THOUGHT FOR TODAY Most of beaches are the girls on ort lubricated /OL, B9--NO, | 99 PORT HO (felt 1 | (Canada) Limited, loo) South Swinging Nixon Says WASHINGTON (AP) f thused him on h { 1 ¢ to the dent eras on South which he sald The Democratic party no! «The size a longer can consider any southern) of the crowd state 2,"" he added The presid il eampn only a few weeks old bu ready Nixon has shattered a politics ouble tradition, longer of 3 1 I Since Civil War days, th ! il has been that barren, d by crowds outhern 1 Vy Nix¢ says he ti are real nk trouble n in On t estimates we had rece nc | : n n b ly-Johngon tic uwny he decp lled that nal ound presidential can TWO TRIPS SOUTH 4] NiXon ha waded Claim Fraud =. In Nickel Mine Stock B J 1 ATTACK AINT JOHN HE CNE ATT nm Union ts Boy i, IFigh TOY exceeded the over mn mi Hi enthusiasm high ed lleve that the ket is In roal in the South and they southe n no yi a num | Cops, Guards « Sh (8) CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS RA 5.1133 RA 56574 A 3.2211 POLICE FIRE DEPT, HOSPITAL 1 RN > \ 2 \ ot It Out 1 n leader RR The Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT with Warm, some winds Mainly sunny, cloudy periods, light, Mot Over s Por Cop PE URANIUM FOR JAPAN | reactor will get fuel, fi pri exp ate | OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1960 Second Closs Moi Authorized os ' Department, Ottowa EIGHTEEN PAGES OAS Counters W. German Row Cooling Off the uranium wroduction in P Wirephoto USSR Helps Egypt Build High D 1y United Arab Republi in cow to finance the of truction th Dam, oor Soviet news agency Tass | the agreemen tf low-interest 000 ruble 2H ) ed interna on | 1 ad hl¢ Russia 000,000 ru 1 hy t of the Iv of the oh te rit mn \ 1 Still in the ur Ihe i ni that | | A n Id SAYS CONE MUST the \ kes 4 p 1 demand ty \ n ent open | 1.000 fy t ve on | DE | He to { neluded Ernest ran Spain' from Jon Vick am ) Russia with Mos stage eement econd of the glant Ax t calls for a loan of 900, 000,000. at the al exchange dition to 400 ($100,000,000) for the first dam 1s est! $1.000,000,000 largest provide irri vast arid Nile, the first 15 heen months ched and A] lon 1s next year pro crisis nvasion of the United decided Pp colossal 6 Suez aln e dan lized t inched I tion canal union claimed the hoy was + non-union 1 pplication ed PAY nan ) pay sald the the $630 the hoy wes but the a stand-in rifarmance the un mum, | istie ed I inder in h ap ng night solo of ym the corre ar, However tie about hitting ow opened Ve produced by received, | } num eeeived star crowds warathon Moore and 1 Canadian nan, humorist lent trekked here tour Mr a CONE and Ad was given a his collection wgratulatory 1 one from Hemingway, a day sed with whom he had once worked re, 123.000 § in the ers. | CANADIANS WOUNDED BY GONGOLESE TROOPS Russ. Threat SAN JOBE, Costa Rica (AP)~| Other points approved by the Western hemisphere foreign min. working group calls on the min. on a three-week vacation in Ialy islers today haminered hip alisters to; hopeful that he had allayed fears draft resolution which would €oa-| | Reject any reference to in|that West demn Nikita Khrushchev's threat BA in atlairs of the West: ye 1 Spd to hit the United States with ory hemisphere; » attempting to meddle rockets if Cuba is attacked, Reatfirm the But the proposed resolution nonvintervention: = chancellor summoned avoided pointing an accusing 4 3, Reaffirm the finger at Fidel Castro's revolu-| % right of | Minister ¥ tionary government for his swing determination for peoples to de- Strauss back from vacation after toward the Communist camp, |velop thelr countries as they 5 pamphlet issued to West Ger | The draft was drawn up by a|choose; man troops last week said the working committee of ministers| 4. Declare that the inter-Amerl- armed forces demanded nuclear after a gruelling four-hour ses:-|can system rejects any form of weapons, sion that lasted until 2 am, | totalitarianism; government statement The proposal was to be an 5 Notes that all American!ihat Adenauer and Strauss, nounced later today before a 10-| ci otc are obliged to seek peace nation committee named by thel sul settlement of disputes; Organization of American States to prepare a final resolution an subversive activities in the Wes! ern hemisphere, Chancellor el BONN (Reuters) Konrad Adenauer today ofl German armed forces in politics, The fence principle of De free ranz Josef sald a , had reached full agreement the pamphlet in 6, Reaffirm faith in the regional! which 'Strauss said the de system mands' was used in the military | The committee of 10 ense of meaning ' rather Later it will go to the full coun. ministers was named in hope of than upon cil of ministers meeting here, A healing He breach bet koen ad-| government Weapons, ply he ¢ ar POLICE e widely-divided vote may result if herents of a h policy DIFFERENT MEANING the draft falls to meet Cuba's ob.|poused by the United States and DI | Jections, |those who want a milder resolu. Strauss said Friday night the 84-year-old chancellor had | | tion. originally taken the pamphlet to LITTLE BO PEEP | Mig i Foreign Minister Rag) mean "demands" in the political PLAYS FOOTSIE | apitalize on the sympathy exist. sense ng In many Latin American na-| Jssuance of LOS ANGELES (AP) "yl like to be different,' sald ac- at meeting Frida on vord "need ind ich foreign being a den the or tha the protest I ( | pamphlet t 5 by the revolu a home: N the the n polit 15 | War openin general which' regarded | ep of a staff to interfere did before the Second World B.C. Ele a 58 move by | tions for the Cuban revolution itl touched off angr | self, i opposition Social Democrat party | Roa has sald that the : tre Vikki Dougan, showing [tion was and is entirely reporters her diamond en. pred movement, He derided Y ] gagement ring | bred movement, He derided U.S She wears it on the fourth |charges that the Castro regime is toe of her left foot |becoming a captive of the Com- Why? "Just a whim," sald |munists Co Vikki. 24, as she and actor | Roa has accused the United Jim Sweeney. 25, obtained a [States of aggrsesion against his | marriage licence Friday, government e | They'll he wed Sept, 8, with Herter challenged the claim Vikki dressed as Little Bo land suggested the conference ap Peep, Just another whim, |point a fact-finding commission sald Vikki to look into allegations of US [AREY sion. VANCOUVER (CP) ledl spotlight was on {ince's biggest business undertak lings Friday night British Co lumbla's Sept, 12 election took a new and better turn M, J, Coldwell, CCF honorary {national leader, suggested B.C, largest forestry industry concern, put down opposition » iy een MacMillan, Bloedel and Powell tral government ie Kasal 1s Ihe River Limited, is suppressing Jecond province, along Jib. Xa COP campaigning among employ anga, to declare Its ladepend-| Y s* a fores nee ence from Lumumba's federal; ip return fo; A forest Heence " verasme ut {from the Social Credit govern ove ant, | j |inent, The UN ¢ N alu The UN commander in Lulua His statement wa hourg made preparations to fesotiben Ba * Pinte Dod the Canadians to Leopoldville, ["€8cribed as unwarranted an Meanwhile. UN officials wereld baseless insinuation' by Hon awaiting the arrival here from J, V, Clyne, company chairman, | New york of Andrew Cordier,|pREMIER HECKLED executive assistant to Secretary. Premier W, C, Bennett, General Dag Hammarshjold, ang meanwhile, defended projects of Hamilton of Canada who has ited and the Pacific Northern ots Railway against repeated inter {been appointed reports officer |" by Rat Xian Viotoris for a UN advisory committee fUPHON, y hee ors in Ic ik lon the Congo operation, e al rosger an o id oy: audi. | Also awaited was the arrival of "6 Of 1,000 ih a theatre, Rs 1 la United States Air Force plane| In northern Prince Ge 1 t TOWS bringing additional Canadian sols|vincial CCF Leader Idiers and equipment from Tren: Strachan hit hard at the B.C PEKING (Reuters) -- Commu:/ton, Ont, It is two days overdue, Electric Company, which his nist leaders have warned Chiasese! However, officials in Ottawa said party has said it will expropriate The polit.! | the proy- Congolese Troops Qust Canadians as | | LEOPOLDVILLE (CP)~Faced by mounting Congolese opposl: tion in Kasal province, Canadian army signallers were being with. drawn today from the provincial capital of Lluabourg. The Canadians had been unable to set up a communications sta tion there for the United Nations force in the Congo, The Cana: dians were quartered in a camp occupied by Tunisian UN troops whom the Congolese soldiers are trying to displace, Congolese Premier Patrice Lu. mumba flew his own soldiers to the Kasal earlier this week to China-Russ immediatgly e, pro Robert 'so Congolese Attack Canadians LEOPOLDVILLE (CP) Congolese troops were reported to have attacked a United States Air Force plane carrving Canadian signalmen and equipment as it landed at Stanley. | ville today, There was no immediate word on whether any | Canadians were injured, but The Associated Press said three | crew members, presumably American, were reported to be in Congolese hands Fighting Breaks Out In Congo LEOPOLDVILLE (AP) ol Ethiopian United Nations troops today were reported clashing with Congolese soldiers near Stanleyville in Oriental province, United Nations officials said the situation in the area appeared completely "out of hand." 12 Forest Fires Under Control | TORONTO «P) -- Twelve forest fires, all under control, | Were reported burning today in Northern Ontario woodlands, | They were located by districts as follows: Tweed, six, Kapus- kasing, two, Geraldton, Sault Ste, Marie, Parry Sound and Pembroke, one each, | papers and cited a recent speech ments, They said there is ofien meeting there would never be were als rece "e g ) ere also told at recent meetings| campaigning on its premises even are posted year-old white president of a con between Peking and Moscow about the incident largest forest management li Therefore, it was necessary to| The minister said he recog | BARRIE (CM) Three crown Harold Arthurs, 21, of Victoria plies and Keeping to the bush, | has entering against them [officials to be wary of some res they weren't worried by lack of if elected {by Premier Khrushchev as anno word for as long as 48 hours low-cost power long as we | example, usually reliable sources on such flights, have a government tied to B.C | sald today, | -------- Electric." | | The sources sald workers' com Whites Kicked My, Coldwell said MacMillan, {that visiting Russiaa experts ny ( \ y ale Rt asia workers: N@gro Minister | during lune htime, den d employ rooms where Chinese ideological : BIS ve to solicit pelitical funds | or support candidates and banned hop stewards from visiting log | Diplomatic observers said these|troversial Negro ministerial col: &ing camp bunkhouses to discuss {reports appeared to be linked|!eEe near here claims a group of politics, {with the continuing departure of 20 white men kicked, clubbed and' "It Is significant to note that Russian experts from China and beat him Friday, and later MacMillan, Bloedel and Powell Sources said officials were told] Rev. J. H, Germany, preacher cences ever issued in B.C, just the Chinese press published re. and dairy farmer, suffered cuts three days before election was ports of some speeches which did/on his face, bruises on both his -- not reflect the correct thinking of head and face and marks on his S 0 exercise care in studying such nized several of the white men ort ut reports, the officials were as members of the Citizens Coun warned, cil, advocates of segregation, | Escapees {attorneys are trying to sort out the charges against two escaped convicts captured at gunpoint Friday near Port Severn, about { Harbor, Ont, and Clarence Mei wena, 20, the Kitchener area, jescaped from Collins. Bay Penis tentiary near Kingston Aug, 4 they eluded police for two weeks After capture they were hrought |to the Simcoe County jail her ! for Simeoe County {ing and Belleville will charge them with ry viol following beating of rly Deser and 1 thell of a {ports appearing in Chinese news reports on the plane's move] le told the 600 people at the | mittees and government officials | {Bloedel issued orders banning slogans and production figures] UNION, Miss, (AP) -- The 47 indications of an ideological rift| threatened to kill him if he talked River were awarded one of the the Chinese Communist party ribs and back LATE NEWS FLASHES |Ch arges J0 miles north of here Plundering cottages for sup | The crown attorney HM charges of break (gun, | hb the mto with lady shot Warming Up y and Lumumba Forces Strike At Stanleyville HQ Two| Three of its crew members, Canadians serving with the presumably American, were res Acting Inspector-8en | nied Nations force in. the| ported beaten up and seized, UN West German armed Congo were reported wounded inlheadquarters said two or three that West Ger-| clashes between Congolese other crew members were miss» in the NATO diers and UN personnel loday, |ing, The Associated Press sald the, Farller ¥eports sald this plane anadians were wounded when! was carrying Canadien signals other Ab Congolese troops attacked the men, 'Congolese 'Children' Troops Say TRENTON (CP)-Four Canas army officers just hack {from the Congo sald today the | infant republic's eapital is like a | city full of undisciplined but not | violent children, | "Take Toronto," sal A. Zhukov. oy " Toraniy sald Mal, Als mier Patr Lumumba Is acting Soviet minister of cultural af Pert tote o Kingston, "Take out more. and if were | fair The foreign editor of all the adults and leave only the propelled 1 omeone with! Pravda was also reported aboard children. Then you would have a experience | the plane, city something like Leopolds has ever| The Congo ville," ness with the Maj, Cote, Lf, Col, Roland taking place although Webb of Ottawa, Maj, Ted ecessionist moves or at least Cooper of Pictou, N.8,, and Capt, trends toward geeater local au-|Gerald Simard of Quebec City tonomy in almost every province were members of a six man | of his country, | reconnaissance party sent ot the . Congo Aug, 1, SHAKY OUTLOOK ey 8 1 Lumumba's political leadership! wl rriving here in an RCAF would be very shaky in any Jor hlar transport early today, country where political responsi they scoffed at reports of vips bility was understood and prac. 'ence and said they could only Heed. | Teinember one major incident, But this is a nation which had het Waa the fracas at Leopolde | its first national elections in April| Y!e Airport When a Canadian called," said Mr. Coldwell, *Ave|and May, Perhaps 10,000,000 of 3MY captain was knocked une they now partially ' paying back) the 14,000,000 Congolese know no Sine Hous by Congolese troops : Et nk ocinl credit? Is this all they are other authority than their local Who mistook him for a Belgian, for social credit?" chief, | "We didn't even earry arms," Resistance to Lumumba is not|53id Maj, Cote, 'There were gigned hy Vice-Admirsl ried LEOPOLDVILLE (CP) -- Ruge of forces, it declared rich eral £01 men ground forces hield"' should be equipped with e iclear weapons like lantie pact troops, The paper phlet tion 50 wernment news Izvest the pam- "dangerous provoca- a lern sald There was no immediate denti {fication of the Canadians, The West German forces al The attack on the UN head ready have the facilities for dei quarters came at almost the varheads, but! same time as Congolese soldiers mselves are ums attacked a United States Globe of the United master plane as it landed Stanleyville, Someone Behind Congo Chief? LEOPOLDVILLE (AP) Pre a nuclear th lvering the der warhead the contr at ale dian the group included G I more as he wing vastly and more | ical subtlety than heen able to acquire A party of Ru the Congo Thu Minister Anicet he premier"s friendli Communist blog is there arrived in Informatior said ns day Kashamura ction doing to all reference han on soliciting for party funds non-existent as was shown Thurs © 4 'applies political parties' day when a thousand or more VOUS: the to the com.|youths demonstrated against him! He sald the main problem fags completely unworthy of Mr, independent African states, | Maintaining order but Untangling Colwell." He added he would] But it is divided on, political the Mammoth muddle Inthe "welcome any investigation," |and tribal lines, There is no lead. | S6Yen-week-old country, : like children, they still can opers FERRY STORY ate the electrical and water facile Lumumba closed the ferry be-|ities, Capt, Simard said, i ro | ville in the French Congo bre-innonie to stop operating them, I m (sumably to stop the iafiltration| gece they will continue to opens {of Belgian and French spies and ate." he said, A request came Friday from| given is ridiculous to any reason Modibo Keita, premier of the able person but in this country of S B k Mall Federation, for aid in pre: uneducated Congolese it was Ldodd rea 8 y ie n y |» " 2 the new West African country, |" The ferry was reopened Friday Relay Record Keita, who also is premier of night to carry officials and those tory of the federation, called for| The action was taken after the|States men's 440-metre medley a meeting of the Security Council government had been forced to|relay team today broke the and for UN troops, | ask the United Nations to fly sev-|world record in winning the thing marskjold took no action on the|conference over from Brazzaville/ming competition in the Olyms request except to eireulate it|in the Congo Republic of the pies, among members of the 1l-nation| French community, The winning time was four mins Diplomats took the position | cussing its agenda in closed ses-|record is 4:10.4, get by Australia privately that this was purely a|sion Friday night, Only nine|Aug, 22, 1938, It also bettered a domestic political controversy | African nations have sent dele I 00.2 mark set hy an American and not action, Mr. Clyne said the company's! demonstrations, but nothing ses pany's licence' was an inuendo|8t the opening of a conference of ing United Nations troops is not es | €TSND, Although the people hehave Mali Seek a : ee S tween Leopoldville and Brazza:| «ang unless someone tells the UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP)! Belgian paratroopers, The reason venting the threatened split in|veadily accepted by many the Republic of Sudan, a terri-| hearing a special police pass ROME (CP) The United Secretary-General Dag Ham [eral delegates to the pan-Afric an|heat at the start of today's swims council The conference was still dis-|utes, 8.2 seconds, The listed world a proper issue for UN | gations so far, Twenty were|team last month, but aot yet offis invited, cially recognized, MRS. POWERS BACK FROM MOSCOW bara to aid her husband, ot She said that she was uncertain about what she would do on hee return to the United States, Powers, Francis after her arrival from Moscow, | Moscow Looking pale and weary, Mrs Powers said that she had done { everything could do in Ray wife p Gary talks with newsmen in Paris, France, hotel tonight \ Power her she