(BURIAL RITES HELD Port Perry | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thorsdey, Augest 18, 1960 3 | Hundreds Pav Tribute Organist | WOOLWORTH'S | Late Sir Albert Love |Wins Medal | For Back-to-School Values! | It has Just been announced by | Solemn Requiem High Massiof Calgery, who is a brother of | 1agher, Laura Carding, Rose De- the Royal Conservatory of was celebrated Wednesday morn- Mrs, Albert Love, The deacons [ong Irene Rocheleay, Mr and Musie of Toronto, that Marie | {ing in the Church of St, Gregory were Very Rev. Deas Paul Mrs, L. RB, Skelton, Mrs, E, J Taylor, ARCT, RMT, of Port |The Great for Sir Albert Love, Dwyer, pastor 'of St. Gregory's or. pl 8 4 Pirry, hes received the highest business administrator of The Church, and Rev, J, H, Lawless, McCaffrey, Mr, and Mrs, Bai... in the Province of Ontario, | Oshawa Separate School Board, of Hamilton, whe is a cousin of | Goodfellow, Bert Heemskerk, Mr. in her pipe organ examination, who died suddenly in Buffalo last) Mrs, Love's and Mrs. Phil Conlin, Mr, and tried in June of this year, at Sim- [] Jud | Sunday Bt. Gregory's Senior Choir. | sree Hugh Crosby, Charles Me-|coe Bireet United Church, Osh- ncludes Interment followed in Bt, Greg-| under the direction of Mrs, Wil." 7 Be y , Stale og awa, She will be awarded the Sil- ory's Cemetery, | 1am Kinsman, sang the Mass and Guire, Stanley Kolesnik, John Sh I from the Conservatory | 1 huge scribbler (cello each) The Mass in $i, Gregory's, | ack Driscoll was organist Plews, Mrs, P McGarry, Mrs ver Medal from the Conservaiory C, J, Roesch, » Ww. Dionne. next fall 1 regular scribbler ~~ 8 Memo pads where Sir Albert was a parish-| Pallbearers were Phil Conlin, (vr 4 HOCSER FHC d Mrs | In February, 1955, Marie re-] 8 small ho pods 1 Ruler foner since his arrival in Oshawa! Joseph Cooper, Prank Meagher, Mrs. A. Lesley, Mr. and Me | io i the highest standing for in 1920, was attended by the Thomas Driscoll, Bruce Hall and| George C. Barrclt, Ws G, Wond-|ceived the highest standing (cello each 1 eraser sll Mrs, D, MeMurtry, Mrs, Grade 10 piano, in this district 2P il 1P i largest crowd ever to attend &| Joseph Riordan all, J " Fey, of bid i ; 4 encils encil she + |funersl service at that church.| More thea 300 members of Bt James Neill, Vera Beasley, Mrs. [and in 1950, received the Gold penser 4 | Almost every cross section of Gregory's Council of the Knights R, Courtney, Loretta and Roberta Medal for highest marks in ARCT € comnm - ¥ > , hi 5 Gates, Mrs, 8, A, Gates, Mr, and piano, in the Oshawa district of leity and district' community life of Columbus attended a prayer| 96%: 5 a Trg ( , " 5.95 # ! lwas represented, in addition to| service for Mr, Love in the Arm Mrs, J. Cooper, Wr od nis. % the Ontario Registered Music CE £ "* lscores of distinguished visitors strong Funeral Home Tuesdgy McRae, Mr, and Mrs 4 on Slark, Teachers' Association, RAIN COMING : from distant points, od al |night, The Knights of Columbus dane pyle, Wi am iis Marie is an organ student ol § The crowd reflected Sir also formed _a solid guard of | 2% p Ee aa wi LES IR, G, Geen of Oshawa, and in TORONTO -- The westher of- | and QuQebee in the last two day| scattered showers and thunder. {bert's wide interest in municipali honor to and from the church af Florenge Love, Jeena Ridumes: addition to her studies, and teach- VENUS AUTOMATIC fice pid the hot Nl d alr will be replac ed by cooler alr ¢ ye gis expected late to- |e well a Separate School af the funeral Fo 3 a Ww . Mark Turner ing duties, is Organist and Pitas. L i aig . hid . : airs, and prominent am Ise 5 ndrews, fl bd Viele i which has moved into Ontario | coming from the west bringing | day and Friday, nly ang prof were the Hon.| AT FUNERAL HOME fr, and Mrs, J, McArthur, Mr i 3 ie at Westmount Unit-| P 1 op Wirephoto) Michael Starr, Federal minister| Among those who called at theland M Forbes MeLaughlin, ; . 5 is 8 o. May al chapel Tuesday evening! Cameron Stewart, Kathlee Hee- WEATHER FORECAST 1 oman, itera: Rev, He Mayor Jed Welle re oe "Bob Sam RE Wiener Roast | Guaranteed to write 365 do 2 | Mann : > i 2 r K, G, O'Malley Rev. John Myers; Rev. J, E.| Clancy, Bill ftafford, Albert Lip- Bailes, Mrs, ¥ 3 Ys 87 R tu Lior Rev. F Skumacy; Rey, |tay, James Scott, Rev, Francis Mrs, W, K. Rogers, Mrs, Mary| e m y A arding ] @ Fred Ditt-| 2 W |¥, Kwintkowski, Rev, Leonard Skimose, Dr, A. W. Harding, | Kolodze, C P, Kent, Fre | Onl 1. 0 "Malle Rev, P, Coffey, Sister Mary Car-| mar, Mr and Mrs, Jack Driscoll, F Sunn \ Q Tm At Cowan Park Malley mel, Bister M, 8t. Dorothy, Sister Mr, and Mrs, J, Cole Nick Bul rom verseas | ' One of the special events to PRONOUNCE ABSOLUTION M, Thomas Aquinas CSJ, Rev, kowski, 8, Polite, Stanley Saban of His Excellency Bishop ¥, V. John Myers (Bt. Gertrude's),|ski, Mr and Mrs, Pat Clancy close the summer program ! ve | Too district people -- 87 in all -- re a | supervis y p Allen, of Toronto, pronounced ab- Mr, and Mrs, Ken Wagg, Mr, |W Vandermeer, Don Howe, Jor Rs n "i p * Ds 06 a ¢ Yised by the wall solution and Wirs Stan Phill Mr, and|Szikires, Simon Murray, , [turned Wednesday from ] mont NEW FALL STRIPE DESIGN LADIES A | roast and concer at Cowan Park| The celebrant at the Mass was Mrs, 8, Drake Miss P, Gallagher, Odette, Mr, and Mrs, E, Kotyn long ap 7 oo ac oes) recently Very Rev, F, D, Lawless, C88R, Marion Coulter, Doreen Gal-lsk Members of the Od Country SHA GY ORL N CARDIGANS A large group of Oshawa and Club and their families, they had| all visited friends and relatives in| ' Fogland, Ireland, Scotland and S-M-L Wales, | TORONTO (CP)-Official fore-|warmer and more humid, South Over B5 boys and girls, parents east led at 5 am erly 15-25 and interested spectators witness Synops Temperatures we Timmins-Kapuskasing regions: ed the talent program of the generally in the Hs Vednesda sunny with a few cloudy period g which neluded geecordion m or ance (®) night across Ontario except oda and Frida A few playing George and Leslie 1zer the northwest where the t the scattered showers and thunde ya tricks by Ted Dulny and Rex f The group left Oshawa by) coach on JuJly 19, and departed s ac 60% howers this afternoon and again 1 of the children were . for the UK, via BOAC later that A large high press over Friday, Warmer and more hu n Indian costumes, and hd od day, Once in Britain, they went) eastern Caxada 1s ng mid, Winds souther! 15-25 he vere ornamented with war paint Vv Ir1seas 1SS101S Heit rh separale VATS The trip Pullovers to match 5.98 erally clear skies xcept for coming westerly 15 western Sec: mpe costumes were made hy the return trip on Aug, 17, The trip| early morning fog patches, tions Friday children-in eraft shop sessions \was arranged through the How Warmer and more-humid air is Forecast Temperatures during the daylight play periods,| - WHITBY Mrs, Hugh D : overseas; Mrs, Ralph Collins, the ard Travel Bureau In Ajax, NEW FALL SHADES In ading the Great Lakes re r Low tonight High Thursday A sing song. around the camp-! Taylor, executive secretary for wife of a missionary working on| mpne old Country Club is open oday bu ome it noler i Windsor 0) M H " fire. added to the enjoyment of the Overseas Mission of the the Overseas Mission Board injy, anyone who comes from, or is y will move into the extrems St. Thomas hi evenin Dominion Board for the United X Angola, was able to tell of some interested in, the countries of LADIES COTTON BLOUSES we dos n FP ons OMpPAnR | Londo 4 I ose of the evening's Church of Canada, presented the of the inconveniences of two Mis- ine British Isles, It was organ scattered showers ang Kitchener ' ! Y e children were treat- theme "Into All the World To 3 sion Boards operating in the same Ath A yrogram. the cl F ieme Aras f 4 8 ized in 1058, Activities of the i te to hot dogs, marshmallows gether," The talk was preseniv' . church, Mrs B H Soper, presi-|oiuh include socials snd dances, | Regular 1.29, Sizes 32 to 38 nd Freshie to the Women's Missionary Soci- $k 3 dent of the Conference Branch, showers Wingham Regional forecasts i Toronto midnight Frida Trenton } i sports, whist drives, and general ; fa ety School for Leaders currently 3 depicted the work of the local Spor activities 8 | Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake| Bl Gatharines 4 : being held at the Whitby Ladies' suid church and Rev, Catherine Mc | C ac Ontario Niagarn, Haliburton re. Hamilton ; CITY AND kil J > 3 a y fs The group travelled under the | College 3 Keen, moderator of the panel, in gions, Windsor, London, Hami Feterborous i y ) | Only along the lines of fellow. 9 her summation suggested how leadership of Len Riley and| fon, Toronto: Main fe 1skoka ainl d d ship and obedience can we make : some of these problems would be Sandy" McGillivray, Among day and Frida Ié w Killal : Bi DISTRICT a true witness, When we commit B88 gi. met and overcome (those making the trip were the BE READY FOR COLD WEATHER and more humid, ¥ tht, be-| Kariton ee ) 8» ourselves to the obedience of ES hy : Mrs. KC. 1 ' ! Bow. [oHowing Mr, and Mrs, Len| soming southe: 20 toda Sd bur ' , "God's will and carry out that " 5 i. Ho Hopkins Py Bow: Riley, 742 Lakeview avenue, Osh- | i ba Cirkland Lake North Ba 4 4 Addr 88 of Joan He Ki at obedience then we will have true 4 i iq | many) 8,18 i charge of the Lit awa; Mr, and Mrs, Sandy McGil-| a | BUehi Rapusk: r re 4A Sg oi | fellowship throughout the world, ' § \ 4 Ho hag a . ri exhion Ofllivray, 217 Albert street, Osh ; ith ' few cloudy periods A, e R 3 8 Kears listed as 44 An i" street The churches here and over ¥ Le Pa € 8 of a pie Sato awa: Mr, and Mrs, George Mad: today and Frida A little Moosonee ) ' n tl rade thirteen examing-l = o.e linked indissolubly,. If : Age groups o 1@ organization. der, '101 Burke street, Oshawa; 1 ults of the Oshawa Cen oc "Co ohes have failed then f 4 Each title is a sure foot-step that mye and Mrs. B. A. Tunnieliffe, For Boys and Girls; ral Collegiate, should vead, 206) Lo ®y ou railed because we are fi # we will Go Into All the Worldign Brock street west, Oshawa; | for all ages, CAPSULE NEWS : dale Ave one, The Mission is not only from i or Together", |My. and Mrs, H, Babbington, 337 i 2 t 14 west to east, It is also from east Mrs, Hopkins Introduces Book| Colborne street east, Oshawa; | sizes 0 . |to west because the churches in § # Shelves and supplements. from Mr, and Mrs, J, Holden and two 1 \ | S } Asia are and can he a great a ! time to time, Her posters and|children, Darlington Blvd, RR 4, Urge d er part of us, We can be the richer F, Fo ! leaflets make an attractive place| Oshawa BIG VALUE ue eIrl 1S) as we recelve new insight from = * to browse around Mr, and Mrs, Tunnlcliffe were » churches of Afrie 81 EV, ERNEST LONG i > Becess Roads im he mu way =" Her [KomEAN pisrLAY pope aves ore ten inel POLISH FINISH HAMMER | people from the east come and|the foundation for this, Rather we| In the literature room the dele- pu 0 years. a pd rf "an rie tes found a most interesting" - i 3 "A 8 (OP) = make their contribution to Can-|are building up barriers, It was Ea Big Business o JT. SATHARIVES (00 he ada as we go from Canada to|announced that leaflets on ehurch|display of Korean handwork in|sists of eraser, erayons, penells, | recanpmended increased safety make our contribution {work to place in our schools for charge of Mrs, Milton Pegg of pencll sharpener, scribblers and) KIRKLAND LAKE (CP) Thorburn, 41 { Winnipeg was| measures at the access road from Dr, Taylor continued her ad-| Vocational Guidance can be pro-| Claremont, Supply Secretary of course a pair of sox for the Regular 1.98 tia SPECIAL i" ' | | urn 0 1ipe § as \ ( f , 3 " Y Y . Y 3 . Local blueberry pickers have| given two concurrent i. 4 vear the Queen Elizabeth Way to dress Wednesday afternoon in cured from the World Council ofl The articles were manufactured little cold feet, earned a total of as much asl jail sentences while Cpl. Patrick|Prudhomme's Hotel in nearby telling of various missionaries re-|( hurches general office, Too, the by Korean women, Miss Beulah pr LONG TALKS $200,000 a season over the last| McArthur, 38, of Vancouver was| Vineland turning to their fields and their new board of the United Church ly, Bournes, Miss Ann Davidson, Re ONG | HL ves Bre ac few years, Sam Spiegelman, a given a two - year suspended| The jury ruled Mrs Nancy | #ork; the YaHous Phases of thelr called 7h tetas aflet af Miss Ada Sandwell and Dr. Flor fre food for thought on ug Kirkland Lake merchant told the sentence for theft on condition he| Dorey died accidentally in a two-| Work and how they are support-\cruiting can supply ieatiets Uignce Murray and other nurses); famill qd "FE Y 5 5 4 n ant. $ Vist } y June! ed by the funds of the Woman's Miss Lois Boaste is contacted, |and ke Bm {this unfamiliar wor leumen- Chamber of Commerce here Wed: pay the federal government $1.|car collision at the junction June 4 RH sto ud and workers whom our Boclety|i.a1" Once again he was asked nesday. He said blueberries conld 500 at a rate of $30 a month, [25. Her husband Wilfrid was also Missionary Society, She also told) mpg, Ameron stated results of|is supporting in Korea have sent ' B x provide a $1,000,000 business fo < ile [of the many handicaps Withi gs survey made at a young peo-|these articles to show us what |the meaning of it --- a world wide the town REJECT WAGE OFFER recommendation asked for| Which they are faced, because of pig's meeting, Out of 45 only|can be done with things we send movement sharing a divine life Full Cut for Comfort BUFFALO (AP)--The 15,000: 5 narrower controlled access tol the lack of personnel to give the {hree had been approached in any to them, also these articles serve and a common faith, DEPORT HAITIANS member Switchmen's Union of {he hotel and a caution sign for| Much needed help for which these| way to enter full time church ag a pattern for us to make up| The Ecumenical movement is YOUTHS' SPUN RAYON TORONTO (CP) Six Haitian North America has overwhelm:|westhound QEW traffic countries are asking work. | wearing apparel, to stimulate the thinking and con. : : h ' towel kits and| op women, suspected of being dupes ing rejected a governmen re cial police Constable Wil ew . ' : i cern of all the people on the con: in a labor racket which smuggles board's recdmmendation for a ] 4 if B ia} peli hei wi. PERSONNEL LACK PLA VIEWED [school packets, |tinent and around the world, We SPORT SHIRT Negro women into the United! four-per-cent wage increase dur-\heen 85 accidents at the corner This same lack of personnel| puesday evening a panel of| Socks for Korean children canall have a share in making this ' States via Canada, were deported|ing the next two years, Results|in 412 vears, injuring 19 and kill. | Was brought before us again hy four leaders, Rev, Catherine Mc-|be knit out of many colors of possible, : Wednesday, J. B. Monier, consillof the referendum among the ing two the candidate secretary, Mrs igen Dp, Ruth Taylor, Mrs. jyarn and without heel, All sizes| The World Council of Churches Crease resistant--washable, little or ne Ironing for the Island, said he would golunion's members on the United [E, C. Ameron, and her panel of painh Calling and Mrs, B, H (are useful, Boys' jackets madelis a young organization, only 121 required. Sizes 6 to 16 to Haiti to track down the ring's|States' 15 major railways were three ladies, Miss Jean Carr of Soper, gave a graphic view of {from tailors' samples are really|years old, But it is trying to : organizers tabulated at the union's interna Walfe Jelang Ed two retired iho plans to be presented to Gen-|attractive and the little pieces serve tlie churches sa that they FEWER BIRTHS. DEATHS tional headquarters here Ne rac RuAslODAMIo. Rai Th TAN. € 8 oral Council on the new women's are sewn together so neatly may work together, ® Each TORONTO (CP)--Births, mar 14 DROWNED Mrs. Hare related some of her organization of the Church | There was a towel kit contain] The World Council of Churches | \ | y 9 " ols 1 N rlages and deaths decreased la MADRID, Spain (Reuters) . Ai Bd all This has been a long debated ing soap, combs, tooth brush, |organization is aware of the fact | month in Ontario as compared to Fourteen persons were feared to 0 ad t in ad with her husband in Burma Subject, Many important phases ping, bobby pins, sox and wash|they must help the church and MEN'S § MLXL LACH July. 1959. the registrar-general have drowned when the dam of and Trinidad It No: nat rovet. Nave had to be studied by many |Slotha ail jaan Wi 2 iWo/ show 2, manifestation that the » ADOT da ths were! a small reser burs cin. | 1 ' J J aE m pe i111 | Ler; owels. le sehoo! con-{chureh 1s one, Tepomed ede i y 2 n3 w ae n oh Bl] re oi 4N Jost at Reo " | BUFFALO (AP)--United Stat o| able that we could not hear from Sominitiees ' The abject iA y Shen ome - wn to 12,847 from 13.417; mar:|in northe a cording to "AL United State : . ome ner puneil's i q mnaal Miss Nancekieville because of c0me up for Genera §| riages to from 6,109, and reports received here early to-|customs agents claimed Wednes- | io being sn alort approval deaths to 8,021 from 4,115 day : |day to have cracked part of a| [wp [smuggling operation which they| In this panel the question was These four women gave the 5. vi, SERY I E FIRST GAINS INDEPENDENCE {said has moved almost $10,000 asked "Why are we not filling delegates Just a little idea of how| 1 TORONTO (CP)--Grenville 0. LIBRRY VILLE , Gabon AP) worth of cobalt metal into the|our Training School?" Open dis vast the problem is Dr Ruth I Jone has been appointed or-| The small French African colony (7 § from Canada cussion was Invited and it seem-|Taylor gave of her wealth of , ganizer for the Civil Service As: of ' Gabon " home of Dr, Albert Alexander J. Chernish, 27, of|ed to be the general opinion that knowledge of the work of the Sociation of On wio oi Jone : Schweitzer 8 ju le ho p oJ | Welland was charged with smug. in our own homes we are laying! Woman's Missionary Society Ne at BLS PENTA Si a ormer ead 0 branch celebrated 1S independence o 1 "" nbs a | - - -- ~ a Sung Yi LE \ 1 pl 1 at the Dona Jail the first or-!nesday., The new nation on the ging Ita Jing aay on | | x 3 ganizer the Civil Service Union west coast of Africa has 400,000.) 00 214 tons of cobalt dis y RA 5.3564 | has ever had inhabitants . re p; y ; ppeared from the Atlas Steel ANDER S ARK 0! IMI ED 46 SIMCOE ST, N. ¢ O WwW | f i { | | { ' SHAWA REGENT APPOINTED - PICKS PREMIER Company Limited in Welland ug --, All cakes and Pastries Baked Fresh OTTAWA (CP)--Lione 1 SEOUL. South Korea (Reuter about that time, agents said McGowan of T oa ne President Yoon Bo Sun: today The agents sald some of the oh Cntr i awn i soma Dr Jain Chane -3 enw overs wd | makes it easy for you to have 2 Weekend Specials ' | daily on o¥) premise; i ------T rose to become p lent o democratic party leader, as pre Foundation Company 3 miler explanation of how the metal is has heen anpointed membe , 8 | supposed to have heen moved - " in our own ovens chairman of the university SAY 34 CHINESE SPIES across the border BONELESS ROLLED POT ROAST board of regents W DELHI (AP Thirty Cobalt ell for about $2 a | ¢ Chinese have heen asked to/pound in the US BRAND OUTER RIBS ORT G u \ ay Ba | A Ro ; 4 1% MEET i ve India hecaus [ espionage Chernish was held on $15,000 %\ a nd C Thursd . Friday and activities, Home er G. B. pail pending a hearing before 114 S80¢ m of Port Auth 11 g . Re ot i can Associaton of F Sila Ball BR Cy oA Saturday Specials antion nM | Sept. 0.9 government Is keeping vigil-| Butterfield ) vention in Montre hep +23 | ance on Ch » activities within -- (o]] 8 | I port manager Guy Beaudet sald) yndia i especially along the bor ! Wednesdas eclally along the DOT or SER RELATIONSHIP WANT PILOTS der NOSES SELATIONSHI i FURNACE MAPLE LEAF OR PRESSWOOD SWEET PICKLED | OLD FASHIONED BAKED MONTREAL (CP) --Quet KOREAN MIGRATION Union and Turkey have ex " "ha 1 py g 5 | Iac.. advertised Wednesday | More than 32,000 Koreans have changed pledges to work for " : : | ( ual fied Sil 1 \ migrated from Japan to North closer relations following appoint 4 ; . alified airline pilots to rej . dh X gpa : Korea since a repatriation pro- ment of Fakri Koruturk as new Ib 31 pilots dismissed as a resul whit the ys seribes ram began last December, Turkish ambassador in Moscow og A A AE ; g, Regular 60c gan the wotk stoppage Friday omy semen, | MF.G. FIBERGLAS BOATS a NB RCON 5 5: | Sale 55¢ RCAY wtrutoupers wore sen TTTTTr Tet yy. HO MUSS.. NO FUSS ew ewes te salve sue os of " Pon Ji. CLEARANCE AND NO INCONVENIENCE Lot wa da the job for you , +, smoothly, ge lslane RUAY hse Jere Sot DEMONSTRATOR SALE oro 8 5 JOS 10 Pay! wet vor ube ONTARIO SALMON FLESH | DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY Pp 0 DI n Re So, If you're thinking side now COMING FVENTS ' sa SAYIN Sede CANTALOUPE CREAM ROLL MATCHED METAL DIE PRODUCED whan end sla cing bb marly pore Ming i 10 ments aver the next § yeon, » AY ian SB 00 19¢ REGULAR the S k In Lopstrake Design by the Makers of por month Yares ue need 1 Woltasonly & anal Medium EACH 53¢ SALE C will invtall @ brand naw The Famous Chevrolet Corvette Body Wi qvecamend 0 en payin kad. und you sme | memes | Large aon 25° All models in stock -- Priced right to sell aa " @ full year, with all service coli and any I Why not lel vs give you an estimate, ports and adiustmenty completely free, <d FO UA ea Ye ONTARIO SNOW WHITE NO, 1 GRADE Large Si bis are OUN FRIDAY BENNETT MARINE LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED pig =" wba v be doubled or triplee : c $140 JACKPOT INCLUDED || WEST HILL, ONY AT 2.720 43 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PH. RA 5.3589 CAULIFLOWER BACH 23 i Door Prize $13