THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, August 18, 1960 7 a 11 7) LL dl 7 ® Without any exaggeration, here Is @ bedroom suite representing genuing value, ® Huge, 6-drower double dresser, 43" x 16" x 31%", bevelled edge mire ror, 37" x 26", \ W\ ® Spacious, 4-drawer chest, 26" x 16" x41", # Bookcase bed with 2 sliding panels, ' # Shiny curved handles for added beauty, LOOKING EAST ALONG CAUSEWAY TO THE ISLAND Port Perry Causeway Million Dollar Job By JOHN MILLS |has set aside considerable funds|was in 1832 that, in order to pro- PORT PERRY (Staff)--A con- to renovate these roads and keep| vide a mill for the pioneers to tract has been awarded to Pea- them in good condition while the grind their grain, the government | cock and McQuigge Ltd., of To-|causeway work is in progress. |granted William H, Purdy 400 ronto to rebuild the causeways Public meetings have been | acres of land; to erect mills and linking Port Perry with Scugog| held in Port Perry and the local provide power the Scugog river Island. The amount of the con- public is aware of the magnitude was dammed at Lindsay and the tract is more than $1 million lof the project and know that in| water level raised four feet. The Work on the project will begin the end they will have a good road result was that the south of the| on Monday, Aug. 22, and will for many years to come. {lake was flooded over a much take more than a year to com- The actual work of reconstruc- larger area. plete, [tion involves a great deal of plan-| The township of Scugog was in- The total project is about seven | ning and engineering know-how, |corporated in 1856 and the first miles long, and besides rebuild-| Beneath the lakebed lies at|action of the new council was to} ing and raising the causeways least 15 feet of muck The depth|appropri: .e $125 for the construc-| entails straightening and rebuild-|is variable, This will be exca-/tion of a new bridge. The prob- ing the curving road on the is-| vated on the west side of the/lem of the 'bridge' became a| land between the two causeways. causeway and dumped on the hardy annual for many years. | The road work will eliminate the|east side, using the existing road-| The earliest bridge was a float-| sharp turns and winding curves way as a working base and it|ing structure which cost a great which are now a traffic hazard, will eventually become the south|deal to maintain, and efforts Excessive flooding this past|shoulder of the new road, were made to construct it so that| spring, when islanders were fore- The excavation will be filled|it would not be badly damaged | ed to use boats to get to and from and the top will be four {feet|by spring ice, but it was not | the mainland, and the danger of higher than the present roadbed. until 1880 that county council fi-| recurrence next year has caused The old bridge will be replaced nally made arrangements for a the department of highways to by a battery of culverts, six feet| more permanent structure which step up the rebuilding program by in diameter, which will provide a eventually resulted in the present several months, {better flow, according to the en-| causeway { | gineers, | Filling the roadbed presented | LONG DETOUR | The work on the west cause- many problems. It is said trees, That the work will cause incon-|way, the contractor says, will brush, straw and later even car| venience to island dwellers is take two months, Observers be- bodies were added to the conglom-| without qiestion, The west cause-|ljeve this time estimate to be op- eration of materials buried into way will be the first part of the|timistic, the muck to stabilize it so that it| project and its closing will re-| Pavement will be added when would carry the weight of the quire islanders to detour to the|the roadbed is stabilized and con-| road east to the Blackstock road and|golidated, | Present day equipment and en south around the Shirley road to| History shows that providing a| gineering knowledge will provide get to Port Perry, |roadway to he island of Scugog|a much better road, but the cost The department of highways has always been a problem, It of more than a million is a far beeen a DE acm, | GT {PONT the original $125 pro- vided for the first bridge. Debenture Approval Awaited | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Clare Allen, chairman of the Durham District High School Board's building committee, Wed- | nesday night told the board no| further progress can be made on the proposed 500-pupil school at| Courtice until final debenture ap-| proval Is given by the Ontario dr Municipal Board, I 3-Pee, Be Trustee Allen said this ap-| Continen proval is expected within the) The| 67, phys. 71, chem, 60, Fr, auth.|next couple of weeks and the r., comp. 60, United Counties Council is hold-| District High school are Gordon| Gordon G. Stewart--Eng. comp.|ing a one-day session Sept. 2 to G. Stewart, Eva Hazek and|55, Eng, lit. 58, alg, 86, geo. 79, give the byla 7 approving the sale Marion Kime, trig. 86, phys. 80, chem, 77, Lat.|of debentures its third reading, | The students' marks in each|auth, 77, Lat, comp. 71. The committee chairman said| subject are as follows: Gordon Tulloch--alg. 52. he felt the board could give East-| Gordon Allman -- Hist. 67,( John Webster-- alg. 65, geo. 67, wood Construction Ltd. the go-| chem. 51, Lat. auth, 60, Lat. |trig. 60, phys. 60, chem. 71, Lat. ahead to start building on the| comp, 61 auth. 72, Lat, comp, 62, | Courtice site as soon as the OMB| Frank Bell -- Eng. comp. 64,| Carol White--Eng. comp. 52, has given its approval, alg, 79, geo, 55, trig. 56, zool. 52,| Eng. lit. 50, alg. 59, geo. 55, bot.| He pointed out the Eastwood | phys. 58, chem. 63, Fr. auth. 62,|76, zool, 66, chem. 50. bid was firm until Sept. 6 and the Elite 2-P Fr, comp. 51. Georgina White--Eng. comp.|contractor wants to begin by that Serta | e - ce. Roger Carlton--FEng. comp. 70,/52, Eng, lit. 58, geo. 61, trig. 50, time, . Eng. lit. 64, alg. 55, geo. 57, phys. bot, 64, phys. 69, Fr. auth. 59, Trustee Alan H. Strike said the Continental Bed . i 3-Pce, Bedroom ond Continentol Set Both for 179.95 $2 WEEKLY ® Lustrous, mirror-like mocha finish, MATTRESS and BOX-SPRIL.G Spring-filled mattress ond matching box- spring ensemble given away with purchase of either of these budget-priced bedroom suites VALUED AT my paw A '3.pce bedroom set Expertly conceived by nationally famous craftsmen, Large-sized, 6-drawer double dresser with bevelled edge mirror 28" x 38" Matching 4-drawer chest gives more than ample storage space, Modern, practical bookcase bed with 2 sliding panels Fully dove-tailed, centre-guided drawers for easy, smooth gliding, Satiny, glass-smooth Swedish walnut finish, | MARION KIME, G, STEWART, EVA HAZEK Grade 13 Results Pickering School PICKERING three top students at Pickering|67, oom and tal Set (Staff) Serta All-Star Smooth Top Maliress ® Contains 253-coil spring unit, 3 fulffy comfortable blankets FREE with purchase of the Serta All-Star 50, chem. 50, Fr. auth. 66, Fr.|/Fr. comp. 56. board should notify the con: spring-filled mattre: comp. 53 Private study student, Brian tractors when the OMB has given $3. coil i Patricia Clark--Eag. comp, 59,| MacKenzie--Eng, comp. 53, 253-coil spring unit In mattress Cloth handles for easy trning. ® Smooth top with cord piping on its approval, but should state if edges, Eng. lit. 60, zool. 55, Lat. auth, 53,| the contractor wants to begin be- Lat. comp. 62, Fr. auth, 60, Fr. comp, 50 Ian Edmiston--Eng. comp. 64, Eng. lit, 56, alg, 65, geo. 68, trig. 38, phys. 71, chem. 61, Fr, auth, 58, Fr. comp. 50. Robert Fawcett--alg, 75, geo. 59, trig. 66, zool. 50, phys. 58 Bonnie Fortier--Eng geo. 50, trig. 56, auth. 61, Fr, comp, 55. Stanley Frost--geo, 50, chem 53, Fr. auth. 52, Fr. comp. 51 Richard Hannah--Eng. comp. 55, Eng. lit. 50, hist. 65, alg chem. 57, Lat. auth. 54, Lat, comp. 72, Fr. auth, 59, Fr. comp. Michael Hart--Eng. comp. 63, zool, 67, Fr. auth. 52, Eva Hazek--Eng. comp. 60, Eng. lit. 63 hist, 88, zool. 84, chem. 75, Lat. auth. 76, Lat comp. 75, Fr. auth, 68, Fr. comp. 72. Philip Irwia--phys. 62, chem comp. 61 | zool, 78, Fr fore Counties Council has read the bylaw approving the deben-| ture issue for the third time, that will be his (Eastwood's) respon- sibility, Trustee Strike said "just in case anything goes wrong, and the board has told the contrac- tors to go ahead it could end up in a near revolution with the] Counties Council, I think we should notify the contractors when we have the municipal board's approval and inform them we are now waiting for the Counties Council to read the by- law for a third time. That would be their gamble if they start and not ours then," Trustee Strike said, Trustees ' 'uce Tink and Carlos Tamblyn agreed September 1961 resi-| is fast rolling around and "every They felt work | RAJAX RESULTS NOT RELEASED | | AJAX (Staff) -- Grade 13 | .examination results of Ajax students will not be avail able for publication for sev- eral days. School authorities are with- holding release of the results to the press. Many Observe Echo's Flight AJAX (Staff) -- Many : " dents of the town were out last minute counts A Marconi table radio with a pow r= . ful, 4-tube performance, given FR 8 . with purchase of this Serta Elite 2 . pee. Continental Set . Ventilators for constant freshness, Heavy quality print ticking, smooth top, Matching box-spring supported by 6 dur- able wooden legs, in smart finish, Continental Bed and Marconi Radio Both for VALUED AT 0.95 $1 WEEKLY evening to watch the passage of the new balloon satellite Echo 1 should begin as soon as the OMB has approved the debenture issue. across the skies. | Trustee Tamblyn argued he Carole Jakeman--geo, 64, trig 50, chem. 62, Fr, auth. 74, Fr comp. 63. Mary Lois Johnston -- Eng comp. 61, Eng. lit. 63 bot. 73, zool, 72, Lat, auth, 68, Lat. comp 61, Fr. auth. 62, Fr. comp. 50 Eva Marion Kime--Eng. comp 66, Eng, lit. 60, hist. 87, bot. 87 zool. 85, chem. 73, Fr. auth, 70, Fr. comp. 61 Peter Laycock--Eng. lit. 52, alg. 61, geo. 65, tri. 50, phys. 59, chem. 64, Lat. auth. 61. George Malcom--Eng. comp. 57. Eng. lit. 56, alg. 50, geo. 50, trig. 60, Fr. auth. 59, Fr 50. Howard Malcom--alg. 60, trig 51, phys. 50, Fr. auth, 66, Fr comp. 51 Diane Palm--Eng. comp. 36, hist. 61, bot. 54, zool. 57. Angela Shilton--Eng. comp. 63, Eag. lit. 72, alg. 70, geo. 69 phys. 61, chem. 59, Fr. auth, 74, Fr. comp, 63. George Shula--Eng. comp. 66, Eng. lit. 50, alg. 77, geo. 81, trig. comp. | . . Id see nothing wrong with] The past two evenings have o'¢ ' y | been ideal for those who want Mags ign gli Se the Sallocn, x aprears ys 4! meeting just to read the bylaw. Tk oh BSH RE try i. (hcre url to Eu his bylaw for the thi ime, 1} fast, but if one looks away for al can see no reason why they would few minutes and then takes an-|want to hold it up tow. If they other look it can be seen that iti were going to object surely they has moved a considerable dis-|would have done it duting the tance. {first two readings," Trustee Echo 1 will again be visible to-| Tamblyn argued. [night. First appearance will be| The Board voted to notify the| |about 9 p,m. as the satellite rises| contractors when the OMB has lin the south and moves through|#iven its approval and inform | {the south east part of the sky. them they are awaiting Counties It will appear again at about| Council s faa) approval {11.05 p.m. moving directly over oard chairmax Reg Fallis head. At 1.10 p.m. it will be "on Teporied that work on the 130 again moving from west to east | Pupil school at Millbrook is pro- high in the northern sky | gressing well. He said the plumb- The satellite will be visible for| ing is all in under the floor level E wad x and the walls are going up. | about 15 minutes, Viewers should start watching about 10 minutes | Walter B. Reynolds, board sec: 3 | retary - chairman said the con- before the times given as they tractors are about a week to 10! indicate the centre of its passage. | days behind with the work, other {It is estimated the balloon is 1000 wise they are progressing well | {miles up. with the Millbrook School, ADAMS SERVING YOU SINCE 1881 L e Ventilators for year round freshness, eo Handles for easy manipulation, o First-quality ticking to with-stand hard wear, Serta All-Star Mattress and 3 Blankets for only 0.95 60c WEEKLY ONTARIO DIVISION OF GREAT UNIVERSAL STORES OF CANADA, LIMITED 40 KING STREET, WEST, RA 5-6536 WHITBY, 103 BYRON ST, S. MO 8-2033 weekly or monthly Store Hours . . « Open Tomorrow Night Until 9 .t