(Connaught Park [SIMCOE HALL SURPRISES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Augest 18, 1960 15 Pee Wees Thump K-W Sr. Dutchmen 2% 242 2 =o ] . , | Dutchie defenceman Ted Maki, coutieBos | 'Three Bantam Teams wintry operate == 25% | {line up ss many ers 88 Pos. Connaught Park Pete Wees KITCHENER (CP)--Directors sible by Friday, proved to have too much power LJ . . of the Kitchener Waterloo Dute Wiles revesled thet the execu. and experience for the Courtice | ' . MW tive had turned down an offer lads, when they met last night at u er 1 1 10 {men senior hockey team have 6e-| from the New York Rangers of Ebenezer Field, in the first game [cided to operate the team this\ihe National Hockey League to of their OASA Pee Wee playoll que Kiwanis Bantam League thizd and st least one in every, Leffan singled in the fifth and An ends Sayers can beipurchase Dutchmen equipment, round, the Connaught boys com- teams, of the Oshaws Minor 4 4 i inion ing home with & #0 decision Softball bation Bed right inning after that, Leaming not Bourdage homered to put South-| Meeting st the home of presi Second game is scheduled for | Conehin O81 pitched the win but he bit mead back in the game. They dent Oscar Wiles, the executive short Aail Conngught Park, on Saturday along Ja hey cy chump nip three homeruns to sid his own scored their other four runs in decided to send two es Rimi jaied shied i afternoon took two-straight vielories in their cause, Kitchen had two hits, \the Bth, with Lexdal and Polo- tives to the Ontario Hockey Asso- fiercesi--~mammal in the eastern Connaught took to MeLachlan's 2p6 Round play, which mest: Walks csused most of the Chuck getting doubles, Ieiation's senior council meeting) United States, pitching right at the start, scor- three losing teams were pushed trouble for Zakrow, the Storie| a , ra. Ih. ti LL ing seven runs in the first Inning into the discard Park hurler. Storie Park got on an opening walk, two errors. wou Ochawa eliminated East. three runs in the first inning and 4 and six hits, which included two ol ped in two-straight; Wood. two in the second -- then never tricky bunts 5 # ean' 0 . fn fo view Park "tied the can" on scored again, in fact bad only The winners added nine more gu..ie Park and Southmead push- one more hit after that, Peel had . runs In the second inning 8nd oq wioioon Park boys into elim. two of bis team's five safeties, : kept adding to their tolel Inia. Simeoe Hall and Con | every inning, for a total of 20 Wis| Loon park emerged as the only| SIMCOE MALL SURPRISES for 30 runs, pair requiring a third and decid- Simcoe Hall Bantams, who Gary Black was the big batter io come to settle their series have been getting better and bet | si of the night, with two homerun! phic situation was created when ter each time out, came up with 5 5 plows, including one that eame gimeoe Hall continued their up-|# brilliant 42 victory over Con- p 4 Hr with the bases loaded, He Bad] yard movement, surprising Con-|haught Park, at the Cowan Park three other hits and walked once,| naught Park boys with 8 42 de. diamond last night, to even up for 8 perfect night st the plate. cision, that tied the round, They'll their series, The 3rd and deciding Mike Gillies and Bill Grieg were play the third and deciding game game, to decide which team 4 (also in the hitting mood, Gillies Friday night, at Connaught Park meets Bouthmead Monday night, having fourfordour plus three will be played on Friday evening, walks while Grieg had one walk NORTH OSHAWA ADVANCES at Connaught Park and five hits in his other six North Oshawa whipped East-| Howard, pitching for Simcoe trips, including a homer, 8 tri-| view Park 17-4 right on their own Hall, held Connsught to seven ple and three doubles, Terry Me-|diamund, to take that round in| scattered hits and only two runs, s Ouade was next in line, with four two-straight games, North Osh. one in the first inning, a home- are the representative for forfive ava will Jow meet Woodview run blow by Cheesman and the Every member of the Con. Park in the quarter-finals, With other in the 7th, when Armstrong 0 ey had a hand in the the first game at Woodview Park, got four bases on an outfield McCGREG R scoring as none of the Coutice Monday night error, Howard fanned 15 batters, pitchers could silence the Con-| North Oshawa had an easy lo earn his win BOWLING SHIRTS naught bats time of it with Eastview, scoring! Cheesman, for Connaught, had L. Nemiss got a single in the three runs in the first inning and 11 strikeoutsand gave up only first inning and Couch got one in adding to their total so well that three hits, but lost the game the thind frame, for the only two they were unable fo play more The third inning told the tale Recognized as the finest styled and safe hits collected by Courtice off than five-and a-half ying od in this game, Rebot was on via . y Mike Gillies and Bill Crieg, ed in the 6th, it was actually 22-4 an error with one out and then DS : : BOB CLEROUX, Canada's | his arm aloft, to signal vietory after Cleroux won a split decl- Luo cored the pitching chore, |B the time with two out, Cheesman walked best quality shirt in Canada Bowling new heavyweight champion, is That's trainer Freddy Brown, | sion, in his 12 round title bout CONNAUGHT PARK ied Johnstone pitched the win and Campbell and Howard won his shown above, as referee Jersey | sandwiched between the up- with the defending champion, or. Gillies, 1b and p; Brack, rf; also paced his team at the plate, own game with a homer Joe Wolcott, former world's | stretched arms, This scene took George Chuvalo of Toronto Grieg, 1b and p; Glendinning, along with Zuly, Hutcheon, Cook| Simcoe Hall got their other run : : heavyweight title-holder, holds | place in Montreal last night, | CP Wirephoto a. McQuade, ¢; Sutton, 2h; Gar. and Knapp, Rospond, Balsam, on a hit and outfield error, with a sample of this wonderful shirt, dener If: Middleton, ef in Sth; Hobbs, Wayling, Webster and Dervent doing the scoring in the | Herrington, rf in Bth; Healey, 3h Werry were the best for Esst- fifth, Suddard hit a homer in the ' not nearly good ry in 5th: Lloyd, If in 6th view but 6th inning, but didn't even get it e an es an S | COURTICE Couch, ef and enough last night credit for a hit, because he ne | P " gle 3 J $s se jo: vy, 2 na ss: 1 Homes. SOUTHMEAD MOVES ALONG | ried 10 touch 1st hase and it |! ray Piss, oh an Southmead Park turned back 4 Sichvasidr a ant 7 Du |yDoiimend, Park tried back ANIL MIDGETS WIN TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR ALL ARGO HOME GAMES hd hd iden, 3b; D, Homoniuk, 1h; Wat en on J LULL F X p : in two meetings, Southmead willl Fernhill Midgets defeated Ver ( lose eci1sion don 16; McLachlan, p and of; 1 0*% (OGY Commas Park Southend park. a long AND CNE GRANDSTAND March, If, in 3rd; King, If in 6th, | gimeoe Hall, with the first schedule game, last night at {game at Bouthmead, on Monday | Fernhill Park 9 ' splitithe wi i vared to | slightly ond, fourt and 11th rounds to | Ria MONTREAL (Cl The y 5) ht ihe Way : appe bred | Be igh y iT ur ind y Ao [night It was a 040 game until the a touchy decision in a or 2 8 str anger ol 0, Ana =} Cleroux and the 10th and 12tF osenea Last night's game at Nipigon fourth inning as Bourdage held Robert (Bob) ( Ietoux . el J» sday a ghia ou i pid iding factor © Chuvalo was a good one, with Southmead the Genosha Aces in check but { g anada's PAV Y 388 that was p M |} ac a 8 : slap pr 4 i i a pans pd ? oy "the on the cards of judges Irving The bout staged by promoter # . trailing a4 the start but taking lin the fourth, he walked Nelson i. oh io Ah Montrealer Phillips and Rene Ouimel Eddie Quinn had no direct radio | big lead midway through the | Elmhurst followed with a triple ah i i|" But most of his puaches lacked | oF television coverage, Each 1 Il S {game, only to have Nibigan coma se neco singled, Mason and Nor Two of the three judges score A h u fight sarned 26 per cent of the lroaring back in a gallant bid Inipis both walked and ther ith , othe snap and authority of Chu. [lighter earn " ¥ 5 : eh dia J Vi vy with it for world - rated challenge r the sn p and @ rity ei Roseneath tied wp thelr OASA the last inning, that netted them|one out, Vernon and Crevier fol snaowa t Cleroux oves Toronto 19 Ain Plodding d in a crouch Intermediate *'D" playoff series four runs lowed with doubles and when the 2 Chuvalo In al outdoor I2 14,000 y th } th Foi high to protect CHUVALO WARNED t ( with Mount Zion Kennedys, by| Nipigon got three runs in the dust had cleared Fernhill boys 8 SIMCOE ST. N. that drew an estimated | with both han & F Referee. Walcott warned Chu winning 0 nt decision last night! first inning, as opposed to a single were leading 60, One run in the fans his head, Cleroux lashed out ef-| qi several times for holding - loathe I he third I i | fectively with body punches ina. 4 2 in Brooklin The third and de.(by Southmead but in the third sixth and another in the 7th, com | Bui It eouldn't have been much v v 1 Rn ff and at least once for not break ciding game is scheduled for Fri. inning, Southmead staged a five-|pleted the winners' total | closer spots but couldn't gel a SUH ag oleaaly from a clinch, In the da Jame J ecued ] run rally to make the score 6-4 An informal poll of ringside right hand across to the head fourth round, Chuvalo tagged fay. nigh ' W Fu ore ihe Se at the Lim. They Sade] one 11 ---------------------------------------- writers showed most had Chuvalo| The back peddling Chuvalo| cleroux with a good left hook as '® 10 Re Played was not KROWR| geo mh and two in the fifth J hia 8 ul 4 s left : at the 'hye of writing " 4 ' the winner and so did The Cana- jahbe a and hooked with iy Jol the Montrealer stepped back with LC ltohed pi for |10 lead 9-4 4 t he, too, was wild with { L, Crowe pitched the win for i dian Press card hand but he, to a | head turned ¥ Nipigon got one : oh y his rights : .. |Roseneath, a brilliant fwo-hitter| In the fifth Referee Jersey Joe Walcoll Chuvalo won the title in Tori opin vl handouffed the Mount|and Southmead got one in the the former world heavyweight | yg RETURN SET |onto in September, 1958, with a Zion fs teams are invited to drop in and see ap pl sixth, so did Nipigon. That made champ, did mot score the bout, "Non hont agreement was|one-round knockout over James i a dtieta almost Sompletely. 10.6, The Spo har decided. a slow-moving affair with few signed by the two 22.year-olds. |J, Parker of Barrie, [5th inning gi a ane i 0 "| actually in the 7th when South-| elgunout: shots, knockdowns.| A couple of brisk two-handed| He defended it once success. yo ihe Bik 8 id i mead scored two runs for a 12:6 There were no ol my 78 exchanges In, the second round|fully, stopping Yvon Durelle of ie ' $8 ihe H h, was the only eed Nipigon came back with a The temperature was a balmy 18) o.0uided the action highlight | Baie Ste. Anse, N.B,, in 12 rounds |) er Ju collected by Mount| co wun rally, but it wasn't quite Yegtues forcing the fight all Cleroux came off with a de ast November in Toronto, jam Younes hed " JSirikeouts: | onough, €| Ireing B '0 : owed four r | TOUX, 2 ha {cided edge, trapping Chuvalo In| mers became 10th in world d four hits, and still lost| Salter. Ditmar, Packinson and a a a bal | the game, because he his| a corner just hetore ihe bell 10! ratings last month with a fifth isd nm nt 11 ho. gd [Abbott were the best for the deliver his best shots of the boul.| ong knockout here over Texan y losers while Siblock, Peters, Both boys bled slightly from| o" " 5 2 | The losers got their lone run In| yp 0 Approve Rules the td early in the fight, which | Roy Harris, His record is 2 1 the third inning when Evans was Pelow and McKnight had good nights for the winners, | * was scored on the five-point must) safe on an outfield error that let For Election Q |system--five points to the wianer {him go to second base, He ad:| WOODVIEW PARK WINS | {of a round and the loser graded oc ey oy vanced on a passed ball and| Woodview Park whipped Storie {from four points down scored when G. Jones was safe Park 17.5, for a clear-cut sweep a ame | Cleroux at 206% pounds gave " on an Infield error, Crowe fan-|of their series and the right to , way four pounds to Chuvalo ust 1SSes ned eight "batters, but he kept meet North Oshawa, in the quar- COOPERSTOWN Rd a els Judge Phillips had } 032 and (Mount Zion from hitting and his ter-finals, e new rules for petion of udge Ouimet 55-53, Ju John MEE 1] support was excellent 8 q y i Baseball Hall of Fame by the) Gow, gave it to Chuvalo pos) Ridin Record (Pe iy po \ Fpeeially arty uuars Sob five Yim In the Baseball Writers' Association of who was also ahead 57-65 on the | field | + inning, Ne Tore 'n he i America were approved Wednes-| CP card FORT ERIE (CP) Alfonso Roseneath got three runs In the| | day hy the directors of the YNa.| All three judges gave the sec:| Josenea t ral Baseball Hall of Fame - LL n -- -- | Coy might be the most famous Opening frame G. Marsden open- » The important change is in the jockey in modern Canadian horse ed with a walk and K, Marsden | : Eh > ) igh «followed hy getting NAS he no player has re-| A h S mm racing if he wasn't forced to ride | hy getting on via an Safe MIE aT per cent not er wil er {in the shadow of Avelino Gomez error. G. Crowe then singled and | Coy came within one half {with one out, K, Crowe was safe | the voles cas Channel of tho votes cas Crosses anne {length of an alltime record ation an error and another error Undr the new rule, a supple mental ballot will be issued con-| FOLKESTONE, England (Reut. Fort Erie last Saturday when he followed b taining the 80 candidates who|ers)--A 23-year-old shopkeeper rode the winners of both divi] G. Marsden scored in the third, have received the most votes. from Beirut, Lebanon landed | sions of the Heresy stakes andion his own hit and two subse The writers will select five and pear Dover Wednesday after just missed winning the $10,000/quent errors and then in the | the player with the highest num: swimming the English Channel Auspicious Stakes No Northisixth, G. Crowe opened with a br of votes will be elected pro: from France in 12 hours and 56] America jockey ever has won single and scored on an error and ~ vided he has heen named on ati minutes {three stakes races on one pro-an infield out, In the 8th, two 2 least 75 per cent of the second While Fakreldine Abd El Mou-| gram walks, wo errors and one hit, . 4 ballot, On the original ballot, the niem, made the crossing, an Ironically, Gomez rode the hy Macklin, all coming after two writers will name their top ten empty compressed air bottle mis- horse tat frustrat 'd Coy's el- out, gave Roseneath their last choices {takenly substituted for a full one forts to set the record two runs Should two or more candidates forced New York housewife Mrs Gomez has the highest win It was quite the worst game in finish in a tie for most votes on!Jane Baldasare, 24, to give up an|ning-percentage of any jockey Inlgeveral seasons for the Mount] the supplemental ballot, and each attempt to swim the Channel| North America this year, He has Zion boys, who booted no fewer has received at least 75 per cent, underwater, She may make an- ridden close to 200 winners iniyhap 1 errors Actually, they both or all will be elected to|other attempt in two or three|slightly more than four months weve only outhit by four to two aki "a a nt, Fe | ge ALL SUM BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS "i'n of ctr: th UMMER MERCHANDISE NS Crowe, 1b; K, Crowe, 2b; Ry THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington (Kralick 4-2) at Bal International League Hghtield, Cr Jvaidie, W; Mack ; ' American League timore (Pappas 10-8) (N) W L Pet, GBL| MOUNT ZION : Pa J 2b: W L Pet, GBL National League Toronto 8 42 664 Hill. ss: F wir 3h mes. H New York 65 301 W 1 Pvt. GBL Richmond 60 60 531 16% |, pis; Ferguson, | JJ 3 Jones, Chicago 6 49 ¢ [Pittsburgh 71 & Buifalo 0 6 10% (5 Sateen, loi MeMullen, of; Baltimore 6 5 2% | Milwaukee v ! Rochester 4 6 | sney, rf; Evans, If; R, Jones, p | - Cleveland 35 § 505 9% St, Lous d & [Jersey City 67 Washington §7 5 50 Los Angeles 6 3 Mi § Montreal 5 Tl STUDENTS APPLY Detroit 51 5 San Fran 8 } Columbus 55 71.437 20 | Radio Moscow says more than SECINISETSN ATR IES 113 Boston "@ 6 32 Cincinnati 5 h { 2 qs 110,000 applications have been re. Miami 7 43520 Kansas City 41 369 24% Chicago § h it " : ceived for enrolment in Friend. CIGARETTES SHOP American League Phila : International League a ship University set up chiefly for R A f ER SAVINGS Chicago 000 200 000 2 72 National League Montreal 100 100 000 2 4 3 gydents from Asia, Africa and Cleveland 000 000 21x-- 3 8 0/San Fran 004 110 000 6 13 2 ( olumbus 100 000 00x - 3 4 0/Latin America Shaw. Staley (116) (1 and|St. Louls 102 000 101-- 5 8 3 Yaldes and Coleman: Umbricht m-------------------- Lollar; Perry, Klippstein (45) (8) Sanford, Sherman Jones (1.1) and Her rera 200 413 031-. $13 31 and Wilson (4) Antonelli (7) and Schmidt; ORtG . gle SURE HE JOINED THE 'ork 000 000 020 3 0 Sadee 5.7) Kline (4) 7 | Richmond 002 200 000 4 RO New Yor i 8 0 Sadoekl (6:7) Kline (4) Bauta (7) Rideik and Thompson; Blay | LICENCED MECHANICS IN OUR SERVICE BAYS Besta. 0 - a She HR McDaniel - Fr lock, James (3) Hammer 7) na ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE LB BN Shantz (43) (9) and Howard; Moryn (8) Spencer (18) Gotier Muffett, Fornleles (7.3) (8) and P ) 102 000 a0 ave ver i fuffett, Fernie q and! Phila 000 102 000-3 60 old 000 000.000 04--. 4 § 11 Why not? Ne knows thot his Pagliaroni Pittsburgh 100 300 01x 5 111 | i Wash 000 100 600 004--11 10 1] Buzhardt (4-11) Short (6) and Miami membership provides him with Balt 010 002 130 000 7 14 1 Coker; Haddix (87) Labine (8) 300. boy 000 igre 0 a! valuable advantages, privi- Lee, Stobbs (7) Moore (7) pnd Burgess ason, Sur ant 7 ips ' oss rolech Woodeschick (8) Clevenger (5-8) Los Angeles 000 000 000-0 70 and House: Portocarrero, Hyde) ges and protection, (8) and Battey; Fisher, Jones (7) Chicago 000 000 001-- 1 4 0 (11) Luebke (14) and Brown, | OML-CAA-AAA members Walker (8) Stock (2:1) (9) and Drysdale (10-13) and Roseboro; Buffalo 006 000 000-- 0 5 0 o trong J S . HR Miami 001 000 00x-- 1 80 re 7 million s ! Triandon, HR: Was - Green (2) Habble (1116) and Tavior. HR: Yycuen and Lomnett: Stewart i | TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO., ASSOCIATE DEALER Bal-Brandt (12) Pilarcik (4) Han: Chi-Banks (34 sen (17) Gentile (18) Triandos Milwaukee 500 000 060-11 18 1 wd Brown J. W, Graham, i (6) Cincinnat 103 000 000 4 81 iy games scheduled) . ; Kansas City 002 000 000-- 2 60 Buhl, Jay (4-6) (4) and Crand Wednesday's Results 31 Rowe St, i" ; The Friendly Store That Saves You More Detroit 200 010 20x-- 5 12 1lall: O'Toole (10:11) Nuxhall (1) Toronto § Richmond 4 3 Herbert (7-13) Kutyna (7) Tsit-| Bridges (8) Henry (8) and Bailey, | Montreal 2 Columbus 3 RA 5.7422 a) ih nd ve HR Mil-Aaron (32) Cin-Robinson Bufble Wam ol ded as i | AJAX BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA WHITBY (18) Today's Games Today's Games ; SHOPPING CENTRE 85 King St. W, 145 King W, 126 Brock §. Today's Games (And Probable Pitchers) Toronto at Richmond (N) (And Probable Pitchers) Los Angeles (Craig 41) at Chi.'Buffalo at Miami (N) WH 2 520 New York (Grba 2-1) at Boston cago (Anderson &7) Rochester at Jersey City (N) -0 3 3 rewer 110) Philadelphia (Conley 7-8) at Mil Friday's Games J MA 3- 1 4 RA 8-1607 MO 8-3763 ansas City (Daley 13-10) at De waukee (Burdette 13 Montreal at Richmond (N) troit (Mossi 88 i Pittsburgh (Law at Cincin. Toronto at Columbus (N) Bill Mason Al Boyd John Kent Don Pinder Chicago Pierce 13-7) at Cleve nati (McLish 47) | Buffalo at Jersey City (N) land (Grant 75) (N) { (Only games scheduled) {Rochester at Miami (N)