50--Articles for Sale | S0--Articles for Sole '6 40 HP Scott rd room suite, solid Diack wainul, tor, reduced to clear, 16 fi, plywood |etgnt Blocts. ood condition, reasome mms | Today's Stock Market Listings on 'roronto Exchange :- ay Lu a 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 1960 and chair in goo Net Phone RA 58382 |THREE . piece bath sets, pressure waLMN --~ Jack and Jeanatly (nee Ty The Canadian Press Sock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Sock Sales Tigh Low 11 a.m. Cpe Sock Sales Tigh Low 1 a.m. On'pe m. TV TOWERS, Alfoot weil-spporting 2s prementn o1 apn olor, Lraller; daughter, Shelly Lynn, on Friday, Aug- Toronto Stock Exchange Aug. 18 Fam Play 225 821% 21% 21% + % Trans Mt 100 88% 8% Spooner 500 11 11 Mm tower, hot dipped galvanized, with all| J EON tks sti 8, Dower unit, ust 12, 1960, st the Oshawa General {Quotations in cents unless marked 3, Fanny P Un Gas 20 S14% 14% Stanwell 1400 37% 37% - channei head. Installed and guaranteed | supplies. 'W." Calas, Pack Nous South Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Mellveen, 3-0dd jot, xd -- Exdividend, xr--Ex- Gat 5 pr Un Gas Apr 9 $53 53 Tidal 2000 48 48 48 +1 for one year, $57.95, TRIO Television. | 5 paiiisias xw--Ex-warrants,) G Dev 200 $124 12 VU Corp B Trans Can 3000 46 8s © Heath 2000 6 RA 86781, MacCARL -- Kent is GMC 00 a4 ] 61% 100 215 213 Hollinger GO-KARTS, demonsirators, as grrival of baby rer Tin ne INDUSTRIALS GL Paper 5% 35% ¢ 118 118 Hud Bay 16 845% 45% $140, complete with motor and oy a 8 lbs. 12 ozs, on Tuesdsy, August 16, GN Gas 400 5% 5% 105% id Int Nick » xd 113 one, 9 am. - 9 pm. Handy Andy, RA| ixteen ays 1960, 2 Osh General Hospital, | Net GN Gas wis 105 105 300 13% 13 13 Jacoby, 1 84111 Happy parents are Mickey and Stella Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Wood $ 8 8 BOAT and motor together or Jeparaie | "Solita 4 nee Lindley). Alta Dist vt 500 150 In ry WOODS ~ Donald and Rose & Alta Gas : 22% 400 1 K 2% +5 i 500 19 19 Be TE uigped, 3 Didych) are happy to announce the ar Alta Sas A 54 nu 4 od 90% 9% 9% 2 UU o 1 a Ba 59065 or HA 59712, | WINNIPEG (CP) -- A Univer- Hd - J CHESTERFIELD and chair in good Sty of Manitoba psychologist rival of their daughter, Cheryl A Alumini 1 30% on Monday, August 35, 1960, at the Osh: Alum 2 pr rt 60 Dupont ; : 2 condition, moving, must sell. Telephone stepped out of a plastic isolation pos General Hospital $40% 40% 40% J 1300 RA 5.4263, | booth Wednesday after the long. 1 1 % 21% Ansil % 6% 6% 2000 4 4 ORDERS taken for storm sashes, wood lest stay in any similar experi. % Maritime [' #7 Phone RA. 34 ires estimates, Terms. | | ment known in the western 461 480 Alminex ; 87 DEATHS 00 Ex) Asamera 5 ¥ Mcintyre 23 969, $46 g) 4000 2% % Bailey 8 A 3 Barna 1 43 3 3 Merrill i 60 12 OU, | ¥0OoT refrigera stor, or, heavy d@ duty |W orld. Bata 5000 Base Metals , % Min-Ore stove with cable, washing machine, Dr. J. P, Zubek, head of the DAMERY, John -- At the Oshawa g] i th on Calalia Dug 14: 1 1 Moneta 59 studio gouch. Space heater, fivexions room | psychology department, entered General Hospital on Thursday, Aug. 18, 50 50 50 Cal E ideop i Mt right 15 capheity, complete w er, the; 1960, John on of #16 Byron Street ; 0 00 Cavert 1 Boymar I Murray M mostat and 200 gallon tank, Steel tity 118 isolation booth--seven feet South, Whitby, dear brother of Mrs. : pr 847 47 C5 Pete 3 Bralorne Nama Cr cabinet, boy's bicycle, 18" wh 24) high and nine feet in diameter-- r 3 13% $15% 15% 15% C Husky 5: . Buffad 7 7 7 - Nealon Centre Street, Whitby, MO rr | Aug. Roy Croft, Mrs. McAfee, Mrs, Math : v Mass F 4 89 9 4 © Husk: Hd Cn A N " ews, all of Toronto; Thomas of Kapu 5 Husky wis 1 : adam! x ew Bid 9 COMBINATION crib, youth's single] Dr. Zubek reported no ill ef. kasing and George of Toronto, in his R Mass F 5%p $90% 98% 98% C Superior 300 C Tungsten 95 New Hosco 500 68 66 68 bed, 88th year, Resting at the W. C, Town| CI PF) $6 16 1 Moore 1S $b AB ABV Cent Del 300 480 C N Inca 1 Newlund be, Tah we matirtsses, blond, like fects. Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for serviee| C NO NGas $12 12% 12% Draggn 1000 Cariboo N Mylama 60 61 ~i Vhoe MO 85612. | During his stay he was sub- in the chapel on Saturday, August 20, C Safe pr 50 388 28 Nor Phone 800 365 365 365 ae 150 200 C Beta G 5000 7 Noranda 1 g 3 ected to constant" tram at 3:30 p.m_ Interment St. John Cem- C Bank Com Oshawa A 56% 6% 6% C West Pete 22) 305 305 303 C Disevry 100 5 Norlartic 2 OLIVER portable typewriter, one ear |} 4, anslucent etery, Port Whitby 35 Page-Hers SUM Uk 20% + hh Dome Pete 20 695 : + C Halliwell 800 Normetal old, in new condition, private, Phone | fight and a "hissing" sound, His . 800 Pembina % Th T% Dynamie 1000 % C Marben = 12000 N Rank X 5 5 RA 33042 or 156 Gibb Street. actions were watched by closed GORDON In the Oshawa General ™ 600 Wy QN Gas ¥ $5% 5% 5% flogie Oil A 20 L C Marcus 1000 7 7 kK Norvalie 3 § SINGLE bed, Hospital on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1960, 3 220 4! Reiehold $18 18 18 B Oil G 35 Con M and 8 1243 Opemiska 2 3 ation. ol. complete, inner "spring | circuit television, E. (Angus) Gordon, beloved hus 425 Roe AV Can $5% 5% 5% 1x bere © 17000 os 9 - Con Negus 1000 14 1 - Pardee 2 RA 3.2451. crifice sale. Phone! Tests are to show how human Pind of Margaret Logan and dear 221 Royal Bank $69 69% 69% Medal 100 Cop-Man 10000 1 Perron ~ -- beings react to conditions of father of May (Mrs, Richard Haw- CWN Gas pr z50 5% 15% StL Corp $17 17. 11 Midran 1150 3 32 - Coulee 500 33 Pitch-Ore 0f 4 1 4 '25 H.P, standard Johnson outboard 1 nd thorne), of Moncton, New Brunswick; Chat-Gai 710 $22 2 Salada-8 0% 9% 9% Mill City 1000 2 Denison Placer motor, excellent condition. Phone ard | space fe a confinement in Edith (Mrs, Ronald Arnott), Montreal, Col Cell 700 Selkirk A 385 385 385 5 N Cont 1000 22 2 2 +1 Duvan 3 Quemont 30 830 830 84681. | submarines. Quebec, in his 58th year. Resting at the Con Gas Bhawin 826% 26% 26% Pac Pete 550 $1 East Mal 133 3 33 Rexspar 5 3 ? 3 -------- Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Home, 152) Con Gas wi Shawin A 0 $28 28 28 Palliser 1100 1 East Sull Roche King Street East, for service in the Creative Tel | Silverwd A 5 $10% 10% 10% Permo pr 1000 Elder 000 11 Ryanor chapel on Friday, Aug. 19 at 2 p.m Dist Seag 3 " + Simpsons 2% 21h Peruv Oils 500 - Falcon 2 33% +1% San Ant 315 11 1 - | Cremation to follow D Fndry 2 Southam _ 4 21 21 Petrol 1000 73 3 3 Fatima Ek 37 41 Satellite 5 | Dosco 12 1 St Wire C 7 60 Ponder Frobisher \ i1 Sherritt 300 HENSTOCK, Francis W, ~ Passed Dom Stores S 2 - Tor-Dom Bk : 53% Prairie Of 5 Geeo Mines 35 18% + % Siscoe 4 5 peacefully away at his residence, 121 Dom Tar 12% A Tor Star pr 5 58's 58% Provo Gas Jy: it YK 4% % 10% St i I St. John Street East, Whitby, Francis Dom Text T Fin 5 pe 2 37 37 Royalite 3 650 Gunnar y 2 15 720 +8 Stanlgh 16 1 1 1 { W. Henstock, beloved husband of Hilda Eddy A 5 5 Tr Can PL i 18% 18% -- % Sapphire 100 41 Gunnar wits 1000 1 Steep R L 5 Mullock, dear father of Thomas E., of | -- ---- Whitby, in his 85th year, Resting at his 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale [50--Articles or Sale residence, 121 St, John Street East, 1 - ------ Whitby, for private service Saturday, 19 PLYWOOD boat, Evinrude 15 HP, RupmiGERATOR sale, new 1960 18 FT. 6° moulded plywood paceship 5 August 20, 1960, Interment St. John's IN |electric, trailer, controls and ¥ 10 cu it family size s yr a cruiser '59, 35 hp Mercury complete occ ABIONAL tables by Peppler, 5. Cemetery, Port Whitby I | 8650 or best offer, RA 8.5869. Kelly's special $199, 2 floors RA 8.5153, [With steering and controls, skis, ete. go 00" oi finish, no polishing step, . : Reasonable, RA B-4014 after 4 J nm. ; ' JUDGES ~-- Entered into rest in Mill. | res, most all sizes, (3 and up, [ONE Moffat range, excellent condi = ZT = end or cocktail, $29.95. RA 85153, - Supplied by 2 v tl Son brook, Ontario, on Tuesday, August (Continued from Page 23) |B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA_5-4343, |tion, also Norge range, very reason TENTS, camp stoves, eamp cols, tar Fara Ba arcs 16, 1960, George Judges, beloyed son of VLE OTRIC _ refrigerat - able. Must sell, RA 84733, pauline, sleeping bags, l'inlerns, sales savings! Floor covering g or, very good - and rentals, Oshawa Hardware discontinued patterns, 25 Mr. and Mrs. William Judges and 0 TV 5 " d | WwW. ee A 1H r le | condition, Phone OL 5-3080, 1960 TV Special 21" consoles, start at! ple " pe 2.762 v . brother of Mgbelle and Patrick, jn his 48--Automobiles anted 50 A icles | Fo Sa L247 GAS Move: swod condition. Phone 320.95 at® Parkway © TohrniceT guy) Electric, 8 Church Street, HA 2.7624 cents per foot; Arborite students 20th year Resting at the Armbtrong to MO 8-8755. bn N 3.3044 MAYTAG, world's largest manufactur. desks, $19.95; Serta and Beverly Funeral Home, Oshawa, with High| |Resvae, suveaig, on mpuited ues met North. RA 3a, er laundry sordomaert aston he wash Smooth top mattresses," reg. 339.00.) Requiem Mass in Holy Cross church, ture, bool cases 0 by 5 Ate Bludents 5 L 1 WE pay highest prices in the city for ers, from $249; dryers $179. Now onl half price, $20.95; coffee and end Friday, August 19, 9 a.m. Interment A {piece of unfinished furnitu 2-- ego used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni- display at Kelly's, 2 floors, 32 King fables. $5, Ten-piece living room group St. Gregory's Cemetery, Oshawa |desks, $14; chest of drawers, $17 eee | Luk @ Store, RA 33271, 444 Simcoe South, | Street East. RA 8-515. includes table and lamps, $99, Wilson bookcases, $5.99; vanity (res {LOWEST pri nt Bab - {Furnfture, 20 Church Street MOORE, W. H. (former MP, Ontario record cabinet, $18; bookca prices in town! Baby car-|HAY fever allergy sufferers, new por:| rid, Et ws pe------_ County) -- Passed woes at hb Toit FOR YOUR CAR: board $16; room divider, J. Wilson | NOTICE |ringes, new 1960, car-bed style, $27.00; table lectrofilter removes 99.5 per FOR SALE -- Spanish Electric Guitar, ence, Moorlands, Dunbarton, on Tues- Fur Chureh | |L arge full panel cribs, half-price clear. |cent air borne dust and pollen, iif up, solid body, single pick-up, 4-months old Setce Moos 16, 1060, W. H. Moore, be. | rR ST wie | TO CREDITORS | ut. $19.88, spring filled crib maltse sees, | Kelly's, 32 King East. RA 8315 old. Phone MOhawk 83440, Whitby, loved husband of the late Mabel Chris- | olonial chesterfle i playpens, p chairs, | cons --- T™ EG m------------------ ary b hions, ruffl (87 S, stamps, "collector's ET FIBRE-GL, boat, one-piece con tina Bertram and dear father to Allan | TRADE UP OR reversible foam subbes. sushions $359, AND OTH ERS 88 and stroilers, $3.88, Wikson Fun} bought and sold at Royal Coin and struction, "Princecraft," regular $1198, - lJ b alance, Special | ture Ch of Cobourg, Marian (Mrs. Taylor) of | [vive 50, Kelly's RA Pig | we, 20 Church-Sireet - Stamp Store, 64 King Vest. Wanted now only $990, windshield, steering, Toronto, William G. of Moorlands. Mr DOWN ave $5 8.5193, --| In the Estote of GEORGE |IXLEWKITER, ii" Wemingion stan pennies, 1922 to 1925, nickels, 1925, 1926 running lights, (deck hard uphol Moore is resting at McEachnie 'Fu-| | OUTBOARD motor, new Scott 3.6 HP, n the Estate of J! dard, $40; Savage 22 - 410, gun, $35. [far six, also Victoria coins in good stered seats, gM controls, speedometer Re me, 2 Smaon corn | LIENS PAID OFF [20" reversible electric fan, 3 spseds.| ALBERT WILSON, late of the |MO 8.8624 3 "| condition, : and compass, 9 a.m. . 9 a.m. Hundy Gorgon Ankliean. Chine Picks Phone OL 5-4636. ; | City of Oshawa, "in the |ULECTRIC range, heavy duty, four. COAL furnace and | good co Andy, BA BAIL piri on Thursday, August 18 at Eon He SICKROOM equipment, fore rent and| County of Ontario, Caretaker, binor, excellent condition, owner sell- tion, Reasonable, Tele 53372 BABY cartiage "Gendron puto Magloh Phone Oshawa RA 5-3516 Interment St. George's Cemetery for sale, Hospital beds, safely sides, deceased bo Pl iad A dt A o apartment, or 475 Adelaide West = perfect. Playpen, Jangette, _ electric vaske p chairs, inva walkers, com- ga ttwe - 1 1 efrige r| Denier, Eye o (Casket will be open in church from 1 Wee a p.m. 847 Simcoe Street North, Apt.|KELVINATOR refrigerator, freezer|, .. "'.co 'Phone MO 8-8525 p.m. until time of service.) modes, health lamps, canes, crutches, PERSONS having claim: N M . 124 cu. ft, automatic washer 12 Bbikin ann pa : ] :| ALL PERSONS having claims 0, 2. Mr. Rosen _.|pound capacity, 30-inch slectric. stove PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.05 gallon RA 5.0732 also roll-away beds, and cribs; reason r oy," 2 Wiliam At Si. Josepits able rates, dally, wedkly or. ionthiy, ggalngt He Estate of GEORGE | GAS conversion burner for pap. | Excellent condition. RA 5-452 All colors. (Guaranteed (iat, gloss ospital Peterborough, on esday, free delivery and pick-up . RT WI N. | f th RA 5.1823 after 6 p.m Oshawa Halw d Electric, August 16, 1960, William Owen, in his 50--Articles For Sale Rentals, RA 5.1644 ALBE LSON, late of the Pm -- | BROADLOOM, lamps, giftware, wall|onoeort o Hagdwate end Electric, 8 991 SIMCOE ST. S. 84th year, beloved husband of the late | = [ EpowER Gao siete sam. | City of Oshawa, in the |CEDAR strip boat, "Lakefield," all plaques, room dividers, Imported, Den. (CIreh Be ; a end-- J Laura Sproule, dear father of Clarke BUILDERS and home owners, special?! HORSEPOWER Gale, electric start:| ©, of Ontario, who died |¢duipment, 15 HP Evenrude motor, No mark, Finland, Italy, Portugal, India, WRECKING building south of Oshawa ing, brand new from Outboard Marine down payment, Very small terms, RA from $9.50. Two fl to serve you. Clinic, Charles Street, some material o b y hod : g : of Brockville, Lloyd of Peterborough, discounts on new 1960 built-in oven and | gagyar $980, now only $795, 9 a.m.8| on or about the 13th day of |53522 between 12 and 1 pm. Kelly's RA 8.5183, 32 King E. = © for sae : : Blodwen (Mrs. R. Jardine) of Lindsay |eooking tops. Kelly's RA 8-5153 _|9 pom Handy Andy, RA 8-4111. July, 1960, are hereby noti- pa RA 85153, 72 King E. ! la and John of Oshawa. Resting at the h Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay, fof VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, COLOR TV, RCA Victor, 21-inch, brand fied to send full particulars 4 J . ac s aran- ne i 895, now : ---- ee ---- ---- gece on Forte Muu 0, 41 250 pt, icimrt, Duhon, STs ave. Sage made; esse, ok 50 of ther claims 10 the under: Lindsay | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- RA 8-4111 : signed personal representa fice. RA 80531 gnyiime: om a---- AWNINGS, plain colors or ga ripes, tive of the oe, Geceniel on Prompt service. Free estimates. Orde or ore e ay © GERROW FUNERAL FRIGIDAIRE, Westinghouse. e Kelvin now for early delivery, phair and table September, 1960, ii Md CHAPEL | washers, $9 Kelly's, 22 Ring Ean thud bE reversible ly ofter the said date, the | : : Sup cushions, self-covered deck, sofid said personal representative Kindness beyond price All aluminum products == hardwood frame, walnut trim, Spee.| will distribute the ossets of yet within reach of all. Doors, windows, shower doors, |$199, Kelly's Furniture and Appliance! the sid deceased having re- paving. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re gard only to claims of which RA 8-6226 ig A pn A down. frigerators, TV's, washers, Eisnes it shall then hove notice : f G own. oves er, con: | 390 KING STR ET T WEST For free estimates call---- tT Prince Street, Fone 'Ra 31131 DATED at Oshawa, this 9th THE STORE FULL OF BARGAINS day of August, 1960, KELVINATOR, Foodarama, no de. y gust, OSHAWA ALUMA SEAL CO. isin "ever: upright "Combination 0 0eo te SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED -- YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT MONUMENT COMPANY RA 5-9365 ANYTIME i po portable $49 up, de. | Executrix, : l SPECIALIZING IN humidifier, automatic humidastat, han By her Solicitor: Monuments, Markers SEE HOME APPLIANCES [fies Sh, ou #5, Buses afoul Co MERON Memorials, Cornerstones, | OSHAWA LTD. byw . GC , BA, ' 5 Peterborough boat, fibreglass to | Barrister & Solicitor | ' ° Statutory of all types. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH | wateriine, heavy duty boat traller =) Red iy | « $300. Also 25 HP vinru 7 p hy " ales, KiNG n : 87% | FOR FRIGIDAIRE Minh nardly used. RA SB. OSHAWA, Ontario, | HE 3 A SH ED --_-- Dr -8876 SALES AND SERVICE |ARBORITE buffet, grey, with glass gn T RAR d Co rcial |doors; rangette, fast colls, In perfect LOCK'S FLORIST Domestic an mmercio | condition. Telephone RA 5-4406 = ¥ . end RA 5-5332 SING "portable sewing machine, ¥ WHEN YOU CASH YOUR Funeral S/rongements q three years old, excellent condition ora requirements or a | Phone. RA 3-9494 CERAHENG | \OTORS FOR 5 i oe Fi 3] meme < 2400 ALLOWANCE CHEQUE | Street West, RA 5.6511 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RENT | BOY'S bicycle, 18" frame, 26" tires, | EXTERIOR PAINTING 5550s MARINE STORAGE [1 Bad uta: vice Wssst| VARIOUS BUILDINGS, | = bon, NO OBLIGATION TO BUY ond SUPPLY Ltd. [WANS domine, se 3%, mes ONTARIO HOSPITAL | LARs IN MEMORIAM _Brooklin, Ont. ~ OLiver 5-3641 |sonte: 87 each; Jady's winter coat $7; COBOURG -- ONTARIO === all in good condition. Also wringer type g % A 3.3072, NOX += In loving memory of » deir. SALE |instisawasier, 'as new $60, RA SIE | SeLED FIXED SUM TENDERS * | BOYS' ELASTIC WAIST MEN! SAVE... ZIPPERED sother, Maude Knox, who passed away| Aluminum Products of the [also trailer, Telephone RA 3.4044. properly endorsed, on forms | B X ' . \ugust 18, 1956. TT } yo ps A : | the best |B ¥. GOODRICH stores -- tires, BAE| supplied by the Department OXER JEANS LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS Rosdent hougit » vecret ear, | DRM UX OF oranteed, [ieres, Kelvinator reisigeraurt, tet wil be received by the Ten: | gi AIR PANT 2 ps her memory ever dear, | 5, tec. ision, Thrifty Budget Plan, TA 5-454 3C. 8 28 ' N Time takes away the edge of grief, Double hung windows only [oro Y Budge * ders Secretary, Room 6630, 2 pockets, zipper fly, sturdy sanforized i 2 PAIR Large 234" 3-ring capacity. Made of good But memory turns back every leaf $18. Call now FARULOUS savings during a cunt| East Block, Parliament Build- : / Gf : pdr) 1 i leather-faced i li whidi . Call n |gust Furniture Sale. Bunk be cig ' stripe denim. 9 ! £7 \ SUI S wearing leather-faced grain split cowhide. ] --Always remembered by daughter . 3 Edna and son-inlaw Ted Lymer Aluminum Co. | pieces complete, sale price, $58; fac ings, Toronto 2, Ontario, Vinyl plastic bumper edge. 3 44 Reg. 5.95 PEPER ER tory clearance of pring tilled mat-| nti 2:30 p.m, (ED.T.) on Sizes 4 to 6x. Reg. 1.98 OGDEN In loving memory of my RA A 8- 5385 tresses, discontinued ticking, priced for a dear husband, Fred H. Ogden, WHO | quick sale, $16.88 up. Smontn top quilted] TUESDAY, AUGUST 30th, are oll first quolity Suis passed away August 18, 1956 ontinental beds, single sizes, com- 1960, for the Exterior Paint f (ls Ta Every day in some small way, | ICE CREAM I te, $1995. Wilson Furniture, 20| ing of various buildings os { JR ich sold for 39.95. They are Memories of you come my way, now discontinued and you save Church Street | SH ------------Rm-- specified, at the Ontario Hos- | 4 Though absent, you are always near, BRICKS {DOMINION Appliances (a division of pital. Cobourg, Ontario | SAVE ON 1st QUALITY } the difference. Still missed, still loved, and' ever Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's 4 3 ! k ; (o} S' ANS {arke A" complete line of Specifications, Tender forms | DIAPERS wo Sent for Clearance BOY JE dear | Market, Hampton HOSPITAL--Cello Pak. ® MELBOURNE 8 TO 14 ~Lovingly remembered and sadly appliances at hard to beat prices, COI: and Tender envelopes, may missed by his wife Madeline 18¢ Each | fax 32241 | be obtained from, or viewed CURITY--Reg. 3 99 Reg. 3.49 dox: 2 59 Ve) FLANNELS Half elastic waist band, 3 pockets, sturdy 5.49 dox. DOZ. Doz. " Sanforized denim stripe. | USED parts and repairs for all makes| at Room 6527, Department ® CHECKS \ Reg. 2.69 . of wringer type washers, % hp motors, of Public Works, East Block, CARD OF THANKS | SLEEPING BAGS [jo Vi, srsieed scondhionss| Boriioment Buildings, Toronta ® IVY LEAGUE | Hampton, CO 3.2241. 2, Ontario eo ETC. te rrr isasnesces AN | pa : ' FLANNEL---21" x 36" LEWIN -- Mfs. T. J. Booth and fam Regular 11.95 I" 6" MOULDED plywood Paceship| Tenders will not be consid- Fin Neu dor. poz. 2 0449 fy express their gratitude fo everyone | Stulsel; 259 3 sip Mercury, sompiets ered unless made on forms indness, sympathy an owers dur * og | ing the illness and death of her be:| Special 4 08 Best offer. RA 84914 after 12. supplied by the Department loved sister "Queen" (Mrs, J. Lewin, . ------------=| of Public Works, Ontario, in formerly of Brooklin). Special thanks Now is the time to accordance with the terms GIRLS' COTTON PRINT to the n §, Mi Coat nd doctors at For are iby eaten and doctory HORTOP have a beautiful home and conditions as set forth | | BOYS' -- FAMOUS REG. 39.95 SIZES 35 TO 46 dv 2, Wonk | with aluminum doors | Thuiovest or any tender nt [§f SISMAN SCAMPERS b ROARCLOTH DRESSES Phacimageey VARIETY | Soe bot) meme FROM 19.95 up | Wi Seals oi" fe a hospital. A sincere thank yw te} quality, lowest price in Parliament Buildings, Leather uppers with long-wearing composi- i nurses' aides of IE, D: i i King and Dr. Sturgis for their excellent] 684 HORTOP ST. town. Quick service. pang Orie. tion soles and heels, seconds. 40 : Reg. 249 ............cee0n0i Bn . ; . . f h SHS of We while ire. Vera Patfield.! 300 feet north of Rossland | ALEX VAJDA J.D.Millar, Rd. on Hortop St RA 3.9851 Deputy Minister, De f Publi RA 8-0925 | Every job guaranteed. bv So Bg Sizes 8 to 3. Reg. 4.98 CLEARANCE HOUSE IN AJAX CLEARANCE . . . LADIES' OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT OPEN EVERY WEEKEND SUMMER RE 9 NO EXCHANGE OR REFUND . 5.95. From oy FRIDAY 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. DEATHS -- NAM. SAME DAY SATURDAY 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. m DIAL RA 33492 MO : J MEN'S -- 1st QUALITY ; WHITE GOOD FITTING POLISHED COTTON LADIES' 100% ORLON BULKY KNIT NN BED Spoil Cement - %* zl / 11] oN Zr Stor, Chorged Lb [1 )1./| Chino Slacks CARDIGANS WY Sheets trikers arge Beautify your home the modern, func- . Zr Ist quality, hand-washable, ribbed: collar (EY) og per squgre TORONTO (CP) -- Two men tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT Pi SIZES 30 TO 38 and button placket. Pearlized saucer but- bh, Ne. ¢ inch, . 1.98, were arrested Wednesday after DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire CONTINENTAL 1 00 tons. Regular 6.95. Ladies' S, M, L. ob. 09 REINFORCED Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: | Births, Memoriams, Cards of 'B White and shutter green only. ? 88 Thanks -- Reg. 4.95 gal. GAL. . my 200 striking construction workers Whi | : ic STYLE, FLAP ite only ... re SENTRE FOR threw bricks t freshly-l now. 3, pag 8 Mio» Tresiily dale BACK POCKETS pi) TEAR The incident stemmed from the REG. 2.98 current strike of workers in i MEN'S 1st QUALITY MELBOURNE apartment avd Rousing Qenstrac. jon. Contractors signed agree. FLANNEL, TYCONDA, ETC. ments with most trades but have CHIP if 14 "n " failed to reach agreement with k Woolbott BLANKETS the Operative Plasterers and Ce- \ FOAM PILLOWS DRESS PANTS Safin bound! 5 shades. Approx. 66 x 80. ment Masons International Asso- . . clation (CLC). = 1 6 2 FOR | Sizes 28 to 44. ° 3 44 Cello wrapped. - 44 asd vith waliciont dam \ Reg. 1.99 ..ovvuvuvnns 3.00 Regular 5.95 pair .....ccocuy Vn Reg. 6.95 ....ccocivvviieeed Vn Guda,~29, and Francesco Vultag- gla, 6 | 5)