The Oshawa Times, 18 Aug 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY "It's about an even bet now," said Old Sorehead, "as to whether we'll be done in by bombs or by bankruptcy." Oshawa Ti VOL. 89--NO, 191 Price 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1960 Pour" Office" apartment, Mali Ottawa NEW KREMLIN ENVOY FOR CUBA reading a statement of arrival to newsmen, At left, wearing a pistol, is Major Fauro Chau- mont, Cuba's ambassador des- ignate to Kromlin, Kudryavtsov Sergel M. Kudryavisov, the Soviet Union's first ambassa- dor to Cuba since 1952, ar- rived today. He Is shown above Stock Inquiry Starts Again SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)--Alers Association of Canada, sald commission appointed under the Wednesday night the association day New Brunswick Securities|felt nothing could be added to the Frauds Prevention Act was to|testimony which had not already pick up today where it left off|been said, two weeks ago In an investigation| gq, of stock-selling activities by al administrator of the securities number of companies operaling|act after last June's provincial in the province, | election victory by the Liberal | Hearings resumed under David| party, declined verbal and writ. I. M. Dickson, administrator of the|ten invitations to attend the hear- act, Saint John lawyer J. Paul|ing, Mr. Barry said, and 20 offi- is counsel for the com-|cials of the companies involved mission, had come forth. Earle Logan, replaced as who ousted from Canada In 1045 in connection with an | espionage case, With them are unidentified Cuban and Soviet officials. Copper Mines Picketed CHIBOUGAMAU, Que. (CP)-- Fourteen office employees of Campbell Chibougamau Mines Limited went on strike Wednes- following failure of negotia- [tions between the company and [Local 5910 of the office, technical |and clerical workers division of [the United Steelworkers of America, Pickets were set up at the |entrance to one of the company's {four copper mines near this com. JOIN VENEZUELA ? " Herter To Speak Against Trujillio SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) Republic as well as economic U.S. State Secretary Christian sanctions, But he appeared to Herter was expected to throw leave the door open for lesser the weight of the United States measures, saying the ministers today behind a Venezuelan move had come to San Jose to choose to condemn the Dominican Re- the measures they wish to public for aggression, apply. | But Herter may caution the] Dominican Foreign Minister other foreign ministers of the| Porfiro Herrera Baez in a three- Organization of American States hour reply challenged the legal- against the total quarantine 'oi|ity of the OAS committee's re- the Dominican dictatorship port, He declared there was no asked by Venezuela, proof to support Venezuela's were embarked on a ecrucial/in many courts, He also hinted phase of their two-day meeting, |the prisoners had heen brain-| judging Venezuela's charge that/'ashed by Venezuelan the attempt to assassinate Vene zuelan President Romulo Betan- DoW on trial in Moscow. court, | DEMANDS QUARANTINE I t ti Venezuelan Foreign Minisier| n egra 10n Ignacio Luis Arcaya called Wed: | nesday for a virtual quarantine Sh d of the Dominican Republic after| WwW Af noting that the special OAS in| 0 0 n NEW ORLEANS (AP)--A new federal-state school Integration vestigating committee had ac-| cused Dominican officials of| showdown loomed here today in the wake of Governor Jimmie diplomatic relations and com-| munications with the Dominican munity 260 miles northwest of Quebec City. M Arnold Walker sald cke nes td. Seaboare hs Driver Dead In 9-Vehicle Accident dustries Ltd, A, G. Powis Co, HAMILTON (CP)--One person Ltd, Kennamet Mines Ltd, Trans-Nations Minerals Ltd., At- was killed and five injured today in what police described as "the lantie Investments Ltd., and Wel- land Investments Ltd. The inquiry was ordered by Premier Louis J. Robichaud, also provincial attorney-general, after complaints about the company's operations by the securities ex- change commission in Washing- ton and American investors. worst highway pileup in the last five years." Five trucks and four cars crashed in heavy fog on Highway No. 5 just west of Clappison's Corners. Traffic MAY SUBPOENA | Mr. Barry said Wednesday! night he and Mr, Dickson were seriously reconsidering an earlier decision not to subpoena wit. nesses, If witnesses do not volun- teer 'we may have to issue sub- poenas," he said. Witnesses today were J. Nevin Burnham, Saint John chartered accountant who has been auditing books seized In raids on offices of the companies, and R. J. Borneman of Santa Ana, Calif, identified as an investor in one of the companies. | was backed up Provincial Police rerouted east bound traffic at the Guelph line in Burlington Killed was the unidentified driver of a loaded gravel truck, He was crushed to death when he slammed cars i"volved in another accident minutes earlier. James A. MacMurray, vice- president of the Investment Deal- for| Pembroke, operated by Edward more than five miles and Ontario|G. Archibald and a company to head - on Into two| Ottawa, operated by E. L. Bush. production was not interrupted since the picketed mine has been idle anyway. The company employs about 600 persons and Mr, Walker sald all but the 14 office workers showed up for work Wednesday. Approve Six 'TV Stations | | OTTAWA (CP) -- The cabinet | Wednesday approved television licences for six new TV stations {recommended recently by the Board of Broadcast Governors, The new stations will be in {be Incorporated; Calgary, operated by CFCN-TV Limited; | Edmonton, operated by the CBC; Halifax, operated by CJCH Lim- [ited; Antigonish, N.S,, operated |by Atlantic Television Limited; backing the abortive June 24 plot against Betancourt, Davis' takeover of New Orleans publie schools, Arcaya asked for a breakoff in Davis acted Wednesday to su. Canadian " Atom Plant Sabotaged DEEP RIVER, Ont, (CP)-- Canada's first atomie power plant at nearby Rolphton was sabotaged Aug. 2, it was dis closed here today. This was made known In Ma. glistrate W, K. MacGregor's court when Edward M. Norrena of North Bay appeared on charges connected with the incident, The court was told that the $30,- 000,000 experimental power plant was damaged Aug. 2 by the cut- ting of two power-supply wires, Norrena pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. Magis- trate MacGregor reserved decis- fon for two weeks, (county) school board. 1060 legislative law pt him to take over schools to pre- vent racial integration, U.S. District judge J. Skelly Wright has ordered the first grade of New Orleans public schools Integrated at the start of the fall term next month, A three-judge federal court meets Aug, 26 to hear a suit by 31 white parents and the Na- tional Association for the Ad. vancement of Colored People for an injunction to prevent Davis from interfering with integration, Issuance of the injunction would strike at the constitution ality of the law under which Davis acted Wednesday, It would also cancel an ear ller order by State District Judge Oliver Carriere ordering the Orleans parish school board not to comply with Judge Wright's: desegregation order, With a private meeting sched.|charge. Testi ony, he said, uled this morning, Herter was came from prisoners now held | to be the first speaker of the|in Venczucla and their state. & afternoon, The foreign ministers ments would not be admissible * persede the Orleans parish nell and a company to be incor- porated. Followed Or Powers Testi MOSCOW (AP)--Francis Gary Powers told his Soviet judges to- day he did not think of the possi. bility that his U-2 flight over the Soviet Union might torpedo the summit conference or provoke a military conflict, "Did, it not occur to you that by violating the Soviet frontiers you might torpedo the summit conference?" the chairman of the three-judge panel, Lt.-Gen. Victor Borisoglebsky, asked the 31-year- old flyer early in the second day of his espionage trial. "When I got my instructions, I did not know what day it was nor when the summit conference was meeting," Powers replied, COMPLETED TESTIMONY "Did you not think your flight might provoke a military con. flict?" the judge continued. "The people who sent me should think of these things," the pilot replied, Powers, who pleaded guilty to the espionage charge at the start of his trial Wednesday and said POWERS ON STAND he was "'sincerely sorry" for any . id increase in world tension caused/of the Hall of Columns in the by his flight, completed his testl-/Soviet trade union building. mony after an hour and 20 min-| His wife, Barbara, and his utes on the stand. today. He had father, Oliver W. testified for 5% hours Wednesday. | Pound, Va., The American looked somewhat the testimony intently from their tired as he look his place again hox in the rear of the hall |tell porters, "my sence CITY EMERGENCY [mich disturb my son Mrs. | Powers, who suffered from heart PHONE NUMBERS Finch POLICE RA 5-1133 {his ill-fated fight May 1 and FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 |admitied he 'i 0 ad - HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 | leo viet Union, ® f ER ers agreed that Pakistani author ders fies "Why did you do it?" the gen. eral asked, "lI was ordered to," the pilot replied. "Did you do your country a good service or an ill service?" the judge continued. "I would say a very ill serv- ice," Powers replied. Prosecutor Roman Rudenko's first questions of the day were aimed at undercutting the Paki- stani government's denial of any knowledge of Powers' flight, which originated from an air base at Peshawar, Pakistan, MUST HAVE KNOWN To a series of questions, Pow- ities must have known that his U-2 plane was to operate from Peshawar, although he denied personal knowledge that such au. thority had been given, "Did Pakistan give you author- ity to fly over the Soviet Union?" | Rudenko asked. "They didn't give it to me per | sonally," Powers replied. | The prosecutor also returned to Twenty Dead In Plane Crash CASABLANCA, Morocco (Reu- ters)--A French naval aircraft crashed about 100 miles from here Wednesday night, killing 20 persons, first reports reaching Casablanca sald today, The reports said there were be- lieved to be no survivors among the passengers and crew. The crash occurred two mia. utes after the four-engined air. craft radioed that one of its en- gines was on fire and that it was seeking a place to land, Nothing more was heard from the plane, Rescuers found the wreckage of the plane today at Sidi Ben- nour, a small town southwest of Casablanca between Mazagan and Marrakesh, The aircraft had left le Bourget airport in Paris Wednesday and made a stop at Istres near Mar- seilles, N Carriere thus upheld the valid. ity of a state law giving the leg- islature sole power to reclassify schools as white or Negro, 7 police # DO fficials conni in| and likened the case to that of © Dominican of als connived in U-2 pilot 'Francis Gary Powers, s ¢ < JUST ANOTHER VEHICLE Willlam Bullough is shown receiving a parking ticket from Miami policeman J. D, Ven- tura for exceeding the one-hour limit on the N.W, 7th Ave, spot where *Bullough parked his LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) {United Nations troops g Leopoldville airport today were ordered toeshoot if necessary as rigorous security precautions were clamped down following an incident in which Congolese troops beat up Canadians, The UN troops, mainly Ghan- alans and Sudanese, dug trenches and set up barbed wire round the airport buildings and hangars, At / the airport entrance, a sign was home-made gyrocopter, Bul lough said the little flying machine can attain an altitude of 10,000 feet--out of range of traffic cops, ~(AP Wirephoto) "Scabship"' Signs ireet Sylvania MONTREAL (CP)~The luxury liner Sylvania, aided by a motley crew, arrived here Wednesday as a wholesale tieup of British ship- ping on the St. Lawrence River loomed. The 22,000-ton Sylvania's crew consisted of weary veteran sea- men and officers and green stu- dents during her voyage from Liverpool with 800 passengers. The students worked as waiters, stewards, dishwashers or deck- hands during the voyage in which they acted as replacements for 200 of the Sylvania's catering staff who left the ship in Liver- pool in sympathy with a strike of British seamen, Picketers patrolled the water. front carrying signs saying "Syl. vania don't sail with student scabs" or "Sylvania scholarship to scabship." The picket leaders promised that the Sylvania will not sail on schedule Friday and that other British ships now in Montreal SOUTHAMPTON, England (Reuters)--The liner Queen Eliz- abeth, sailed today for New York as wildcat strikers failed in an all-out bid to convince her crew to walk out, The attempt to keep the Queen Elizabeth from sailing was con- sidered a key test of strength for the strikiag seamen, who last week forced cancellation of the scheduled sailing of the Queen Mary. But the strike leaders could convince only about 66 of the Queen Elizabeth's 1,260-member crew to join the walkout. Thirty. five engine room workers, 25 HAVANA (AP) -- A sweeping reorganization of the Cuban navy appeared certain today in the wake of reports that the Castro brothers had smashed a naval {the Soviet contention that Powers {was prepared to fly to his desti-| | tries, |- Powers' Soviet defence counsel, | Mikhail Griniov, asked if Powers'| the chart for the May 1 flight | "He mentioned one site as prob-| Castineira was under arrest were the infringing the frontiers of the So. ably a rocket launching site," denied officially, | Powers replied. plot against their regime, Government silence prevented Powers of nation, Bodoe, Norway, over neu. | official confirmation of persistent once more followed | tral countries such as Sweden and reports that Castro agents had| Sources in Havana said Castro i R|autand if his fuel ran low, a infiltrated a group of dissident and his brother Raul, minister of ; 0 : ! Butipoint the Russians have been| naval officers at the Casa Blanca/armed forces, had personally led in the prisoner's box on the stage|the flyer's mother, Mrs. Ida Ford | making in hopes of arousing anti- base across the bay from Ha-'a roundup of anti-government Powers, stayed in her hotel room, | American feeling in those coun-|vana and uncovered a plot to re-| forces in the navy. volt or defect with two of Cuba's three modern frigates, Armed forces headquarters de- added that she felt fine.| commanding officer, Col. William nied anything was amiss, but in-| lations. As Borisoglebsky's questioning [Shelton, was particularly inter-| formants insisted about 300 men |continued, Powers again said he ested in Soviet rocket sites and had been arrested on charges of has desired to purge the navy, |"very much" regretted making| whether any had been marked on|plotting. Reports that navy chief Juan but his where: abouts was a mystery. 1 Reorganize Cuba Navy | Havana radio stations sald | early today that Castro was visit {ing army bases in Las Villas [province, in central Cuba. The prime minister went to Cienfue- gos Monday night, but the duty officer at the naval base there |denied there had been any trou. | ble, Army personnel were said to {have taken over security meas. |ures at the island's naval Instal- It is believed Raul Castro long "Elizabeth" Sails Crew Won't Strike stewards and six waiters walked off the ship Wednesday night but were replaced before the Queen Elizabeth sailed, The ship carried 1,300 passen. gers and planned to pick up an. other 800 in Cherbourg for the voyage to New York. The strikers held a mass meet- ing Wednesday to try to convince the Queen Elizabeth's crew to Join them but only 60 members of the crew raised their hands when asked if they would join the walk. out, Cunard officials postponed the sailing of the 21,947-ton Carinthia for Montreal from Liverpool Wed- nesday after sections of the crew walked ott, But the 21,637-ton Sax- onia left Southampton for Mont- real with a slightly depleted crew, A token one-day strike in Lon. don by 10,000 dockworkers, called to back wage demands, prevented 62 departures Wednesday. A sim. ilar work stoppage was staged in Liverpool. The wildcat walkout was called to protest a union - shipowner agreement providing for a $7 monthly pay raise and a 52-hour work week, The strikers rejected the union settlement and plumped| for an $11.20 monthly hoost and a 44-hour week, Mine Dam Bursts Flood Kills 21 MADRID, Spain (Reuters)-- Twenty - one persons were re- ported dead today following a dam burst Wednesday night at Reocin in the northern province] | of Santander. harbor will stay where they are, Capt. Willlam Law, master of put up reading "nobody apart from UN personnel may bring arms or ammunition into this air- port." The soldiers were told to en- force this measure by force if ne- cessary. Asked what his troops would do if Congolese soldiers tried to break through in force, a UN officer told reporters 'they | would shoot." The UN force is empowered to { use arms in self-defence, but so far there has been no report that any United Nations soldier has exercised this prerogative, LEOPOLDVILLE (CP)--Congo- lese army soldiers today sav- agely attacked, kicked and butted Canadian signalmen await- ing takeoff for the interior at Ndjili airport, lie face down on the tarmac and Green Asks For Details Of Incident the Sylvania, said: "My ship is scheduled to depart Friday and I have every confidence that she will." British seamen met privately Wednesday night to discuss the situation, Other British-flag vessels now in Montreal and mentioned in the possible strike action are the Rushwood, Gydonia, Glenpark, and Cape Breton, Most are in the coal trade to Sydney, N.S, Meanwhile, Hal C. Banks, head of the Seafarers International Un. fon in Canada, said the SIU is prepared to help striking British seamen because it does not want to see them forced into a position where they would have to appeal to Communists for help Mr. Banks said the SIU has already given the striking sea- men $1,400 and it maintained a Canadian fund of $100,000 to help volving Canadian troops in Congo. incident, a rifle buit and other Canadian soldiers were subjected to indig- nities as part of a search for "Belgian sples." UN sources sald Hammarsk- jold and his executive assistant, Dr. Andrew Cordier, were "in constant touch" with UN head- fellow union workers in need. dians, The Canadians were made to UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Reuters)--External Affairs Min- ister Howard Green of Canada made an appointment to see Sec- retary-General Dag Hammarsk- jold today over the incident > e The precise time of the meet- \ing was not disclosed, but it was) understood to be dependent to some extent on the receipt of re- ports from Leopoldville about the A Canadian captain was knocked out by a Congolese with quarters in Leopoldville about the! troubled situation there, but they lacked full details immediately of the incident involving the Cana.(C ORDER GIVEN UN UNIT Congo Soldiers Beat Canadians - CAPT, TASCHEREAU kicked, robbed of and identification and some armg and butted with rifles, Capt, Andre Taschereau of the Royal 22nd Regiment, from Mont» real, suffered a severe head inv jury when he was butted on the right temple. Cpl, Bob Conroy of Taschereau, his rifle buit on Sgmn. Jose Mathien was kicked twice, once on each of the face, and had a big red welt on the left side. ) The plane, crew, was loaded with a , with an Indiag dian group bound a ion mane 10:30 a.m, Machine » ers forced A Be ue, for troops off stopped Taschereau, headed bourg, forced them out of Jeeps at bayonet point and made them lie face down. * Ken Roberts of Ottawa, and RCAF public relations officer on his way to Coquithatville, sa the whole attack took about minutes before Ghanaian at the airport surrounded Canadians and took them to theif quarters. No shots were fired, The Ghanalans said the by lese apparently mistook the Ca nadians for hated Belgian para- troopers because two of theny wore Canadian parachutists' wings and chevrons, similar te Belgian insignia, i Mathieu; of Quebec City, sald he tried to convince the Congo lese in French that they were but Ci | di 1 e repeating, 'Flemish Belgians." traditional centre of anti-govern. ment actions in Cuba. Due to him navy has lost its maritime | police and even control of light- houses, | \ The dam released hundreds of tons of water and sludge from a reservoir used for washing min. eral ore mined nearby, Six houses were swept away by the This 85-ton precast concrete 'beam was being lowered into "place on the Champlain Bridge, f o FALLING which will connect Montreal with the St. Lawrence south shore, when it suddenly crash. 4 BEAM KILLS WORKER ed 35 to the ling one workman and injuring twe others, ~(CP Wirephoto! oH

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