ete Ale Oshawa Tes Auto Theft SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1960 PAGE NINE By 6. BLPATRICK one turning around in his drive * Shes EEE Rdvertising Is Seen . al pm. er a rp fous 11 Tidden 10F About 1 minutes in the road g garage, The OPP found it hidden po 0 George Kilpatrick's home. : Pies. Harold Holtby visited be | a ge mr mo Brae ea AS ey Factor 79 stolen by the escaped convicts, sister, Mrs. "ross, at Chatham ] A s and Cla for $3 jew dave Sant vee, am eimen: i rry Cummings r : ots hd he ar» found, Oshawa priv spending six] BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| Mr. Stutt questioned what has into packaging of consumer "| searching for the convicts. |weeks with his brother, Bruce Advertising is one of the largest gone wrong in the mid 20th cen- goods," Mr. Stutt concluded, | On Wednesday afternoon Mrs, and family, |factors in buyer - seller relation tury. People don't seem fo real- Mr. Morris told the club the | { Mrs, Frank Harris visited ships today, But, the truth must ize that a just weight dates as retail merchants are not to be ny J4|OYler noticed two cars driving), lol Peterborough recently. |be put back into advertising, and far back as Biblical times," he blamed for the misrepresentation / past their farm very slowly and| | id they both turned around in their] George Kilpatrick and his into packaging, to prevent serious said. on consumer goods. The mer- THE ANNUAL FLOWER | in the auditorium of E. A. | successful In the society's hist- | petitions with some of the beau- | ariveway about 5 p.m. One car|cousin, Gov. Porter, of Scugog consumer crisis, Rotarian Jim PLASTIC CLOTHES chants have to sell what they and vegetable show of the Osh- | Lovell Public School last Sat- | ory. Seen here are the trophies | tiful floral arrangements in the |wag green with a cream top and|Island, visited their cousins, the Stuft told the Bowmanville Ro-| He pointed out some of the Bt from the wholesaler, he said. awa Hortleultural Society, held | urday, was one of the most | in the garden and garage com- | background, ) the other ge. was a maroon| Misses Clara and Edith Brown, tary ng ots id. rep joann misrepsescutations ss Sone A the ere notable de- (Oshawa Ti color, A nei saw een oronto. Rotarian y | adv pa | cepth pract! hawa Times Photo) | color 8 is gre . gist, and chairman of the Rotary|ucts, which he quoted from the Doster product sales he noted hd y % i club vocational service commit-| Consumer's Report, | were as follows: nnounce 4 x tee, outlined some of the every. One he noted was in the sale of 'Incomplete Comparative". By ' : y / day product presentations which plastic clothes lifes, advertised to| this he meant we hear or read - 4 , one has to content with mowa- be 50 feet in length, When they ® certain product is newer, bet- days. He was assisted by Rotar- were purchased and taken home, 'eT, bigger, "Then what is n Gara 5) Tests / yy jan K. N, Morris, the town io-|each line was measured and DeWer, better and bigger is the y ww, dustrial commissioner. found to be a foot and a half Question which should be asked i. According to Mr, Stu, adver. short of the 50 feet the customer 01 the advertiser," Mr. Morris (ston, Mrs, Les, Guy, Mrs, Chas.| Scabiosa ~~ Leonard Weeks, 4 tising was never so popular. He| was supposed to have purchased, 58s. oly held its annual flower and Silver, 4 | Mrs, Les Guy, Mrs, Archie Whit- 7 he [said everything mow is flooded| But, he pointed out, this was| Intentional misuse of the word tors show last Saturday| Dahlia, one bloom, decorative mee. H |with advertising in one form or not just one instance, but was the! Suatanios . One of the worst of- Yegetahe in E. A, Lovell Public|-- R. J. H, Branton, Mrs, Lloyd Snapdragon---Mrs, Earl Sand y 7 another, |case with 77 per cent of the par- fenders at this practice is the eth a large entry list, |Johnston, Mrs, Les. Guy, {ford, Mrs, W. Logeman, Mrs, { % . | In 1959 alone, 11 billion, 100) ticular make of clothes line men-| in e manuf; School, w a 1 # as chairman Dahlia, one large cactus or|Albert Maskell, "% : {million dollars was spent on ad- tioned, | turers, "The only guarantee they Albert Mas . Pk oy John semi-cactus -- Mrs, Lloyd John-| Sweet Peas -- Mrs, Lloyd John- . / |vertising in the United States. | Another packaging misrepre- 8ive you is that the cookware is on so To onto. acted as ton, Mrs, Earle Sandford, Mrs, ston, Mrs. O. C. Weeks, Leonard ? yy | The speaker said the un- sentation he noted was in the net Made of aluminum," Mr, Morris Stoneburgh, of Toronto, Les. Guy, | Weeks, | . / p predictability of the consumer js weight on instant potato pack- 58id. Judge. Dahlias, basket cactus, minia-| Verbena -- Mrs, C, Silver, Mrs, | 7 i , ' |the advertising people's main ages, He pointed out the net| 'Lifetime Guarantee" is an- WINNERS ANNOUNCED ture -- Mrs, Lloyd Johnston, Mrs. 0, C, Weeks, Mrs, Clarence T | / Wh, 7 ; headache, Therefore the adver- weight is always put in fine print other "dandy" Mr, Morris said, Before the close of the show Les. Guy, | Zinnias, giant flowering -- Mrs! / 7 {tising industry spends consider in obscure places on the pack- Ihe product is guaranteed for the the winners In the garden and Dahlias, basket pom pom ~--iyio0q Johnston, Mrs, Clarence ; / % able amounts each year on ages. |lifetime of who or what. The garage competitions were an-| Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, . | Tink, Mrs. Albert Maskell, ' / ; psychological research, | One of the more prominent buyer, the manufacturer, which is nounced by Duncan MacMillan,| Gladiolus, white, one spike --| =p 00 "ne pobrd -- Leo ' / y | Their main endeavor is to get "swindles" he cited was tooth- not likely to be too long when chairman of these competitions |Duncan- MacMillan, Leonard Karnath Mrs, Albert Maskell ; ; is J [to the sophisticated class shop-| paste tubes. "The smallest size they have to advertise that way," The list of winners in these Martin, Mrs, Archie Whitmee, orig Phinda ' Vy / 7 . per, those which are not fooled tube of toothpaste is now called the Industrial Commissioner said. events were iladiolus, yellow, one spike -- Zinotas, Pom Pi Leo Kar " ; a by guarantees, new half tested the large size, the medium size, 'Improper sounding claims" is Todd Chaliege Trophy: For the| Duncan MacMillan, Mrs. Archie) <n0od, Fo rd Pg | ; 7 products from the labs and the the family size and the large another misrepresentation very best landscaped property as seen| Whitmee, Leonard Martin, Dat Pri nd Ys J ¢ / like. This class of shopper the tube the economy size, There is common . in advertising today, by the passer-by -- Mr, and Mrs,| Gladiolus, Orange, one spike --|BIver, # / # | advertising men call the "shop- no such thing as a small tube of For instance products are adver- Les Guy, 762 Simcoe street north,| Duncan MacMillan, Mrs, Archie| Zinnias, any other variety -- 7 7 ulation class," Mr. Stutt said. |toothpaste nowadays," Mr. Stutt tised to be "triple strength." Oshawa Horticultural Society Whitmee j Mrs, Clarence Tink, od f 4 7 : PITCH HARDER | noted. { "Triple the strength of who or Challenge Cup For the best Cladios, Dk, ons ok ic Ly iv Beanies, Ms a A The advertising men and the, "Today the advertising men What," Mr. Morris says, large Flower and Vegetable Gar. Jwonurd } ariin, Dunstan Mach "| 5, C. Yoeks, Juss, dees, A wi bob. om retailers must get to this class of have to have 'specials' on their| 'Descriptive product display" den -- Mr, and Mrs, Les Guy, 762 1a, Mr nean uae «| ADYy O yo v A ! a7 people to prevent an economic products. The consumer wants|is another category. Such as Simcoe street north iladiolus, rose, one spike --|bert Maskell, Richard Branton, ' / He A : rik these so-called als.' | "special," but Mr, Stutt already C smith Challenge Bowl: Leonard Martin, Duncan Mac-| Leo Karnath, 4 . 4 , ; A revolution within the country. these so-called specials. |covered that ome. Mr, Morri ' Sooner Siu § Chi luge J owl Milla | "Mantel arrangement -- Mrs, VJ : , 2 They have to pitch harder and TRUE SPECIALS joove one, Mr. Morris Ve Ry Mr and Mrs. Gladiolus, red, one spike --| Clarence tink, Mrs, Leonard " y J yy harder all the time to "get that But ote Ad A & true One of the worst is this "You 8. Burnett 765 Hortop avenue. | Mrs. Archie Whitmee, . Duncan Weeks, Mrs. 0. C. Weeks, Mrs. | vp 7 extra dollar" from this class of speclals on the marke! ay. 4 too can be glamorous" t f "The Hart Challen » uD For| MacMillan Duncan MacMillan consumer, Mr, Stutt stated. course "specials" are specials in 4 Bed ply op us tyve of the A Fic id Garden / Gladiolus, smoke, one spike:| Centre piece -- Mrs, Clarence 4 y v | He pointed out weight enforce- the sense that they are specially boon hs ge on 0) th id Hoss re Mr, and Ms 0. C. Weeks f° Duncan MacMillan Tink, Mrs, Earle Sandford, Mrs, f y / / ment is not strict enough in Can- packaged -- cut down in she, 0d after dand op hoy 8 Ww, it Montrave avenue Gladiolus {, one spike -- Duncan Macmillan, Mrs. Albert | 4 1 ada, He said people belonging to possibly by two or more ounces, 2 pa le 8 tA watc! ! Mike Bouckley Trophy: Best Leonard Ma Duncan MacMil-| Maskell, i 4 2 the Consumer's Union want the|to sell for the regular size pack- gome JUTE a am . Jomat) Small Flower Garden -- Mr. and! lan, Mrs, Archie Whitmee, | Modernistic arrangement | | {{truth on a package. And how age," Mr, Stutt charged. oy Favishag a e-up Mrs. Albert Maskell 537 Park Gladiolus, miniature, six | Mrs. O. 5 Wedis, dt Basle i many yead the Jabel on the Dother Prasiice he sited Was Bi aL Pots nz A io Fo spike pd ~~ . | 8 rs. Alber! askell, | p re buyin | "the quain actice - . road south spikes, mixed Duncan Mac-| Sandford, $ packages they a ying nr Fy their pre-packaged meat the pants off them advertising" nom what. | Millan | Mrs. Clarence Tink, | / ' ys, | According to Mr. Stutt, differ- " C, Ewart McLaughlin Chal. | | SAMO SFr y; |! ent everyday consumer products|lines, possibly the three top pieces too. That is the "You too can be The Oshawa Horticultural Socl- rw p y Vase of gladiolus, six spikes --| One - color arrangement pur] lenge Teopny. For He bant suck Mrs, Archie Whitmee, Duncan Mrs. Duncan MacMillan, Mrs. | Q are being packaged to '"netlof meat are beautiful cuts. But| glamorous advertising with a re- ( bt, acMillan. [Albert Maskell, Mrs, 0, C.| (7 weights in ounces--not in pounds underneath, in lots of cases is Verse twist," Mr. Morris said. irenfell stree M Weeks, 92 Grenfell street. Basket of Gladiolus, 10 spikes Weeks, Mrs, Earle Sandford, | ' 2. or hall pounds. People do not just a pile of fat hidden by the| One of the guests at the meet. Conger Leigh Challenge Bowl: | ja ; ete tin nr 1 " ) : do | h . ling was Ds Paro : For the best flower and vege-|~ Dean MacMillan, Mrs, Ar-| ataod i arrasemen: ol Four happy lads at the | the wooded refuge just north of | Woods, Simcoe street north; [realize that extra ounce which is Bod looking meat," he jad. Pr Riding (PC) a, Dus table garden of rented home. -- ele Whimee, 1 flow Bac © rink Mrs. O. C. Weeks, Kiwanis Kedron Camp who | Oshawa, Named outstanding | Ricky Corby, Colborne street contained in the packaging of the : wl 8 Consumer uys gan} ng . Mr. and Mrs, Jelle Bakker, 119 ws haar Of oe + hor Po Mrs. Earle Sandford. | have escaped the heat of the | camper Friday was Danny | east and Ted Boivin, Court product Join cits UP he De Jrodue a mee ee p bag Prd oid ' a) : 5 | | | vocation . Bel : -| ay = Colborne street east (Guy, Mrs, Lloyd Johnston. | 'NoveMy arrangement -- Mrs,| city to take part in the many | Sandford, High street, lower | street, look on. The last three | said. 4 ad ome. two: three and ete. to] Exhibitors Felt Bros. Challenge Trophy: . | 3 orts and games offered at | right, Beside Danny is Terry | boys were named best camp- 4 i African Violets -- Leo, Kar-' 0. C, Weeks, Mrs, Earle Sand. Sports g : Amp. He asked what has happened to permit the buyer the large For the best flower box Me nath, Mrs. Chas. Silver, Mrs, |ford, Mrs. Albert Maskell, Mrs. ers in their respective cabins, | he on scales, He ape out| medium or small tin of a certain | i d Mrs. Albert Maskell + : hd 0) | Park wo os Sasel, Leonard Weeks, | Chas, Sliver, es =Oshawa Times Photo | n a consumer survey taken on product if they wanted it. Now| . w F. L. Mason Challenge Trophy: | . Be#onias -- Mrs, Joe Dominik, | Driftwood arrangement -- Mrs, | war 5 ive {the U.S. market, there was not a people are misled by "these| 1n r1Zes Ja ; "| Mrs. Albert Maskell, Mrs, Lloyd | Earle Sandford, Mrs, Joe Dom-| ques St. Plerre, Wayne Candy and| reasonable household scales for| ounce-size cans," Mr. Stutt said. For the best kept school grounds yo), .0, ink, Mrs, Albert Maskell, Mrs. ~ H, Pasiuk, 106 Gibbons street, | Joseph Lougheed, (361 points), | sale. "If these packages we must| | . . , | Phlox -- Mrs, Lloyd Johnston, O. C. Weeks, Individual champions -- Vimy) / av|buy are going to be misleading] A large array of prizes was custodian of Cedarddle Public| nn." © Weeks, Leo. Karnath,| Collection of vegetables ~-- 1wdanis amp Russell, 91 pts; David Walker,|, That meant there, wie Io way A e Boing bo. misleading' A large oitay of prises was School. Honorable mention was | -- 4 . " v : iofy" given to Hanford Wage, 1170 Sim. | ou, five large s hi Dun. Mi, Archie Wallies. ii, Lloyd i? Hezde CRAPLIE, aL Jon: buy for instance, then come home|do is stop buying these types of aud District Gladiolus Society's coe, street north, custodian of Sun-| a "Nipg 'G "has. Silver. The boy campers, at Kedron, Biggest eaters ia ¢ -- Don|76: G , 76: Tom Chapman, |, 4 check the accuracy of the!goods. We must not encourage 1960 Show.. wet Heights School and to H, B, |": Mrs. Les Guy, Johnston, Mrs. Chas Ya Samper, £8 Bre Amp y|76; Gilles St. Pierre, 74; Terry; in| this mi tation in 'adver. The Society's trophy for the ; Asters, five small -- Mrs, Dun] Carrots -- Mrs, Chas. Silver,|Kiwanis Camp, held' a most en-| Anderson, Ron French, Tommy woods, 73: Dan Sandford 72.|Weight the consumer was told in this misrepresentation Or | St SDIh Resey, 217 Johmon vents. | ci cotian, Mrs. Abe Mak Duncan Machilan, Laoaard vable event Friday gh as (hel one, Aired Simparey, 75 Gen he, doe. thal particular mea Lng and packeding, bu "must bos ke I, 1h aor, mas on vr ¥ ) N " en | le or] vO " " Fy ' J | 8. ree e . School, [leat Alba ade Nested - Mrs | Martin « Mrs. Archie Whitmee [Sump period me Awad Ay Bogus' Voice Ted) Welch, 0, ht Variety Violet Charm. The re. H, O. Perry Challenge Trophy Les Guy, Mrs. Albert Maskell, | Leonard Martin, {asked as recofnition was made| "Hard Luck" Camper -- Har-| MAJOR AWARDS Serve as won by Dr. E. W. Sis- for the best kept small repair and | Mrs, 0, C. Weeks, | Cucumber -- Mrs, Archie Whit-\of outstanding achievements by|old Russell, Oshawa Kiwanis Club Prizes to en Tuc Me Bhan e, h service station -- Earl Gatchell,| Canations -- Mrs, Chas, Silver,| mee, Mrs, Lloyd Johnston. |the campers, The list of winners| Tallest counselor in camp ---| Best Cabin during camp --| T, WI0piS 8% won the So- White Rose Station, corner Sim-|Jelle Bakker, Mrs, Clarenc Tink.| Onions, any type -- Leo Kar-! follows: Ted Brown. Cabin "A", won five inspections, | clety's challenge trophy for the coe street and Wentworth street.| Cosmos -- Mrs. Archie Whit-|nath, Mrs, Chas. Silver, Leonard| ete. Counselors -- Wayne Sayers, | most points in the amateur class, Honorable mention was given to mee, Les Karnath, Leonard Martin, {MINOR AWARDS GROUP AWARDS John Stemerdink and Howard ama 1<})3] u 0 The Ideal Dairy challenge tro- Don, Doves, Simeoe street north Weeks. y | Onions, Spanish -- Mrs. Clar-| Most Jalented camper - Dan Alimp, "Robin Houde) == SHeAl Barlow, Campers -- Jack phy for the most potty a the at Colborne street, who was last KS . , 0 , Lloyd Sandford, Cabin A. rcher In Cabin "A", Dan Sand: Broome, Ken Broome, Tom {open class was won by F. Samis, year's winner, Bi PR oops. Clarence guce Tak, Leoagrd Marts, Lisy | Most popular camper -- Ricky ford; Best Archer in Cabin "B".| Chapman. MAlfred gu od An accident was caused early| The tractor-trailer is owned by Bowmanville, Mr, Samis also For the best large garage: Cliff| Marigold, African -- Mrs, Les| Peppers -- Mrs, Clarence Tink, Corby, Cabin C. Larry Shrigley; Best Archer in| Ronald Larabee, John Otvos,| Saturday morning when a stolen Nick Dyriw, 212 College avenue. won Eaton's of Canada special Mills Motors Ltd., corner of Park Guy, Mrs. Duncan MacMillan, Duncan MacMillan, Mrs, Lloyd| Most sportsmanlike camper -- Cabin "C", Martin McConnell; Douglas Ricketts, Donald Ro. delivery truck went out of con-| Slight damage was caused fo/for the most points in the show, road and King street west Albert Maskell, | Johnston, |Eric Sandford, Cabin B. Best Archer in camp, Gilles St.|man, Vincent Russell, Dan Sand-|trol and damaged a car parked a car belonging to Elroy Henning and Mr. R. S, McLaughlin chal- Oshawa Horticultural Challen Cockscomb -- Mrs. Albert Potatoes -- Leo Karnath, Leo- Most industrious camper ~-|Plerre, ford, Gilles St. Pierre, Jean St.|In front of 351 Drew street. | which was parked In front of an|jepge trophy for the best collece Nk A alienge| 10 ciboket nard Martin, Mrs. Archie Whit-|Jack Broome, Cabin A. Softball League Champions --| Pierre, Robert St. Pierre, Marin.| The owner of the truck, Clif: Oshawa theatre Saturday night tion of five Canadian origina- Cup: For securing the most num.| Maskell, d ' i ' k , ' ' D+ Rei 1 & Der of BoINtE Th The Anis Sra Marigold. French -- Mrs. Lloyd |mee. Most improved diver -- Ricky Don Roman's team: Don Roman, ug Van Der Meer, Glenn Welch, | ford O'Reilly, reported the theft by a hit and run driver. | tions. EIvd Johann. the Annual Show, | A OEIB0K, COR at 7 ¢ FT| Tomatoes =: Loo Karnath, | Corby, Cabin C. captain; Maurice St. Plerre; Gill- Dan Williamson, Douglas Wilson of his delivery truck from the Also damaged by a hit and| Mrs, D. H. MacMillan of Osh- east. ET . ; 'Bakker ' . Lloyd Johnston, Mrs. Clarence Most improved swimmer =|es St. Pierre; Eric Sandford,|and Terry Woods. |parking lot on Simcoe street run driver was a car owned by awa won the Robert Simpson Co. M. Melntvre } ~~ n Pansy -- Mrs. Earle Sandford. Tink. [Richard Welch, Cabin B. Douglas Ricketts, Douglas Wil-| Best "All-Round" camper -|south and Athol street west Fri. Robert Perpete parked in front of 14d, prize for the most outstand- M. McIntyre {ood Trophy: For Richard Branton, Mrs. Albert| Any other vegetable -- Lloyd Camper with most pains and|son, Jack Broome, Richard Most outstanding in all camp ac-/day night. Early Saturday morn. his house at 425 Fairlawn ave-|ing entry in the decorative class. securing He _most number of Maskell ' hh | Johnston, Mrs. Archie Whitmee.|aches -- Don Roman, Cabin A. |Welch, Billy Bowers and Arthur|tivities, attitude and co-opera-|ing when he arrived at tlie Osh: nue, Saturday afternoon. She also had the most points in Doints 8 He Novice Class in the Potunias. double -- Mrs. Albert! The best bloom in the show| Biggest feet in campg~ Jack Wilson, Coach -- John Steme -/tion: Danny Sandford, Cabin/awa Police Department to en.| Damage was caused to three|the decorative class. Anal Show Mrs, Leonard ooo 00. C. Weeks, Mrs,| Was won by Leonard Martin with Broome, Cabin A, ~~ |dink; manager -- Dan "McDon- "A" quire about the truck he was told cars at a stop street on King! H, Farrow of Bowmanville won artin, 1193 Harmony road north Llovd Johnston. i a, dare red spike of Cladiol ---- - ald. Best Camper in Cabin A" --|that it had been involved in an street east Saturday evening. Two the most points in thie backyard LIST OF WINNERS Petunias, «ruffled or fringed: | "Mansoer" and won the speciall zinnja, large -- Mrs, Leonard SWI? Terry Woods; Best camper in|accident with a car belonging to|cars were waiting at the stop/ growers' class. Following 1s the list of win. Mrs. O. C. Weeks, Albert Masklel, Prize donated by Simpson Sears. Martin, WIN es 1a| Cabin "B" -- Ted Boivin; Best|Bruno Joseph Wrubel, 142 Olive sign when a third failed to stop. Most points in the recent intro- ners in the various classes held Mrs, Clarence Tink. |NOVICE SECTION | Zinnias, pom pom -- Mrs. Leo- McConnell, Gilles Chamberland, | Camper in Cabin "C"" -- Ricky avenue. {collided with the second car and duction class, in the seedling during the show: Petunlas, single Mrs. Albert| Asters -- Mrs, Leonard Mar-|nard Martin, | Age nine years -- Wm. Stem. Corby. A witness reported seeing a pushed it into the first. |class, in the champion open class Display of five kinds of flow. Maskell, Richard Branton, Jelle tin, Centre plece -- Mrs, Leonard o.qink Billy Bowers. RED CROSS SOCIETY man leap from the truck after it| The cars are owned by Wil- and for the prize winning spikes ers -- Mrs. D. MacMillan, Mrs |Dakker Dahlia -- Mrs, Leonard Mar. Martin, Mrs. W. Logeman. | Age 10 years -- Steven Lara. SWIMMING AWARDS had gone out of control and jump liam Morley, 80 Bramwell road, were won by Dr. Sissom. Albert Maskell Mrs. Chas. Sit. Whife Double Shasta Daisy --|tin The best bloom in the novice bee, Ricky Milheron, Junior -- Wim Stemerdiak,/into a waiting car. Highland Creek, Eugene Claude| J. Brooks came first in the ver, ! © "7" Mrs, Lloyd Johnston, Mrs. O. C.| Gladiolus -- Mrs. Leonard Mar-| Section was entered by Mrs, Leo.| Age 11 years -- Herble Chap. |Billy Smith, Terry Woods, Tom| The delivery truck was dam: Bent, of Port Perry and Mrs, champion amateur class with his Collection of cactus -- Mrs Woeks, [tin, Mrs, W. Logeman, nard Martin with an orange red) yan" Richard Welch, Chapman, Ron Larabee, Robert aged to the extent of $250 and Marilyn Joyce Delorme, Cour- Violet Charm. Guy. Leo Karnath, Mrs. Alber 10ses, three blooms in varl:| Marigold, African -- Mrs. W. decorative dahlia Ru $1104 Age 12 years -- Ken Broome,|St. Pierre, the car, $150. | tice road, Courtice, Dr. Sisson's Dark Eyes was the Maskell. , vy ety = Wm. Fulton, {Logeman, Glant and won the special prize merry Woods, Intermediate -- John Otvos,| A trailer truck parked on the! Cars driven by Francis Tay-| champion bloom in the new intro- Dahlia. sik blooms. uw _ Roses, one bloom--Wm, Fulton, Marigold, French -- Mrs. Leo-|of $2 worth of (Jala, tubers do-| Age 13 years -- Daa Sandford, |Dan Sandford, Bruce Norton, steep part of College avenue ran lor, 496 Lawrence avenue, Osh- | duction class. Tai, Be OSs Som Jom Mrs, 0. C. Weeks, nard Martin, ; nated y Mr. Lloyd Johnston. 'gpohert St. Pierre, Marinus Van De Meer, Jim Peel, down the hill and stopped be. awa, and William J. Watson, 831| The champion in the backyard Lot Gov. As Choonsion, Roses, one spray -- Mrs, Clar-| Petunias --- Mrs, W. Logeman, | Open race, all ages ~ Dan| Senior -- John Stemerdink, tween a pole and a tree after Frontenac avenue, collided at growers' class was H. Samis Y, Mrs, 8. Silver ence Tink, | Mrs. Leonard Martin, | th Ar Sandford, Ken Broome, Gary Stemerdink, Don Anderson, | knocking down a pole and a stop King street west and Chur ch Washington and Judy Samis was Dahlia, two blooms, cactus,! Stocks Mrs, Clarence Tink,| Verbena -- Mrs. Leonard Mar- Counselors' race -- Tommy Co-| Linda Cotie, sign, Saturday. street, Saturday evening. | first in the children's class. miniature -- Mrs, Lloyd John. Mrs. Les Guy. tie, Wayne Sayers. -- Budi -- mm -------- DIVING BOARD EVENTS RA Longest jump -- Dan Sand- eam ford, John Otvos and Vinny Russell, Fancy dive -- Dan Saxdford, . Champions I eral swim Bobet St, Pierre, Marinus Van er Meer, ox Wednesday, Aug. 24, five," ninct Dive -- John Van Der shawa area Pee Wee hardball pron Ricky Corby Sons, Sponsored hd the Kak Dive and Up Through Floating Dy le are I RAMENt 10i300p -- John St. Plerre, Billy Qecidte tis VOIr'S Champions, at powers, John Van Der Meer, exanara ars. | The first game got underway Robert $.. Pleite md Rickey at 9.30 am, after the team ped Lox EVENTS tains drew for playing positions. | Ball race -- Tommy Cotle, The North Area took the first pho St Pierre 4 game from the East Area 6-5.) Three-Arm race -- Tommy Co- {This win made the North Area's tio and Gilles St. Pierre, Don team eligible for the title, | Anderson and Dan Sandford In the second game the South| Three.Man Relay -- Tommy Arca defeated the Central Arealcotie, Gilles St. Pierre, Wm. by a score of 18-4, putting the Siemerdink, Don Anderson South Area into the finals against pan sandford and Bill Bowers. he North Area. Marathon swim -- Campers: | After a short break to allow the Rohert St, Pierre, 7% times: Dan teams a rest betwéen games the| Sandford, 7 times: Ken Broome, final game was played. The South| gy times. Counselors: Tommy | Area, under Captain Ed. Wright, Cotie, 12% times; Wayne Sayers, finally defeated the tough North 113; times: Don Anderson, 10% Area team led by Captain Ken'times. {Brack, the final score being SWIMMING MEET CHAMPIONS i . 6-5 Campers -- Dan Sandford, 19 i 3 | The new Pee Wee champions pts: Robert St. Pierre, 18; Gilles - - ! | received crests and were present- | St Pierre, 6; John Van Der BATHE PARK AM {ed with the Robert Kirk Trophy Meer, 6; Billy Bowers, 5; Ken ATEUR SHOW WINNERS at the CRA's bandshell presenta: Broome, 4; John St. Pierre, 4; 3 o tions last Friday night. Ricky Corby, 4. :s: \ AA ¥ \ \ Shown Bove ate He Huse ing Ne Witiats are, Bong left | mers are Andy Hucal, left, pres- | The members of the South Counselors -- Tommy: Cotie, 22 / winners of the Bathe Park Am. | to right in the front row: Mary | ide y Area team are -- Philip Solo H p Say B; . ateur Sow, held Saturday | Anne Azzapardi, can-can dane | Mesh of Bathe 1 wh hd Jon hiv Gary Wright, Bd Print bi hg Sayers, 6; Don An CAMP SAMAC STAFF TO PRESENT DISPLAY night. Crowds thronged the | er who won first prize: Bonnie | * » (Captain) Tom Clarke, Bill Tay- TABLOID MEET WINNERS Here is the Camp Samac ool. Free admission and pudb- | G itchi i S Park for the annual closing | Leavitt, singer, second; and | the Bathe Park entertainment |jor "Ralph Branton, Doug. Green-| Winning team -- Dan Sandford, staff which will put on tonight's fie is invited. Left to Rp | Galle epins, Roy Fleming | Pu Edmondson and July ceremonies. Mayor Lyman A. | Peggy Ring, Highland dancer, | committee. {wood, Doug. Hallett, Bob Cam- captain; Eric Sandford, (Larry! aquatic display of swimming | John Evans, Doug Sinclair, | Tas Tg, Sober Sur, | Saunders, Gifford addressed the gather- | third, Standing behind the wish | (Oshawa Times Photo) |eron, Neil Fry, |Shrigley, Herble Chapman, Jac-| and diving at the Camp Samac | Mary Thomas, Ron Roberts, | Jim Thoraton, Sandra Robson, | --Oshawa Times Photo Sa 1 ji SN CL) 7 { wp nity, wo