The Oshawa Times, 27 Aug 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sefurday, August 27, 1960 § WHITBY and DISTRICT Minister Outlines | moe mmm tributed fighting force of 5000 or! Angeles Dodgers signed a con Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West more must be equipped with the (aot Thursday with a construc. LJ LJ «wm Defence Policies [Fiz ieee tend her military agreements layed yogi ig Ww oe US a 7 Pr 24 Rev. J. BR. Muichmor, secre lingual country enjoying a largelicies are closely related to the Yih the U.S.A, This policy would 4 . ' : § ASH 7 py y p (include NORAD, completion of dent Walter O'Malley said the tary of the Board of Evangelism measure of unity, For today and U.S.A, and this condition will 7 1) : ] ed 7 4 Bomare bases at North Bay, On- 56,000-seat stadium will be ready and Social Service of the United fomorrow our International Af- continue to exist, : . ! / tario and Mont Laurier, Quebec. for the 1962 season, Chureh of Canada, addressed (airs policy will he related to 8) "Canada is a charter member jt would mean acceptance of |-- J -- over 200 United Church ministers considerable degree to Western of the United Nations, Former much new military equipment 8 and laymen on findings of the Europe and Latin America, External Affairs Minister Pear: from the U.S.A, In short, this! HEAT INTAKE board on "Canadas and Inter. RY fu ih son was one of the outstanding kind of agreement would result] The amount of heat which the national Affairs" SIRATEGY CHANGED | presidents of this body. From the jn the complete integration of the éarth receives each year from His address was part of the "Covada is the senior Domin heginning Canadian vepresentds-! major part of Canada's defence the sun exactly balances the final stages of the United 1on of the British Commonwealth. | tives established themselves as poliey with that of the United quantity Jost by reflection and Chureh's annual conference onl Me British Empire is declining. |jeaders in UN affairs, These! tates," I radiation during the same period, Evalgelism, at the Ontario Ladies Put the Commonwealth is alive|jeaders helped to extend the -- ata po College, Whithy and growing, The Commonwealth membership of the UN, assisted! The following are the findings Miitsry strategy has changed.|in establishing its emergency w oo Its trade is in a fluid condition, force to keep the peace between ¢ hos hat te 3 i" ® in 5 is pri hi Nuishuors Its intangibles, however, includ- Egypt and Israel, and in other gates he i "ling the British leadership qual-|ways strengthened this world 1 | ities, wise understanding oi world organization," | "Canada arge in land ares } Vira lana nada, A RE LR be. ifairs, well carved and main. "Canada, as a middle power, ig | " tained confidence and trust, tech. has no enemies, Her need to be 8 tween the world's (wo great ei = um > loceans, and fronts on the Aretic fotogieat know-how Sonlinie 4 3 liad broker Log hotels! Let's All EMMANUEL with a vast and almost unin-/BER Commonwealth short. | 10 Canada to be a strong leader REFORMED habited broken land area ncross|®€) the COmMMONwen of the middle powers in the UN {which 1s our northern neighbor,| "Canada is the closest neighbor | i jo oressingly 'urgent, G T CHURCH the U.8.8.1, Our country's dense. of the United States, Making alll win these and related fac-! 0 0 ly underpopulated condition and oMowances for both the advan. in mind, Canada is faced REV, GERRIT REZELMAN lour 1and location between the tages and dangers inherent in 8 with the urgent task of revising Ch h Third Concession Rood West of world's two mightiest powers are nation of 18 million being related | for defence policy at home| urc No, 12 Highway {major conditioning facts alike for|to one of nearly 180 milion, it re<| snd her International affairs BR . our defence policy and Tnter- moins true that our land and the | gbroad 4 10:30--Holland Service, Whitby, national Affairs poliey, These! great Republic have many things! "Our nation may do this in one 1S 10:30-=English Sunday School, { Par ve factor : whith facts plus the additional one of in common, Far more factors or more ways as follows: A shi OWMON. ihe 2000 miles of unarmed, com- unite than separate us, Our eoun-| *1, Unilateral renunciation of! 2:20.-nphish Worship at Bo ' ville (in Pentecostal Church), pelling, commercial contiguity tries . enjoy a common in| nuelenr warfare by Canada is a un ay 3:30--5unday School at Bowmen. boundary that separates our land hevitance, common language and pos sible route, Canada could take ville from the U.S.A, are essentio) nearly common forms of Govern-|it alone or in company with Brit 7:00-=English Worship " Whitby, parts of Canada's present and ment, We are bound together by ain, provided Britain was ready Everyone Heartily Welcome future destiny close ties of religion, forms of [to move in this way Such action ' "fo these facts shout geos- Church organization, edveation eould ® taken Pither 2 igh St. Andrew 4 raphy and population are to he enteriainment, and communica nora Bok , or wi FAITH BAPTIST v wpediency tion based on HH Added two historical ones, Can- tions in general, By custom and |" expedic ney € on 4 ada has two Inherited loyalties: agreement, Canada's defence, fo Jotter could pe jusitied bY Preshyterian 419 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY eitish and French, Ours is a bi and her International Affairs pol afford to play in the big nuclear | Church Pastor: Rev, E, C, Corbett, B,Th, | league | em JUNIOR LACROSSE | . Cansda eould adovt 4 policy | REV, D, MARSHALL 9:15 AM.~--Radio Broadcast | of neutralism, She could take a YRO 7, 8. AT ST. JOHN BT. ; | position In North Amerlea simi jj wren # 9:45 AM. --~Bible School Hour lar to India in Asia or Sweden| 11 AM. and 7 P.M. hd and Switzreland in Europe, Neu- fralism need not be a negative 11:00 AM, Both Services our Pastor e policy, Properly pursued, with the MORNING WORSHIP speaking, kind of leadership that Canada 2) MM. RETURNS TO ENGLAND could help fo provide. yeuivalism| Beginners' Classes Special Music ot Both Services ® ( Welcome) William Walter, 19, of Alres- | from Montreal to Vancouver | tion Here he Is shown fir home, On his way west he middle powers A combined fe Everyone Welcom: ford, Eng,, hitch-hiked his way and back to broaden his educa liner Saxonia before salll earned $200 CP Wirephoto fon of this kind might provide ford, 1 the required and hoped for 'third | Whitby Baptist Whi x | itby United By L, A. CROSSE 'win tonight providing, of course force' . "3. Canada soon could revise Ww Thoughts overheard from the the crowd Is large enough tol oi Ph, 2 R H 1bbe 1 WO I ke I =) Sele 't | HITBY | Gambler = "The coin has turned ake the rafters ring with en dtasticany; § axpendiiurg in Church Church v {up talls 20 times in-a-row and, | oouragement, Mr, Davies informs |y oe dofonce bu tget. many items Rev, J. M, Smith, BA, BD PERSONALS unless the thing is welghted, lug that he will have a third line oe Oe hoe ig i many aa Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Rev, A, M, Butler, BA Mananer: Lloyd Robertson Cc hd will surely turn up heads the noxt| functioning and it should be In-| yoyoong "She made a start along|] Mrs. W. E. Summers, AT.CM, | Mrs, J, Beaton, ARCT, Dr; and Mrs, Jean Marie Cote|time. For, by the law of avers) gyymental in their win this line when the Arrow was ___ Organist onvention Delegates of Robertsonville, Quebec and Dy, | #8¢s, heads Is the probable out: go he sure and be at the la- gserapped for a loss of $400,000, . Roger Gagnon of Thetford Mines * Unfortunately for the desperate Whitby ame {omit ots 00, Silly millions Bow wpent fox] 10 AM, ~5Sunday School ] | AM, Local 404, United Rubber Work: getie support of the three resolu Roger hould be to ensure that Quebee, are weekend guests ati gambler, the coin has 20 mem-| reason, than to see if Ivan Davies ors, unwanted armories, slower 11 AM. ~=Morning Service MORNING, oh (Dunlop), . lected five ol tions which Local 404 had pre. th : high standar by the for- the home of Mr, and Mrs, J, L pry' sad Je Sads halk Jem i consults game-winning oracles, [4,00 POA jot airplanes, could be their members to represent the . " a mer executive officer e man: Darche of 112 1 t drive. jeven w ne v CO y saved a Local at the Rubber Workers In. S¢nted, it was difficult to forecast... : Arve: 1)ads or tails on the next toss in 7 P.M.--Evening Service SUNDAY SCHOOL y f h Y "4, Canada could maintain and ternational Convention, to be held @vents until the delegation had! pe other dele ] Edna yor was hostess|I'he short passage overheard WHI T B extend her support of NATO Wednesday 8 pm, we INFANT. ORE BURING p | an opportunit nsider ideas 7 idea . #8 ww illustrating the f ! : at St, Louis, Missouri, September, 8m opportunity to consider ideas|q degire to see that the d-1to the Wed iv afternoon! from the gambler illustrating the Here she faces the urgent "need Midweek Service GRSHIIP The elected del bong | PUL forward by sister organiza: yocated by the I, becomes cuchre held at her home, RR 2,|erroneous assumption that the DAY BY DAY [ : dod \ v winners wero: first,|next toss will produce a head is -, - G. Brooks, presider Vin |" adopted by the Inte Bro. | Whitby, Th Rotor ro ear pp Bro, Brooks: continued that his Dale Copithorn prop a wotal) Rose Barrington, Brooklin; known aw the gambler's fallac y : a I ' asurer av Mehin:| " aC of eotifidencs in the y M Ci Peel, Br . § it fallacious to assume, with Lawyer John Greer of Oshawa H PEN E 0 AL ABERNA L ley, vice-presiden (Main elfort would he of a con-of confidence in ' lon, |Yeeond, ifs, Cora Boel, Brook by the shot u hole-in-one at Picton Gold] Family Monuments C ST re { \ A] titutional ¢ mndment, He ex: whicl as heavily endorse y Grace Hicks, Whit: the two losses suffered treasurer and Harry MacAlonan 1101 imendmen 8 { neil W led nd 3 b the| Whitby Red Wings, the probablé| course on a 135 yard, par three 307 BROCK ST. N REV, JOHN SCARR, Pastor Ph. MO 8.5772 Bargaining Committee, Alternate P"ained that in the past when the the membership Lunch wa erved by United States Senate passed new, Discussion then centered on the! i, assisted by Mrs, Rose outcome of hig Barrington, The next euchre willl game will be. a pushover for. the Saturday night's hole, delegates are Bros, George Long L hole, Pete Shepherd and Jack Smith, [labor legislation, this edict was recent dispute at the Kaufma he held at the home of Mrs, |Whithy team? a AES vie a The main busizess of the Aug./Passed on to all Locals by the plant in Kitchener, Members ex Howard Bartley amd, o ! The vice 'of gas dronned Irom individuc| , , > seld- or J , He felt that pressed deep econce oVt le. Ware artley of William 8t.| . ¥ 1e price of gas PPO | ust qmeeting was spent on decld International Union, He felt t I I rn over de penawa w Bi, | | ODD FALLACY a hig. h P The. gas Requirements : {ng policy for the convention, and this was a mistake, and that such velopments as reported in the! hava With Mrs, Cora Peel id The gambler's fallacy Is cer: a bo 0 in One iM and Hh 8:45 A.M.--Radio Broadcast, CKLB Oshawa stting ' / legislation should be confined toipress, President Brooks was di-/= J rable 4 | wr hein . setting up a loose program for L I i [tainly applicable if we assume, y drop indicated that for| the delegates to follow, Bro, Ray |!hose locals within: the jurisdic: rected to Investigate and res] Mr, and Mra, Norman Mantle! by the law of averages, the Red iid Pri A of regular gasoline! STAFFORD BROS. 9:45 AM,--Our Growing Sunday School Bibua of the executive board sug. [tion of the United Stale port back at the next meetin f Ashburn visited friends and! Wings will win because of the two a motorist saves about 30 cents, | 11:00 A.M,--OQur Pastor Speaking gested it would be unfair to tie, Bro. Win Rogers stated he had| This weekend, Local 404 will ves In Carleton Place. Ot.|losses suffered already, Odds--in Monumental Works | the delegation to commit thely hee ' hy member ok the Rubhet goncuct 4 Som nar at the OF of L a, Shawville, Quebec, Pom: | themselves do not work this NEOLOGISMS I 2 318 Dundes Bost 7:00 P.M. ~Rev. W.B, Greenwood of Belleville support of candidates for execu Orkers ior ma Cars, anc amp at Cobour role, They returned via Egans.| Way | Llovd Robertson, Whithy tive office at this time, but that had always been a matter of per-| President Broo | ie ville where they viewed the Bon.| However, taking the psychologl bureau editor of the 'Times', MO 8.3552 EVERYONE WELCOME the delegates should state their|sonal pride with him, in the ab. discussion and y period i were Caves, | eal factors Into consideration has just returned from a fishing | intentions in & general manner "once of any suggestion of cor-iing which all pa e | Whithy will he playing in. their trip to Northern Ontario, with on such matter a8 the economie Yubtion within the International, contract, its interpre no On Saturday evening Mr, and|/own arena; they will be fighting atorles. that he caught B large| and welfare program He sald because of the untimely! implementation il y o Mrs, Gordon Kerr, on the occa|desperately to regain thelr fish. He maintains he could not : death of the International vice. theme e N NO lon of their third wedding anni: chance to go out west and they oo o pleture of it as his cam: | MUST WAIT president, and the retirement: of study { v heipfu \ /, are entertaining a group know the Brampton team i not] Com Booonnipped with a wide ° Bro, Brooks thanked the mem. President Buckmaster, sweeping cially for newly elected steward ir friends for an eve: of the same high calibre as the angle lens, Mr, Robertson stated ber for hi iggestion and sald changes would he necessary I'he ons will close on Sunday f dancing at Club Bayview. St, Catharine's squad, then the that the fish was so heavy that, 1 . ' f y will also serve a late sup: outcome could be a Whithy ; : . | | - that apart from promising ener "Our main concern,' sald Bro, afternoon >svchology and Spor 4 [after lifting It, he had a big had: | - [ 2 ae 30 ogy d A M a, ad he dock and had to go to hospital to rlosely relate Many coi 8 | ( ) aT. The Bi . » Red Cross, and t va al The Misses Linda and Diane sori to subliminal inspiration in te He shief suagoon, Ne anys Ajax Mental Health A Y herry of Barrie have returns) effort to induce their team to 1 shes for § A ntario Hospital [Mii fs ibid al mb hi fri \ ] listed below 10 week with their grandpars|... nity a ten A | produces a winning team ? 4 [ 'Phree-legeed ra me Onis Myr, and My A. E, Luke Perhaps Ivan Davies will cons BY . Vanderbent and Don Van | of Mary street west, | sult his oracle and, Inspired with ee (®) S por S a Y Sait Held and Toni Pp and| Master Billy Luke will be ar.|the flame of vision, manipulate JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION Chae : I : home on Sunday after com. Mis boys to the much-needed wy . Fhree-legged race, | Flvin On Thursday, August 25, under; and Miss Barbara Mahoney were Miss I, Crun and 'M a (Meting a two we k course atl couLD WIN beautiful sunny skies, Dr, D, O./at the starting line to get each McDonald; J Chamberla Trinity College choll ehool of He says the team has the SMOKELESS | From Aug. 27th to Sept. bth Lynch, Superintendent of the On. race off to a fine start, His Wor: and Mrs, Co and A Lh dd a Member ol papability of deféating the visit tario Hospital, Whitby, was the!ship Mayor Stanley Martin' and Gichen and Mrs. A, Van K pani Anglican Church choir jn Excelslors and tonight's game OIL FURNACE WEEKENDS 2 PM. -8:30 PM. ~~ WEEKDAYS 5 P.M. -8:30 P.M. genial host to 1200 patients, visi- Mr, T, M, Moore, president of Phread-the-needle race \ ! Ads." 4] {at the Whithy arena will justify tors and staff on the occasion of Rotary, were there and officiated | pair iss Nancy Babarik Friday. M ) = or disprove his seeret advice TT | . 0 S Ww . the hospital's annual Sports Day. as judges along with the hospital Don Brhure: Mi ) A oy ay ; Ja . D, yi aky of given by the enigmatic oracle Wil ¥ Location : 5 2 Dunlop t. E., hitby More thaa 30 per cent of the chaplains, Mal nC 2) Reid ar hivthday, His friends wish him| A the i Yio ih, lone tonight IRON FIREMAN FOR CUSTOM BUILT HOMES, OSHAWA AND WHITBY SEE US, WE OFFER THE patients were able to attend anc Midway through the afternoon 8H, Hack an and on many happy returns of the day, |4t home, then the odds (psycho bo many contested for the one hun: refveshments were provided by sly ony : We logically) will definitely be CUSTOM Mark II DISCRIMINATE BUYER AN ESTABLISHED AND CUSTOM SERVICE dred prizes. The grounds were the chef, Mr, Frank Hayes, and My, and M Richard Mge-| against them for the game Mon festively decorated with flag consisted of hot dogs, ice cream Second scape ("atl have returned from a week's day night in Brampton, With| Users veport % savings on wie the starting and finishing lines. and fruit punch in ample supply uf ition to Blliott Lake Kirkland|three wins, the Brampion team oil... cuts service Osis... Suitable music was provided by His Worship Mayor Martin pre Lak Sudbury, North Bay and/will need just one more to take the Occupational Therapy De: sented the grand prizes to Shir From Joyceville various parts, the champlonship gives ideal home comfort i . partment s new m equipment loy G. and Jim W, who emergec sie The oracle says Whithy will] with Miss Elaine mill at the as the champions of the after KINGSTON (CP) An al \ and Mrs, Arnold MacDon |{e® a. Randall. RR 1, Whitby, had as their| turntable neon went out today for a SEA MEASURE | | ay for 3 ' : vs, Mr, an . "a , Dr. Lynch opened the proceed Other visitors preseat were capee from Joyeevil Poni f ra few da ir, and A nautical mile measures 6,080 & Sona. Lid. N Charles MacDonald and, . . i} 1y ¥ n N he { { hat t P( Ne | y ings by welcoming everyone. Mr, Mrs, D. 0. Lynch, Mrs, J, Me. ¢ when guards found that) family of, Paris, Ontario, feet, compared with 5,280 feet for 102A BYRON §. MO 8.299) Fred Ing then took over as mas: Dougall and members of » Charles Martell, 47, of Toro {the mile on land, | ter of eceremonie announcing Mental Patients Welfare Associ: was 'missing at the 7 am, roll! Mr, and Mrs, Gerry Mainguy each event. Mr, H, G, Bracey ation, the Whitby Branch of the call and children, Debrah and Mark, . ui It was the second escape from are now home from a month's , "1 OF fhe prison in two day Jam vacation spent in Blind River, Pyke, 82, of Holt, Ont, was re. Sturgeon Falls and Warren visit a hours of freedom y UV : HAN My NOY rock Phone MO 8-3618 Martell was serving a three hav Ts v Thon ol Brock St Rt JUNIOR A § i x LAST TIME Evening Shows At 6:55 and 9:05 Tord docu and posssion ot and Bak nd lien LACROSSE PLAYOFFS i CABINETS TODAY Feature Starts at 6:55 and 9:20 | 3: "Toone Maren 4 Yiekitsick of Totultto aid i EASTERN CANADA FINALS (END OF LINE) . 7 Nurses of Movieal | ; of = YOU McQuay & Kidd | fost 9.512 son | : SR | Several Sizes vs. | : ; | ; : Meer and Kidd and Bi go three koala And the asshat, One WHITBY RED WINGS HAH wa «0 Also "ee A complete on Juveniles p d to a y/ of his goals tie p game a J § : : ANOTHER MOTION PICTURE |:»."" 0 [0 ov a id ' Shawreom Kishin with ; avies soorec aree goals v i Traday a : Hunter and Richa dson getting bs . or without Built-Ins \ ANTHONY was a ver X ame two each and ngles went to at ; Ti : H A with the eng 1313 Waugh, Falkingham and Gordon We Dare To Disclose Our Cost Prices { od § vay thro 1 Whithy CQuUay am iad J > p & i i ston tied the niles m to Nave ry or of WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA remaining | their losin 3 tk and huald he ; HOME PLANNERS ARE INVITED TO SEE OUR NEW '61 KITCHEN 1 up early in September ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM IN PICKERING Jour games remaging' in 3rd Game - TONIGHT viday, Mimico on Monday and Oshawa Dealer . .e An : her he ot \. t : ampion on Thursday, there is 4 \ mina B Loy : Br : a nd R | a 4 Eo 8:30 PM. BROWN"S A Descpns Lr. Eastern Canada > Whitby Red Admission--Adults $1.00 Lumber & Supplies Lid. PICKERING, ONTARIO REGULAR PRICES OR ot Brampton was thle final Juvenile game Students 75¢--Children 25¢ ° 436 RITSON RD. N. RA 5.4704 Ph. WH 2.3790 big gun for his scor sot for aay particular night, {

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