The Oshawa Times, 27 Aug 1960, p. 15

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S0--Articles for Sole op & Borter THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, August 27, 9 15 Meadowcrest Subdivision, Brooklin, 3 bedroom ranch type brick bungolow, $87 month y interest ond taxes, $1 down, ful price 311 is. : of ork miles hive, apr, ic ior oo ly res rage peat on ry Ferguson Ave, OL G. NEWELL hiring King St. Whitby ~~ Income home, brick, six rooms, four piece tile both, plus opert- ment, three rooms, three piece bath, lendscoped, oge, immaculote ©o $16,900, Reasonable dow payment, Terms, Annis St, Whitby = Brick six rooms, four piece tile bath, basement, londscaped, garege 14 x 24 ft, $13,000, down $2,000, Lot 92 x 91 $3,500 Whitby, New NHA., § 6%, Forms from $16, 500, rentols from $90. Call Bill Collins MO 8-3843, Whitby Toronto Pickering $500 Full down payment, Carries for $84 monthly, drop- ping to $59 menthly after 3 years, Modern 3 - bedroom brick bungalow, Whitby, $10,700 full price, Owner. built, modern 3-bedroom brick bungolow. Substentiel down poyment required. Corvies for $54 monthly on one open mortgage, is price cannot be beaten | Whitby, $3,000 full down payment, Modern ranch style bungolow with gttoched geroge. od ote dining room, 2 00ME living room, room, very large lot, F price, $13,000, A very nice home situated between No, 2 ond No. 40) highways on the Whithy-Pickering Town Line, $2,000 full down payment, Modern 3 - bedroom brick bungalow en Scugog St, awa, Pride of the A id, This home is fully dasorched. hos expensive doors ond screens, naturel stain cupboards ond trim, div. ided basement end stonds on a very large lot, Full price: $12,700, one 6% NHA, mortgage. We still have a few beautiful new homes with @ 69% N.HA, mortgage for sale in Oshawo ond Whitby, Phone this office for detail, 3 bedroom bungalow to rent, $90 monthly, % nd 4 room gpartments to rent, $55 monthly, Flourishing grocery store with snack bar and ettoched living quarters for sole, A real busy business with a substantial turnover, Property clear Books open for inspection, Asking $25,000 plus stock $8,000 down poymemt ve. quired with owner taking back one mortgage. Princi- pals only, please Furniture store, centrally lec: ated, A very active business showing good profits. Books ovoilgble for inspection, Full price $6,000 $8,900 full price. Grocery store and smack bar, Steady income assured Out of town properties for sale from $3,000 full price and up MATHEW AND ALLEN LTD. 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone: MO B-8531 Evenings: TE ©-1812 (Pickering) or YU 5.7780 (Port Perry) Ghion veeer MO 8:4703 rons. EM 2:3625 , WH 2.5770 " £2 En a, ti buomevs. Ca sy Tg Fo Toltemson Ba RA ive ares tawny four. room 1% wiorey, brick, suit gree eb 'the bathrooms, IW Witehen, balcony, divided built, Apply 108 RA Rosenitl Piva, FTE TBE tad A: 51--Bw SAN Chev. Truck, good ¥ WEAN ondiiion Wil i 450de for eae the or later ditierenes rn iy rr es ean vine for ebeciric timer, thermostat, =i A6--Reol Estote Wented {fon i Fs Sd xD) ol) sat Meh Restor. eet, RA 325 147 --urommobiies For Sole ro fod i aon sorage, are Bd Soom, ungeiow | large bedrooms school, in good wesidentisl ares i Simeos| 2 Monthly payments a 04, it Brice reduosd to $18,700. with interest| VOL ir Lr os awh Xs Hons value ly Pe Linens: ty B-4661. ----- Hd oo. m 34 aoren Cai " fe, re Write Bex - von "sedan delivery, oi Cl a elie, RK di oh IMMEDIATE p i - : year] ranch bungalow low with custom built reation soem and bar, Home iain d ly decorated. a clude example: pariable -- plate ss misver, very school and ely landscaped. Ay i, Mrs, itty Ta san, #00 ACRER good x #ix + ¥oom hows, #11 convenienees, bank barn, waler on tap, Hydra, good he on meni, $16, $6000 dowh, on city property, Tindall Weal , 4 Bond Strest West, RA 50408, Ry Anper Good terms COMMBEROIAL 06 ft frontage for sale or vent on King Street West, Shopping Centre, Phone RA 54005 after pm, FARM Tor wale, 130acre eash o onttle, plenty of water, Rouse, seven moom, pew aluminum reef, {painted snd decorated, big bam, twe rive whed, one garage, one hen house, houses. Apply owner, §. uses, RR 3, Omemee, $500 DOWN, 4-bedreem bok a detache home with stone or num Slorme and se08 Jcsbens, fully decor. ated, or wn thi} rd Goi i, Ba 8 vl 9 OBE ds or AEE ot (cracked. Call BA anytime, 5 door sedan, | MeOLARY hi tow ios & rose nearest offer, oath] " gEAY, wi Ww boat, Xd beam, tn To cna | » and {compte or separ sw Fg hide & ution |. PM TN TWO used bedroom wuiies, maple or fined OAL, 299 Simcos South before § '5 TIUDERARER, Hom, has to be sold 118 Wapking Street, MO $4701, Whithy, '" MONARCR do for fs eel ody Suk, "Faas HA £7 a a SRT AN hii, 8 otter. Thah: chair, Enthon pram. They or, ¢ pram, pen, commode chal chalr #6 s pew, RA stove, ve: fully automatic, 3° Meany Finns in oh vents 6M, | 0g ie. OLDIMOBILE beswtiil Orono 4 5 OLDAMOBILE #0, four eer - 1%0p, er sleering, "brake oar | and Ave (atrial, low mm noudaie ition. Will secept trade and pA 4 RA 3.9 ie 20728 formes rode SH boo "ns ur Eviprude, FA oon, $218, RA 5-5087 or 22 Paik Sod 1 608 Suaiity "x 12 Pb colored brosdioem t Vietor ov Tv, walnut _eabinet, both both Wn io CHE VOLE varie; pew bat: radio, irhile walls, tires, In good qondion, £30 nd take over payments, Road North daytimes, SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES end SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel: RAndolph 3.3461 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES. BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W,, OSHAWA RA 3-7132 Two modern three bedroom bunga'ows one year old, one with garage, on water and sewer, close to four ccrn- BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.~OSHAWA (Just Bost of Wilson Rood) RA 3-4494 Res, RA 5.5574 # SABYAN MOTOR|se i SMOBILE "Super M4", equip mr a AR RA 5804 5 ONE VROLET sedan, ox ada oe cellent eon dition, will Sinanes f [EN J Fv 145 Albert Street, 55 NABH hydremaiic, PK white: walls sacrifice, best MO 84782, 8 DODGE Tour.desr awtom alle, radio, twodene Best offer, RA 58108. 380 Drew & Street, ALLATATE Auio Insurance, up $0 20 per cont, Six months to pa. " Yor oa service at yowr ome oi ail i RA a Bow, W 1008" babo0 well oie oar, 1S " oonch, Oh 1 gy nar. wo. ly a lox Banting oon pie By A ned i TOR putinmiiiia line, Al nendition, motorcycle, , | duet, amu TWO slectri «| wiler towers, crossing Bellt, transformers ete, Phone "wudio, siren, clock, wpeed: ometer, lights, cushions, Mark 75, com. pretisuleg with trailer, $1500, | NECCING furniture? Wer we Tibuy it, We |X rigerstors, TV's, " and dri ete, For op oon. tact 3 al ts Breer, Phone A 113, vie oom, bedroom and Anshan fuvaiture for sale, Phone NA & GENERAL | Flectrie sominaien colored, rg pres "toon, will sell hd Wy WRECKING a building, Pickre wine dow, an bullding mate als, 977 Simone WEDDING gown wnd hoop, sive 16, 940, RA A Simei a---- ------ ONE Gravity hot sir furnace complete with oll burner and controls, in excellent condition, 375, RA GARIN oruiser, 35 fi. with sieomng 199) and tellet feandelll A ooordiom, Pi 48 conver conversion :|RA 51823 after 6 pam. | 1 will net be respon incurred TENDERS Al 4 humidifiers, WE poy hes p prio a rt tod far Freie a, fo Wes 1950 RCA (90.88; Mow eo burner for sale, cheap, we 's Kingston mouth Te TA ne, ae ond East, RA 5408 REFRIGERATOR, weal ooh," TaIFFO| Grapes. bas scales, table, Fo table, i wall tots Dist na McLAUGHLIN n. PUBLIC LIBRARY for ust OF during the omy oximately oslo. Lowsst © any Sander nit Sccenl: Jeon Fette Oshowe ys Be Board, Hard Times = "For Railways eriod of economic. raflways are facing most difficult pe| TENDER CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION Exterior Painting AJAX Secled tenders, ploinly marke ed os to content ond oddres- sed to the yndersighed, will be received up 12:00 NOON, SEPTEMBER 6, 1960 for the exterior pol of 39 houses located in Ajax, Ontario, Specification and forms of tender can be ob- toined ot the oddress below, Eoch tender must be occom- ponied by a security deposit wel to 10% of the omount the tender in the form of © certified cheque or negot- ioble Dominion of Cenedo bonds. Such security deposit shall indemnify the Corporo- tion against loss in the event of withdrawl of the » ul tenderer subsequent to occep- tance of the bid by the Corp oration, All cheques must be made peyable to the order of Central Mortgoge ond Hous- ing Corporation, The lowest or any tender not necessorily occepted, 52--Logal Wile (or any Gubly wie, in Wasser. by my (from this day, August 26, fred 1, Wannamaker, 650 Lowrence Avenue West Toronto 19, Ontario, Attention: Mr, R, C, Bollerd, Assistant Manager motor hull in good condition, Can he sein of Caosares, ph hone Blackstock na R 2, o trains, oomp with ewiicnas, WH 24074 57 ¥O D Fairlane 500 converte, dition, radio, whi'owall tires, 3 . Will a Aconpt cheap: trade, ween at 22 Sun. wet Court, Lindsay, ¥ Vhirviow 45078, 43 MORRIS, wood mechamioally and body, 468 -- Street N N 60 OME VIO. lady bg yp !f Low & ers, Price $12,400 and $11,600. Will accept half cash, __ MO 8.5366. APPLE HILL CUSTOM BUILT distinctive style three years old, decorated and Many extras ine cluded, Moy be yours for es WILLIS MOTORS For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E RA 5.0331 A HEV. Te avin, {we doer. stand. namissian economics! oar, Call RA 33708 alter § p.m, 48--Automobiles Wented CARBAHONE hr ol Avie Rts achers "wn wan CASH little os $2,000 down, Fer appointment to inspect coll Hilda Ristow ot RA 8.5107 or RA 5-3605 evenings, Ristow & Olsen REALTORS Lloyd Realty LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 3 ACRES WITH GOOD BUNGALOW Excellent opportunity handy men, includes new built cement block garage, pressure system installed, 43 foot chicken coop, Heavy duty wining, osking $1,500 rg faking sil Willer ot LLOYD ALY LTD. REALTORS RA 8.5123 -- RA 8.5124 RA 8.5125 for 101 SIMCOE ST. N, CLEARING AT ONLY '» 57 'Sy 56 'SS FOR YOUR CAR TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS RA 5.0732 HOUSTON'S GARAGE MAND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS. COM: PLETE BRAKE MOTOR TUNE, UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W, RA 3.7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cors, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. RA 3.9421 WHITBY CLASSIFIED | GET ready now for winter blame with | PalO-Pak Insulation. This fully ap | proved economical esliulese preduct peo. | osm be installed quite easily by youn { wel or we can do R you. Far free |S i xtimale contact H.W, 601 Hrock Street h, MO el EE 0d Chestnut phone MO SEN. Tule | repair, Tem | FoR RENT -- Small x roomed if con self con. DOLD WAVES (Lancia nrigheds ror ard i §, sham. Hy wont WANTED -- Sy wail --- Ty minimum, Must be wel nae. Apply Box 808 HR ram" Wiithy WANTED icevnt Bg AL Man te in a day Wh Bey" Shen, tained Sharia. hid preferred 0 monty, MO FOR RENE -- > small Nitshenette Advis mar, dg. FOR ¢l I ho PAINT Dodd. x Souter | reet South MO 8. $231 furnished rooms, for couple a. Fay Street. Phone MO whe Shy. FOR RENT -- Clean furs \ ing Rom Continuous hot water, ~~ Jrivate entrance. Apply A hy Th apa Sn yr am, BIR Tb sat Sn Se 109% DOWN Pontiee, V8, owtemetic, Volkswagen, delune, Studebaker, Silver Hawk, Ford, Victoria, Herdiap, ods. hardtop, oll pow. 3 » door a JO '55 Chev. two-door, 'SS Pontiac 4-door delune, 'S4 Portia 4-door, 'SO Pontiac 2-door, MARIAN AUTO RA 8.5179 25 GRENFELL ST, Seaway Motors Ltd. Whitby Ql we sole on WY demonstrators to be sold below cost '60 Monarch Lucerne , Golaxie, 4.door eutemo- tic tranamission, padded dosh, windshield wash. ers, whitewall Sees. Ex- ecutive oar, Fairlane 8 "500"", + tic. Loaded with ewtres, Foirlane 6 cylinder, "500%, 4 door, automa tic transmission, sedio, two fone paint, '60 cylinder, exceptional car. FOR RENT able. MO sanns, FOR RENT -- Boating, comp ing, hunting supplies, garden- ing and lown equipment, pow or tools, box, boat end cebin trailers, FOR SALE = Used boats, motors, teailers, WILDE RENTALS '60 W ol doer CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST, W, SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, $0 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic end Commercial RA 5-5332 All gluminum products we Doors, windows, shower doors, ownings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates coll ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME RA 8.5385 50---Articles for Sale RAINE, in interior, exterior, 42.00 gallon. Guaranteed, fal, : LR = Habu and gy reat. RA J36M, . [with thermostat fo yb Phone ir BA S864 after § a. iis ae Se tURE. AMGND ruby ving, Hf waususl, $138 cash, SERVICE AND SALES 1413 Dundes €, MO 8-320 Seaway Motors Lid. Whitby GIRLS Nleyele. omcellont condition, 5, 39 Wilson Road South. OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE ond SUPPLY Ltd, Brodklin, Ont, OLiver 5.3641 COOK'S TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE Highway 2 Courtice, . ON SALE NEW AND USED LOW BARGAIN PRICES Phone RA 8.0887 SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully gueronteed, Double hung windows enly $18, Call now, Lymer Aluminum Co, PIANO Apartment size Bell, kitchen utilities, lamps, colonial style front room furniture, engagement ring, with 14 diamonds large centre diamond. Ap- Suite 1, Lansdowne ing Centre, North Simcoe, Now is the time to - have a beautiful home with aluminum doors ond windows, best quality, lowest price in town, Quick service, Alex Vajda RA 3.9851 Every job guaranteed. BUILDING LEASED MUST CLEAR FURNITURE AT COST 2-pce. bed-davenport suite regular $169, now only $88; d-pce. wrought iron dinette suite, $29; kitchen buffet, natural finish $25; Lloyd con- vertible carriage $30; gold seal congoleum 9 x 12° 89; timed cok tea wagon $28; step and coffee tables $7.77; room divider-bookeose, half price $25; floor lamps $10; 52--Legel 52--Logol PFN, 220-60 The Ontario Municipe! Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 37e gl The Planning Act, we Of IN THE MATTER OF an op- plication of The Corporetion of the City of Oshowe for approval of its Restricted Area By-low 3769, possed the 2nd doy of May, 1960, APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Wed- nesday, the 7th doy of Sep. tember, 1960, ot the hour of half pest ten o'clock in the forenoon (Locol Time) ot the Council Chambers, Osh owa, Ontarie, for the hears ing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application, DATED ot Toronto, this 17th day of August, 1960, R, Kenned SEAL VICE CHAT The by-law referred to in ae above notice reads as fol . BY LAW NUMBER 3769 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA being @ by-law te further amend the Zoning By-law of the City of Oshawa, WHEREAS it is deemed de- sirable to further emend Zoning By-low number 3415 as amended by by lows mums bers 3441, 3459, 3480, 3537, 3572, 359}, 3623, 3632, 3647 3665, 372), 3734, 3746 ond 3758; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HERE. BY ENACTED os o by-low of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa by the Couns cil thereof as follows: 1. Subsection (1) of Section 18 of bydow number 3415 os emended is hereby fur ther emended by deleting therefrom the words: (1) The coverage of a lot in a residential dis. trict shall not exceed thirty-three (33) per gary of the ares of the t+ ond by substituting therefore the following: (1) In the case of @ Lot in en R.J district in which on apartment building is or is to be erected, the coverage of the lot shall not exceed twenty-five (25) per cent of the area of the lot; ond in oll other coses, the coverage of 0 lot in @ residential dis- trict shall not exceed thirty-theee (33) per gerd of the oreo of the or 2 That the schedule of table lamps $35; compet 4°¢" x T'6" « $20; continental beds, full size $45; continen- te! head boards, seguloar to $17.95, now ealy $5. hes Joss thal, large size $15; air mattress 34 sive, gs minimum front yard depths which form part of subsection (1) of Section 15 of by-low number 3415 os amended is hereby further omended by deleting the figue "20 where such figure appears os "399 3! SIMCOE ST, §. the minimum front yard re- quirement of apartment build- ings in R28 ond R-3 dis tricts and by substituting therefore the following: #20 plus 5 for each od- dition! storey or half storey over two storeys" Sheet number 8 of Ap. perdi "A" to bylaw num. 3415 is hereby omended by chonging the lond use designotion of pert of the block of land shown os R-2-B on the west side of Mont. rave Avenue from R-2.8 to R-3 so thot the soid Sheet 8 os emended will be as shown on the revised Sheet number 8 ottoched to this by-low os Schedule "A", 4. Section 22 of by-law num- ber 3415 os amended is here. by further omended by de- ating therefrom the fallow. "(b) the office of a phy- siclon located in the single-family dwelling used by the physicion os his private resi- dence," 5S. No pert of this by-low shall come into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board but subject thereto this by-law shall take effect from the dote of its passir 9. By-low read a first time this 2nd doy of May, 1960, By-ow. reed o second time this 2nd day of May 1960, By-low read o third time and - "Lyman A. Gifford" Moyer "L. R, Bomend" Clerk Sheet number 8 of Appen. dix "A" to by-low number 3415 referred to above in poragraph numbered 3 of by- law number 3769 may be examined at the office of the City Clerk, City Hell, Osh- owe, Dated ot Oshawa this 27th doy of August, 1960, "L. R. Bowand" City Clerk NOTICE TO PROPERTY OW- NERS IN EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP, AWA ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 376%. TAKE NOTICE THAT THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HAS APPOINTED WEDNESDAY, THE 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1960, AT THE HOUR OF HALF PAST TEN O'CLOCK IN THE FORE- NOON (LOCAL TIME, AT THE OSHAWA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, OSHAWA, ON. TARIO, FOR THE HEARING OF ALL PARTIES INTERES. TED IN SUPPORTING OR OPPOSING - THE APPLICA. TION FOR APPROVAL OF THE SAID BY-LAW, A COPY OF WHICH IS PRINTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS PAGE, DATED AT OSHAWA THIS uh DAY OF AUGUST, "L. R. BARRAND" CITY CLERK Lo Obvious -» iicoptinle io pubis testing 33 es \nsdaces may "be changed onl with permission of the boar |Here the best-known example '18 the Crowsnest Pass agreement. funder which western grains which amounts to abowt 20 per out & A all rail ag gh traffic. ried at rates set in 1802, + , general freight ralg. would help the ra royal commission on travsporias I -- affect only about ones third of all rail traffic. And tog sharp a general increase, railway experis say, would cost more' revenue ln lost traffic than they. would gain in increased rates, PIGGYBACKS HELP Probably the most effective freight strategy the raflways have employed is the piggyback serve pice by which truck-railers are' carried by rail between cities, for less than it costs to drive them. Aud in face of opposition from provincial trucking associations, More important, ways' point of view, is the of freight the trucks are moving, Since the end of the Second World Wer the chief change in the economy has been the fs ercase in Canadian manufactured products, and it is in this cate gains, It is upon eh bigh-rated prod- ucts that railways rely for most of their profit in freight opers- tions, They remain largest carriers of bulk products--the {output of fom, forest and mine but in many of these areas there is Tittle pron profit and, indeed, losses on some, POTENT RIVALS In 1957, when their share of all road-rail traffic was 8.6 per cent, trucking companies' total rev- enue was about 31 per cent of the total road-rail revesue. In 1058, when their share of the total traf. fic had grown to 12.3 per cent, the truckers' share of total rev- enue was 3 per cent, The railways also point fo Supe from pipelines and ships In 1945, railways carried 134 per cent of the total of crude petroleum handled in Caneda, In 1968, this share was down to 1.6 cent, In shipping, the railways fear the worst is yet to come, The threat of the St, Lawrence Seaway to the railways is two-fold: The rail. ways expect to lose a large part terior, and also expect Atlantic ports, RAILWAYS' CASE The rallways fed] they are forced to battle against handi- gory that trucks have made Hl] of the freight they once carried from deep-sea ports into the in. more public losses in traffic they carry to both the CPR and CNR have bor gun actively participating In ir These moves have been sug: but they cannot by IPE | emseives save the railways; according to the railway experts, They say the railways are still ithe only praciical method of {moving bulk eargo in most parts lof Canada---grain, ores and other raw material, As movers of bulk cargo the \rallways are the lifeblood of many communities even today, |and in some places they are the florgest employer, FEWER WORKERS In such communities as Revel. stoke, B.C., Hornepayne, Ont, and Moncton, N.B., the decline in railway employment - from 212000 employees in 1957 to fewer than 190,000 in 1960 -- is brought close to home, Some of this drop In employment is due to automation, some to shrinking revenues, When ## comes to seeking a solution, the railways themselves emphasize government policies which would allow them to pare off uneconomic freight and pas. senger runs and raise freight rates in areas where they feel they might be raised without loss {of business, They are reluctant to mention higher government subsidies, * Last year the CPR and CNR were given subsidies totalling £00,000 by the federal governs ment, and later another $15,000, 000 to tide them over until the royal commission on tramsportas tion reports mext year, Such subsidies comes out of the , say 'railway spokesmen, they would appear to be vital ¥ the rallways are to survive, SPORTS IN BRIEF caps which are not imposed on their main competitors, As. with passenger traffic, the rallways are governed by federal freight rate regulations which for the most part do not govern the trucking industry. Trucks, unlike able routes and raise sion of the board of transport 52--Legel TENDERS Will be received until 12.01 p.m., September 30th for the sale and removal from rail way property of the water tank, Bowmanville, Ont, The successful bidder to be re- sponsible for flagging protec. tion if ond when required, All tenders should be for. warded to Superintendent, Trenton Division, Conedion Pacific Railway Company, Union Station, Torente 1, Ontario, rallways, can eliminate unprofit- their changes when the traffic will bear it. The railways may discontinue a freight service, as with a pas- senger route, only with permis. commissioners, and the board is T00 HEAVY LONDON (AP)~South African boxer Willie Toweel, 26, has turned down a New York fight with Carlos Ortiz for the world Junior welterweight title at 140 pounds, his London agent, Bobi Diamond, sald Wednesday, "Wile lie told me he can no Jonge come in at 140 pounds," Diamond' sald, "He is a fully grown welteps weight now." EX-HOCKEY PLAYER DIES SEATTLE (AP)--Ron Moffatt, 55, former professional hockey player, died Wednesday in hospi. tal in suburban Renton, He had been ill two years, Born in Pui. due, Sask,, Moffatt played for De. troit Red Wings, St, Louis, Wind. sor, Ont, and the last three years of his career for Seattle, SENT T0 CALGARY CALGARY (CP)-Right winger Wally Hergesheimer has been as- signed to Calgary Stampeders of the Western Hockey League by Chicago Black Hawks of the Na- tional League. Officials of the Calgary club said Wednesday the 83-year-old Winnipeg native had been obtained from Ruffalo Bl. sons of the AL through the par- ent Chicago club, 1. Narrow 8 Mule blanket 0. Al 10, Threw 17, Produced Music 16, Pleasing 28. 1t 4s (post) 19. Nethere commune 81, artalun 44. A A heat 32, Vote 35, Young owls o%. Norse 386, Stone goddess of nodules healing 86, New Nog. 48. Liberian land state rae \ lotter 4" Solemn waondar 42 Guide's mote 43, Garden of Bden dweller 43, Behold! 48, Foreign 48 St mec 80, Bracing 81, Angry

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