14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 27, 1960 Coll The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS | BAM. to5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 1--Accountants A MONTE i, MO) VTVITH, RIEHL, snd Co, Chartered Accountants, BA 53827, 135 Simeoe Street North; Ajax WH 20890 A. KE, DEWAR and Co, Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen Blog, " on tala Street, Oshawa, Ontario, 21 NATTY ¥. Dp : o VLRON, ~ Charieren Aceountent, Oshaw 3321, Shareied RA BOB CLANCY'S "om rio Accounting Services oller 15--Instruction PIANO. 4 Clasnicsl ad sopuiar for A Puritron machine at Oshaws, gy Street, Oshawa, Dial 54587, Supply Wholesale, LILLIAN Mae Marsh Ds GILLIAN, Mae Marsh Dancing Behock |, 1 ole & ENGINE Fos 13--Gordening & Supplies CLASSIFIED AP RATES YOR weed kiling, spraying sd 3 and 25 words or less Jf compieia Garden Service. Cash Charge | 6.4366, Home CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL--SAND--FILL Also Back Filling Lots Levelled 21--Personal Service __[@6--Former's ¢ Column Sutlers! Inquire about the -~ immedia 4000 used AMBDRESSER'S assistant, full time Sern furnished or unfurnished, with | HAY Teves sullers Onn Beaut) [WANTED = Vianiar 0a lsed| RAID working conditions, experi. | hoard, by professional man and twa | 15 King Btreet ost, ny will pay top| ence helpful, Phone flax, wi al sons. Joauired Immedisialy. contrat hone for Fern or My, Hughes, enings, | Collegiate aren preferve » cash price, Pi os 53019 {Ak on r, Hug "10shawn Times, 27 Fuel & Wood : For Chi while mother Fr) ut 43--Wanted To Rent rid Tao, oy I Tx "\arge| AVY 220 James Bireet | WANTED ~ three - oud denvered Vione BA 0618, ed ground floor apartment, GIRL wanted for June counter, BEM | Couple, abstainers, November 28---Summer Properties work or shift work, Apply Modern Gril 8, Oshawa Times, 4 er ; 345 Ritson Road South (WANTED To PORT FERRY ~lake Scugog lake [ONTARIO Ladies' front cottage, vate, three hedrooms Beptember 1, a secretary, 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ¥ not peid within 7 the Charge rote will A Above rates apply only fo original orders for consecutive inser 226 24 375 402 0 Masonic Tempe, WA| SALES & SERVICE | Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til. lers, Used Engines Bought ond Sold, Authorized Clinton, Louson Power Products, Pin- dor Service, 8) Central Park 7 gid Nel now, AX $1054, TRIVATE is teacher, student counsellor. student cow nselior, | asparienin by Ioterview only RA 5038) be services for small business. 118 Bond Street West, Room } Office RA 50397, Resi RA 37605 ins and Company, Ceri: Accountants, 172 Kin Oshawa, Ontario, - 2 Hop fied Public Sir et East, 53509 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and Co., Accountants and auditors, Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa; B, L. Yale, CA; F, Friedlander, B.Comm., CPA, Insertions ordered of © ee date constitutes a new original 7 and B 50 per naj ar for H iy Ven iy, por month, College sequires for for body repairs, heatéd ; Must 0. tween band 7 p.m i fully equipped. ¥YUkon |tirst class typist. Capable of handling ne HF oN uipped [wll correspondence, Preference given p| WANTED Comfortable hed-sitting FiVEroom cottage, all conveniences, | nature lady with university 'raining room, pear King Ea 3 Hitson, res lease ph RA 8-567 fi the principal, with sonalile, § y safe beach, howt, available for So plein Apply in writing to Prine her, bad s Beach, Lake Dalrymple, Ra | Toi EES |44--Houses, Apts, Flats ply RHose-Bowl Grill, "Und Street For Rent MARJACK LODGE STURGEON LAKE West WO room Fishing, ewimming, etc, Blvd, 5, Phone RA 5 4633, C AND C HOBBY SHOP NOW OPEN AT 16 BOND ST, N Complete line of Hobby RA 5-2156 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. LOAM == GRAVEL FILL = STONE rears' experience, by interview only. tel now. RA 51054, LEARN TO DRIVE At the Oshawa Driving School Licensed by the Police ission Fai] trained instructors ondord, Automatic cors RA 8-0091 oh aedditional line $1.00 Each initial latter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ figure, counts as @ word, Box roe 18¢ additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in bv 8 pm. the day be: fore publi Office hours; Daily (WAITRESS wanted, apartment with 2--Barristers HUMPHREYS, Boychyn and Hiliman, Barristers, Solicitors; BR, H, Hum hreys, QC; G, 8. Boychyn, BA; W " iiiman, LLB; 36'% King Street East, Phones: Office, RA 51177; Res, 51604 or Whithy, MO 8-2761; RA 5.5203 Meney to loan GREER, murphy and MacDonmd, Bar risters, Solicitors and Notaries Publie, 6 King Street Fast, RA 54717 sel) J. Murphy and James A Z, T, RALMERS, BA, barrister, tor, ete, 13% Simcoe Street Office RA 53741 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, tor, 3% Simeoe South, RA 59502, Resi dence, RA 8-0264 MeGIBBON snd BASTEDO, Barsisters, | Solicitors, Cliens' funds avaliable first mortgages. 20 Simeoe Street North | KA 5.3566. Charles €, MeGibbon, QC; Edgar ¥, Bastedo, QC JOHN A, CAMERON, barnster, tor and notary public, 18% East, RA 3.2260, NHA mortgages arranged RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H, Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli eltors, 130 King Street East, RA 5:6246 Mortgage loans available THOMAS M, RUNDLE, bArrister, Jo eitor and Notary Publie, % King Kireot last, Phone RA 81763, GREER and Kelly, Barristers, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South RA 3.2278, Residence phones, Greer, BA, Sc, RA 53368; Ter: ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 85832 CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYN MURDOCH, Barristers, Solie tary Publir, Bank of Comme § Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3466; q Creighton, QC; N, C, Fraser, QCi G, K. Drynan, G, IL. Murdoch, NHA mort. gages arranged JOSEPH P, MANGAN, solicitor, Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa, Residence, RA 5.3405 MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan, Asso: ciate, Bruce V, Mackey, BA, Henry Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3.4607 Residence, dial RA 3.4020, DONALD BLAKE and Solicitor, 26% Telephone: Business dence, RA 8-5373, 5~--Nursing Services ROOM and board for elderly persons. Must be up patients, Kellar's Nursing Home, 131 Colborne East, RA 8-5423, i North soliel: King Street and private Soliel QO, barrister, Office 144 RA 8-022, DODES, Barrister King Street E RA 3.2201, Ri Residence RA 65-5542, | Soliel. _ | thers, t 8-5, Saturday 812, Craf oe Ree REGULATIONS v The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertiser ments submitted otherwise then in writing, nor for more then one Incorrect insertion of eny adver. tisement, nor b fl ice charged for a single Insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserve the right to classify advertising eccording to its own classification. In the cose of display advertises ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space thon that in which the aciual error occupies. The publishers end: to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability it any Inoccuracies in any form ¥ || of adver ore i} therein, WOMAN as assistant cook, with cook: A floor, ing experience. Must be Sependuble} Hants, washing facilities. RA 5644) he Ave E00 characte re : Beads woslion, No Tis ment work. Ap | oy BE at, "Sa gsr friendly atmosphere, abun. [ply Hotel Lancaster, Oshawa {Apply 54 Sinieoe Street North dant home cooked meals, Special rates for children, Thurstonia Park, P.Q., Duns- ford 25R24, Camp Allandale room basement apartment posses given you 25, onus Jus show in residentinl ares, close to bus, seps Country Vacation for boys 7 to 14 years { rate entrance and private bath, sub fonds. No canvassing. investment; floor, very dry. Laundry facilities, rea (Viashion Frocks, tad, 3425 Industria) |*onavte, Call BA 35770 E 1 Bivd., Dept, E2711, Montre al 99, {THREE - room, unfurnished apartment GIRL, to work in snack bar, steady Privale entrance and hath, and park Riding, swimming, ete, $25 weekly, Write for brochure, | BOX 1334-0 | | BOWMANVI.LE MArket 3-2924 3 5 5 ing, eentral, no children, days, 8 tll 5, Call RA 5-104 {Best 1. 127 Park Road South COTTAGES, camps, homes, nereage in beautiful Kawarths Lakes district, dl SHOR? order cook, Also waitress With | Guar R floor two unfurnished, one some experience, Apply in Wison bedroom, heated apartments, central, Davids Drive In Restaurant, BBY | orivate entrance and Dathrooms, J wirieg, TV outlet, 340 Albert BECRE TARY ASSISTANT for denta) |B-BI76 evenings ree Gna bookkeeping LAINIE | Ap AREMENT three + room, # ne An, pliant should have A ment, Heavy wiring, cupboards, miles northeast Toronto, For free list | ing folio, write Bowes and Cocks Lim: | ited, Realtors, Peterborough, Riverside | 242354 LAKESHORE three-bedroom cottage for rent on Lake Simcoe, all eonven ences, Phone Fairview 52017 Orillia per end like to meet! oo ie 'one child, 210 Chadburn Street 28a--Trailers Gg ond salary and other Lene to right party, A plizant [IN APARTMENT house, FOR RENT accomodates al least a Junior matrieula: [and three-room newly lent, Apply by type. |eontaind a; artments, stating qualifications, to furnished, three-piece awa Times |enelte, parking, 1.3262 0% GLENDALE 10 x traller, good eondition fraller Park Office, RA 3-3528 GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES We specialize In A-1 fertile ized field sod. Prompt de» liveries for Oshowe ond Dise trict, Field loading for trucks ers ond special rates for cone acts, RA 8-8111 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod cut fresh daily, prompt delivery, Special contractor rates, RA 5-8504 16--Insurance ALLWTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay, Yor feonel service at your home, call A 5.7413 17--Money To Loan WE WAVE clients' monies avaliable] for loans on first and second. mortgages | and also purchase of morignges and agreements of sale, Louis 8, Hyman, QC, 3 King Street East, Oshawa, RA IS HAY FEVER ASTHMA OR BRONCHITIS KEEPING YOU AWAKE AT NIGHT THEN CALL OSHAWA BEAUTY SUPPLY | RA 3-7011 We will put a Puritan mach. | ine your home Free of | Charge, You will sleep better in cool, clean, pollen free air, Try it and you will agree that you slept better Absolutely obligation to you 22--Radio Repairs [1v, makes lott Avenue TV TOWERS 40-ft, self supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized, No paint, Complete with new Wave. Master all-channel antenna, Total price, installed and guaranteed for year, $59.95, TV Enterprises 253 Drew St, RA 3.3553 Btreet CLIENT mon monies avaliable for first and second mortgages, Mortgages and ' reements of sale purchased. | F, Swartz, Barrister and No tary Public, 36% King East, Oshawa RA 34607, has pleas ant the piblic fit Avallat nould ha ton or its equiva written letier Box 7, Osh large two decorated self furnished or un bathroom, kiteh reasonable 1, at Bimeoe Bireet CLIENTR money to loan on first mort Kage, Mortgage and agreement of sale NHA mortgage arranged Fraser, Drynan and Mur |Gibh Street, Apt lentrance |TWREE voom uniurnished {heavy wiring, two + room (apartment, adults, 72 Cadillac |BTORE, central location, good size most any business, reasonable RA 82720, 142 Bimeoe South THREE « room apartment, wiring, eupbonrds in the kitchen, room, large hall, Apply Street, close to Shopping Centre phone RA 8-505 |BTORE for rent well established central, barber location, RA 34343 ate; i pom BIMCOE 8--Building Trades of Fagg and | pain, SHORTHAND TYPIST for general office tarial work, Must ienced Apply Aluminum Products Pickering WH 2-6980 oiler Phone" MA 37--Male Help Wanted BOY och, . FIRST and second morigage, sale in agreements purchased and sold, Hen nick yy Renniek, Taarristers, 31 King RA MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort. Loges; for first end second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for builders; first ond second mortgages and agreements for sole purchased Apply M, Swartz, 26V4 King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 3-4697 18--Loan Wanted FIRST MORTGAGE needed, $3000 on private home, worth $10,000, in nearby elty, Have good joh, will pay 12 per cent inter t Box 810, Oshawa Times, MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, Agree- ALL kinds kitchen ar furnished South and secre~ be exper National Co, Ltd, roo enncrete and 'block Work, mates. RA 546937, AL types ibang repairs, roofing, himne: side. walks, stoops, "RA , Gordon May. Al CARPENTRY kitchen cabinets, stairs, rec.-rooms, garages. No job too mall, Experienced workers, Plokering WH LL p= BULLDOZING and excavating, Dial 0 85612, Free estimates, Taylor Wro: 26 Hilleourt Drive, Whitby, QUIKBRIK (Under new management) THE PLASTERED BRICK MAKES OLD HOUSES BEAUTIFUL HOMES Let us show you how inex pensively your home can be mode more beautiful, No ob- ligation, Phone RA 5-8372 or RA 5.9591 for rent BY OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE LANDSCAPING Specializing in fall seeding and planting RA 3-3222 COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed, disced landscaping, woed cut, trees removed, RA 8-1798 never no 1 phone or repairs, All 197 KE radio, oar Thompson RA § radio Electronics, 9792 (Vred) 16, to work in snack bar, year around, Work hoard and room plus (wages, Apply Pavilion East Beach, | Bowmanville REAL ESTATE onee, good commission Realtor, 26 Prince Street, MO B8:5765 3' two-bedroom Apply Bubway Whithy Street South, two adults, RA 5-6662 room apartment, with one or two children, Apply 137 Rosehill Blvd MODERN electrically bedroom apartment, Whitby, MO 8.5229 LARGE furnished light room Business lady preferred High School and Hospital, please, Phone RA 3.9348 THRE room hath RA B-6070 UPPER duplex, one |¥ OUR couple contained or 29---~Summer Properties For Sale FOR SALE summer cottage, fur | px opy Ee NE OpPe v a A IRTUNITY, Open nished, Balsam Lake, 100 ft Inkefront Ings himmediately to sell famous Raw ons-hour drive, three bedrooms, 17 x 32] y p leigh Products. Alse some spare time ft, living room and kitchen combined, | fy Write Rawlelgh's Dept fireplace, poathouse, dock, sand beach, My 4005 oltak Montreal swimming and fishing excellent, Phone i Y WAITER for beverage room, clean eut, 9 to 6pm, RA 3.2268, |courteous man, with good character 30---Lost & Found Yelerences Apply Hotel lancaster, REWARD Lost Thursday, black BOY wanted for full time ore work wallet containing money, identification. | Anniv 272 King Street Ef Contents valuable to owner only Intham Groceteria or vieinity Hillcroft REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED Masson, RA 5.2070 have a much for farme,; as well as salesman wanted at W. MeAuley RA 32612 oF two equipped, )-8 PATIO STONE FLAG STONE STONE PLANTERS ROCKERY STONE Supply and lay OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RANE apartment, completely Clinic, flve rooms, sunpoarch, Aval Day or Night OSHAWA ELECTRONICS 31---Articles For Rent RENT your camping quirements from the rates for month of August NEW house for rent, East, oll heating, information, 76 Harris Avenue THREE - room apartment, sink We service equipment re needed Hilltop, Special RA 0.6601 mo) 1 6--Optometrists G, BH, TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street, Invalids ex. Dial RA 5.4587, amined at home F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr, of Oplom: eiry, the examination of eyes, rontaet lenses, 136 Simeoe North (at Colborne), evenings by appointment, RA 3.4181, 7----Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On. tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue: printing, 12 Bloor Street Ei RA 5.5632 DONALD H, TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Avenue East, RA 5.6881 G, T. HORTON and tario Land Surveyors, gineering, 306 Dundas Street Whitby, MO 8.5091, Ajax 728 _8--Building Trades ALL Phone Ld, ing, West, plumbing and heating "supplies. RA 53521, Harold R, 8 plumbing, heating and en| 255 Simcoe Street South GARAGES EXHIBITION SPECIAL 10% OFF COLONIAL HOMES 134 SIMCOE ST, S, RA B.4614 DODD & SOUTER PAINT--WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 By St. S., Whitby CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathrnom sup. plied and fixed, compiere with tour fittings Large color range 90¢c sq. ft, First class tradesman, Phone anytime RA 8.1177 W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563----MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT ST, Ww, PO BOX 3. PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED ron and city dwéil rs, We a representative in area, A car is essential and the man selected will have the opportunity to estab. lish himself in a business that pays well and hos repeat business coming In regularly, This is a full time position but we will start @ man on a part time 'earn gs vou learn' plan. Write at once for full information to Sales Manager, Box 817; London, Canada THE BOARD OF ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL ois TRUSTEES OF etc, trie el OSHAWA for the town require your OWEN BROTHERS TREE EXPERTS CO, LTD, We specialize in tree pruning, tree planting, tree removing, Cavity work, Phone RA 5.5287 OSHAWA 118 Opportunities Modern how hardware, v ty, restaurant, er and hairdr r, laundermat, second hand furniture, roles ional offices, For any other Loads of parking, Please con. 6902 or MO 85955 FIRNING and Hunting camps, lo lakeshore land for Festaurants, service tores, in booming Kawar! district, Write for free ploty follo, Bowes and Cocks Limited, Real. tors, Peterborough, Riverside 2.4334, ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residens tial and industrial city, subs urban and country, and Sum. mer cottages, cuphoards, heavy wiring, TV near South General Motors, ga Road ATORE or business office, paviking, good central location, 5:5380, Byenings, RA 84646 THREE ughirnished rooms, sink cupboards In\ kitchen, heavy duty wi Ing, heat, lights and water abstainers only, hone RA 6.130 RA 8-5286 FULLY GUARANTEED TV RADIO -- HI-Fl PARTS AND SERVICE T.V. RADIO SERVICE $10 Allowance for your old Picture Tube TOWERS 5 different from, All 16 gauge with a 2 Antennas [32--Articles Wanted WILL pay 82 to silver dollars, 1036, Phone RA 5:5227 $20 45, for Canadian '46, 47, '48, '55 WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) Summerland Securities Lim. ited, 112 Simcoe = Street North, Oshawa, Phone RA 5.3568 180--Mortgages FIRAT mortgage money wanted on six room brick house, in downtown Osh awa, Will pay good interest rates. (all or write Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst | Street, Toronto 19 oF hotie RA 31733 or evenings RU 7.938 sorts, develop. statiol a Lake list furnished apartment, 106 Simcoe Street YWCA, Free parking, SMALL house, one mile limits on highway, new!y sultable for reliable couple, 3.7424 THREE . room apartment, closa 10 $00 monthly, heat, rights and walter cluded, Available Sept, 1 #0401 FOUR + room, self { ment, heated, hot water range, newly decorate (location, suitable for couple |able rent, Immediate occupancy 1-9611 between § and 6, RA 51912 [1] AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Brick, Send, Crushed Stone, Road Gravel, Pit Run, VALLEY FARM RD, Phone Mobile Operator TEmple 9- 254 LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weed treated, field nursery, sod, top soil, gravel, send, fill, Complete service, Weed control, Free estimates, ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 PART TIME BUSINESS Person to operate a very pros fitable ball point pen distris bution in their spare time, No selling =~ No soliciting, Only 3 to 4 hours required weekly to service automatie dispensers located in hotels, stores, restaurants, etc, No experience necessary, $3,000 to $5,000 cash required for equipment and stock, Write in confidence to: Norwest Industries, 339 Maclaren St., Ottawa, Ontario types to choose heavy galvanized steel, Installed year warranty moved $10.00 Len & Lou's TV {RA 8.5804 or RA 5.7844 FREE SURVEY SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMPSON TV TOWERS 40.ft, tower SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Want car scrap bought day, Ph RA 5-2311 1 Pre WANTED ~ Tite to Nova Scotia phone RA 5.0112 HYPNOTHERAPY -- Relieves nervous tension permanently, You learn to re lax, sleep better, gain confidence, lose weight, stop smoking, This dynamio| therapy can help you with emotional | roblems, free you from had habits, | nitial consultations free, Institute of | Ethical Hypnosis, Ontario Street, Osh. | awa RA 80171, RIDERS nted, '60 Chevrolet, leave Monday te J riday, 7 am, for Toronto Phone RA 56160 wouLD anyone "knowing the where abouts of John Maga, please communi oate by phoning EM 3.0718 in Toronto FASRENGER would like ride (0 Soar Hiving at 8.13 am, Kindly call 7 | for wrecking, iron and metals Open Saturday 89 BLOOR E.| invite position CEDARDALE | SCRAP IRON METAL LTD, IRONS----METALS PAPER---RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 supplied, applications f TWO « room furnished apartment, self hd contained, one child welgpmod, Avail able now, 378 King West THREE room apartment bath, heated, lights, water, ly. WHitehall 2.5131, Ajax Secretary-Treasurer [TEE Business Administrator and $70 month For complete garden serv. ice and maintaining == sodding and fall planting, Call RA 8-6366 OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING 14--Housenhold Repairs Ls FURNITURK repaired and re-uphols. tered. See our materials for re-cover:|R! Ing. Rruce R, Dalton, 78 Charles Street, (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. for Toronto, RA 3.7312 starting August 15, Route; 401 Toronto CHESTERFIELDS and old ohairs dypats to Weston Road cut-off, MO covered like new. Get the best for les 4 at Modern Upholstering, 92614 Simcoe Street North, Call RA 8.6451 for a free estimate, CALL JOE, RA 0.6444 for carpentry, {#inling and handyman. Work guaran. d room furnished built-in cupboards in kitchen, cluded, availablg Immediately |205 Nassau Street [roun apartment, TV in Written marital applications stating tatus, qualifica references, salary and date available may be mailed to reach the undersigned not than OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS ! ! Incomes up to $1,000.00 per month King Kein Philco-Ben- dix equipped Launderettes are the most profitable in this = Canada's fastest growing bus» iness Available only through King on; ~=Three types of Heavy Duty Commercial Philco - Bendix Washers, (Double and single Lead Tumble Action and Largest Capacity Agit- ator washers.) ~=Newest and Largest Capace- ity Philco-Bendix Dryes ~=Lew Down Payments and Quantity Discounts -Most Complete Merchan. dising and Engineering Pro- oram If it's eccmmercial == It's Philee-Pendix Write, Wire or Phone for Complete Information KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, LTD age room duplex in College ave, $95 per month, RA 8.05 SMALL furnished apartment, entrance and bath, fully equipped to down town and hospital, lady {RA G.0120 |ONE + bedroom {electrically equipped | Phone RA 5.6308 NEARLY new, three : bedroom bunga low, close to bus, schools, $100 month ly, Avallahle immediately Twa ehil dren welcomed, Far appointment eall RA 8.6143 between § and 7 p.m FURNISHED two apartment, linen, {and comfortable, reasonable, immedi ate possession, parking, RA 88409, THRE room furnished apartment suitab for quiet couple, all conven lences, available September 1 A777 or 630 King Streot West TWO-bedroom upper apartment, pletely separate, central, tions, pected ex structure with single Radess AC 2.13 all channel head, $59.95 com. pletely installed and guarar.» teed | close only FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET September Sth year Hh J. B., Toppings 35--Employment Wanted 357 Simcoe St RA 8-8180 play OSHAWA TV housework, 361 GIBBONS ST, after § p.m NENIOR hookkes OUR SERVICE CALL INCLUDES ALL THOSE EXTRAS of managing office Whithy, Ajax, + Same day service + All tubes checked Sept. 1. MOhawk WILL mind small children, Picture tube cleaned it OAR leaving for Prince Edward Island, Friday, Can accommodate five later passengers, Good sober driver, Phone bably A 1960 basement apartment, MOTORING to California around Aug Wentworth Street Chairman ust ». yom for one passenger. Phone Oshawa 39--Agents Wanted 6 oo Ah '39 Pontiac leaves woman would like | Call RA 8.0116 German by the day CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS Sell Canada's Best of Personalized Cards, Over 50 to choose from. Special Business Cards, Write for your free album today. W, L. Smith & Associates, Ltd, Ajax, Ont AA of Oshawa Clinics ------ rea) i TOA, 41--Room & Board mediately, Protestant adults two | FURNISHED apartment, and bath, heat, lights, {water private entrance available immediately, young gentle | vod 971 Drew Street, FREE 2 WEEKS RENT | Boon and hoard for gentlemen Good Modern one-bedroom aparts 36--Female Help Wanted | meals, home privileges, One hinck irom ment, $85, 105 Craydon Rd, LADY wanted for sales estimating, | North GM. Phone RA 3.3029 call MO 8-4770 typing and general office work, Good [ROOM or room and board for one - typing and ability with figures needed, two girls, very central. Phone RA 4.9690 Phone Wiitehall 26300, Ajax BOARD and room, gentleman prefer ARPLICATIONS FOR LOW RENTAL APARTMENTS WOMAN between 20-38 with experi: ved, one room, two friends to shave, HALLIDAY MANOR once in general office routine, includ: [twin beds, close to downtown, RA 620 RICHMOND ST, EAST room hasement RYGIENIO w supplies (rubber goods) dishes, sink, mailed post paid in plain sealed en velopes with price list, Six samples, 23 cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order Dept, A-11, Nov-Rubber Co, Box 91, Hamilton, Ontario WAGARS Driving School -- Govern ment licence, fully insured, dual con -- (trols, Call evenings, RA ~ 8:8020 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, Aug. 30th and 31st, oa built and repaired, gas linings Phone Genosha Hotel - on led, tines ov cuumed, Free| these dates for appointment, A AINTING DECORATING 20--Cartage tradesman interior or exterior, Rosa: -- PARCEL picked up or delivered, mov tone ot fuaranteed, Free estimates |, 0" Tt Val Jobs done by man with RA Li. own pick-up truck, Phone RA 5.8969. and hei healing mi pipes, fil: fixtures, new and used, ohang:| 21.Personal Service position in Available BARS after 6 pom Selection Greeting i years on, cards neighho) Phone RA| during day, in my own home hood of Rosslynn Plaga, 86742 | CARPENTIER = highly killed with power tools, any job, lar or small hourly or plece work, Free estimates Plekering WH 2.6143 GENTLEMAN with own coment mixer ROOM would like work, free estimate. Phone gis RA 5.7064 triet DEPENDABLE woman will mind ohil [gooM and hoard for dren for working moinor and do Hght man, day worker areferved housework. Phone RA 8.2725 [Pe ark Road North or phone RA PAINTING and decorating. Free est mates, work guaranteed. RA 37742 CHEATERFIE LDS rebuilt, like new y Pay more? are reasonable, Satisfaction id, Mattresses rebuilt, Osha yO Bond Street W com allable im RA 5.0846 three continuous hot IV outlet, couple prefer Our and hoard, suitable for new home, Whitby Highschool dis Phone MO 8.8573 . ANTE STS + Tuner cleaned, and paper hang be and SXiorern Jd plastering, Free needed tes. RA Complete set-up 3 months guarantee DO IT NOW Beautify Your Home Improve Picture Quality LT cleaner, Chim. 20 College Street Taronte, Ontario Telephone: WA 5.451% 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING and alterations, 8-8083 ing typing, banking and bookkeeping | 8.3563 HAVE A TOWER TE pT Call us for a free estimate, |iving full parlieulars to Box 230, Osh: | Rt [awa PO. All replies held in striot meals T.R.I1.0. EARN TELEVISION | EXTRA MONEY RA 8.6781 Agents, Clubs, ete. Sell BOND ST, EAST Canada's finest Xmas cards, aA Novelties, ete. Over 250 43--Women's Column SPECIAL! Heat i items includnig Deluxe, Religious, Velvet, Chrome, Cold wave $6.00 396 Pine Avenue and board for four boys with conveniences, home oooked 21 Gladstone Avenue, RA 8.0203 ROOM and hoard for ladies or gentle | men, single and double rooms, close to [downtown RA 8.3643 [ROOM and hoard for |home * conked meals, German home, Apply South XT] tings, k to sewer a a - | al reasonable r LAWN mower and outboard motor re stimates free on any pair and sharpening service, Rossland Dial RA 3401, ¥ | inarts Contre, 62 Rostland Road West, RA 37462 or RA & 1, RA [fan two gentlemen, in clean, quiet 81 Park Road ANY xing of Harden work by expert reasanabie rates _RA 8150 CALL GRANT FOR SOD FINEST QUALITY REASONABLE RATES MO 8.3015 FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd, RA Cleanout Service $7 labor plus parts | 18--Loon Wanted TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER---RA 5.3887 7 18--Loan Wanted MORTCAGE MONEY AVAILABLE FOR REGISTERED Chesapeake Bay Re: Ist and 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS [Piace: Roads Trenton, out, T Carrving| LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS AE I Toto hunting . 26--Farmer's Column ALLIED INVESTMENTS CO. FOR SALE Five tons mixed gram 51 KING ST. E, RA 3.3993 sitting room and board, in home, {with garage and phone, on Simeoe | Street at Highway 401, close to Duplate |and Pedlars, Apply 66 Third Street. RA | [85453 | ab RA 171 permanents, $850 Evervday and Personal cards, Page Hairdressing, RA A Sai6 25--Pets & Livestock FOR SALE high, well offer accepted NOARDING, timming ing. Waubena Kennels BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready training, talking strain Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street Rast are invited from married couples with incomes not ex- ceeding $1,800.00 per ons | num, Full particulars ean be se cured at WELFARE DEPART. MENT, CITY HALL Modern Bachelor Apartment Newly decorated, large kitchen, 3 piece bath option to buy furniture available immediately Apply suite 1, Lansdowne Shopping Centre, North | ROOM and breakfast for two men, Wraps, Ribbons, Toys, Books, [stainers, five minutes te downtown Dolls and Jewelry, Many {2 laa Gift items, Prompt Service, [NEAR For colored catalogue and coteh . hame, good . le 4 al [Packed single bed amples on approval, write ls ntinuous hot water V. Jeandron Greeting [R South Card Co, 1253 King St, E, Hamilton, Gnt URGENTLY REQUIRED HOUSEKEEPER We desperately require lady to live in and take care year old boy and 2 vear old girl. This is therle requires a person who likes children and will take terest in the home, Go ranged GM and downtown, meals, lunches five day week,| parking, 88 Park South 16 hands | reasonable | 11039 | defen. | = saddle horse, manne Any Phone OL Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, We still have a good selection of plant boxes, Evergreens, shade trees and potted roses, ete, | VAN BELLE GARDENS 2 Miles Eost of Oshawa MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE |36--Female Help Wanted athing, RA S631 for Mrs strain 10 ond ins ars of a ss home am es Q sincere d salary and ample time off will be DEAD {a Phone collect m.glock picked up promptly Hampton, CO OLiver 5-3311 RA Phone RA S409 Member Ontario Mortgage Bre ciation | (OPEN EVENINGS) §5¢ Inavawilt. Fup Fara: Brena Call Mr, Wilson at 6588 Simcoe room, seif-coplain | Sept quiet | 52978 Write Lp ER fia double "garage! private, couple | available FURNISHED heavy TWO apartment, | heavy duty | bath: | 164 Grenfell | third floor, fur-| nished apartment, vacant August 1, for| suitable for | | self 111 Craydon Road, | housekeeping Near Abstainers, private | Apply 538 Albert Street or phone separate, 52 Charles, central, south of Oshawa able now, Prostesint and adults, RA 5-0R46 ABB Bloor Street | hot water tank, For | and | outlet, 1268 Mala, heated, | RA and inc bide d, MARRIED couple op two girls, om erences, Apply ith, opposite | of oily | orate d, RA Phone KA contained apr (AEE lee: downtown four-piece TWO Apily Hill CLEAN, private clean RA 'havles, | pwao YOOINS | FO VELY | | {ROOM in private | ots |r ____|36--Female Help Wonted |42--Room & Board Waonted | 44---Houses, Apts, Floats For Rent furnished room, business lady high school and hospital, please, Phone 34348 THREE rooms ard bath, private trance 223 Albert Street, avail + Apply 504 French Street, Ee light "how preferved ear Abstainers, LARGE three unfurnished rooms sink, cupboprds, Bept and hath Street LARGE wo bedroom round floor, stove, refrigeesior, watage, College Hil district, $95 ly. BA 34471 REE room, ment, ground (oor, pirvate ent gas vange, Buby welcome APP 7 Simeone Street South, RA 32815 Bpariment, with unfurnished apart bath, [FREE Yedroom five. room bungalow, private entrance, heat and bor rent in Ajax, $95 per month, 31 Tule lock Drive, |Yoionto. THREE unfurnished rooms, semi-prie vale entrance, private bath, poh parking space, Available immediately, Heat, Nights, water included, Reasons able rent RA 5-1607 MODERN, four - room; upstairs apart | ment, with stove, all facilities, close to schools and bus, reasonable, Apply 228 Elina Avenue (formerly First Avenue), hed sitting room. full | eaoking facilities, Close to hospital and Girl preferred, Phone WA Bept, 1, Phone HO 32429, downtown B-6507 unfurnished rooms, sink, hoards, heavy duly wiring, private entrance, parking, suit one or 'wo pers ms. Phone RA 3.2332 large ol A sult BOOM and kitchen, furnished, Suitable 20 for FURNISHED basement Tau ton Road East or two gentlemen, ine Jude: i heating, hydro Telephone RA #17, apartment, on Prefer young $65 monthly, CO 32192 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Four blocks north of King Street at Lansdowne Drive, | large living end dining room, stove and fridge, sound-proof building, Immediate possess | GOWER--REALTOR RA B-4651 OFFICE SPACE WITH PARKING LOT, 2-4-6-ROOM UNITS, | CENTRAL LOCATION, Phone: DICK BRADLEY |__RA 8 +1296 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, | New building. Centrally los one gentleman Apply 23| cated In downtown grea, Moderate available, THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T, L, WILSO! Phone RA 3- 3474 rent, Leases now hot water, 9 Court _ Rooms For Rent furni A He JOG, with home bh) J 24 walk from | GA mit 8 RA 3300 FULLY equippec room, suit one ry or apply 68 Nassau Sront, partly furnished housekeeping rooms, couple preferred, Apply 48 Drew Street ATTRACTIVE bed » sitting room and Kitehen, completely furnished, close to ws and hospital, suit one or two, girls only. RA 3.450) furnished room, parking Space, ihstainers only, 106 Elgin Bast, RA 2046 ATTRACTIVE able in North, LARGE front bedroom, houseleoping room, ground floor, use of telephone, parking, RA 3.4130, ONE, lavge, furnished, housekeeping room, with refrigerator, for one or twe Hontlemen, Apply 313 French Street, BEDROOM, suitable for lady teacher or nurse, May use sitting room and Kitchen, part hoard if desired, Phone 19676 ovenings avail: Roa furnished rooms, private home, #23 Park 37 pom. RA 88671 furnished, also Room furnished Gentleman only, Phone ONE furnished room men ta share, RA 8.30 THREE . rooms for rent, ng, sink, cupboards, no children, 850 Drew Street after 8 p.m furnished Hght housekeeping convenient, in Conslan home, rs only, Phone RA & furnished room, suit i man, private home. Apply 444 Fernhill Rlovd., or phone RA 37070 SINGLE rooms, newly furnished, cleans central, RA 80852 or 74 Oshawa Blvd, | South {i URNISHED room, girls, use of ol 84.50 A for 39 per week, 1-2053 ! Apply rooms, ain for two telephone, electrically foquipped, Kitchen if housekeeping des sired, Opposite Lovell School plays ft sround, Apply 87 John Street INICE clean, furnished room for gentle man at 89. Oshawa Blvd, South, Phone {RA 8-026 [ONE furnished room and Kitchen, suits able for two yg only 227 Albert Street, Phone RA 3 APARTMENT -- four rooms, heats heavy duty, private entrance and bath, ITV antenna and parking," Phone RA | 8:3723 suitable home, very central, spring mattress, suit gentleman, 108 Elgin Ea {TWO room furnished apartment, To. frigevator, washroom, private ems |irance, parking, very central, alse sins ile room, Reasonable, Apply 98 Centre Street THREE bath and unfurnished entrance, Ait couple rooms . private heavy w iring, HO Gibb Street, APARTMENT Larg ment kiteh ot e two-bedroom Apart. r riment building; n equipped Simcoe eet North, $100 monthly, RA 5-3302 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS xm Apartments equipped $100 rN elecs locas 498 15 best Apply th, Apt two gentle light houses he ed rooms with pris privis th