles were under court order to turn the church brotherhood into| Changes in the canon which oa integration of the school the state, Fire bombs -- kerosene filled bottles with wicks -- were n at a number of stores in Jacksonville, The new outbreaks In Jackson. ville came despite emersency police powers invoked hy Mayor | Haydon Burns, He hanned stroot gatherings of more than four per.| sons and unnecessary auto traffic| following fights and vandalism were on the rampage throughout during the weekend, the sun-seared Atlantic provinces Mrndav a white sympathizer today, destroying tim b erlands of the Negro integration cause and homes and threatening com. was knocked down in a jail bull.| munities pen in Jacksonville, Hardest hit of the four prov: Richard F. Parker, 25-year-old inces was Nova Scotia, where at Florida State University. student least 34 fires were burning, Twol who has heen alding Negroes in| communities were threatened, | lunch counter sit-in demonstra-| Nineteen fires were reported in tions, was taken to hnsnital after Newfoundland, Most of these being struck bv Merill Imus, were burning on blueberry 21, a Jacksonville construction grounds worker, His jaw was broken | In New Brunswick, 2,000 men Imus told reporters, 'I asked battling 28 blazes gained a brie Parker if he was the leader of respite as scattered shower those Negroes and then hit him| moved into the province, after he cursed and swung at| Fires were out of control in me." four areas in Prince Edward Is. Mayor Burns has repeatedly re-| land, An estimated 25 homes fused requests of merchants that were destroyed In Mari L in the Portage. he order integration of the lunch Tyne area 25 miles west of Sum: counters, merside, ' Bunche Quits Congo Says Near Anarchy' LEOPOLDVILLE (CP)---Ralph Bunche, troubleshooter for Secre- tary-General Dag Hammarskjold, flew back to United Nations head- quarters in New York today from the Congo, whi h, he sald, 'verges on something approach ing a state of emergency," Before Bunche left, Reuters reported, he received an urgent appeal from Albert Kalonji, head of the secessionist 'mining state" within Kasai province, Kalonji urged Bunche to send Canadian, Scandinavian or Irish troops to southern Kasal to dis. lodge Congolese trops who have occupled the area, URGES NEUTRAL ZONE Kalonji urged the creation of a wpeutral zone along the Kasai. Katanga frontier to prevent a elash, As new reports came of bitter fighting between Congolese troops and Baluba warriors in DR. RALPH BUNCHE Kasai province, Bunche talked to reporters about the weekend in "Suspicion leads to rumor. Ru- eldent in which a Congolese mob| mors: leads to fear and this so beat up two signalmen from On- often erupts into panic, The tario and eight American airmen crowd at Stanleyville Just in Stanleyville, capital of Oriental erupted." province, RAs 7 "One of the difficulties is the, CONDITION GOOD state of mind of the people," The injured Canadians, Cpl. G Bunche said. 'Psychological sus- v Gavel of Grand Bend, and picion runs so deep in this coun. Sigma, A, L. V, Bone of Atiko- try everywhere--a heritage of kan, were reported to be resting thelr immediate past as a colo. comfortably and in good condi alal state. tion in hospital. They were flown here from Stanleyville Sunday. CITY EMERGENCY Bone, one of three stretcher PHONE NUMBERS | cases in the group, sulfered cuts, | bruises and abrasions ona the face aid conusions on the back and POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-657 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | left hip. Gavel suffreed face and chest contusions and possible rib {fractures Bunche, who Is leaving his post as chief UN officer in the Congo, protested sharply to Premier Ba! mr Fires Rage "others were preparing to leave, trice Lumumba earlier over the Stanleyville incident, foverns the pension scheme will dealt with by the general synod in 1982. Other details will be Nundied by the general sy- nod"s pensions board and will + ina become effective Jan, 1, 1961, 4 Yankee empire. There will be no increase in the! He charged that the U8, used present rate of pension assess. its proposed $500,000,000 aid pro- ments, with one exception--sal. £r2m for Latin America and its ary-paying sources will make up 2/10cation of the 700,000 tons of the deficlency in the personal fvfar cut from Cuba's quota to mountains of eastern Cuba that of being the one to initiate the times HALIFAX (CP) -- Forest fires] The New Brunswick village of| assessments of any priest receiy-|P0¥ the San Jose declaration, hest way to decide whether Ka: ing an income below the base| Nineteen member nations of the |OAS joined Monday in denounc- 'ing Soviet and Chinese Commun- ist intervention in the western hemisphere, Sonier was threatened with de- struction until Monday night vate. when a downpour and shifting! Clergymen will receive a pen: winds drove flames away from sion equal to 1% per cent of the the community of 700. Women| total "salary" on which his pen- and children had been evacuated Sion assessments have been paid, during the day. | Widows will receive the present No injuries or deaths were re.| benefit or 60 per cent of the sum | ers bound for new schools in the 'we have had the honor and glory rebellion of America against the HURT CAMPAIGN? Castro to'd a meeting of teach. For Katanga | LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) »- The Cameroun republic has pro- | posed a referendum under United | Nations auspices in the break- | away province of Katanga, it | was learned Monday, | It was understood 'Tunisia | agreed that a referendum is the tanga should be permitted its self - declared Independence or| come under control of Premier N | Patrice Lumumba's central Congo government, ported, [to which their husbands were en. The worst outbreak In Noval titled, whichever is the greater, Inspector Scotia was at Rodney, In Cum- herland County, It was reported threatening the community of] Collingwood as it burned through | dense hardwood, The other major Nova Scotia fire was at Forest Glade in An-| napolis County, Some of the 300 residents evacuated their homes, A lands department official said Infected By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON (CP)--Richard Nif6n has been floored tempor Subdues Bald Eagle arily by an infected left knee, foreing him Into a hospital bed PEMBROKE (CP) -- An On.!for two weeks or more--ecrucial tario game inspector and a bald weeks in the tight fight for the eagle with a seven-foot wing span! presidency, clashed in the forests north of Republicans, buoyed by the here Monday -- and the eagle| vice-president's popularity gains ended up behind bars. [in initial campaigning, were dis Jean G, Marion grappled with tressed by the sudden turn of the huge bird which suddenly events which may give Senator swooped down on him like a mas. | Kennedy, the Democratic stand sive black shadow as he walked | @rd-bearer, opportunity to make to an observation tower in the, Political hay on the road while Trout Lake area 30 miles north NiXon is shut away from the {of here, publie eye, | beaten, The Canadians were attacked as they were being escorted to UN headquarters by an Ethiopian UN soldier, Congolese soldiers struck the signalmen and the U.S. airmen, who had just arrived from Canada with a load of radio equipment, while the mob of civillans spat at them and hurled stones, OTHERS BEATEN Meanwhile, seven other Cana. dians, none from Ontario, were arrested at the UN headquarters | and taken to jail, where they| were stripped, searched and what it was until it was almost on top of me," said Mr, Marion, great to reach me where I was standing and it struck a maple | off course, the bird clutched my thigh with one claw and struck out with its beak, grabbing my pant Ad cause a permanent stiff wings down and free the talons from his pants, then carried the| "I turn y Doctors ordered the 47-year. ed to duck, not knowing old Nixon into Walter Reed General Hospital Monday after laboratory tests disclosed his left knee is infected by a potentially dangerous bacetria, One doctor suggested this {could cause infectious arthritis; [it could destroy knee cartilage "Luckily its wing span was too sapling with one wing, Knocked leg." {Joint if not caught in time, The He sald he managed to pin its! disease yields to antibiotic treats ment, creature about a quarter of a COMPLAINED OF PAIN mile to his panel truck, Just how deeply the infection ton, while the other three were cei Four of the Canadians had arrived shortly before from Tren. LATE NEWS FLASHES Fire Threatens Second Township QUEBEC (CP) -- Residents of a second township were being evacuated today while a third prepared to move out before a raging all-consuming forest fire at the tip of the Gaspe Peninsula. The fire, which forced 58 families to move out of St. Gabriel de Rameau Monday, was threatening the paral area of Val d'Espoir and the village of St, Charles sarnier Code Secrets Taken To Russia WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two missing employees of the Na- tional Security Agency, presumed to have defected to Russia, were reported today to have taken "valuable cryptographic information" with them, Representative John W. McCormack of Massachusetts, the House Democratic leader, said he had learned this from usually reliable sources, and declared that the' loss of cryptographic information "is far more serious than any official has publicly admitted." Claim Nazi Commandant In Winnipeg members of an advance party, The Congolese shouted that the newcomers were Belgian para. troopers, In Ottawa Monday, it was reputed that Prime Minister Diefenbaker is consulting two of Canada's top foreign diplomats on this country's role in the Congo. Arnold Heeney, ambassador to the United States, and Charles| Ritchie, Canada's representative/ on the 15-nation committee advise ing UN Secretary-general Dag Hammarskjold on the day-to-day operations of the UN Congo force, conferred with senior external! affairs department officials, | Mr, Diefenbaker declined further comment on the weekend | Stanleyville incident pending re- by formal reports from the Uni Nations. Knee Puts Nixon Down has penetrated in Nixon's case is not known, It started 14 days ago when the vice-president hit his knee against an automobile door during a campaign trip to Greensboro, N.C. He gomplained of pain ever since, Both Republican and Demo: cratic leaders immediately ex. pressed their, sympathies and hopes for speedy recovery. Ken. nedy's running mate, Senator Johnson, sent flowers, With voting day Nov, 8, both sides have indicated that every moment counts, Since the July nomination conventions the two candidates have been running hard, Nixon had said he would visit all 50 states, Now his plans may have to be curtailed, Some observers suggest Nix. on's hospital sojourn would not be a complete loss, It would give him a chance to rest and it might also stir up a lot of pub. lic sympathy for him, On the other hand, his follow: ing may be disturbed by being linked to an ailing candidate-- especially if the ailment isn't cured quickly, Physical strength appears to be a definite factor in the presidential fight, though the late president Franklin Roosevelt, a polio victim, eam. paigned successfully from a wheelchair, OAS Meeting Pleases Herter WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre.| tary of State Christian Herter| sald today he wads satisfied with the results of the conference of| foreign ministers of the Organ.| ization of American States. | In a prepared statement re leased on his return from Costa Rica, Herter said "the indictment at San Jose of the Castro gov. ernment of Cuba was clear." He told reporters, "It was a good performance, evidence of lexes built under their noses, building Jegal duplexes, but de- W. M. Wood, newly-named act-| ing consul-general for Canada in| Leopoldville, was instructed to make a verbal protest to the gov-| ernment of Premier Patrice Ty mumba. OTTAWA (CP) -- The immigration department is checking a Tass report that a former Nazi prison camp commandant now is living In Winnipeg. The check will reveal whether the man entered the country by misrepresentation. Department officials indicated that they know the man's name but they did not idghtify him, | solidarity among the nations o the hemisphere. ™ Herter sald he did not know whether Cuba would quit the OAS as a result of its walkout in Jose, | Sigler's store after Mr, Sigler had phoned his wife four or five times inviting her to make use of the discount, The eommission was estab: lished by Premier Frost last February after CCF members of the legislature charged that Hy. dro had bungled the land deal, Suburbs Country, ST, CATHARINES (CP)~The growth of suburbia is destroying both city and country, the On- tario Municipal Association wae, told Monday, J. B, Milner of the University| of Toronto's law faculty asked) delegates: "Do you farmers and | developers really * believe the countryside is not worth keep: ing?" He said the tapping off of ur. ban population into the suburbs is also keeping theatres and other cultural expressions of the city from growing, . About 500 delegates, represent. ing 238 member municipalities, are attending the convention this week, Reeve Norman Goodhead of North York, part of Metropolitan Toronto, said township councils in Ontario are having illegal trip | A 1 {be refused, he sald, and provin-|several times, cial legislation prevents the town: ships from stopping the practice Te Following the session, Lorne| Cumming, deputy municipal af- fairs minister, sald the councils could pass bylaws controlling(o" Highway No, 7, plumbing in an area where a|= " third apartmnet could be placed] ~but not controlling what might be termed the intent of an owner on use of the space, He sald some bullders are 'WHAT BI Little Bill Thomas is held | aloft to look down into the gap- ing mouth of a six and a half oot shark caught off Bowers A military station in Kafanga| monitored a radio appeal from | Bakwanga to Leopoldville asking for = transport to fly out 10] wounded men, i speed chase Monday night in Lumumba's invasion of Kasal | pursuit of Gregory George Mes {previously had been virtually Leod, an escapee from Guelph bloodless, with no serous fight: \oformatory, ended after a pros ing reported, vinelal police cruiser rolled over vi po . several times and the fugitive was involved In an aute accident, ng The chase began at midnight when a car stolen in Guelph was . City of Hamilton, OPP Constable D, K, Richardson guve chase but his |signed so they can be changed| vehicle went out of control on a {to triplexes, The builders can not|counity road and flipped over Convict Caught MILTON, Ont, (CP) -- A highs spotied by police near this come munity about 20 miles northeast He was taken to hospital with g fractures McLeod was captured after his {car collided with another vehicle Singer Man "One cannot arrest a man for In Plane Crash bank robbery if he is merely] NEW YORK (CP)--Singer Sews standing looking at the bank|/ing Machine Company sald one building," Mr, Cumming said, |of its officials, James McKinnon "He may only be admiring the|a native of Winnipeg was aboan architecture," an Air France Super-Constellas Addressing the delegates, Mr, (tion that crashed off Dakar, Cumming sald that if carefull Senegal, Monday, study were given, a surprising] No survivors have been found, number of the 977 Ontario mu-| McKinnon left Winnipeg in 1948 nicipalities might be found to be and since then has lived in Rive conducting their business in alerside, Conn, a company spokes slipshod manner, man sald, vr-- G TEETH YOU HAVE' Beach near New Castle, Del. a 30-pound line. All bathing has New Castle Police Chief Jesse | been banned in the area hy Walling and segeral other men | Walling, caught the 200-pbund shark with ~AP Wirephote